The correct one is an extremely important component of preparing a hiking trip. One is always the risk of force majeure, due to which products may run out much earlier than planned. And in such circumstances, knowledge of common plants found almost everywhere will be extremely useful. But you should be especially careful, since some plants are edible only if prepared in a certain way. So, what edible roots and tubers can save you from hunger?

Convolvulus knotweed

Fallopia convulus. A small plant with narrow arrow-shaped leaves and an inflorescence in the form of a small pink or white spike. Found in grassy areas. The root, as the name suggests, is a little bitter, but if you soak it thoroughly and then fry it, it is quite edible.

Claytonia tuberosa

Claytonia tuberosa. A low plant (up to 30 cm) with short oval leaves and five-petaled white or pink flowers. It grows in both rocky and forested areas. The edible part is the tubers. They must first be cleaned and then cooked. Young shoots are also suitable for food.

Licorice or licorice

Glycyrrhíza glábra. A branching perennial plant with small oval leaves. The flowers are greenish-cream. The edible part is the root. Moreover, he is medicine, which has a positive effect on the condition of ulcers. Otherwise, it can be boiled and dried. When cooked, it tastes similar to carrots.

Comfrey officinalis

Symphytum officinale. A perennial plant, up to a meter high, the stem of which is covered with stiff hairs and the leaves are oblong-lanceolate. Grows in damp places, for example, near ditches and ditches. The edible part is the root. You can eat it raw - the taste is quite tart, or you can cook it.


Tragopogon. The stems are long, sometimes branched. The leaves are like those of cereals. The flower is a yellow basket. Young leaves and roots are edible if boiled. Some people recommend soaking them first to eliminate the bitter taste.

Spotted arum

Árum maculátum. A low plant with arrow-shaped leaves. The inflorescence resembles a pin covered with a hood of leaves. It can be found in shaded, wooded areas. The edible part is only the root. Berries should not be eaten under any circumstances. And it is advisable to boil the root thoroughly.

Cinquefoil anseri

Potentilla anserina. Low creeping plant. The leaves are imparipinnate. The flowers are scarlet, yellow, five-petaled. The fleshy root is edible raw, but it is better to cook it.

This, of course, is far from full list edible plant roots. But even such a list is enough to not die of hunger. Well, or to diversify the tourist diet a little.

Roots- vegetable crops grown for the underground succulent organs of the plant. Root vegetables are also those parts that are actually consumed by humans and used as animal feed. The main shoot (the basal part of the first shoot of the plant), the hypocotyl (the part of the plant located between the main root and the main shoot) and the main root of the plant take part in the formation of root crops. Tubers vegetable crops are also underground and also succulent, but these plants are classified as tubers; their tubers are formed on underground stems or lateral roots.

Root crops include the following vegetables::

Nutrients - sugars, minerals, vitamins, proteins - accumulate in the root crop (as a part of the plant). Root vegetables are eaten raw, boiled, stewed, dried and canned.

A little botany

Root vegetable is formed in plants with different durations life cycle, but more often in two-year-olds. In the first year of life, biennial and perennial root plants develop a rosette of leaves and a root crop. In the second year of life, a flowering and fruiting stem develops from the buds located in the axils of the rosette leaves. After the seeds ripen, the plant dies.

Conditionally The root vegetable can be divided vertically into 3 parts: the head, the neck and the root itself. The upper part of the root crop is called the head; it is formed by a shortened stem and bears a rosette of leaves and buds. The head is aboveground part plants that have the smallest nutritional value, because it contains much less nutrients compared to other parts, and besides, it becomes very woody. Below the head is the neck, which is a hypocotyl and has no leaves or lateral roots. The lower part of the root crop - the root - has lateral roots, which is why it differs from the neck. The neck and root are complete parts of the root crop in terms of the presence of nutrients. The outside of the root crop is covered with a cork (covering tissue), inside of which are located the bast and woody parts of the root crop, consisting mainly of storage parenchyma (plant tissue that performs the function of storing and supplying nutrients).

The internal structure of individual root crops is not the same - depending on which part (bast or woody) the nutrients are deposited to a greater extent, Root vegetables are divided into the following types:

  1. root vegetable like carrot(carrots, parsley, parsnips, celery)
    Nutrients are deposited mainly in the secondary bast located under the cork. That is why the bast part of root vegetables such as carrots occupies most of the root crop. The core of the root vegetable (woody part) is less colored, has more lignified cells, and contains fewer nutrients. The lower the specific gravity of the core, the more nutritious the root vegetable will be.
  2. radish-type root vegetable(radish, radish, rutabaga, turnip)
    Nutrients are deposited in the woody part of the root crop, which occupies most of it. The underdeveloped bast part of such root vegetables adheres tightly to the skin. Root crops have a round or elongated shape, color from white to dark red. Root vegetables such as radishes are rich in glycosides and essential oils.
  3. root vegetable like beet(sugar beet, table beet)
    Lighter (woody) and darker (bast) rings of pulp alternate. Nutrients are deposited in the bast part of such root crops, and tree rings have more quantity lignified elements and less nutrients.

