Seller: inventor

Moscow, metro station Shchelkovskaya

Good day!
How much money can you spend on electricity, and fuel for a generator at the dacha. Wanted to be free from permanent taxes and spending on electricity!? There is an exit!

I am selling my personal invention. Fuel-free free energy generator. Requires no fuel, wind or sun!
The general operating principle is rotoverter + energy multiplier + inverter.
BTG is capable of providing electricity for the operation of all electrical household appliances: electric boilers, welders, asynchronous motors, power tools.
To start the system, only a battery is needed.
On all devices the output is 50Hz.
Noise 40dB.
Service life is unlimited. 15 year warranty.

The assembly time for one generator is approximately 3 weeks from the date of receipt of an advance payment of 50%. from the cost of the device you choose. An advance payment is required for the purchase of components for the generator.

BTG 5kW = 20.000
BTG 10kW = 38.000
BTG 15kW = 50.000
BTG 20kW = 65.000
BTG 30kW = 85.000

Pehotin2013 dog gmail dot com

Communication via mail or communication in Avito. I’m not giving away my location, you should understand why! This technology is prohibited in every possible way and is not disclosed. Therefore, please do not ask stupid questions! Delivery is carried out to the address you specified.

Price: 20,000 rub.

Electromagnetic motor

Alternative energy source

The rapid rise in prices for fossil fuels has forced the whole world to urgently look for alternative energy sources. There are already a lot of replacement options available. traditional way energy production. However, all of them are still inferior, although outdated, to proven types of production in many respects.

To become commercially viable, a new energy source must have a number of properties:

1.Be powerful enough in relatively small dimensions.

2.Independent of external conditions.

3. Continuity of work.

4.Use cheaper fuel, or be without fuel at all.

In full, only an electromagnetic motor, excited by permanent magnets, can serve as such a source of energy.

The operating principle of this electromagnetic motor is based on Ampere's law for a conductor with electric current in a magnetic field.

The force acting on a conductor carrying an electric current in a magnetic field is directly proportional to the induction magnetic field B, the length of the conductor L, and the current strength in it I.

If we take the force F as the power of the electromagnetic motor.

The value of B is for the power of the magnetic field of permanent magnets, and the product LI is for the power of the electromagnetic winding, then it is not difficult to notice that the power of an electromagnetic motor with permanent magnets can only increase due to an increase in the power of permanent magnets. And since - “... a permanent magnet does not receive energy from anywhere, and its magnetic field is not consumed when you attract something with it...”. "Magnet for three millennia." V.P. Kartsev. Page 155, it can be argued that when such an engine consumes electricity with a power of 1 kW. Its power can be 2 or 3 kW.

That's what the law says. Moreover. If

2B 2L 2I = 8F

Ampere's law for a conductor with electric current has been known for a long time and has been tested in practice more than once. So far there have been no complaints against him.

This means that using permanent magnets as an inexhaustible source of energy, you can create an electromagnetic motor with an efficiency of more than 100%, about which long years dreamed by all of humanity and was so stubbornly denied by scientists - physicists.

But why has such an energy source not been created yet?

There are a number of reasons for this:

1. Scientists cannot recognize a permanent magnet as an inexhaustible source of energy. This, in their opinion, is a direct violation of the law on energy conservation. And although a permanent magnet really exists and its magnetic field does not really decrease when work is done, no one dares to admit this fact.

2. Sufficiently strong permanent magnets were invented relatively recently. And the method of concentrating the magnetic flux will come even later. But without concentrating the energy source, the power plant cannot be compact enough, which is one of the main conditions for the practicality of the power plant.

3. Nature permanent magnet described by scientists incorrectly. In textbooks they explained to us that ferromagnets cannot become magnets, since domains, carriers of magnetic charge, are randomly located in ferromagnets. And their fields cancel each other out. (Fig.1.)

However, this statement is incorrect.

If we take a certain number of rectangular magnets and connect them with opposite poles, the result will be a vicious circle. Fig.2

Domains, which are essentially elementary magnets, behave in exactly the same way. Fig.3

Moreover, the domains are trying to shrink into a minimal ring in order to occupy the lowest energy position.

Magnetic energy is enclosed in this ring and cannot escape. This phenomenon is used to protect mechanical watches from the magnetic field. The mechanism is simply placed inside iron ring, which is magnetic conductor, and the magnetic field, moving along the path of least resistance, bypasses the watch mechanism without penetrating inside the iron ring.

