Each homeowner will be able to equip a small tropical corner on their balcony. This is not at all difficult to do if desired. This article provides information on how to make a winter garden on a balcony. The winter garden allows you to recreate the festive atmosphere and relieve fatigue after the end of the working day. The aesthetic appeal of winter plants and the freshness of the leaves will allow you to experience many pleasant sensations. Additional vegetation allows you to fill the room with pure oxygen.

Preparing the balcony

First of all, you need to determine the temperature regime on the equipped balcony. It is preferable that it be warm and have plenty of light. In case of cold weather, we recommend installing warm glazing on the balcony or loggia using double-glazed windows in the inside of the window frame. Some types of ornamental vegetation do not take root on balconies with cold glazing.

The balcony can be installed on the sunny or dark side of the building. On the north side, the light will spread evenly. However, this is the coldest side, requiring insulation of the balcony or loggia.

On the eastern side there is a lot of sun before noon. This is an ideal location for plants as they will not overheat during the afternoon.

On the western side, the best time is evening. The collected heat will be stored at night. The plant will also have to be protected from too bright scorching rays.

Balcony insulation

It should be borne in mind that all plants are related to a specific climatic zone. If a temperate climate is favorable for flowers, a glazed loggia is perfect for them. In this situation, heating will be carried out using heat from the adjacent room. However, in this case, certain difficulties may arise, since the door to the balcony must be completely open.

The balcony will have to be additionally insulated in a situation where the homeowner intends to breed heat-loving types of vegetation.

Insulation methods:

  • Several cameras in glass packages;
  • Thermal insulation along the parapet, sometimes radiators are suitable for installation;
  • Heating floors are installed on the floor.

It is also necessary to check for gaps, since drafts can significantly damage vegetation.


Effective lighting for plants has a beneficial effect on their development. Therefore, it is advisable to make the most of natural daylight. It is necessary to find the ideal balance of temperature and light intensity. There is a rule for a winter garden: the higher the temperature a plant requires for normal growth, the more lighting it will require.

In winter, heating radiators release most of the heat, and the sun's rays do not shine as intensely as indoor vegetation requires. As a result, leaves may fall from the flowers. If you use heat-loving plants, there will be little sunlight during the winter season.

However, plants can always be additionally nourished with artificial lighting. You can always buy several lamps that imitate daylight, and then fix them in the ceiling area; their efficiency is determined by the instructions. The number of light bulbs used will always be determined by the number of plants on the balcony.

Essential hydration

The plant requires a considerable amount of moisture. In this situation, you need to avoid overfilling and underfilling. After some time, any homeowner will learn to properly control the hydration level of their pets.

To spend as little free time as possible, it is necessary to install a suitable humidification system, the cost of which is more than 2,000 rubles. You can buy them in a variety of specialized retail chains or order them online.

Often, not only special means such as automatic watering systems are used to humidify the air; it may look like some kind of decorative fountain or a small container with liquid directed through a pipe.

Balcony design

Balcony gardening involves one of the simplest ways to place flowers. To do this, just buy pots in a specialized store and arrange them at your own discretion. If the weight is relatively small or additional pots can be placed, you can purchase a special ceiling rack.

It is necessary to spend a certain amount of time and effort in order to develop a special design for your balcony or loggia. With the help of artificial stones or other decorative devices, the interior design on the balcony will be truly original. It is necessary to install a small table or rocking chair in the room. Such a place to relax will be simply wonderful, bringing coziness, comfort and a little joy.

What to use for interior decoration

When arranging a winter garden, facing materials require attention.

The most popular finishing materials are:

  • Plastic panels;
  • Siding;
  • Wood;
  • Sandwich panels;

Wood is considered one of the most preferred materials, since it is natural, quite durable, and inexpensive. In practice, it can be determined that cladding for walls or loggias does not affect the quality of growth of indoor vegetation located there.

Arrangement of a greenhouse on the balcony

It is in these rooms that various types of vegetation have to be grown, such as citrus fruits, orchids, or palm trees or various coffee trees. In such situations, you don’t have to worry about the flowers, since they will remain in normal condition, despite the fact that it’s frosty outside.