Root vegetables belong to different botanical families: the cabbage family (order Brassicas, class Dicotyledonous division Flowering) - radish, turnip, radish, daikon, loba, turnip, rutabaga, Peruvian poppy; family umbelliferae (order Umbelliferae class Dicotyledonous division Flowering) - carrots, parsnips, celery, parsley, arracacha; family Asteraceae (order Asteraceae class Dicotyledonous division Flowering) - scorzonera, oat root. While the root crops of the Cabbage and Umbelliferae families are grown en masse in our country, the root crops of the Asteraceae family cannot boast of this. However, some gardeners grow them in their garden plots. Scorzonera and oat root are very nutritious and tasty vegetables, and also have a number of medicinal properties. It is not without reason that these root vegetables are deservedly popular in many countries around the world.

Root vegetables love moisture and give good harvests on fertile loose soils, especially with artificial irrigation.

Application of root vegetables

Root vegetables make up a significant part of the diet of residents of many countries around the world, including Russia. Root vegetable crops are widely cultivated in our country; beet,. Root vegetables are rich in carbohydrates, contain many minerals, vitamins, proteins and other substances necessary for the body. Root vegetables are used as food in different forms: cheese, stewed, boiled, fried, dried, canned.

Carrots, beets, turnips and rutabaga are grown as fodder root crops in Russia. These root vegetables produce a lot of juicy mass, which contributes to better absorption of roughage and concentrated feed by animals.

Root vegetables are widely used in medicine. Indications for the use of a particular root vegetable are determined by the beneficial substances it contains. For example, carrots are used to treat hypovitaminosis, radish as a diuretic, beets and turnips to improve digestion.

Root vegetables are valuable sources of nutrients. Even in ancient times, people used them to replenish vitamins and minerals in the body.

Since then, humanity has developed many of their hybrids, which, with varying degrees of popularity, are in demand among ordinary people from different countries. Most people value such roots due to their healthy quantity. During long-term observations, people noticed that edible root parts that were collected in spring and autumn are able to demonstrate the highest starch content. In some cases, when spring comes, the rhizome will distill part of its starch into, which is also highly valued among lovers of a tasty lunch.

The modified root sometimes reaches truly record sizes, about a meter in length. But there are also species that reach only a few centimeters in a given parameter. Usually their shape is the outline of a bulb, but exceptions are possible such as oblong silhouettes, slightly flattened or completely round.

In addition to the fact that such garden bed regulars are the staple foods of vegetarians, they also often serve as the basis for the preparation of various medicines. Moreover, it is far from necessary that these are recipes from traditional medicine, since some of their features allow them to be used for herbal medicine.

But if you want to try unknown species, you must mandatory study detailed information about the specimen you like. The increased caution is explained by the fact that exotic root vegetables sometimes contain poison. Even an ordinary one can turn out to be toxic if you don’t know when exactly it can be collected and eaten.

Schematic classification

The story of how Russian-speaking gardeners were first given potatoes for seedlings is known even to schoolchildren. Using the example of people who for some reason decided to eat the green part, and not the underground riches of the plant, it became clear how important it is to understand the characteristics of agricultural crops.

Another interesting story is the study of archaeologists. They came to the conclusion that the roots originally had an elongated shape. She resembled the outlines of . Over time, the shape changed, and it received its modern shape only in the sixteenth century.

All available root crops schematically form four main families:

  • cabbage;
  • aster;
  • pigweed;
  • umbrella

Among the aster representatives, scorzonera is also distinguished. The first is often prescribed to coffee lovers who are prohibited from drinking natural coffee due to irritable bowel syndrome.

Of the pigweeds, the most common member of the family is the beet. But umbrella companies are richer in representatives:

  • carrot;

Separately, the entire list can be divided by the age of “life” of each vegetable. Most of the roots that have undergone modification are considered biennial. But annual specimens like radishes or perennials, represented by katran and horseradish, are much less common.

Secrets of the composition

It is difficult to overestimate the role that root vegetables play in the life of every consumer. They are highly valued not only by vegans, but also by those who prioritize compliance with the rules healthy eating. There are certain fodder varieties that are grown to be fed to farm animals. To process them for livestock, you only need a simple feed cutter, because the products are given raw. Passing through a grinder does not strip them of their original nutritional value.

But the biologically active composition of each vegetable can vary depending on the species and other characteristics of the variety. An equally significant role here is played by the growing area and the technological approach to plant care before harvesting.

The average statistical components for root crops that are not affected by heat treatment include:

  • about 90%;
  • sugar-containing compounds;
  • glycosides;
  • phenolic substances;
  • minerals like , .

Together, this made the underground parts truly beneficial for both adults and children. Their distinguishing feature is their low glycemic index. In practice, this means that the selected tuber will block a sharp increase in blood sugar, which will be a useful find for those prone to diabetes.

Thanks to the small amount of calories compared to foods of animal origin, vegetables of this type will become indispensable in the lives of those who strictly watch their figure. It’s not for nothing that most diet plans are based on fruits and vegetables.

Another advantage is the fact that their storage does not require special conditions. It is enough to simply move the supplies to a dark place that is well ventilated and maintains a low temperature there. Basements and cellars – ideal solutions for this.

