What to do if there is no space to install gas or other heating equipment in a residential building, but build separate building Don’t have time for these needs? In this case, a mini boiler room for a private home will help solve these problems in the best possible way. The compact boiler room is quickly installed and has everything necessary equipment to provide a home heating system.

Operating principle of a mini boiler room

Autonomous mini boiler rooms for private homes and cottages are a container equipped with heating equipment. IN basic equipment includes:

An external free-standing mini boiler room for a private house works as follows:

  • Boilers heat the coolant to the specified temperature.
  • With the help of powerful circulation equipment, the coolant is directed into the house.
  • Automation ensures virtually uninterrupted operation of heating equipment.
  • Depending on the type of boiler selected, to supply fuel to combustion chamber Pumps, screw and vibration transmission can be used.

The operating time of the mini-boiler room in autonomous mode depends on the selected fuel. Gas, pellet and liquid fuel boilers require virtually no maintenance; solid fuel units must be constantly supplied with firewood or coal.

Rules for building a free-standing mini-boiler room

If container boiler houses for private houses and summer cottages are not affordable, you can build such a separate building yourself. There are certain requirements for such boiler rooms. Namely:

Boiler equipment of a separate mini boiler room allows you to avoid capital construction. Installation, connection to the home heating system and commissioning of the equipment takes only a few days.

Solid fuel mini boiler room in a private house

Installing a mini heating system powered by solid fuel allows you to provide heat to a residential building using: fuel briquettes, pellets, firewood and other raw materials. The package includes:

If there is no possibility of connecting to the gas supply system, separate pellet mini boiler houses are practically the best option heating. A mini-boiler house using pellets does not take up space in a residential building and can operate autonomously for up to several months.

Mini boiler houses for heating on coal

Coal-fired block boiler houses have their advantages and certain disadvantages. Regarding the advantages of such boiler houses, the following can be highlighted:
  • Simple design, repair and maintenance of a mini coal boiler can be done independently.
  • Using new technologies that allow you to connect in a short period of time. If necessary, you can easily transport the container to another location.
  • Reliability of coal heating equipment. Everything, from boilers to automation, is manufactured in such a way as to be able to resist mechanical impact during transportation, loading and unloading.
  • Long service life of coal-fired mini boiler houses. With proper maintenance, long-term operation of all equipment is guaranteed.
  • Easy control, regulation of the operation of a coal boiler is carried out using special cabinet management.

Autonomous coal mini-boiler houses with automatic loading of coal allow you to solve the problem of the need for constant human presence. Not all models of coal heating equipment have functionality automated supply of coal to the furnace.

A significant disadvantage of coal-fired boiler houses is the need for a large fuel storage tank, which may require a large number of additional space.

Gas mini boiler room for home

Small modular freestanding boiler room in a private country house on gas does not have the disadvantages inherent in previous versions of heating equipment. Among other things, small gas boiler houses are distinguished by:
  • Full compliance with all GOSTs and SNiP regarding premises in which gas equipment is installed. This allows you to reduce the registration time required for connecting to the main line and the possibility of putting the boiler room into operation.
  • Autonomy - to ensure continuous operation, it is necessary to carry out regular seasonal maintenance and temperature control. Some models are connected to temperature sensors, and as a result, the heating temperature of the coolant is set automatically depending on the actual heat needs.
  • Economical - even taking into account the constant rise in gas prices, blue fuel continues to remain the cheapest type of fuel.
  • Installation speed - even taking into account the need for registration, installation of a gas mini boiler room and connection, along with the preparation of all papers, will take about a month. The connection itself is completed in a few days.

A gas boiler room separate from a private house has only one drawback - the need to obtain permission to connect gas and put equipment into operation. But since these nuances are already taken into account during production, this issue is usually resolved quickly.

Home mini boiler room using liquid fuel

Another popular option for a mini-boiler room is to install a unit with a liquid fuel heating unit. The method of heating a house with liquid fuel also has its advantages and features. Among the technical characteristics and advantages are the following:

Installing liquid fuel boilers also has its disadvantages. High consumption fuel requires the installation of a large storage tank. Fuel tank can be installed either in a well-heated room and, therefore, take up a lot of space, or installed in the ground below the freezing level, which will require additional excavation work.