To obtain a permanent magnet, it is necessary to break the domain rings, orient them parallel and secure them.

To make sure that a permanent magnet has energy, it is enough to bring an iron object to a modern magnet made of rare earth materials.

The force with which an object will be attracted to a magnet will dispel all doubts.

But the energy of a permanent magnet must be converted into another, more familiar and studied one. For example, in mechanical.

This can only be done by creating an electromagnetic motor whose efficiency, due to powerful permanent magnets, will significantly exceed 100%.

Of course, an engine with an efficiency greater than 100% contradicts the law of conservation of energy. But this law states that this is impossible only in closed system. That is, where there is no external source of energy. In the same design external source The energy is provided by a permanent magnet.

If you take a permanent magnet in the form of a ring and remove some of it, you get a horseshoe magnet with two poles. Place the armature of an electric motor with an electrically conductive winding between these poles. The winding consists of a number of coils whose dimensions correspond to the size of the gap between the poles. If a constant electric current is passed through the coil, then an electromagnetic field will appear in the coil, which will replace the missing link of the permanent magnet and close the ring of the magnetic field of the permanent magnet. And the coil will be attracted to the magnet. But if the direction of the current in the coil is changed, the coil will be repelled from the magnet.

By placing a row of horseshoe-shaped magnets on the stator, and a row of electromagnetic coils on the armature, we get an electromagnetic motor. Fig.5.

Similar engines are widely used in industry. But not one of them has an efficiency of more than 100%. Why? Now the matter is in the incorrect interpretation of the nature of both the magnetic and electromagnetic fields, and electric current.

Scientists claim that the magnetic field is continuous. However, this is physically impossible.

Any matter consists of atoms, and even the atoms themselves are made of elementary particles. Nothing is continuous. The world around us is discrete.

A permanent magnet consists of domains. From groups of atoms. At their core, these are already crystals. What does a magnetic field consist of? From the ley lines. They can be easily detected with a piece of paper and iron filings. The energy of a magnet is contained in the lines of force. The trouble is that no fields exist. But scientists believe in fields and do not recognize lines of force at all. Although they are used to explain some physical phenomena.

And although no one knows what energy is, and how it is kept in the line of force? What is the line of force itself, and what is its nature, we are obliged to use it a natural phenomenon for their own needs, leaving the search for answers to future generations.

So, a magnetic field is a bunch of lines of force. Presumably every domain on the surface magnetic pole, contains one power line. But the power line must contain one more characteristic, thickness. Thickness the power line depends on the number of domains lined up in one row. Like streams of water merging to form big river. And the longer the permanent magnet, the thicker the lines of force at its poles, and therefore the magnetic field at its poles.

But the electromagnetic field must also have a similar nature. However, there are no domains there.

Why can the number of power lines and their thickness in a coil wound by an electric current conductor depend? Surely quantity depends on voltage, and thickness depends on current strength.

After all, it is known that an electric current of almost any voltage can be passed through a thin conductor if the current strength is small. It's simple. Many thin lines can be placed in the conductor, but many thick ones cannot fit there. Hence the voltage drop when a large electric current flows through the conductor. Excess lines of force are simply pushed out of the conductor.

So, it turns out that in order to close a magnetic ring with an electromagnetic coil, you need to apply a high voltage and low power current to the coil.

Unfortunately, there are no methods yet for calculating the field lines of a permanent magnet depending on the magnetic field induction and the number of field lines of an electromagnet depending on the voltage of the electric current flowing through this coil. Therefore, it is necessary to set the voltage value individually for each engine design and select it experimentally.

The best indicator for the engine in terms of power and efficiency will be the moment when the power lines of both the stator and armatures coincide in both quantity and thickness. If the armature power lines are thinner than the stator power lines, the efficiency of such a motor will increase, but the power will decrease.

But due to the high induction of the stator magnetic field, the use of a classic iron-containing armature is impossible. The armature will simply be magnetized under the influence of the stator’s magnetic field in places opposite the magnetic poles until saturation, and an electric current will be required to remagnetize it high power. That is why in classical electric motors, the magnetic field of the stator is much weaker than the magnetic field of the armature.

The armature of this electric motor must be not only non-magnetic, but also dielectric.

The reason for this is large eddy currents when conductors move in a strong magnetic field. The material for the anchor can be textolite or fiberglass.

