Integration of areas:

1. Communication. Development of all components of oral speech, practical knowledge of speech norms.

2. Health. Primary ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

3. Physical culture. Physical education lesson “I am a grumpy teapot.”

4. Socialization. Didactic game cut-out pictures “Assemble the dishes.”

5. Cognition. Solving problems that develop speech:

  • Game "Compare"
  • Game "Fourth wheel"
  • Game "What are the dishes made of"
  • Game “Each product in its own dish”

6.Reading fiction. Work by K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief". Meet the author (portrait). Guessing riddles on the topic.

7. Artistic and aesthetic development. Pencil shading.

Program content:

Strengthen children's knowledge about dishes. Teaches you to name and distinguish dishes, and compose a descriptive story according to plan. Build sentences correctly. Answer questions completely. Develop memory, attention, fine motor skills. Develop the ability to listen carefully short stories their comrades on the topic. Create a desire to help mom (grandmother) in the kitchen.

Equipment: Toy dishes, objects real dishes, reference diagram for compiling descriptive stories “dishes”, cut-out pictures of “dishes”, silhouettes of cups for shading, chest, pencils, fairy-tale character Fedora (doll), portrait of K.I. Chukovsky.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Guys, let's go to the tables and stand near our seats. And now I will allow the one who guesses my riddle to sit in my place. And the teacher asks riddles, and the children guess; whoever guessed it raises his hand and says the answer.

1. Has a trunk, not an elephant,

He bows to the cups.

2. It is necessary for us,

After all, we eat food from it

Deep and shallow

Her name is……….


3. In our kitchenette

We cook porridge in it,

Potatoes, broths,

Soups, pasta


4. She is always honored in the kitchen

She fries and bakes,

Don't cook us food

In the kitchen without……..

frying pans

5. Created only for bread,

She takes care of him.

bread box

6. We take her by the hand

We drink tea and coffee from it.

7. I don’t eat on my own.

And I feed people.

8. Made of glass,

Designed for tea, juice, milk

9. Has four teeth

Every day he appears at the table,

And he doesn't eat anything

10. New dishes, and all in holes

Well done, you solved all the riddles. Everyone took their places. Guys, what can I call in one word all these objects about which all my riddles were? That's right, about the dishes!

Let's remember what kind of dishes there are.

What is the name of the container from which we drink tea? Teaware.

Which one do we eat from? Dining room.

What is the name of the vessel in which you cook? Cookware.

There are such different types of dishes.

Now listen to the poem that I will read to you, it’s called

“What are the dishes for?”

If there were no dishes,
It would be very bad for us.
We would be right there from the people,
Turned into savages:

They would take the meat with their hands,
They would tear it apart with their teeth,
We would drink water in the river,
Or in a dirty stream.

Fortunately, it helps everywhere
We have different dishes:
They put food on it,
They eat and drink from it.

Products are stored in it:
Cheese and butter, bread and fruit...
Hundreds of dishes are prepared there -
Boil, fry and bake!

What a helper she is!

Guys, do you remember the fairy tale in which all the dishes ran away from the mistress?

What is it called? Fedorino's grief.

Who wrote this fairy tale? K.I. Chukovsky (show the portrait of the writer).

What other fairy tales did he write?

Why did all the dishes run away? That's right, because she didn't take care of her dishes, didn't wash them. You hear a rustling sound, someone sighs. A! So Fedora Egorovna came to us today. And while the dishes ran away from Fedora, offended by her, they broke and split into pieces. Let us help Fedora and collect all her dishes. You have cut pictures on your tables. You collect them and you will get a whole picture - some kind of dishware. And then you will tell us about it.

The game “Collect the dishes” is played. Children call their collected picture. I collected a cup (teapot...)

Well done! This is how many dishes we collected.

Now let you look carefully at your pictures, and we will compare them. You will answer my questions.

Game "Compare".

Children take turns in pairs as they sit at tables and make comparisons.

1. How is a saucepan different from a frying pan? (The saucepan is tall and has two handles, and the frying pan is low, wide, and has one handle).

2. How is a jug different from a bottle? (The jug has a handle).

3. What do they eat from a deep plate? (They eat cabbage soup, borscht, soup from a deep plate).

4. What do you eat from a small plate? (They eat from a small plate…….).

5. What is the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon? (A teaspoon is shorter and not as deep).

6. Why can't a spoon do the job of a fork? (a spoon does not have teeth like a fork, the spoon is round).

Did you like comparing objects? Let's play some more, come out here on the carpet with me, stand in a circle.

Guys, do you remember what different dishes Fedora had? Let us tell you what types of dishes are available and what they are made from.

