Many people, dreaming of their own home, mentally picture a luxurious country cottage, where absolutely everything that is required for comfortable life. However, such a luxury for the majority of the country’s population still remains inaccessible; these people have only one option - to make the most of the living space they already have. If desired, the modern design of a one-room apartment can be done in such a way that your efforts will make its shortcomings invisible and make its advantages sparkle with bright colors. Work on the interior of a small apartment will be aimed at increasing the functional component, creating an original direction in style, maintaining comfort and charm. The main advantages of small-sized housing are getting rid of extra items interior Such work should be taken extremely seriously, since the main task here is to make every centimeter of the available space useful.

Layout and expansion of space

The main issue is the correct layout of the apartment. The most difficult thing is to decide how to place the bedroom and living room in a small space. Combine both zones, or completely abandon one of them. If you choose to keep both zones, the space will have to be divided later. This is not the best option for a small room. Two ideas are in greatest demand:

  • Placing a transforming sofa in the room, allowing you to create a living room with a sleeping place.
  • Placing the bed in the far corner of the room or in a niche, while the sofa remains in the center.

If the housing is designed for one person, the planning will preserve additional features for maneuver. For a married couple, a wonderful solution would be to create a living room with the function of a bedroom. Concerning modern design The interior of a one-room apartment for three people, one of whom is a child, is impossible without placing a child’s bed in a niche or in the far corner of the room.

How to carry out a real redevelopment

There is really only one way to expand the space - by carrying out a real redevelopment. To do this, a small-sized apartment will need to be turned into a studio, eliminating all the walls, the only exception being those that separate the bathroom. Sometimes such drastic changes are not practical; it is enough to just move the walls a little. Some designers use an extraordinary technique, working specifically on doorways, moving them to the most suitable place for this.

It is very important that in order to undertake such radical changes, you should have the relevant documents on hand. The idea of ​​moving or completely eliminating load-bearing walls must be abandoned immediately, since such alterations cause collapse multi-storey building. Consider another way to expand the usable space by combining the room with a niche or loggia. Often this frees up only two or three meters, but even this area can radically change the overall impression of the renovated home.

About the design of a one-room apartment of 40 sq m

If you initially purchased a studio apartment, the size of which reaches 40 square meters, it is much easier to make it functional and cozy. You just need to draw up a detailed design project for the arrangement of the furniture you have. If you are just about to purchase furniture for your studio, we can only be happy for you. Take advantage of this unique chance and choose from the offered range the best furniture options - functional, modern and, of course, not too bulky. In this case, it is preferable to purchase built-in furniture for the kitchen, thus saving living space.

It is very important - even if you have a studio apartment at your disposal, you should think about every step if you independently organize a living space for several people. Each family member should live in the most comfortable conditions, since the comfort of living in a small area for the whole family depends on this.

Home color scheme

Most designers, when decorating the interior of a one-room apartment, pay special attention to correct selection colors, postponing the choice of furniture and accessories. This is correct, since colors are the most important psychological impact per person.

  • To ensure a relaxing effect, go for blue, green or brown.
  • To strengthen nervous system, creation positive emotions use yellow color.
  • Red has a stimulating effect, but it quickly tires, for the stated reason, use red in 1 room apartments should only be used to create bright accents.
  • Pink color has a calming effect, but its excess and excessive brightness causes aggression and anxiety.

The best option for use in a one-room apartment is considered to be sand, cream, and green colors, which create an even, calm mood for the people living here.

How not to make mistakes when choosing curtains and furniture

When you decide on the color of the walls, choose curtains that match the texture and color. Your helpers are special color matching tables; they can be found on the Internet. When choosing furniture, do not violate the main prohibition - it is strictly not recommended to use bulky furniture here, small apartment it only creates discomfort. As an option - built-in furniture, consider transformers that occupy assembled form minimum area. When selecting cabinet furniture, pay attention to modern sliding walls that create a special style, serving as an excellent storage space. Consider a transforming sofa as a place to store bed linen. Furniture manufacturers produce interesting options For small spaces, one of the know-how is a bed built into a closet. Near front door, creating “dead space”, rational owners arrange pantries and wardrobes. This saves space in the room where it will no longer be needed. wardrobe, bedside tables.