The main thing in the design of this engine is the concentration of the magnetic flux of permanent magnets. To do this, permanent magnets on five sides with the same poles are attached to a magnetic pole made of a material with the maximum degree of magnetic saturation, for example “Permendur”. The sixth face faces the armature, where the concentrated magnetic flux exits. Fig.6.

The invention of this concentrator mainly contributed to the creation of an electromagnetic motor with an efficiency of more than 100%. After all, any energy carrier must be concentrated. Water in a reservoir with the help of a huge dam, steam in a turbine, increasing temperature and pressure, atomic energy, enriching uranium fuel. Only that energy that can be concentrated with high density in relatively small volumes can serve as an alternative classic types energy.

But the magnetic field increases only due to an increase in the number of magnetic force lines. Therefore, it is desirable to reduce the area of ​​the magnetic poles in the motor so that the voltage in the armature winding is less, and the number of poles can be increased. Fig7.

Of course, as the number of poles increases, the current consumption will also increase. But if the engine consumes even 10 kW. electricity, and its power will be 20 kW. it will be beneficial.

True, such an engine cannot be called cheap. Both rare earth magnets and magnetic poles made from the Permendur alloy are quite expensive.

But these materials can last for decades. And they will definitely pay for themselves. In this engine, only the bearings, slip rings and slip ring brushes wear out. But these components are relatively inexpensive and have been used in conventional electric motors for many years.

The use of permanent magnets as an energy source limits the motor power. With their help and the help of the Permendur alloy, it is possible to obtain magnetic fields of only up to 2.5 Tesla. And the total power is up to 100KW. But if you use a superconducting magnet as a source of magnetic field, the power can be sharply increased and we can already talk about several megawatts.

A permanent magnet, or a permanent magnetic field of a superconducting magnet, is a unique source of energy. Fuel-free, compact, environmentally friendly. It meets all the requirements for energy sources, both traditional and alternative. And it is enough just to connect such an engine with the most ordinary electric current generator, and add a couple of batteries, and we will get an autonomous power plant that will generate electricity around the clock and all year round, regardless of the weather or geographic location.

Of course, in theory everything seems very simple. Concentrated magnetic flux. They closed the poles with an artificial magnetic field and that’s it. But this is in theory. In practice, everything is much more complicated.

Suppose each domain of a permanent magnet contains one field line. At least it's logical. And the domain size is only 4 microns. This means that for one square centimeter of the magnetic pole there are approximately 25,000 lines of force. If we assume that one volt of voltage also provides one power line, then it is not difficult to understand what voltage needs to be applied to one armature coil. Theoretically, this is certainly possible, but in practice it is very difficult to do. The tension needs to be reduced. Or increase the domain size. Theoretically, this is also possible, but no one has tried it yet.

It is also possible to divide the armature coil into many parallel branches.

Mill the maximum possible number of grooves in the armature and place one coil in one groove. And connect each coil in parallel. Then the intensity of the electric fields will be summed up and not subtracted as with a series connection.

But traditional methods this will not be possible. An alternative engine requires alternative solutions.

There are two solutions to this problem.

The first solution is to create a multiphase rotor. Each section must be a separate phase. And electronically apply to slip rings AC voltage alternating phases. There is nothing complicated about this, although you will need more rings than the usual three.

The second method is collector. But also unusual. There should be two collectors. One with positive current and the other with negative current.

In general, nothing is impossible. You just need to do it at a high level professional level. Of course it's difficult. But it’s no more complicated than thermonuclear energy. But it is safe and much cheaper.

Many owners sooner or later begin to think about alternative sources energy. We propose to consider what autonomous fuel-free generator Tesla, Hendershot, Romanov, Tariel Kanapadze, Smith, Bedini, the principle of operation of the unit, its circuit and how to make the device with your own hands.

Generator Review

When using a fuelless generator, an internal combustion engine is not required since the device does not need to convert the chemical energy of the fuel into mechanical energy to generate electricity. This electromagnetic device works in such a way that the electricity generated by the generator is recirculated back into the system through a coil.

Photo – Kapanadze Generator

There are electric generators two types. Internal combustion engine, with piston and rings, connecting rod, spark plugs, fuel tank, carburetor, and machine using amateur motors, coils, diodes, AVR, capacitors, etc.

