Think for yourself - what is the hardest thing to do without? Without a microwave or multicooker? Without a washing machine or vacuum cleaner? Without a coffee maker? After a sound assessment, we can assume that for the majority the answer will be the same: the most necessary thing Of all household appliances, small or large, the refrigerator will be called. Indeed, the most difficult thing to do without is a refrigerator. So, when entering new apartment, don’t spend money on sets of household appliances, but just buy this useful unit.

Please note that most often the developer rents out apartments already equipped with gas or electric stoves, and when buying housing on the secondary market, the former owners leave the slabs to the buyer. Otherwise, you will have to worry about buying an inexpensive stove.

Not the most economical option

If you have a certain amount of money that you can spend on arranging your home, you should buy the following equipment:


Microwave (it is much more convenient to heat ready-made food or drinks in it than on a regular stove),

Washing machine,

Hood (the kitchen needs fresh and clean air),

Vacuum cleaner (worth buying if you have already installed chairs, sofas, carpets or rugs).

Equipment does not have to be the most expensive and with the maximum number of functions. But already with this kit you save a large number of strength and time that can be devoted to further arrangement of life, work, and loved ones.

The most uneconomical option

Well, there is no limit to imagination here, but I would like to highlight some units that are undoubtedly needed by modern people:

Boiler (in case of shutdown hot water, because it’s so uncomfortable to wash with cold or heat in a saucepan),

Freezer (many housewives have already learned how convenient it is to freeze vegetables, fruits and berries, as well as ready-made dishes),

Dryer (with this device there are no wet clothes hanging all over the bathroom or pantry),

Air conditioning (it’s nice to customize your personal climate in the apartment no matter the weather outside),

Small household appliances, such as a blender, coffee maker, etc., because cooking with them is much faster,

Washing vacuum cleaner (be sure to buy it if you are installing carpet).

Is giving a washing machine banal and unromantic? Not at all, if it's 1874 and none of your wife's friends have such a device. At the end of the nineteenth century there was something of an inventive boom, and there were a lot of designs for washing machines. One of the patents was registered in the United States by a certain William Blackstone from Indiana - he was producing machines for processing corn and designed a washing machine as a gift to his wife. By the time his brainchild was created with wooden drum And manual drive(obviously, at the same time the car successfully replaced his wife’s Gym) several hundred patents for the invention of washing machines had already been filed in the States, but Blackstone managed to establish mass production of his invention. He moved to New York and opened a washing machine factory there, and until the invention of the electric washing machine in 1908, his model was in demand (although even after that - electric cars were expensive and did not soon go into mass production).

Washing machine with mechanical drive. The rollers at the top are used for spinning.

From spiritual food to the urgent needs of housewives

The desire to help his beloved wife inspired the famous Austrian designer Peter Mitterhofer, who lived and worked in the second half of the nineteenth century and is famous for inventing the typewriter, to create mechanical meat grinder: Before this, a special curved two-handed knife was used to prepare minced meat and chopped cutlets. Before Mitterhofer, however, a rather primitive design of a meat grinder was already known, but the product of the Austrian inventor was more thoughtful.

Memorial plaque to Peterk Mitterhoffer. The world knows him as the inventor of the typewriter, not a word about the meat grinder, but in vain!

A woman appreciated her first vacuum cleaner

And it even bears her name, or rather, the name of her husband, William H. Hoover: he bought the patent thanks to his wife Susan, who believed in the potential of the invention, conducted the first tests at home and, in general, inspired her husband to improve the vacuum cleaner and establish mass production. It was like this: a certain Murray Spangler, a doorman from Canton, a small town in Ohio, suffered from asthma and wanted to find a solution to this problem. The first home vacuum cleaner (before that there were large devices, powered by steam and gasoline) he assembled from available materials: a soap dish, a fan (engine and air blower), a silk pillowcase (he didn’t spare it for the dust bag) and a broom handle. Murray decided to get the opinion of his friend (according to other sources, a relative) Susan Hoover, who was married to a local businessman who produced and sold leather goods in Canton. She tested the prototype at home for several days and was convinced that it worked. Susan told her husband about this, and Mr. Hoover was so inspired that he bought Spangler's patent and began making vacuum cleaners right in his shop, improving the materials and process along the way. A year later, in 1908, the Hoover Company was founded.

