We have already learned quite a lot about from previous articles. We got acquainted with their different varieties, how to choose the right seedlings and how to choose them correctly.

We also learned about how necessary it is to always have an excellent harvest.

Growing apple trees is a worthy, respected job. In response, the apple trees gratefully gift us with a harvest of fragrant and plump fruits.

But apple trees, like any living organism, can also get sick. Apple tree diseases can cause great harm to our beloved fruit trees and deprive us of a long-awaited harvest.

Therefore, we need to try to create conditions in the garden so that our trees grow healthy and strong. Protection tender garden from diseases is the main task of the gardener.

If they did sneak into our garden, then it is very important to determine this at an early stage of their development, then it will be easier to defeat the disease.

Apple tree diseases

Knowing the signs of apple tree diseases and their treatment is not a difficult task with some experience and knowledge. Let's talk about the most common diseases.


Scab is a fungal disease of apple trees. The leaves of the tree suffer from infection (they dry out and die). Signs of scab are a brownish-green coating and spots on inside tree crowns.

The development of fruits slows down, cracks and small dark brown spots appear on their surface.

♦ What to do? Apple scab is treated by treating the soil and the tree itself with inorganic and organic solutions (at the rate of 5 liters of the drug for each tree):

  1. Early spring(before flowering and after the formation of ovaries). Copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 liters of water).
  2. In spring and autumn. Urea solution (per 10 liters of water ½ kg of urea).
  3. Regularly throughout the treatment period. Bordeaux liquid (for 10 liters of water, lime and copper sulfate, 300 g each).

Powdery mildew

With this disease, the entire apple tree (buds, leaves, shoots and bark) becomes infected. Initially, a whitish coating appears, which quickly turns brown and acquires dark spots. The leaves dry out, the shoots stop growing, and the entire tree fades away.

If no action is taken, the mycelium spores quietly overwinter in parts of the apple tree and wake up again in the spring.

♦ What to do. Powdery mildew should be combated by spraying the entire tree:

  • Spring. Colloidal 70% sulfur (80 g of the drug per 10 liters of water). Treat the apple tree when the first leaves appear 2-3 times daily, then every 14 days 1-2 times.
  • After the harvest. Bordeaux mixture 1% or copper sulfate (per bucket of water 50 g of vitriol and 20 g liquid soap).

Moniliosis (fruit rot)

The fungal disease of the apple tree has set its sights on the most “delicious” target – the fruits. Rotting spots of a brownish color appear on apples that are just beginning to ripen.

Very quickly, rot takes over the entire fruit. Then the remaining fruits on the tree rot. Apples with damaged skin are especially quickly affected.

♦ What to do. The tree can be well protected from disease with copper-based preparations:

  1. Spring(bud break period). Bordeaux mixture 3%.
  2. Growing season. Bordeaux mixture 1%. The first spraying is when the worm carrion appears, the second after 15-20 days.

Necessarily! As soon as you notice the first signs of apple tree disease, collect all the affected fruits and destroy them, carefully dig up the trunk area of ​​the diseased tree. Do not leave carrion during the growing season of the apple tree - this can provoke the development of the disease.


This apple tree disease affects its bark. The disease begins with the appearance of dark ulcers in certain areas of the tree trunk.

The ulcers enlarge and become red-brown. The affected areas die and die along with the branches.

  • The disease develops at double speed with poor care and watering, too heavy and poor soils.

♦ What to do. The disease can be stopped by removing all affected areas of bark and dried branches. Otherwise, citisporosis will infect the apple tree from the inside and completely destroy it.

Necessarily! Do not forget about proper and timely application of fertilizers. It is especially necessary to feed the apple tree before the onset of winter cold phosphorus and potassium.

Prevention is very important:

  • In spring and late autumn, tree trunks are whitewashed.
  • In the spring, before the buds completely swell, carry out preventive spraying of apple trees with Khoma solution. Repeat the procedure before flowering (at this time, plant treatment is also useful copper sulfate).

Black cancer

Serious and dangerous apple tree disease. It affects the entire tree (bark, fruits and leaves). The disease begins with the appearance of spots on the leaves. They are rapidly spreading and increasing.

At the same time, black rot appears on the fruits, the bark cracks and swells.

  • Young trees do not suffer from black cancer. This is a disease of mature trees over 20 years of age. The varieties Pepin saffron, Cinnamon striped, and Papirovka do not suffer from black cancer.

♦ What to do. In order not to encounter a dangerous illness, follow the competent and regular care for your favorites.

If apple tree canker has entered your garden, take the following measures:

  1. Trim off any affected branches.
  2. Clean the cuts thoroughly.
  3. Remove any rotten fruit.
  4. Seal all hollows thoroughly.
  5. Check the condition of the apple trees every 2-3 weeks.
  6. In autumn and spring, whitewash the trunks.