A game is played with a ball in a circle, the children, receiving the ball in turn, answer.

Game “What are the dishes made of?”

Spoon made of wood - wooden...

Porcelain cup – porcelain…

Crystal vase – crystal

Metal grater – metal

Glass decanter – glass

Plastic oiler –

Cast iron frying pan –

Clay bowl -

Steel knife -

And now all children are turning into grumpy teapots.

Physical education minute.

"I'm a teapot grump"

I'm a teapot grumbler, a busybody, a madman

steps in place

I expose my belly to everyone

hands on the belt,

body turns


I boil tea, bubble and shout:

clapping hands

Hey people, I want to have some tea with you.

jumping in place

Children are invited to sit on chairs placed here on the carpet in a semicircle. Guys, we remembered how different dishes are. In general, where are the dishes stored? In the kitchen. And different products are stored in such different dishes.

Game “Each product in its own bowl.”

Put the butter in...

Add sugar...

Let's pour milk...

We have salt in...

Pepper in...

The bread was placed in...

Fruits …


The juice was poured...

Herring in...

We have sweets for tea in...

Well, now it’s time to help Grandma Fedora arrange the dishes in the kitchen on the shelves. I’ll tell you now how Fedora herself did it, and you can tell me whether it’s right or wrong. Or she's got something wrong.

Game "Fourth wheel".

Find extra item and explain why it is redundant. And so, I say.

A saucepan, a bread box, a frying pan, a kettle (food is not prepared in the bread box).

Cup, glass, mug, fork (fork is not intended for drinking).

Spoon, fork, knife, saucepan (saucepan not cutlery).

A teapot, a samovar, a cup, a frying pan (a frying pan is not a tea utensil).

Vegetable cutter, mixer, meat grinder, plate (they eat from the plate).

Well done! We sorted out the dishes, laid them out and put everything in its place. Guys, did you notice that Fedora came to us with a chest. Do you want to find out, see what lies in Fedor’s chest? The teacher invites 3-4 people to the chest in turn. They take out the contents of the chest and talk about it, describe it using a supporting diagram. The teacher starts the game (gives an example of education)

Name of the dishware

What is it made of?

How to use

1. This is a small cup, it is red. It has a handle, a bottom, and walls. It is made of porcelain. They drink tea from it.

2. plate

4. frying pan

Well, we also looked into Fedora’s chest and helped her with the dishes. Guys, how did “Fedorino’s grief” end? Yes, she has improved.

I won't, I won't

I will offend the dishes

I will, I will, I will do the dishes

And love and respect!

How do you help your mother at home?

But what a surprise, guys, Fedora has prepared for you. Let's all take our seats at the tables. Look, these are cups, they will remain as a keepsake for you. Just let's make them beautiful first. You will take a pencil and hatch (a sample is set) either from left to right, or from top to bottom. Children take a pencil and work. Finished works are displayed on the board. The children say thank you to Fedora.

Group: senior group Subject: Subject:« Dishes ». "Food"

Day of the week



educational areas

Educational areas

all group rooms)




Image of activity V

modein moments



Speech development


Cognitive development

Phys. Culture

Artistic and aesthetic

Greeting each child entering the group. Morning exercises to the music. Five-minute speech on the topic. D/i “Bread is the head of everything.”

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge that bread is one of the most important food products in Russia, black bread is especially healthy and rich in vitamins. Continue to introduce the work of grain growers and transport

D/i “I count to 10 - to form children’s understanding of counting objects up to 10, to consolidate the ability to name numerals in order, pointing to objects, to express the results of counting in speech.

Learn with the children L. Zilberg’s quatrain “I never lose heart,

And a smile on your face

Because I accept

Vitamins A, B, WITH."

Goal: To develop memory, thinking, expressiveness of speech.

Introducing illustrations on the topic “Food. Bakery products"

Maintaining a nature calendar.

Vegetable garden on the window.

Goal: to develop observation, thinking,hard work.

Canteen duty.

Instill cultural and hygienic skills in children.


Speech development

Speech development (correctional). GCD..

Speech development (Reading fiction)

Artistic and aesthetic development Phys. development

GCD. Artistic and aesthetic development (Music)

According to the plan of the physical fitness instructor.


Speech development


Cognitive development

Phys. Culture

Artistic and aesthetic

Watching the wind. Wind is the movement of air; note that cold winds have begun to blow more often. Find out what other signs children know. Systematize ideas about sequence seasonal changes. Game "Tag"

D/game “Speak, don’t delay.” Goal: To develop speech activity and vocabulary Zukhra, Karina, Plato

Situational conversation with children “What is porridge made from?” - expand children’s understanding of various food products

Labor on the site - shoveling snow to the roots of trees. Goal: to develop hard work skills. Independent play activities on site.


before bed

1. Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fictionR.s.s. "Fox and Crane"


Waking up to calm music. Control complex in bed. Hardening procedures. D/i "Magic words."