How to equip a mini-boiler room in a private house

Still, if the option of purchasing a ready-made mini-boiler room is not suitable for some reason, you can convert one of the rooms in your house to meet these needs. Purchase and install all necessary equipment It’s unlikely that you can do it yourself, but the savings compared to purchasing a ready-made module will still be significant. The following equipment for mini boiler rooms will be required:
  • Boiler and its piping. It may be necessary to install circulation equipment, water treatment and filtration systems, etc.
  • Hydro arrow - it must be installed in case of simultaneous heating of several floors, as well as if more than one heating circuit is used. The water collector directs coolant under pressure into the system and distributes it evenly as needed.
  • Auxiliary equipment. To provide normal operation equipment may also need a voltage rectifier and a distribution panel.
A mini boiler room is a profitable investment that promotes convenience and efficient heating private house.

Installing autonomous heating in a house is a rather complex and time-consuming task. The first thing you need to do is choose a method for heating your home. Some people prefer traditional, time-tested fireplaces and stoves, while others prefer modern boilers.

It is important to note that installing a stove does not involve creating a fundamental building with a chimney. A modern stove is a very modest in size and attractive in appearance heating system, which, if desired, can be decorated decorative bricks or ceramic tiles. The oven can also be made of thick steel sheets, covered on top heat resistant paint or enamel.

Heating stoves and their main characteristics

Modern ones are not only quite miniature in size, but also equipped with convectors that provide more efficient heating of rooms. One of the “advantages” of stoves is that they quickly and effectively “dry” the room, removing excess moisture. This is especially true in autumn and spring periods. Despite their small size, these stoves are powerful enough to warm up a room even in the coldest winter. This, by the way, is one of the disadvantages of the stove, since its power is clearly not enough to warm up the entire house.

Heating boilers

Heating boilers are a completely different matter. These devices are designed to heat fairly large rooms, and the boiler’s power is definitely enough to heat a house or country cottage.

If you want to install a heating device in a building that you use seasonally, then it is better, of course, to choose a more economical and traditional option - a stove or fireplace. If you want to arrange proper heating in a house in which someone constantly lives, then you should opt for boilers.

Types of autonomous heating and criteria for their selection

Autonomous heating in the house can be completely independent, or may partially depend on external sources, for example, a power source. The large assortment and variety of modern heating boilers can confuse an unprepared person: he simply will not know what is best for him to purchase, what features each heating system on the market has. Therefore, you first need to find out what criteria you need to use to make your choice.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the source of energy that will be used to operate the boiler. It could be solid fuel(coal, firewood, etc.), liquid fuel (diesel), electricity or all kinds alternative sources energy. Each type of fuel has both certain disadvantages and a number of advantages.

The second is the type of heat transfer from source to recipient. Heat can be transferred through the use of intermediate coolants (air, liquid) or directly, without the participation of “intermediaries”.

The most difficult thing is to choose between single-circuit and double-circuit boilers. Each system is good in its own way: single-circuit boilers simpler and more reliable in operation, whereas double-circuit boilers They are distinguished by great power and ease of use. Nowadays, mainly two types of heating boilers are used everywhere: gas and electric.

The choice of a modern consumer between a gas or electric boiler is a pure calculation that involves compliance with a number of parameters: acceptable pricing, availability, ease of use, power.

Natural gas boilers are very popular in areas where the gas supply network is well developed. Despite the fact that natural gas is by far the cheapest fuel, gas heating systems also have their drawbacks. First of all, it is worth considering that if gas is not supplied to the house, then the costs of connecting to the gas pipeline can be simply fabulous. Connecting a gas installation is a complex process, so you must definitely find qualified specialists who specialize in installing such equipment.

Electric boiler: convenient and inexpensive

Heating a private home with an electric boiler is an excellent “budget” option. All electric boilers, in essence, represent an affordable, reliable and simple system heating. These boilers are different small in size, do not require installation of additional equipment (hood) and special care. Electricity is the cleanest type of fuel. Job electric boiler is almost completely automated, and the device itself is considered one of the safest and most inexpensive. Despite the abundance of “pros”, such heating systems also have their serious “cons”. These include: high prices for electricity, periodic interruptions in the power supply system, difficulties in obtaining the necessary power.

Installation and assembly of the heating system

The installation diagram of autonomous heating systems is calculated with maximum accuracy in order to completely eliminate all errors and the occurrence of any malfunctions in the future.