The evolution of the Hoover vacuum cleaner over the first 10 years of production

Happy woman - happy name

How easy it is to say in joy the phrase: “Oh, this is the best kitchen helper!” In English, “kitchen assistant” is kitchen aid, and this is what the most famous ones in the world have been called for almost a hundred years now. planetary mixers and kitchen machines. The fact is that the first batch of mixers to leave the containers was given as a gift to the wives of the factory employees - it is clear that this was also for testing purposes. It was necessary to understand what women thought about the technical innovation of 1919. One of them was delighted with her husband’s gift and said exactly that very phrase. The question of the name was no longer raised; no one thought that the name of the now famous brand had been born.

Modern houses and apartments are simply stuffed with various household appliances, designed to make our daily existence more comfortable and performing routine duties more enjoyable. There are advertisements on TV screens urging us to buy some new super device that can make anyone happy and successful. In reality, half of our equipment has been in the trash for a long time. But my heart doesn’t allow me to throw away brand new equipment that I’ve only used a few times. And she has to gather dust for a long time in a forgotten corner of our apartment...

Of course, not all equipment will be superfluous: without washing machine, a woman’s life would turn into a real nightmare, and if you didn’t have a split system for your home, you would languish in the heat in a stuffy apartment in a crowded city.

This article will, of course, not talk about all the appliances that can be found in the house, but only about kitchen appliances. And it will be divided into two parts, which will tell you which kitchen appliances can still be useful, and which ones should go into other hands or go straight to the landfill.

Top 7 essential kitchen appliances:

Nice kitchen equipped with the best necessary elements household appliances are the dream of almost every good housewife, which will allow you to create culinary masterpieces fast and easy.

And everything would be fine, but in order to provide all this to our craftswomen, we will have to spend a considerable amount of money. And even if the budget allows you to purchase everything you need, in the process of selecting components the main thing is not to get excited and not buy, at first glance, vital necessary equipment, the boxes of which will not open even a second time.

In order to protect you from such actions and help you rationally distribute funds, we present this list of the seven most necessary household appliances which should be located in the kitchen.

7th place: Mixer

Mixer is perhaps the most common and more common type kitchen appliances. And it’s true, it’s rare that a housewife can do without preparing holiday pies, cakes and other sweets, the cream for which is so easily whipped in this machine.

And we're not just talking about sweets. With a mixer you can beat almost anything that comes to mind. Whether it's sauces, smooth purees or egg omelettes. And in terms of care, washing it is a pleasure. Just 2 whisks and a bowl, what could be simpler?

Whether it is manual or stationary, ease of use and functionality do not change. It’s just that you’ll have to tinker a couple of minutes longer with the installation and packaging of the second option.

6th place: Blender

Another kitchen electrical appliance, the main function of which is to beat various mixtures, is a blender. In many cases, he appears in the house almost simultaneously with the appearance of a child in a young family.

A blender is a very useful device for mothers, allowing them to grind and beat various ingredients, which will later become food for the baby, who is too early to give solid food. It will also come to the rescue of those who have decided to take care of their figure, or simply like to drink a smoothie or some kind of tonic cocktail. And by adding a little parental ingenuity to this device, you can make a great milkshake for the whole family, and then just rinse the tank and voila!

5th place: Electric meat grinder

The next very useful attribute of kitchen appliances can be an electric meat grinder. Not every housewife, or even none, gets much pleasure from the half-hour ritual of twisting the handle of the good old “acoustic” meat grinder. These attempts to twist the meat, splashes in all directions and unprecedented tension will seem bad dream, after the electric meat grinder comes into play.

