People are divided into two types: lovers of the hot season and admirers of beautiful ones. For those who are cheered up by crunchy snow under their feet, sparks of snowflakes and festive lights in the windows - statuses about winter. they will not leave anyone indifferent.

Beautiful statuses about winter

  • "Romantics go crazy in winter."
  • "Only in winter can you believe in a fairy tale and
  • "Winter, memories and a blanket - what else do you need?"
  • "Winter brings us together. The stronger the frost, the more people hug each other."
  • “People seem to get kinder in winter.”
  • “It is difficult to ever enjoy such silence as on a winter evening.”
  • "Winter has the scent of tangerines, cookies and love."
  • “I want to be like in childhood - wrapped in a coat, scarf and blanket so that only your eyes are visible, ride on a wooden sled, hold a bag of sweets in your hands and guard the Christmas tree tied to the side.”
  • “People tend to think about the eternal on winter evenings.”
  • “It’s amazing what peace falling snow gives to the soul.”
  • "Winter is not only a season. It's a mood."
  • "In winter, the street turns into a carnival. You can't see the faces, but you can feel the festive atmosphere."

Statuses about winter are more beautiful the more tenderness this time evokes in a person’s heart. People really become warmer with the arrival of frost.

Original sayings about winter and snow

All statuses about winter are similar. They are similar in their life-affirming motives, goodness and beauty.

  • “Winter is white for a reason. It’s a blank slate of life.”
  • “All sounds sooner or later begin to irritate. Except for the crunch of snow in the cold.”
  • “If you look at the sky in the snow, you can die of happiness.”
  • “The window of a minibus on a frosty day turns into a rock painting, where everyone wants to leave their mark.”
  • “When else to make wishes, if not on a winter evening burning with lights?”
  • “I want to thank those people who decorate the windows with garlands and turn them on in the evenings. You are kind people, you share joy.”

Funny statuses about winter

  • "Did you have a good three winter months? Get the fourth one for free!"
  • “There are exactly “horror, polka dots not bought, dress not finished, cards not signed” days left until the New Year.”
  • “Yesterday the guys and I wanted to jump into a snowdrift. The owner of the snowdrift billed us for broken side mirrors.”
  • “You don’t need any fitness when you’re wearing a down jacket through snowdrifts and doing cross splits on ice.”
  • “Girls, take advantage of the moment. When else will men fall at your feet, if not in this icy conditions?”
  • "Winter is especially beautiful in March."
  • “Real winter is when the thermometer asks to go from the street into the house.”
  • “But once upon a time people were happy about snow in December, not surprised.”
  • "British scientists have found that children whose fathers tie a scarf can hold their breath for up to 3 hours."
  • “Every warm winter, somewhere in the closet there are sad underpants.”
  • "According to statistics, with the beginning of winter, more couples in love appear. Ice is no joke! We must stick together."
  • “In the snow, no one is embarrassed by people who walk backwards.”
  • “Nothing strengthens a family more than: “No, roll this ball more, where did you put it, where did you put the carrot?”
  • You know you’ve matured when a fashionable jacket is replaced by a warm one.”

Statuses about winter are never soulless - they always emanate the warmth with which a person treats this time of year.

The best statuses about winter and love

This winter will be the coldest... Because without you.(((

Look for your loved ones immediately–There is a very cold winter ahead!)))

Winter - the best season, but only next to you.

Snowflakes outside the window, I dream about you. My heavenly angel, I miss you!

And in winter I met his gaze, now every winter is a fairy tale for me...

Winter... nature is beautiful, but only in thoughts- HE!

Snowflakes fall, dissolving on warm knitted mittens. I pay attention to the little things. Fell in love...

You are more precious to me than light! You are more precious to me than a day! You are for me winter and summer! You - continuation of me!

Oh, how similar you are, melting snow, with your short existence, my love, you reminded me... the same first... the same early...

This winter again prophesies love, because I so want warmth on a cold, lonely evening... I lit a candle on the table so that she wouldn’t get lost on the way and would lead her to the house along a snowy path...