To equip a winter garden in which it is permissible to grow flowers even in winter, it is necessary to arrange it properly:

  • Glazing;
  • Insulation;
  • High-quality waterproofing;
  • Interior decoration of the room itself.

Plant selection

The main task of such a winter garden is to provide a good mood and suitable conditions for life. These conditions require care when choosing indoor plants.

Since certain varieties of magnolias or oleanders are considered poisonous, they should be treated with caution. However, we should pay tribute to their external qualities.

In order to purify the indoor air, you need to plant conifers, dwarf fir, etc. There are also significant benefits from juniper, cypress, and araucaria. You can reduce the intensity of exposure to electromagnetic waves by using a cactus with elongated needles or a Tradescantia plant.

For those who regularly suffer from colds, vegetation with phytocidal properties such as monstera, aspargus, lemon tree, as well as geranium, etc. is suitable.

Chlorophytum promotes the effective absorption of toxins and formaldehydes, so it can be called an air purifier without any problems. Aspargus can effectively cope with heavy salts, formaldehydes, and phenols without much difficulty. The air space can be effectively cleared of benzene using dracaena. Phenol releases from floor coverings such as linoleum.

Geranium has a specific smell that not everyone likes. However, this type of vegetation can deservedly be called green Aibolit.

The choice of plants requires specific consideration of various nuances:

  • You must always understand which side the balcony is facing in order to determine the intensity of lighting and select individual types of indoor plants for it;
  • When choosing colors, you need to take into account the temperature that can be set on the balcony in winter and summer;
  • If you need to develop a composition in which there is vegetation that differs in height, you will need to carefully understand their subsequent placement. It is necessary that they do not block each other from sources of natural light;
  • Suitable watering will have to be provided for all types of plants;
  • Some types of vegetation, depending on their belonging to certain species, as well as taking into account the color of their foliage, can be planted in one flowerpot;
  • If the plant blooms very beautifully, you can plant it in another pot;
  • For lovers of desert landscapes, there is always the opportunity to plant plant crops such as cacti, agave, succulents, yucca;
  • Decorative vegetation looks great throughout the year. Such products have become very popular due to the bright color and beautiful shape of the leaves.

Tub or pot?

Before planting vegetation, you need to decide which species need to be grown in tubs and which can be in pots.

You also need to remember that certain types of indoor vegetation will definitely require additional care. Not everyone likes to plant fancy flowers. They will always require crown formation. This also needs to be remembered in the process of arranging a home greenhouse.

Efforts must be made to ensure proper care of the vegetation. A winter garden requires constant care and regular maintenance. This is especially true when growing flower species that are difficult to care for. You need to check whether the organized conditions suit them, and then change them for the better if necessary. With a large number of plants, a lot of time will be spent on watering.

A village resident is used to living among greenery, life-giving nature, and everything that beautifies our life and territory. However, it is more difficult for a city dweller in this regard, because it is difficult for him to find a place where he could relax, enjoy greenery and flowers. Where you could be among flowers and other joys of nature. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that any city dweller would like to create something like this in his home. And the best option would be to create a winter garden on the balcony, which can not only decorate the apartment, but also lift the spirits of the residents of the room.

What to do if you want a winter garden on your balcony?

So, you have decided to create a winter garden on the balcony. To do this, you will have to fulfill a number of conditions so that you can count on beautiful plants and that they will actually grow and bloom. You will need not only warm floors and ventilation, but to create a flower garden you will need to do some other things:
Stable and reliable sealing. It is imperative to seal all the cracks in the walls and ceiling to prevent wind. Otherwise, you will sign a death sentence for the plant world that you are trying to create;
The flooring must be of high quality. Whatever you choose to create a winter garden on a loggia, you need to remember that tiles or linoleum must be of high quality. It should not be afraid of moisture, and there will be enough of it, because you need to water the plants regularly;
The floor must be warm. Insulation is of great importance here in order to create ideal climatic conditions for tropical plants. Preferably for a harmonic relationship, you need to purchase an air humidifier or air conditioner.
Creating a shadow. Light and shadow depend not only on what types of plants are blooming, but also on where exactly the balcony or loggia is located.