Modern style

If you often use catering services and only occasionally eat at home, it is better to use a folding table. It is difficult to imagine the life of our contemporary without personal computer, a stationary option is unlikely to be suitable; it is better to purchase a compact laptop that does not require a large table. Bookcases and shelves will become a place to store books and business papers. IN small room it is preferable to use a compact and functional furniture, for a family of two you will need:

  • Wardrobe;
  • Sleeping area;
  • Workplace.

Choosing furniture Special attention pay attention to its color, it is better if it is light. Optimal combination They consider white with shades of blue or beige. If you are not going to do without dark/bright colors, it is not recommended to make them primary, it is better when they serve only as accents. If you nevertheless made the walls dark, then the furniture should certainly be white; this little trick will visually expand the space.

Extremely space-saving

A one-room apartment should have a high-quality storage system, especially when this housing is intended for several people. Sliding wardrobes with mirrors are ideal for this purpose, as they visually expand the space. Their main function- storage. It is simply beyond praise - you can easily place clothes and shoes for the whole family in such a closet. As for house plants, it is better to place them on window sills so that shelves and special flower stands do not take up useful space. The kitchen window sill is turned into a comfortable dining table, replacing it with a durable tabletop. The minimum set of kitchen furniture includes a refrigerator, sink, stove, washing machine, and table for cooking. This may not be a suitable option for you; some housewives find it difficult to do without an oven, kitchen hood. If an oven is not needed, the stove is built directly into the countertop.

Lighting for an apartment

The issue of lighting in small rooms is always acute. There should be a lot of it, since lighting makes a small home cozy, expanding it visually. Each functional area should have its own lighting fixture. General lighting of the interior of a one-room apartment suggests original chandelier, creating a modern style for the room. One chandelier is not enough, you will need it additional light, however, do not overdo it with excessive brightness, which causes visual fatigue. The brightness of the local color should be higher than the brightness general lighting. Great option local lighting is spot lighting, ceilings with LED lighting. Can be used LED lights in the darkest places - to illuminate the interior of cabinets, lighting in the kitchen. When choosing lamps for a typical apartment, pay attention to the correct, rational approach to illuminating the space, otherwise general form the premises will look like a random pile of furniture, practicality and convenience will fade into the background.

It's good to have a place to turn around. What if he is not there? If the apartment is one-room and small area. And I would like to have a sleeping place, an office, and a living room in it, and even build in somewhere the devices that are so necessary for a modern family. Modern technologies, design and invention come to the rescue here too.

Type of layout of a one-room apartment

Today on the market one-room apartments are presented in two types:

  • studio apartments;
  • apartments with standard layout.

Developers increasingly prefer to offer apartments without internal partitions, which is very convenient from the point of view of constructing individual design studio apartment

Studio apartments

A special feature of studio apartments is the combination of kitchen space and room into a single whole. The toilet and shower are separated into a separate room, often also combined.

Such features open up wide possibilities for the design of a one-room studio apartment.

The absence of partitions allows for optimal placement necessary furniture and equipment.

The modern design trend distinguishes functional areas in a studio apartment: kitchen, bedroom, guest room, etc. Zones are allocated depending on the needs of specific residents. The photo shows various options organization of functional areas.
Zones can be divided into:

  • permanent;
  • transformable.

If the number of residents is small and a variety of functionality is not required, then the dedicated functional areas can be permanent. If there is not enough space for permanent areas, they are made transformable using various solutions: design, furniture. For example, a retractable sleeping place is a transformer (pictured).

In addition, the concept of a unified design of a studio apartment includes a loggia or balcony, if available. The latter can significantly expand the functionality of the apartment. It is quite possible to place one or even several zones on an insulated loggia (examples in the photo).

See the design of one-room studio apartments. Photos taken from all corners globe. Photos of studios in different styles and designs.

Standard layout apartments

Standard layouts of one-room apartments are small kitchen, corridor, combined shower and toilet (less often separate) and room, plus possibly a loggia and balcony.

You can make a redevelopment by moving the walls (if they are not load-bearing), but in this case you will need to coordinate the design project of a one-room apartment with the authorities.

But it is not necessary to enter so dramatic changes. The division into large zones has already been made here, however, it is possible to add additional functionality to the existing zonal division. This can be done using the same transforming furniture. Or the kitchen area can be converted, say, into a study.

The photo shows examples of the design of a one-room apartment. The balcony or loggia is further expanded small space apartments.

In a small apartment you should always consider the importance of the zones. Make a list of necessary functionality, ranked by importance, and build the design of a small one-room apartment in accordance with it.