The primary task is to trim already installed heating radiators and heating risers. These systems are connected to each other using metal-plastic pipes. For new pipes, you will most likely need to punch holes in the appropriate places (after taking all measurements first). At the last stages, the wiring is reconstructed, the heating equipment is installed and connected.

Autonomous heating of a private house- this is what the coziness and comfort in your home depends on, so saving on such systems is simply not advisable. It is not necessary to purchase expensive heating systems: the main emphasis should be on the reliability of equipment and time-tested manufacturers. You need to choose the most optimal heating system option for you, which will take into account all the nuances and subtleties of operation under any climatic and seasonal conditions, as well as the impact of various man-made factors.

One of many options autonomous heating private house

In modern climatic conditions The heating issue occupies an important place in the life of every Russian. This issue is especially acute for owners of suburban real estate, namely cottages and private houses. Russian stoves that have become traditional are unlikely to be able to cope even with small house, not to mention two- or three-story mansions. That is why designers and engineers came up with autonomous heating systems that can be used to warm up a house of any size.

In general, today there are three main heating schemes known:

  • Traditional– this is when the coolant liquid is heated in the belly of the boiler, then circulated through radiators and heating pipes, giving off heat to the air in the rooms;
  • Air– in this scheme, air acts as a coolant, which is heated and supplied to the room through air ducts;

  • Electrical– here the room is heated without coolant. For this, electric convectors, infrared emitters and other devices are used in which electricity is directly converted into heat.

Due to the fact that the last two schemes are practically unknown in Russia and are still so-called exotic (although in Europe, the USA and Canada such systems successfully compete with the traditional system and are already significantly ahead of it), we will devote more attention traditional autonomous systems. Their work is based on the circulation of heated coolant.

Traditional heating systems

Autonomous heating and hot water supply system includes a pipeline, heating devices, air bleed, regulating and shut-off valves. The main source of heat in such a system is (boilers differ not only in appearance, but also by fuel type).

The quality (as mentioned earlier) in such units is a liquid, which, by heating and using a pump, enters heating radiators and pipes, giving off heat to the air in the room. The “waste” liquid is returned back to the boiler and everything starts all over again. This water cycle in the heating system ensures the most efficient heat exchange.

The installation of water heating must be taken care of at the first stages of construction and design.

Note! If you first build a house, and only then lay pipelines and other fittings, you will certainly have to make holes in the walls, install and dismantle some elements, etc.

Also, do not forget about the fact that the heating boiler requires a separate room that will house the installation, expansion tank and a small storage area for fuel. If such a room is not provided for in the design of your house, then the instructions allow installation of equipment in the bathroom or kitchen.

Attention! Remember that there are two types of systems, single-circuit and double-circuit. The former are used exclusively for space heating, while the latter, in addition to the heating function, heat tap water.

For houses with an average area of ​​about 200 m², in most cases, double-circuit boilers with a power of up to 30 kW are used. Such units are combined with expansion tanks and circulation pumps. If your home has large area and several floors, then it would be more advisable to use high-power single-circuit boilers.

There is one significant disadvantage in the dual-circuit system– a special heating element in the form of a spiral heats the water in the tank ( storage heater) and provides residents of the house with hot water both in heating radiators and in the water supply. But in the event of any breakdown or malfunction, users of the system will be left not only without heating, but also without water at all.

Note! In a double-circuit system, approximately 25% of the boiler power is spent on heating the water in the water supply.

The most popular option is to use two– one is used for heating the room, the second is used exclusively for heating water. This makes it much more economical, simpler, and most importantly, more reliable. True, there is one small nuance - the price of two boilers and all the necessary fittings is quite high and not everyone can afford such a luxury.

Introduction to boilers

In general, autonomous heating systems can be divided into automatic ones, which directly depend on the energy carrier, and traditional ones.

Note! It should be noted that the efficiency of the autonomous heating system is not the determining factor when choosing a boiler.

