Mirrors are installed in the house not only for their direct use, but also for how decorative element, capable of introducing optical changes into the interior. For example, using a mirror you can lengthen the corridor, raise the ceiling or increase the space of the living room.

The main functions of the living room do not require the presence of a mirror, but with the help of this element you can create interesting visual effects that will have a positive effect on the perception of the entire interior of the room.

Using a mirror in the living room you can create the following visual changes:

  • By placing the mirror on long wall rectangular room you can visually expand it almost twice and make it square;
  • By installing the mirror on narrow wall a rectangular room, you can create the feeling of an endless narrow corridor;
  • A mirror on the wall, reflecting beautiful objects, can double their number, making the interior richer;
  • A mirrored ceiling will increase the height of a low room;
  • A correctly installed mirror of a certain shape can create the effect of an additional door or window.

With all these techniques experienced designers used to create modern interiors.

In addition, with the help of a mirror you can correct the defects of an uneven room, drawing the attention of the observer through the looking glass.

However, achieving these effects is not so easy, because physical laws do not always allow us to realize our plans. When using mirrors you need to be very careful not to get the sensation DC voltage from movements in mirrors.

Decorating a living room with mirrors: basic rules

To make spending time in the living room with mirrors comfortable and convenient, you need to follow the rules when installing them.


  • For visual expansion narrow small room, its design should be made in light colors, and the room is filled with light, in dark interiors the mirror will eat up space;
  • Mirrors should not be constantly visible, otherwise you will feel constant nervous tension;
  • Mirrors should reflect a small number of large objects, otherwise the room will look sloppy;
  • The placement of mirrors on adjacent walls will create a feeling of a labyrinth, which will negatively affect psychological state owners;
  • You should not place mirrors on the ceiling of high rooms, otherwise it may cause dizziness;
  • Mirrors located opposite each other will create the effect of an endless looking glass, which will negatively affect the emotional health of household members.

In general, a mirror is a very thin design tool, so before installing it you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of this decision.

However, if the owners have a certain design taste and understanding of the laws of light reflection, then with the help of a mirror you can achieve truly magical effects that will make the room elegant and unique.

Living room design with mirrors

It is possible to fit a mirror into any type of living room; it is only important to choose the right frame.

Depending on the surrounding objects and the general mood of the room, mirrors can be designed as follows:

  • IN classic designs It is not even necessary to hang the mirror on the wall; a large, heavy mirror in an elegant frame can simply be leaned against the wall (it is always possible to hang a mirror);
  • In country style, the frame can be made from twigs or wooden elements;
  • Art Deco implies grace, and therefore the frame can have a lot of ornaments and lace;
  • For the high-tech style, not only a mirror in a thin frame, but entire mirror structures are suitable;
  • For minimalism, of course, the frame should be simple, but it is better to make it light so that the mirror expands the space rather than tightens it.

In general, the scope for activity is limitless; some craftsmen make frames and decor for mirrors with their own hands from improvised materials, creating stylish unique jewelry interior

You can play not only with the frame of the mirror, but also with its shape; you don’t have to use a single sheet, you can assemble an outlandish design from mirror pieces.

However, in this case, it is better to build the structure so that it does not distort objects, in particular the face of the person looking at it. If a mirror “cuts” the face or parts of the body of the person looking into it, then this will in any case negatively affect the psyche.

It is not necessary to use perfectly smooth mirrors; you can make patterns or apply designs on their surface. Usually, for such services, you can contact a special company, or, in its absence, a furniture company that installs sliding wardrobes.

Furniture and mirror in the hall

To avoid mistakes in placing mirrors in the interior of a room, you can use standard places for installing them in the hall.

For example:

  • On the wall behind the back of the sofa (in this case, the mirror will not constantly catch your eye and get on your nerves);
  • Above the fireplace (in classic interiors the wall above the fireplace is often left empty, and a mirror will be an excellent decoration);
  • On the facade of the wardrobe (in this case, the mirror will serve not only a decorative function);
  • On the wall adjacent to the window (the mirror will reflect sun rays, and the room will become noticeably brighter);
  • Between two windows on the wall (there will be the effect of a third window; the mirror can even be draped similarly).

There are two main rules for installing mirrors: the owners should not constantly see their own reflection and placing the mirror opposite the window is inappropriate, as this will not make the room brighter.