The right furniture in a one-room apartment

In a small apartment, it is very important to choose the right furniture. It should not be bulky, functional and necessary. The last point requires clarification. In a small apartment there should only be furniture that is impossible to live without, otherwise you can block all the free space with furniture.

One of the furniture solutions for the modern design of a one-room apartment is all kinds of transformers. Thanks to them, it is possible to combine multifunctionality and expand the much-needed space (the photo shows examples of such solutions).
However, for the convenience of one person’s life, it is quite possible to get by with ordinary furniture.

See the photo of the design of a one-room apartment below. There is a variety of furniture in different styles available here.

Photo of a one-room apartment Photo of one-room apartment 2
Photo of one-room apartment 3
Photo of one-room apartment 4
Photo of one-room apartment 5

Design of a one-room apartment for a family with a child

When designing a one-room apartment in which a parent and child will live, it is important to understand that for normal development The child needs to organize his own space. Therefore, no matter how small the space in the apartment is, you definitely need to allocate your own corner for the child.

The task becomes more complicated if there is more than one child in the family, and it becomes even more difficult if the children are of different sexes.

In any case, each of the children must have, albeit small, their own corner of living space. Otherwise, the design of the apartment does not differ from apartments in which children are not planned to live.

The photo shows possible options organizing space for children.

IN children's corner it is advisable to highlight play area, a place to study, a place to sleep. These could very well be transforming zones.

Colors suitable for a one-room apartment

The color schemes used in the interior design of a one-room apartment are a very important component. Color and its combination create a mood, expand the space, and give coziness to the room. And for small apartments this is more relevant, since the living space in them is limited. And that means in the selection color palette there must be some universalism.

Each color affects a specific person a little differently, and depending on their character and habits, it is necessary to select what is most suitable. There are no unambiguous approaches when selecting colors; in many respects this individual work with the client.
Examples of room decoration in different colors are shown in the photo.

The right light in a one-room apartment

In addition to the color scheme, a well-thought-out lighting system plays a significant role in making the room feel cozy. For small rooms, it is important that light can significantly expand the space.

All types can be planned for use for lighting lighting fixtures: spot, fluorescent, LED, etc. It is important that they fit harmoniously into interior interior premises.

In addition to general lighting, it is advisable to use local, zonal lighting, which will emphasize functionality separate zones. Local light is brighter than general light. Each zone has its own lighting.

IN classical method Light settings are usually divided into several zones:

  • lower, dark;
  • medium, also occupying an intermediate place in terms of illumination;
  • the upper, lightest zone.

This scheme is the most physiological, as it is closer to natural lighting.

By skillfully manipulating the lighting you can expand the room:

  • built-in light directed down the wall visually pushes the walls apart;
  • highlighting one of the walls with the cold part of the spectrum - lengthens the room;
  • luminous ceiling - increases the height of the room;


Photos of one-room apartments in different colors see below.

Where can I see the beautiful design of a one-room apartment?

If you have never been involved in interior design, then it is quite difficult to immediately navigate the rich variety of concepts presented. You can enroll in design courses or download them remotely and try to figure them out yourself, and then implement them own design. In this case, you are not insured against possible errors due to little experience.

Another option is to order a design from a specialized studio. In this case, with a high-quality approach, designers will work with you directly and take into account your preferences. But good designer usually costs a lot of money.

We suggest that you first familiarize yourself with design solutions presented on our website. Even if a particular project is not suitable in some way, you can always take something as a basis and rework it.

The photo shows a large number of designs of a one-room apartment for a family, for single living, for a family with children.

Modern design of one-room apartments

Let's consider some modern styles of room design in a one-room apartment, the design of the entire apartment.


Loft from the word attic. The style represents a large open space. Some industrial elements are used in the interior: brickwork, painted walls, pipes. The style combines old “industrial” decorative elements and ultra-modern technology.


Simplicity in design is encouraged. Free space, not overloaded with furniture. The predominance of light earth tones, colors black, white and gray. Everything in the interior is simplified and reduced to a minimum. Simplicity of form and order. Simple shape of objects.


An important principle in this style is simplicity and naturalness. Preference light colors and simple furnishings. Modern Scandinavian style prone to graceful forms and lines. Minimal amount decorative elements. Lots of bright light sources. Open plan.

