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​Phytoncides contained in blackcurrant essential oil are effective not only against colds, but also against pathogens of diphtheria and dysentery Staphylococcus aureus and other dangerous microorganisms.​

Currant diseases

​, mixed with sugar in a 1:2 ratio, are useful for preventing atherosclerosis and reducing blood pressure with hypertension. Take with water (1 tablespoon of currants with sugar and 3 tablespoons of water) 1-3 tablespoons per day. spoons of grated currants (no more!).​

​provides therapeutic effect for stomach ulcers, gastritis with low acidity, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, metabolic disorders, anemia. Blackcurrant phytoncides are active against Staphylococcus aureus, microscopic fungi, and dysentery pathogens.​


​has the ability to prevent

​"ballast substances"​

The leaves of the plant can be brewed as tea. This tea has a restorative, tonic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and cleansing effect. In addition, it is an antirheumatic agent.​

​Phytoncides from currants save from Staphylococcus aureus, as well as from the causative agents of dysentery and diphtheria and many other microscopic fungi.​



​Currant is one of the most popular garden crops. And this is not surprising. Currant berries are tasty and healthy. At proper care the bush gives a regular and abundant harvest.​

​Their peculiarity is the ability to interact with antibiotics and greatly enhance the treatment of a particular disease.

​In 1917, Denmark began to bake bread from​

​Water infusion​

​recognized by scientists as the healthiest berry. She


​removed from grain during its industrial processing.​

​With the help of black currant leaves you can cure cardiovascular diseases, gout, gastritis. For this purpose, infusions from the leaves of the bush are used. These infusions also help remove uric and puric acid from the body and have a mild laxative and diaphoretic effect.​

​With the help fresh fruits plants can fight vitamin deficiencies. The fruits stimulate the appetite for gastritis with low acidity or any other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.​

​Aphids mainly affect white and red currants, but aphids can also infect black currants. Aphids live and feed on leaves; swellings form on the leaves in such places. The upper side of the leaf changes color to yellowish and dark red. This is due to aphid secretions.​

Currant pests

A viral disease that affects both black, red and white currants. A diseased bush does not produce berries, the leaves lose their characteristic smell, the petals acquire a purple color and become narrow and small.​

But, unfortunately, there are many pests and diseases that affect currants. Let us consider in more detail both pests and diseases, and methods of combating them.​

​coarse flour

​black currants, like the fruits themselves, destroy influenza A and B viruses and improve immunity.​

​increases immunity​

​and protect from diseases

​Research conducted in all Western countries (including the USA) since the mid-70s shows that​

​Decoctions from the leaves, branches and buds of the plant can treat dermatitis, diathesis, as well as various diseases of the organs of vision.​

​If you mash fresh blackcurrant berries and mix them in the same proportion with buckwheat flour, you can get an excellent remedy for increasing the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood.​

Leaves damaged by aphids die, the yield of the bush decreases, and the growth of young shoots decreases.

Terry is carried by bud mites, aphids, and also with infected seedlings.

​The main diseases of currants include the following: powdery mildew, anthracnose, septoria, columnar rust and terry. Let's take a closer look at both the diseases themselves and the methods of treating them.​

In addition, currant essential oil contains flavonoids such as myricetin, quercetin and others, which have powerful antioxidant properties and have a strengthening effect on blood vessels. Very valuable oil is squeezed out of blackcurrant seeds, which contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, tocopherol, carotenoids, thiamine and many other valuable substances. Return to content​

​to make maximum use of grain, as a result of which the mortality rate in the country “unexpectedly” decreased by​


​and the body's resistance to various diseases.​

​cardiovascular system​

​the main reason​

​The magical plant black currant has vasodilating properties, accelerates metabolism, promotes blood purification and hematopoiesis, improves the functioning of the adrenal glands, stimulates the cardiovascular system and immunity, lowers blood sugar, helping to treat diabetes, and heals the lymphatic system.​

A decoction prepared from the berries of the bush treats anemia, gastritis, hypertension, duodenal and stomach ulcers, as well as bleeding from the gums.

​Fighting aphids​

​In this case, pruning will not work, since the causative agent of terry disease is in the sap of the plant. The most effective way to fight is prevention. Use only healthy planting material and fight the mite.​

​Powdery mildew (spheroteca)​

​Blackcurrant is traditionally used as food - in fresh, and also as a basis for making jam, compotes, jelly, desserts, syrup, jelly, etc., as well as for making liqueurs and tinctures. Fresh leaves currants are used as a spice for pickles. However, no less important is the use of currants for preventive purposes, as well as its medicinal properties.​


Black currant: beneficial features, use and contraindications

Useful substances in black currants

​improves and stimulates the activity of the stomach and intestines, stops colic.​

​It is important to note that the beneficial properties of black currant berries are preserved in

​. Black currant also prevents the weakening of mental abilities in older people.​

​, so-called​

​Various decoctions and infusions of black currant have a calming effect in case of neurological ailments, relieve headaches and insomnia.​

What is treated with blackcurrant?

Treatment with fresh blackcurrant fruits

​take 600 grams of black currants​

​If in the summer you find that your currants are heavily infested with aphids, you need to do the following. Leaves affected by aphids must be trimmed and burned; if there is a heavy infestation, shoots must be removed. Pull out the weeds under the currants. Spray the bush with infusion of garlic, tobacco or karbofos concentrate. You need an emulsion with a concentration of 0.6% of a 10% emulsifying concentrate.​

​Currant kidney mite

The following remedy will save you from hypertension:

  1. This is a fungal disease. It develops in spring, after the currants have faded. The disease affects leaves, still green berries, and the tops of shoots. Diseased parts of the bush are covered with a characteristic white coating. The defeat leads to drying and death of berries and leaves.​
  2. Official medicine uses currants to provide comprehensive treatment for many diseases. Its dry fruits can be purchased in pharmacies (as part of vitamin teas); basic currant oil, pressed from its seeds, is also on sale. It is used internally to enhance immunity, and is also used as part of dermatological preparations used to treat hormone-dependent skin diseases and rheumatic inflammation, as well as in cosmetology. Blackcurrant essential oil, which is obtained from its leaves and buds, is widely used in perfumery, as well as in medicinal preparations.​
  3. ​; Already in our time, nutritionists have found that the best source
  4. ​For nervous disorders​
  5. ​homemade preparations​
  6. ​Blackcurrant​

Vitamin jelly from berries

  1. ​"epidemics of the 21st century"​
  2. ​Whole grain products in Moscow​
  3. ​mash them well to obtain a mushy mass​

In order to avoid aphid attacks in the spring, you should do the following. During the period when the buds are blooming, the bush must be sprayed with an infusion of garlic or tobacco and be sure to ensure that the lower part of the leaves is well wet. Repeat the procedure after 7 - 10 days.​

Treatment with blackcurrant juice

This is one of the most malicious pests of currants. As the name implies, this mite lives, reproduces and feeds in currant buds. Female ticks spend the winter there. In spring, diseased buds do not bloom, but only slightly open their scales. After this, the mites get out of the affected buds and colonize new ones, where they give birth to a young generation of pests. They strive to hit as many shoots as possible, and also move to nearby bushes with the help of wind and insects.​

​Treatment of the disease

​Medicine considers black currant one of the most effective remedies in the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency and anemia; it is recommended for colds and other acute infections, to strengthen blood vessels, and improve immunity.