The internal combustion engine in fuel-free generators has been replaced electromechanical device, which takes power from the generator and uses the same, converts it into mechanical energy with an efficiency of more than 98%. The cycle repeats itself over and over again. So the concept here is to replace the internal combustion engine, which depends on fuel, with an electromechanical device.

Photo – Generator circuit

Mechanical energy will be used to drive the generator and produce current, generated by the generator for powering an electromechanical device. The fuelless generator, which is used to replace the internal combustion engine, is designed in such a way that it uses less energy from the generator's power output.

Video: homemade fuel-free generator

Tesla Generator

The Tesla linear electric generator is the main prototype of the working device. The patent for it was registered back in the 19th century. The main advantage of the device is that it can be built even at home using solar energy. The iron or steel plate is insulated with external conductors, after which it is placed as high as possible in the air. We place the second plate in sand, earth or other grounded surface. A wire starts from a metal plate, the attachment is made with a capacitor on one side of the plate and a second cable runs from the base of the plate to the other side of the capacitor.

Photo – Tesla fuel-free generator

Such a homemade fuel-free mechanical generator of free energy electricity is fully functional in theory, but for the actual implementation of the plan it is better to use more common models, for example, inventors Adams, Sobolev, Alekseenko, Gromov, Donald, Kondrashov, Motovilov, Melnichenko and others. You can assemble a working device even if you redesign any of the listed devices; it will be cheaper than connecting everything yourself.

In addition to solar energy, you can use turbine generators that operate without fuel using water energy. Magnets completely cover the rotating metal disks, a flange and a self-powered wire are also added to the device, which significantly reduces losses, making this heat generator more efficient than solar. Due to high asynchronous oscillations, this cotton fuel-free generator suffers from eddy electricity, so it cannot be used in a car or to power a home, because. the impulse may burn out the engines.

Photo – Adams fuel-free generator

But Faraday's hydrodynamic law also suggests using a simple perpetual generator. Its magnetic disk is divided into spiral curves that radiate energy from the center to the outer edge, reducing resonance.

In this high voltage electrical system, if there are two turns side by side, an electric current moves through the wire, the current passing through the loop will create a magnetic field that will be radiated against the current passing through the second loop, creating resistance.

How to make a generator

Exists two options performing the work:

  1. Dry method;
  2. Wet or oily;

Wet method uses a battery, while the dry method does without a battery.

Step-by-step instruction how to assemble an electric fuel-free generator. To make a fuel-free wet generator you will need several components:

Connect the AC transformer to permanent network to your battery and power amplifier, and then connect the charger and sensor to the circuit for expansion, then you need to connect it back to the battery. Why are these components needed:

  1. The battery is used to store and store energy;
  2. A transformer is used to create constant current signals;
  3. The amplifier will help increase the current flow because the power from the battery is only 12V or 24V, depending on the battery.
  4. The charger is necessary for the smooth operation of the generator.

Photo – Alternative generator

Dry generator runs on capacitors. To assemble such a device you need to prepare:

  • Generator prototype
  • Transformer.

This production is the most advanced way to make a generator because its operation can last for years, at least 3 years without recharging. These two components must be combined using undamped special conductors. We recommend using welding to create the strongest possible connection. A dynatron is used to control operation; watch the video on how to correctly connect the conductors.

Transformer-based devices are more expensive, but are much more efficient than battery-based ones. As a prototype you can take the free energy model, kapanadze, torrent, Khmilnik brand. Such devices can be used as a motor for an electric vehicle.

Price overview

On the domestic market, generators produced by Odessa inventors, BTG and BTGR, are considered the most affordable. You can buy such fuel-free generators in a specialized electrical store, online stores, or from the manufacturer (the price depends on the brand of the device and the point of sale).

Fuel-free new 10 kW Vega magnet generators will cost an average of 30,000 rubles.

Odessa plant - 20,000 rubles.

The very popular Andrus will cost owners at least 25,000 rubles.

Imported Ferrite brand devices (analogous to Steven Mark's device) are the most expensive in the world. domestic market and cost from 35,000 rubles, depending on power.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the alternating current system was invented and is still used today. This is a fuel-free generator. Its author is Nikola Tesla. The design operates without any fuel. Tesla's task was to condense the energy between the Earth and the upper atmospheric layer. Next is the conversion of the received energy into electricity.

The generator has a high ratio of ten to fifty times the available number of turns of the secondary winding to the number of turns of the primary winding. The output voltage of the device can reach several million volts. The voltage corresponding to the resonant frequency can create strong electrical discharges in the air (up to several meters in length).