In fact, you can fit a mirror into the interior in any way you like. If the owners feel comfortable living in a room with certain interior, which means the designer made the right decision.

A spectacular mirror wall in the living room or how to avoid mistakes

A mirrored wall in the living room can transform the interior beyond recognition, but it must be truly appropriate. After all, such a large mirror will carry a huge semantic load in the design.

When installing such large and ambiguous interior elements, one should not make mistakes:

  • No need to make a mirror wall in the dark small room, because in this case the space will visually shrink;
  • You need to assemble the wall from panels with narrow seams, because thick frames will make the structure visually heavy;
  • The mesh from the window, reflected in the mesh of the mirror wall, is very annoying to the eye; you shouldn’t do that;
  • It is not recommended to make a mirror wall opposite the window, since it has no meaning, plus it also contradicts the laws of Feng Shui, for example;
  • You cannot place the wall where the owners will constantly see their reflections; it is better to place mirrors behind the wall of the sofa.

If you want a calm, warm and cozy interior, then it is better to refuse the mirror wall, there are other ways visual increase space.

When installing a mirror wall, you should pay attention to strength load-bearing structure, after all interior walls usually not as durable and may not support the heavy weight of mirrors. It is better not to use large panels, but to give preference to mirror pieces.

DIY mirror wall in the living room

Some craftsmen not only design mirror walls themselves, but also implement them in their own interior.

This is not so difficult to do, especially if you follow a few rules:

  • it is better to entrust the installation of large mirror panels to professionals, especially understanding how heavy the material is;
  • It is better to assemble a wall from mirror pieces, but you need to carefully think through the design between them;
  • An excellent solution is to use mirror tiles, which are easy to find in stores and attached in the usual way;
  • If the mirror coating is damaged during its installation, you must definitely get rid of it;
  • panels with cracks are not safe and do not look aesthetically pleasing.

By following these rules, you can create a beautiful interior solution with your own hands, but you need, first of all, to think about the safety of the owners, and about the repairmen themselves.

By the way, it is very convenient to work with mirror tiles when decorating the ceiling. As a result, the mirror coffered composition, especially when placed diagonally, looks unusual and tasteful, and its installation does not cause much trouble.

Mirrors can hardly be called a fragile structure, especially the hardened versions that are now used in modern interiors. However, if there is a presence in the hall mirror wall, and in addition to it there are also glass pieces of furniture, then the room will look unreliable, and therefore subconsciously force people to be overly careful and be on edge all the time. Therefore, it is better not to go too far and harmoniously combine different textures in the design.

We use mirrors in the living room interior to expand the space (video)

Thanks to their illusionary properties, mirrors can be integrated into the interior, creating beautiful and sometimes magical effects. With their help, you can increase the space in any of the three dimensions, but during installation you need to remember the laws of physics so as not to get the opposite effect. A beautifully designed frame will allow you to use this element in any stylistic decision hall


Bright wallpaper, neutral paint, untreated surface - which is more suitable for wall decoration in small apartment? Our choice is any material in combination with a mirror that can be used to decorate accent wall. If you spare no space for the mirror panel, the room will grow before your eyes. By the way, a mirror in the interior of a room does not have to be a single canvas: if you want variety, order it from the workshop geometric carving, as in our example.


Narrow passages between rooms and extra corridors can be visually expanded using mirror cladding. The technique will work especially effectively if the panels run along both the walls and the ceiling, and the reflection “glues” two isolated rooms together.



Who doesn't dream of additional windows in the apartment?.Chop façade walls Of course, no one will let you, but playing with the resemblance of a window and a mirror is quite accessible entertainment. Frames with a mirror instead of glazing look especially expressive where the viewer least expects to find them - for example, at the head of the bed or in the bathroom. However, such a romantic accessory will not spoil the living-dining room.


A worthy alternative to a painting gallery will be a collection of mirrors. Hang several horizontal shelves on an empty wall and arrange small mirrors in random order. Modern models It’s not forbidden to add accessories from grandma’s chest or flea market— retro style with small accents is relevant today.


Mounting a reflective panel on the ceiling is a pleasure that you won’t be able to save money on: the heavy accessory requires reinforced support structures. But what an effect: with a mirror on the top horizontal, you will forget that you don’t have the best high ceilings.