Treatment with black currant leaves


It is preferable to take fresh red currants. The berries are taken as a multivitamin for anemia, hypo- and avitaminosis, and cough. Syrup made from fresh berries is used for throat diseases, whooping cough, hoarseness.​

​(but not industrially) in the process of processing and canning.​

​surpassed all berries in terms of the amount of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances it contains. Research has found that blackcurrant berries have the ability to prevent diabetes. It is with these important properties Black currant is due to the fact that it is often added to functional food products intended to strengthen and heal the body in case of a variety of diseases.​

​(cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart attacks, strokes, osteoporosis, etc.)​


​"Technical progress"​

This is a MUST know!

​then add five tablespoons of honey to this mass and mix everything thoroughly ​Narrow-bodied borer and glass currant​ ​The buds affected by the mite die off - this can greatly reduce the berry yield. In addition, the kidney mite carries such a dangerous viral disease as terry. In case of severe infection, the bush and the soil near it are sprayed with a solution of iron sulfate at the rate of 300 grams of vitriol per 10 liters of water. ​. There is evidence of the effectiveness of using black currant berries for radiation injuries. Traditional medicine uses black currant very widely. It is used as a general tonic for colds, throat diseases, rheumatism in the acute phase, low acidity, and diarrhea. Currants are recommended for stomach and duodenal ulcers, hypertension, diabetes, as a diuretic and for urolithiasis. Black currant is considered very useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding.Return to contents​​and​ ​For a cold​​Blackcurrant​​Black currant has been found to prevent the occurrence of malignant neoplasms and Alzheimer's disease, protect against heart and vascular diseases,

At the first signs of disease, the bush is sprayed with a solution of soda ash at the rate of 50 grams of soda, 50 grams of soap per 10 liters of water. Spraying must be carried out at least 2 - 3 times with an interval of 10 days. You can also use sulfur preparations during the period before flowering and after harvest. It is better to do this on cloudy days or in the evening. The medicinal properties of currants are best manifested in its fresh berries. The daily consumption rate is 30 berries (if breastfeeding, you need to start from 2 berries a day, monitoring the baby’s reaction).​ ​vitamin E​ ​, cough, hoarse throat, as a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent: 1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of berries and leave, covered, for 1-2 hours. Strain. Take 1-2 glasses 3-4 times a day.​ ​has good restorative properties, so blackcurrant juice helps weakened patients and those who have recently undergone surgery.​ ​diabetes​ But the worst thing is that thanks to ​cereal grains​​As a result, you will get a drink, the consumption of which should be divided into several doses​ ​How to deal with larvae​ In order to prevent severe damage to the bush, in the spring, before buds begin to bloom, carefully examine it. Buds affected by mites are easy to notice by their rounded shape and increased size. It is best to conduct an inspection during the tick migration period, which lasts from the beginning of bud break to the end of flowering. It's better to do this several times.​

In autumn, fallen, affected leaves are collected and burned.

Useful and healing (medicinal) properties of black currant. What are the benefits of black currant? Treatment with black currant.

​Recommended articles on the topic:​​can serve​

​Young branches​

Berry decoctions​and maintain visual acuity for a long time.​ ​"indiscriminate refining"​​has led to the fact that from all the variety of components necessary for the full functioning of the body You need to drink it in small portions Shoots affected by borer or glasswort must be cut out and burned.

​Infected buds must be torn off and burned. If there are a lot of such buds, you can cut them off along with the shoots.​​Anthracnose​

​Blackcurrant is the main source of vitamin C​ ​bread and bakery products made from wholemeal wheat flour​ Finely chop the blackcurrants and boil for 7-10 minutes in water. Drink like tea for scurvy.​

Black currants help with anemia, hypertension, bleeding gums, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis. Baths from a decoction of currant leaves are used for various rashes and skin diseases. An infusion of black currant leaves helps rid the body of excess uric and puric acids. Used as a diaphoretic, mild laxative, for bleeding and metabolic disorders. Blackcurrant juice is drunk with honey or sugar when coughing.​ ​Beneficial properties​ ​, a fundamental food product has disappeared from human nutrition -​​whole grain​

​Mash the blackcurrant berries thoroughly The larvae spend the winter inside the shoot; in May - June they turn into butterflies and fly out. At the beginning of summer, about 20 days after the currants have faded, they must be sprayed with an emulsion of karbofos emulsifying concentrate. Spraying should be carried out 30 days before harvest. The affected bush should be sprayed with a solution of colloidal sulfur, at the rate of 50 - 100 grams per 10 liters of water. Also suitable for spraying is a solution of karbofos (75 grams per 10 liters of water). As well as infusions of garlic, dandelion and tobacco. It is best to spray several times, before and after flowering. The fungal disease mainly affects the leaves, as well as shoots and stalks. Affected leaves dry out and fall off. The pathogen overwinters on fallen leaves.

Black currant is known to many: its leaves and berries are used to treat kidney diseases, liver diseases and respiratory tract. Eating currant berries is extremely beneficial for ​cereals​​for food consumption modern man"left" for myself exclusively

Add a large amount of sugar to the resulting mixture​After everything written in the article, it may seem that growing currants is comparable in complexity only to starting spaceship. But, in reality, everything is quite simple. Currants are a wonderful crop, productive and unpretentious. I hope this article will help you in caring for your currants.​

​Common spider mite​​Treatment of the disease

​(2 glasses three times a day before meals for two to three weeks). The season for consuming fresh currants does not last long, but these berries fully retain their medicinal properties when frozen.​ ​This is interesting:​​used as a diuretic for urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis: 5-6 tbsp. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of crushed leaves and leave in a warm place for at least 1 hour. Take 1 glass 5-6 times a day, you can add sugar or honey to improve the taste.​ ​use for​

Useful properties of black currant. Treatment with currants


​pure starch​​then cook it for a while - and the healthy vitamin jelly is ready

​Blackcurrant is a well-known perennial shrub, in August, delighting all summer residents with tasty and very healthy fruits. The leaves of this shrub are often brewed as tea or added to preserves. How else can you use this plant? What properties does it have?​ ​This pest affects not only currants, but also others berry crops. Lives and reproduces mainly on the lower part of mature leaves. It feels especially good in hot and dry weather and reproduces actively.​

