At the Novo-Ryazan CHPP, as part of the program for technical re-equipment and reconstruction of equipment, new energy facilities were put into operation:

Turbine No. 5

In 1993, at the Novo-Ryazan CHPP, the physically obsolete turbine No. 5 of the PT 60-130/13 type was replaced with a turbine of the PT 60/75-130/13 type produced by the Leningrad Metal Plant. The new turbine has production and heating steam extraction and an improved unit layout.

Turbine No. 3

In 1995, the CHPP replaced the obsolete and physically worn-out turbine No. 3 of the VR-25 type with new type R-25 produced by the Leningrad Metal Plant.

Boiler unit No. 11

In April 2001, a new boiler unit No. 11 of the BKZ-420 type with a capacity of 420 tons of steam per hour was put into operation. Construction and installation work was carried out at the expense of own funds Novo-Ryazan Thermal Power Plant. This is so far the only gas-tight boiler at the thermal power plant with high efficiency. With the installation of a new boiler, the thermal power plant received replacement steam power, which ensures the replacement or reconstruction of other power units.

Boiler unit No. 11

Feeder-deaerator plant

In 2002, a feed-deaerator unit with a capacity of 600 tons per hour was put into operation at the Novo-Ryazan Thermal Power Plant. It is designed for in-depth deaeration of the initial chemically purified water, which is used to replenish the city’s heating network. The installation allows deaeration taking into account maximum flow make-up water during startup operations of the heating network and in case of accidents in the city heating network in the autumn-winter period.

Salt brine extraction well

Pumping station saline solution with a well for producing sodium chloride brines

In 2002, a brine solution pumping station with a well for producing sodium chloride brines was put into operation at the Novo-Ryazan CHPP. It is designed to extract a saline solution and supply it through pipelines to a chemical shop for the regeneration of Na-cation exchange filters, which ensure the preparation of chemically treated water to feed the heating network of the city of Ryazan. Well depth 1300 meters, productivity deep well pump type ETsKM-4-3.15-20 is 4.0 m3/hour.

Battery No. 3

In 2002, the battery No. was put into operation. No. 3. This is a stationary battery of the SK-32 type, mounted in the main building of the station and designed to reliably supply 220 volt direct current to the control circuits and relay protection of the main equipment of the thermal power plant. The battery capacity is 1152 ampere/hour. Recharging the stationary battery occurs automatically.

Turbine unit No. 1

In June 2002, a new turbine unit No. 1 was put into operation at the Novo-Ryazan CHPP. The PT-25/30 turbine with a rated power of 25 MW was manufactured at the Kaluga Turbine Plant and designed for steam parameters - pressure 90 kg/cm2 and temperature 5000C. The turbine is capable of carrying maximum load 30 MW, has production and heating steam extraction. The TFP-25 air-cooled generator was manufactured in St. Petersburg at the Elektrosila enterprise and is designed for a maximum electrical load of 30 MW.

Together with the turbine unit, the entire complex was replaced auxiliary equipment(oil system, pumps, high and low pressure, steam lines).

In addition, 6 kV and 0.4 kV switchgears were reconstructed, new cable facilities were installed, relay protection and automation were replaced, taking into account all modern requirements requirements for these systems.

The new turbine unit is controlled on the basis automated system control (process control system). Together with turbine unit No. 1, a new control panel for the turbine units of the first stage of the thermal power plant, created on the basis of an automated process control system, was put into operation.

Installation of new turbine unit No. 1

Boiler installation

In December 2003, a new boiler plant with a capacity of 200 gigacalories per hour with an automated process control system was put into operation. The boiler installation is a complex of four network water heaters high power, 3 pump units, control system and pipelines. The boiler installation has a closed technological cycle. The coolant is heated in the heaters by supplying steam taken from the turbines. The network water is pumped into the heaters and heated by steam having a pressure of 15 atm and a temperature of 270°C. The main purpose of the installation is to increase production efficiency by increasing combined electricity generation, increasing the reliability of heat supply to the city of Ryazan through more efficient use of the thermal power of the station’s turbines.

In addition, the launch of the boiler plant allowed us to continue work on the technical re-equipment of the station - to put into operation a new heating turbine No. 6. The boiler installation replaces the power of heating turbines for the period of their replacement.

Boiler installation

Enclosed switchgear 110 kilovolts

Enclosed switchgear 110 kV

In July 2005, the construction of two new cells of a 110 kilovolt closed switchgear was completed, which ensures the transfer of about 25 megawatts of additional electrical power to the needs of the Ryazan Oil Refining Company. The electrical part of this switchgear is unique. For the first time at a thermal power plant, switching is carried out using SF6 switches. At the same time, the transfer of electricity to the Ryazan Oil Refining Company is not carried out according to air lines, and via installed underground cable lines with a voltage of 110 kilovolts.

SF6 circuit breakers of additional cells of closed switchgear switchgear 110 kV

Cogeneration turbine No. 6

In May 2005, a new steam heating turbine No. 6 of type T-60/65-130 with a thermal power of 100 Gcal/hour and an electrical power of 60 MW, manufactured at the Ural Turbine Plant (Ekaterinburg), was put into operation.

At the station, from April 2004 to May 2005, the dismantling of the exhausted turbine type T-50-130, installation and commissioning of a new heating turbine No. 6 type T-60/65-130, which has greater thermal and electrical power, were carried out. This turbine is one of two cogeneration turbines of the CHP plant, which provide the city with thermal energy.

Installation of new turbine No. 6

As a result, the installed electrical power of the station increased by 10 MW, and the thermal power increased by 8 Gcal/hour.

New turbine No. 6

The specialists carried out a wide range of electrical installation work, reconstructed the electrical parts of the equipment and installed automated process control systems. Control of turbine operating modes st. No. 6 is carried out remotely - from a control panel made on the basis of microprocessor technology. Replacing the turbine with a new one made it possible to increase the reliability and efficiency of the heat supply process for the city of Ryazan, increase thermal and electrical power stations.