Goal: To develop the ability to decipher words using the first letters of a picture. Strengthen your knowledge of letters and sounds.

Working on expressive reading of poems for the reading competition “Winter-winter”

Productive activity: “Drawing”. Goal: to develop the ability to create drawings about the family. Develop the ability to hold a brush and pencil correctly

Attributes for s/r games, d/i, board games.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers. P/I "Classics"


Observing clouds and clouds in the evening sky. Goal: to teach children to identify snow clouds. P/I

EDUCATIONAL WORK PLAN for the week (from December 18 to December 22, 2017)

Group: senior group Subject: Subject:« Dishes ». "Food" Goals: Creating conditions for expanding and deepening children’s understanding of food and utensils. Clarify and reinforce with children the concepts of “dishes” and “food” using various types of children’s activities

Day of the week



educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration

Educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers,

all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Image of activity V

modein moments



Speech development


Cognitive development

Phys. Culture

Artistic and aesthetic

Greeting each child entering the group. Morning exercises to the music of LOTTO “SHOP” -

introduce different types of stores. Introduce children to economic terminology: product, price, cost, change, profit. Develop the ability to make purchases in a store, practice mental calculation, expand your understanding of the types of stores and products. Develop thinking, attention, memory. Activating the dictionary

Continue to reinforce proverbs about work. Goal: To develop memory, thinking, clear pronunciation, speech, and the ability to communicate with adults. Attract Sonya, Alina A

Looking at illustrations and solving riddles about products. - Continue to introduce products, their beneficial properties, vitamins,

Labor - duty in the dining room “Order in everything” Goal: to consolidate the ability to set the table for breakfast.

Board game"Lacing". Strengthen children's ability to tie shoelaces in the form of a banner. Independent activities of children

on the topic "Dishes"

Individual conversations and consultations upon request.


Speech development

Speech development. (Correctional)






Speech development


Cognitive development

Phys. Culture

Artistic and aesthetic

Target walk.

(according to ter-i d/s). Invite the children to note the changes that have occurred on the territory of the kindergarten with the onset of winter.

P/I " Cat and mice» - Develop the main type of movement - running. Develop the ability to dodge. .

Strengthening the ability to dress in correct sequence, provide all possible help peers.

Situational conversation with children - “Bread is not a toy.” Goal: explain to children the rules of behavior at the table.

The hard work is to clear the paths of snow.. Goal: to cultivate a desire to help adults.

Independent play activity.Games at the request of children.


before bed

Strengthen the ability to quickly and accurately undress, maintaining order in your closet (putting clothes in certain places)Reading fiction: Br. Grimm "Pot of Porridge".


Wake up to calm music. Set of exercises “Clap”. Hardening procedures. Theatricalization of an excerpt from the fairy tale “Spikelet” Purpose: to teach children to expressively perform dialogues.

Continue to develop the child’s vocabulary on the topic “Bakery Products” - Ruslan, Ulyana. Egor

D /And “It’s possible and it’s not” Goal: to consolidate the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

Attributes for the s/r game “Hospital.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers: design, drawing.


Watching the wind. How does wind affect bird flight? Purpose: to learn to draw conclusions from observations. P/I "Owl"

EDUCATIONAL WORK PLAN for the week (from December 18 to December 22, 2017)

Group: senior group Subject: Subject:« Dishes ». "Food" Goals: Creating conditions for expanding and deepening children’s understanding of food and utensils. Clarify and reinforce with children the concepts of “dishes” and “food” using various types of children’s activities

Day of the week



educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration

Educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers,

all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Image of activity V

modein moments



Speech development


Cognitive development

Phys. Culture

Artistic and aesthetic

Reception of children. Morning exercises Greeting: A ball of affectionate names. Five-minute speech on the topic Be D.I.: “What did the artist mix up” (departments in a grocery store). Goal: development of visual attention, consolidation of knowledge of food products and various departments of the store.seda “All about our dishes” - clarify the meaning and role of dishes for our health.

Ind. work - improving the ability to compare and distinguish objects of contrasting shapes (products nutrition

Nastya, Dasha, Lera.

Situational conversation with children “Our hygiene” in order to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills.

Equipping the subject-spatial environment in the group - selecting illustrations on the topic of the week.Independent activity in activity centers. Coloring pages on the topic.