Disease-affected bushes are sprayed Bordeaux mixture at a concentration of 1%; the first time before flowering, the second time after picking the berries. Since the causative agent of the disease overwinters on fallen leaves, it is better to collect and burn them.​ ​The use of dry fruits is also very effective; After harvesting, they must first be dried in an oven or dryer, then dried in the shade. Berries, ground with sugar in equal parts, have healing properties for colds and anemia.​

​4 Are there any contraindications?​ For gout, rheumatism:

​strengthening nails​​.​

​SITE SEARCH​- the most easily digestible simple carbohydrates

​The dried fruits of the bush are used to treat diarrhea.​​In folk medicine, berries, leaves, juice, and sometimes blackcurrant buds are used. What does this give to our body?​

On mite-affected bushes, the underside of the leaf is covered with cobwebs. Light dots form on the upper side. Leaves affected by the mite fall early, and axillary buds begin to develop. This can lead to the shoots freezing and dying, which affects the harvest.​ ​White spotting (septoria)​

​Young leaves and shoots are also used for treatment, which are dried and then used to make decoctions.​ ​Black currant is one of the favorite berries in our gardens. It grows wild in cool and temperate zones throughout Eurasia, and the history of its cultivation goes back several centuries. Currently, several hundred varieties of this plant are known that have retained all the medicinal properties of the wild shrub. The traditions of consuming black currants for illness and to improve health are just as old.

​1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of crushed leaves into 1 cup of boiling water, leave, covered, for 2 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day. To do this: rub into the nail plate and the skin around it.

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Do you know that:

​Vitamin C​ ​Blackcurrant​​. This is what varietal flour is. All industrial bakeries make bread exclusively from this purified (refined) white flour. Blackcurrant juice will save you from a strong, debilitating cough. For treatment, use this recipe: mix the juice of the plant’s fruits with honey and sugar and consume the resulting mixture internally. It turns out that the plant contains a colossal amount of vitamins and other substances beneficial to humans! The berries of the bush contain vitamins such as A, C, D, E, P, as well as vitamins of groups B and K. In addition, the berry boasts sugars, tannins, essential oils, pectins, carotenoids, organic and phosphoric acid, phosphorus salts. It also contains the necessary normal operation human body potassium, sulfur and metals such as iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, silver, lead.​ ​Fighting spider mites​ A fungal disease that affects leaves and shoots. Looks like gray spots round shape with dark dots in the middle. Reduces yield and growth.​ ​For a decoction of dried berries, take one and a half to two tablespoons of fruit per glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes and leave for an hour. This decoction is taken four times a day, half a glass before meals. At colds It is recommended to add honey. Blackcurrants belong to the same family as gooseberries. It is a shrub whose height can reach one and a half meters (although there is also a columnar garden variety). Currant buds swell earlier than most shrubs; it has three-lobed (sometimes five-lobed) leaves with a strong spicy smell, due to which this plant got its name (the Old Slavonic word “currant”, “stench” once did not have a negative connotation). Currants bloom in May or June, and their berries ripen by mid-summer. Currant berries have a strong nice smell; they do not exceed 1 cm in size, have shiny purple-black skin and greenish sweet and sour juicy pulp, which contains small seeds.​ ​Fresh blackcurrant juice​​Blackcurrant​


Black currant: properties, treatment of diseases

  • ​one of the most favorite berries. In addition to its great taste, black currants are very beneficial for the health of the body. Thanks to healing properties, black currant is often used in folk medicine for medicinal and preventive purposes.​
  • ​All the most valuable components of grain for the body (​

Botanical description and chemical composition

​To treat a sore throat, you can gargle with blackcurrant juice, after diluting it boiled water. The berry has strong antiseptic properties.​

​It is important to note that vitamin C is stored in large quantities even in frozen blackcurrants. By the way, this vitamin is very important for strengthening our immunity. And vitamin P, also found in the berry, is necessary for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. No other berry has such wide range useful properties. Just 50 grams of delicious blackcurrant jam - and your body has received the daily dose of vitamins it needs. And tannins and various essential oils the plant provides a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

​In the spring, before currants bloom, the bush should be sprayed with infusion onion peel, garlic or tobacco. When spraying, you need to ensure that the underside of the leaf is well treated.

​Treatment of disease​​Tea from black currant leaves is prepared by taking 1 tablespoon of dry raw material per glass of boiling water and steeping for an hour. This infusion is drunk a day in four doses before meals. This berry is called the queen of vitamins. Currants contain a high concentration of vitamin C, which is vital for the human body (its daily norm consumption is contained in 30 berries), as well as carotene, which plays an important role in metabolic processes and stimulating immunity, rutin, which strengthens blood vessels, and other essential vitamins that have medicinal properties.​

Currant diseases cause severe damage to shrubs and reduce yields. Currant is valuable crop Therefore, special attention is paid to the fight against currant diseases.

Currant diseases are divided into those caused by fungi, viral and of unknown nature. This article discusses currant diseases caused by various fungi that are often found in gardens.

Currant diseases - currant anthracnose

In addition to fighting diseases, it is necessary to destroy currant pests, which are carriers of infections. Particular attention should be paid to the fight against the bud mite, which transmits black currant terry.

Currant diseases caused by various fungi are quite easy to treat with proper agricultural practices. It is important to carry out spraying in a timely manner, avoid high humidity, inspect the bushes and keep the soil in good condition.

Among currant diseases, anthracnose (fly beetle) is a widespread disease. In fact, anthracnose accompanies currants in all cultivation areas. Anthracnose is especially active in northern and middle areas Russia, that is, in areas with sufficient moisture and average temperatures.

Currant anthracnose is the causative agent of the disease

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Ps.ribis f.nigri. Fungal spores spread with water or after moisture. Possible spread of spores by insects. The infection most often penetrates from the underside of the leaf, where the mycelium grows.

In years with dry and hot summers, anthracnose practically does not affect currants. The development of this currant disease is facilitated by low location of plots, dense planting, and overgrowth by weeds. Tilling the soil in the autumn-spring period significantly reduces infection reserves. The fungus does not develop on affected leaves buried in the soil.

There are no currant varieties resistant to anthracnose; there are highly resistant varieties, moderately resistant and highly susceptible currant varieties. When choosing a variety, you should pay attention to resistance to anthracnose.

  • Important! The fungus overwinters only on fallen leaves, forming a new source of infection in the spring!

Description of the disease

Anthracnose affects the leaf surface, but sometimes petioles, young shoots, stalks and berries are affected. Very small brown spots 0.8-1.2 mm in diameter form on the leaves. First, small black varnished tubercles appear where the fungal spores are located. Then the covering tissue ruptures, and the spores come out in the form of white grains.

In the shade or in the depths of the bush, the place where spores form is transparent yellow, similar to gelatin. The leaf tissue turns brown, the leaf dries out and falls off. Red currants can drop leaves with just a few anthracnose spots. Blackcurrant does not shed affected leaves for a long time. Small brown sores form on the petioles and green shoots.

