Pear is one of the most important fruit trees in our gardens, after the apple tree. Since their domestication (in ancient times), thousands of pear varieties have been grown. Unlike its close relative, the quince (often used as a rootstock for precious varieties), most pear varieties are propagated by open pollination, so various varieties must be located at a considerable distance from each other. The best pollinated pear varieties are Bera, Conference and Komis.

Bera pear is very old variety, but capricious


Bera pear is a very old variety, but capricious. The variety comes from Belgium or France and was bred in 1811. The tree grows strong, forming a pyramidal crown. The pear is resistant to frost and steadfastly resists scab. Blooms in May, collective maturity occurs at the end of October. It enters the fruiting period quite late. Pears are ovoid in shape, the fruits grow to medium or large size.

Ripen in September-October. If pears are left hanging on the tree for too long, they will lose their delicious taste. After removal, they can be stored for a long time in a cold place such as a refrigerator or cellar.

  • very large or medium size (length 8-11 cm);
  • ovoid;
  • the skin is greenish-yellow, with slight rust, sometimes with a red blush;
  • slightly deformed;
  • very tasty, sweet, with a spicy aroma.

A hundred years ago, Bera pears were considered too difficult to grow. They were never particularly popular, but they were always wanted on tables.

The best place to plant a pear is the southeast side, solar. When planting, you must keep in mind that the soil should not be depleted, fertile, slightly acidic. Seedlings of cultivated pear varieties and wild pear seedlings are used as rootstocks. It is grafted well onto quince rootstock; in this case, additional spacer is required. The tree must be protected from the effects of winds, as it is afraid of hurricane winds and storms. IN strong hurricane fruits may fall from the tree.

It has a fairly high resistance to frost, which is its advantage, but young seedlings must be wrapped in winter period. Pear is quite sensitive to fungal diseases and has a tendency to crack the fruit.

The pear has a capricious character, but it can regenerate after illness and winter damage.

The pear has a fairly high resistance to frost, which is its advantage

Variety varieties

Bera Diel

Pear is a variety of Belgian Bere. She was bred by a gardener named Meurus.

Jean Baptiste van Mons (1765-1842), a famous Belgian botanist and gardener, gave it his name. The pear also received its name from the famous gardener, Dr. Friedrich August Diel Adrian (1756-1839), who, as the description indicates, planted 12,000 fruit trees in his gardens.

On the territory of the former Soviet Union, the Bera Diel pear appeared in the nineteenth century, in Western Belarus. Trees were planted in school plots; children loved pear fruits.

Although growing the variety is not so easy, its seedlings are still sold. They are sold and grown quite a lot in the gardens of Belgium, Bulgaria, France and Hungary.

Bera Hardy

An old variety of French origin, obtained as a result of open pollination and named after the then director of the Luxembourg Garden, M. Hardy. The tree grows tall and strong, the crown is cone-shaped, widened at the top, quite dense, with horizontally spread branches and branches of the second row hanging down, with numerous spurs.

Bera is excellent for amateur plantings, as it is undemanding to conditions. The fruits ripen in September.

Pear fruits are large or medium-sized, weighing 150-160 g, sometimes even more than 200 g. The peel of the variety is dense, dry, covered with golden-brown spots, with sunny side– reddish. The pulp is creamy, oily, sour, very juicy, spicy, tasty.

Bera Bosk

This is an old French variety, widespread not only in Western Europe, but also on the territory of all CIS countries, the Baltic countries, and Central Asia. The variety was used in creating species of pear trees (20 pieces). Very valuable, its fruits stay on the trees for a long time and are filled with amber juice.

The origin of the seeds from which the Bera seedling was grown is unknown. cultivated plant bred at the end of the eighteenth century by the pomologist Bosca. The first harvest of Bera Bosca was obtained in 1835. About Bera Bosk there is not a single one from amateur gardeners and industrial producers negative feedback. Characteristic features for this Bera variety are:

The tall tree has an unusual dense, spreading and asymmetrical crown. The branches stretch upward, resembling a pyramid. Young seedlings grow quickly, the branches are long. The pear begins to bear fruit six to seven years after planting. permanent place growth. On quince rootstock, the first fruits appear in the fourth year.