In terms of washing and maintenance, it has not become much easier, but at the same time, if you pay attention to the right package when choosing, you can get several devices in one. But in the hot summer, who would refuse refreshing lemonade prepared, oddly enough, with a meat grinder.

4th place: Steamer

If you, after watching all kinds of shows and television programs, are delighted appearance stars of cinema and show business, you decide that the moment has come when it’s time for you to switch to healthy eating, then you will certainly start choosing a steamer for yourself.

Another reason for purchasing this, by the way very useful, thing could be your attending physician who prescribed a diet that involves eating steamed foods.

In any case, although this attribute of kitchen appliances cannot be called irreplaceable, this does not make it useless. Many people are at first afraid that they will have to eat tasteless dishes that will be cooked in it, but then sometimes they fall so in love with this new discovery that it all starts with searching interesting recipes new dishes and even goes as far as culinary improvisation.

3rd place: Dishwasher

There is no more unloved and disgusting activity for a woman than washing dishes. And who would like to spend a lot of time and money on giving themselves a chic manicure, and after a few hours, clean dirty dishes with these nails? That's right, no one. All this can be avoided in time if you purchase dishwasher, which will not only save your hands, but also save enough time and effort, allowing you to do something much more interesting and useful.

2nd place: Kitchen stove

No less important for every self-respecting housewife will be the presence of an excellent kitchen stove, since not everything can be cooked in a steam or multicooker, and the food consumed should be not only healthy, but also tasty.

Despite the possible presence of all available auxiliary household appliances, even all of them together will not be able to fully replace such a seemingly simple oven in terms of its functionality.

1st place: Refrigerator

Naturally one of the most irreplaceable attributes Kitchen appliance is a refrigerator, otherwise where else can you store food?

However, it’s not that important, but it’s always nice to have high-quality equipment, which in this case will not amount to special labor. It is enough to spend some free time and choose the one that suits you in size, capacity and functions.

Top 5 Useless Kitchen Appliances:

After we have figured out in detail what should be in the kitchen, which no housewife can do without, it’s time to look at a few things that are not needed in the kitchen at all.

And they are not needed not because they are expensive or difficult to manage, no. For the most part, they are not needed due to their limited scope, or are easily replaced in a regular kitchen.

Below you will see the top five kitchen appliances that are the most useless in everyday life, and at the same time one of the most purchased today. It is likely that among them there may be something that you already own, so it would be a good idea to let us know in the comments what opinion you have after reading it.

5th place: Deep fryer

The honorable fifth place went to the deep fryer. On recipe websites or in cookbooks, we often find extremely appetizing pictures of dishes that simply require a deep fryer. As a result, we go to the store and return home with a very “valuable” purchase.

But there is one thing: over time, we begin to understand that food that is cooked in a deep fryer is very, very harmful, so if you are not suicidal, you will not eat it every day and you will not allow your loved ones to do this. The second moment of frustration comes when you take the device apart to clean it. Fat, which is ingrained into every detail, requires nerves of iron.

4th place: Fondue maker

The fondue maker also ran not far away. It is intended for preparing a very tasty Swiss dish - fondue. You will not cook this dish every day, and in practice the device is used in rare cases when guests come to you, or to occasionally please the children.

And if you are ready to pay money for such a rare pleasure, remember: in order to get an analogue of a Swiss dish, you need skill and the ability to choose the right ingredients, otherwise there will be no difference between cheese melted in a fondue pot and cheese melted in a bowl.

3rd place: Yogurt maker

An equally ridiculous purchase is a yogurt maker. At first glance, this is a useful thing, because homemade yoghurts are not only a panacea for many diseases, but also a very, very tasty thing. And when it comes to cooking, which requires additional ingredients, as well as to washing the yogurt maker after and before each cooking process, our excitement disappears somewhere and, as practice shows, the yogurt maker is lonely and bored in the far corner of the kitchen - and this is in the best case.