Harm of anthracnose

  • Currant anthracnose is considered one of the most harmful diseases.
  • Affected leaves dry out prematurely and fall off.
  • Inventory is significantly reduced nutrients in the branches of affected bushes.
  • The general physiological functions of the bush are disrupted, which affects the yield.
  • Productivity is reduced by more than 50%.
  • Anthracnose reduces the frost resistance of the bush. In winter, more than 50% of the branches may die off.
  • Even with good agricultural technology, the bush cannot restore its development next summer and withers.

Measures to combat anthracnose

Measures to combat currant diseases can be divided into agrotechnical and chemical. Agrotechnical techniques have a very important preventive value and can significantly reduce the incidence of plant diseases.

Agrotechnical methods of combating currant anthracnose

The most important trick is correct processing soil. The purpose of the treatment is to embed fallen leaves into the soil. Activities are carried out during autumn and spring tillage and digging of the soil. A fallen leaf is the only source of primary infection!

Even simple soil contamination of a leaf contributes to the destruction of fungal spores by antagonistic bacteria contained in the soil. Preventing Delay excess moisture on currant leaves. To do this, you should thin out the bushes, destroy weeds, and remove excess moisture.

When applying fertilizers, sprinkle them on fallen leaves. Cultivate only resistant varieties that are weakly affected by anthracnose.

Chemical methods anthracnose control

In case of severe damage to currants, eradicating sprays with fungicides or a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture are carried out. in early spring before bud break or in autumn. During the summer, currant bushes are sprayed three times at the following times:

  • First spraying: immediately after flowering.
  • Second spray: 10-12 days after the first one.
  • Third compulsory spraying: after harvesting.

When spraying, be sure to wet the back side of the sheet. With this spraying technique, the infestation of currant leaves is sharply reduced. Red currants are sprayed 8-10 days earlier than black currants. For summer spraying, 1% Bordeaux mixture or 0.5% copper oxychloride solution is recommended.

You can select other fungicides according to the disease, of which there are many on the market. Bordeaux mixture is an old and tested drug that has proven itself well. Currant anthracnose is a well-studied disease. Concomitant use proper agricultural technology and chemical protection will ensure the health of currants.

White spot (septoria)

The causative agent of white spotting is the fungus Septoria sibirica. This is one of the most common diseases and occurs in all climatic zones. Basically, only the leaves are affected.

Small 2-3 mm brown, then white spots with a narrow brown border form on the leaves. With severe damage, the spots merge. On the surface of the spots in the center on the upper side of the leaf there are dark balls; these are fungal spores.

Septoria blight can affect currant berries, forming flat spots on them. The fungus overwinters on affected fallen leaves. Fungal spores come to the surface when they swell from moisture in humid weather or from excessive watering. Leaves become infected from the underside.

White spotting develops more strongly in wet years and in conditions of severe neglect. Harm of white spotting:

  • When massively damaged, currants drop their leaves.
  • Currant bushes stop growing and begin to wither.
  • Damage to the berries leads to the death of the crop.
  • The disease greatly affects next year's yield.
  • Currant diseases. Measures to combat white spotting.
  • Agrotechnical practices:
  • Destruction of fallen overwintered leaves.
  • Autumn and early spring treatment soil in rows and between rows with digging between bushes.
  • Cutting through thickened bushes.
  • Prevention of moisture stagnation.

Chemical methods for controlling white spotting

Spraying bushes according to the scheme. See currant anthracnose. The first is immediately after flowering, the second is 10 days later, the third is after harvesting. Spraying 1% is recommended Bordeaux mixture.

Adding microelements (zinc, copper, manganese, boron) to the soil to increase resistance to the disease. Other types of currant blight are ascochyta blight and cercospora blight. Measures to combat all spotting are the same as for white spotting.

Currant rust

There are columnar rust, goblet rust, and leaf rust. The causative agent of rust is different kinds mushrooms

Columnar rust

The causative agent is the fungus Cronartium ribicola Dietr. The disease is very widespread throughout Russia. Columnar rust attacks leaves. Orange pustules appear on the underside of the leaf. These growths begin to quickly powder, resulting in the formation of a mass of brightly colored spores.

Yellow spots form on the upper side of the leaf. The underside of the sheet is completely covered with a coating of bright rust orange color. Leaves turn brown, die and fall off prematurely.

The disease appears on currants in early August and spreads quickly. Columnar rust is native to Siberia.

Damage from columnar rust

  • Happening mass destruction leaves.
  • Leaves fall 1-1.5 months earlier due date.
  • The yield of currants and the growth of young shoots are reduced.
  • The supply of nutrients in the bush decreases.

Measures to combat columnar rust

  1. Autumn and spring tillage.
  2. Collect and destroy all fallen leaves.
  3. Spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture 3 times per season is effective (see anthracnose for the diagram)
  4. Early spring eradicative spraying of dormant buds with 3% Bordeaux mixture or 0.5% copper oxychloride.

Glass rust

The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Puccinia ribesii caricis. Glass rust is very widespread. Dangerous for both currants and gooseberries. The appearance of goblet rust is the same for currants and gooseberries. Bright orange pads form on the leaves, flowers and ovaries of currants.

In the second half of summer, signs of the disease disappear. The greatest infection of currants occurs during flowering, as a result of which flowers and young ovaries are severely affected. The development of the disease is favored by wet weather in spring and the proximity of sedge growth.

Harm of glass rust

Goblet rust can affect up to 80% of leaves, which leads to their premature fall. Affected flowers also fall off. All this leads to low yields.

Measures to combat glass rust

Since the disease appears only in spring and early summer, it is important to inspect currant bushes in the spring. A spring inspection of currants will help identify the disease and the extent of damage. Agrotechnical techniques and chemical methods for combating goblet rust:

  • When planting, avoid low, wetlands, and do not allow the site to be located close to swamps overgrown with sedge.
  • Fighting infesting sedges on the site.
  • Cultivation of resistant varieties.

Chemical methods of combating glass rust.

Early spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture. Early spraying is crucial, since this currant disease develops only in the first half of summer.

  1. First spraying: during leaf bloom
  2. Second spraying: during budding
  3. Third spraying: immediately after flowering.

In case of severe infestation, a fourth spraying is allowed. It is possible to carry out a preventive spray on dormant buds before the leaves bloom with 3% Bordeaux mixture. Such spraying is preventive against a complex of diseases.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a very common disease. Spread by fungi: American powdery mildew, western powdery mildew, downy mildew.

American powdery mildew.

American powdery mildew affects both currants and gooseberries. Shoots of young growth are affected. First, a grayish coating forms, which then turns brown. The plaque covers the very end of the young shoot and the growth point. Leaves do not develop. The petioles, lower base of the leaf and large veins are affected; a gray coating is visible on the underside.

