Subject: Preparation for sound production [Ш].

Target: preparing the student’s articulatory apparatus for producing the sound [Ш].


1. educational:

Create psychological readiness to evoke speech sounds;
form a long-lasting air stream;

2. correctional and developmental:

  • develop fine motor skills, memory, attention, logical thinking;
  • develop phonemic hearing by practicing isolation from the sound stream;

3. educational: cultivate goodwill, the ability to interact with the teacher.


  • demonstration material – subject pictures;
  • individual material - pictures of objects, a piece of cotton wool.

Progress of the lesson

I. Org. moment.- Hello! Let's smile at each other. Make yourself comfortable.

II. Mimic gymnastics.— First, let’s warm up the facial muscles.
Frown your eyebrows. Raise your eyebrows (surprise). Smile. Smile so that your teeth are visible. Move your lips forward. Smile. Frown your eyebrows. Raise your eyebrows.

III. Articulation gymnastics.- Now let's stretch our tongue.

Ex. "Spatula".- Stick out your wide tongue, relax it and place it on your lower lip. The tongue does not tremble. Hold him in this position.

"Cup".- Open your mouth wide. Raise the wide tongue upward. Reach the side edges and the tip of the tongue towards the upper teeth, but do not touch them. Hold in this position for 10 seconds.

"Delicious jam."- Open your mouth slightly, stick out your wide tongue. Imagine that you have jam on your upper lip, you need to lick your upper lip with your tongue and move it into the back of your mouth.

"Fungus".— The wide tongue needs to be sucked to the palate. Open your mouth as wide as possible, so that the “foot of the fungus” (frenulum of the tongue) stretches. Hold it in this position.

IV. Breathing exercises.

"Focus".- Fine! And now we will show you a trick. Place your tongue on your upper lip, as in the “Tasty Jam” exercise. Take a deep breath through your nose, I’ll put some cotton wool on the tip of your nose, you need to blow it off by exhaling through your mouth.

"Sail".- Look, there is a sail and three sharks in front of you, you need to shoot down the sharks with the sail. To do this, take a deep breath through your nose, without raising your shoulders, keeping your back straight. We exhale through our mouth, in a thin stream onto the sail, directing it towards the sharks.

V. Development of fine motor skills.- Now we will stretch our fingers. Look how many animals have come to us.

The little bear was visiting.
He went to see the red squirrel,
Visit and eat...
Even to the gray bunny
Our brown bear came by.

VI. Development of phonemic awareness.

Game "Catch the Sound".- Let's play the game “Catch the Sound”. I will make sounds when I hear the sound [SH] clap my hands. Be careful!

The sounds are pronounced: [Z],[Sh],[Zh],[S],[Sh],[C], [Sh], [X].

- Now I will give you pictures, look at them carefully. Show me the pictures in which words with the sound [Ш] are hidden.

Words: brush, orange, star, cherry, hat, pike, closet.

VII. Development of memory and attention.- “Now I’ll show you the pictures. Look at them carefully, name them and remember them. Next, you close your eyes and I will remove one picture, and when you open your eyes, you must tell me which image is gone.”

VIII. Results of the lesson.

- Well done! Our lesson is coming to an end. Did you like the lesson?
— What words do you remember?
- Well done, did a good job! The lesson is over. Yarovenko S.V.
teacher - speech therapist, Municipal state-owned special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities Special (correctional) general education school No. 78 VIII type.

Subject: Sound production[ SCH]


1. Educational:

Strengthen the ability to correctly pronounce the sound [u];

2. Corrective:

Development of phonemic hearing;

Development of phonemic analysis skills;

3. Educational:

Cultivate a positive attitude towards the activity;

Equipment: picture (elephant), sound articulation profile [ш].


I .Org.moment

Greetings. Report the topic of the lesson.

II .Main part

1.Articulation gymnastics

3.Finger gymnastics

4. Exercise to develop speech breathing

5. Exercises to develop facial expression

6. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

8.Sound production.

9. Physical exercise.

11.Development of phonemic hearing.

III .Result

Assessment of the child's activity.

Progress of the lesson

I .Org. moment.


Hello. Today such a wonderful elephant came to our lesson. His name is Dumbo. Our elephant, very smart, can speak, knows almost all the sounds and letters, but he can’t pronounce the sound [у]. Can you help the elephant?

II . Main part.

