If the house does not provide DHW system, then the service for providing residents hot water it is impossible to provide services either in apartments or in places public use. And therefore, there is no reason to charge a fee for this service.

In the last issue of our column, we talked about the unusual situation that developed in one of the houses in the village of Baranchinsky.

As our reader Inna Varlamova wrote to the editors of OG, there is no centralized hot water supply in the house where she lives. Some residents take hot water from batteries central heating. Another part of the residents does not have this opportunity: there are no battery-powered taps. At the same time, the management company charges both for hot water supply for general house needs.

“In 2013, on the recommendation of the State Housing Inspectorate Sverdlovsk region, we were refunded money for hot water supply in common areas, and this heating season the management company is again trying to take money from us for a service not provided. What should we do? asks Inna Varlamova.

For an answer to this question, we turned to Valery Savosin, a member of the commission for the development of housing and communal services of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region.

It is clear that charging for hot water supply for general house needs in in this case illegal. And if one of the residents takes water from the battery, it is wrong to assume that he is being provided with a hot water supply service, he said.

In addition, the water in the battery is technical, it may have foreign odors, its quality does not match sanitary standards set for DHW.

Such water cannot be used for domestic purposes. Therefore, even those who use it do not have to pay for hot water supply. It is very important to understand that you cannot take water from batteries not only because it does not comply with sanitary standards, but also because such actions can unbalance the heat supply system. Imagine that people drained all the water from the radiators, then the building will be left without heating, argues Valery Savosin.

In houses where there is no centralized hot water supply, people have to heat water on the stove. This is not always convenient.

I believe that all residents of the house, regardless of whether they take water from the heating system or not, need to carry out general meeting and decide to install a water heater in each apartment. A corresponding application should be submitted to the administration municipality. You can write something like this: “In our house at such and such an address, such and such a situation has arisen. We ask you to take measures, namely: install water heaters in each apartment.” Administration representatives are required to find an organization that will perform technical work, but they will say: “The equipment is purchased and the work is carried out at the expense of the residents.” But here the residents of the house must go to their management company and declare: “For how many years have we been transferring money for repairs? How much has accumulated there? We decided to allocate funds to install water heaters in each apartment,” says Valery Savosin.

According to him, there will be no need to install additional meters in apartments. Cold water will be heated using electricity, and the consumption of resources will be recorded by the electric meter and water meter on cold water system, according to their indicators, fees for services will be calculated.

Hello, dear Reader!

I want to tell you about what heating systems I have encountered.

Some he operated, some he assembled himself, including heating systems for private houses.

I learned a lot about their pros and cons, although probably not everything. As a result, for my home I made:

  • firstly, your own scheme;
  • secondly, it is quite reliable;
  • thirdly, allowing modernization.

I suggest not going into detailed study various schemes heating.

Let's look at them from the point of view of application in a private home.

A private house can be for permanent residence, and temporary, like a dacha, for example.

So to speak, let’s narrow our topic and get closer to practice.

I was probably wrong about ten years. I started servicing my first heating system 33 years ago, when I was a student at the Ural Polytechnic Institute. I was lucky to get a job in the boiler room of the institute as a mechanic on duty. True, then I didn’t even think about what it was like, this system? It worked and that's it.

The work was sometimes difficult, when there was some kind of accident. And if everything is fine - beautiful, sit and study your notes. I spent the night on duty, in the morning I went to school, “to school,” as we used to say then. Two nights later, back on duty. And most importantly, they paid 110 - 120 rubles! At that time, young specialists received the same amount. Yes, plus a scholarship of 40 rubles. Gorgeous life! But let's get closer to the warmth.

From the name itself it is clear that heating occurs with heated air. The air is heated by a heat generator and then enters the premises through air ducts. Through the return channels, the cooled air is returned to be heated. Quite a comfortable system.

The first heat generator in history was a furnace. She heated the air, which diverged through the channels in order natural circulation. Such a system air heating used in past centuries in advanced urban homes.

Nowadays, a variety of heat generators-boilers are used: gas, solid fuel, diesel, electric. In addition to natural circulation, forced circulation is also used. It is, of course, more effective:

  • Firstly, it warms up rooms much faster;
  • Secondly, it has more high efficiency, since heat is removed from the heat generator much more efficiently;
  • Thirdly, it can be combined with an air conditioning system.

You probably already realized that there is no smell of a private home here. Yes, that’s right, for a private home this heating scheme is too cumbersome and expensive. Calculations alone are worth something, but if you make a mistake, it will be, as they say, fatal.

But let's not get upset. If you still want to warm yourself with air, there is a way out. This is a fireplace.