New fuel oil facility

In October 2008, a new fuel oil facility was put into operation. It's a complex complex modern equipment, which includes a fuel oil warehouse with three tanks for 30 thousand cubic meters. meters, fuel oil pumping station, fuel oil heating installations, pumping station foam fire extinguishing, a tank of captured fuel oil, condensate tanks, a tank of oil-contaminated drains, an oil trap, sand pads, control units and utility networks.

New fuel oil facility

New equipment performance fuel oil economy(fuel oil consumption when supplied to the boilers of thermal power plants) increased by 1.4 times compared to the old one. A modern automated fuel oil management system based on microprocessor technology was installed. The control of technological processes for receiving, storing and supplying fuel oil to the station’s boiler units is fully automated. Automation of accounting for fuel oil receipt and consumption is also provided.

Control panel for the new fuel oil facility

Fundamentally new is the use of a modern technical complex in the new fuel oil economy. automatic system fire extinguishing The fuel oil facility is equipped with equipment that provides protection environment from fuel oil spills and cleaning wastewater from fuel oil impurities. The commissioning of the fuel oil facility increased the reliability of the heat supply system and the level of energy security of the city of Ryazan.

Pumping installations of the new fuel oil facility

Battery tank No. 1

In July 2011, at the Novo-Ryazan CHPP, a new battery tank No. 1 was put into operation for backup storage of chemically purified water, which is used to urgently increase replenishment in the event of emergency situations (damage) on the highways and heating networks of the city of Ryazan.

The volume of the new tank is 2000 cubic meters. meters. Commissioning of the facility allowed us to minimize risks emergency shutdown hot water and heat for consumers in the city of Ryazan. The purpose of introducing a new battery tank is socially significant character— this is an increase in the reliability and energy security of the city’s heat supply system, uninterrupted provision of heat and hot water to consumers.

New battery tank No. 1 (2011)

Power transformer st. No. 5T

In November 2011, a new power transformer Art. No. 5T. Ryazan regional dispatch department 11/16/2011 at 11:22 a.m. registered the inclusion into the power system of a new CHP transformer type TDTsTN-80000/110-U1 station No. 5T. Thus, the implementation of the investment project for the installation of a new power transformer was successfully completed.

When carrying out the reconstruction of the electrical equipment of the unit, the most modern technical solutions and devices. A high-voltage cable line made of cross-linked polyethylene, SF6 and vacuum high-voltage circuit breakers were installed. The unit’s equipment is reliably protected by microprocessor-based relay protection and automation devices.

The introduction of a new transformer significantly increased the reliability of power supply for the station’s own needs, consumers of the city of Ryazan and large enterprises of the Southern Industrial Hub - CJSC Ryazan Oil Refining Company (TNK-BP), LLC Guardian Glass Ryazan and other industrial consumers. The 80 MVA transformer is the largest power grid facility commissioned in Ryazan region in 2011.

New station power transformer No. 5T

Installation of heating of network water

At the Novo-Ryazan CHPP, a working start-up was carried out in October 2012 new installation heating of network water for the city of Ryazan. The total investment for the implementation of this project amounted to more than 100 million rubles. Due to the commissioning of the new installation, the supply of thermal energy to the city of Ryazan increased by 150 gigacalories per hour, which is 25 percent of the total hourly volume of heat supply to social consumers of the regional center.

Leading specialists of the turbine shop in the most difficult conditions continuously operating equipment managed to find optimal scheme placement of a new installation, ensure operation contractors for its installation and commissioning. Specialists from the thermal automation and measurement workshop of thermal power plants in as soon as possible implemented an effective control circuit and protective interlock algorithm in order to increase the reliability and safety of equipment operation.

The construction and commissioning of a new installation for heating network water in the city of Ryazan can significantly increase the reliability of the heat supply scheme of the regional center not only through the commissioning of additional heating capacities, but also through the use of new technology. During the construction of the installation, modern imported pumping units and shut-off and control valves with extended service life were used. The installation is controlled on the basis of a modern automated process control system, which has the functions of automatically maintaining the city’s heat supply mode, and is based on microprocessor technology from the ABB company.

Boiler unit No. 6

In January 2014, the reconstruction of boiler unit No. 6 was completed. Increased reliability and economic efficiency ensured through a complete renovation of the boiler's gas system, including the installation of 6 new double-flow gas-oil burners instead of 18 outdated ones. Debugging and optimizing the operating modes of the boiler unit gave not only an economic, but also an environmental effect. Specific emissions of nitrogen oxides from the boiler into the atmosphere were reduced by 10%. The boiler unit meets the highest requirements for industrial safety and environmental standards.

During the reconstruction process, an automated complex for controlling the gas facilities of the boiler unit was put into operation, a network of new gas-air pipelines was installed, and a significant part of the boiler was modernized energy equipment— heat exchangers, combustion screens.

Turbine No. 4

As part of the investment program, at the beginning of December 2017, at the Novo-Ryazan CHPP, a new heating turbine No. 4 of type R-30-1.5/0.12 and a modernized turbogenerator TG-4 were put into permanent industrial operation. The turbine unit successfully passed all tests and was connected to the power system of the Ryazan region and the heat supply system of the regional center.

The investment project with a total estimated cost of more than 1 billion rubles provided for the replacement of an exhausted turbine of the R-25-90 type with a new, more efficient heating turbine of the R-30-1.5/0.12 type, manufactured at the Kaluga Turbine Plant. The launch of the new unit ensured an increase in the thermal capacity of the thermal power plant by 188.26 Gcal/h with the possibility of year-round operation of the equipment in the mode of combined generation of thermal and electrical energy. A gradual increase in the thermal power of the station and the connected load through the installation of new generating equipment is provided for by the “Heat supply scheme for the urban district of the city of Ryazan for the period until 2030” approved by the Ministry of Energy of Russia. The introduction of a new turbine unit will make it possible to additionally connect to the system district heating more than 75 hundred-apartment apartments residential buildings in Ryazan.