Often examples of various tinctures and decoctions for ailments of any organ touch on the need to use root vegetables. Moreover, they are boiled, ground, squeezed out the juice and used in some other way not only for internal use. Some recipes include external use when it is necessary to get rid of extensive burns or open wounds. We should thank for this the antiseptic qualities, which have a beneficial effect on the regeneration functions of the affected organism.

But along with the enormous benefits, one should remember possible harm. Often it concerns unscrupulous care for the future harvest, when unscrupulous gardeners add accelerated growth various chemicals. Some even exceed the permissible dosage to achieve a good effect in a short time.

But even without this, ordinary carrots can “delight” with the presence of arsenic and strontium. Because of this, orange root vegetables should be purchased only in trusted places, so as not to purchase goods from an unfavorable ecological zone.

Edible root vegetables

The unusual structure of plants has long ceased to surprise people. Now they are mostly interested in which specimen to choose and whether it is edible.

Among those vegetables that are most often present in various dishes, the highest demand is:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • turnip;
  • horseradish;
  • potato;
  • wild parsnip;
  • earthen pear.

Depending on the geographical location, radishes, sweet potatoes, goose cinquefoil, earthen pear, peanut. In some cases, not only the parts hidden in the soil are eaten, but also the leaves. But herbalists often do not disdain even a shoot if it can boast of some medicinal qualities.

In exotic countries they use its so-called sugar substitute -. And although botanical classification They are not similar at all; outwardly, the two root vegetables really have significant similarities. But sweet potatoes taste sweeter.

Wild parsnips are usually grown specifically in the garden. The plant itself has spines and small hairs that interfere with harvesting. But its edible component will delight you with a wide range of vitamins, which can be obtained by eating boiled root vegetables.

The earthen pear, which many know by its name, looks more like. Its height often reaches one meter. But such a large stem is not of particular value, because only the underground part is used for food. At the same time, to preserve nutritional value, doctors generally advise not to peel the skin from root vegetables. Instead, they are washed carefully.

The American groundnut looks quite exotic against the backdrop of the usual potatoes and turnips. Enthusiasts tried to adapt it for their regions. In some areas it actually does quite well, although it originally grew exclusively in wooded areas of North America.

The only caution here is a careful approach to the selection of edible parts. These should only be small tubers that are pre-boiled or fried.

The cinquefoil can also not be found everywhere, since it usually settles in areas with high humidity. Its roots can be eaten raw, but to enjoy the food it is better to cook them or at least stew them.

Not all beet lovers know how healthy they are. Its main advantage is its rejuvenating effect. Also she:

  • has a shock reserve;
  • abundance of silicon;
  • has the ability to do skin covering elastic.

With its regular consumption, it will improve the condition of your hair, making it stronger and at the same time shiny.

Also, adherents of traditional medicine know that its composition has a beneficial effect on intestinal tone and also stabilizes brain activity. The last quality will be especially appealing to those who, due to their duty, must constantly be in constant mental tension.

To get all the nutrients, and especially the reserves folic acid, don’t get too carried away with heat treatment. Prolonged exposure to temperatures practically negates all the benefits of the product. Because of this, connoisseurs prefer small tubers that cook quickly and can then be added to a salad with a minimum amount of spices.

Many people know about the benefits of carrots. First of all, it can boast of the presence of beta-carotene, which is the best friend of the skin and stable vision. But even without his main weapon, the orange healer has reserves of other nutritional components like. It helps the immune system cope with its responsibilities in the event of negative external factors such as poor ecology.

Some people who are far from botany are surprised by the fact that carrots contain phytoncides. They effectively influence pathogenic microorganisms, not being inferior in productivity to onion phytoncides.

Also, not all lovers of the main ingredient in the rabbit menu know that in order to absorb beta-carotene, the body requires vitamin E and. These components should dissolve in, which will facilitate the rapid absorption of the beneficial component. Because of this, many dietary recipes with a carrot component include the addition of sunflower oil and seeds.

Turnips deserve special attention, they saved ancient people from hunger during the cold period. This vegetable practically does not lose its nutritional value during prolonged storage. Even after a whole season in the basement, she will be pleased with a shock dosage, which works to reduce the risks of fractures and caries.

It also contains vitamin C, folic acid and carotene. This magical trio will help even a weakened body successfully survive winter epidemics viral diseases or influenza outbreaks. This is explained by the fact that when the reserves of these elements are replenished, the immune system works at full strength, protecting internal organs from possible defeat from the outside.

The most important thing when consuming vegetables that are hidden in the soil is to know when to eat in moderation. Consumption of vitamins in doses exceeding the recommended level is unlikely to be beneficial.

These are edible fruits and green plants. They are based on carbohydrates, and there are practically no proteins or fats in them. At the same time there are many biologically active substances– vitamins, organic acids, fiber, pectins. You need to eat vegetables regularly: according to the “healthy plate” model, they should make up a quarter of all foods eaten per day. When planning your diet, it is advisable to take into account not only your preferences, but also the recommendations of nutritionists - try to eat more colorful foods.

Phytonutrients give vegetables their color, which also protect against various diseases.