Moreover, in my opinion, it is not an ordinary wood-eating fireplace, but the cast-iron fireplace insert shown in the figure above. This ideal option home cozy wood heat generator. It is designed specifically for heating air, and not brick, like a traditional fireplace.

The air enters the fireplace space (where the firewood is stored for decoration) and flows around its heated body. Then it flows around the red-hot chimney along the fireplace box and exits through the holes in the upper part of the box. By the way, air ducts can be connected to these holes and distributed hot air by premises.

It’s quite a worthy option, but if you do it with air ducts, then during construction you need to remember to put them in the walls and ceilings. Some people also install an inflator, creating forced ventilation. But this, in my opinion, is already too much. By the fireplace it is pleasant to listen to the crackling of the wood rather than the noise of the fan.

I think it’s worth mentioning also fan heaters and heat guns. These are, so to speak, mobile air heating units. Very useful devices, especially when the main heating system is not working or you need to quickly “heat up” the air in the room. But, in my opinion, they cannot be considered as the main heating option.

So, a fireplace insert as a source of air heating is a good and, moreover, pleasant solution for a private home.

Water heating at home

In this case, the coolant is water or special liquids, for example, antifreeze. Here the heat sources are also very different depending on the fuel. But if in air system warm air comes into the room, then into the water air of the room heated by appliances who give it to him heat accumulated in water.

And water accumulates a lot of heat. There is such a concept: “heat capacity”, remember? If in your own words,

The heat capacity of water is the amount of heat that must be transferred to water in order for its temperature to rise by one degree.

So this indicator for water is very good. Look at the table on the right.

It turns out that we get a luxurious coolant practically for nothing.

Yes, water system somewhat more complicated, but also more flexible.

Imagine, heated water can be supplied through pipes anywhere and there it will release the accumulated heat.

And the pipes can be easily hidden in the walls, or not hidden at all; modern ones look very aesthetically pleasing.

How does water give off heat? Several types of devices have been created for this:

  • Radiators are massive, for example cast iron, sections assembled into batteries.

Hot water flows inside them. Thermal energy they give mainly at the expense of infrared radiation(radiation).

They are usually steel or aluminum, less often copper. Ambient air, heating up from the convector, begins a natural upward movement. That is, a flow (convection) of air is created that removes heat from the convector.

Modern aluminum appliances also belong to convectors, although they are called radiators. It should be noted that now almost all thermal water heating devices are called radiators, although strictly speaking this is incorrect. But let's not be clever.

Air is pumped through them to be heated. Often used in systems supply ventilation to heat the cold air coming in from outside.

  • “Warm walls” were used in panel housing construction in the seventies. A coil made of steel pipe, into which water was supplied from the heating system. I remember from childhood warm walls panel five-story buildings.

The water system can be successfully used in a private home. If this is a dacha, you can fill in non-freezing coolant instead of water and not worry about defrosting the system.

Let's take a closer look at the options for heating systems for low-rise buildings.

Scheme of a gravity heating system

Why gravity? Because the water in it actually flows by itself. When heated in the boiler, the water rises, and then, gradually cooling in the radiators, flows down and returns to the boiler again. The system is simple, but prerequisites must be observed:

  • The pipe should be pretty large diameter from 50 mm, and preferably 76 mm and more.
  • The pipe is laid with a slope to ensure gravity flow of water.

Sometimes this very pipe heats a room without radiators and convectors due to its large mass and surface. Such pipes are called registers, they can be found at train stations and bus stations in old small cities. It is now rarely used in private homes - it does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Imagine - there is a thick pipe in the room, and even an inclined one.

A very great advantage of this system is that it does not require a circulation pump, the water circulates itself. If the boiler is wood, coal or gas, no power outages are a problem, complete autonomy and independence. I’m talking about this because I myself have problems with power outages.

A feature of the gravity system, which is considered a disadvantage, is that it is open, that is, it communicates with air and there is no pressure in it. This means that you need an open expansion tank and the water gradually evaporates, you need to monitor this. Of course, this is not a very serious drawback. I'm more put off by the high sloping pipes.

For a private house, a closed heating system, in my opinion, best option. It would be better to say closed. Closed means not having contact with air. New elements appear here:

  • Diaphragm expansion tank to compensate for the expansion of water when heated;
  • Circulation pump for pumping water through the system;
  • Safety group - make-up valve (for adding water to the system in case of leakage), pressure gauge, safety valve (for releasing steam when water boils).

This is a more modern, aesthetic option. Radiators are used here, and more often aluminum convectors, thin metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes. There is no need to add water or think about tilting the pipes; they can be hidden in walls or ceilings.