During the reconstruction of the turbine unit, 95 percent of Russian equipment and components were used, which indicates successful import substitution in the implementation of the investment project.

The general contractor of the project is Teploenergooborudovanie JSC, Chelyabinsk, in 2016-2017. A complex of works was carried out to dismantle the outdated turbine, lay the foundation and install new turbine equipment. At the same time, the existing TG-4 turbogenerator of the TVS-30 type was modernized and interfaced with a new turbine. Installation of steam and water pipelines was carried out, pumping equipment, implementation of an automated control system for technological processes of a turbine unit, commissioning of a 0.4 kV switchgear and a TG-4 network water heating installation for heat supply to the city.

The launch of the new turbine will improve the quality of services, reliability and efficiency of heat and electricity generation for consumers in Ryazan.

Thermal power engineering cannot survive in modern conditions without water treatment. Lack of water purification and softening can lead to equipment breakdown, poor-quality steam or water, and as a result, paralysis of the entire system. Constant descaling cannot insure you against such troubles as increased fuel consumption, the formation and development of corrosion. Only water treatment at thermal power plants can solve the whole complex of problems in one fell swoop.

To better understand the problems of using this or that in thermal power plants, let's start by considering the basic concepts. What is a combined heat and power plant, and how can increased water hardness interfere with the normal operation of the system?

So, a thermal power plant or combined heat and power plant is one of the types of thermal power plants. Its task is not only to generate electricity. It is also a source of thermal energy for the heating system. These plants supply hot water and steam to provide heat to homes and businesses.

Now a few words about how a thermal power plant works. It works like a condensing power plant. The fundamental difference between water treatment at a thermal power plant is that it is possible to select some of the heat generated by a thermal power plant for other needs. The methods for collecting thermal energy depend on the type of steam turbine installed at the enterprise. Also, at a thermal power plant you can regulate the amount of steam that you need to take away.

Everything that is separated is then concentrated in a network heater or heaters. They already transfer energy to water, which goes further through the system to transfer its energy in peak water boilers and heating points. If such steam extraction is not carried out at a thermal power plant, then such a thermal power plant has the right to qualify as a CPP.

Any water treatment at a thermal power plant operates according to one of two load schedules. One of them is thermal, the other is electrical. If the load is thermal, then the electrical load is completely subordinated to it. The thermal load has parity over the electrical load.

If the load is electrical, then it does not depend on the thermal load; perhaps there is no thermal load in the system at all.

There is also the option of combining water treatment at thermal power plants for electrical and thermal loads. This helps the residual heat to be used for heating. As a result, the coefficient useful action at thermal power plants is significantly higher than at CPPs. 80 versus 30 percent. And one more thing - when building a thermal power plant, you need to remember that it will not be possible to transfer heat over long distances. Therefore, the thermal power plant must be located within the city it supplies.

It has a main drawback - it is an insoluble precipitate that forms as a result of heating such water. It's not that easy to remove. At a thermal power plant, you will have to stop the entire system and sometimes disassemble it in order to thoroughly clean the scale from all corners and narrow openings.

As we already know, the main disadvantage of scale is its poor thermal conductivity. Because of this feature, the main costs and problems arise. Even a light deposit of scale on the surfaces of heating surfaces or heating elements causes a sharp increase in fuel consumption.

It will not be possible to remove scale all the time; this can be done at least once a month. At the same time, fuel consumption will constantly increase, and the operation of the thermal power plant leaves much to be desired; all heating equipment is slowly but surely becoming covered with scale. To clean it later, you will have to stop the entire system. Suffer losses from downtime, but clean the scale.

The equipment itself will notify you that it is time for cleaning. The overheating protection systems will suddenly start to operate. If scale is not removed after this, it completely blocks the operation of heat exchangers and boilers, explosions and fistula formation are possible. In just a few minutes you can lose an expensive industrial equipment. And it is impossible to restore it. Just buy new.

And then, any descaling always involves damaged surfaces. You can use water treatment at a thermal power plant, but it will not remove the scale for you, then you will still have to clean it off using mechanical equipment. Having such crumpled surfaces, we risk a sharp development of not only scale formation, but also corrosion. For thermal power plant equipment, this is a big minus. That's why we thought about creating water treatment plants at thermal power plants.

Water treatment at mini thermal power plants

Generally speaking, this composition will depend, first of all, on the chemical analysis of the water. It will show the volume of water that needs to be purified every day. It will show the impurities that need to be eliminated first. It is impossible to do without such an analysis when preparing water treatment for mini-CHP. It will even show the degree of water hardness. Who knows, suddenly the water is not as hard as you think, and the problem is in silicon or ferrous deposits, and not at all in hardness salts.

Mostly for thermal power plant equipment big problem make up the impurities that are in the make-up water. These are the same calcium and magnesium salts, as well as iron compounds. This means that it will be at least difficult to do without the iron remover and electromagnetic water softener AquaShield.

CHP, as is known, provides warm water and heating a house in the city. Therefore, water treatment at mini thermal power plants will always include not only standard ones. There is no way to do without auxiliary water filters. Approximately, the entire water treatment scheme can be represented in the form of such stages and the filters contained in them.

For thermal power plants, they use water from primary sources, which is very polluted, so the first stage of water treatment at a mini thermal power plant will be clarification. Here, in most cases, mechanical filters and settling tanks are used. I think the latter are understandable to everyone; the water is settled there so that solid impurities settle.