Control measures:

  • Pruning and destruction of affected shoots and leaves is necessary. It is not recommended to plant currants and gooseberries nearby.
  • Wild currant varieties are most sensitive to powdery mildew. Wild and semi-cultivated currant bushes on the site should be destroyed.
  • Cultivate resistant varieties.
  • In the fall, you should collect all the fallen leaves and dried berries, cut off the hook-shaped ends of the shoots, capturing 1-2 live buds and burn them.
  • Dig up the soil around the bushes.
  • Early in the spring, prune the shoots again.

In autumn and spring, spray the bushes with a 1% solution of copper sulfate or a 3% solution of iron sulfate. Spraying should be done before the leaves bloom, as there may be a burn. When buds open, after flowering, and twice with an interval of 10 days, spray with a solution of soda ash with soap or soap-copper emulsion.

Instead of baking soda and soap, you can use a soap-copper emulsion. Dissolve 150g in 9 liters of water. soap Separately dissolve in glassware in 1 liter of water 5 grams of copper sulfate. Then pour the copper sulfate solution in a thin stream into the soap solution. The correct emulsion should have a greenish color and not form flakes.

Today, modern effective fungicides have appeared on the market to combat spheroteca or American powdery mildew. They should be sprayed according to the same scheme. The drug "Topaz" is effective.

Western powdery mildew

Western powdery mildew forms an inconspicuous white coating, which is located in separate spots. Then the plaque disappears and black balls form mainly on the underside of the leaf.

Control measures.

Agronomic techniques are the same as for other fungal diseases. It is especially worth noting the destruction of affected leaves. Chemical methods include spring eradication spraying and summer spraying with fungicide preparations.

Other diseases caused by various fungi are blackberry, currant sponge, root rot, drying out of branches, downy mildew, and root canker.

High agricultural technology, proper care of currants, cultivation of resistant varieties, spraying according to the schedule, eradicating spring spraying, timely cutting and destruction of diseased branches and leaves significantly reduce currant diseases caused by fungi.

Garden blackcurrant, diseases and treatment

Currants (from the Latin Ribes) became popular in Rus' back in the 11th century. Fragrant berry got its name thanks to strong odor, for which it was called “currant”. The culture belongs to the Gooseberry family (lat. Grossulariaceae) and has more than a hundred varieties.

Currant diseases and their pests are found in almost every private household. Therefore, a novice gardener cannot do without knowledge about measures to combat them and prevent them.

Common currant diseases and their treatment, photos of signs of infection

If there are only a few bushes of this berry growing on your site, you should thoroughly prepare from the beginning of spring. A selection of photos will help identify the disease by symptoms and appearance plants, and timely apply protective and preventive measures.

Currant anthracnose (lat. Pseudopeziza ribis)

The causative agent of this disease is the fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare. The first signs of infection can often be seen in the middle summer season. Main symptoms:

  • small red and brown spots (up to 1 mm) with dark tubercles in the center appear on the leaves;
  • the spots gradually increase, affecting the entire leaf;
  • leaves dry out and fall off.

This disease is typical for all types of currants, but is especially common on red ones. During the rainy season, the fungus is more active and dangerous to the plant. Its spores can easily survive winter on plant debris.

If currant anthracnose is detected on the site, treatment should begin immediately. To do this, use Bordeaux mixture (0.1 kg of the drug per 10 liters of water). Spraying is carried out immediately after detection, and again after harvesting the berries. You can prevent the disease using simple preventive measures:

  • all fallen leaves and plant debris must be removed from the soil and burned;
  • It is not recommended to plant young healthy bushes in the place where the infected plant was.

Powdery mildew (lat. Sphaerotheca mors-uvae)

Pathogen powdery mildew is the marsupial fungus Erysiphales. In the middle of the summer season, the following symptoms of the disease can be found on berry bushes:

  • young leaves are covered with a white, loose coating;
  • gradually it spreads to the berries.

Powdery mildew is a rare disease of currants and its control does not cause problems if treated in a timely manner. If symptoms are detected, it is recommended to spray the bushes with Fitosporin according to the instructions.

In the fight against the disease, you can use pharmaceutical iodine: 1 bottle of 5% of the drug per 10 liters of liquid. The procedure should be repeated after 3-4 days. In cases where the treatment does not bring results, 1% copper sulfate should be used: a teaspoon per 6-7 liters of liquid.

The presence of such a disease indicates an unhealthy condition of the bushes. The main prevention is correct agricultural technology. Regular feeding and care will help avoid infection.

Rust on currants (lat. Puccinia ribesii-caricis)

You can detect rust on bushes at any time of the season. There are 2 types of it:

  • goblet - expressed in the presence of convex orange humps on the leaves, reminiscent of warts;
  • columnar - small ones form on the leaves orange dots.

The source of glass rust is the sedge growing near the site, and the carrier of columnar rust can be a coniferous forest nearby. Spraying with Fitosporin according to the instructions will help overcome the disease. If treatment fails, more powerful fungicides should be used, for example, Bordeaux mixture (a teaspoon per 7 liters of liquid). Treatment should be carried out 4 times with an interval of 10 days.

Blackcurrant diseases and their treatment photo

The most popular variety of this culture is black. Its berries have a strong taste and aroma, and are most often used in canning. This species It is worth paying special attention, since black currant diseases and the fight against them have their own characteristics and differences.

Blackcurrant reversion, or Terry (lat. Ribes virus 1)

The causative agent of the disease is Ribes virus 1, and the carrier is the kidney mite. The virus leads to mutation of the original form of the species and infertility of the plant.

The main symptoms are:

  • change in leaf shape: elongation, asymmetry, presence of sharp teeth;
  • leaves may become three-lobed;
  • reduction in the number of veins;
  • leaves may turn purple;
  • flowers become elongated with narrow petals;
  • lack of fruiting and characteristic smell of the plant.

Such a disease can be detected already during the flowering period. Infected plants are a source of infection for healthy ones, so the former must be removed. Treatment with drugs or pruning will not be effective.

You can prevent terry in the following ways:

  • for planting it is necessary to choose only healthy and proven material;
  • Potassium and phosphorus fertilizing makes the plant more resistant to disease;
  • excess nitrogen supplements reduces immunity to the virus;
  • After harvesting, the bushes are treated with Karbofos according to the instructions.

White and red currant diseases and treatment

Diseases of red currants and their treatment differ from black ones, and often occur in white berries as well. The disease can be prevented with the help of drugs and preventive measures.

Nectria shoot drying (lat. Sphaeria ribis Tode)

Quite often, currants are subject to the disease of nectar drying of young shoots and branches. The causative agent is a species of marsupial fungus Nectria ribis. Main symptoms:

  • orange dots form on branches and shoots, which gradually grow, turning into voluminous brown tubercles;
  • during the period of ripening, spore formations become black;
  • young shoots gradually dry out and die.