Our company can create a winter garden on your loggia to order. Order services in Moscow, and you will soon be able to have your own tropics on your balcony.

Any plants need good lighting where they are planted. Therefore, the best option for a winter garden is double-glazed windows. The number of cameras is selected depending on the climate in the region. If the glazing freezes in winter, the artificial lighting will have to be left on for days, as will the heating. Regarding the size of double-glazed windows, the recommendation is simple - the larger they are, the better.

Advice – when organizing a winter garden on the balcony, you should pay attention to energy-saving glass. They will ensure heat retention and protect from excess light. Perhaps in this case the blinds will not be needed.

2. Supporting frame for cladding

The layout of the lathing, the specifics of its installation - all this depends on local conditions. There are few options - metal profiles or wooden slats. What is the difference? First of all, it is necessary to determine how the balcony will be designed. And this is a question of material compatibility. And not only in terms of thermal expansion, but also hygroscopicity.

Tree– this design has significant weight. In addition, wood is subject to deformation from both humidity and temperature. But by definition, there should be no dry air in the winter garden. As a rule, sheathing made of wooden blocks is installed only under clapboard sheathing. Naturally, from the same material, since its boards can be made from others.

Metal- a universal option. If you plan to decorate the balcony with PVC panels, then it is better to use profiles. The weight is less, the fastening is simpler, and they are superior to wood in durability.

The only negative is that it will not be possible to organize a hanging winter garden on a plastic wall (ceiling). Unless you provide in advance for the installation of “holders” for flowerpots in the form of hooks, anchor bolts, and so on. But calculating the coincidence of the holes (for the dowel and in the panel) is quite difficult.

3. Insulation

Expanded polystyrene, ecowool, various rolled products - there is a large selection. All surfaces on the balcony are subject to thermal insulation - walls, ceiling, floor. Here we can give only a few recommendations.

  • At the very beginning of arranging a balcony for a winter garden, it is necessary to carefully inspect (pre-wash) all surfaces. Any identified defects in the form of gaps, cracks, or loose seams are eliminated. This allows us to partially reduce heat loss.
  • When choosing a thermal insulation material (primarily in terms of thickness), you should take into account where the dew point will be. If she moves into an apartment, then problems with mold, mildew on the walls (ceiling) and falling wallpaper are guaranteed. It is on this point that a professional’s recommendation will be very helpful. This requires an accurate calculation depending on the material of the wall, its thickness and a number of other points.

It is also necessary to think through the issue of artificial heating at the stage of arranging the balcony. “Warm floor” based on a water circuit is not an option. Connecting its line to the central highway is prohibited. In addition, it will not be possible to regulate the microclimate in the winter garden. But the electric analogue is what you need.

When choosing from the available products, you should focus on heating film. Unlike cables and mats, it is much easier to lay it on the balcony. In addition, there are practically no restrictions on the finishing coating. Automation is installed together with this product, which allows you to regulate the temperature in the winter garden without human intervention.

Sometimes a winter garden requires zonal heating for certain types of plants. In this case, infrared lighting devices will be simply irreplaceable. They are easy to install and connect anywhere, and some models (if necessary) can be moved to a new site.

4. Lighting

There simply cannot be a single recommendation for a winter garden, since this issue is decided based on its location, the plants planted and the type of glazing. The only thing that can be recommended is that the control of the backlight devices should be entrusted to automation. You just need to install the sensor, regulator and correctly connect the circuit. It may be necessary to install individual lights for individual plants. But these are already details.

5. Irrigation

Psychologists have proven that the greenery of plants calms and relaxes, puts you in a good mood and simply pleases the eye. Happy owners of balconies can afford to enjoy greenery even in winter by making a winter garden. In this article you will learn how to bring this idea to life.

Types of landscaping for balconies

For landscaping balconies, you can use different methods of planting plants, using them either individually or skillfully combining them with each other, which will give the winter garden individuality and originality.