Art Deco

The style harmoniously combines monumental forms and decoration, social utility and beauty. New ones are reflected Construction Materials, lighting solutions. Sculptural compositions and exquisite furniture are used. At the same time, the walls are devoid of pretentiousness and act only as a background. Furniture is usually dark colors, walls pastel color. There may be bright colors in the ornaments.

When planning the design of a one-room apartment, first of all you need to proceed from the functionality of the living space. Make do minimum set necessary furniture and equipment.
For creating stylish design consider the entire area of ​​the apartment as a single space.

Developing an interior design for a one-room apartment is always a difficult task, both for a professional designer and an amateur, who most often turns out to be the owner of this apartment. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, this room plays the role of a bedroom, a living room, an office, and sometimes a nursery.

Before you start decorating the room, you need to think through the following details: the number of people who will live in this room, their age, the age of children, if any, the capabilities and features of the room itself (room area, ceiling height, location relative to the cardinal direction, location of window And doorways, what functions the room should perform).

Layout type

There are two options for one-room apartments - these are open-plan apartments, where the room area can be, on average, 50 m2. The second option is apartments with a standard layout, where the average room area in the so-called Stalin buildings is 25 m2, and in Khrushchev buildings - 17 m2.

In one-room apartments with a large area, the design of the room does not cause great difficulties, because thanks to modern technologies, you can erect light partitions in the room that will serve as walls, so from one large room you can get 2-3 small ones.

How to create a beautiful and functional design

The main task when creating an interior in a small room is to make it visually spacious. The simplest thing is to use the rule of light distribution (the ceiling should be the lightest, the walls should be a little darker, the floor can be the darkest), in addition, it is important to remember that all light shades visually expand the space, and dark shades narrow it.

There is also a little trick - use reflective and shiny coatings in the interior.

Interior ideas for apartments from 31 to 35 meters, see this video:

These can be suspended varnish (glossy) ceilings, wallpaper with silk-screen printing, varnish paints can be used to decorate the walls and ceilings, the flooring can be made of parquet, opened with varnish, or linoleum with shiny surface. Another option is self-leveling floors, which have an excellent “mirror” finish.

Competent zoning

Creating zones in a one-room apartment will help create maximum comfort for residents. They will place the right accents in the design of your home.

In general, a one-room apartment is divided into the following functional sectors:

  • Dining and kitchen areas, sometimes combined with a living room;
  • Bathroom;
  • Places to sleep;
  • Area for television viewing and living room placement;
  • In case of urgency - children's place and home office.

Often modern experts propose dividing the described housing into the following parts:

  1. Dining room-kitchen and living room and work zone with a sleeping place;
  2. Study-dining room-kitchen and bedroom with living room.

The main assistants in zoning one-room housing are:

  • Furniture items;
  • Curtains;
  • Finishing materials and color palette;
  • Lighting;

  • Multi-level;
  • Sliding doors;
  • Bright hues;
  • The presence of a balcony.

Now you need to decide what is reasonable to pay attention to and how to zone your home.

How to expand space

  • Place the pantry in a visible place. This room can be built as a shelving unit, and open shelves with dishes will become its decoration.
  • Expanding the boundaries upward, not across. This approach of placing furniture and things at a height will force the eye to turn there, which means it will make the interior visually larger.
  • If you have a staircase, it is important to use its space for storing things.
  • It is important to mount curtain rods close to the ceiling. It is important that the window lets in as much light as possible.
  • Things in a retro style will add their charm and occupy less space than their modern counterparts.

  • The functionality of the furniture is in the foreground. Why not use a bed that comes with various shelves for storing things?
  • Mirrors will expand the space and diffuse light throughout the room. Proper placement of mirrors reflects light and illuminates the space.
  • The color scheme of neutral tones – the integrity and unity of the whole house.
  • Be wall-mounted appliances lighting!

A one-room apartment is not a death sentence. By using valuable advice And good taste it can be turned into a “small and cozy masterpiece.”

Interior ideas for a one-room apartment

If the room itself is light and warm, then you can choose both warm and cold shades for decoration. But if there is little light in the room, then it is better to choose light, warm shades for surfaces.

Photos of kitchens with a brick wall

If you love dark colors, then provide additional lighting for the room, or complement the light room with dark furniture that matches the tone.

Minimalism style

While creating good design For a small apartment, it is important to choose the right furniture. Try, for example, to avoid having a bulky wall that will take up most of the space in your small home.