Bera Bosc - an old French variety

The fruits are large, weighing from 190 to 250 g. The shape of the fruits resembles a bottle. The description shows that fruits grown on one tree, according to appearance may vary significantly. Ber's skin is thin, rough, golden in color, with a pleasing reddish tint to the eye, maybe yellowish-brown, with a ruddy side.

The pulp has a delicate taste. Very tender, melting in the mouth, fragrant, with almond aroma, creamy, sweet, white or creamy in color. The description of taste corresponds to a rating of 4.4-4.8 points.

Fruits are rich in vitamins, big amount ascorbic acid. They are distinguished by their high sugar content and the amount of P-active catechins (42.3 mg/100 g of pulp). In the first half of September, pears reach their ripeness. It tolerates transportation well over long distances, the shelf life is average (up to 35 days). The advantages of Bera Bosk include:

  • large and attractive fruits;
  • high quality characteristics;
  • fertility;
  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions (if there is enough moisture, it bears fruit well on light soils);
  • high resistance to fungal diseases.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • low frost resistance (seedlings must be covered for the winter; adults tolerate even harsh winters well);
  • different periods of fruit ripening on the tree;
  • diversity in appearance, diversity;
  • the need for regular crown formation (pruning).

When stored in the refrigerator for a long time, they change taste qualities pears. It becomes tough, hard and crispy, less juicy.

Bera Michurina

Parents of the variety are French Bere Royal and wild Ussuri pear. The species bred by Michurin has lost its meaning, as in industrial scale, and among amateur gardeners, due to the development of new, more productive varieties. Growing trees can only be found in private gardens; it is impossible to purchase seedlings of this species in nurseries.

The pear tree is large and strong. The crown is wide, pyramidal, spreading. The leaves are oval-shaped, light green with a silver tint, and have a pointed tip. The leaf blade is curved, the edge is wavy.

Productivity is high. Fruits from Ber Michurin average size, short, often asymmetrical. Fruits with a pleasant rough skin; when fully ripe, the color of the fruit is light green, with a small spot of blush. During long-term storage, the fruits become yellow.

The pulp is juicy, white, dense, juicy, with a slightly noticeable astringency. The sugar content in pear is 10.5%. Fruits are resistant to scab.

The pear is used to create new types of pears that have a long shelf life. Bera Michurina is the parent of more than fifty new varieties of pears: Leninakanskaya, Mramornaya, Elena, etc.

An ancient autumn French variety, bred by sowing seeds of unknown origin at the end of the 18th century in France near Apremont. Named after the French pomologist Bosc.
The most common autumn pear variety. Zoned in Russia, the Transcaucasian republics, the foothill and central zone of the Stavropol Territory, the foothill and Black Sea zone Krasnodar region, in Ukraine (Transnistria, Carpathian region, mountainous zone of Transcarpathia, Crimea), Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and the republics of Central Asia.

Tree V at a young age characterized by vigorous growth. With age, it forms a sparse, asymmetrical, pyramidal crown of considerable size. The branches are long, geniculate. Fruiting on ringlets and spears.

Escapes thick, grayish-brown; lentils are small, buds are appressed. The leaves are large, ovate, dark green, thick, with an elongated tip, entire; The leaf surface is smooth, the petiole is short.
The flowers are large, wide-open, 10-20 in an inflorescence, the petals are oblong-oval, with a wavy, pitted edge, cold-resistant, bloom in late dates, thereby avoiding spring frosts. The pistil styles are shorter than the stamens.