1.Articulation gymnastics

-Now we will do the exercises, we will put the elephant next to the mirror, in front of you, so that you can show him how to do them correctly.


Keeping your lips in a smile. The teeth are not visible.

Our Deniska is a mischief maker
Pulls lips towards ears.
“Look,” he says.
-I'm a frog now!

"Delicious jam"

Open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue (the tongue is wide, its side edges touch the corners of the mouth), moving the tongue from top to bottom, and not from side to side. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not “pull” the tongue upward - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).

If Denis is in a bad mood,
Deniska is eating our delicious jam.
You need to spread jam on your upper lip,
And use a wide tongue to lick everything at once.

"Punish the naughty tongue"

Smile widely. Place your wide tongue on your lower lip and, lightly biting it with your teeth, say “ta-ta-ta” for 5-10 seconds. Then slap your tongue with your lips, saying “five-five-five” for 5-10 seconds.

Your tongue is mischievous,
He doesn't listen to you.
Punish him quickly:
“Five-five, five-five, five-five-five!”


The mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip. We slap the tongue with our upper lip: five-five-five. We slightly bite our tongue: ta-ta-ta.

We get up early in the morning,
We bake delicious pancakes.
A trickle across the frying pan
The dough spreads...
Look how handsome he is
It turns out to be a pancake.

"Brushing our teeth"

Smile, open your mouth with the tip of your tongue from the inside to “brush” your lower and upper teeth alternately.

Open your mouth, smile,
Show me your teeth
Clean the top and bottom
After all, they are not superfluous to us

"Big and Small"

3.Finger gymnastics

Let's show the elephant how well you and I do finger gymnastics.

Our fingers pressed tightly together

What's happened? Interesting!

Apparently they got cold

We will cover them with a blanket.

They clench their left hand into a fist, and grab it with their right hand and squeeze it tightly. Then they change hands. Then they lower their hands and shake them slightly. Repeat the exercise several times.

4. Exercise to develop speech breathing.

Let's teach the elephant how to do breathing exercises.Inhale calmly through your nose, hold the air in your lungs for 2-3 seconds, then exhale slowly, exhaling smoothly through your mouth.

"Let's freeze the chin"

Target: form a long, continuous oral exhalation, activate the labial muscles.

Pull your lower lip under your upper lip and blow cold air down under your chin for a long time, perform it silently and on one exhalation.


Target: formation of speech breathing, the ability to pronounce words on one exhalation.

1 - alternately put straight arms forward - “catch drops” (inhale); 2 - as you exhale, say: “Drip-drip-drip!”; 3 - alternately put straight arms forward - “catch drops” (inhale); 4 - as you exhale, say: “So-so-so!” Repeat 3-4 times.

5. Exercises to develop facial expression.

Imagine that now (in November) Santa Claus has come to us.

Imagine that we have a fluffy kitten on our lap. He purrs and you pet him.

Grandfather and woman blinded the Snow Maiden, and she came to life before their eyes. What do the faces of the grandfather and woman express?

Show how Alyonushka sits and looks at brother Ivanushka.

6. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

Now you and I will learn to correctly pronounce the sound [sch]. And let's teach the elephant.

7. Analysis of articulation according to plan.

When making the sound [ш], the lips are slightly moved forward and rounded. The tip of the tongue is raised to the cusps behind the upper teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars. The back of the tongue is raised. The tongue is tense. The vocal cords are resting, the throat is not trembling (no voice).

Sound [Ш]- consonant, deaf, always soft.

8.Sound production.

Now I’ll tell you a fairy tale about a little train. Our tongue will be a small train, and the molars will be the rails. The locomotive can't get on the rails, let's help him?Okay, let's go! Press the lateral edges of the tongue, like wheels, against the upper molars. Make sure that the “wheels” stand firmly on the rails and under no circumstances move off them! (The child should feel how the side edges of the tongue are pressed firmly against the upper teeth). Now blow on the train to make it go. Okay, well done.

Backup methods if the previous methods do not work:

1. The simplest way to produce Shch is from the sound Ch. To do this, Ch needs to be pulled for a long time and then at the end the sound Shch will be heard. Then you need to stretch out this sound as long as possible, trying to speak as quickly as possible.

Attention! Do not forget to make sure that when pronouncing the sound Ch/Sh, the child stretches his lips forward and raises his tongue to the upper teeth.