Diseased branches should be pruned to cover 1-2 cm of the living area. Treat the cut areas with copper sulfate 1-3% (for disinfection).

Then cover these areas with garden varnish (without adding rosin or drying oil).

Attention! Even if the tree has fully recovered, cuttings cannot be grafted from it. Black cancer is very insidious and can appear later for a long time. The most dangerous period is spring, when the weather is warm and humid.

European cancer

This is one of the most serious diseases of the apple tree. . European or common cancer is very difficult to treat. The disease affects the branches and trunk with growths and deep cracks.

Typically, weakened and old trees become infected with cancer, affecting the development of the disease and aggressive conditions(extreme heat or extreme cold).

European cancer has two forms:

  1. Closed. Cancer in the form of swellings completely covers the cracks of the apple tree, leaving a small rotting gap.
  2. Open. Open wounds are forming on the tree, deep and non-healing.

The disease begins in the spring. Reddish bumps appear around infected wounds. These are fungal spores that are easily transferred to neighboring apple trees in the summer.

The tree should be treated and preventive measures taken in the same way as in the case of black cancer.

Root cancer

Calls dangerous disease apple tree bacterium that likes to settle on the root system of the tree. It gets there through wounds and immediately begins active division.

Various hard growths form at the site of contact. Cancerous growths can break down, and then the bacterium enters the soil. There she can calmly wait in the wings for several years.

  • The causative agent of root canker loves neutral and slightly alkaline soils. But soils with an acidic reaction have a depressing effect on bacteria.

♦ What to do. Properly prepare the soil for the apple tree. A year or two before growing fruit crops plots should be planted with annual grasses, lupine and mustard.

Check seedlings carefully for infection. Cull them if you notice growths on the root system or central root.

Small growths on the lateral parts of the roots should be carefully trimmed (including living tissue) and disinfected by dipping the seedling in a solution of 1% copper sulfate for 5-7 minutes.


Or fire blight is an extremely harmful apple tree disease . The tree may die within a month.

The infection affects all organs of the apple tree (young ovaries and annual shoots are most susceptible to the disease).

  • The infection begins to be active in the spring, simultaneously with sap flow. Warm weather (above +18-20° C) and high humidity contribute to the development of the disease.

You can notice the onset of the disease by the appearance of small droplets (exudate) or a thin film on the surface of the apple tree. The first signs usually appear after flowering.

  • Flowers. Diseased flowers become watery, darken and quickly fade.
  • Fruit. Oily-looking black-brown or red-brown spots form on diseased fruits. Soon they spread to the entire apple. The spots may be accompanied by drops of exudate. Soon the fruits become mummified, and the tree itself becomes “burnt.”

♦ What to do. Unfortunately, according to the experience of gardeners, none of the measures for treating bacteriosis brings tangible results.

The only way to prevent the disease from entering the garden is strict control and inspection good condition seedlings, as well as regular inspections of trees during the growing season.


An infectious disease of the apple tree affects the crown of the tree and can affect the fruit. The first signs of the disease appear as reddish or orange spots rounded, pad-like.

Apple tree rust begins with a leaf disease. Small black dots appear on their upper side, and nipple-like outgrowths appear on the lower side.

The disease begins to develop in summer period(mostly in July). Sick apple trees stop their photosynthesis, their metabolism is disrupted, and they suffer greatly water balance. Heavy leaf fall begins, and the harvest drops sharply.

♦ What to do. Immediately remove all affected parts (leaves, hearths, shoots and branches) from a diseased tree. Trim diseased branches, including healthy areas (5-10 cm).

Spray the apple tree with 1% Bordeaux mixture (you can use a 0.4% zineb solution). Treat trees every 10-14 days.

  • in spring(before the first buds appear) clean out the old diseased areas until healthy wood appears. Disinfect these areas with copper sulfate 5%. Then treat these areas with garden putty.
  • As soon as the leaves bloom– spray them with antimicrobial agents (fungicides). Carry out the procedures once every 3 weeks.

Attention! If there is juniper growing in your garden (in case the garden is infected), remove it! Juniper contributes to the spread of the disease. Dig deep into the place where it grew.

Brown leaf spot

Brown spot or phyllostictosis affects the leaves of the tree. Apple tree disease begins with the appearance various shapes spots of brown-brown, grayish or dark yellow color.

On the upper side of the leaves you can see black dots (these are pycnidia with an abundance of spores). The disease develops rapidly in humid summer, especially in the second half.

  • Brown spot causes heavy, premature leaf fall. The apple tree variety Streifling (autumn striped) is especially sensitive to the disease.

♦ What to do. Select for the garden resistant varieties apple trees Regular collection and destruction (burning) of fallen leaves. Burn leaves as far away from your garden as possible.

Spray trees for preventive purposes Bordeaux mixture 1%.

Attention! You should not try to fight brown spot with preparations containing copper. Such substances only stimulate the development of infection.