Are you afraid that dark colors will the decoration visually reduce the area of ​​the room? Find a worthy company for them in the form light elements and mirrors - and the problem will be solved by itself. If there is nowhere to hang a mirror, you will have to master the lower tier - for example, the wall of a kitchen island.



Registration kitchen apron- a tricky task: on the one hand, there is heat resistant glass, however, not everyone likes its cheerful shades and psychedelic drawings; on the other hand, its designer ceramic tiles, which has only one drawback - high cost. To make the choice easier, you can use the third option - lay out an apron mirror panel. It has a lot of advantages - including the same increase in space and insolation. True, you should be prepared for the fact that you will have to wash such an apron more often - fingerprints and splashes are clearly visible in the mirror.


Have you always wanted a sink by the window, but didn't know where to hang the mirror? The idea lies on the surface - on the window itself, while partially closing the opening. The benefit of the solution is that water treatments It will be possible to perform in natural light, and the sun will not be too blinding - after all, there is an obstacle in its path.


The reflective ability of mirrors in the interior of a room is beneficially used by owners of collections: if you mount a mirror in a sideboard for decoration instead back wall, accessories will visually “double”.


There are many ways to turn standard furniture into an art object, and one of the most successful is to cover the panels with a mirror. A person without experience will spend an unreasonably long time fiddling with small objects that have drawers and handles, but you can deal with heavy artillery like a cabinet on your own if you choose the right glue that will withstand the load.


Mirror in thick wooden frame is not only a stylish, but also a practical accessory, because the frame is easy to adapt for storage. In the hallway or dressing room, a mirror with hooks will take on the load of umbrellas, light scarves and belts; in residential areas will allow you to place additional decor - most importantly, make sure that the load on the hooks does not become unbearable for them. Unusual frame for a mirror with your own hands.


Large mirrors in the interior of a room have a feature that can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage: they reflect literally everything that happens in the room, including a clutter of decor and disorder. If you like minimalistic interiors and are meticulous about making sure everything is in its place, take a chance with a large-format mirror. After all, sometimes best decoration rooms are her reflection.

The mirror is an integral part of everyday life, having a variety of universal properties and capable of adding originality to the interior. Agree, we simply cannot do without him. everyday life, and designers, with the help of it, work wonders with interior decoration premises.

IN modern world there are many various types mirrors, thanks to which you can create a wonderful decorative element and increase the space in the room or, conversely, create an awkward accent. Therefore, it is important to know: how to choose the right mirror for your interior.

Reasons for using mirrors in decoration

Remember how beautiful the royal palaces looked with mirrored ceilings. Together with the walls, the shine of which was reflected and gave the space more light, the illusion of endless space was created. It is for this reason that designers use mirrors to visually increase the area of ​​the room and hide layout flaws.

To play with your imagination, you can install a mirror at a certain angle, which will create the effect of an endless mirror corridor. It also gives the impression of having a lot of things in the room, which creates some zest in your interior.

A mirror is indispensable in decoration due to the fact that it scatters light rays. You can place mirrors in certain places so that the reflected rays illuminate the designated corners. A good option There will be a large mirror installed at an angle near the window.

Thus, this solution will create a good and bright mood for your interior.

If you want to create a feeling of security, then a mirror installed so that you can see what is happening behind your back can help you with this.

Note that a mirror is the most practical and original solution. With the help of such an inherently ordinary thing, you can create an unusual and beautiful design Your interior.

Techniques for using mirrors in the interior

In the modern world there are many types of mirrors. Their diversity is not only in the creation of original frames for framing, but also in the beauty of the glass itself, which can make it magnificent. To give it originality, you can use painting, mosaic or fusing techniques. The multi-colored glass of the mirror will bring new colors and a cheerful mood to the room.

Sandblasting a mirror is perfect for those whose interior is designed in a minimalist style. If, on the contrary, the main emphasis in your decor is on luxury, then a mirror in a stained glass frame will great solution for your room.

The mirror can also be installed above the fireplace. This solution will add light to the room or, on the contrary, give an atmosphere of calm and relaxation in the evening, with the help of candles placed on the shelf. Additionally, it helps to view objects on the mantelpiece from all viewing angles.

Such an unusual decorative element as a mirror wall can visually increase the area of ​​a small room. A logical solution would be to install a large solid mirror or mirror tiles on the wall rather than installing a cabinet with mirrored doors.