Individual conversations and consultations upon request.


Speech development


GCD.Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Subject:

Artistic creativity

Physical development

GCD.Artistic and aesthetic development (Music)

GCD Physical development according to the instructor's plan


Speech development


Cognitive development

Phys. Culture

Artistic and aesthetic

Bird watching - crow. Purpose: expanding ideas about wintering birds; training in observation (how birds move). “The Crow and the Little Dog.” Goal: learning to imitate the movements and voices of birds; move around without interfering with each other. P/I"Knock down the pin"

Exercise children in walking and running “snake” between objects.

Situational conversation “How do children understand the proverb “Meet by clothes, see off by mind”?”

Work on the site - collecting garbage Goal: to cultivate a desire to be careful about cleanliness environment. Independent play activities on the site. Experimental activity “How to melt snow”


before bed

Cultural and hygienic procedures. Reading fiction: Reading fiction: K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”,


Waking up to calm music. Control complex in bed. Hardening procedures.

D.I.: “Find out by the contour.” Goal: developing the ability to visually analyze the outline of an object. Repetition of songs for the new year

D/I “Draw by dots” Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands. With Karina, Alina, Dasha

Situational conversation “Every toy has its place.” Goal: strengthening the skills of cleaning the play area..

Role-playing game"Shop".

Independent activity of children in creativity centers.

Decoration of a book corner, attributes for s/r games


Observations of the onset of evening, how birds behave when darkness falls. Purpose: to learn to draw conclusions from observations. P/I “Birds on a tree”.

EDUCATIONAL WORK PLAN for the week (from December 18 to December 22, 2017

Group: senior group Subject: Subject:« Dishes ». "Food" Goals: Creating conditions for expanding and deepening children’s understanding of food and utensils. Clarify and reinforce with children the concepts of “dishes” and “food” using various types of children’s activities

Day of the week



educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration

Educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers,

all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Image of activity V

modein moments



Speech development


Cognitive development

Phys. Culture

Artistic and aesthetic

Greeting each child entering the group. Morning exercises to music. Five-minute speech on the topic. D/i “Guess who it is?” (based on descriptive features). Goal: consolidation of ideas about food, dishes, development of auditory attention, thinking.

P/n "Shadow"

D/I “Correct the mistake” Purpose: to teach to understand the meaning possessive pronouns“my, mine, mine, mine” With Fotima, Zukhra Karina

Learning the dynamic game “Mole” Goal: to develop hand-eye coordination. Dasha, Bogdan, Seryozha)

Labor - preparing the workplace for educational activities Goal: to cultivate accuracy.

Independent play activities in employment centers. A set of subject pictures on the topic, album “Dishes”.

Individual conversations and consultations upon request.

About the upcoming “Christmas Toy” competition


Speech development


GCD. Speech development (correctional) Topic:

GCD. Cognition. FEMP Topic:


GCD Artistic and aesthetic development (application)


Speech development


Cognitive development

Phys. Culture

Artistic and aesthetic

Observation of inanimate nature - the sun. Goal: deepening knowledge about natural phenomena(sunny, cloudy weather). A/n: “Who will throw the snowball next? - practice throwing, maintain order

Exercise children in jumping over a long rope (Katya, Lera, Lyuba)

Cognitive and research activities: “Why do trees need snow?

Labor - clearing the veranda of snow, putting things in order. Goal: to cultivate hard work. Independent play activities on the site. Remote materials: work equipment, balls.


before bed

Strengthen the ability to quickly and accurately undress, keeping order in your closet (putting clothes in certain places) Reading fiction: N. Nosov at the children's choice


Wake up to calm music. Complex "Kittens". Hardening procedures.Theatricalization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” Purpose: to teach children to expressively perform dialogues.

Repeat poems and songs for the New Year

Situational conversation with children - “We play together” in order to consolidate the ability to organize joint games

Independent play activities of children in employment centers

Printed board games: “Loto”, “Dominoes”, “Logic”

Free activity in the art corner using stencils and coloring books.


Wind observations. Goal: continue to teach how to determine the strength of the wind; expand children's knowledge about the inanimate nature of P/I at the children's choice. Making riddles about dishes and food with Leva, Katya, Adelina and Ruslan.