Other problems of apple trees

In addition to apple tree diseases, trees may encounter other unpleasant surprises. To prevent troubles from taking the garden owner by surprise, he needs to know about some features in the life of fruit-bearing plants.

◊ Fusion of flowers or fruits. This is an anomaly and is due to disturbances in the development of inflorescences when they are still in their infancy. Flowers/fruits begin to grow together at the very beginning of their growth.

  • Apple tree varieties with a compact inflorescence structure are most susceptible to anomalies. During development, the flowers become too close to each other and grow together.

The cause of the anomaly is unfavorable conditions during the development of flower primordia (second decade of summer) and in early spring, when the flower buds increase in size inside the bud.

◊ Lichens. Weakened trees with cracked bark are susceptible to this scourge. Thickening of the crown and poor ventilation provoke the development of the disease.

Lichen looks like a varied coating on a tree trunk (it can be lamellar, bushy or scaly blue-green, yellow-green or silver).

Lichen is a disease of apple trees , a colony of algae and fungi that develops well when warm weather, sunlight and good humidity.

If there is only a small amount of lichen on the tree, you don’t have to worry too much, but an overgrown colony should be removed:

  • During the tree's rest period (early spring or late fall) Clean the barrel with a stiff brush or wooden stick.
  • You can lubricate the affected areas with a mixture of slaked clay and lime. After drying, carefully remove the mass along with the lichen.

After cleaning the tree, spray all branches and trunk with a solution of 3% iron sulfate or oxalic acid for prevention.

There are two common types of it in our gardens:

  1. False. The mushroom causes white rot wood. The affected area becomes very soft and acquires a grayish or yellowish color.
  2. Gray-yellow. It provokes the development of brown rot. Diseased wood tissue cracks and then peels off in cube-shaped pieces.

The tinder fungus can also be a one-year-old formation. This apple tree disease has a hairy orange or light yellow cap.

To remove the mushroom, follow the instructions:

  1. Using a sharp knife, hatchet or saw, cut it off using a healthy part of the tree.
  2. Clean the wound until healthy wood appears, so that a flat, smooth area appears.
  3. Disinfect the wound with a solution of copper sulfate 5%. Then cover the affected area with garden varnish or oil paint. You can also use the following mixture: nigrol (10 parts), rosin (6 parts), wax (1 part) and ash (3 parts).

For prevention, treat neighboring trees with a healing mixture of mullein and clay in equal parts. Dilute the mixture with 3% copper sulfate (0.5 liters of sulfate per 5 liters of mixture).

◊ Frost cracks. These longitudinal, deep cracks in the bark appear due to too sudden cooling. This apple tree disease provokes weakening of the tree.

The apple tree loses its ability to conduct and absorb nutrients and water. And various fungal spores and pests like to settle near cracks.

Very often, frost holes turn into hollows. Trees should be treated in early spring until the cracks are completely healed:

  1. Using a sharp knife, cut the wood along the crack until healthy tissue appears.
  2. Treat the cut surface with copper sulfate 5%.
  3. Cover the wound with a mixture of mullein (4 parts) and clay (6 parts). You can use garden varnish.
  4. For large lesions, the entire tree is wrapped in a layer of burlap or polyethylene.

The piping is updated annually, constantly cleaning out cracks along the edges. To speed up the healing process, furrowing of the bark is carried out.

The procedure is done in May after the first juicing. Using a sharp knife, 3-4 grooves are made along the circumference of the tree trunk from the surface of the soil to the last branch. The grooves are made intermittently, 30-40 cm long.

You can also use the following medicine: chop young sorrel and apply it to the cracks in a layer of 1.5 cm, bandage it tightly. During summer season Change the dressing regularly to a fresh one.

◊ Sun-frost burns. Such diseases of apple trees look like reddish spots different forms and sizes. Their appearance is provoked by sudden daily temperature changes.

The infection is activated in autumn, winter or early spring on the southern or southwestern part of the trunks. Young apple trees and varieties with darker bark are most affected.

To prevent burns, it is necessary to carry out the following manipulations:

  • Whiten the bases of the branches and the trunks themselves with 20% lime. It will be useful to spray the entire crown with lime to protect the tree (in autumn and on warm winter days).
  • On winter period tie trees with stalks of corn, sunflower, spruce branches or thick paper.

Burns should be treated by cutting away the affected areas and treating them with garden putty or a mixture of clay and mullein. Large parts of the lesions are tied with burlap after treatment.

Now we have become acquainted with the main diseases of our apple trees, and in the next article we will talk about the apple orchard.

See you soon, dear readers and good health to your garden!

The appearance of unsightly tubercles, black spots on branches, rot on fruits, death of the bark of the apple tree - all this may be the cause of more than just excessive watering or too hot weather. These may be apple tree diseases caused by factors beyond human control. Most amateur gardeners who have, say, inherited a plot of apple trees, rarely think about the fact that most plants are susceptible to a huge number diseases, including cancer!