2. Pronounce smoothlyshch. You should draw the child’s attention to the fact that when pronouncing a soundsch the lips are smiling, the teeth are visible, the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth.

9. Physical exercise.

One - get up, pull yourself up
Two - bend over, straighten up
Three - three claps of the hands, three nods of the head.
Four - wider legs.
Five - wave your arms
Six - sit down quietly at the table.

10.Fixation of isolated sound.

Tell me, did you see how mom fries potatoes? When she puts oil on a hot frying pan, it sizzles: “shch...” How does it sizzle?.. Have you seen snakes at the zoo? Do you know how they hiss? Listen: “shchshch...” Let us now repeat together how snakes hiss...

-Now let’s vigorously clean the trousers with a clothes brush: “Sch-Sch-Sch - …”

Let's talk a tongue twister with you:

ASCH-ASCH-ASCH, ASCH-ASCH-ASCH: we bought a raincoat.


OSCH-OSCH-OSCH, OSCH-OSCH-OSCH: horsetail grew in the garden.

USH-USH-USH, USH-USH-USH: there is ivy behind the fence.

MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE: we caught a bream.

11.Development of phonemic hearing .

- “Catch the sound”: clap your hands when you hear the sound ш among other sounds, syllables: tsa, re, [osh], ta, sh, cabbage soup, [sa], zo, [schu], ne, [ash]

III . Summary of the lesson.

Well done, you tried really hard today, I’m very pleased with you. Elephant, he also says thank you, you helped him a lot. Tell me, what sound did we learn to pronounce today? What did you like about our lesson? You can be free.

Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: Sound production [Ш]. "Cheerful Nyusha"

Goal: Clarification of sound articulation [SH], sound production.


  • Reinforce the correct execution of articulation exercises.
  • Continue forming a long-lasting directed air stream.
  • Learn "Right" make a sound [w] with mechanical assistance.
  • Continue learning how to make sounds [w] from a series of sounds, syllables and words.
  • Continue learning to form relative adjectives.
  • Practice the correct use of prepositions: on, in, for, under, because of;
  • Develop attention, memory, fine motor skills.

Equipment: mirror; toy "Nyusha" ; pictures "articulation gymnastics" ; cotton ball on a thread, "Kopatych" with gate; "sound tracks" to make a sound [SH], "train with pictures: "dog" , "fur coat" , "mouse" , "giraffe" , "closet" , "chamomile" , "cuckoo" , "Baby" ; pictures for the game "Delicious pies" ; pictures for the game “Where did Nyusha hide?”

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

Now you and I are having a speech therapy session.

I came to visit you today "Nyusha" - cartoon character "Smeshariki" .

She found out that you would learn to hiss, and came with you to learn to hiss.

2. Articulation gymnastics

We'll show you "Nyusha" what exercises you need to do with your tongue to learn how to hiss.

You need to warm up well and do some gymnastics. Let's do an exercise first "Fence" (repeat 3-4 times), then "Ring" (repeat 3-4 times). Make sure your teeth are closed and your lips are rounded.

Now the tongue will work. Show him how to do the exercise "pancake" (repeat 3-4 times). After this, blow on your tongue.

Next exercise "delicious jam" , lick your lip from top to bottom with a wide tongue. Let's drink tea from "Calyxes" . It should be large, wide, out of the mouth (repeat 2-3 times). Now hide the tongue behind your upper teeth and hold it in this position (repeat 3-4 times).

3. Cultivation of a strong directed long-lasting smooth oral air stream

Nyusha loves to show tricks and watch them.

Let's show Nyusha some tricks. (The speech therapist offers the child a cotton ball with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm, attached to a thread 10-12 cm long). Hold the ball in front of your lips. - Smile. Show your teeth. Open your mouth slightly. Pull out your lips with a tube. Blow lightly on the ball. Look how beautifully the ball flew off your lips.

Now hold the ball to your nose. Smile. Show your teeth. Open your mouth slightly. Raise your tongue in a cup shape towards your upper lip. Blow on the tip of your tongue. Look how beautifully the ball flew up.

"Nyusha" loves to play with his friends. Today she invited her friend to play football with you. "Kopatych" already standing at the gate. You need to kick the ball into the goal. Also, raise the cup-shaped tongue to your upper lip, blow on the tip of your tongue and score the ball into the goal.

4. Development of phonemic hearing

So that Nyusha can learn "Right" hiss, you must first learn "catch" sound « [SH]» .