Horizontal gardening - based on the name, more attention is paid to horizontal lines. Pots with plants are placed on the floor around the perimeter of the balcony. You can use low narrow shelves, racks, flower stands and display plants on them in lines. An excellent option would be to install a strip along the entire window or along the entire perimeter. Pots and balcony flower boxes are hung on it and plants are planted there.

Vertical gardening - the wall should be fully used here. In this case, climbing plants are irreplaceable. Along the wall you can use long narrow pots or flowerpots placed directly on the floor in which vines are planted. You can install high racks with shelves and put flowers on them. Phytowalls are also used - special modules where flowers are planted in a composition.

Phytowalls are a new fashionable trend in indoor landscaping. And you should give it preference due to its compactness, automatic watering technology and aesthetics. The phytowall is a structure, the most popular dimensions of which are: thickness about 15 cm, height 2 m and length from 1 m. It is equipped with an automatic watering system with a sensor, installation and fastening of lighting is possible. Plants are planted in special pockets with peat without soil. It turns out to be a continuous “green wall”.

Mixed landscaping - partial use of horizontal and vertical landscaping on balconies. This includes the use of linearly placed pods, phytowalls and shelving in the overall composition. The main condition is the harmony of space.

We create conditions for plant growth

To create a winter garden, you need a glazed, warm balcony without drafts, so you need to close all the cracks, insulate the concrete fences with heat-insulating material, and then decorate them with PVC panels, moisture-resistant plasterboard, etc.

We need to think about heating. You can, for example, install an electric heater and decorate it with a plasterboard screen. If possible, install an air conditioner to control the temperature of the balcony.

Attention! For good development, indoor plants require a temperature of 15 to 22 ° C.

The concrete floor also needs to be insulated, especially if you are going to use the balcony as a relaxation room. To do this, make a heated floor or lay an insulated covering.

Attention! When choosing a floor covering, take into account the increased humidity of this room caused by the need to spray the plants.

Air humidity greatly affects the appearance of plants. Due to its excess or deficiency, the decorative properties of leaves in plants are reduced. For a good microclimate, install a humidifier on the balcony (set the humidity regulator to 80%, this will be enough, as this is the average for many types of plants).

An alternative option is to install pallets with expanded clay under the pots. Add water to the trays, it will evaporate, and the necessary humidity will be created around the plants.

Lighting on the balcony needs to be thought out regardless of whether your side is sunny or shady. In winter, daylight hours are short and plants can become stretched due to lack of light. Fluorescent lamps are suitable for lighting the winter garden. Narrow long lamps can be hung along the ceiling, or mounted on the wall, but not lower than 2/3 of the height of the balcony. On average, 4 fluorescent lamps will be enough for a standard balcony. The main rule for balconies on shady sides is more artificial light! In summer it is too hot on sunny sides, so hang blinds or curtains. Use them during hot hours on sunny days.

Design options for a winter garden arranged on a balcony

It is important to think over the design of the balcony and stylize your winter garden. Here are some options for style solutions, choose your own style or experiment, make your dream of a winter garden come true.

The classical style is characterized by harmony, nobility and aristocratic taste. Beautiful columns with stucco, artistic parquet, marble, elegant carved chairs, noble expensive finishing materials will create a classic style for your winter garden.

Use large plants such as ficus, palm trees, in beautiful clay or ceramic pots. Install them in lines in cascades. Hang curtains, they will emphasize the aristocracy of the classic style. Furniture made from antique or elegant forged furniture is suitable.

High-tech style translated from English as “high technology”. This interior is similar to a production room, where communications are exposed. But they are aesthetically designed. This style is distinguished by a lot of space and light.

As practice shows, this is the most successful style for balcony gardening. Choose pots of the correct geometric shape, smooth metal surfaces that resemble an intergalactic ship. Use ventilation pipes as stands.

Japanese style implies the mandatory use of the four elements of the universe - water, stone (wood), earth and air. Everything here should evoke peace and nothing should overload your attention. The entire interior encourages reflection and philosophy.

Separate a small area on the floor of the balcony and use decorative stones on it. Arrange characteristic plants - bonsai. Use bamboo to decorate the wall. Set up a water source - a mini-waterfall.