The most common diseases of apple trees and how to combat them

1. The most common apple tree disease is scab. This is a fungal disease that can be caused by excess humidity and stagnant air inside the tree crown. Scab occurs on the leaves of trees, after which it moves to the fruits.

A characteristic sign of scab is small greenish-brown spots on the inside of the leaf. On fruits this disease appears as light brown or dark brown spots, not large, but numerous. Their texture is reminiscent of kiwi skin.

Measures to combat scab include spraying the tree crown and treating the soil with organic and inorganic solutions:

  • Treatment with urea solution in autumn and spring (0.5 kg per 10 liters of water), approximately 5 liters of water are spent on the tree.
  • Treatment with copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 l); 2 stages: early spring before flowering and after fruit set.
  • Use of Bordeaux mixture (300 g of lime and the same amount of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water).

A mandatory preventive measure is to remove excess branches on the apple tree. spring period.

2. Another common one fungal disease apple trees - powdery mildew. The disease affects young shoots, foliage and inflorescences of the tree. It looks like an appearance whitish coating, which gradually turns brown. Under the influence of the disease, the leaves curl and fall off, and the same happens to the fruit ovaries. The last stage of the disease is the appearance of small black dots.

The fight against this apple tree disease comes down to spraying with solutions of colloidal sulfur (a mixture of 70% concentration is diluted in a ratio of 80 g per 10 liters of water). Trees are treated 2 - 3 times in the spring: when the first leaves appear, then another 1 - 2 times every 2 weeks.

Also, the drugs “Skor” and “Topaz” have shown themselves to be effective in the fight against powdery mildew.

3. The most serious apple tree disease, difficult to cure, is common cancer. Its causes lie mainly in weather conditions: excessive cold or heat. Cancer can also appear due to injuries caused to the tree: rough removal of branches, lack of subsequent treatment of wounds.

Apple tree cancer is a lesion of the trunk or powerful skeletal branches deep cracks and growths, leading to drying out and death of the affected branches. Advanced cancer can lead to the death of a tree.

You can avoid the occurrence of such a disease if you properly care for the tree. If the tree does get sick, you should immediately begin treating it:

  • First, all affected branches are removed, and the bark around the wounds is cut out.
  • Then the wood is treated with antiseptic agents.
  • Cover the wounds with garden pitch, preferably without drying oil or rosin.

4. Fruit rot. An unpleasant disease that is more a consequence than an independent disease. Rot appears where other diseases, such as scab, have occurred. Rot affects only the fruits, without touching the foliage or branches of the apple tree. When rotten fruits appear, it is very important to promptly remove them and burn them or bury them far from fruit trees.

When fighting diseases of apple trees, you need to burn the affected branches and foliage! And this should be done as far as possible from garden trees and bushes.

Apple trees warn of the appearance of fruit tree diseases.

This could be damage by harmful insects, a lack of important microelements in the diet, or a fungal disease.

Gardeners, seeing brown spots on the leaves of apple trees, find out what to do

The apple tree is a tree that grows on almost every personal plot.

Where this is possible due to natural conditions.

The tree grows in any soil, but requires proper and

ADVICE: A careful inspection of leaves and fruits will help avoid dangerous diseases and loss of the tree. It is known that there are many diseases that can impair development and growth.

Most often it begins with the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. Reasons for the deterioration of the structure sheet plates some. The causative agent of the infection is recognized by biologists as a fungus..

The first unpleasant symptoms begin to appear in mid-summer. Small spotted projections quickly spread over the entire surface of the leaf. They amaze outer part, spoil the appearance of the crown.

Pathogens of infectious diseases of apple trees.

Round spots and stripes of brown and Brown cover the greens. Fungal spores love humid climates. They develop during periods of rain, fog, and dampness. Venturia unequal falls on the trunk and clings to the branches.

The slimy structure quickly spreads and destroys the tree. The fungus is very tenacious, it affects not only the trunk, but also leaves and fruits. Ventura does not change the processes of photosynthesis.

The first session is recommended in early spring when the first buds appear, but before they bloom.

For the procedure, choose any of the compositions:

  • Inkstone;
  • Copper sulfate;
  • Nitrophen;
  • Bordeaux liquid 4%.

Second session passes after the beginning of flowering during the budding period. Other agents and fungicides are used for spraying:

  • Bordeaux mixture 1%;
  • Copper oxychloride;
  • Cuplosan;
  • Flatan.

third carried out after 2-3 weeks. The period often occurs during the hottest time of the summer season.

If you spray with any of the fungicides, burns may occur. Therefore, before starting a treatment session, a trial action is carried out on several branches. Only after checking the reaction of the plants begin to process the entire crown.

If the owner personal plot missed it right time spraying,

It is advised to take a solution of Bordeaux mixture:

  • 3% when the buds began to bloom;
  • 1% buds appeared;
  • 1% after flowering.