You can supply beautiful aluminum or bimetallic radiators, heated towel rail. I use two boilers in one system - an electric boiler and a water circuit for the fireplace insert. Looks like it worked out well.

The disadvantage of the system is that there is no electricity for circulation pump she won't be able to work. Moreover, if the firebox is “steamy” and the electricity has run out, it can result in a “boom” with the release of steam and a lot of noise. I know it from myself. It feels like someone is hitting the pipes with a hammer.

Therefore, the pump was connected to uninterrupted source(like a computer) so that there is time to safely cool the firebox. And also a way out safety valve- into the sewer.

Two-pipe heating system

There are two options for connecting radiators to the heating system:

The only advantage of a one-pipe system is the savings on pipes. But there is a significant minus - the radiator closest to the boiler is the hottest, and the farthest is the coldest. It is also problematic to turn off a radiator - they are all in the same circuit. If it's not critical, why not use this option? Quite a normal scheme.

The two-pipe scheme is more flexible:

  • All radiators are in almost equal conditions. Water is supplied to each person at the same temperature;
  • You can set your own temperature on each radiator by regulating the flow of water through it;
  • You can safely shut off the water supply to any radiator, for example, when it is hot or you need to flush the radiator;
  • More convenient for increasing the number of radiators.

Thus, in my opinion, the two-pipe scheme is more preferable.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that in the two-pipe version, the last radiator is somewhat “offended”; it receives less heat. The reason is that the pressure difference between the supply and return is practically zero and the water flow is minimal.

So what choice did I make?

I installed an air-water heating system in my house. The fireplace is responsible for the air supply. Closed two-pipe water scheme includes an electric boiler, a water circuit for the fireplace insert and 40 aluminum radiator sections(6 radiators). 64 square meters the first floor is heated in excess in any frost.

That's all for today. In the following articles I will bring to your attention the system gas heating, warm floor, infrared heating. Comment, ask questions. Thank you, see you later!

Comfortable living in a private house cannot be complete without a well-thought-out heating and hot water supply system. If residents apartment buildings are fully provided with such benefits, then private owners have to do everything with their own hands. Also popular in lately autonomous apartment system heating.

What needs to be done to bring heat and hot water into the house? Let's look at the step-by-step steps:

  • choose suitable scheme heating;
  • select suitable elements according to the chosen scheme;
  • purchase all materials and tools;
  • Install the system yourself or with the help of specialists.

Choosing a suitable scheme

A heating hotline can be implemented in a variety of ways. Heating system a private house can be:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe;
  • natural circulation;
  • forced circulation.

Moreover, the first two types are combined differently with the last two. What is the difference and what are the advantages of these schemes?

Single-pipe scheme

The most common heating scheme is single-pipe. moves in one circle sequentially from radiator to radiator. A natural disadvantage is uneven heating. Batteries located closer to the boiler always have a higher temperature.

The main advantage is the smaller number of pipes, which means low labor costs compared to other types.

Two-pipe scheme

A two-pipe heating system, such as the one in the figure above, has great advantages:

  • uniform heating of each radiator of the system;
  • the ability to precisely adjust the heat transfer of batteries, up to complete shutdown;
  • smaller diameter of pipes for coolant;
  • greater efficiency, since there is no need to overheat the nearby batteries to achieve the desired temperature for the distant ones.

The only drawback is large number connections and pipes. However, this point more than pays off at launch.

Regarding coercive systems heating systems, their main difference is the installation of a circulation pump. Thanks to this stroke, the speed of movement of the coolant increases, which means it becomes possible to use smaller pipes.

Elements necessary to supply heat and hot water to the house

The main elements of the heating system include:

  • boiler - as the main device;
  • radiators;
  • pipes;
  • circulation pump;
  • boiler;
  • expansion tank;
  • thermostats;
  • fasteners and valves.

The most important device in the entire system it is a boiler. To make the right choice, you need to know the power and type of fuel. The first characteristic is determined from the heat capacity and heat loss of the room, the size of the building and the minimum winter temperature.

The following can be used as fuel for the boiler:

  • tree;
  • coal or peat;
  • electricity.

The most popular and most convenient option is a gas boiler. To provide hot water, a dual-circuit design is required. The fact is that the heating system is closed and in no way connected with the hot water supply system. And not only water, but also antifreeze can act as a coolant.

Pay attention! On sale you can find counterfeit car antifreeze, which is a highly toxic substance that can damage the entire heating system. It is best to purchase special household antifreeze.

A modern heating boiler is a fully automated device, with all necessary data displayed. In case of change external conditions, the boiler itself regulates the temperature and pressure parameters to maintain the set mode.