Country style (or country) - implies a simple, quiet country house with a beautiful flowering garden. All kinds of wickerwork and natural finishing materials will be typical here.

Create a cozy rustic interior on your balcony using wicker furniture and finishing materials that are close in color and texture to natural ones. You can use clay pots for flowers. Place wicker baskets with flower pots in them. You can install a decorative fountain - a mill. From plants, choose beautifully flowering ones - violets, fuchsia, Kalanchoe.

Wild nature style involves creating a corner similar to nature. This could be Amazonian nature, forest or taiga, or maybe the steppe. This style welcomes a lot of plants and their density. It was as if no human had ever set foot here.

Create an atmosphere of wild Amazonian nature by installing a miniature waterfall on your balcony. Put up photo wallpaper with a corresponding image or paint the wall yourself. Place plants close to each other so that they create thickets. Try to use a variety of vines and direct them towards neighboring plants. To imitate a forest, use numerous trees for your home (arborvitae, cypress trees, etc.). There are a huge number of them on sale now. For your “steppe” on the balcony, select various cereal plants.

Modern is a style that uses simple forms. Here it is important to emphasize the mobility and functionality of each item. Stucco molding and various carved forms are not at all typical. Contrast is welcomed in everything.

Take advantage of all the simplicity and conciseness of the Art Nouveau style, using smooth plain surfaces and geometric pots. Play with contrasts in color, texture, and size of objects.

Remember! The wall and floor can serve as a backdrop for plants, so try to take the time to arrange them. You can, for example, order and make a background with a 3D effect.

When arranging plants, consider the following rules:

  1. Place all climbing plants along the walls and use trellises for weaving.
  2. It is advisable not to place greenery along the window, as this will obstruct passage. If you still want to place some plantings there, be sure to leave an approach to the window so that you can open and close it. You can use railings with pots mounted or hung on them.
  3. If you have a specific composition in mind, then remember its central part. This should be a dominant feature (a large, beautiful flower, a mini pond, an artificial stone) around which less spectacular but complementary compositional elements are located.
  4. Use all the balcony space. You can install hanging flowerpots with hanging plants.

Don’t forget about spot lighting - it will help to effectively highlight and shade the plants. But don’t get carried away, lighting can highlight on average 1-3 compositional elements. To give the garden a special atmosphere, use LED lighting.

Sunny side, which plants to choose

Plants for sunny windows are bougainvillea, adenium, cyperus, cacti and succulents, various types of euphorbia. Amaryllaceae: clivia, hippeastrum, nerina, amaryllis - also light-loving. Pelargoniums, balsams, fuchsias, anthuriums, hibiscus will delight with their abundant flowering on the south window. Sunny places love hoya and jasmine. From orchids, choose Cattleya, which loves bright light. Unpretentious chlorophytum and sansevieria are also suitable. Among the large plants are monstera, dieffenbachia, dracaena, palm trees, ficus. To prevent sunburn, hang light tulle on your windows or use blinds during the hottest hours.

The shadow side, which plants to choose

Nephrolepis and adiantum (Venus hair), zamioculcas and unpretentious plants - chlorophytum or sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue) grow well on the shady sides. Ferns are also shade-loving plants. Aspidistra can grow even far from the window. Deciduous begonias, dieffenbachia, alocasia, and syngonium feel quite good on shady sides. Anthurium and aeschynanthus will grow, but most likely they will not bloom. Palm trees can also be grown on the shady side, for example, bamboo palm, chamedorea, which grow well in the shade. For large plants, hibiscus (Chinese rose) is suitable. Shade-loving climbing plants are ivy, hoya and cissus (indoor grape). If you have artificial lighting for your balcony, then you can try and experiment with even more plants. Don’t forget about fertilizing, they also have a good effect.

Accessories for balcony gardening

To decorate your winter garden, use various additional accessories:

  • all kinds of pots;
  • pot stands;
  • watering devices stuck into the ground;
  • signs;
  • floor and wall flower stands;
  • various supports and fastenings for them;
  • mini-reservoirs, mini-fountains;
  • tables and chairs.