Mechanical filters include several grids made of stainless steel. They trap all solid impurities in the water. At first, these are large impurities, then medium-sized and finally very small, the size of a grain of sand. Mechanical filters can be used with coagulants and flocculants to purify water from harmful bacteriological impurities.

Restore mechanical filters using regular backwashing with plain water.

Next stage water treatment at mini thermal power plants- elimination of harmful bacteria and viruses or disinfection. To do this, they can use either cheap but harmful bleach or expensive but harmless chlorine when completely evaporated. ozone.

Another option for water disinfection is the use of an ultraviolet filter. Here the basis is an ultraviolet lamp, which irradiates all the water passing through a special cuvette. Passing through such a filter, the water is irradiated, and all bacteria and viruses die in it.

After disinfection, the stage begins. Here the most different filters for water. These can be ion exchange units, an electromagnetic water softener Aquashield or its magnetic variation. We'll talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each installation a little later.

In addition to standard filters, you can also use reagent sedimentation. But the addition of various impurities can then result in the formation of insoluble deposits, which are very difficult to remove.

After the softening stage, it is time to desalt the water. For this, anion filters are used, it is possible to use a decarbonizer, an electrodiadizer, and standard reverse osmosis or nanofiltration.

After fine purification of water, you need to mandatory remove residual dissolved gases from the water. To do this, water is deaerated. Here thermal, vacuum, atmospheric deaerators. That is, we have done everything that is needed for make-up water. Now all that remains are general steps to prepare the system itself.

Then the stage of boiler purging comes into force; for this purpose, washing water filters are used, and the last stage of water treatment at a mini-CHP is steam washing. To do this, use a whole range of chemical reagents for desalting.

In Europe, the use of high-quality water treatment at mini-CHPs helps to obtain a loss efficiency of only a quarter of a percent per day. It is precisely the combination of traditional methods of water softening and purification with the latest technologies that helps to achieve such high performance results of the water treatment system at mini thermal power plants. And at the same time, the system itself can serve uninterruptedly for up to 30-50 years, without radical replacement of stages.

And now let's return to the water treatment system for thermal power plants and to the water treatment plant for thermal power plants. The entire range of filters is used here; the main thing is to choose the right device correctly. Most often, the system requires the use of not one, but several filters connected in series so that the water goes through both the softening stage and the desalting stage.

The most commonly used is the ion exchange unit. In industry, such a filter looks like a tall cylinder-shaped tank. It is necessarily equipped with a smaller tank, this is a filter regeneration tank. Since the thermal power plant works with water around the clock, the ion exchange installation will be multi-stage and will include not one, but sometimes three or four filters. There is one control unit or controller for this entire system. Each filter is equipped with its own regeneration tank.

The controller carefully monitors how much water has passed through the installation. How much a particular filter has been cleaned, it clearly records the cleaning time, the speed of cleaning, and after a certain period of cleaning or a certain volume, it sends a signal to the installation. Hard water is redistributed to other filters, and the contaminated cartridge is sent for restoration. To do this, it is removed from the installation and transferred to a tank for regeneration.

The process itself water treatment systems for thermal power plants goes according to the following scheme. The heart of such an ion exchange cartridge is a resin enriched with weak sodium. When hard water comes into contact with it, metamorphosis occurs. Strong hardness salts replace weak sodium. Gradually, the entire cartridge becomes clogged with hardness salts. This is the time for recovery.

When the cartridge is transferred to the regeneration tank, highly purified salt tablets are already there in dissolved form. The resulting brine solution is very saturated. The salt content is at least 8-10 percent. But only like this a large number salts, strong hardness salts can be removed from the cartridge. As a result of washing, highly salted waste is formed, and the cartridge is again filled with sodium. He is sent to work, but a problem arises with waste. To recycle them, they must be re-cleaned, that is, the salinity level must be reduced and a disposal permit must be obtained.

This is a big disadvantage of the installation, and the cost of salts is considerable, which also results in expensive maintenance for the installation. But this softener has the highest water purification speed.

The next popular option for a water treatment system for thermal power plants is the electromagnetic water softener AquaShchit. Here the main work is performed by an electrical processor, a board and powerful permanent magnets. All this together creates a powerful electromagnetic field. These waves enter the water through wiring wound on both sides of the device. Moreover, you need to remember that you need to wind the wires in different directions from each other. Each wire must be wrapped around the pipe at least seven times. When operating this device, you must ensure that water does not get on the wiring.

The ends of the wires themselves must be covered with insulating rings or regular electrical tape. So, water passes through a pipe and is irradiated by electromagnetic waves. Many people think that the influence of this is mythical. However, under its influence, hardness salts begin to transform, lose their former shape and turn into thin and sharp needles.

Having received a new shape, it becomes inconvenient to stick to equipment surfaces. The thin narrow body of the needle does not stick to surfaces. But it does an excellent job of removing old scale from the walls of equipment. And he does it subtly and efficiently, without using any auxiliary means. This kind of work is the main trump card of the AquaShield electromagnetic water softener. It will do its job, that is, it will soften the water and remove old scale very efficiently. And for this you don’t have to buy descaling products. Everything will be provided by powerful permanent magnets made of rare earth metals and electric current.

U of this device large number advantages over other installations. You don't need to look after him, he does everything himself. It will completely remove the concept of descaling from your everyday life. It is able to work with any surface, the main thing is to mount it on a clean piece of pipe.

Then the electromagnetic device can operate without replacement for a quarter of a century. Such long-term use is guaranteed by rare earth metals, which do not lose almost their magnetic properties over time. There is not even any adaptation of water to magnetic influence. True, such a device does not work with standing water. Also, if water flows in more than two directions at the same time, the magnetic field also does not work.