  • Red vegetables are a source of beta-carotene, lycopene, and vitamin C. They prevent the development of cancer and heart disease, and improve the digestive system.
  • Greens are a storehouse of vitamins A, C, K, folic acid, chlorophyll, lutein, calcium. They should be eaten to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, normalize blood pressure, strengthen teeth and bones, and preserve vision.
  • Orange - contain beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene, which are beneficial for the health of the respiratory system, skin, and eyes.
  • Blue and purple are a source of anthocyanin and resveratrol, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and protect against aging.
  • White fruits are a source of sulfur, allicin, and quercetin, and they help control weight, blood pressure, and have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.


English arrowroot – starch flour
This is a starch made from arrowroot, a tropical plant. South America. Arrowroot is also grown on the Fiji Islands and Brazil. Tubers of the plant are used as raw materials for the production of arrowroot. In this case, dried arrowroot rhizomes are used, which are ground into flour.


Perennial herbaceous plants. Also known as badridzhan or little blue ones. Eggplants are native to the tropical regions of India, where they grow wild. Eggplants have been grown as an annual crop in Europe since the 13th-15th centuries.


This vegetable has many names, including gumbo, okra and lady's fingers. If you hear this name, it means we are talking about okra - a rather valuable vegetable crop that belongs to the Malvaceae family. Nothing is known about the homeland of this plant, but it is widespread in Africa, North America, India and the tropics. Some call its homeland West Africa, others - India. This is due to the fact that a wide variety of varieties and types of okra grow in these places.

Sweet potato

A herbaceous liana with long (1-5 m) creeping stems that take root at the nodes. The height of the bush is 15-18 cm. Sweet potato leaves are heart-shaped or palmate-lobed, on long petioles. The flowers sit in the axils of the leaves; the corolla is large, funnel-shaped, pink, pale lilac or white. Many varieties do not bloom. Cross-pollination, mainly by bees. Fruit - 4-seed capsule; the seeds are black or brown, 3.5-4.5 mm in diameter. The lateral roots of the sweet potato thicken greatly and form tubers with white, orange, pink or red edible pulp. One sweet potato tuber weighs from 200 g to 3 kg.


Rutabaga is a biennial plant of the cabbage family that produces high yields. It came from crossing turnips and white cabbage. Some researchers believe that rutabaga was developed in the Mediterranean region.

The root is round or oval, similar in appearance to a turnip, but somewhat larger, its flesh is yellow, orange or white, covered with a green-gray or red-violet peel.


Biennial plant of the goosefoot family, root vegetable crop.

Her homeland is the Mediterranean. Oddly enough, the person first appreciated the taste of beet leaves and only then tasted the beet roots.

The ancient Romans were very fond of this vegetable, who happily ate beet leaves soaked in wine and seasoned with pepper. By decree of Emperor Tiberius, enslaved Germanic tribes paid tribute to Rome in beets. It was also eaten by the ancient Greeks.

Daikon (Japanese radish) Daikon has larger root crops than radishes - from 2 to 4 kg. They have high taste qualities: more juicy, tender, without a sharp rare taste, and are perfectly stored all winter. Daikon can be eaten fresh, boiled and salted. Zucchini
An annual herbaceous plant of the pumpkin family, it was brought to Europe from America in the 16th century. The Iroquois Indians have traditionally eaten squash for 10 millennia and considered it their staple food, along with squash, beans and corn. They were planted together so the beans could crawl up the corn stalks and the squash would grow in the shade. Zucchini leaves were not allowed to grow weeds.

, and the beans provided their neighbors with nitrogen.

Zucchini fruits have an oblong shape and are green, yellow or white, North America. In Dagestan they use wild species

capers. Capers are also widespread in the Caucasus and Crimea, where they grow on barren slate rocks from Alushta to Sudak and Feodosia.

White cabbage White cabbage is a biennial, light-loving vegetable with round shape with leaves tightly wrapped inward. Scientists have still not been able to unambiguously determine where white cabbage comes from. There are two points of view. According to one, the Mediterranean coast is considered the birthplace of cabbage; on the other, the Colchis Lowland in Georgia. White cabbage is grown in all countries of the world, except for the territories of the Earth located beyond the Arctic Circle or in deserts. Produce it seedling method into open ground. Due to large lower leaves minimum distance

there should be 40-50 cm between each plant. White cabbage is harvested selectively, depending on the size of the head and its hardness.

Broccoli Annual vegetable plant cabbage family. The most common variety of broccoli has dark green heads of tightly clustered florets and thick, juicy stalks. It resembles cauliflower, but only the head is green or purple in color. In German, "braun kopf" is a brown (brown) head. Externally, broccoli looks like an elegant green flower

. Broccoli is eaten using the central head and the heads of the side shoots, cut off from the tender part of the stem.

Brussels sprouts It was developed from kale by vegetable growers in Belgium, from where it spread to France, Germany and Holland. Carl Linnaeus was the first to scientifically describe cabbage and named it Brussels sprouts in honor of the Belgian gardeners from Brussels. Appeared in Russia in the middle 19th century
, but did not become widespread due to harsh climatic conditions.

Brussels sprouts are widely cultivated in Western Europe (especially the UK), USA and Canada. In Russia it is cultivated in limited quantities, mainly in the central regions.