Having arranged a winter garden on the balcony, do not forget that indoor plants are a living organism that requires proper care and constant attention.

All residents of Russia dream that summer will never end, that flowers will bloom all around, herbs will smell fragrant and birds will sing. After all, plants not only fill the environment with oxygen, but also soothe the eyes and nervous system of a person, this is especially true for city dwellers. But now autumn is coming outside the window, everything around is starting to fade, and I really want to see such beauty all year round. Of course, there is a solution to any problem; if desired, every resident of the metropolis can grow a piece of green, bright and incredibly beautiful summer garden in their apartment.

You just have to approach this decision creatively. You can simply plant various indoor plants in pots, constantly water them and care for them properly. But if there are small children and funny animals in the apartment, then such beauty will not live long even on the windowsills. And the area of ​​the apartment or the interior does not always allow for placing a large amount of greenery in the apartment. And the solution is actually very simple: you can simply build a winter garden on the balcony.

The practice of apartment designers has already shown that a winter garden on a loggia will significantly enrich the interior of a home and make it harmonious.

This trend is firmly conquering Europe; many decorate their loggias with various palm trees or flowering plants. The practice of apartment designers has already shown that a winter garden on a loggia will significantly enrich the interior of a home and make it harmonious. It will always be a pleasure to be in such an apartment, because plants delight any person with their beautiful flowers or unusual interweaving of branches. It goes without saying that for design and construction you can hire a special person who will do everything in a couple of days. But it’s still more pleasant to make a winter garden with your own hands. After all, your work is always valued more, and the design can only be chosen to your liking.

You can plant only tropical plants or flowers that will delight the eye with bright buds. A small fountain or something like a decorative pond, figurines of birds, butterflies and various insects will look beautiful. Anyone can create such beauty in their apartment if they wish, without reducing the total living space.

Preparation of materials and tools

Work always begins with the selection of tools.

Necessary tools: To arrange a winter garden, the following tools are required:

Reliable fastening of the structure will be ensured by the use of a screwdriver or a household drill.

  • overalls, hand protection (gloves);
  • screwdriver or drill;
  • Bulgarian;
  • construction knife;
  • roulette;
  • mixer for dry mixtures;
  • pencil for marking;
  • putty knife;
  • gun for liquid nails;
  • container for stirring the mixture.

The entire structure will be attached using a screwdriver or compact drill. There is no need to hammer anything in here with your hands or a hammer. To cut the planks you will need a grinder or a special knife. Accordingly, it is worth stocking up on the required number of fasteners, a tape measure and a marking pencil, as well as liquid nails and a gun for them. When everything is ready, you can start working. It won't take much time, but it's better to do it together.

Necessary materials:

  • insulation (mineral wool);
  • profile (wooden, plastic or aluminum);
  • panels made of wood or plastic;
  • wood screws;
  • Vetonit putty;
  • floor screed;
  • thermal insulation for the floor (foil plastic);
  • floor heating system (warm floor);
  • liquid Nails;
  • linoleum, laminate or ceramic tile to choose from.

You must immediately understand that a winter garden on a balcony is not a cheap structure, because you will need a lot of things to equip it.

It is advisable to insulate not only the walls of the loggia, but also the floor, because this will be a kind of relaxation area.

Of course, costs will be reduced if you arrange everything yourself. First of all, you will need insulation for the balcony, because plants cannot live and bloom in cold conditions. An excellent solution would be to use mineral wool, which is fixed to the slatted structure. In order to decorate the balcony from the inside, you should choose between wood, aluminum or plastic profile. Of course, it is best to use wood. This will not only give the entire garden the most natural look, but it also retains and retains heat perfectly. If tropical plants grow in the winter garden, then wood will not be suitable as cladding. After all, for the tropics you will need high humidity, which will destroy the wooden structure.

In this situation, it is worth choosing plastic panels. They are durable and strong, easy to install, and do not swell or rot at high humidity. It is advisable to insulate not only the walls of the loggia, but also the floor, because this will be a kind of relaxation area. If finances allow, you can even make a heated floor. To construct it, you will need a screed for leveling, vetonite for puttying, thermal insulation in a roll, and a heated floor itself. On top it can be covered with parquet or linoleum, but for a more natural picture it is worth using tiles in the form of stone.