EDUCATIONAL WORK PLAN for the week (from December 18 to December 22, 2017)

Group: senior groupSubject:« Dishes ». "Food" Goals: Creating conditions for expanding and deepening children’s understanding of food and utensils. Clarify and reinforce with children the concepts of “dishes” and “food” using various types of children’s activities

Day of the week



educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration

Educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers,

all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Image of activity V

modein moments



Speech development


Cognitive development

Phys. Culture

Artistic and aesthetic

Morning gymnastics to music. Greeting: “Stand up children, stand in a circle.” Five-minute speech on the topic. Conversation with children “Health is the main wealth” Goal: to consolidate the idea of proper nutrition, about the need to take care of your health.

Ind. work discussion of food products from which you can prepare breakfastWith Karina P., Seryozha G.. Alina A.

Conversation about what the chefs prepare for breakfast?

Work on the dining room Purpose: to teach children to set the table for breakfast.

A set of illustrations on the topic, d/i, independent play activities in employment centers Plot - role playing games at the request of the children.

Individual conversations and consultations upon request.

“How to spend your weekend with benefit for your child”


Speech development


GCD ecology Topic:

GCD. Drawing. Subject:

Phys. Culture

According to the plan of the physical training instructor


Speech development


Cognitive development

Phys. Culture

Artistic and aesthetic

Observation: “Birch in late autumn.” Continue introducing children to various types trees, learn to recognize birch by white trunk, the shape of the branches, call it distinctive features. Tell children about the birch tree as a symbol of Russia.. Suggest thinking about why the needles do not fall off in winter, like the leaves of deciduous trees.P/n: Who will run faster?”

P/I “Get into the Hand” Purpose: to train children in throwing bags at a vertical target Emil, Lyuba, Adelina

Did game “name it in one word”. Learn to use generalizing concepts of dishes and products in speech. Enrich your vocabulary.

Work on the site - clearing the paths of snow. Goal: to cultivate hard work. Independent play activities on the site. Remote materials: work equipment, balls.


before bed

Strengthen the ability to quickly and carefully undress, keeping order in your closet (putting clothes in certain places) Reading fiction. Literature: V. Oseeva “Cookies”.


Wake up to calm music. Hardening procedures. Reading fiction. Fairy tale " Snow Queen" Conversation on reading.

D/y “Continue the pattern” Purpose: to train children in orientation on a sheet of paper in a square. (Karina, Diana, Bogdan)

Situational conversation “If a friend suddenly turns up” Purpose: to teach children to find a solution in problematic situations, cultivate friendliness

Entertainment “Journey to the Land of Health” Goal: to consolidate the idea of ​​​​the benefits of sports for health, to cultivate a desire to support healthy image life


Footprint observations. D/I “Where are whose traces?” Goal: to develop observation, imagination, consolidate knowledge about the world around us. P/I “Who is missing”With Karina P., Dasha P., Seryozha T. consolidate the sequence of parts of the day

MDOU Lipitsky kindergarten combined type"Spikelet"

Conversation on the topic:

« Where did the dishes come from?»

senior group


Zhuravleva N.M.

Volkova V.V.

« Dishes for guests»

Target: Introduce children to the history of dishes. Systematize children's knowledge about the purpose different types dishes. Introduce the methods of its production. Promote the development of cognitive abilities. Bring up respectful attitude to the work of adults. Material: various pictures with dishes (exhibited on the typesetting canvas during the conversation).