The payback period of equipment can be significantly affected by:

  • Floors. The number of floors of the house directly affects the choice of boiler;
  • Translucent structures. If they exist, then they can be effectively used in winter time as an additional source of heat in the house;
  • If your house is insulated with high quality and has an enclosing shell (covered with siding, metal profiles, etc.), then you can purchase a boiler with a lower power than necessary - the premises will take a little longer to warm up, but you will have to pay several times less for energy;
  • Protection of the house from the wind. If your house is located in the center of a street or avenue and is covered by other houses, you have nothing to fear from blowing and strong drafts;
  • Heating selection. The choice of boiler directly depends on the use of radiators, panels or combined systems;
  • Availability of buffer systems for heating water for domestic needs;
  • Use of ventilation systems with heat recovery;
  • The use of condensing units in the house, which are integrated into boiler equipment.

In Europe and America, the most popular are autonomous systems of the combined type, in which a gas or electric boiler acts as the main generator, and a solid fuel or liquid boiler as a backup. Also, in addition to boilers, Europeans and Americans widely use solar panels and photovoltaic batteries.

Electric boilers in EU countries are not in great demand due to the fact that they cause many interruptions in the network and affect the quality of the supplied electricity. This cannot be avoided even by using expensive compensating local devices due to the significant amount of energy consumed.

Gas boilers

Gas heating systems are conventionally called autonomous. Why "conditionally"? It's simple - because the consumer directly depends on the supplier of this natural look fuel, and regional distribution networks. And the efficiency directly depends on the wall or floor water heating equipment and on the quality of fuel supplied through the pipeline.

The following factors can be called negative aspects of gas autonomous heating:

  • Despite the fact that Russia is the largest gas supplier in the world, prices for this type fuels are constantly growing;
  • The very high price of installing and connecting a gas pipeline, even for those houses that are located almost close to the gas mains;
  • Studying all the permitting documentation for connecting such equipment can cause many problems and unpleasant moments;
  • Upscale gas boilers with index “A” are very expensive;
  • Automation does not always cope with safe work this system is a danger gas installations was and will be at a high level.

However, heating the house with gas water heating boilers remains the most profitable and acceptable for residents country houses option. Even though the initial investment in the arrangement of such heating is simply colossal, the units quickly recoup these costs.

Solid fuel boilers

If you look at the private sectors in Western Europe, then you will be pleasantly surprised by the fact that residents practically do not use coal to heat their homes. Why? First of all, this is due to the environmental situation - coal emits greenhouse gases that are harmful not only to the atmosphere, but also to environment generally. Countries rich in forest land sell their residents fuel made from forest waste. These are wood chips, granules compressed from sawdust, the energy value of which is almost two times lower than that of liquid fuel.

You will be pleasantly surprised by the fact that modern solid fuel boilers are fully automated, and therefore you no longer need to constantly add fuel to the boiler. Using specially equipped augers, fuel is loaded into the furnace automatically. Also, modern installations can be installed not only on the street and in basements, but even in residential premises, without losing a lot of space and without disturbing the overall design.

The main problem with the sale of such boilers in Russia is the almost complete absence of enterprises producing fuel from wood waste. Only those few units operating in this market segment conduct inadequate pricing policy, which in no way suits our citizens, making autonomous solid fuel boilers quite expensive to maintain. In addition to fuel, you will have to save up money for the construction of special bunkers and rooms to house the boiler and store fuel reserves.

Liquid fuel boilers

Today, heating a house using a liquid fuel boiler is perhaps the most profitable and economical solution(of course, taking into account the fact that you do not have the opportunity to connect to the gas mains). Even though gas is much cheaper than kerosene (or diesel fuel), in terms of operating costs liquid boilers are even slightly more profitable than other energy sources.

Multi-fuel boilers

The most common option for our fellow citizens, as it is a system that can operate on several types of fuel. Such boilers are much more economical than the same electric boilers, almost 5 times, than liquid boilers - 3.6 times. Despite the fact that their maintenance costs 15-17% more gas equipment, they are much safer and do not require special investments when connecting. But they have several burners installed at once for different types fuel, which is very convenient. For example, if there are interruptions in the gas supply, you can easily heat the house with fire or wood waste.

Choosing a boiler with optimal power

In general, in order to correctly select the optimal boiler power, you need to measure average area houses (the sum of the areas of all heated premises). Also, you should take into account the material from which the walls of the house are made (their level of thermal protection, throughput etc.).

Due to the fact that most private houses in Russia do not have an area of ​​more than 200 m², we will proceed from this coefficient. For such a house you will need a boiler with a capacity less than 25 kW.