The simplest fuel-free one can be made independently. It comes with a pair of coils without a common core. The primary winding consists of three to ten turns of thick wire. The secondary winding has approximately one thousand turns. When deciding to create one, you need to know that the most difficult thing is the power supply circuit of the primary winding. Making such a generator is relatively simple, but expensive. First you need to take any voltage source (at least one and a half kilovolts). It should be connected to a capacitor at the required voltage. A fuel-free generator of this option has a very simple diagram. The work order is as follows:

1. Connect the selected source to the required voltage to any existing capacitor.

2. Provide a diode bridge due to the large capacitance of the capacitor. However, it is recommended to experiment with small containers first.

3. Connect all this through the spark gap to the primary winding of the coil.

The bare ends of the wire are directed in one direction. The gap between them should be adjusted by bending. At the peak, the voltage is always higher than the initial one, since the current is alternating. Therefore, one hundred and fifty turns are enough to create a secondary winding. If the work process is carried out correctly, a discharge of one centimeter will be obtained (if the coil terminals are close together). If the leads are moved apart, you will get a noticeable arc. The lower terminal of the coil must be grounded.

Due to the fixed capacitance of the capacitor, the circuit is tuned by adjusting the resistance of the primary winding. In this case, the connection point to it changes. If the settings are made correctly, then top part The secondary winding will have a fairly high voltage. This will cause large discharges in the air. If we compare conventional transformers, we can draw the following conclusion: the ratio of winding turns (primary and secondary) does not affect the voltage.

A fuel-free generator can be assembled according to the scheme proposed in the technical reference book. You can also find on the Internet useful information. Beginners will find the process difficult at first. The working coil can be obtained by making small calculations. Instructions from specialists will also help.

A fuel-free generator can also be assembled using the following parts: aluminum foil, a capacitor with a voltage of 160 - 400 Volts, a resistor, a metal pin, wires, a sheet of fiberboard or cardboard. The manufacturing process is as follows:

1. Drive a metal pin into the ground.

2. Attach one end of the wire to the pin.

3. Attach the other end of the wire to the capacitor.

4. Attach a sheet of foil to a sheet of cardboard or fiberboard and connect the wire going to the capacitor to it.

5. Solder a limiting resistor to the capacitor to avoid breakdown of the dielectric.

Before making a fuel-free Tesla generator yourself, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with safety precautions when working with high voltage.

The majority of people are convinced that energy for existence can only be obtained from gas, coal or oil. The atom is quite dangerous; the construction of hydroelectric power plants is a very labor-intensive and costly process. Scientists around the world say that natural fuel reserves may soon run out. What to do, where is the way out? Are humanity's days numbered?

All from nothing

Research on types of “green energy” in Lately are being carried out more and more intensively, as this is the way to the future. Our planet initially has everything for human life. You just need to be able to take it and use it for good. Do many scientists and amateurs create such devices? as a generator of free energy. With their own hands, following the laws of physics and their own logic, they do something that will benefit all of humanity.

So what phenomena? we're talking about? Here are a few of them:

  • static or radiant natural electricity;
  • use of permanent and neodymium magnets;
  • obtaining heat from mechanical heaters;
  • transformation of earth's energy and;
  • implosion vortex engines;
  • solar thermal pumps.

Each of these technologies uses a minimal initial pulse to release more energy.

Free energy with your own hands? To do this you need to have a strong desire to change your life, a lot of patience, diligence, a little knowledge and, of course, necessary tools and components.

Water instead of gasoline? What nonsense!

An engine running on alcohol will probably find more understanding than the idea of ​​​​the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen molecules. After all, even in school textbooks it is said that this is a completely unprofitable way to obtain energy. However, there are already installations for hydrogen separation using ultra-efficient electrolysis. Moreover, the cost of the resulting gas is equal to the cost of cubic meters of water used in this process. It is equally important that electricity costs are also minimal.

Most likely, in the near future, along with electric vehicles, cars whose engines will run on hydrogen fuel. An ultra-efficient electrolysis plant is not exactly a free energy generator. It is quite difficult to assemble it with your own hands. However, the method of continuous production of hydrogen using this technology can be combined with methods for producing green energy, which will increase overall efficiency process.