For a small apartment great solution the interior will be in a minimalist style. Like any other style, it has special features:

  • Laconic structure and forms;
  • Application of straight lines in shapes and geometry;
  • A combination of no more than three colors in contrast;
  • High functionality of furniture;
  • The importance of space illumination.

Minimalism is an important assistant in creating a comfortable and functional interior, where you should use a small number of the highest quality items.

Interior of a one-room studio apartment and redevelopment

Another option for small space is the redevelopment of the apartment, due to the demolition of the partition and the organization of a studio apartment, which is very popular in Lately. The design of a one-room studio apartment has both advantages and disadvantages.

And modern bunk beds equipped with practical drawers, shelves and play equipment.

Decorating a small apartment

When creating the design of a small one-room apartment, special attention must be paid to the choice of furniture. It is important to understand that a wall of furniture that occupies space from floor to ceiling and from wall to wall makes the room cluttered.

You need to first calculate what sections you need and why, and calculate their number, since often such a quantity of furniture turns out to be unnecessary. For sleep and relaxation, you can choose a sofa with a sleeping place designed for daily use.

If the area allows, then you can install a bed with lifting mechanism, which is hidden in a special closet.

You will see design ideas for a one-room apartment in this video:

To make the room spacious, upper cabinets kitchen furniture for a studio apartment can be replaced with open shelves where you can put books, potted plants, original dishes and other small items.

Designing a "Khrushchev"

Typical design project one-room Khrushchev apartment gives a new transformation:

  1. Living room;
  2. Kitchen;
  3. To the bathroom;
  4. Pantry.

Thus, a separate bathroom and a toilet are most often combined, and instead of a bathtub, preference is given to a shower stall in order to be able to accommodate household appliances. The storage room can be converted to create a wardrobe or dressing room.

How to create an expensive hall design in a one-room apartment.

Living room often splits into two smaller ones, with one of them becoming isolated from the presence daylight due to the only window opening.

A project involving moving a wall is possible to free up kitchen space, which can be reasonably divided into zones. Part of the common area will be a kitchen work area with a border with the living room. It is important to choose correct style for the entire apartment and adhere to it in everything. If you have difficulty making a choice, we advise you to consult a specialist.

  • Layout is the optimal solution - taking into account your needs and expanding the space visually and physically.
  • Availability of built-in furniture. For example, built-in wardrobes are designed to utilize every square centimeter of their space.
  • Transformation of the space itself using plasterboard niches, construction of ceilings and walls, transforming table.
  • Application LED backlight ceiling to “stretch” the room.

  • Photo wallpaper with perspective and murals to expand the space. The feeling of being in the lap of nature or a picturesque European suburb is an interesting idea, especially for the kitchen.
  • Sufficient amount of light and skillful combination of colors for zoning. Here it is important to have not only a central chandelier, but also harmonious illumination of a particular area.
  • Space small bathroom It’s good to “stretch with stripes” - large-format tile strips will make your room taller and wider.

What not to do

The desired result will certainly occur if you do not take the following steps:

  • Do not use gloomy colors or imitations for beams and ceilings in the decoration of walls or ceilings: an already small space will produce a “compressed” effect.
  • Do not place an abundance of indoor plants in window opening: Natural light will also give more dimension to the room.

  • When constructing a ceiling with different levels, its stepped part should not run through the center of the room: there is a risk of creating an oppressive atmosphere. Steps will be logical only above functional areas.

Don't make these mistakes, and your apartment will really be transformed!

Bottom line

In terms of style solutions, everything that the designer’s imagination is capable of is possible here. It is advisable, of course, not to use the classic style in the interior of small rooms, since classic furniture, as a rule, has large dimensions and needs space. But if you use classic light elements in a neutral interior, this will give the room a zest.

The habit of thinking in categories that interior of a one-room apartment necessarily boring, simple, in which you need to give up a lot and definitely need to do redevelopment, seems to be becoming a thing of the past. Even though when examples were popular, we were recommended to tear down walls and create something unimaginable in our apartments, but today there is great amount ideas and technical methods simpler housing zoning. So in modern layout It can comfortably accommodate not only a single person or a young couple, but also a family with one or two children. To prove this statement, there are photographs of brilliant projects that we have combined for you into a kind of TOP of the best ideas.