And finally, a few words about reverse osmosis as a water treatment system for thermal power plants. It is impossible to manage the production of make-up water without this installation. Only it guarantees almost one hundred percent water purification. There are replaceable membranes that allow you to obtain water with the specified characteristics. However, the device cannot be used independently. Only in combination with other softeners, which makes installation more expensive. But one hundred percent compensates for all the disadvantages of high cost.

We examined in detail all water treatment systems for thermal power plants. We became familiar with all possible softeners that can be used in this system. Now you can easily navigate the world of softening.

Chairman Head of the organization

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on labor protection for

service personnel

boiler installation.

    General safety requirements.

    Safety requirements before starting work.

      Workers who are at least 18 years old and have passed a medical examination and safety training are allowed to work as a driver of thermal boiler installations.

      Before being assigned to independent work, the driver must complete training and pass a knowledge test by the commission on electrical safety rules with assignment to the second qualification group.

      The driver is allowed to independent work written order of the head of the site.

1.4. The driver undergoes a periodic knowledge test at the enterprise commission once every 12 months.

An extraordinary knowledge test is carried out:

    when new instructions are introduced;

    after an accident in boiler installations;

    when establishing facts of unsatisfactory knowledge of the instructions and safety rules by the driver.

1.5. Rights and responsibilities.

During the period of his duty, the operator has the right to demand from the site management:

    providing the boiler room with instrumentation, tools, fixtures, inventory, operational logs and other means necessary for normal and safe operation;

    demand from the site management the timely elimination of equipment defects that arise during work;

    carry out and stop equipment (boilers, pumps) depending on the situation, to ensure normal supply of hot water to consumers;

    notify the management of the enterprise about all violations normal operation installations at any time of the day;

    requirement from the management of special provision. Clothes and protective equipment according to existing standards.

      During his duty, the boiler room operator is obliged to:

    uninterruptedly provide consumers with hot water at a temperature of 50-55 o C with minimal consumption of superheated water;

    by systematically inspecting equipment and analyzing water parameters for the consumer, ensure its trouble-free operation;

    if defects are detected in the operation of the equipment, without allowing it to fail, turn on the backup equipment and stop the equipment that has defects; if there is no reserve of defects, stop the equipment and organize its repair through the site manager;

    monitor the temperature of the water coming from the boilers;

    keep an operational (shift) log, in which, indicating the time, record the execution of operations on starting and stopping equipment, switching in circuits, the nature of emergency situations, the main parameters of the operation of the boiler room during the barley period; the content of oral orders of the enterprise management must also be recorded in the operational log .

1.7. Reception and delivery of shifts:

    the operator is obliged to report for his shift in advance and must, by inspection, familiarize himself with the condition of the equipment both according to K.I.P. and according to entries in the operational log with the operating mode of the boiler room;

    the operator is obliged to check the presence and serviceability of control equipment, tools, equipment, diagrams, instructions, fire extinguishing equipment;

    the operator must receive information from the person handing over the shift about the operation of the installations and instructions from higher management;

    The operator handing over the shift is obliged to prepare the boiler room for operation without violations of the regime before handing over the shift. safety rules, ensure cleanliness and order in the workplace;

    Receiving and handing over shifts on time emergency mode not allowed;

    for all violations and omissions not identified when accepting a shift, the driver who negligently accepted the shift is responsible;

    The acceptance and delivery of a shift is documented by both operators signing in the shift log.

3. Responsibilities during work.

      The workplace of the boiler installation operator is the entire room in which the equipment and communications necessary for obtaining hot water are located, as well as the surrounding area, if tanks - accumulators and shut-off and control valves are located on it.

      Regulation of the temperature of hot water for the consumer in a boiler room that does not have automatic regulators is done manually by the operator by changing the degree of opening of the valves at the water inlet to the boiler.

      When the temperature of hot water rises above 60 o C, close the valves; when it drops below 50 o C, open it.

      When the hot water pressure on the consumer decreases to, start the charging pump.

      At low consumption of hot water by consumers, it is provided using only the pressure in the water supply, avoiding unnecessary consumption of electricity for replenishment.

      When the hot water supply is completely stopped (at night), the valves at the superheated water inlet in the boiler are completely closed. IN summer time To ensure the circulation of superheated water in the system, the valves before and after the boilers must be left open.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations.

      If a superheated water pipeline ruptures within the boiler room, fistulas appear, a violation of the tightness of connections accompanying a strong leak of hot water, the operator must immediately turn off the damaged section of the heating network and notify management, and the operator must, if possible, take measures to prevent water from getting on the electrical equipment.

      If smoke or fire appears from the electric motor, immediately turn off the electric motor and begin extinguishing the fire using carbon dioxide fire extinguisher or sand.

After removing the voltage from the electric motor by an electrician, it is allowed to extinguish the fire with water.

      In the event of a fire in the boiler room, take measures to eliminate it using primary fire extinguishing means, call the fire department, and notify management.

      In case of burns, it is necessary to free the affected area from clothing and shoes. Bandage the burned surface with a sterile bandage and go to a medical facility. Notify the technician.

      In case of severe mechanical injuries, place the victim in a safe place, give him a comfortable and calm position and call an ambulance medical care(notify the work manager).

      In case of electric shock, first of all, release the victim from action. electric current(disconnect the equipment from the network, separate the victim from live parts with insulating devices (boards, dry clothes, rubber gloves, rubber mats). If the victim has lost consciousness, but is breathing, he must be placed in a comfortable position, unfasten the collar, give fresh air. If there is no breathing and a pulse cannot be felt, the victim should immediately begin artificial respiration, preferably using the mouth-to-mouth method until the doctor arrives.