Winter has come in my soul, but it doesn’t matter to me anymore. I’m tired of being afraid of the cold, but that’s what I decided one day. When you indifferently abandoned me to the mercy of fate. You were my meaning, I needed you, but you don’t need me...

I want his hands to warm me this winter, not gloves...

My winter is warm, thanks to you...

In winter, for some reason, one believes in the most beautiful fairy tale about love...

In winter, we must warm the people close to us with warm words, tender feelings...

In the cold winter I really want someone to warm me...

The magical smell of pine needles and snowflakes on the windows. The cat is curled up in a basket, they are hugging under a blanket...

I am very glad that this winter it is he who warms my hands.

I just miss it when I don’t hear your voice or read your messages. I don't have enough of you, catastrophically enough. And even this winter–loses its charm.

This winter, only my clothes keep me warm. But last winter everything was different...

It’s so nice in winter under a blanket, with a cup of hot chocolate, watching TV and thinking about it.

We haven’t been together for a long time and haven’t seen each other for a long time, we met by chance this winter and he asked: “Why aren’t you wearing a hat?”

I love quietly and silently, sitting on the windowsill with a mug of hot tea... looking at the snow...

May everyone have a loved one nearby on cold winter evenings!

October. You gently hugged and kissed. November. Started dating someone else behind my back. I just guessed. December. You disappeared. I thought I wouldn't survive the winter. End of February. I love someone else, and you suffer because of your stupidity.

With you, I can feel the rain, the wind, the snow in summer, the hail in winter! After all, you are the only one in the world! You–not like everyone else! You- my!

In the spring you will regret that you were not with me in the winter.

Let kindness live in your heart, despite the snow and cold, and let someone who is dear to you be nearby and your dream come true!

What does a woman want in winter? Feel the warmth of a man, press your cheek to his cheek and bask together by the fireplace. What does a woman always want? Desired to be and to be loved, blizzards, heat, thunderstorms - it doesn’t matter, as long as the soul is happy!

Look for me where there is sand and water, love me where summer ends, look for me where there is snow and wind, love me where winter begins.

Statuses about snow: beautiful phrases

  • “Adults remain children at heart as long as they are fascinated by snowfall.”
  • “Snowfall and a cup of hot coffee force us to talk about the main thing.”
  • "Snow even illuminates the night."
  • “Weather never gives such peace and tranquility to a person as during snowfall.”
  • “In the snow it’s cozy even in a crowd.”
  • "The dance of snowflakes is the most fascinating spectacle."
  • “Everyone loves snow. It’s not for nothing that they are so indignant when it melts!”
  • "Those who have
  • "I can look at two things forever - falling snowflakes and the lights of a garland."
  • "Snowfall on Christmas means God's grace."
  • “On a winter night, it seems as if snowflakes are falling from the street lamps.”
  • “How can you not admire the fact that not a single snowflake is like another?”

Statuses about snow are loved for their poetry. As well as during the winter itself, for the snow sparks from the sun and under the light of night lamps.

Statuses about the first snow

  • "With the first snow, a new life begins."
  • “How little I need to be happy - just watch the white flakes fly.”
  • “Just when you decide that miracles don’t happen, the first snowflakes begin to fall.”
  • “How wonderful it is to wake up in the morning and see that yesterday’s gray day has turned into a white fairy tale.”
  • “Calmness and hope are born in your soul when you look at the first falling snowflakes.”
  • “When you look into the sky at the falling snowflakes, at first you want to close your eyes. You think that they will cloud your eyes, as if it were flour. But the beauty is worth it, you open your eyes and joyfully realize that everything is fine. It is and will be.”
  • “Snow cannot but bring joy. After all, its first appearance means the end of the autumn blues.”
  • “With the first snow everything becomes clear - what is important and what happened in vain.”