Progress of the conversation

-- Guys, let's remember the fascinating and instructive fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky “Fedorino's grief.”- What happened to the heroine of this fairy tale? That's right, all the dishes ran away from her.- Do you remember why this happened? Yes. Grandmother Fedora did not take care of her dishes, did not wash them, did not clean them, did not groom them.- How do you think. Are dishes worthy of respect? (Children's answers).- When do you think the first dishes appeared? That's right, a very long time ago. At first, ancient people did without utensils. Vegetables and fruits were eaten raw, and meat was fried over a fire and eaten with hands. But very soon they realized that this was not very convenient. Why do you think? (The food from the fire was very hot, and it was necessary to eat everything at once, because there was nowhere to put the leftover food). But different types of dishes have their own history. But before we get acquainted with the origin of some types of dishes, let's find out which items belong to the dishes. (Children list).- And so we already know that dishes are items for preparing, eating and storing food. There are also decorative dishes that are designed to decorate the interior. These are vases, plates, dishes, etc.- Name the items that are used in preparing food and drinks. (Pots, pans, baking dishes, teapots, coffee makers, dumpling makers, steamers, etc.).- What utensils are used when eating? (plates, bowls, dishes, salad bowls.)- What do we use for drinking and beverages? (Cups, glasses, shot glasses, mugs, goblets, wine glasses, decanters, jugs, bottles, thermoses.)- What kind of utensils are used to store food? (cheese bowls, tureens, pots, butter dishes, bread bins.)- What is cutlery? (spoons, forks, knives).- There are also auxiliary serving items, who knows what belongs to them? (Trays, saucers, candy bowls, vases, etc.).- That's how much different dishes in the house. And all of it can be made from different materials. Which ones? (Children call).- What kind of dishes do you think appeared first? (Children's answers).- The history of tableware goes back centuries, its rich pedigree is surrounded by all sorts of legends and myths, as well as interesting historical descriptions. It is believed that the first dishes appeared about seven thousand years ago. It was sculpted from simple clay and by hand. Over time, people realized that not any clay is suitable for making durable dishes. Then other substances began to be added to it. This is how ceramics appeared. As for glass, it was used back in ancient Egypt. However, glass production reached its true flourishing in a later period. In China they came up with a recipe for porcelain and for a long time this recipe was kept secret. Long history and wooden utensils. Pots and bowls - the first utensils in Ancient Rus'. They were made from wood, and later from metal. For a long time The pot reigned in the kitchen - the direct predecessor of the modern saucepan. The sizes of the pots varied greatly. The pots differed in exterior decoration. More elegant were those in which food was served on the table. Pottery skills developed in the cities and little attention was paid to the external decoration of pots. However, despite its versatility, the pot had difficulty satisfying numerous culinary needs. Then all kinds of pots, baking trays and frying pans came to his aid. You have learned a lot about dishes, there is still a lot to learn, so I suggest you relax a little and play.
PHYSMINUTE The basket stood on the shelf, idle. Sit down, round your arms - depict a basket. She was probably bored all summer. Tilts the head to the right - to the left. Autumn has arrived and the leaves have turned yellow. Stand up, imitating tree branches. The time has come to reap the harvest. Stretch, pretend to pick fruit from trees. The basket is satisfied. Round your arms in front of you and nod your head. She was surprised Spread your arms. That so many fruits in the garden were born. Rise on your toes, show with your hands big circle.
Cutlery also has an interesting history. For example, ordinary table knife. Our distant ancestors did not distinguish between combat, hunting, utility or table knives. Each one carried his own knife in his belt and used it for different purposes. Special table knives came into use much later and were sharp at the end. Then later they began to make them rounded so that people quarreling while eating could not hurt each other. Very interesting story has a tablespoon. The very first spoon was made by a man from stone. It was very heavy and heated up while eating, then people began to make spoons from animal bones. Spoons, like knives, were often carried with them in special cases, or simply in a belt or boot top. Later, people began to make spoons from wood.- What kind of spoons were they? (Wooden).- What spoons do we eat with now? (Iron). The fork is the youngest of the cutlery. Even at the royal table in the 17th century, only a knife and a spoon were used. The first forks had two prongs and were only owned by very wealthy people. All other people started using forks much later. Result: What interesting things did you learn about dishes today? What was the very first plate, spoon, and fork made of? What kind of knife was it? Can people live without dishes?

Thematic selection of games and exercises, topic: “Dishes”


Expand children's knowledge about dishes and their purposes.
Teach children to name an object and possible actions with it.
Consolidate knowledge about color, size, quantity.
Continue teaching children to count objects; learn to understand the concept of “half”.
To develop the ability to distinguish non-speech sounds: hitting plastic, wood, metal, ceramics with a spoon.
Replenish children's vocabulary on the topic.
Strengthen the skills of gluing, sculpting, and finger painting.
Develop memory, attention, fine motor skills, coordination of movements.


“Wonderful bag” with doll utensils: pot, cup, plate, frying pan, spoon, knife, kettle.
Wooden, plastic, ceramic, metal plate.
Plates of yellow, red, green and blue colors. Colored silhouette pictures of green cucumbers, red apples, yellow pears, blue plums.
Sheets of paper with a drawn table, plate and napkins. Silhouettes of cups and a teapot cut out of colored paper. Yellow plasticine. Poppy.
A sheet of paper with a picture of a saucepan (kettle). Finger paints.
Cardboard “fork” blanks without teeth, multi-colored clothespins.
Handkerchief, napkins, cups.
Pictures of “flies” cut out of paper.
Sheets of paper with dark silhouettes and similar colored pictures of dishes.
Plastic vegetables made of two halves, fastened with Velcro, knives.
Pyramid in the form of cups.
Silhouettes of frying pans cut out of black cardboard, salt dough, knives, planks.
Toy food set, toy stoves, pots and pans.
Building material: cubes and bricks. Little nesting dolls. Small toy dishes.
Picture of a cup. Plasticine.
Audio recordings “Shoo, fly, fly away”, “We are clinking dishes”, “The bear is clinking with a spoon”.