And you can visually increase the height of the room by installing mirrors using the insertion method on the ceiling. If your room has high ceilings, then a mirror gallery will help “fix” this problem. It is enough to place several beautifully framed mirrors on the wall. This simple decor will make the room much more comfortable.

If the room already has a large mirror installed, then you can use a compositional design technique. Just hang photos around it in interesting frames. Everything ingenious is simple!

You can decorate not only walls and ceilings with a mirror. A trend that came to us from Venice suggests decorating mirror glass not only the surface of the furniture, but also to create from it individual objects for your interior. On at the moment This is a valid and popular method of decorating.

These specific styles of mirror decor fit very brightly and uniquely into the interior. This can be seen in the photo at the end of our article.

Choosing a mirror for a specific interior style

The mirror confirms the fact that it is indispensable in decoration. Therefore, you need to know how to advantageously decorate your interior with the help of this simple item.

False window from a mirror - bold decision. You can decorate it according to your taste, for example, put it in a white frame and get a window in french style. You can also create an effect regular window, decorating it with original curtains.

For each style, you can choose your own mirror. If your room is made in country style, then the mirror should be geometrically proportional, and decorated either in an original way(rattan, shells) or framed in regular frame. Large mirror- most best option in an interior designed in a minimalist style. In the Art Nouveau style, the mirror should become a bright detail, so it can be decorated with a colorful frame with plant elements. It should be made in smooth lines.

An interior in the Baroque or Rococo style can be decorated with mirrors decorated in gilded frames, while standard ones made of wood are suitable ethnic style. Mirrors made in art decor style are considered the most versatile. They will fit perfectly into any interior.

Superstitious nature of the mirror

As we said earlier, the mirror is incredibly popular in the occult. With its help, you can perform rituals or tell fortunes. It can also attract certain energy, or even have its own. There are many signs and superstitions associated with the mirror. We have been taught since childhood that we should not break a mirror, much less look into it.

Or eat food while sitting near the mirror. It turns out that if this is true, then the looking glass has the right to exist? Of course, realists and science will say that this is nonsense, but most of us really try not to go beyond the mirror rules.

Despite the mysticism, the most important thing is that the surface of the mirror should be smooth and intact. If it breaks or is chipped, if it tends to “halve” or distorts your body in the reflection, then it should not be installed. It's not even a matter of superstition, but of aesthetic considerations. It looks unpresentable and awkward.


The mirror ceases to be an ordinary piece of furniture. Now it can participate in both simple and exciting activities. design solutions. You can do the usual wall mirror in your bedroom or living room with a work of art, just frame it in a beautiful frame and use the painting technique.

And here is a beautiful and easy-to-use, and most importantly useful item that makes you happy every day. Don't be afraid to experiment! After all, after this, real beauty is born.

Photo of beautifully designed mirrors in the interior

It is important that the mirrors on opposite walls do not reflect themselves, otherwise you risk getting not only an aesthetic cacophony, but also a psychological one. It is unlikely that you will feel comfortable if your personality is upset, every time you walk along such a corridor. Opposite the mirror you can hang it in the same frame photograph loved one, and now he will become twice as loved.

Light scattering

To create muting, you can screw in light bulbs less power, and replace standard mirrors with matte ones or with a textured amalgam to resemble polished metal. As an alternative, polished aluminum, copper or even silver will work. plates. Great option for modern.

Broken reflections and crooked mirrors in the interior

Another idea mirror design corridor for people with a sense of humor. Make custom curved mirrors and decorate one of the free walls with them (can be in the form of appliqués or one size, lined up in a row). Even the gloomiest mood on Monday morning will be replaced by a cheerful mood with such a variety of author's grimaces and sizes.

Mirrors on the ceiling

Mirror ceiling inserts are a fairly popular interior decor option. A room with such a ceiling becomes visually much more spacious and brighter. Mirror mirrors are particularly popular ceilings in family bedrooms. We will leave the purpose of such decor for independent study.

Luxurious view of house plants

Is home gardening one of your hobbies? Don't be lazy to turn 3-4 pots of begonias on a balcony shelf in a real blooming front garden. A mirror surface attached to the back will multiply your green leaves tenfold.

Mirror panel

Fragility is the main disadvantage of a mirror surface. If you need to install mirror cloth large area, there is a way to divide the surface into several parts. Mirror panel can consist of both geometrically regular figures (divided into squares or stripes) and chaotic “splinters”. Moreover, the distances between the dividing lines can be minimal and with a small spread.