Important! You need to understand that even if the tree has fully recovered, it must be inspected without ceasing.

Expert advice on what to do when there are brown spots on the leaves of apple trees

In early spring experienced gardeners It is advised to use various compositions to avoid the possibility of brown spots appearing on the apple tree:

  • Bordeaux liquid 1% concentration;
  • Copper sulfate;
  • Nitrophen;
  • Inkstone.

After flowering, treatment is carried out using the following means:

  • 1% Bordeaux mixture;
  • Kaptan. It has a pronounced bactericidal effect and is designed to combat various diseases of cultivated plants.
  • Phthalan. White powder is used as a suspension against fungal diseases fruit plants and trees.
  • Cuprozan. A product combined in composition. It combines zineb and copper oxychloride.

Young apple tree seedlings require a special approach. They have a weak immune system.

Their treatment consists of using such means:

  • Kemifos– an insecticidal agent similar in characteristics to karbofos. The drug is universal, helps fight not only stains on the apple tree, but also;
  • Oleucuprite– liquid with oily consistency. The petroleum-oil insectofungicide concentrate is designed for treating trees in early spring.

To treat brown spots will help as a preventive measure potash fertilizing and spraying with fungicides.


The most popular such means:

  • Kaptan. It is a low-toxic drug. The main task is protection against fungal infections. It is considered a substitute for Bordeaux mixture.
  • Zinebom. Included in the group of carbamates. Powder gray has a protective effect, prevents the development of diseases of fruit trees.

Useful videos

Watch the video for information from a specialist about scab:

Watch a video about spring spraying:

Watch the video tutorial on how to prepare Bordeaux mixture:

Watch the video for tips on what preparations should be used in the spring to spray apple trees:

In contact with

Almost every garden has an apple tree. Any summer resident knows that behind a tree you need special care, otherwise good harvests not to be seen. Unfortunately, apple trees are susceptible to diseases more often than other crops.

Preventative treatments do not always help and the tree still gets sick. You need to start treatment immediately, but to do this you need to figure out what kind of ailment you will have to face.

What causes apple tree diseases: general characteristics and ways to fight

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to understand what causes the disease. All types of diseases on apple trees can be divided into three groups:

. fungal;

. bacterial;

. cancerous.

Treatment for these diseases differs significantly. But no matter what disease strikes the tree, it is necessary to promptly remove all diseased parts of the plant: leaves, bark, branches and burn all debris. This will stop the spread of the disease to healthy parts of the tree.

Treatment of fungal diseases begins with spraying the crown and trunk circle of the tree with organic and chemicals. Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate and colloidal sulfur are considered the most effective. You can prepare a solution for treatment according to the following recipes:

Bordeaux liquid 3%. For 10 liters of water you will need 300 grams of copper sulfate and 300 grams of lime.

Copper sulfate solution. For 12 liters of water take 2 tbsp. l. copper sulfate and 1 tbsp. l. liquid soap without fragrance. You can rub laundry soap.

Sulfur solution. Dilute 80 grams of colloidal sulfur (concentration 70%) in 10 liters of water.

Spraying is carried out at the first signs of the disease. However, Bordeaux mixture 3% is used only in spring and autumn. In summer, trees are sprayed with a 1% solution. To prepare it, the amount of drugs is reduced.

Bacterial and cancerous diseases are very difficult to cure. Even if the disease subsides, shoots from it are no longer used for cuttings. In some cases, treatment does not produce results and the seedling has to be uprooted. To protect your garden from insidious diseases, use only healthy planting material from trusted nurseries. Always disinfect tools before and after work, otherwise risk of contamination healthy tree increases.

Fungal diseases of apple trees: description, photos and methods of control

Most often, trees in the garden are affected by fungal diseases, which can be prevented by preventive treatments.

Powdery mildew;

Scab on an apple tree: symptoms and control

It is important to understand that scab affects trees in conditions high humidity, especially in the spring. If there is too much precipitation, then you should not wait for the disease to appear; immediately begin preventive treatments.

Another reason for infection is a thickened tree crown. Thin out the crown in a timely manner, cut out branches growing inward.

Recognizing the disease is easy. Scab begins on the leaves, after which it spreads to the fruits. The pathogen is carried by the wind.

Symptoms of the disease:

1. The leaves become covered with brown spots, which over time acquire an olive color.

2. The spots spread to the fruits; at first they are small. As the fruit grows, the spots increase in size and merge. Apples crack and rot.

Disease prevention is carried out in autumn and early spring. The tree is well sprayed with a urea solution. After the harvest has begun, they are treated with copper oxychloride. The solution is prepared from 40 grams of the drug and 10 liters of water.

If the disease has already begun, then the crown is treated with Bordeaux mixture. IN advanced cases use a solution of phytosporin or the drug "Chorus".