One of the undeservedly forgotten

Such devices do not require any maintenance at all. They are absolutely silent and do not pollute the atmosphere. One of the most famous developments in the field of environmental technologies is the principle of obtaining current from the ether according to the theory of N. Tesla. The device, consisting of two resonantly tuned transformer coils, is a grounded oscillatory circuit. Initially, Tesla made a free energy generator with his own hands for the purpose of transmitting radio signals over long distances.

If we consider the surface layers of the Earth as a huge capacitor, then we can imagine them in the form of a single current-conducting plate. The second element in this system is the ionosphere (atmosphere) of the planet, saturated with cosmic rays (the so-called ether). Through both of these “plates” opposite polarities constantly flow electric charges. To “collect” currents from near space, you need to make a free energy generator with your own hands. 2013 was one of the most productive years in this direction. Everyone wants to enjoy free electricity.

How to make a free energy generator with your own hands

The circuit of N. Tesla's single-phase resonant device consists of the following blocks:

  1. Two regular rechargeable batteries 12 V each.
  2. with electrolytic capacitors.
  3. A generator that sets the standard current frequency (50 Hz).
  4. Current amplifier block directed to the output transformer.
  5. Converter of low voltage (12 V) to high voltage (up to 3000 V).
  6. A conventional transformer with a winding ratio of 1:100.
  7. Step-up transformer with high-voltage winding and strip core, power up to 30 W.
  8. Main transformer without core, with double winding.
  9. A step-down transformer.
  10. Ferrite rod for system grounding.

All installation blocks are connected according to the laws of physics. The system is configured experimentally.

Is all this really true?

It may seem that this is absurd, because another year when they tried to create a free energy generator with their own hands was 2014. The circuit described above simply uses the battery charge, according to many experimenters. The following can be objected to this. Energy enters closed loop systems from the electric field of the output coils, which receive it from the high-voltage transformer thanks to relative position. And the battery charge creates and maintains tension electric field. All other energy comes from the environment.

Fuel-free device for obtaining free electricity

It is known that the emergence of a magnetic field in any engine is facilitated by ordinary ones made of copper or aluminum wire. To compensate for the inevitable losses due to the resistance of these materials, the engine must operate continuously, using part of the generated energy to maintain its own field. This significantly reduces the efficiency of the device.

In a transformer powered by neodymium magnets, there are no self-induction coils, and therefore there are no losses associated with resistance. When using constant ones, they are generated by a rotor rotating in this field.

How to make a small free energy generator with your own hands

The scheme used is as follows:

  • take the cooler (fan) from the computer;
  • remove 4 transformer coils from it;
  • replace with small neodymium magnets;
  • orient them in the original directions of the coils;
  • By changing the position of the magnets, you can control the rotation speed of the motor, which operates completely without electricity.

This almost retains its functionality until one of the magnets is removed from the circuit. By connecting a light bulb to the device, you can illuminate the room for free. If you take a more powerful motor and magnets, the system can power not only a light bulb, but also other household electrical appliances.

About the operating principle of Tariel Kapanadze’s installation

This famous do-it-yourself free energy generator (25 kW, 100 kW) was assembled according to the principle described by Nikolo Tesla back in the last century. This resonant system is capable of producing a voltage many times greater than the initial impulse. It is important to understand that this is not “ perpetual motion machine", but a machine for generating electricity from freely available natural sources.

To obtain a current of 50 Hz, 2 square-wave generators and power diodes are used. For grounding, a ferrite rod is used, which, in fact, closes the surface of the Earth to the charge of the atmosphere (ether, according to N. Tesla). Coaxial cable is used to supply high-power output voltage to the load.

Speaking in simple words, a DIY free energy generator (2014, circuit by T. Kapanadze), receives only the initial pulse from a 12 V source. The device is capable of constantly supplying current normal voltage standard electrical appliances, heaters, lighting and so on.

A self-assembled free energy generator with self-powering is designed to close the circuit. Some craftsmen use this method to recharge the battery, which gives the initial impulse to the system. For your own safety, it is important to take into account the fact that the system output voltage is high. If you forget about caution, you can get a severe electric shock. Since a 25kW DIY free energy generator can bring both benefits and dangers.

Who needs all this?

Almost anyone familiar with the basic laws of physics can make a free energy generator with their own hands. school curriculum. The power supply of your own home can be completely converted to environmentally friendly and affordable etheric energy. Using such technologies, transportation and production costs will be reduced. The atmosphere of our planet will become cleaner, the process of the “greenhouse effect” will stop.

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