It is a so-called stem fruit. The core of this fruit is tender and juicy, very pleasant to the taste, somewhat reminiscent of a cabbage stalk. Northern Europe is considered the birthplace of kohlrabi.

The name translated from German is interpreted as “cabbage turnip”.

The first mention of kohlrabi cabbage was recorded in 1554, and literally a century later, kohlrabi spread throughout almost all of Europe, right up to the Mediterranean. Red cabbage It is a variety of white cabbage.

It has bluish-violet, sometimes with a purple tint, leaves, the specific color of which is already visible in the seedlings. The presence of this color is due to the increased content of a special substance - anthocyanin.

Red cabbage is late ripening and does not have early ripening varieties. The period of growth and development lasts up to 160 days. Early varieties

red cabbage

They are quite cold-resistant and not as demanding on climate and soil as white cabbage varieties, but late varieties are quite capricious.
Pak choi cabbage This is one of the most ancient Chinese vegetable crops. Today she has gained great popularity in Asia and every day she is gaining more and more new fans in Europe. Pak choi cabbage is a close relative of Peking cabbage, but differs from it externally, biologically, and also in economic qualities. Cabbage

(also known as “salad” cabbage)

In China, this variety was cultivated and selected back in the fifth century AD, after which it gained rapid popularity in Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia. Widely known in Europe and the USA Chinese cabbage I received it relatively recently. The second name for “Peking”, under which it can be found, is “petsai”.
Romanesco cabbage Italian romanesco

– Roman cabbage

It first appeared in the Italian county of Savoy, which influenced its name - Savoy. The peasants of this county were the first to grow this variety of cabbage. It has been known in our country since the 19th century, but it never became popular, although fresh it tastes better than cabbage cabbage. This cabbage is widely used in Western Europe and the USA. By taste qualities Savoy cabbage is similar to white cabbage, but its dark green corrugated, curly and thin leaves have a more delicate taste and aroma. It is not as tough as other types of cabbage, as it does not have rough veins. And it is also more nutritious than white and red. IN savoy cabbage a lot of biologically active substances, sugar, mustard oil. 4 times more fat and 25% less fiber than white cabbage.


Comes from the Mediterranean regions. It was first imported from Western Europe in the 17th century. However, we love it much less than the usual white cabbage, and assign it a secondary role. Unlike, say, Europe. There, cauliflower is a dietary product, healthy at any age and very beloved. It contains much less fiber than regular one, and therefore is easily digestible.

Bulb onions

Onions are one of the most ancient vegetable crops.
In China, Iran, and Mediterranean countries it was known 4000 BC. Onions came to Russia from the banks of the Danube at the beginning of the 12th century. Onion- a perennial plant. In the first year, a bulb with a diameter of 1-2.5 cm (onion set) grows from the seed. In the next season, large bulbs are formed from it, producing flower stalks-arrows in the third year, on which inflorescences with seeds are formed. According to the nature of branching, all varieties are divided into small-, medium- and multi-celled. Varieties are distinguished not only by their nesting properties, but also by taste - into spicy, semi-sharp and sweet. U different varieties onions and the methods of their cultivation are not the same: some are grown from sets and selections, others - from sets and in annual crop

from seeds, others - only in an annual crop by sowing seeds or seedlings.

Leek is an annual herbaceous plant of the Allium family.

Plant height is 40-90 cm. Leek leaves are green to greenish-blue in color, flowers are whitish or pink, form an umbrella. The bulb is elongated, without bulbs or with few bulbs. The stem emerges from the middle of the bulb. Leaves linear-lanceolate, sheath with long nose; the umbrella is large, spherical; the perianth is whitish or less often pinkish, with slightly rough leaflets. The filaments of the stamens are longer than the perianth, the inner ones are tripartite, with the middle part 2 times shorter than the base.


Biennial herbaceous plant of the Onion family. A shallot bulb consists of many cloves - like garlic.

It is smaller than that of onion, but it ripens earlier and is stored excellently. Most often, shallots are grown for their greenery. It tastes great and is not spicy. The feather is delicate and thin. As soon as the onion grows 20 cm, it must be cut off sparingly - this will prevent bolting, to which shallots are prone (especially when planting in autumn).


This plant is a herbaceous vine, which is not at all picky, so caring for it is easy. Luffa has one feature - a long growing season. This crop, like cucumber, does not like transplanting, so to grow it you should choose a less traumatic method of transplanting seedlings.


Carrots are a biennial plant; in the first year of life they form a rosette of leaves and a root crop; in the second year of life they form a seed bush and seeds. Carrots are widespread, including in Mediterranean countries, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and America (up to 60 species). Momordica This is a climbing annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the family pumpkin

. Momordica is cultivated on the balcony, in the room, in the garden, as a healing and simply beautiful liana. This is a plant with

edible fruits serves as a decoration for southern windows, open terraces and balconies, gazebos, walls, fences and decorative grilles. Cucumber An annual herbaceous plant of the pumpkin family. The stem is creeping or climbing, covered with small colorless hairs, its dimensions reach 1-2 m. The leaves are alternate, entire, with jagged edges. Flowers 3-4 cm, yellow, unisexual. Most varieties of cucumbers have female and and size depending on the variety. In culinary terms, cucumbers are traditionally classified as vegetable crops.


