Juicy and soft melon is usually adored by both adults and children. It contains many vitamins (B1, B2, A, PP, C) and microelements, in particular iron, so it is recommended to be enjoyed by those who suffer from diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, digestive system disorders, etc. The impressive list of benefits of this product makes you wonder whether it can be eaten all year round. If you've told your family, "We're canning melon for the winter," the recipes below are sure to come in handy. Such blanks have their own characteristics that should be discussed.

How to preserve melon for the winter?

This melon, canned for the winter, is made quite quickly and will delight you even in January with its exquisite taste.


  • water – 1 l;
  • melon – 2.4 kg;
  • citric acid – 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar – 2 cups.


In a liter jar, mix sugar and citric acid. Pour water into the mixture, stir well and pour into the pan, then wait for the resulting syrup to boil. Pre-sterilize the jars and place in them peeled melon, cut into medium-sized pieces. Pour boiling syrup over the fruit and place the jars in a container with boiling water for 10 minutes for further sterilization, and then roll up.

Melons canned for the winter without sterilization

If you are wondering what you can quickly make from melon for the winter, this recipe will help solve this problem.


  • melon – 500 g;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 1 glass;


Wash the melon well and cut in half. Then peel and remove the seeds. Wash the lemon and cut it in half. Cut the melon pulp into small pieces (size approximately 2x2 cm). We put water in a saucepan on the stove and wait for it to boil, after which we put melon cubes in it and boil for about 2-3 minutes. After this, add sugar and squeeze the juice from one half of a lemon. Cook the resulting compote for about a quarter of an hour and pour it into washed, dry jars. You can also place melon cubes there. At the final stage, we roll up the jars.

Apple and melon jam

This preservation of melon for the winter will certainly impress those who like to bake pies with fruit filling. The jam keeps well and can also be eaten for dessert with a cup of tea or coffee.


  • – 5 g;
  • apples – 750 g;
  • melon – 650 g;
  • sugar – 600 g.


We wash the melon well using a brush. Then remove the rough peel and extract the seeds. Chop the remaining pulp into small pieces, which we place in an enamel pan, pour in half a glass of water and put on low heat for about a quarter of an hour, remembering to stir. After turning off, rub the still hot melon through a fine sieve using a wooden spoon.

We wash the apples and remove the stems and seeds. Cut into not too large slices, put in another enamel pan and boil for about 10-15 minutes. When the fruits become soft, puree them using a large sieve. Bring the resulting apple mass to a boil again.

Mix both fruit purees in an enamel container and place on low heat. Stirring constantly, gradually add half the required amount of granulated sugar. Cook the mixture for about 25 minutes, then add citric acid and the remaining sugar and leave on the fire for another quarter of an hour. Pour the finished jam into pre-sterilized and warm jars and roll up. Of all the recipes for canning melon for the winter, this one looks like the most labor-intensive, but the results are worth it.

Fruits and berries


Canned melon- a wonderful and very useful winter preparation, because we will cover it with ginger. To understand how beneficial ginger is for the human body, you need to know what it contains. In addition to a wide vitamin complex, this amazing root enriches the body with phosphorus, potassium, iron and sodium. It also contains a lot of amino acids, which are directly involved in the functioning of the body. Not only in Chinese culture, but throughout the rest of the world, the ability of ginger to have a beneficial effect on the feminine and masculine has been recognized. Ginger tea and tinctures are recommended by doctors for infertility; these drinks also relieve symptoms of toxicosis.

Melon also has a lot of useful properties, and it is also very tasty. From this simple step-by-step photo recipe you will learn how to can melon with ginger at home. Of the additional ingredients we will use only sugar and a little citric acid. It is believed that sugar is an ideal natural preservative, so sometimes melon is canned without sterilization. In this recipe, to preserve the delicious dessert, we will still sterilize the jars with the preparation. As a result, we will get delicious pieces of honey melon that can be used to decorate any dessert or add to a fruit salad. Let's start preparing canned melon for the winter.



    When choosing a melon, be sure to pay attention to its smell and ripeness: a fruit that is not too ripe with a subtle fruity smell is suitable for canning. You don’t have to wash the melon before cooking, because we won’t use its skin, but you can rinse the fruit if you want. First cut the melon in half, remove all the insides, then cut the halves into slices. Now we cut each slice as follows: first we make a full cut of the pulp, and then cut it into pieces as shown in the photo.