It is worth remembering that the choice of boiler directly depends on what energy resources are most available in your area (including locality, where your house was built). If it is possible to connect to the gas main, go ahead and connect this particular system. In those remote regions of our Motherland where gas is a rather rare and almost fantastic phenomenon, many use solid fuel (wood, coal, pellets, coke) or liquid (diesel fuel, fuel oil, waste oil) boilers.

If we consider the central zone as an example, then more than 50% of all autonomous systems run on gas, a third on solid fuel, about 10% on electricity and 5% on solid fuel.

Now we will try to give a brief assessment of the quality of assorted boilers and consider some of their features.

Despite the fact that electric boilers are not particularly popular in our country, they still come to our market in abundance. I would especially like to mention such manufacturers as the Czech “Proterm”, Finnish units, Slovakian “Eleko” and domestic boilers brands "Rusnit" and "VEO".

Concerning solid fuel models, then more preference is given to Finnish and to domestic producers. Experts recommend buying only high-tech boilers of this type- without the same automatic feeding fuel, you will simply be tortured to heat the entire system 3-4 times a day.

The most popular option is gas systems And diesel boilers not high power. Such units are usually produced as double-circuit units. For liquid fuel boilers, you will need to prepare a special room in advance. The tank(s) with diesel fuel can be installed right there or, to ensure greater safety, it can be buried in the ground.

Note! When installing a liquid heating system with your own hands, be careful with the pipeline that connects the boiler and the fuel storage tank. It is important that the pump pumping fuel into the boiler is sized for the length of the pipeline you choose.


One of the most important parts diesel or gas boiler is a burner, which can be:

  • Atmospheric type. They are much cheaper than fan ones. Unlike the latter, they operate quietly and are supplied with the boiler. Their main problem is that they cannot provide constant combustion, which, with low gas pressure in the network, significantly raises the flame and causes burning of the equipment.

  • Fan type. As has already become clear, fan burners have a built-in special fan, which creates air flow of a certain power, drawing gas from the nozzle. If we talk about price, then good burner a fan type can cost as much as a good single-circuit boiler. Its main drawback is that it is quite high level noise.

As for liquid-fuel autonomous systems, everything is simple - they are equipped exclusively with fan burners. They also have a special pump for pumping out fuel. To reduce fuel consumption, burners are made three- and two-stage, or with a variable power regulator. In the latter, the power will increase automatically only when you really need it (a special sensor will signal the system about severe frosts).


Wide selection of autonomous heating systems can confuse anyone, even a professional. If you are interested in low-budget systems, look at domestic developments, although they are unlikely to satisfy you with the set of functions.

The most popular (among owners of private houses) are foreign units, which are widely represented by the following manufacturers:

  • Wissmann, Vaillant (Germany);
  • Electrolux and STS (Sweden);
  • Lombargini, Beretta (Italy);
  • Jaspi (Finland);
  • Proterm (Czech Republic);
  • Burnham (USA).

We have listed only the most famous and popular models, although modern market heating equipment is represented by a large assortment of manufacturers. Often, among the products of little-known companies, you come across real nuggets, which, due to their obscurity, cost an order of magnitude cheaper. So no need to reset budget models from accounts.


So, what is a boiler and autonomous system In general, we figured it out. The only question that remains is choosing the “right” system that will last long years without causing problems to its owner. In our photos and video materials you will find everything necessary information and you will be able to get acquainted with the systems visually by looking at them in action. Remember that the warmth in your home is entirely in your hands, so take care of yourself and your loved ones by installing reliable and high-quality heating equipment!

You can only get by with a stove or electric heater for the time being. Comfortable life in a large country house is impossible without modern system autonomous heating.

Why gas heating is better

A gas boiler

For autonomous heating of private country house You can use different types of fuel, but the most profitable and efficient is heating with liquefied gas.

Gas heating is not just cheaper. Propane-butane is free from numerous disadvantages that are typical for diesel fuel, firewood, pellets and coal. It does not spread throughout the house and area strong smell, does not require frequent loading, and the underground gas tank in which it is stored does not take up space on the site or in the house.

Unlike boilers designed for solid or liquid fuel, gas boilers can use artificial draft. Boilers with artificial draft have a higher efficiency and almost completely utilize the heat released during gas combustion (for comparison, solid fuel boilers waste a third of the heat).