For violation of this instruction, the boiler room operator bears disciplinary and financial liability in accordance with the internal regulations of the enterprise, if his actions and the consequences of the violation entail more stringent liability, including criminal liability.


amounted to ______________

Software Engineer

Occupational safety ______________

Organization name




Water treatment is the most important issue in thermal power engineering. Water is the basis for the operation of such enterprises, so its quality and content are carefully controlled. CHP are very important for the life of the city and its inhabitants; without them it is impossible to exist during the cold season. The operation of thermal power plants depends on the quality of water. Thermal power engineering today is impossible without water treatment. Due to the paralysis of the system, equipment breakdown occurs, and as a result, poorly cleaned, poor quality water, steam. This may occur due to poor water purification and softening. Even if you constantly remove scale, this will not protect you from excessive consumption of fuel materials, the formation and spread of corrosion. The only and most effective solution to all subsequent problems is careful preparation of water for use. When designing a treatment system, the source of water must be taken into account.

There are two types of load: thermal and electrical. If there is a thermal load, the electrical load is subordinated to the first. With an electrical load, the situation is the opposite; it is not dependent on the second one and can work without its presence. There are situations in which both types of load are combined. During water treatment, this process completely uses all the heat. The conclusion can be drawn that the efficiency at CHP plants is significantly higher than at CPPs. As a percentage: 80 to 30. Another important point: it is almost impossible to transfer heat over long distances. That is why the thermal power plant must be built near or on the territory of the city that will use it.

Disadvantages of water treatment at thermal power plants

A negative aspect of the water treatment process is the formation of insoluble sediment that forms when water is heated. It is very difficult to remove. While getting rid of plaque, the entire process stops, the system is disassembled, and only after that can it be properly cleaned hard to reach places. What harm does scale cause? It interferes with thermal conductivity and, accordingly, costs increase. Be aware that even with a small amount of flying time, fuel consumption will increase.

It is impossible to remove scale continuously, but it must be done every month. If this is not done, the scale layer will constantly increase. Accordingly, cleaning equipment will require much more time, effort and material costs. In order not to stop the entire process and not incur losses, it is necessary to regularly monitor the cleanliness of the system.

Signs of need for cleaning:

  • sensors will operate to protect the system from overheating;
  • heat exchangers and boilers are blocked;
  • explosive situations and fistulas arise.

All this - negative consequences scale not removed in time, which will lead to breakdowns and losses. In a short time, you can lose equipment that costs a lot of money. Descaling results in deterioration of surface quality. Water treatment does not remove scale, this can only be done by you using special equipment. With damaged and deformed surfaces, scale forms faster in the future, and a corrosive coating also appears.

Water treatment at mini thermal power plants

Preparation drinking water includes a lot of processes. Before starting water treatment, a thorough analysis should be carried out chemical composition. What is he like? Chemical analysis shows the amount of liquid that needs to be cleaned daily. Indicates those impurities that must be eliminated first. Water treatment at mini thermal power plants cannot be carried out in in full without such a procedure. Water hardness is an important indicator that must be determined. Many water condition problems are associated with its hardness and the presence of deposits of iron, salts, and silicon.

A big problem that every thermal power plant faces is the presence of impurities in the water. These include potassium and magnesium salts, iron.

The main task of the thermal power plant is to provide residential facilities settlement heated water and heating. Water preparation at such enterprises involves the use of softeners and additional filter systems. Each stage of purification involves passing water through filters; without them, the process is impossible.

Water treatment stages:

  1. The first stage is clarification. First of all, the water is clarified, since it enters the mini-CHP system very dirty. At this stage, settling tanks and mechanical filters are used. The principle of operation of settling tanks is that solid impurities fall downwards. The filters consist of stainless steel grids and have different sizes. Large impurities are caught first, followed by medium-sized gratings. The smallest impurities are caught last. Also important is the use of coagulants and flocculants, with the help of which they are destroyed. various kinds bacteria. Thanks to flushing clean water such filters can be ready for next use.
  2. The second stage is disinfection and disinfection of water. At this stage, an ultraviolet lamp is used to ensure complete irradiation of the entire volume of water. Thanks to ultraviolet light, all pathogenic microorganisms die. The second stage also includes disinfection, during which bleach or harmless ozone is used.
  3. The third stage is water softening. It is characterized by the use of ion exchange systems and electromagnetic softeners at home. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Reagent settling is popular, the disadvantage of which is the formation of deposits. These insoluble impurities are very difficult to remove later.
  4. The fourth stage is water desalination. At this stage, anion filters are used: decarbonizers, electrodiadizers, reverse osmosis and nanofiltration. The desalting process is possible by any of the above standard methods.
  5. The fifth stage is deaeration. This is a mandatory step that follows fine cleaning. Systems for purification of gas impurities are of the vacuum type, as well as atmospheric and thermal. As a result of the action of deaerators, dissolved gases are eliminated.

Perhaps these are all the most important and necessary processes that are carried out for make-up water. Followed by general processes to prepare the system and its individual components. After all of the above, the boiler is purged, during which wash filters are used. At the end of the water treatment of the mini-CHP, it includes steam flushing. During this process, chemical reagents are used to desalinize the water. They are quite diverse.

In Europe, water treatment at mini-CHPs has found very wide application. Thanks to the high-quality implementation of this process, the efficiency increases. For the best effect, it is necessary to combine traditional, proven cleaning methods and new, modern ones. Only then can high results and high-quality water treatment of the system be achieved. With proper use and constant improvement, the mini-CHP system will serve for a long time and efficiently, and most importantly, without interruptions or breakdowns. Without changing elements, and without repairs, the service life is from thirty to fifty years.