Biennial plant with thick, sweetish and pleasantly smelling roots.

The stem is sharply ribbed. The leaves are pinnate. The flowers are yellow. Parsnip fruits are round-elliptical, flat-compressed, yellowish-brownish.

Blooms in July - August. Parsnips ripen in September.


Bush form of early ripening pumpkin.

Squash fruits can be collected from the garden on the 5-6th day of ripening.

By this time, the soft green pumpkins are covered with thin skin, and inside there is elastic, slightly bitter flesh. If you leave squash in the garden, the skin quickly turns white and the fruits become inedible. Squash can be stewed, fried, pickled or salted. Translated from French, the word squash translates as “vegetable plate.” And this is no coincidence, because pumpkins are ideal for stuffing. Sweet pepper The fruit of annual herbaceous plants of the nightshade family. The fruits of sweet peppers are false hollow berries, multi-seeded, red, orange, yellow or brown, of various shapes and sizes (from 0.25 to 190 g). This pepper is found in the wild in tropical areas of America. Tomato This is a vegetable of the nightshade family, originating from South America, and occupying a leading place in the world among vegetable crops. The tomato contains a set of elements that have a beneficial effect on

cardiovascular system

and help cleanse the body. It is also an important source lycopene(a powerful antioxidant with immunostimulating and antitumor effects, slows down the aging of the body) and glutathione(protects cells from toxic free radicals). Cherry tomatoes Cherry tomatoes are

garden variety

This is a head of lettuce that belongs to the chicory family.

In his Natural History, Pliny the Elder wrote about this plant as a remedy that can cleanse the blood and help people suffering from insomnia. Marco Polo also wrote about him.

He claimed that it was a favorite product of the inhabitants of the Veneta region (present-day Venice). And today radicchio is one of the most popular salads among Italians. Radish It is an edible plant and is grown as a vegetable in many countries around the world. Its name comes from Lat. radix - root. Root vegetables, which are up to 3 cm thick and covered with

thin skin

, often colored red, pink or white-pink. Radish roots have a pungent taste. This typical taste of radish is due to the mustard oil content in the plant, which under pressure is converted into mustard oil glycoside.


An annual or biennial herbaceous plant, a species of the Radish genus of the Brassica family. Radish root crops, depending on the variety, can have a round, oval or oblong shape. Skin color ranges from ordinary black and gray to white, pink, green, purple. Black and green radishes are more tender, green ones are even sweeter. Both root vegetables and young radish leaves are eaten, adding them to various salads and soups. Radish root vegetables are consumed raw, boiled and fried, added to salads, appetizers, okroshka, borscht, soups, various meat and vegetable dishes. Turnip An annual or biennial herbaceous plant of the Brassica family.

A smooth yellow root vegetable that can reach from 8 to 20 cm in diameter and weigh 10 kg. All types of turnips are very early ripening, the finished root crop is formed in 40 - 45 days,

late varieties - in 50 - 60 days. The leaf rosette reaches a height of 40 - 60 cm. Turnip as a vegetable and medicinal plant has been known since ancient times. Turnips can be baked, boiled, stuffed, casseroles and stews are prepared from it, and it is suitable for making salads. It can be stored for a long time in a cool place without losing its healing qualities; It is easily absorbed by the body and is recommended for baby food. In Russia, the expression “simpler than steamed turnips” has long been known, indicating its long-term and frequent use. The Russian word “potato” has German roots. In German it sounds like Kartoffel. But this is not the primary name, since it was formed in Italian like tartufo, tartufolo.

The potato has the form of a bush, the height of which is 1 m, with several stems (from 4 to 8). The tuber variety determines their number. The stems of the root crop are characterized by ribbing and immersion. Part of the potato has lateral shoots (stolons). Modified thickenings grow to the tips of the stolons, which are a plant product suitable for nutrition.

This is a bud that has grown. It consists of starch cells on the inside and cork tissue on the outside. On the surface of the tuber there are axillary buds (eyes). New shoots grow from them. Each tuber has 8 eyes, each containing buds. The bud that sprouted first is called the main bud, the rest are dormant. Dormant buds may wake up and form weak shoots. In contrast, the main bud produces strong shoots.

The surface of the tuber is covered with lentils. These organs are designed to circulate air and water in the potato.

The shape of the root crop varies: round, elongated, oval. Potato skin can be white, pink, or purple. The pulp most often has a white, cream or yellow color.

Root system fibrous, located 20–40 cm below the ground surface. The peak of root development occurs during budding. When the tubers ripen, the root dies.

Potato leaves come in different shapes: odd-pinnate, dissected. The variety determines the color of the leaves. It is known that there are light green, green, and dark green foliage.

Potatoes improve intestinal function, as they remove cholesterol thanks to fiber and pectins. It also contains vitamins A, B2, B6, C, E, H, K, PP. The value of the product is that it contains potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, zinc, iodine, manganese. Due to their high calorie content (76 kcal per 100 g), potatoes are not suitable for obese people.