Another advantage of liquefied gas is that it can be used not only for autonomous heating. In addition, the gas tank can be connected gas stove or an electric generator.

Gas boilers for autonomous heating of a private house

The basis of a modern autonomous heating system is a heat generator, traditionally called a boiler. Various heating equipment is connected to it: radiators, heated floors, pool heat exchangers, etc.

Modern gas boilers are based on microprocessors that calculate and regulate optimal parameters combustion fuel mixture. They are economical, safe and reliable.

Modern gas boilers are divided into three types: atmospheric (using natural draft), fan-based and condensing.

Atmospheric boilers Fan boilers Condensing boilers
Boiler efficiency 80-90% 90-97% 103-110%
Efficiency of autonomous heating system 50-60% 80-90% 95-105%
Exhaust gas temperature 110° 55° 30°
Boiler type Single-circuit Dual-circuit Single-circuit or double-circuit
Price 70-200 thousand rubles 17-50 thousand rubles 50-100 thousand rubles
  • Simple, reliable and durable
  • Fuel economy
  • High efficiency
  • Safety
  • There is no need for a vertical pipe above the roof to remove combustion products; a short exhaust pipe through the wall is sufficient.
  • Can be installed in any room
  • Low efficiency
  • Dependence on draft in the pipe
  • Heavy weight
  • Can only be located in a separate boiler room
  • In winter, an icicle of condensate forms on the air intake pipe
  • Relatively high price

*) Boiler efficiency is calculated according to the rules of thermal engineering, that is, without taking into account the condensation temperature of steam in the exhaust gases, so for condensing boilers it can be more than 100%.

Efficiency of gas boilers

The efficiency of the boiler and autonomous heating system depends primarily on the temperature of the exhaust gases: the lower it is, the more economical heating system.

The most economical are condensing boilers with an exhaust temperature that is equal to the temperature of the liquid returned from the heating system (about 30°C). In second place are fan boilers, where the exhaust is heated to the temperature of the liquid supplied to the system (about 55°C). The exhaust temperature of atmospheric boilers is 110°C.

The experience of the AvtonomGaz company shows that customers with condensing boilers spend on heating square meter half as much as customers with traditional atmospheric boilers. As a result, the condensing boiler pays for itself in a single heating season.

Atmospheric gas boilers

The simple design and lack of moving parts make atmospheric boilers more reliable and durable - at least in theory. However, this is perhaps their only advantage.

Their efficiency is noticeably lower than that of other types of gas boilers. In addition, they depend on the draft in the pipe to remove combustion products, which have high temperature. This creates a threat of unburned gas, flame and combustion products entering the boiler room.

Another important disadvantage: atmospheric boilers must be located in a boiler room that has ventilation and a window. As a rule, they are installed on the floor.

Atmospheric boilers are characterized by significant weight. This is due to the fact that the combustion chamber for them has to be made of cast iron. Other materials cannot withstand the thermal load created by the burner.

Fan gas boilers

Unlike atmospheric boilers, a fan boiler has moving elements, which somewhat impairs its reliability. However, numerous advantages more than compensate for this disadvantage.

Firstly, the efficiency of fan boilers is noticeably higher than the efficiency of atmospheric boilers. Secondly, they are safer. Their combustion chamber is sealed and does not communicate with the atmosphere of the room, so there is no risk that flames or combustion products will enter the boiler room. As a result, they can be installed in any room.

A special pipe for removing combustion products is not needed. Low-temperature combustion products are discharged through the wall into a small horizontal coaxial pipe, which protrudes from the outside of the wall by 15-20 cm. Air is also taken in through it.

There are also disadvantages: in winter, an icicle of water condensate in the form of a stalagmite forms under the pipe.

Condensing gas boilers

Condensing boilers have the same advantages and disadvantages as fan boilers, but are much more economical. Real savings from the use of a condensing boiler is more than 15%.

Their main drawback is their relatively high price. They are one and a half times more expensive than fan boilers. However, significantly lower gas consumption makes the high price of condensing boilers justified, especially for consumers using liquefied gas.

Since the condensate formed in the combustion products is discharged into the sewer system, a condensate icicle does not form at the end of the pipe.