- Now we'll play a game "Catch the Sound" and we’ll show Nyusha how "catch" sound [SH]. As soon as you hear the sound [SH], immediately catch him - clap your hands:

M-SH-K-SH-T-N-SH-D-P-SH-C-S-SH (catch with claps)

HA – SHA – LA – PA – SHA;

HAT – AUTUMN – FUR COAT – CAT – DONKEY – BAG – PORridge; (we catch the signal)

5. Finger gymnastics. Exercise Goose.

Listen carefully to the riddle, who is this riddle about?

Walks to the river boldly

He's wearing a white outfit

On his legs

Red boots (goose)

Let's show Nyusha what a goose is like.

Bend your palm at a right angle. Stretch your fingers forward and press them together. Bend your index finger and rest it on your thumb.

The goose cackles and cackles,

He wants to pinch you.

(perform with right and left hands)

5. Sound production

Now let's learn to hiss like a goose.

Let's show Nyusha how "whistles" water in the tap: ssss. At this time, lift your tongue with a spatula and listen, you can hear "the hiss of a goose" . (sound production [w] from sound [With] with mechanical assistance).

Raise your tongue again by your upper teeth and say the sound [WITH], to "went" warm air.

Well done, you've learned to hiss like a goose.

Look at the position of your tongue and lips when pronouncing a sound. [SH] (analysis using a table diagram). Lips in shape "window" , the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth, in the form "cups" .

6. Consolidation of isolated sound pronunciation

And now "let's help" Nyusha hisses like a goose. Move your finger along the path and pronounce the sound clearly [SH]. (sh-sh-sh....) Working on audio tracks.

7. Analysis of sound articulation [SH](according to the diagram)

What position are your lips in?

What position are the teeth in?

Where is the tip of the tongue?

Where are the edges of the tongue?

What stream of air comes out of the mouth?

Clarification of sound articulation.

Lips with a “window”, teeth with a “fence with a window”, the tongue is raised up, the lateral edges are pressed against the molars, warm air escapes through "middle" language.

Physical exercise.

Our Nyusha stretched

She bent over once, she bent over twice.

She stretched out her arms and bent them,

And she walked down the street.

8. Determination of the presence of sound [SH] in words.

Cheerful Nyusha wants to ride a steam locomotive and ride carriages. But only items that have a sound in their names will travel in the carriages. "SH" . Help Nyusha choose words with sound "SH" . Pictures with words: "dog" , "fur coat" , "mouse" , "giraffe" , "closet" , "chamomile" , "cuckoo" , "Baby" .

9. Formation of relative adjectives.

Game "Delicious pies"

Nyusha loves delicious pies very much. Let's treat her to pies. Look how many pies there are here. This raspberry pie is raspberry. And what is this apple pie? This cherry pie, what is it like?.. (Cherry.) This pear pie, what is it like?.. (pear.) This strawberry pie, what is it like?.. (Strawberry.) This pie with different berries, what is it like?.. (Berry.) This pie with different fruits, what is it?.. (Fruit).

10. Formation of grammatical structure

Didactic game “Where did Nyusha hide?”

Nyusha loves to play different games. She especially loves to play hide and seek. Look at the picture and tell me where Nyusha hid?

- “Where did Nyusha hide?” ....... (under the mushroom).

- “Where did Nyusha go?” …….(into the hollow).

- “What did Nyusha sit on?” …… (on a stump).

- “Where did Nyusha hide?” ……(hid behind a tree).

- “Where is Nyusha looking out from?” ……(from behind a tree).

- “Where did Nyusha sit next to?” …… (near the flower).

11. Summary of the lesson.

Show Nyusha again how to hiss properly.

What sound did we learn to pronounce today? Who came to visit us?

Natalia Gabdusheva
Summary of an individual lesson on the topic: “Staging the sound Ш”

Individual lesson on sound production [Ш].


1. Correctional and educational:

– formation of an idea of ​​correct articulation sound Ш;

Consolidating the idea of ​​grammatical designs.

2. Correctional and developmental

– development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus and preparation of the articulatory base for setting the sound Ш;

– formation of correct articulation sound Ш;

– formation of phonemic hearing skills in sound Ш;

– differentiate between correct and incorrect pronunciation sound Ш;

– secure sound Ш in its purest form, in syllables, in words with given syllables, and in sentences with practiced words.