Fruit above medium or large, weighing 150-220 g, attractive in appearance, elongated bottle-shaped, but often on the same tree there are fruits that differ in shape. The skin is thin, yellowish-brown, completely rusty, rough, golden-rusty when ripe. The peduncle is long, curved, thick; the funnel is almost absent, the recess at the calyx is flat, narrow, its walls are slightly folded, the calyx is open. The seed nest is large, bulbous, upper; the seeds are small, wide, short pitcher-shaped, dark, plump.
The pulp is white or creamy, tender, melting, very juicy and sweet, fragrant, with almond flavor and spice, excellent taste (4.4-4.8 points).
Fruit contain dry soluble substances - 14.7%, sugars - 9.0%, titratable acids - 0.2%, ascorbic acid - 4.6 mg/100g, P-active catechins - 42.3 mg/100g wet weight.
Eating fruits September 5-15. Shelf life 25-30 days.
Fruit transportable, tied in pairs and threes, but firmly held on the tree and even when ripe they do not fall off, they do not ripen simultaneously.
Trees begin to bear fruit 6-7 years after planting in the garden. The average yield in the central part of Kuban at the age of 16-19 years is 80-100 c/ha, in the south-eastern subzone of the foothill zone at the age of 24-29 years – 160-180 c/ha.
The tree is undemanding to soil conditions; it grows well and bears fruit with sufficient irrigation on soils that are light in texture. It propagates only on seed rootstocks of wood pear or seedlings of cultivated varieties; when grafting onto quince, an intermediate insert is required.
Winter hardiness is insufficient in the conditions of the Krasnodar Territory, with the exception of Black Sea coast and foothill zone. Drought resistance is low. According to K.K. Dushutina, the Bere Bosc variety in Moldova belongs to the group of the most winter-hardy. The variety is slightly affected by scab.

Advantages of the variety: attractiveness and excellent quality of fruits, non-shedding and good transportability. Relative resistance to scab.

Disadvantages of the variety: weak winter hardiness and low drought resistance of trees.
Bere Bosk was widely used in breeding. With his participation, about twenty new varieties were created, of which seven were released, including new varieties obtained at the All-Russian Research Institute of Floriculture and Subtropical Crops: Verbena, Black Sea Amber (both Bere Bosk - open pollination) and Rassvet (Bere Bosk Ch Memory of Congress), at the Dagestan breeding experimental station fruit crops The variety Bergamot of Dagestan (Bere Bosk Ch Williams) was created, the variety Svarog (Ussuriyskaya Ch Bere Bosk) was bred at the Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia, and the variety Tikhonovka (Ussuriyskaya Ch Bere Bosk) was developed at the Sverdlovsk Experimental Horticulture Station.

Beurre pears are an ancient species with roots in Western Europe. Mainly the result of the work of French breeders. Got its name from the French “beurre” - which means “ butter" Indeed, the peculiarity of the fruit is its incredibly juicy and tender pulp, which literally melts in your mouth like butter.

Diversity and general varietal characteristics of the Bere family

The large Bere pear family includes dozens of varieties that are popular in many regions of the world and are widespread, especially in Europe. Most of them have taken root in our country - mostly in the Central Black Earth region, Krasnodar Territory, Crimea, and western regions. They are also successfully cultivated in Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus. All varieties of Bere have gained popularity due to their outstanding characteristics in comparison with other types of pears. Some of these served as the basis for selection both abroad and in Russia.

Bere pears are typically vigorous trees with a tall pyramidal crown that becomes broad and somewhat asymmetrical over the years. The shoots and trunk of the tree are thick, with a predominant grayish color of the bark. They have large ovate leaves. It blooms relatively late, so the inflorescences are not subject to return frosts.

The Bere pear grows better and bears fruit abundantly in rich, neutral soils with good drainage. Increased acidity and soil moisture negatively affects the survival rate of seedlings and the ability to produce high-quality harvests.

Like most pears, this variety prefers fairly warm climates and is demanding in terms of growing conditions. Detailed description varieties helps in choosing optimal option for a specific cultivation region.

Features of individual varieties

The Bere pear variety includes dozens of varieties that have characteristics, differences in terms of ripening, early maturity, appearance and other parameters. Bere is a pear that ripens in different deadlines, but varieties with autumn harvest predominate. The differences between the fruits can be clearly seen in the photos and comparison tables.

Summer varieties

IN temperate climate And southern regions early summer pears produce a harvest from the end of July and throughout August, in the north - at the beginning of autumn. It is important to harvest on time, since the fruits fall off when left on the tree. Summer pears have a limited shelf life: less than three weeks if refrigerated. Despite their short shelf life, early fruits have an excellent dessert taste and high commercial value.