Interior design of a one-room apartment

Each example given interior design of a one-room apartment, which you will see today in our article, is unusual, be it a well-chosen color scheme, excellent fashionable textures, or techniques for expanding and optimally developing a small space. Therefore, in each case, we will draw your attention to the features that allowed this particular one to be included in our short list. You will also be sure to note a common feature of all projects, in addition to the fact that they are all characterized by modern functional and practical style. This common feature becomes a single concept, stylistic and functional, which is used throughout the home. When we're talking about about a small square footage and about one room, a bathroom and a kitchen, plus a maximum balcony or loggia, then it will not be difficult for you to do this, and the entire space will only benefit from such a solution. Let them be different lamps, wallpaper, even the color of the walls in different functional areas, but they must stylistically overlap and there must be common elements that will make it all related and connect with each other.

The first example is an excellent embodiment of the modern design motto “ less furniture– more convenience.” Indeed, despite the fact that the total footage of the room is small, the furniture is arranged precisely in such a way as to leave as much room as possible. free space. In this project I would like to draw on a successful color scheme that is ideal for northern latitudes with long winters; warm beige shades of the walls and green accents will help you overcome any depression.

A successful color scheme also distinguishes the next one, in which the idea of ​​improving the Scandinavian style with the help of somewhat atypical shades found its brilliant embodiment. In addition to the walls, pay attention to perfect solution when creating a storage area, this can be a real challenge for interior of a one-room apartment 40 sq. m. Here the problem is solved with the help of a system of built-in wardrobes that frame the sofa in the kitchen and a small sofa in the hallway. Surprisingly, a technique repeated twice within the same space does not lose its novelty and relevance. After all, both in the kitchen and in the hallway a lot of storage space is always useful, and besides, a reception can create different result, it’s worth experimenting a little with the backs of such niches. It might be like inside soft upholstery, and imitation of a brick wall.

Modern interior of a one-room apartment

Engineering solutions in our designs sometimes play just as important a role as design tricks with color, lighting or textures. Indeed, in a small... It’s difficult to put everything we need and have it all fit comfortably and look stylish. The following two examples are dedicated to equipment ideas that can both save space for you and complete the look of your home.

The first idea that I would like to consider is a representative of all the popular retractable, modular, prefabricated systems that save our space and make our lives so much easier. In the living room, which is in in this case main room throughout the house, a special wooden podium is installed, on which a sofa and bean bags are installed, quite in a modern style. The secret of this podium is simple - inside it there is a pull-out bed, which evening time it is simply taken out from its depths and covered. And in the morning it cleans again. At the same time, the size of this bed allows you to get a comfortable sleep on a quality mattress, and not on folding sofa or similar system. As you can see, there is somewhere to sit comfortably with something like this: this is a sofa with armchairs, thanks to the lighting they become ideal place for evening gatherings or hobbies, as well as a small sofa on the windowsill in the kitchen.

The second interesting solution, which is less about saving space and more about looking beautiful appearance room, concerns the use of framing for sleeping place. Such solutions are also becoming more common today and no longer cost exorbitant amounts of money, as they did a few years ago. In this case, walls with sliding doors are created for the bed, the outer surface of which is mirrored and patterned. When closed, this design will be no different from a fashionable wardrobe. This is good for those who like to receive guests, because anyone can ruin the beds; they should not be visible at first glance.

Interior of a modern one-room apartment: photo

Zoning for a small room is the main task that must be adhered to at all costs. That is why the following examples interior of a modern one-room apartment, photo which you will see below, were precisely selected according to the principle of successful implementation of the principle of zoning, and not visual, but physical. Such separation is useful even when you live alone and there is no such urgent need to separate the living room from the bedroom. In fact, from a psychological point of view, this kind of layout will be perceived much better, you will have the feeling of several full-fledged rooms, you will sleep comfortably in the bedroom, it is convenient to watch TV in the “living room”, and the corner of the study will definitely put you in the right mood.

The example you see above is by no means an example, but everything you need is there. And this feeling is helped by a small wall, which is erected in the middle of a large room. We carry out the planning as follows: we measure the size of the desired bed along with small gaps for a comfortable approach to it. On this line we are planning a false wall, the height of which should be about a meter; this height will be enough so that when lying on the bed you cannot see the rest of the area. On the second half there is a sofa, with its back to the false wall, and opposite it you can easily afford a built-in wardrobe, even with electric fireplace, open shelves or space for your book collection. You can place the TV directly opposite the sofa, but if you like to fall asleep listening to a TV show or movie, then hang it high enough so that you can watch it from the bed.