    Place all the prepared pieces of sweet melon in a deep suitable bowl or pan. Please note that aluminum cookware cannot be used: from the contact of aluminum and juice, the latter will oxidize, change its color and taste.

    Let's prepare the ginger. To do this, we need to thoroughly rinse the root, then cut off the top rough layer, after which we can cut the ginger into circles 5 millimeters thick.

    We wash small glass jars in advance in hot water and soda, then rinse and wipe dry with a towel, and do the same with the lids. Place a slice of ginger on the bottom of each jar and fill the jar with melon slices on top. On top of each jar we pour two tablespoons of granulated sugar and the specified amount of citric acid: the amount of these ingredients can be varied to your taste. Heat clean water and fill the melon in the jars with boiling water to the top.

    We cover the jars with lids loosely on top and place them on the bottom of a large pan, which is covered with cotton cloth: this is done so that the contact between the heated pan and the glass does not cause the latter to burst. Pour warm water into the pan so that its level reaches the hangers of the cans. Place the pan on the stove, bring the liquid to a boil and sterilize the jars over low heat for 4-8 minutes with the lid closed. After the specified time has passed, carefully remove the jars from the pan, wipe with a towel and immediately roll up.

    Such a tasty and healthy preparation must be stored in a dry, cool and dark place, and after opening the jar it is better to leave it in the refrigerator. Canned melon is ready for the winter.

    Bon appetit!

The sweet fruit has good shelf life if storage conditions are suitable. In a cool, dry, dark room it will keep for several months. In the absence of such opportunities, melon is harvested for the winter. You can make any canned product from it. The list of additional ingredients is difficult to list: fruits, berries, spicy ripeness, honey, wine.

The variety of melon varieties makes it difficult to choose for preservation. The fruits differ not only in size, but also in pulp density and sugar content. The Livadia, Zolotistaya, Yuzhanka varieties have dense, sweet pulp. Plants grown in the southern regions have a natural advantage over pumpkins from the Moscow region, Siberia, and European Russia in terms of sweetness.

Varieties zoned for cooler regions have a dense structure, with a lower percentage of sugar. Autumn-winter varieties are the sweetest, as the ripening period lasts 95-100 days. Early ripening ones contain 8-15% sugar, mid-ripening ones - 14-15%.

When choosing a fruit for canning, you must take into account the requirements of the recipe. If the purchased melon turns out to be of a different quality, then you need to select a suitable harvesting option in this case.

How to choose the best melon

Not fully ripened melons with dense and aromatic pulp are suitable for making jam. To make jam, you need ripe, juicy fruits. For melon in its own juice, you will need very ripe and overripe fruits.

It is necessary to adhere to the requirements of the recipe when selecting raw materials: do not use ripe or overripe fruit, where dense pulp is required. When cooked, such pieces will lose their shape, which will reduce the attractiveness of the product.

Signs of a ripe fruit:

  • noticeable sweet aroma;
  • springs when pressed;
  • large mass;
  • uniform bright color;
  • dull sound when tapped;
  • dry ponytail;
  • the peel has a rugged appearance.

Unripe fruits:

  • do not smell;
  • have a greenish tint;
  • inferior in weight to ripe ones;
  • not elastic;
  • make a ringing sound;
  • the tail is tight.

Overripe ones have soft skin and a very strong aroma.

Recipes for winter preparations

For home use, it is more convenient to prepare liquid jam, packaged hot or pasteurized.

Thick syrup burns easily if it is not constantly stirred and at temperatures above normal.

Signs that the jam is ready:

  • the foam disappears;
  • the syrup and melon pieces become transparent;
  • cooked particles float in syrup;
  • the temperature of the sweet solution when it is ready is 104 degrees.

The end of cooking time is also determined by the state of the syrup: the cooled drop retains its shape.

Sterilization is holding a semi-finished product in boiling water under special conditions: the initial water temperature in the sterilizer is 70 degrees, the lids are not secured, the liquid level is 3 centimeters below the glass top.