Advice! Well proven as a preventive measure foliar feeding mineral fertilizers.

Powdery mildew: description and photo

Powdery mildew affects young leaves and inflorescences, after which it spreads throughout the tree. The cause of the disease is high air humidity and low temperature, especially at night.


1. Young leaves and inflorescences are covered with a white felt coating, which changes color over time and becomes brown or brown.

2. The leaves on the apple tree gradually turn yellow and dry out, falling off.

3. The trunk becomes covered with black dots.

Treatment must begin immediately, as late stages The disease is difficult to notice. Without treatment, most of the crop suffers, and the winter hardiness of the plant decreases.

Preventive treatment begins in early spring, as soon as the buds swell, which is very important. Use Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur or copper sulfate solution. After that, spraying is carried out another 2-3 times, the interval between treatments is 3 weeks.

At the first signs of the disease, spray with fungicides: “Skor” or “Topaz”. Treatments are carried out 4 times a season.

Powdery mildew is very insidious, so after the disease the tree must be regularly inspected and, if necessary, the course of preventive procedures must be repeated.

Cytosporosis: symptoms and treatment

The disease affects the bark of the tree and progresses rapidly. Occurs mainly among the poor and too heavy soils as a result poor care And improper watering.


1. Dark-colored ulcers appear in certain areas of the bark, after which they increase in size and become red-brown.

2. The affected area of ​​the bark dies along with a nearby branch.

To stop the disease, all affected areas must be cut off and the bark must be thoroughly cleaned. If you neglect this measure, cytosporosis will destroy the tree from the inside.

As preventive measures The trunks are whitewashed in spring and autumn, and the crown is sprayed with copper sulfate.

Advice! Don’t forget to feed the apple tree with mineral fertilizers, improve the composition of the soil, and the disease will not appear in your area.

Moniliosis: description and methods of treatment

The disease appears during the ripening of the crop and affects the fruits.


1. Apples become covered with brown spots.

2. The fruits are completely affected by rot, the disease affects healthy apples.

At the first signs of the disease, all affected fruits are removed, trunk circle trees are dug up. Be sure to remove carrion - this is a source of infection.

To prevent the disease in the spring, spray with 3% beard liquid as soon as the buds open. During the growing season, treatment is done with a 1% solution at intervals of 15 days.

Bacterial diseases of apple trees: photos, symptoms and prevention

Bacterial diseases are very dangerous; without treatment, the tree may die short term.

Bacterial burn

The infection affects all organs of the plant, especially young shoots and leaves. Without treatment, the seedling dies after 30 days. The disease begins in early spring. Warm and humid weather contributes to the spread of infection. The first signs of the disease are clearly visible after flowering.


1. Diseased flowers are watery, wither and fall off.

2. The fruits are covered with oily black-brown spots and stop developing.

3. The wood looks burnt.

Treatment bacterial burn does not give results, the seedling will have to be disposed of. Carefully monitor the condition of the tree during the growing season, carry out everything necessary measures care

Rust: symptoms and treatments

The infection affects apple leaves and rarely fruits. It develops mainly in July, the tree stops developing, dries out, and early leaf fall occurs. Productivity is falling sharply.


1. Black dots are visible on the upper side of the leaves.

2. The underside is covered with nipple-like growths.

All affected leaves and fruits must be removed. If a tree branch is affected, it is removed along with a piece of healthy tissue. A sick tree is treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture every 10 days.

As a preventive measure in the spring, before the buds begin to bloom, clean all old wounds, treat them with copper sulfate and cover them with garden varnish.

Advice! Do not grow juniper in the garden. This plant promotes the spread of infection. If it has grown, dig it up and dig the area deep.

Cancerous diseases of apple trees: description, photos and treatment methods

Cancer diseases are very dangerous, they affect all organs of the tree, progress rapidly, and are difficult to treat.

Black cancer

The disease affects trees older than 20 years; young seedlings are not susceptible to the disease. Wet weather in spring promotes the spread of the disease. Even after the tree has recovered, there is no certainty that the disease will not return again. Black cancer returns even after several years.


1. Leaves become covered with black spots.

2. The fruits turn black and disappear.

3. The bark cracks and swells.

As a preventative measure, tables are whitewashed twice a year. If the disease strikes by surprise, then all affected fruits, shoots and sections of bark are removed. The wounds are cleaned, treated with copper sulfate and covered.

Apple root canker

The disease forms on the roots of the plant. Enters through wounds and cracks.


1. Hard growths form on the roots.

2. The root system stops developing normally, the central root is affected by cancer.

The treatment is very difficult. All growths on the roots must be cut off, and then the seedling must be disinfected in a solution of copper sulfate.

The disease is very insidious, since once cancer cells get into the soil, they live there for many years and wait in the wings. Choose seedlings carefully and prepare the soil well for planting.