Many studio apartments, interior design photos which are in our selection are equipped for the needs of a young family, so it is entirely logical that zoning should be not only visual, but also physical, so that you do not interfere with each other or with a child who can be “settled” in the second half of the large room. A half-measure can be a translucent partition that allows quite a lot of space to pass through. sunlight, but at the same time allows you to separate the far corner of the room from the near one. If we go a little further in practicality, then it is quite possible to use a roller shutter or a thick sliding screen that will complement the partition. Such as the desire for the convenience of all its inhabitants must be taken into account first of all.

And the last measure that will allow us to finally separate one zone from another is redevelopment, and if for the studio we tore down the walls, now, with the desire for minimalist furniture, we can afford to partition off a large space to obtain comfortable and practical small areas. In the first there will be a sofa and a TV hanging, and a bed will be located through the solid wall. Such redevelopment is subject to legalization in general procedure, but since you will not be building a load-bearing wall, you will not have problems obtaining permission.

Interior of a one-room apartment: photo

We also found the following interesting interior of a one-room apartment, photo which you can see below. Here we apply the fairly common advice of choosing glossy textures to visually increase the area. But often such cabinet fronts and an abundance of mirrors make the room look more like a fashion boutique than a cozy home for a family.

In this case, the shine of facades and mirror textures is very successfully balanced using upholstered furniture, which distracts a lot of attention thanks to its rich, bright shade. The sofas in the kitchen and in the living room are in harmony with each other, differing only in color; if a calm color scheme is more suitable for us in the room, then for the kitchen we need richer colors, here orange does this perfectly accent wall And orange sofa in tune with her.

Styles in the interior of a one-room apartment: photo

Will be the most common problem for its owners, such layouts are typical, with big room, a medium-sized kitchen and a not very large bathroom, often combined. Fortunately, there is universal tips, and already developed layouts in various styles in the interior of a one-room apartment (photo posted below), which will help you ease the pain of choosing furniture, wall decoration and excellent zoning techniques.

The white palette, diluted with a dark blue, noble shade, will definitely find its fans. In a large room there is a bed near the window, a sofa near the front door and the opposite wall. The large size of the kitchen allows you to place a small soft sofa there, which will somewhat soften its functional appearance.

However, everything interiors of one-room apartments, photo 40 sq. m. which you saw in this section, prove to us that there is no need to be afraid of repairs and changes in your apartments, even small ones. After all, with the help of modern design you can even small apartment turn it into a real source of pride and a comfortable home for each member of your family.

Probably no one will argue that a one-room apartment is not the most spacious housing, but at the same time, you really want to fit everything you need into its interior and at the same time make the room beautiful and modern, leaving as much free space as possible.

Features of a small apartment

Designers claim that there are two effective ways to diversify the interior and turn it into a large, cozy and bright home.

The most drastic way is to rearrange, remove, move or add walls.

You can use design secrets visual expansion space. By the way, most people prefer to make do with them. Therefore, the following conclusions can be drawn:

We develop the design

We will assume that all the most complex work is already behind us, all the major work has been done, all the walls have been moved to the right places, you just have to figure it out original interior 1-room apartment, “Khrushchev” for example.

First of all you will need a sketch. Without him beautiful interior will not be able to create. You can ask for help from experienced designer and pay a considerable amount for the project, but if you feel creative potential, then this work can be done on your own. Naturally, before this you need to look through the necessary literature and “wander” through the websites of design companies.

Choosing a style

This is a very important issue that should not be left to chance. Forget about high-tech or industrial styles. They require large areas. The interior of a 1-room apartment in Rococo style is also inappropriate - they cannot be accommodated for 40 (or maybe less) square meters. Most of all, classic modern will suit your case.

What floors to make

The cheapest, but far from the best option is linoleum. But it’s better to save some money and consider another option flooring, so as not to turn what is already not the best housing into a faceless haven.

Parquet for a 1-room apartment is an expensive pleasure, so there is no point in considering it.

Carpet is often used in bedrooms and children's rooms. Unfortunately, in our case there is neither one nor the other room. In a small living room, you will get tired of constantly vacuuming this covering.

And finally, the most suitable option is laminate.

Ceiling and lighting

If the height of the room is not too low, then we recommend a multi-level or suspended ceiling. Tension samples also look modern. Their choice is now huge.

There is a seemingly paradoxical design secret - a ceiling lowered a few centimeters looks much higher thanks to well-chosen lighting.

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