Carrot is the name two-year-old in which in the first year a rosette of leaves, a root crop, is formed, and by the second year - a bush with seeds. Distributed in Europe, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, America.

The edible part of carrots comes in different weights (30–200g). and wind take part in the pollination of this plant.

The root vegetable has three parts: root, neck and head. Above the head are leaves that form a rosette and buds in it. There are no roots or leaves around the neck. Carrots can be ovoid or cone-shaped.

Flowers form an umbrella. Carrots have petiolate, pinnate leaves. The seeds are elongated, oval in shape. There are small spikes on their surface. 1000 seeds weigh from 1–2.8 g.

Did you know? From Egyptian sources it is known that carrots were originally purple. Orange varieties first appeared in Holland. Nowadays, there are carrots in orange, black, green, purple, and white.

Carrot carotene helps the retina function normally. Therefore, everyone who reads a lot, deals with small objects, and who must constantly be attentive should eat carrots. In addition, beta-carotene, as an antioxidant, prolongs the youth of the body. If you already have some problems with your vision, then carrots can also help.
Calorie content of carrots- 32 Kcal per 100 g. Protein 1.3 g, fat 0.1 g, carbohydrates 6.9 g. Carrots also contain 88 g of water, monosaccharides, disaccharides, starch, pectin, organic acids, ash. Carrots consist of vitamins A, B, PP, C, E and K, minerals: iodine, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, copper, chromium. They have a positive effect on the skin and mucous membranes. Carrots also contain essential oils. They are used to make liquor, cosmetics, and perfumes.

Celery is a plant from family Umbrella (Apiaceae). Celery is the most popular type. The plant, which has a thickened root, takes root best in damp areas near swamps and salt marshes. Average height is 1 m, the leaves are pinnate, located on a grooved branched stem. Flowers small sizes green in color are united into complex inflorescences with an umbrella. The Plant List says there are 17
All segments of celery are suitable for food use, but the stem is used more often. The petioles have a green color, a pungent aroma, and an unusual taste. The calorie content of the product is 12 Kcal per 100 g. Protein 0.9 g, fat 0.1 g, carbohydrates 2.1 g. 100 g of peeled tuber consists of 320 mg of potassium, 80 mg of phosphorus, 68 mg of calcium, 9 mg of magnesium, 0.15 mg manganese, 0.31 mg zinc, 0.53 mg iron.

Iron, magnesium and calcium help increase hemoglobin levels, strengthen the immune system, and relieve swelling. Celery prevents infectious diseases, is a prophylactic against atherosclerosis, has a calming effect on nervous system, cures hypertension, improves intestinal function.

Important! If a person has kidney stones, they should not eat celery, as it can cause the stones to move throughout the body. If you have thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, you should not eat celery. This plant should not be consumed if the woman is in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.

Refers to the Ginger family. There are seven types of this product known.

Ginger first grew in South Asia. Nowadays it is grown in China, India, Indonesia, Australia, West Africa, Jamaica, Barbados.

Ginger rhizome adventitious. A fibrous system is formed from the roots. The roots have a primary structure, their outer tissue is corky; the central cylinder consists of a ring of tufts that are divided into fibers. Stems are erect, rounded, not pubescent. There are internodes larger than 1 cm in size. The leaves of the plant are alternate, simple, entire, and pointed.
The flowers are located on peduncles and are part of spike-shaped inflorescences. The tricuspid capsule is considered a fruit.

The ginger rhizome is the edible part of the plant. It has the shape of round pieces located in the same plane.

Calorie content of ginger- 80 Kcal. Protein 1.8 g, fat 0.8 g, carbohydrates 15.8 g. The rhizome contains essential oil (1–3%), which contains 1.5% gingerol, resin, starch, sugar, fat. Ginger also contains vitamins C, B1, B2 and amino acids.
Ginger stimulates work gastrointestinal tract, treats flatulence, improves appetite, memory, helps treat radiculitis, bruises, coughs, colds, cleanses the body of toxic substances. It is a “hot spice” that improves food digestion and blood flow.

Rutabaga is a biennial plant that functions as food for humans and food for species of the genus Brassica. family Brassicas. Considered a combination with turnips. The varieties “Krasnoselskaya” and “Swedish” are recognized as the most productive. It is similar in shape to a beet, but its color is lilac and white. The pulp is slightly bitter and tastes like turnips. Distributed in Sweden, Russia, Scandinavia, Germany, Finland.

Did you know? In some Russian cities And in the villages, rutabaga is called bruchka, bukhva, bushma, galanka, gruhva, jaundice, zemlyubha, kalega, kaliva, kaliga, kalika, German or Swedish turnip. It is mistakenly called rutabaga, but in fact it is a completely different plant.

Rutabaga stems are straight, tall, and leafy. The lower leaves are lyre-like, sparse, and sometimes bare. The plant is bluish in color.

The inflorescence is a brush. Petals are golden in color. The fruit has the shape of a long multi-seeded pod 5–10 cm in length, slightly tuberous, has a peduncle measuring 1–3 cm, a conical nose (1–2 cm), has no seeds, rarely with one or two seeds. Ball shaped seeds dark brown, with small cells with a diameter of 1.8 mm. 1000 seeds weigh approximately 2.50–3.80 g.