These are not all the apple tree diseases that gardeners encounter. Carefully monitor the trees in the garden, do not neglect prevention and properly care for the seedlings.

Every gardener considers it necessary to grow an apple tree in his dacha. Without this tree it is difficult to imagine a full-fledged garden. Like all other trees, apple tree diseases are present, which affect the fruitfulness and quality of grown apples. Every person who deals with the harvest needs to know the possible problems and react to them correctly.

Types of apple tree diseases

There are many diseases and infections that have a detrimental effect on the condition of the tree and can lead to its death. The development of apple tree disease can be influenced by weather conditions, climate, pests, infestations and improper care. The most common diseases:

  • black cancer;
  • European cancer;
  • root cancer;
  • scab;
  • bacteriosis;
  • powdery mildew;
  • fruit rot;
  • spots on leaves;
  • milky shine.

Advice. All apple tree diseases have their own characteristic features, which can be used to determine the correct diagnosis. Knowing the cause that contributes to the disease, you can choose the right medicine. It will restore health to an apple tree seedling in case of illness.

Black cancer and its treatment

Black cancer is a serious disease that progresses with high speed and can destroy an entire tree. It affects mature trees that are more than 15 years old. If the primary symptoms of its manifestation are detected on the leaves, you need to quickly begin preventive measures to restore it, because every day it grows throughout the plant with enormous speed.

The disease primarily manifests itself on the leaves, forming spots on them. The second symptom will be the appearance on the trunk of black rotting areas covered with a coating, as if from soot. The bark dries out, peels off and falls off, and dark sores are visible around the affected area, which will consume the entire tree until they destroy it.
The cause of black cancer may be the weakness of the tree, if in previous years it indulged in abundant fruits. Excessive soil moisture over a long period of time and clay contribute to its appearance. Infection can occur if the tree has been severely damaged or the branches have defects.

To bring the tree back to life, you need to immediately remove all infected branches, leaves, and fruits. Treat cut areas with a 3% solution of copper sulfate. Whiten the trunk at the root with a drying oil-based product to protect against harmful insects. You need to check the condition of the tree regularly; if you miss an infected area, the disease may appear again.

European cancer and how to treat it

Exactly this dangerous disease, which is almost impossible to cure. It can completely dry out and destroy a tree in a short period of time. Apple tree bark diseases can appear due to drought or severe frost. Suppuration can occur after a deep cut or injury that was not properly treated.

The fungal disease forms as growths on the rotting area, where a small hole appears. The tree dries out, the branches die off under the influence of cancer. Deep ulcers form on the bark and spread over the rest of the area. The apple tree stops bearing fruit and gradually dies. The period of progression of infection occurs in the spring and the fungus can easily spread to other plants located nearby.

The apple tree must be treated when the disease is first detected, otherwise there is a risk that all nearby trees will catch the infection and die. All growths and wounds must be cut out and the area around them removed.

Advice. We cut off the branches and treat the cut areas with antiseptic preparations. We treat the soil and get rid of all pests that can transmit the disease.

Root cancer and what to do if it is detected

In slightly alkaline soil, a bacterium may appear that infects the root of the tree and forms hard growths on it, absorbing all the nutrients and preventing the tree from developing and fruiting normally. It can enter through a wound in the trunk or has been in the soil for a long time. When the growths are destroyed, the virus is able to remain in the soil and wait for several years for a new home.

Bacteria do not like acidic soil, and they do not survive well in such conditions. Before planting a seedling, you need to prepare the land for three years, populating it with annual grass or mustard. When planting a tree, carefully inspect root system for suspicious growths and cancerous tumors. Infected seedlings may not be afraid of treatment, and after some time they will manifest themselves. It is better to immediately get rid of such trees and burn them outside the area. Before planting, the entire root should be disinfected by dipping it in a 1% solution of copper sulfate.

Scab, causes and treatment

It is quite easy to detect it, because in the initial stages of its development, dark spots on the leaves. Scab can appear as a result of prolonged rainfall, especially in spring. A tree with dense branches that prevents sufficient light and oxygen from entering will convenient place development of the disease. The fungus spreads best with rain, moving in water droplets.

The first sign of its appearance on the apple tree is yellow spots on the leaves, indicating that the tree is infected. Subsequently, the infection is transmitted to the fruits, leaving dark dry spots, cracks and growths on them, into which any infection can easily penetrate. Numerous specks lead to rotting of apples. The peculiarity of scab is that it does not destroy the tree, but only injures it, so it is able to exist and produce crops long time, feeding the bacteria until it finally eats it.

Treating apple trees against diseases and pests in the fall will help prevent illness. Urea solution and organic solutions are useful. Mineral fertilizers They prevent other fungal diseases well, strengthen the tree, and enrich it with necessary substances. Fungicides and Bordeaux mixture can restore the structure of the apple tree. The tree must be treated every time before flowering and after it bears fruit.