3. Correctional and educational.

Development of the speech therapist's speech monitoring skill.

Equipment: a piece of cotton wool, subject and subject pictures according to topic, diagram (characteristic sound, cards with syllables, cards with riddles, finger toy snake, telegram.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment Hello, Alina! Tell. do you want to learn how to speak correctly and beautifully? Then let's study!

You know, come to us today class some guest is coming. But you will find out who it is a little later.

2. Development of general motor skills. Before meeting our guest, you need to warm up well and do some gymnastics


Cats live next to humans. And the dogs faithfully guard their home. The cows give us meat and milk. Goats and sheep jump easily. It's hard for fat piglets to walk, It's better to be a playful horse.

We walk quietly, inaudibly, with our hands we make movements imitating "washing" cat face. Hands behind your back, bending slightly, we walk around you. The arms are bent at the head, the index fingers imitate horns. We jump on our toes, hands on our belts. Arms are bent in front of the body, we walk in place, waddling. Running in place with high knees.

3. Development of finger motor skills Alina, but the guest is coming to us from afar. Let's bake some pies for him. He's probably hungry.

Finger gymnastics:

We chop and chop cabbage.

We cut and cut cabbage.

We salt the cabbage, salt it.

We press and press cabbage.

We three, three carrots.

We'll bake pies, we'll bake pies. That's how smart you and I are.

4. Speech gymnastics Alina, while you and I were baking pies, the postman Pechkin came and said that we had received a telegram. He said he would give it back if we completed his tasks. Well, what shall we do? Look at the picture and tell me who is in it? Yes, that's right, it's an elephant, look at the trunk it has, let's try to draw it. Listen carefully to the instructions and follow the steps me: “I will slightly cover my mouth, lips - "proboscis" forward. I pull them far, as if for a long time sound: oooh." Hold "proboscis" while I count to 5. Well done, very good proboscis, let's try again. Exercise "Speaker". Pull your lips forward, make a ring so that your teeth are visible. Hold this until I count to 5.

Exercise "the tongue is resting"

Our tongue is tanning. He lay down and rested calmly.

Exercise "Naughty Tongue"

My tongue was running and I was tired.

He became very naughty.

We need to catch him

And clap, punish.


This exercise helps to relax the tongue. Calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, say "five-five-five".

Exercise "The tongue is playing"

The tongue went for a walk.

He began to play happily.

(the wide front edge of the tongue lies on the lower lip)

Lie down, resting calmly,

He doesn't run away anywhere.

The tail lifts up

And he runs into his house.

(tongue wide "cup" close to the alveoli)


Develops the ability to keep the tongue raised in shape "cups". Language "cup" inserts into the oral cavity, the tip of the tongue is free and does not touch the hard palate. The edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars.

Exercise "Focus"

Let's play now

We need to show the trick.

We have cotton wool on our nose.

We'll blow it away now.

(Alina places cotton wool on the tip of her nose)

Let's exhale the air

And she will start to fly!


Children should smile, place the wide front edge of their tongue on their upper lip and blow off the cotton wool. Make sure that the side edges of the tongue are pressed against the teeth, and that there is a groove in the middle of the tongue. The air must go through the middle of the tongue so that the fleece flies upward. Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless.

5. Sound production

(from tongue gymnastics).

Alina, you are smart. And here is our telegram, come on let's read: “I’ll be there soon, your snake friend.”. Oh, I wonder how it hisses? Let's try hiss: first me, and now You:

“Put your wide tongue on your lower lip, make "cup" from the outside, bring it into your mouth, press the side edges against the molars, leave a gap between the tip of the tongue and the alveoli, bring the teeth closer, round the lips and hiss.” When Alina hisses, I will clearly say sound Ш. Let's try again, well done. The speech therapist quietly takes out a snake mask and speaks: “Alina, look, the snake has finally come to us. Look how sad she is. Something bad happened to her and she forgot how to hiss. But we will help the snake, right, Alina? Let's teach her to speak sound Sh and then she will be able to hiss again.

6. Articulation analysis sound Tell Alina the snake how we will bring sound Ш. Alina with the help of a speech therapist speaks: "When we say soundШ - lips are pushed forward - like a mouthpiece; the teeth are slightly open; the tongue is raised up and forms a gap with the front part of the hard palate; The neck doesn't ring (check with the back of your hand) - the sound is dull; The tongue is like a cup, the air flows through the middle of the tongue. When spoken sound sh, the air we exhale is warm. Sound w is always hard - marked in blue.