Preparing the floor for the winter garden

Thermal insulation will significantly reduce heat loss on the balcony.

As mentioned above, it is best to make a warm floor; it will create an additional source of heat in the winter room. In addition, with this design it will be possible to spend quite a lot of time among the plants without the risk of freezing and catching a cold. Most often, the floor on the balcony is uneven. This means you will need a screed to level it. Before pouring it, all the cracks are closed with vetonite, and 2 layers of foil-plastic are laid on top by hand. This is undoubtedly necessary so that all the heat from the floor does not go to the lower neighbors onto the balcony. Thermal insulation will significantly reduce heat loss on the balcony. A layer of screed is poured onto the foil plastic, the instructions for which contain recommendations for use specifically under heated floors. The thickness of the screed will be 5-6 cm.

After it is poured, work on the winter garden in the apartment stops for 3 weeks. This is exactly how long it will take for the leveling layer to dry completely. After this time, the heated floor structure is laid in accordance with the instructions, and even here you can do it yourself. Many people, having gone through the trouble of installing a heated floor, simply lay linoleum on top of it. But if you want your winter garden to look like a piece of paradise, then you should choose beautiful tiles with an imitation of natural stone. The tiles are attached to the floor with a special glue, and the linoleum is fixed by simple cold welding. This is where the work with the floor ends, and it’s time to move on to insulation and decoration of the walls.

Balcony cladding from the inside

Sheathing a balcony requires preliminary construction of a frame.

Before starting work, you should check if there are any cracks or holes in the balcony structure. Sheathing a balcony requires preliminary construction of a frame. Wooden or plastic guides are suitable as it. This will depend on the sheathing material. The frame is very simple to make: first, vertical profiles are installed, the distance between them will be no more than 500 mm, and on the ceiling it should not exceed 300 mm. The guides are fastened with dowel nails using a screwdriver. Of course, window and door openings are outlined with such beams. After installing the frame, you can begin laying the insulation. Mineral wool is simply placed between the beams and secured to the base with liquid nails. Working with such insulation is easy and simple, and the excess can be cut off with a knife. The next step will be covering the frame with panels made of wood or plastic.

It is worth first marking and carefully measuring the required coverage area, and cutting out spaces on the panels for window and door openings. This must be done before starting installation work. The panels are attached with self-tapping screws for a specific type of material. It's easy to do. The main thing is not to be afraid of the amount of work.

The final stages of equipping the balcony

After fixing the wood panels, it is worth protecting them with a special compound. At the same time, it can also give a certain color to the structure. You shouldn’t skimp on it, because cheaper compounds can be quite harmful for indoor use. Treatment with a water antiseptic would be ideal. It is odorless, spreads well over the surface with a brush, highlights the fibers in the wood, and perfectly protects it from pests, sun and moisture. The composition is very versatile and at the same time absolutely safe, even if there are children or animals. Most experts recommend installing an air conditioning system, humidification and additional lighting on the balcony. But this should be done by a professional, because not everyone can install the wiring and install the equipment correctly. As a result, the interior decoration of the winter garden will be completed. Now comes the most enjoyable part - planting and arranging flowers.

Winter garden decoration

The winter garden on the balcony can be populated with any plants. They can be very tall, so they should be installed on the floor, or they can be in tiny pots, under which small shelves are pre-installed. A small fountain or pond will be just the perfect addition to such a landscape. Birds are installed on the branches of outdoor trees or between pots with flowering plants. Butterflies may stop on leaves or the edges of a pot. To make this place a real relaxation spot, there is little decoration. You can put wicker chairs and a table, even a rocking chair would be appropriate here. A shelf or cabinet for books or handicrafts will ideally complement the picture of peace.

Having a winter garden on the balcony is an excellent solution for city residents. A cozy atmosphere, unity with nature perfectly calms and relieves stress and tension. A corner of green nature will delight your family and pleasantly surprise your guests.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.