2nd place: Bread maker

A bread maker was also included in the list. Despite the fact that we all love fragrant homebaked bread, not every woman will decide to disassemble and wash every part every day after the cooking process. If there were no bread in stores yet, perhaps it would be useful, but the assortment offered by bakeries reduces the benefit of buying a bread machine to nothing. Even if you want to bake homemade bread, you can do it in a slow cooker.

1st place: Egg boiler

Not the most the desired device In the kitchen, according to our version, there is an egg boiler. It turns out that such a simple process of boiling eggs when using an egg cooker involves a number of difficulties.

First, you need to pierce the egg on one side to prevent it from exploding while cooking. Secondly, eggs are often different sizes, what electronic device does not take into account, so instead of liquid eggs you will get hard-boiled eggs or vice versa.

And lastly: once you boil the eggs in a saucepan, you can easily place them under the tap with cold water, and they will cool down in a matter of minutes. In the case of an egg boiler, you will have to burn your fingers when removing the eggs to put them in another vessel, and only then under water.

Regardless of desire, the kitchen is a place where everyone has to go quite often, so it should, first of all, be comfortable and well planned not only in terms of design, but also in the arrangement of household appliances. Today, the variety of kitchen equipment is dizzying. Let's consider what is necessary in the modern household arsenal, and what can be safely abandoned.

Household appliances for the kitchen in Yekaterinburg

The most common and widely represented in any family are:

    Gas or electric stove


    Electric kettle


    Electric meat grinder

    Mixer or blender

The kitchen is the leader in electricity consumption and the number of sockets, so cluttering it with various, essentially unnecessary appliances, especially when small areas– this is not rational. Let's consider household items that go beyond the standard understanding kitchen equipment, let’s look at them in more detail and decide whether they are really necessary:

1. Bread machine

It made a confident start in the market and continues to gain leading positions. It has undeniable advantages in regular use:

    You need bread every day and homemade bread is much healthier and cheaper than store-bought bread;

    for kneading any type of dough;

    there are modes for rich muffins and rolls;

    Some models, in addition to the main function, can bake a French baguette or make fruit jam.

2. Food processor

You should take into account the abundance of its constituent elements and how regularly you will use them; perhaps a simple mixer or blender will replace its multi-element counterpart collecting dust in a drawer.

3. Multicooker

A modern assistant for busy people who are not inclined towards cooking. We load the products, set the mode and at the exit we get food according to the pre-selected recipe. Usually used to prepare a variety of cereals. On this moment In addition to the traditional recipes included in the instructions, there are big choice alternative ones, allowing you to create real culinary masterpieces in a slow cooker if desired.

4. Steamer

Used for cooking diet food steamed, preserving its natural components. The food turns out soft, tender and low-fat. This unit is popular with young parents, athletes and people suffering from digestive disorders.

5. Yogurt maker

Belongs to the dietary series - this device prepares yoghurts based on starter cultures. Before purchasing, evaluate the taste of homemade yogurt, as it is significantly different from store-bought yogurt and may not be to your liking.

6. Dryer

It is in demand among fans of winter preparations - it makes dried fruits and allows you to make unique desserts.

In fact, the list could go on for a very long time:


    waffle irons,

    egg boilers,

    pancake makers,

    sandwich makers,

    toasters, roll-rollers, pineapple peelers and the like.

Built-in kitchen appliances

Modern appliances can be integrated into any kitchen design; no one is surprised by hidden hoods, refrigerators, ovens And microwaves. At first glance, they may not even be found. The “Kitchen Center” shopping complex on Moskovskaya Gorka offers a wide selection of goods for every taste and income.

Select built-in hob(gas or eclectic) depends on the layout and design of the room, this also includes a hood - this equipment is mandatory, and there are also things that you can do without, for example, a dishwasher.