Water treatment systems for thermal power plants

Some more important information, which I would like to convey to the reader about the water treatment system at thermal power plants and their water treatment plants. This process uses different types filters, it is important to choose it responsibly and use the right one. Often several different filters are used, which are connected in series. This is done so that the stages of softening the water and removing salts from it go well and efficiently. The use of an ion exchange unit is most often carried out when purifying water with high hardness. Visually, it looks like a tall cylindrical tank and is often used in industry. This filter includes another, but smaller one, called a regeneration tank. Since the operation of a thermal power plant is continuous, the installation with an ion exchange mechanism is multi-stage and includes up to four different filters. The system is equipped with a controller and one control unit. Any filter used is equipped with a personal regeneration tank.

The controller's task is to monitor the amount of water passing through the system. It also monitors the volume of water purified by each filter, registers the cleaning period, the amount of work and its speed per certain time. The controller transmits the signal further through the installation. Water with high hardness goes to other filters, and the used cartridge is restored for subsequent use. The latter is removed and transferred to the regeneration tank.

Scheme of water treatment at the thermal power plant

The basis of the ion exchange cartridge is resin. It is enriched with mild sodium. When water comes into contact with sodium-enriched resin, transformations and transformations occur. Sodium is replaced by strong hard salts. Over time, the cartridge fills with salts, and this is how the restoration process occurs. It is transferred to a recovery tank where the salts are located. The solution containing salt is very saturated (≈ 10%). It is thanks to this high salt content that hardness is eliminated from the removable element. After the rinsing process, the cartridge is again filled with sodium and is ready for use. Waste with a high salt content is re-purified and only then can it be disposed of. This is one of the disadvantages of such installations, since it requires significant material costs. The advantage is that the speed of water purification is higher than that of other similar installations.

Water softening requires special attention. If you do not prepare water efficiently and save money, you can lose much more and get costs that are not commensurate with the savings on water treatment.

The question of pre-training at the thermal power plant has arisen!? Don't know where to turn?

One of the most important issues in the energy sector there was and remains water treatment at thermal power plants. For energy enterprises, water is the main source of their work and therefore very high demands are placed on its maintenance. Since Russia is a country with a cold climate and constant severe frosts, the work of thermal power plants is what people’s lives depend on. The quality of water supplied to the heating plant greatly affects its operation. Hard water results in a very serious problem for steam and gas boiler houses, as well as steam turbines of thermal power plants, which provide the city with heat and hot water. In order to clearly understand how and what exactly hard water negatively affects, it would not hurt to first understand what a thermal power plant is? And what do they “eat” it with? So, a combined heat and power plant (CHP) is a type of thermal station that not only provides heat to the city, but also supplies hot water to our homes and businesses. Such a power plant is designed like a condensing power plant, but differs from it in that it can take away part of the thermal steam after it has given up its energy.

Steam turbines are different. Depending on the type of turbine, steam with different indicators is selected. Turbines at the power plant allow you to regulate the amount of steam extracted. The steam that has been selected is condensed in a network heater or heaters. All energy from it is transferred to network water. The water, in turn, goes to peak water heating plants, both boiler houses and heating points. If the steam extraction paths at a thermal power plant are blocked, it becomes a regular CPP. Thus, the combined heat and power plant can operate according to two different load schedules:

  • · thermal graph - directly proportional dependence of electrical load on thermal load;
  • · electrical graph - there is either no thermal load at all, or the electrical load does not depend on it. The advantage of CHP is that it combines both thermal energy, and electric. Unlike IES, the remaining heat is not lost, but is used for heating. As a result, the efficiency of the power plant increases. For water treatment at thermal power plants it is 80 percent versus 30 percent for CES. True, this does not speak about the efficiency of the combined heat and power plant. Here other indicators are at stake - specific electricity generation and cycle efficiency. The peculiarities of the location of the thermal power plant include the fact that it should be built within the city. The fact is that heat transfer over distances is impractical and impossible. Therefore, water treatment at thermal power plants is always built near consumers of electricity and heat. What does water treatment equipment for thermal power plants consist of? These are turbines and boilers. Boilers produce steam for turbines, and turbines use steam energy to produce electrical energy. The turbogenerator includes a steam turbine and synchronous generator. Steam in turbines is obtained through the use of fuel oil and gas. These substances heat the water in the boiler. Steam under pressure rotates the turbine and the output is electricity. The waste steam enters homes in the form of hot water for domestic needs. Therefore, waste steam must have certain properties. Hard water with many impurities will not allow you to get high-quality steam, which, moreover, can then be supplied to people for use at home. If the steam is not sent to supply hot water, then it is immediately cooled in cooling towers at the thermal power plant. If you've ever seen huge pipes at thermal stations and how smoke pours out of them, then these are cooling towers, and the smoke is not smoke at all, but steam that rises from them when condensation and cooling occurs. How does water treatment work using fuel cells? Most of all, the turbine and, of course, boilers that convert water into steam are susceptible to the influence of hard water. The main task of any thermal power plant is to produce clean water in the boiler. Why is hard water so bad? What are its consequences and why do they cost us so much? Hard water differs from ordinary water in its high content of calcium and magnesium salts. It is these salts that, under the influence of temperature, settle on the heating element and walls household appliances. The same applies to steam boilers. Scale forms at the heating point and boiling point along the edges of the boiler itself. Removing scale from the heat exchanger in this case is difficult, because scale builds up on huge equipment, inside pipes, all kinds of sensors, and automation systems. Flushing a boiler from scale using such equipment is a whole multi-stage system, which can even be carried out during disassembly of the equipment. But this is the case high density scale and its large deposits. Common remedy Of course, it won’t help against scale in such conditions. If we talk about the consequences of hard water for everyday life, it also affects human health and increases the cost of using household appliances. In addition, hard water has very poor contact with detergents. You will use 60 percent more powder and soap. Costs will grow by leaps and bounds. That's why water softening was invented to neutralize hard water; you install one water softener in your apartment and forget that there is a descaling agent, a descaling agent.