Sconces, floor lamps and mirrors

Your living room will turn into a hall for special ceremonies if you hang sconces or install floor lamp on a long leg in front of a narrow 30-40 cm strip of mirror (can be at the level of a floor lamp or the entire height of the wall).


Miniature mirror mosaic is appropriate in the decor textured wall(for example, when finishing decorative plaster) rooms of small dimensions. Catching a reflected ray of light, no matter from what source, mirror surfaces will visually fill the room with light and sparkle with playful reflections. This technique is also appropriate when decorating apron on small kitchen. Instead of decorative tiles You can use a mirror insert of the same size with matting or geometric division.

Mirrored wardrobe

Wardrobe with mirrored facades - always win-win for a small bedroom. To ensure that the facade does not seem too ordinary and boring, additional matting with patterns that repeat the wall decor will provide a balanced image of the finished interior.

With the help of a mirrored wardrobe you can easily and without special effort increase the space of a small room

How to use mirror walls in the interior

Mirrors, in addition to their main duties - to reflect a person’s appearance, help him take care of himself, thereby improving his mood (the fair sex especially like to spin in front of mirrors), also play the role of original decoration interior Being a necessary piece of furniture where people undress and dress (hallway, dressing room), carry out hygienic procedures (bathroom), a mirror is also appropriate in other rooms of the apartment, fulfilling, in addition to the main one, an equally important mission: decorative. Correctly installed mirrors will help correct the shortcomings of the room, make it lighter and more spacious, that is, turn a gloomy, dark room into a bright room. A beautiful figurine, vase or painting, repeated in a mirror, will double the number of things that decorate your home.

You definitely need to know the special rules that will help make your home visually more spacious and brighter, because if you use mirrors incorrectly, there is a risk of ruining the design of the room space.

You should understand in more detail how to use mirrors in the interior for your benefit.

Stylish mirrors in the interior

Mirror walls in the interior. Details and facts

The mirror wall is vertical surface, the area of ​​which is decorated with material that reflects light. In one case, mirrors cover the entire wall with a whole material, in another - these can be elements that exist separately from each other. To fasten mirrors, glue, clamps or a frame are used.

What is a wall of mirrors in the interior of a room? This:

  • an ensemble of mirrors that can be either framed or without it;
  • a wall with mirror tiles, panels or wallpaper;
  • wardrobes with doors entirely covered with mirrors;
  • various furniture that includes mirror material in its design.

To decorate rooms, mirrors that are not quite familiar to the average person are used. Their surface is not always smooth or clean; there are corrugated surfaces or with a sandblasted pattern. Lovers of retro and vintage will like “antique” mirrors (with an aged effect), and those who prefer high-tech and laconicism will like mirrors without frames, making the surface uniform.

Modern designer stores offer customers not only standard glass mirrors, but also acrylic, a flexible material.

The mirror perfectly complements the interior

An optical illusion or a good decision?

Designers use the property of mirrors to visually make the space wider and much lighter, which will be of interest primarily to those who live in small homes or with rooms as narrow as pencil cases. Then a wall completely covered with a mirror will help, as if by magic, to visually add additional square meters to the room.

If a mirror in the interior is placed in such a way that it reflects the window, a small and dark room will become completely different: spacious and bright.

To avoid discomfort from the “abundance of mirrors”, it will be enough to place mirror blocks on the entire surface of the wall behind the back of a sofa or chair, which will also help expand the room and neutralize the frequent and therefore irritating contact of your reflection with your eyes.

Mirror interior - photo

Interesting details. Complementing the mirrored interior

Mirrors in the interior

Large and bright rooms need mirrors no less. The mirror here, first of all, becomes a decoration of the interior, its “highlight”, gives a certain sophistication, elegance, and adds luxury. To create such an atmosphere, sticker mirrors or ordinary ones, but always in frames, are perfect.

Unusual, avant-garde forms and decorations in the form of drawings or ornaments are in fashion. You also need to know one rule: in this way it is worth decorating rooms with a minimum amount of furniture, with walls in soothing colors, otherwise, otherwise, the reflections of many shelves, sofas and armchairs can cause an uncomfortable feeling of incomprehensible irritation.