If treatment is not started in time, you can lose the entire plant. When the first symptoms are detected, the bushes are pruned: the affected branches are cut off and burned. The cut areas should be disinfected with Bordeaux mixture and treated with garden varnish.

Infection can be prevented using proper agricultural practices: it is necessary to regularly remove weeds, remove fallen leaves and systematically feed plants. With proper care, currant diseases, photos of which you will find in this article, are not terrible.

Currant pests and their control

Aphid (lat. Aphidoidea)

This crop is most often affected by leaf gall aphids. Small insects reaches no more than 2 mm in length, and feeds on plant juices. The main signs of the presence of a pest:

  • large spots in the form of swellings, colored yellow or red, form on the leaves;
  • Gradually the leaves dry out and die.

Another type of aphid is the shoot aphid. It affects the branches, bending them and inhibiting growth. The insect lives throughout the summer, and during this period it can change up to 7 generations. The best remedy from aphids is Actellik or Karbofos. Spraying is done in accordance with the instructions. The procedure is repeated after 10 days.

You can avoid damage to berry bushes thanks to the following preventive measures:

  • regularly remove weeds and fallen leaves;
  • prune diseased bushes;
  • attract insects that feed on aphids (such as ladybugs). To do this, plants such as daisies, tansy or yarrow are planted nearby.

Fireweed (lat. Pyralidae)

The small gray moth moth reaches 1 cm (wingspan up to 3 cm). The pupae easily survive the winter in the soil under the bush, and during the flowering period, butterflies infect the flowers, laying eggs in them.

The main symptoms of the presence of a pest:

  • hatched caterpillars on a bush feeding on berries;
  • the fruits are entwined with cobwebs.

The affected plant cannot be cured. The only way To protect the bush from moths is to cover the soil around it with roofing felt or linoleum before flowering so that the pest cannot get out onto it. When the crop fades, the shelter can be removed.

If the plant cannot be cured, it must be urgently removed and burned. By following all the rules of agricultural technology for growing currants and regularly carrying out preventive treatment, damage to the bushes can be easily avoided.

Black currants can be planted in the spring, before the buds open, but optimal time for planting - late September - early October.

Seedlings must be healthy. It is advisable to choose two-year-old seedlings with roots 15-20 cm and ground shoots about 30-40 cm. The soil should be fertile; acidic and waterlogged soils should be avoided.

Each bush requires from 2.5 to 3 m, and the distance between rows should be at least 2 m. Planting pit should be about 50 cm deep and at least 40 cm in diameter. When planting, seedlings should be placed at an angle.
There should be no coniferous trees near currant bushes.

Growing and caring for black currants

To prevent illness and get good harvest black currants you need:
1. In the spring before the buds open:

  • cut out diseased and dry branches affected by stem gall midge and glassworm larvae;
  • Loosen the soil, apply nitrogen fertilizers, mulch the soil;
  • Spray the bushes and soil with nitrafen and Bordeaux mixture against pests and fungal diseases;

2. Before flowering:

  • spray the bushes with a 10% concentrate of karbofos emulsion against mites (bud and spider mites), aphids and other pests;
  • spray the bushes with Bordeaux mixture against fungal diseases;

3. During flowering, identify and remove bushes that are affected by terry;

4. Immediately after the currants have bloomed, spray the bushes with colloidal sulfur and karbofos against sawflies, mites and moths;

5. After 10 days, repeat the procedure;

6. After picking the berries, spray the plants with Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate, karbofos against pests and diseases;

7. In the fall, cut out old branches, burn fallen leaves, dig up the soil in the rows, burying the remains of leaves, and mulch the soil.

If a small number of pests appear, it is recommended to destroy them manually (for example, it is quite easy to collect moths).

You can also use decoctions and infusions of insecticidal plants, which cause less damage compared to pesticides. When diseases spread and there are a large number of pests, use chemical measures protection.

Common diseases of black currant and how to combat them


Anthracnose, caused by a fungus that reproduces by spores, affects young shoots, leaves, petioles and stalks of currants.

Blurry brown spots with a diameter of approximately 2.5 mm appear on the leaves, in the middle of which a dark tubercle is noticeable. With the further development of anthracnose, the spots begin to merge, the leaves become brown in color, dry out and curl upward at the edges, and then fall off.

The lower part of the shoots becomes exposed, and sores appear on the shoots and petioles. In bushes affected by anthracnose, the growth of young shoots decreases and the yield decreases. Bushes heavily affected by the fungus die after 4 years.

When the disease is detected in early spring or autumn, the affected shoots are cut out. Before the buds open, the bushes should be sprayed with nitrophen (10 liters of water per 300 g). Before flowering, after it and after harvesting the fruits, spray with Bordeaux mixture.


With septoria or white spot, premature leaf fall, poor growth of shoots and their partial death, and drying out of the buds are observed. The causative agent of the disease is a fungus.

When the disease occurs in June, numerous round or angular spots appear on the leaves. Brown, which then lighten in the center, but the border remains brown.

Later, black dots appear on the spots, containing fungal spores. After the spores fly out, an ulcer forms at the site of the spot. Currant bushes become massively infected at the end of summer.

In early spring, before the buds bloom, the soil and bushes are sprayed with nitrafen. When the disease develops, Bordeaux mixture is used.

Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that affects all parts of the plant. Damaged parts of the currant are initially covered with a powdery white coating, which can be easily wiped off, and over time it thickens and resembles dark brown felt.

Affected shoots dry out and die, fruits do not develop and fall prematurely, leaves curl. Within a few years, if the damage is severe, the plants die.

Bushes and soil should be sprayed with iron sulfate (10 liters of water per 300 g). When powdery plaque Spray the currants with a solution of soap and soda ash. Freshly prepared bleach is also used (10 liters of water per 1-2 tablespoons).

Treatment should be carried out 2 weeks before harvesting the fruits. After picking the berries, use preparations of foundationazole, sulfur, and a 10% emulsion of the drug Topaz.

It is also good to use an infusion of rotted manure (forest litter, hay, greenhouse soil). For the infusion, take 1 part of manure and 3 parts of water, infuse for 3 days, dilute three times with water and filter.

Currants are sprayed with infusion in cloudy weather in 3 stages: before flowering, after and before leaf fall.


Reversion or terry currant is a viral disease that affects the entire plant and leads to currant infertility. Transmitted through planting material and bud mites.

It manifests itself in the deformation of leaves, which become elongated, three-lobed, with pointed ends, and the number of veins decreases. The leaves lose their specific smell and may acquire a purple tint. Fruits are not formed.

Sick bushes should be uprooted and burned. Systematically fight the kidney mite.

Before planting, soak lignified cuttings in hot water (about 45°C) for 15 minutes.

Glass rust

Goblet rust, caused by fungal spores in the spring, is characterized by the appearance of orange pads on young shoots, leaves, flowers and fruits, which by the end of May resemble a cluster of goblet rust. Further development The fungus occurs on the sedge, where the wind carries the spores. Affected flowers, leaves and berries fall off.