Statuses about winter and snow

Some statuses about snow can be used for other purposes. Individual phrases can be part of fairy tales for children, postcards for loved ones. The main thing is to want to convey to another person some of your warmth and winter comfort.

  • “In winter they usually lie that they are waiting for summer and want to go to the sea, but in fact they are fascinated by the snowfall.”
  • "Winter is the time for snowfalls, silence, tart wine and tight hugs."
  • “As a child, the most important question was: does it snow on a winter day?”
  • "It's easier to forget in winter. It's worth seeing how the snow covers up the traces left behind."
  • "Winter is not cold. Winter is a reason for warm meetings."
  • “When winter comes, all worries are covered with snow.”
  • "Only in winter can a person become an angel. In the snow."
  • “They say that winter is prickly and cold. But what about the blanket of snow?”
  • “In winter, miracles happen at every step. For example, I’ve never understood how cats don’t fall into the snow?”
  • “Have you noticed that on a quiet winter evening people’s faces are happier?”
  • “Snow covers everything except the human soul. In winter, everything freezes except the heart.”

Statuses about snow are usually chosen by romantic people. Those who believe in the magic of winter and love to share this joy. So let every snowy day bring us a little faith in a better tomorrow.

We offer statuses about winter and snow that are beautiful, meaningful, short, funny and very different.

With the arrival of winter, it's time to change your status on a social network to a more current one.

As the old song says: “Summer is a little life...”

And winter in many regions is a big life, no matter how sad it may be. And she needs her own, separate status.

A strange time of year has come... In the morning it is night, in the evening it is night. And during the day I... work!

Morning is the most disgusting time of the day. I hate him. Especially in winter. I don’t know where old man Pushkin got these rays of the sun, the refreshing frost and the singing of winter birds. It is possible that he started drinking in the morning...

“Hurray! Winter!” – knees and teeth chattered joyfully...

In Surgut, in forty-degree frost, a boy, using a water pistol, inflicted 20 stab wounds on a gopnik who accosted him.

In Siberia they play dress-up cards.

Phone sex in Siberia: I slowly take off my felt boots...

Russian winter is when even thermometers ask to come into the house.

The time has come when girls don’t have thongs sticking out of their jeans, but warm black tights.

It's so cold here that the goosebumps on women's legs are tearing their tights.

One day, in the cold winter season, I left the house... And immediately came in!

A session for a student is like the first snow for utility workers - it seems like there is a forecast with dates, but still “The city’s utility services were not ready...”

Let's have your December already. November, of course, didn’t work out.

And the beginning of winter makes me terribly angry! Everyone was waiting for it to get colder. But no! The price has gone up again!

You have jeeps, yachts, airplanes there... And in our village, the authority is the one whose water does not freeze.

Winter... The birds have flown away...

In winter, all the birds fly south, and the hares change their fur coats... Dear, am I a bunny or a bird?

According to statistics, 30% of women love winter very much, the remaining 70% do not like it very much. The next question showed that 30% simply have a fur coat, while the rest do not.

Tomorrow I won’t go outside, it’s already slippery there, and here I am with my stunningness.

Winter fitness! By the time I got to the store... 5 longitudinal splits... 10 transverse... Side bends... Squats... Steeplechase... Eh, my body is invigorated!

It got colder yesterday. My nose is stuffy. It's colder again today. Ears blocked. What the hell is this, is my head being insulated?!

Briefly about the weather. Yesterday I washed a T-shirt. Today it broke!

The polar bear is invisible in the snow. Until he gets scared.

I would like something different in January. Snow, damn it, for example...

That's it, I looked at the snow, you can remove it.

Everyone who whined and snotted: “I want snow, where is the snow,” listen here - so that they devour it completely before the morning!

Nothing, nothing. Winter is coming and then hardly anyone will understand whether I’m drunk or slippery.

In winter, the number of cultured people on the slippery stairs decreases sharply.

One day I decided to remember my childhood. He fell face first into a snowdrift. Who knew there was a shop there?