Effective separation with mirror walls

Mirrors can be used not only as a solid canvas, but also separate elements. The separation effect smoothes out the irritating effect of reflection, without losing the ability to enlarge and brighten the space. The distances for such crushing are different. They can be equal in size to the border of mirrors (suitable for rooms with a small area), wide mirrors at a narrow distance from each other look aesthetically pleasing (for a large room) and vice versa (a large distance between narrow mirrors highlights the pastel tone walls).

By adopting one of the proposed methods, the apartment owner will create an effective, non-standard and bold design your home, for example:

  • reflection of light rays under different angles and in different directions, like many small prisms;
  • combination of different reliefs, shapes and textures;
  • eccentricity and originality of both the home and the owner.

Mirrors on the wall: undesirable areas

When decorating rooms with mirrored walls, the main thing is to stop in time and not to overdo it: taste and moderation are important in everything. And there are areas in the apartment in which mirrored walls are not only undesirable, but simply not appropriate. For example:

  1. Mirrored doors of the wardrobe, which stands near the wall in a narrow, long and dark room, will reflect the opposite wall, creating the effect of a narrow tunnel filled with furniture.
  2. The bed or desk should not be reflected in the mirror; this may interfere with the work process or a restful sleep.
  3. A combined bathroom, and even a small one, is also not suitable for placing a mirror surface there: firstly, your reflection sitting on the toilet is not a wonderful sight, secondly, in a humid room you will have to constantly wipe the mirrors from drips, thirdly , in a small bathroom, even a whole mirror wall will not help and will not make the space visually wider.
  4. A wall of mirrors opposite a similar one is a terrible solution. It will work out endless tunnel reflections, from which your nerves will begin to play havoc.

The role and significance of mirrors in the bathroom, kitchen, hallway, living room and bedroom

Mirror walls in the bathroom interior

Mirrored walls seem to be made for spacious, well-lit bathrooms, so you should plan the placement of lamps in advance. Instead of a familiar mirror From the bathroom set above the sink you can make a composition of mirror tiles. A wall completely covered with mirrors in front of a cubicle or bathroom is a good find, but in front of the toilet - no, no, and no again. And of course, you should take good care of the cleanliness and shine of mirrors, wipe them from drips and drops; this is not difficult to do, fortunately, there is now a huge selection of products for mirrors and glass.

Bathroom with mirror wall
Ideal interior, complemented by mirrors

Mirror walls in the kitchen interior

Mirrored walls are suitable for modern, newfangled kitchens that combine laconicism, the cool shine of chrome parts, a lot of light and air. They are perfect for decorating a dining room, the only thing is that mirror blocks need to be placed at the top of the wall, where they will not reflect, and therefore irritate people. And, as mentioned above, the mirror can be hung so that it reflects the window, this trick will add light.

Kitchen with mirror wall Mirror walls in the kitchen

Mirror walls in the hallway interior

In hallways with a mirror design, you should be careful and avoid mirrors opposite each other to avoid creating an unnerving mirror maze. It is advisable to dilute the interior of the hallway with a few mirrored details, no more, and to brighten it, hang lamps near the mirrors. For those who have a huge, spacious hallway, you don’t have to think twice about decorating the wall from top to bottom with mirror finishing. A sliding wardrobe will also fit perfectly in the hallway. A mirrored ceiling will appeal to originals and aesthetes; it will increase the space and increase the amount of light from lamps, which is extremely important in such a room. + .

Hallway with a mirror wall

Mirror walls in the living room interior

This room is intended for relaxation and receiving guests, which means the interior design in it should be light, bright, and fresh. Here you can let your imagination run wild. Whether it will be a whole mirror wall or fragments, ornaments, mosaics - everything is appropriate. Mirrors in rich baguettes or frames with beautiful ornaments - great idea. Reflective finishes can be used on cabinet sides or surfaces coffee table, on doors and cabinets.

Living room with mirrored walls
Another living room option with a mirror on the wall

Mirror walls in the bedroom interior

A mirrored wall will add luxury, elegance, and a touch of chic and aristocracy to this room. Due to the reflective elements, the bedroom will acquire a more mysterious and intimate atmosphere. Playing with backlighting and lighting, coupled with mirrors, will allow you to give unexpected angles to the refraction of the beam. Most often, mirrors are placed on the ceiling or above the bed. Also the mirror great solution For dressing table or dressing table. More

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