Game situation “What’s in the bag?”

Guys, today there is something interesting for you in a wonderful bag. Lower the handle and take it out. Pot, kettle, frying pan, plate, spoon, cup, knife. All these items can be called in one word - dishes.

Didactic exercise “What is this?”

This is a saucepan. You can cook soup in it.
This is a plate. You can put food in it.
This is a spoon. You can use a spoon to scoop up food and put it in your mouth.
This is a cup. You can pour tea into it and drink it.
This is a knife. They can be used to cut bread.
This is a frying pan. You can fry cutlets on it.

Didactic game “Put the food on plates”

Look what products we have: green cucumbers, red apples, yellow pears, blue plums. You need to place these products on plates of the same color.

Applique and modeling “Tea set”

There is a table in front of you (drawing).

Show where the plate, large napkin, and small napkins are on the table. How many large napkins? One large napkin. How many small napkins? Two small napkins. Take the boxes and see what's in them. Teapot and cups.

How many cups? Two cups. How many teapots? One kettle. Place napkins, teapot and cups. There is only one kettle and it is large, so you put it on one large napkin. There are two cups and they are small, so you placed them on two small napkins. Now glue the teapot and cups.

Now it would be nice to make bagels for tea. Take plasticine and roll it out into a thin sausage. Take it by the ends with both hands and wrap it into a ring. Connect the ends. It turned out to be a bagel. Place it on the plate and press down with your palm. Sprinkle poppy seeds on top and press with your finger. Make another bagel in the same way.

Didactic game “What’s missing?”

There are dishes in front of you: a saucepan, a cup, a spoon, a plate. Remember them. Now I will cover the dishes with a handkerchief, and when I open it, something will be missing. What's missing?

Breathing exercise “Shoo, fly, fly away”

A fly flew in and landed on the dishes. - Shoo, fly, fly away! You have no business doing anything on our dishes. Blow on the fly to make it fly away.

(Cut out drawings of flies are distributed to the children. The exercise is repeated several times).

Finger gymnastics “Helper”

Our Antoshka washes the dishes.
(Rub your palms apart)

Washes fork, cup, spoon.
(Extend your fingers from the fist, starting with the little finger)

I washed the saucer and glass.
And closed the tap tighter.
(Imitating hand movement)

Game with clothespins “Fork”

Here is a fork without tines. Make tines on the fork using clothespins.

Didactic game “Setting the table”

In front of you in the picture dark spots- shadows. You need to place a suitable shaped dish on top of each shadow: plate, fork, knife, spoon.

Didactic game “Sorting dishes by size”

We washed the dishes clean
We didn’t forget to dry it:
Cups and saucers stand in a row
And they sparkle in the sun.

Make a pyramid of cups. Then stack the cups on top of each other.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “We clink the dishes”

Children make sounds using various utensils to the song “We Clink the Dishes.”

Finger painting "Pan"

Color the pan: put a fingerprint in the empty circles and paint over the stripes.

Reading the poem "Dishes"

The girl Irinka was putting things in order,
The girl Irinka said to the doll:
“Napkins should be in the napkin holder.
There should be oil in the oil can.
There should be some bread in the bread bin.
What about salt? Well, of course, in a salt shaker!”

Bas-relief modeling “Decorate the cups”

The cups are new for Mitya.
So that he can drink tea,
Milk and lemonade.
We need to decorate the cups.

Pinch off pieces of plasticine and roll into balls. Apply to the cup and press.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “The bear clinks with a spoon”

(Performed to the song of the same name).

Construction “We are waiting for guests”

The nesting dolls are going to come visit us. Matryoshka dolls are small and for our large table It won’t be possible to seat them, so you need to make small tables and chairs for the nesting dolls.
Take a cube, place it in front of you, and place a brick on top of the cube. Like this. The result is a table. Now let's make a chair. Place it near the table, and place a brick behind it. Like this. (Vertical). The result is a chair with a back.
And here are the nesting dolls! Have them sit on small chairs. And put the dishes on the table.

Examining plates made from various materials

Here are the plates in front of you. Let's count them. One, two, three, four. How many plates are there in total? Four plates. All plates are different. Here is a ceramic plate that is well known to everyone. Tap it with a spoon and listen to the sound you get. Here is a metal plate. Tap the spoon on it too. Here is a plastic plate. Tap it. But the plate is wooden. Knock on this plate too.

Didactic exercise “Tricky spoon”

We will play with a spoon and name the dishes.

Close your eyes, guess what?
Which plate does the spoon knock on?

Didactic game “Cut into two halves”

Using plastic knives, children “cut” vegetables into halves (secured with Velcro).