Choosing a gas boiler for autonomous heating of a private house

In the past, atmospheric gas boilers were common, but in Lately demand for them began to fall. They cannot be compared with modern fan-driven and condensing boilers.

The popularity of condensing boilers - the most technically advanced type of gas heat generators - is gradually increasing. True, not so fast: its growth is slowed down by novelty and a relatively high price.

Fan boilers are in greatest demand. They are more economical, more convenient and safer than atmospheric boilers and at the same time somewhat cheaper than condensate boilers. In other words, they have an optimal price-quality ratio.

A gas heating boiler is a device that uses fuel combustion (natural or liquefied gas) to heat the coolant.

Design (design) of a gas boiler: burner, heat exchanger, thermally insulated housing, hydraulic unit, as well as safety and control devices. Such gas boilers require a chimney connection to remove combustion products. The chimney can be either ordinary vertical or coaxial (“pipe in pipe”) for boilers with closed camera combustion. Many modern boilers are equipped with built-in pumps for forced circulation water.

The principle of operation of a gas boiler- the coolant, passing through the heat exchanger, heats up and then circulates through the heating system, releasing the resulting thermal energy through radiators, heated floors, heated towel rails, and also by heating water in the boiler indirect heating(if it is connected to a gas boiler).

A heat exchanger is a metal container in which the coolant (water or antifreeze) is heated - can be made of steel, cast iron, copper, etc. The reliability and durability of a gas boiler depend primarily on the quality of the heat exchanger. Cast iron heat exchangers are corrosion resistant and have long term services, but are sensitive to sudden temperature changes and have significant weight. Steel containers can suffer from rust, so they internal surfaces protect with various anti-corrosion coatings, ensuring extension of the “life” of the device. Steel heat exchangers are the most common in boiler production. Copper heat exchangers are not susceptible to corrosion, and due to their high heat transfer coefficient, low weight and dimensions, such heat exchangers are often used in wall-mounted boilers, but one of the minuses should be noted that they are more expensive than steel ones.
In addition to the heat exchanger, an important part of gas boilers is the burner, which can be of various types: atmospheric or fan, single-stage or two-stage, with smooth modulation, double.

To control a gas boiler, automation is used with various settings and functions (for example, a weather-dependent control system), as well as devices for programming operation and remote control of the boiler.

The main technical characteristics of gas heating boilers are: power, number of heating circuits, fuel type, type of combustion chamber, type of burner, installation method, presence of a pump and expansion tank, automatic boiler control.

To determine required power gas heating boiler for a private country house or apartment, a simple formula is used - 1 kW of boiler power to heat 10 m 2 of a well-insulated room with a ceiling height of up to 3 m. If heating of a glazed basement is required winter garden, rooms with non-standard ceilings, etc. The power of the gas boiler must be increased. It is also necessary to increase the power (about 20-50%) when providing a gas boiler and hot water supply (especially if it is necessary to heat the water in the pool).

Features of power calculation for gas boilers: nominal pressure gas, at which the boiler operates at 100% of the power declared by the manufacturer, for most boilers is from 13 to 20 mbar, and the actual pressure is gas networks in Russia it can be 10 mbar, and sometimes lower. Accordingly, a gas boiler often operates at only 2/3 of its capacity and this must be taken into account when calculating. For more details, see the table for calculating the power of a heating boiler.

Most gas boilers can be transfer from work natural gas for liquefied gas(cylindered propane). Many models switch to liquefied gas at the factory (check these model characteristics when purchasing), or gas boiler Additionally, nozzles (nozzles) are supplied for switching to bottled gas.

Pros and cons of gas boilers:

Boiler piping- These are devices for the full operation of the heating and water supply system. It includes: pumps, expansion tanks, filters (if necessary), collectors, return and safety valves, air valves, valves, etc. You will also need to purchase radiators, connecting pipes and valves, thermostats, boiler, etc. The issue of choosing a boiler is quite serious, so it is better to entrust the selection of equipment and its complete set to professionals.

Which boiler is the best? On Russian market gas boiler equipment has its own leaders in quality and reliability. The best manufacturers and brands of gas boilers are presented in the assortment:

"Premium class" or "Lux"- the most reliable and durable, easy to use, the kit is assembled like a “construction set”, more expensive than others. Such manufacturers include German companies

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):