7. Characteristics sound Alina, the snake asks, and sound Is I a vowel or a consonant? Why? Hard or soft? Why? Voiced or voiceless? Why? What color is it indicated by? Alina, the snake says you are so smart.

8. Development of phonemic processes And now Alina show the snake how the wind makes noise - shhhhhh, the snake - shhhhhhhh, the air coming out of the bursting ball - shhhhhhhhh. While the snake is training, let's see how you remember sound Ш. Now I will call sounds, and you should clap your hands on sound [sh]. U, O, D, Sh, L, Sh, 3, S, Sh, R, Sh.

Now Alina name the objects whose names include sound [sh], smart girl.

And one more task, I will say the words and you will tell me what syllable it will be in sound Ш: wardrobe, school-la, fi-nish, ka-ran-dash, ka-mouse, tower-nya, Ma-sha, cat.

9. Consolidation sound in syllables And now I will say the syllables, and you repeat after me: ash, esh, osh, ush, ish.

Now let's play a dialogue, you will repeat after me the syllables with accent:

sha, sha, sha;

sha, sha, sha., and now with different vowels:

;sha, sho, shu. Did you like it?

Now let's play ball, throw it and speak:

shpa, shpo, shpu;

shko, shko, shku;

what, what, what. Well done, smart girl.

10. Consolidation sound in Alina's words, the snake accidentally dropped my pictures from the table and they all got mixed up. And I really need pictures whose titles include sound Ш. Help me please.

Now name it: school, hat, schoolboy, boat, pants, bayonet, darning, thing, hat, hose, hut, pencil, reeds, baby, finish, on foot, pebbles, tower, cup, porridge, bear, cat, midge, window, frog , mouse, grandfather, grandmother, cherry. Well done.

11. Consolidation sound in sentences Snake wants to make a wish for you riddles: soft paws, and scratches in the paws. (Cat) Clinging to the rear tire, the bear rides (car). And they could play pranks all day without a break (monkeys). Long, long time crocodile sea blue (put out). The squirrel dropped a cone, the cone hit (monkey). No, your voice is not good, you are very quiet (eat).

The snake also brought interesting pictures with it, let’s look at them. Tell me what is shown in this picture? The mouse runs away from the cat. Misha has a bump on the top of his head. The cat rolls a reel. Well done.

Now I will say sentences, and you repeat after me, if you try, then a surprise from the snake will await you.

There is a pawn missing in chess. Grandma has a lot of spools in her box. A seamstress sews on a machine. Misha has a helmet. Car pants need to be darned. Masha found twine in the bag. Masha, eat your porridge. Misha will go to the shower. The kid found a lily of the valley. The cat has ears on the top of its head.

Tell me, Alina, how many words are there in this proposal: "The cat rolls a reel".

You know, the snake did not come to visit you empty-handed, it brought you a gift - a big ball. She says thank you for teaching her to speak. sound Ш. And now it's time for her to go home. Let's say goodbye to her.

12. Summary activities Tell me please, which one we studied sound today? Now show me how to pronounce it correctly sound Ш. What position are your lips in when you say sound Ш? Eh, language? Oh, does your throat vibrate or not when you say sound Ш?

Well done, Alina! You are very good today worked out: you made a beautiful cup, sizzled well, spoke beautifully on the phone, helped the snake learn to speak sound Ш, you were good at solving riddles, you are smart. I'm waiting for you next time. Goodbye!

13. Homework Gymnastics:

1) for lips: "mouthpiece": Pull your lips forward so that your teeth are visible. Hold in this position for a count from 1 to 5;

2) for language: "shovel": open your mouth, put your tongue wide so that your lower lip is not visible. Hold in this position for a set from 1 to 5;

3) "cup": smile, open mouth, stick out tongue "shovel" and raise the edges of the tongue up so that you get a shape "cups". Hold in this position for a count from 1 to 5.

Summary of an individual lesson on producing the sound Ш

Purpose of the lesson: to develop articulation skills when pronouncing the sound Sh.

Correctional and educational:

Formation of a kinesthetic image of the sound Ш (sensation of the position of the organs of articulation);

Formation of practical skills in using corrected (phonetically pure, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech;

Exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound Sh.