Scale also has poor thermal conductivity. This is her flaw main reason expensive breakdowns household appliances. The scale-covered thermal element simply burns out, trying to transfer heat to the water. Plus due to poor solubility detergents, the washing machine must also be turned on for rinsing. These are the costs of water and electricity. In any case, water softening is the surest and most cost-effective option for preventing scale formation. Now imagine what water treatment at a thermal power plant is like on an industrial scale? They use gallons of descaling agent there. The boiler is cleaned from scale periodically. There are regular and repair ones. To make descaling more painless, water treatment is needed. It will help prevent scale formation and protect both pipes and equipment. With it, hard water will not have its destructive effect on such an alarming scale. If we talk about industry and energy, hard water most of all brings trouble to thermal power plants and boiler houses. That is, in those areas where water treatment and heating of water and the movement of this water directly take place warm water through water supply pipes. Water softening is necessary here, like air. But since water treatment at a thermal power plant involves working with huge volumes of water, water treatment must be carefully calculated and thought out, taking into account all sorts of nuances. From analyzing the chemical composition of water and the location of a particular water softener. In a thermal power plant, water treatment is not only a water softener, it is also equipment maintenance afterward. After all, descaling in this production process will still have to be done at certain intervals. More than one descaling agent is used here. It can be formic acid, citric acid, or sulfuric acid. In various concentrations, always in the form of a solution. And one or another solution of acids is used depending on which of them components made the boiler, pipes, controller and sensors. So, what energy facilities require water treatment? These are boiler stations, boilers, this is also part of thermal power plants, water heating installations, pipelines. The weakest points, including thermal power plants, remain pipelines. The scale that accumulates here can lead to depletion of pipes and their rupture. When scale is not removed in time, it simply prevents water from flowing normally through the pipes and overheats them. Along with scale, the second problem with equipment in thermal power plants is corrosion. It also cannot be left to chance. What can a thick layer of scale cause in the pipes that supply water to a thermal power plant? This difficult question, but we will answer it now knowing what water treatment at a thermal power plant is. Since scale is an excellent heat insulator, heat consumption increases sharply, and heat transfer, on the contrary, decreases. The efficiency of boiler equipment drops significantly, all of which can result in rupture of pipes and explosion of the boiler.

Water treatment at thermal power plants is something you cannot save on. If at home, you still think about whether to buy a water softener or choose a descaling agent, then for thermal equipment Such bargaining is unacceptable. At thermal power plants, every penny is counted, so descaling in the absence of a softening system will cost much more. And the safety of devices, their durability and reliable operation also play a role. Equipment, pipes, and boilers that have been descaled work 20-40 percent more efficiently than equipment that has not been cleaned or operates without a softening system. The main feature of water treatment at thermal power plants is that it requires deeply demineralized water. To do this, you need to use precise automated equipment. In such production, reverse osmosis and nanofiltration, as well as electrodeionization units are most often used. What stages does water treatment include in the energy sector, including at thermal power plants? The first stage includes mechanical cleaning from all kinds of impurities. At this stage, all suspended impurities are removed from the water, including sand and microscopic particles of rust, etc. This is the so-called rough cleaning. After it, the water comes out clean for human eyes. Only dissolved hardness salts, ferrous compounds, bacteria and viruses and liquid gases remain in it.

When developing a water treatment system, you need to take into account such a nuance as the source of water supply. This tap water from centralized water supply systems or is it water from a primary source? The difference in water treatment is that water from water supply systems has already undergone primary purification. Only hardness salts need to be removed from it, and iron removed if necessary. Water from primary sources is absolutely untreated water. That is, we are dealing with a whole bouquet. Here it is necessary to carry out a chemical analysis of the water in order to understand what impurities we are dealing with and what filters to install to soften the water and in what sequence. After rough cleaning The next stage in the system is called ion exchange desalting. An ion exchange filter is installed here. It works on the basis of ion exchange processes. Main element - ion exchange resin, which includes sodium. It forms weak compounds with the resin. As soon as hard water at a thermal power plant enters such a softener, the hardness salts instantly knock sodium out of the structure and firmly take its place. This filter is very easy to restore. The resin cartridge is moved to the regeneration tank, which contains a saturated brine solution. Sodium takes its place again, and hardness salts are washed into the drainage. The next stage is obtaining water with the specified characteristics. Here they use a water treatment plant at a thermal power plant. Its main advantage is getting 100 percent clean water, with specified alkalinity, acidity, and mineralization levels. If an enterprise needs process water, then a reverse osmosis installation was created precisely for such cases.

The main component of this installation is the semi-permeable membrane. The selectivity of the membrane varies; depending on its cross-section, water with different characteristics can be obtained. This membrane divides the tank into two parts. In one part there is a liquid with a high content of impurities, in the other part there is a liquid with a low content of impurities. Water is introduced into a highly concentrated solution and it slowly seeps through the membrane. Pressure is applied to the installation, under its influence the water stops. Then the pressure is sharply increased, and the water begins to flow back. The difference between these pressures is called osmatic pressure. The output is perfectly clean water, and all sediments remain in a less concentrated solution and are discharged into drainage.

Nanofiltration is essentially the same as reverse osmosis, only low-pressure. Therefore, the principle of operation is the same, only the water pressure is less. The next stage is the removal of gases dissolved in it from water. Since thermal power plants need clean steam without impurities, it is very important to remove dissolved oxygen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The elimination of liquid gas impurities in water is called decarbonation and deaeration. After this stage, the water is ready to be supplied to the boilers. The steam produced is exactly the concentration and temperature required.

As you can see, from all of the above, water treatment in a thermal power plant is one of the most important components production process. Without clean water, there will be no high-quality good steam, which means there will be no electricity in the required volume. Therefore, water treatment in thermal power plants must be closely handled and this service must be trusted exclusively to professionals. A properly designed water treatment system is a guarantee of long-term equipment service and high-quality energy supply services.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):