Russian children are harsh. They are waiting for the temperature to be minus 40, when school is canceled and they can go for a walk outside...

About the weather. It was the first time I saw people applauding when a minibus arrived.

Judging by the weather, the scarecrow of Maslenitsa survived and began to take revenge.

If winter jokes until April, I want summer to take revenge until December!

From the balcony window, in woolen socks, with a tangerine in hand, winter seems beautiful.

She ran to the minibus, dashingly rode the last five meters on her butt, stood up gracefully, and went into the salon. The man was pleased: “Let me shake off your sled?”

Statuses about winter and love:

Winter......the cold permeates every cell of my body...and at such moments...I remember you.

On a dating site: For the winter I want to find a woman who knows how to shovel snow well and push a car out of the snowdrifts. Write to me, the only one!

Men! Winter is the only opportunity to mold yourself a woman to your liking! Don't miss the opportunity!

She quietly took my hand. “He loves me,” I thought. “Ice,” she thought.

Snow is tangled in my eyelashes... I am walking along a frozen street... Somewhere there is also a man walking. My beloved... He's in a hurry, worried...

It’s scary when there are such flakes, and you have no one to throw into the snow, throw snowballs at them, and then give them hot tea...

I just want to stand near the window, look at the falling snow... And for you to just come up and hug me tenderly...

How beautiful the snow was falling that evening. What a pity that you are not with me this evening. And this evening people walk back and forth. And my eyes are looking for you among them...

Look for your loved ones - the winter is too cold...

Do you want to write a truly interesting status on VK? Then be frank: for example, when posting statuses about winter and love on social networks, tell a short instructive story that happened to you in real life. Publish beautiful statuses about winter and love, if a romantic feeling came to you during this cold, snowy season.

Winter.. It makes meetings shorter, loneliness more noticeable.. But it makes words warmer, kisses stronger, and love.. Love does not depend on the time of year.....

Winter is a time of year when people should warm each other... In their own words, with their feelings.....

The city smells only of you, you were in my soul last winter!!!

I love winter not because of the New Year, but because it brings people together who are in the same room in the evening, when billions of snowflakes fly past the windows and the wind howls in the drainpipes.

The snow falls quietly in the palm of your hand and melts... you are far away now, I miss you... how I would like to turn into this snow and slowly lie down in your arms...

Your smile awakened spring in my soul, in winter!)

When you return, it will be winter, and maybe the leaves will rustle under your feet, I will meet you and you will smile again, but that will be later... when you return...

A cold winter is ahead, but I don’t worry, because you will be there and warm me.

Why did two blondes freeze in a car at a drive-in cinema? — We came to watch the film “Closed for the Winter”)))

It became cold - the sun was gone, but when it was there - it burned me... = (You are not nearby - cold, winter, and you are next to me - but not for me...

Snowflakes outside the window...I dream about you...My unearthly angel, I miss you!...

She will look at you with winter-colored eyes and silently leave, brushing snowflakes from her eyelashes.

It is very cold on the roofs in winter, but the urge to be higher is still inexplicable...

Why do you need glasses in winter?! -So that you can’t look into my eyes and understand that I still love you...

No matter how hot the summer is, there is winter in my soul... It’s cold... hug my dear... my beloved... my fairy tale... Or just say, at least in ICQ, “I love you”... but no... unrequited love is a bitch (((

Oh, how similar you are, melting snow, with your short existence, to my love, you reminded me... the same first one... the same early one...

- My love for you is like winter. - What, is it just as cold? - No, it just ended...

Those who met in winter have the longest relationships. If he likes you in a thick sweater, an awkward down jacket, a stupid hat and a red nose - that's love

It’s winter, I wake up, there’s a bouquet of daisies on the pillow next to me, and next to it there’s a note: don’t torment the flowers, it’s a matter of love or dislike... I love it very much... how great..)

In the cold winter I really want someone to warm me...

Snowflakes fall, dissolving on warm knitted mittens. I pay attention to the little things. Fell in love...

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):