How many pieces did you cut your product into? Let's count: one, two. You cut it into two halves.

Modeling from salt dough “Pancakes in a frying pan”

Roll out the dough straight into a thick sausage. Cut the sausage into pieces with a knife. Squeeze each piece between your index finger and thumb, place it on the pan and press.

Exercise “Cooking lunch”

There are dishes in front of you: a pot and a frying pan. Take the food, put it in a pot or pan and put it on the stove.

Tatiana Semyonova
Conversation with children middle group"Why do you need dishes"

Conversation with middle group children


Educational areas:

Cognition, Communication


Form a concept « dishes»

Learn to recognize and name dishes by their external signs

Build knowledge about care dishes, awareness children the importance of dishes in life -

Human activities


Develop cognitive interest


Develop a caring attitude towards dishes.

Entering into dialogue with adults and each other.

Listen carefully interlocutor.

Answer each other

Don't interrupt your friend

Methods and techniques:


- "pedagogical support";

Observation of children.


fiction K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief", magnetic board, pictures dishes(a cup without a handle, a teapot without a spout, a vase without a leg, a pan without a lid, a frying pan without a handle, cut out pictures (a handle from a cup, a spout from a teapot, a leg from a vase, a lid from a pan, a handle from a frying pan), magnets

Literature used:

1. Social and personal development and education preschoolers: textbook manual – 2nd ed., rev. and additional / ed. T. M. Babunova. – Magnitogorsk: MaGU, 2005.

2. Ostrovskaya L. F. Pedagogical situations in family education preschoolers: book for a kindergarten teacher garden - 2nd ed., revised. and additional / L. F. Ostrovskaya. – M.: Education, 1990. – 160 p. 3. K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

Progress of the conversation

Water part:

Educator: - Guys, you know the fairy tale "Fedorino grief"?

(children's answers)

And what escaped from Fedora?

(children's answer)

That's right guys, this is dishes. Today we will talk to you about dishes.

Guys, which one do you know? dishes?

(children's answer)

Main part:

Educator: - That's right, that's all dishes. Let's let's clarify: what's happened dishes? And why do we need it? needed?

(children's answer)

Educator: - Really we need dishes, for preparing and eating food.

Guys, let's pretend dishes?

(children's answer)

And a physical education session will help us with this.

Phys. just a minute:

Here is a large glass teapot, they inflated their tummy, put one hand

Very important, like a boss. on the belt, the other bent - "spout".

Here are the porcelain cups, they sat down, put one hand on their belt

Very large, poor things.

Here are the porcelain saucers, spinning, drawing with their hands in the air.

Just knock and they will break. circle.

Here are the silver spoons, stretched out, clasped their hands over

The head is on a thin stalk. head.

Here is a plastic tray. They lay down and stretched out.

He brought us the dishes.

Nishcheva N.V.

Educator: - Well done, and now we’ll play with you.

Game "What's missing?".

The teacher invites the children to go to the board on which planar images are fixed dishes with missing parts.

Educator: -Children, let's tell you what parts are missing various items dishes.

What doesn't the cup have?

1st child. Handles.

Educator: - What doesn’t the kettle have?

2nd child. Nose.

Educator: - What doesn’t the vase have?

3rd child. Legs.

Educator: - What doesn’t the pan have?

4th child. Lids.

Educator: - What doesn’t the frying pan have?

5th child. Handles.

Educator: - Well done. Let's "glue it together" "broken" dishes. Attach missing parts using magnets.

Educator: - Guys, what can it be made of? dishes?

(children's answers)

A spoon made of wood means it is made of wood.

A cup made of porcelain means it is made of porcelain. A pan made of aluminum means it is aluminum.

Tray…., teapot…., fork…., etc. etc.

Guys what is it called dishes: saucepan, frying pan, baking sheet, etc. etc. (KITCHEN)

(children's answer)

Guys, what is this called? dishes: cup, saucer, sugar bowl, teapot? (TEA ROOM)

(children's answer)

What's it called the dishes we eat from? (DINING ROOM)

(children's answer)

Very good, now let's listen fiction K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

Educator: - Guys how need to handle dishes so that she doesn't run away from us?

It must be washed correctly and not beaten.


Did you guys like ours? conversation about dishes?

(children's answer)

What new have you learned?

(children's answer)

Educator: - Right dishes happen: KITCHEN - this is a saucepan, frying pan, baking tray, etc. etc.

TEA ROOM is a cup, saucer, sugar bowl, etc. etc.

DINING ROOM is where we eat, cup, spoon, fork, etc. etc.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):