Spray the currant bushes three times with Bordeaux mixture. In summer, mow down the sedge, collect fallen leaves and remove affected shoots.

Columnar rust

Currant leaves are affected by columnar rust, which appears as small yellowish spots and bright orange pads on the underside of the leaf. When the disease occurs, the leaves fall prematurely, which leads to a decrease in the next year's harvest. Currants are most often affected, near which coniferous trees grow.

Spray with Bordeaux mixture before and after flowering, as well as after harvesting.

By regularly caring for blackcurrant bushes, promptly removing affected shoots and promptly treating the soil and bushes with preparations that prevent the development of diseases and the proliferation of pests, you will be able to harvest a wonderful harvest every year.

In order not to lose a powerful source of vitamins and healing substances, you need to take care of the health of currants like the best doctor and assistant. Knowledge about pathogens and symptoms of the most common diseases will help you begin to act promptly and correctly.


Among summer residents and gardeners, the name fly-catcher is more common. The disease is relevant for all types of currants. But the pathogen has the greatest selectivity for red currants.

How to recognize the disease?

The pathogen has high resistance and feels great in last year’s currant leaves, wintering under the bushes. Its spread is facilitated by water and numerous bugs and insects. A fungal infection affects bushes during the rainy season. High humidity stimulates fast growth pathogenic fungus. It spreads throughout the bush, leading to its death. Main signs of the disease:

  • the appearance of small brown spots. Their diameter is up to 1 mm. There are dark tubercles in the center;
  • the spots grow and merge, involving the entire leaf blade in the inflammatory process;
  • as a result, the leaves dry out and fall off;
  • the bush is dying.

Red currants tolerate the disease much worse than black currants. A few small spots are enough and the leaves will begin to fall off.

Fungal spores can persist in contaminated plant material for many years, perfectly tolerating any frost.


  1. Dead bushes are dug up and burned.
  2. Old and diseased leaves must be completely destroyed.
  3. Mandatory digging of the earth along the periphery of the bushes is carried out. The depth of the top layer is 10 cm.
  4. In the infected area, it is necessary to carry out a special autumn treatment with a fungicide. You can generously spill the soil around the bushes with a solution of copper sulfate.
  5. New bushes should not be planted on contaminated soil. You need to choose a new place at least 5 m from the fungal outbreak.
  6. All weeds must be carefully weeded. It is better not to leave them on the site. The infection persists in them.


Timely treatment is the key to saving the bushes in time. What you can use for this:

  • Bordeaux mixture is the highlight of all gardeners for many pathologies. It kills fungi and stops the disease. Therefore, when spots with tubercles are detected, immediate treatment should be started. The drug is diluted as follows - 100 g of product per 10 liters of water;
  • Nitrafen. 3% solution - effective remedy against mushrooms. Therapeutic dose is 300g per 10 liters of liquid. Plants are sprayed in the spring before the buds swell. At the end of October - after the leaves have completely fallen off;
  • Cuprosan;
  • Colloidal sulfur.

Choice resistant variety ensures success when growing currant bushes.

Powdery mildew

Forms of pathology

The disease has characteristic feature- white coating, like flour. The disease has two types:

  1. European - the type of lesion is somewhat reminiscent of a cobweb. Less common. Red currants are mainly affected.

  1. American. Another name for the sphere library. A loose powdery fungus grows on the leaves. Soon it becomes dense and felt-like.

The process involves:

  • leaves,
  • branches,
  • shoots,
  • ovaries,
  • green berries.

The disease develops at the end of May. The leaves dry out and curl up. Shoots and branches die. The disease is caused by a special marsupial fungus that overwinters in leaf litter and on bushes.


All types of bushes are affected, but red currants are most susceptible to it. Shrubs suffer great damage. The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • whitish, loose coating;
  • gradually it takes on a felt appearance if the form of the disease is spheroteca;
  • the plaque completely involves the plant in the infectious process;
  • leaves and berries dry and fall off;
  • the growth of shoots stops, they begin to bend;
  • the tops become black and look burnt;
  • the leaves become smaller and turn yellow;
  • internodes are shortened

With timely treatment, the outcome is favorable, the plants respond well to treatment.

How to defeat powdery mildew?

Not only fungicides are effective for treatment, but also products that are always at hand.

  1. Fitosporin;
  2. 5% iodine. One bottle is diluted in 10 liters of water. Spray the affected bushes several times. The interval between treatments is three days.
  3. 1% copper sulfate. 1 teaspoon per seven liters of liquid.
  4. Biological products – Trichodermin, Phytodoctor.
  5. Antifungal agents – Paracelsus, Horus.

The treatment is carried out 3 times. It's important to do this

  1. before flowering
  2. after flowering,
  3. after picking berries.

Traditional methods for treating powdery mildew show high effectiveness. Use a solution of soda ash. You can prepare soapy water using laundry soap. Chloride of lime is diluted in a dosage of 2 tbsp. for 10 liters of water.

Preventive measures:

  • Never plant currants, grapes and gooseberries next to each other. These shrubs are most susceptible to infection by a harmful fungus. The disease can continuously circulate in a circle, it will be very difficult to stop it.
  • Cut out infected branches in a timely manner;
  • Treat currants after fruiting, before wintering, and before bud break. To completely get rid of pathogens.

What do they offer in selection?

Selecting varietal resistant shrubs is not an easy task. Here is a list to help you make your choice:

  • Red Cross;
  • London Market;
  • Ceres;
  • Tsiralt;
  • Ural white;
  • Natalie;
  • Radiant;
  • Temptation.

White spot

Scientifically called septoria. The disease is caused by a pathogenic fungus. Damaged leaves fall off much earlier than expected. The branches stop growing, the buds dry out.

Manifestations of white spotting

Main features:

  • the formation of a huge number of small dark spots on the leaves;
  • the spots are round in shape;
  • the color of the affected areas is brown with a pronounced lightening in the center and a brown border along the edge;
  • black dots in the spots appear a little later. They contain spores of a pathogenic pathogen.

  • then ulcers form in place of the blackheads. This means that the fungal spores have matured and scattered into new leaves.

  • the disease usually begins in June;
  • mass destruction of bushes occurs in August.

Treatment measures

In early spring, before the buds begin to hatch, the bushes are treated with Biological Preparations. You can spray with Phytodoctor or Nitrofen. At the height of the disease, Bordeaux mixture can be used effectively.

Rust on currants

Types of pathology

Such damage to bushes can be seen at any time of the spring-summer season. There are two subtypes of the disease:

  1. Glass-shaped - on leaf blades convex elevations are formed. They resemble warts or small mounds. The bright orange pads are easily identifiable.

Spores are hidden in them. They are located on the reverse side of the sheet. It is difficult to confuse this disease with something else. Sometimes ovaries and inflorescences are involved in the process. Affected leaves quickly turn yellow and fall off, and along with them crumbles future harvest. Fungal spores arrive from sedge, where, under conditions optimal humidity fungi multiply abundantly and begin migration.