The root crop can be round, oval, or cylindrical. The color of the pulp and rind depends on the variety.

Plant calorie content is 37.5 Kcal per 100 g, carbohydrates - 7.3 g, fats - 0.16 g, nitrogenous substances - 1.1 g, proteins -1.2 g. In addition, rutabaga contains fiber, starch, pectins, vitamins B1, B2, P, C, carotene, nicotinic acid, mineral salts (potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, calcium). Rutabagas are richer in minerals than turnips.

This product is recommended for use as a diuretic, to thin sputum, and for constipation. Rutabaga juice treats vitamin deficiencies and can effectively heal wounds. The product is used for dietary nutrition, gastritis, colic. Only acute intestinal diseases can be a contraindication.

Did you know? Johann Wolfgang von Goethe considered rutabaga his favorite vegetable.

Herbal perennial of the genus Sunflower from the Astrov family. The identical name is “earthen pear”, “Jerusalem artichoke”, “bulba”, “bulva”, “barabola”. The name has Brazilian roots, because it comes from the name of the Indian tribe from Brazil - “Tupinamba”. Habitat - Brazil, North America, Great Britain, France, Ukraine, Russia, Australia, Japan. Everyone can choose the one that suits them from the 300 existing varieties.

The plant has strong and deep roots. Edible tubers located on the surface of underground shoots, tastes like cabbage poker or turnip, and is colored white, yellow, purple or red. The stem is erect, about 40 cm high.

Leaves in the form of drooping petioles. Those that are lower have an ovoid or heart-shaped shape, the upper ones are elongated, ovoid. Flowers are included in baskets (diameter 2–10 cm). Flowering time is from August to October. The fruits are achenes.

The chemical composition of the tubers resembles potatoes. The calorie content of Jerusalem artichoke is 61 Kcal per 100 g, contains 2.1 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat, 12.8 g of fat. The root vegetable also contains mineral salts, inulin (soluble polysaccharides) (16–18%), fructose, trace elements, nitrogenous substances (2–4%). The product is rich in vitamins B1, C, carotene. The percentage of sugar in the tuber increases over time as nutrients move from the stem and leaves.

Jerusalem artichoke is used for gout, anemia, and obesity. A decoction of the root vegetable lowers blood pressure and hemoglobin levels. Suitable for residents of megacities where there is high gas pollution, smog, waste emissions into the air, soil, and water. Jerusalem artichoke neutralizes the consequences of such an environmental situation. It also removes heavy metals, radionuclides, and toxic substances from the body. The plant received this antitoxic property due to the interaction of inulin and fiber, which are components of Jerusalem artichoke. This root vegetable has more “sugar” in its composition than sugar cane or sugar cane.

May cause flatulence and excessive gas formation.

Did you know? Japan, Holland and the USA produce coffee from Jerusalem artichoke.

Radish - annual or genus Radish Brassica family. The name is of Latin origin: radix - root. The homeland of radishes is the Middle East, but they are also grown in European countries and the USA. The Netherlands ranks first in terms of radish consumption.
The calorie content of radishes is 14 Kcal per 100 g, contains proteins - 1.1 g, fats - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 2.0 g, as well as 94 g of water, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, mineral salts, riboflavin, thiamine , nicotinic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, PP.

Radish roots are 2–8 cm in diameter, round, oval, oblong. The root crop is covered with pink or red “skin”. The cause of the bitter aroma of the root vegetable is mustard oil.
Radishes form a small rosette of divided leaves. Flowers Pink colour form flowers into inflorescences. The plant begins to bloom within 60 days after sowing the seeds, flowering lasts a month.

used as medicine for cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, obesity. Radish improves intestinal function. Silicon, found in radishes, removes cholesterol, improves immunity and joint mobility. High level The essential oil in this root vegetable can negatively affect people with gastritis, pancreatitis, and inflamed gallbladder.

Did you know? They tried to grow radishes on a space station. It was chosen because it is characterized by a short growing season (from 30 to 45 days) and nutritious roots and leaves. Therefore, this product is convenient to produce even in space conditions.

Parsnip is a biennial and perennial from family Umbelliferae. Distributed in lowland and mountain meadows, the plant is sometimes called barnacle, field borscht, popovnik, trestles, trunk, white root. The naming was borrowed from German, and the primary Latin name- pastināca (from pastināre - to dig). Grows in Europe and Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Balkans.

Did you know? It has been established that parsnip seeds already existed during the Neolithic era in modern-day Switzerland. Parsnips were a staple food until potatoes were brought to Europe.

During the first year of growth, a large white root crop and a rosette grows, which includes from 3 to 7 dissected leaves, the height of which is 60–70 cm. A branched peduncle appears in the second year of development, flowers and seeds appear on it.

The acceptable temperature for the plant is from 15 to 18 °C. Parsnip leaves emit volatile compounds at temperatures above 20°C. They can severely burn human skin.

The calorie content of parsnips is 47 kcal, 1.4 g protein, 0.5 g fat, 9.2 g carbohydrates. In addition, parsnips contain many vitamins: C, B1, B2, B6, PP, as well as carotene, essential oils, furocoumarins, enzymes, pectin, and fiber.


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