Bacteriosis on an apple tree

Fire blight is most noticeable on young plants. Mature trees can become infected and begin to die if seedlings of infected trees were planted in the garden. The bacterium develops during drought, elevated temperature for a long time in the spring. Harmful insects can become carriers.

If dark spots appear along the entire perimeter of the apple tree, this is the first sign of bacteriosis. Dark water spots form on the branches, the flowers change color to brown and black, and crumble. The leaves turn black, dry out, appear burnt, and curl. They droop in bunches, droop, but do not fall from the tree, remaining hanging on the branches, resistant to rain and wind. The fruits similarly darken, become covered with oily spots, stop developing and remain on the tree until the end of autumn.
Before planting a new young tree, you need to carefully check it for infections that can destroy the rest of the plants. All dry branches should be carefully trimmed, the cut should be treated with a copper solution, and the branches should be burned outside the garden. Best time To carry out this procedure - late autumn or winter.

Advice. Insects are the best carriers of diseases, so you need to get rid of them first. In the spring, before flowering, the apple tree should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

Powdery mildew and its prevention

Powdery mildew appears on the leaves as a white coating, which subsequently darkens and destroys the buds. If treatment is neglected, the yield of the apple tree may be reduced by 2 times. The fungus appears due to high humidity and prolonged rain. The leaves are gaining dark color, become spotted and are able to stop developing, drying out and crumbling. The same thing happens with fruits. Bacteria that form powdery mildew resistant to any weather conditions, are not afraid of frost, calmly waiting out the cold in the tree structure and progressing through the period of flowering and yield.

To prevent disease, the entire structure of the apple tree must be treated. In the spring, when the leaves are just beginning to appear and the buds are blooming, the tree needs to be sprayed with colloidal sulfur 70%, repeating the procedure regularly throughout the entire period until the leaves appear. After the season is over and the entire harvest has been harvested, the apple tree should be sprayed with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. “Skor” and “Topaz” have a good effect on health, which can be sprinkled on the branches before summer.

Fruit rot on apple tree branches

Moniliosis appears later than all diseases on apple trees, when the fruits have formed on the tree, by August. It begins to infect the apple with a small brown spot, then it grows, destroying the entire fruit. Yellow pads appear, the fruit softens and becomes watery and ferments. It is forbidden to eat it. Rotting occurs not only with the fruits, but also spreads to the leaves, which wither and crumble.

Infection can cause damage to the protective bark on the trunk of the apple tree, through which the moniliosis virus penetrates. The rot can be carried by insects or the wind, which distributes it throughout the apple tree and neighboring plants.

If such fruits are found, they should be picked immediately and removed away from the tree. They are able to decompose in the soil and continue to affect the quality of apples through the roots. The soil needs to be dug up and processed. The apple tree must be treated with Bordeaux mixture during the flowering period and after fertilization. Branches with rotten apples need to be pruned and processed. It is necessary to ensure that the tree crown is not too thick and does not impede penetration sun rays and was well ventilated.

Spots on apple leaves and rust

In July, a problem may arise in the form of yellowish, red and brown spots on leaves that have a slight convexity with reverse side. In other cases, the spotting can be gray, brown or dark in color, scattered on the foliage. This is a sign of metabolic disorder and fungal disease, which sucks the strength out of the apple tree. Subsequently, the leaves fall off and the harvest is lost if the tree is not treated in time.

To prevent infection of the rest of the crown, you need to destroy the damaged areas, cutting them off with the healthy part by 7 cm. Before the first buds form, you need to clean the shrunken branches and treat them with copper sulfate. All summer you need to periodically spray the plant with Bordeaux mixture or zineb solution. The cause of rust development may be juniper, which grows in a nearby country house. It should be destroyed, and the earth should be dug up and cultivated.

Milky sheen on the bark

For many reasons improper care A milky sheen may appear behind a seedling, planted in a bad place and other criteria. It is a fungal infection milky on the bark with a pearlescent sheen. It can appear due to improper watering, planting in damp lands located below the required level, severe frosts, or insufficient enrichment with minerals.

In most cases, the disease progresses in July. The branches begin to dry out and they break. Damaged areas lose fruitfulness, and the disease gradually spreads throughout the tree. These are the most common symptoms of apple tree disease.

To prevent the apple tree from drying out, you need to trim off damaged branches and treat the apple trees with garden varnish. The soil must be saturated with fertilizers to restore the balance of nutrients, and the trunk must be whitened.

Advice. If the infection has captured a large area of ​​the tree, it must be dug up along with the roots so that other plants in the garden are not damaged through the soil.

Trees are very picky plants, requiring constant attention, control and care. If you decide to plant an apple tree, you should remember that you need to carry out regular treatment against pests and diseases that can destroy the tree. Don’t forget and be lazy to look through the entire tree for defects and respond to them in a timely manner, otherwise you can destroy the plant.

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