  1. Columnar. Bright orange and yellow splashes are clearly visible on the leaves.

On back side small pads can be seen on the leaf. They attract attention with the brightness of their orange hue. As the disease progresses, spore columns appear here - brown bristles. The pathogen spores are abundantly hidden in them.

The pathogen lives in needles and easily spreads to currant bushes. It causes the greatest harm to black currants. Leaves fall off at the height of flowering or fruiting. The growth of shoots is inhibited. The bush weakens and loses stability. On next year the harvest drops significantly.


If you have goblet rust, you should not plant plants next to sedge. If the weed itself unexpectedly grows around the currant, it is necessary to get rid of it quickly. Columnar rust is transferred from any coniferous trees. The best place for planting - elevated places, away from increased humidity and wetlands. All leaves in the fall are raked and burned, if suddenly orange elevations are found anywhere.

The bushes are treated with antifungal agents in several stages - at the opening of the buds, during flowering, and during the formation of ovaries.

For prevention, currants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture three times:

  • before the buds open;
  • on the eve of flowering;
  • after flowering is completed.

For this purpose, it is good to use a Cuprozan suspension. You can use 1% colloidal sulfur at a dose of 3 kg/ha. Spraying is also carried out three times - before the flowers appear, 12 days after flowering and after fruiting.

Variety selection

The right fungus-resistant variety is the key to currant health. Which varieties should you especially pay attention to:

  • Dutch red;
  • Kyiv Suite;
  • Minsk;
  • Versailles white;
  • Goliath;
  • Faya is fertile;
  • Cantata;
  • Neapolitan;
  • Nina;
  • Chereshneva.


A number of means help to effectively cope with fungal pathogens. The following control measures are used:

  1. Spraying infected bushes with 1% Bordeaux mixture. It is diluted in water at the rate of 1 tsp. for 7 liters. The treatment is carried out 4 times, maintaining an interval of 10 days.
  2. Powerful fungicidal drugs are widely used if the disease has become widespread. Or if other methods of struggle do not help.
  3. Fitosporin is diluted and used according to instructions.
  4. Phytodoctor is widely prescribed; it copes well with fungi.

Terry, blackcurrant threat

Reversion of black currant occurs when infected with a virus - Riber virus 1. The virus causes mutations at the molecular level, leading to genetic damage. As a result, blackcurrant bushes become barren. Carrier – kidney mite

Features of the disease

It is most convenient to determine doubleness during the flowering period. Leaves and flowers must be carefully examined. The following characteristic signs are important for diagnosis:

  1. Changes in leaves
    • the shape of the leaves changes. They can lengthen and acquire pointed tips;
    • sharp teeth along the edge of the leaf become deeper and larger;
    • new additional cutouts appear;
    • leaves become asymmetrical;
    • instead of five blades, three are formed;
    • the number of veins is reduced;
    • color changes.
  2. Changes in inflorescences
    • the flowers stretch out, acquiring an elongated shape;
    • the petals acquire a purple, green, dirty pink hue;
    • the inflorescences disappear without forming berries;
    • flowering is delayed;
    • fruiting is reduced, subsequently until it stops completely;
    • currants do not have a characteristic special smell.

The disease can be detected when flower stalks appear. Bushes affected by the virus are a source of infection healthy plants. In this regard, they need to get rid of them. Spraying with drugs will not work. Pruning will only prolong the existence of the virus and will not completely eliminate the disease. The infection can last for more than one year. The reason for this is insects that carry viruses. These are aphids and currant mites.

What can be done, how to prevent

Because there are no drugs to treat the disease. And in case of infection you will have to say goodbye to your black darling. It is necessary to create the most healthy conditions for growing, to increase the immunity and immunity of shrubs. Basic Rules:

  1. The only way to protect healthy bushes is to uproot and burn affected plants;
  2. Control tick vectors and aphids.
  3. Fertilize with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.
  4. Reduce the use of nitrogen compounds - they weaken the bushes when the dose is exceeded.
  5. Treat with Karbofos after fruiting.

Nectria drying

Disease of shoots of red and white currants, less often black. Young shoots and new branches are mainly affected. The causative agent is a marsupial fungus that lives at the base of branches. Often found on living and drying shoots. The disease begins with the appearance of tubercles on the bark of the affected branches. They contain pathogen spores.

Diagnostics by appearance

External signs have the following features:

  • At the base of the branches there are abundant stromas, well convex and noticeable.
  • They are shaped like a pillow.
  • At the beginning of the disease, the color is bright red or bright orange.
  • The density is leathery, fleshy.
  • By the time the spores mature, darkening occurs.
  • The stroma breaks through the cortex and rises to the surface.
  • Damaged shoots dry out and die.

Control measures

Timely treatment starts leads to good results. What you need to do to save the plant in time:

  1. When the first signs appear, you should immediately carefully prune the bush. Completely remove infected branches and burn.
  2. Immediately treat the cutting areas with Bordeaux mixture.
  3. Apply garden varnish to the cuts.

Striped mosaic, how to find out?

Why does it occur and how does it manifest?

A disease that cannot be cured. The causative agents are viruses, and the carriers are sucking insect pests. These are currant mites, aphids. They, feeding on plant sap, spread the infection through the salivary glands throughout the area with bushes. Sometimes the disease can be transmitted through the graft of an infected cutting. Carrying out pruning without following the rules for disinfecting pruners also contributes to the spread of the virus from diseased plants to healthy ones. The mosaic looks quite specific - bright yellow stripes appear on the leaf blades. They form a mosaic pattern around the leaf veins.

Timely measures will help prevent the spread

A treatment for this dangerous viral disease has not yet been created. Therefore, all efforts must be directed to prevent the pathological process. What rules must be followed to avoid striped mosaic?

  1. Choose healthy bushes for cuttings.
  2. Purchase strong and proven planting material.
  3. Fight insects that carry viruses. To do this, treat currants against aphids and mites twice a season.
  4. Uproot damaged by disease bushes completely and burn.
  5. It is not recommended to plant currants in the area where bushes with mosaic disease grew for 5 years.

Gray rot

The disease occurs when infected dangerous fungus, which causes diseases in almost all garden crops. The source is infected spoiled fruits, affected branches and leaves. Fungal spores are transported by wind and rain.

Signs of gray mold

Main manifestations:

  • brown spots on leaf blades;
  • lumps of mold on twigs;
  • White currants are more susceptible to the disease than other bushes.

Protection measures

Prevention comes down to treating bushes with Zircon in the spring. Repeated spraying is carried out at the end of August. Follow the watering regime, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. Infected branches and leaves are burned. To destroy fungal spores in early spring and during leaf fall, the bushes are treated with a urea solution. Dilute 700 g into a ten-liter bucket.

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