In addition to gas boilers, devices using solid fuels are used: wood, coal, peat; and very rarely - on liquid fuel. Also gaining more and more popularity electric boilers. Their main advantage is their small size and the ability to be installed in any convenient location. The main disadvantage is the dependence on electricity, which is very unstable in rural conditions.

Features of installation of the heating system

Heating and hot water in your home are the main benefits of civilization, not counting electricity. To bring hot water and heating into your home, it is important to follow certain steps:

  • choose a heating scheme that suits you;
  • purchase the necessary equipment;
  • produce step-by-step installation, starting from nodes and ending with pipes;
  • do trial run for leaks and defects.

So, we have decided on the scheme, the materials and all the components have been purchased, it’s time to assemble everything into one coherent system. First of all, we find a place and install the boiler. If this gas version, it is advisable to choose a separate room, or a free corner, for example, as in the photo above. The instructions for devices usually contain recommended parameters for installation.

The next step is to secure the radiators. Depending on the material of the radiator, which can be cast iron, steel, aluminum or bimetallic, we select the fasteners and the depth of the holes. Particular care should be taken when securing cast iron batteries. Accepted minimum restrictions on the location of the battery: 5 cm from the wall, 5-10 cm from the floor and 5-10 cm from the windowsill.

Advice! Before fixing the radiator in its place, it is convenient to finish the part of the wall that it will cover. Since finishing it after installing the battery will be problematic.

When installing the pump in a heating system with forced circulation, it is important to install:

  • a filter for mechanical particles that will protect the pump from premature clogging;
  • valves on both sides of the pump, for convenient replacement of the device in case of breakdown and without the need to drain the entire system.

At the last stage of installation, we connect all components and devices with pipes. IN modern construction metal, metal-plastic and all-plastic pipes are used different diameters and thickness. Recently, they have become increasingly popular plastic options, thanks to ease of installation, light weight of the system, pleasant design and excellent combination of price and quality indicators.

The entire process of installing each heating circuit can be seen most clearly in one of the videos posted on our website.

Warm floors - luxury or the norm?

When designing a heating and hot water supply system, it is important to consider the possibility of installing heated floors. This does not mean the electric, but the water version, when a separate circuit of heating line pipes is laid under the floor. In this case, costs increase only at the time of installation of the system. In the future, the heating system will work as stably as in the version without heated floors, without spending a lot of additional power.

Instead of a conclusion

Having considered various options organizing hot water and heating, we understand the complexity and variety of work. The necessary experience or tools are not always available. At installation work It is especially important not to make mistakes. In this case, it is worth using the services of professionals.


Here, in apartment building, we can only use hot water during heating season from the heating system. Last year I installed a meter so that I could pay only for the hot water consumed by my household. And, really, for two months I paid according to the meter readings. But then I started receiving bills that were more than we consumed. I went to management company find out why this happened. I was told that there is a government decree that contains calculations of payments for hot water for those who have metering devices. This formula contains a component for losses that occur in an unknown location. They, these losses, of course occur, because... in some apartments they don’t use water at all because they have installed plugs. But no one checks whether they exist or not. So why should I pay for thieves and for the improper work of our management company.

Here are the meter readings for the last three months:

March 17.38-13.96 = 3.42 cubic meters and they give us 8.84 cubic meters

April no indications

May 17.38-28.57 = 11.19 cubic meters, but they put 33.4 cubic meters

The fact is that if we had water from the hot water supply system, and not from the heating system, this ruling may be correct. But that’s not the case with us.

Please advise what I should do.

Sincerely, Elena Anatolyevna.

As for the difference in the volume of consumption that you determine by your meter and the volume that is presented to you for payment, it is likely that a common house meter is installed in your house.

This device records all the volume of coolant that entered the house and the volume that left the house. The difference between the volume of supplied network water and the volume that leaves the house will be the cost of hot water supply.

From the temperature difference between the received and return water— the amount of thermal energy remaining in the house (used for heating and hot water) is calculated.

If the total volume of water remaining in the house turns out to be more than what is presented to residents according to meters + residents according to standards (in those apartments where there are no meters), the excess is distributed among everyone in proportion to the consumption of each resident. This procedure is provided for by the current rules for the provision of public services to citizens.

Thus, if there is an overexpenditure in your house, recorded by a common house meter, then presenting you with additional cubes for payment is completely legal. The reasons for overspending need to be dealt with separately. This could be leaks in the basement, or unaccounted consumption by residents (for example, no one is registered in the apartments - but people live, use water and do not pay, etc.) This needs to be dealt with separately ().

Do you have any questions? Ask, the answer will follow immediately!

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