Bere Golden

The pear variety of national selection of Belarus - Bere Zolotaya - begins to bear fruit from the age of 5-6. Trees up to 3 meters high require thinning pruning. Every year in August it produces a rich harvest. After harvesting, the fruits last for about a week. Shows resistance to bacterial cancer and scab. It has good winter hardiness, making it suitable for the middle zone.

Bere Giffard

The Bere Giffard pear was obtained in France in 1810 from a seedling of unknown origin. The tree is no different great height, less demanding on soil fertility. As they grow older, growth slows down, but winter hardiness and productivity increase. Dessert fruits do not suffer from scab, but sometimes suffer from fruit rot. This variety has been widely used in the breeding of many modern varieties.

Bere Summer

Bere Summer pear - found near Vinnitsa, cultivated at the Krasnokutsk experimental station. Early fruiting - fruiting from 4-5 years, not afraid of frost. Gives decent yields: 15 years from planting - about 120 kg of dessert fruits, which ripen in early August. It is recommended to start collecting without waiting for the onset of biological ripeness for about 10 days. The fruits are tolerant to scab.

Autumn varieties

The fruits of mid-season autumn pears are ready for harvest from September to the first ten days of October. They are characterized by a short cleaning period, which is influenced by weather, especially heat. Fruits removed from the tree ripen and improve their taste. Stored in a cool place for 45 to 70 days. Majority autumn varieties distinguished by tolerance to frost.

Bere Russian

Bere Russian pear - a selection of Forest Beauty and Winter Bere Michurina, obtained at the Rossoshanskaya fruit and berry station, shows excellent resistance to frost and produces high yields every year. Fruits with excellent tasting scores, suitable for long-term storage and transportation thanks to its durable peel. Tolerant to diseases. No significant deficiencies were identified.

Bere Durando

The Bere Durandeau pear was obtained in 1811 in Belgium. The tree is not tall and does not require excessive pruning. Frost resistance increases for 6-7 years. Characterized by generous and stable fruiting, resistance to scab. Ripening fruits do not fall off. They are removed in early autumn and then allowed to settle. When unripe, they tolerate transportation well. It is in the line of the best industrial varieties.

Bere Klerzho

An ancient French variety - the Bere Clergeau pear - bears the name of its originator. Begins to bear fruit in 4–5 years. Winter hardiness is satisfactory. It is important not to overexpose the fruits on the branches: ripe ones fall off easily. Dessert fruits at the technical stage are suitable for transportation, shelf life is up to 30 days. Highly resistant to scab, sometimes affected by codling moth.

Bere Luke

The Bere Luca pear was discovered at the end of the 19th century in France. It grows quickly and produces the first harvest in 5–6 years. Undemanding, disease resistant. Winter hardiness is average. Early fruiting, bears fruit regularly and abundantly. The fruits do not fall off and do not suffer from scab. After collection, they are stored for up to 3 months. Transportability is excellent. Suitable for intensive plantings.

Bere Moskovskaya

Pear Bere Moscow - was the result of selection of varieties Olga, Lyubimitsa Klappa, Summer Beauty, Koshkornok at the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev. Early fruiting: will please you with a harvest already in the 3rd year. Fruits on short branches - ringlets. Fruits that are not picked in time quickly become overripe. The variety is universal, resistant to a number of diseases and stress. High-yielding and winter-hardy.

Bere Krasnokutskaya

Bere Krasnokutskaya pear was obtained at the experimental station of the same name from Dekanka sweet and Krasnokutskaya winter. Early fruiting (from the 4th year), winter-hardy, scab-tolerant variety. Yield per high level: trees for 15 years produce up to 125 kg of fruits of excellent quality. Suitable for harvesting from the third ten days of September, for consumption - after two weeks.