Correctional and developmental:

Development of the articulatory apparatus;

improvement of fine motor skills.


Cultivating interest in classes;

Nurturing independence.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizational moment

2. Articulation gymnastics

Static preparatory exercises for the tongue


We open our mouths wide,

Raise the edges

The tongue is a spoiled child,

The back is lowered low.

It looks a lot like a ladle

You can pour water into it,

Hold the water, don't rush,

Show everyone your ladle.

Dynamic exercises for the tongue


I rested and stretched,

Turned left, right,

Like this: tick-tock, tick-tock.

"Let's brush our teeth"

Open your mouth, smile,

Show me your teeth

Clean the top and bottom

After all, they are not superfluous to us.


To play the harmonica

You have to drop your jaw

We don’t tear off the tongue,

We play very well.

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Masha. She loved animals very much. And then one day, while picking mushrooms in the forest, she met Mikhail Potapovich. The bear was delighted at this meeting and smiled (“Smile”). He was very hospitable and, of course, invited Masha to his place for pancakes (“Pancake”). They drank tea with jam (“Tasty jam”). And Misha put the pancakes in a beautiful cup (“Cup”). Masha really enjoyed her visit, and in return she treated Mikhail Potapovich to mushrooms (“Mushroom”). And the neighbor's squirrel took Masha home to her grandparents. She galloped along the paths so deftly that she replaced Masha with a horse (“Horse”). Masha didn’t even notice how she ended up at home.

3. Sound production.

1st method With labiodental sigmatism, it can be difficult for a child to switch from the usual pronunciation of a sound to the correct one. And if the hyoid frenulum is also short and the “cup” exercise is not possible, this method works.

We will need a wooden spatula.

We ask the child to smile and stick out his tongue - pancake. We place a spatula under the tongue, lift the tongue with it and apply pressure, removing the tongue into the mouth. It turns out to be such a passive “cup”; moreover, the lips are “blocked” and do not fold into the position familiar to the child. Now we ask you to blow hard with your mouth. The result is a sound close to Sh.

2nd method With this sound, the tip of the tongue is raised to the upper alveoli, and its edges are pressed against the molars. A small distance is maintained between the tip of the tongue and the alveoli. The lips form an oval, exposing the teeth. The distance between the teeth is approximately 2-5 mm. A warm air stream of air goes from the middle of the tongue to its tip. The voice is not involved. A hissing sound appears: sh-sh-sh.

In order for the child to feel the tip of the tongue lifting up, you can do the following exercises in advance: “bell” - la-la-la, “hammer” - d-d-d and “train” - ch-ch-ch. When performing the “hammer” and “train” exercises, we place a pencil with a diameter of about one centimeter on the lower teeth, and a tongue on it, and ask the child to tap the tip of the tongue on the upper alveoli. In this case, the child must blow strongly on the tip of his tongue without stopping. And then gradually slow down the “locomotive” - ch-ch and pull out the sound “Ch” longer, which should turn into “Sh”. We begin to imitate an angry goose: “shhhhhhhh”, while simultaneously performing the figure.

4. Articulation analysis

What position are your lips in?

What position are the teeth in?

Where is the tip of the tongue?

Where are the edges of the tongue?

What stream of air comes out of the mouth?

(The tip of the tongue rises to the upper teeth, but does not press against them; the edges of the tongue touch the upper lateral teeth. The lips are slightly rounded, the stream of exhaled air feels warm. The upper and lower teeth are close together. The vocal cords are open, the stream of exhaled air passes freely between them .)

5. Consolidation of isolated sound pronunciation

When Masha was walking through the forest, she noticed how the autumn leaves rustled: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh. (leaves are laid out on the floor, with every step a rustling sound is made: Sh-Sh-Sh). Walk along the leaves and imagine that you, too, find yourself in an autumn forest.

6. Development of phonemic hearing

And now we will play the game “Hunter”. As soon as you hear the sound Ш, immediately catch it - clap your hands:


7. Homework

Come up with as many words as possible where the sound Ш is heard:

At the beginning of the word;

In the middle of a word;

At the end of a word.

8.. Summary of the lesson.

Today in class you visited the autumn forest, met Masha and the Bear and learned to rustle like autumn leaves rustle, and you did great! What sound did you encounter today? The sound Ш is a consonant, dull, hard. There is no corresponding soft sound in the Russian language. You tried really hard today, well done!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):