She is the subject of the most controversy. If the family is large and a large number of dishes accumulate per day, then this perfect option, especially since with such quality as after a car, a person is simply unable to wash it. If the family is small and household members spend almost all their time at work, then the dishes can easily be handled by hand. It will be useful only, perhaps, on a crowded holiday, and the rest of the time it will be idle, since starting the machine because of a couple of plates is economically unprofitable due to the excessive consumption of water and electricity.

All of the above devices are not cheap and take up a significant area, but the main thing to remember is Golden Rule: do not buy something that you doubt is useful.

Sweden: waffle irons

They are usually given as gifts on the Feast of the Annunciation. Waffle Day in Sweden is the Lutheran Annunciation Day, March 25th. On this day, pastors in churches solemnly exclaimed: “Vor fru Dagen” (“Day of the Virgin Mary”), but the parishioners who did not have time to have breakfast and were present at the sermon heard “Woffeldagen” - the day of waffles. And they listened to the pastor’s words: they went to celebrate and baked waffles. Gradually this became a tradition, and for a very long time in Sweden there has been a custom: the Annunciation, which is also associated with the beginning of spring, is the best day to give a waffle iron.

USA: upright vacuum cleaners

Perhaps this is due to the fact that for a long time At the beginning of the twentieth century, vacuum cleaners from the companies Hoover, Bissell, Dirt Devil, and Kirby were popular in the United States - initially vertical. Or maybe with what we call “one-story America”: many families lived and live in large private houses, and a full-size, powerful upright vacuum cleaner with retractable hoses and brushes that could clean high-lying surfaces was (and remains) very convenient designs for such houses. Moreover, when the area allows, there is no question compact storage: Americans are not afraid of a big vacuum cleaner. Well, “one-story” is, of course, conditional: if the house has 2-3 floors, then a vertical vacuum cleaner is more convenient to carry up stairs than a regular one.

Argentina: hair straighteners

Argentina has very expensive household appliances, huge import duties, an expensive “gray” market, and service is not developed. For example, in a town with a population of 15 thousand people there may be only a couple of craftsmen who can repair a refrigerator or stove, and this is also very expensive. Therefore, the majority prefers not to spend extra money and do without what seems so familiar to Russians. For example, in Argentina you rarely see an electric kettle.

But in Argentina, in recent decades, even in economically unstable years, hair stylers and especially straighteners have been very popular: it is customary to wear long hair, haircuts for women are a rare occurrence; most people have very curly and thick hair.

Poland: washing machines

Poles are completely indifferent to some types of technology, for example, coffee machines. But in order to install a washing machine in even the smallest apartment in a tiny bathroom, the Poles are ready to do without a sink, which is easily “demolished.” Interestingly, automatic washing machines have been very popular and widespread in Poland since the seventies of the twentieth century.

Italy: geyser coffee makers

In this “coffee” country, which gave the world espresso as a method of preparing coffee, expensive coffee machines and coffee makers do not really take root in everyday life. At home, Italians prefer to brew coffee in geyser coffee makers; in every kitchen, as a rule, there is not one, but several. This is also due to the fact that at home they often use gas for cooking rather than electricity: it is cheaper.

Japan: rice cookers and heating pads

The Japanese cook rice in rice cookers, from which multicookers, beloved by Russians, “grew.” They have many programs for cooking rice: from sushi rice to “crusted” rice. And in Japan, electric blankets, electric sheets, electric “felt boots” are very popular - everything that can warm you up comfortably and quickly: sleeping and sitting on mats and low furniture is cold, heating is expensive, the climate is maritime and damp...

South Korea: kimchi refrigerators

One surprising thing many Korean homes have is a refrigerator for kimchi, the national Korean salty dish. Chinese cabbage and other vegetables with an abundance of spices, which are prepared and stored in every family in huge quantities. Kimchi is an extremely fragrant dish, you simply cannot do it without a separate refrigerator.

March 31, 2017

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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