Variety Bere / Fruit Weight, gram Form Peel Pulp
Russian 150-200 conical-rounded dense, rough; greenish-yellow, with orange-red spots and reticulation whitish, tender, sweet and sour, aromatic; sugar more than 10%
Durando 200-350 conical, slightly lumpy golden with red blush; occasionally – rust creamy white, very sweet with slight sourness
Klerzho 200-240 slightly curved smooth, glossy; mature – golden with a slight blush creamy, sweet, melting, pleasant taste.
Luke from 200 oval-pyriform or broadly ovoid medium density, smooth; greenish with blush, mature - golden with dots creamy, sweet, slightly sour, delicately juicy, with a special aroma
Moscow 100-110 elongated conical, slightly ribbed yellow with a reddish blush and small dark spots dense, juicy, dessert, aromatic
Krasnokutskaya 180-250 symmetrical, elongated greenish, with a bronze tint creamy yellow, sweet with sourness

Winter varieties

Late, or winter, pear varieties reach ripeness by mid-October. They are grown mainly in regions with a mild climate, where autumn frosts have not yet occurred by this time. Fruit late pears filmed in technical ripeness without allowing it to overripe. Otherwise, they crumble and lose their taste.

Pear fruits winter varieties After picking, they must be stored and ripened before consumption to achieve consumer ripeness.

Ripe fruits have a delicate texture and excellent taste. Winter pears can be stored for up to six months at a temperature of 3...5 C. At optimal conditions harvested lasts until spring, maintaining excellent consumer qualities.

Bere Kyiv

Bere Kyiv was obtained in Ukraine by crossing varieties Forest beauty and Olivier de Serres. Early fruiting: bears fruit within 4 years from planting. The low yield of young trees is compensated high yields Later. Not afraid of frost and drought. Fruits are rarely susceptible to disease. In unregulated conditions they can be stored for up to 3 months.

Bere Winter Michurina

The self-fertile pear variety Bere Zimnyaya Michurina is the result of selection between Ussuriyskaya wild and Bere Royal. Moderately winter-hardy. Poorly resistant to scab. Regular and stable yield from 6–7 years of cultivation. The fruits are universal: for fresh consumption and processing.

Bere Ardanpont

Bere Ardanpont pear - obtained in Belgium in the 18th century from a seedling of unknown origin and named after the originator. The latest and most demanding in terms of conditions. Not very winter-hardy, but a productive and long-lasting variety. Productivity depends on the growing area. Dessert fruits store well for 4 months.

Despite its centuries-old history and the emergence of new promising varieties, Bere pears remain an invariably popular and beloved variety. A large family with French roots everywhere receives positive reviews domestic breeders and gardeners.

Bere pear (lat. Beurre) is an ancient species characterized by autumn ripening. In many countries it is recognized as a leader and is well distributed. In Russia, Bere is cultivated mainly in Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, and Dagestan. The tree is also grown in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

general description

Bere pears are vigorous trees. If you care for them properly, they reach large sizes. The crown is asymmetrical, highly pyramidal, and becomes wider with age.

The shoots of the tree are thick and have a grayish color. The buds are appressed, the leaves are large, the flowers have oval petals. The species blooms late, so the flowers do not suffer from spring frosts.

Main varieties of Bere pear

There are several varieties of Bere pears. They differ from each other in appearance and care conditions, and have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Description of Bere Royal pear

Beurre Royal (lat. Beurre Royal) is an old Italian variety. It is characterized by low frost resistance, so it is practically not grown in the Russian Federation. The crown of the tree is medium dense, the flowers are white, the fruits are large and yellow when ripe.

Harvested pears of this variety can be perfectly stored until the end of March. Among the disadvantages of wood it is worth noting:

  • 1. Tendency to scab.
  • 2. Demanding requirements for growing conditions.

As for reviews, gardeners note the good fertility of the variety. However, in winter, Bere Royale may freeze slightly, which is why the fruits may not appear. That is, the variety is not suitable for all regions.

How to grow a pear in the middle zone (video)

Characteristics of Bere Luke

Beurre Luca (lat. Beurre Luca) is a productive French variety. The tree has a crown of medium density; fruiting cannot be called regular. One of the characteristics of the variety is that it has average resistance to septoria and scab.

The main characteristics of the variety:

  • wavy leaves;
  • large fruits that ripen in winter;
  • presence of thorns.

The size of the fruit is average, the color is greenish with a slight blush. The skin is aromatic, medium density, the flesh is yellowish. The fruits are collected in November and stored until January.

Varietal characteristics of Bere Ardanpon

The variety was created in Western Europe. Now it is actively cultivated in Ukraine and Crimea, and is considered one of best views winter pear. The fruits of the tree are very tasty and store well, but the pear itself cannot be grown everywhere. It can only take root in fertile soil.

And if the pear does not have enough moisture, its fruits will be ugly. In cold climate areas you will get the same result. As for the winter hardiness of the variety, it cannot be said that it is high.

The yield of a tree directly depends on the area in which it grows. Best results observed in areas of the southern coast of Crimea. In Kuban and Crimea, the pear harvest is obtained in the 3rd decade of September. The main disadvantages of the variety are the heterogeneity of the fruits and frequent scab damage.

Description of Bere pear Winter Michurina

The domestic variety was obtained as a result of pollination of the Ussuri pear with pollen from Bere Royal. The winter hardiness of the bred variety is average, so it can only be grown in black earth zones. The tree itself is strong, the crown is pyramidal, and the yield is excellent.

Pear fruits are large, the skin is whitish, and there is no astringency. They are removed at the end of September and stored until February. You can make jams and candied fruits from pears; the fruits are also used for drying. Bere Michurina (lat. Beurre Michurina) is grown in Ryazan, Belgorod, Penza and some other regions.

Bere Kyiv

The variety was bred in Ukraine. The tree has a crown of medium density and is highly winter hardy. The fruits are practically not affected by scab, and fruiting itself occurs only in the 4th year.

The variety is perfectly compatible with quince. The fruits can be stored until January. The variety is zoned in Ukraine, southern Polesie. Kyiv Bere (lat. Beurre Kievskaya) is distinguished by such characteristics as late fruiting, vigorous growth, and slow fruit growth.

Pears: choosing a variety (video)

Characteristics of the Bere Russian variety

Autumn-winter variety, is a wide-pyramidal, medium-sized tree, average density. The pear bark is gray, the shoots are medium thick, slightly pubescent, the petioles are medium in size.

The inflorescence is an umbrella-shaped raceme, the flowers are small, white, fragrant. The variety blooms early.

The fruits are of medium weight, their skin is slightly rough. The flesh of pears is whitish and oily. The fruit looks attractive and tastes great. The transportability of the variety is excellent, thanks to its thick skin.

Pears are grown mainly in the Voronezh region. She doesn't freeze there. Moreover, in any region the variety is resistant to powdery mildew and scab. But in some years it may be affected by septoria.

Pear Bere Klerzho

The variety was bred in Western Europe. On this moment it is actively cultivated in Crimea and Ukraine. Winter hardiness of the tree is satisfactory, V northern regions it may suffer from frost. Fruiting is early.

In the North Caucasus and Ukraine, fruits can be harvested on September 30, in Crimea - from September 5. The shelf life of pears is determined to be 30 days. The fruits are large and have pleasant taste, are mainly used in fresh. If you are late in picking, the taste of the fruit deteriorates.

The tree itself is small, the crown is narrow-pyramidal, and the shoots are red. The leaves are medium in size, with an elongated tip. The flowers are average, the flowering period is average. The fruits fall off easily.

Description of the variety Bere Giffard

The summer pear of the presented variety was bred by accident. The variety was zoned in the North Caucasus region.

The tree is medium in size, the branches are thin, the bark is peeling. After planting, the pear develops well, but then its growth slows down. The shoots are thin, reddish, the leaves are light, the petioles are thin. The flowers are large and bloom early.

Fruits are below average size, correct form. The skin of the fruit has light brown dots. The pulp melts in your mouth, juicy, tastes wonderful.
The tree variety is undemanding to the soil, but it will grow better in fertile soil. Pear fruiting begins in the 6th year, yield increases with the age of the tree. The winter hardiness of young pears is low, it increases with age. The fruits are resistant to scab, but can be affected by fruit monilia.

How to plant a pear (video)

There are different varieties of Bere pear. They are all similar in appearance, but have some features and different growing requirements to consider.

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