The preparation of pasteurized jam differs from sterilization and hot packaging in that the jars are heated without boiling at 90 degrees with the lids loosely closed. A 0.5 liter jar is pasteurized for 10 minutes, a 1.0 liter jar - 15. When finished, screw the lids on until they stop.

What can you make from melon? You can make jam, jam, compote from it, pickle it, prepare it in its own juice or as a semi-finished product.

Classic melon jam

The washed, cored and peeled melon is cut into pieces 2 centimeters thick, rectangular in shape. The pieces are first blanched in boiling water for 5-7 minutes and immediately immersed in cold water to lower the temperature.

Prepare 70% syrup. For 1900 grams of melon pulp you will need 1 liter of liquid and 2300 grams of sugar. Place the blanched pieces into the boiled syrup and leave for 4 hours.

Preparing jam in three steps step by step:

  1. Bring to a boil over medium heat and keep at a low simmer for 10 minutes. Cool. Leave for 8 hours.
  2. Repeat the previous method with cooling and holding for 8 hours.
  3. Cook to desired consistency.

Hot jam is transferred to heated jars, closed, cooled without turning over.

With added lemon

The crust is removed from the melon. The peeled part is cut into pieces of 3-4 centimeters. Sugar is poured into the prepared raw materials. The ratio of sweetness and melon raw materials is 1:2. For taste and aroma, you can add vanilla sugar at the rate of 1 gram per kilogram. It takes several hours until the melon pieces give juice and soak up the sugar.

Adding lemon zest and juice to the classic recipe will add sourness and citrus aroma to the jam. One fruit is enough for 2 kilograms of pulp. Peel the lemon and squeeze out the juice. The zest is ground on a fine grater.

Add zest to the melon-sugar mixture and put on fire. When the sugar has completely melted and begins to become transparent, add lemon juice and mix well. Cook the syrup over low heat, stirring so as not to burn.

From time to time, check the readiness of the jam by checking the quality of the syrup: drop it on a cold surface. If the drop does not spread, then the jam is ready. The melon pieces should be soaked in the syrup and become translucent, with no raw melon taste.

The degree of syrup concentration is determined by the thickness of the hot stream:

  • thin - the jam will be liquid;
  • medium – thicker;
  • thick - thick.

The testing method is called thin, medium, thick thread. Use a spoon to scoop out the syrup and pour it slowly, watching the stream.

With orange

Lemon can be replaced with orange. No orange zest is used. Orange juice will be used as an additive. Three oranges per 2 kilograms of melon are squeezed through a juicer. If desired, the quantity can be increased. The volume of sugar is adjusted to 2.5 kilograms.

Orange juice, like lemon juice, is added when the sugar is completely dissolved. The jam is mixed to improve homogeneity and cooked to the desired consistency in 3 additions.

With cinnamon

Adding cinnamon to melon jam has two positive aspects:

  1. The sweet dish acquires a spicy aroma and taste, which are good in the cold season, as they have a warming effect.
  2. The spice is recommended for weight loss due to its effect on metabolic processes. Jam is a high-calorie product. The presence of cinnamon helps burn calories.

No more than 1 teaspoon of cinnamon is added to the syrup for 1 kilogram of pulp. Excessive dosage may affect the kidneys.

The prepared pulp is covered with sugar for a day at the rate of kilogram per kilogram to obtain juice. The syrup is boiled into a thin thread: 0.3 liters of liquid and 0.5 kilograms of sugar. Melon juice is combined with syrup, cinnamon is added and boiled into a thin thread.

Pour melon into boiling syrup and cook in 2 steps:

  1. The first time - 15 minutes on low heat. Cool for 4 hours.
  2. Boil to the desired concentration.

While hot, distribute into jars and cool.

With bananas

In a recipe with bananas, it is logical to add an acidic fruit, such as lemon, to avoid excessive cloying.

  • 1.0 kilograms of melon;
  • 1.0 kilograms of bananas;
  • 0.5 kilograms of lemons;
  • 1.0 kilograms of sugar.

The pieces are mixed with sugar and left for a day. The juice is squeezed out of citrus fruits and poured into the sweet mass. Place the mixture on the fire and simmer over low heat to a liquid syrup. Bananas without peel are cut into circles up to 1 centimeter and placed in jam. Readiness is checked by the syrup and the appearance of the melon and banana pieces.

Melon jam

To make jam you will need very ripe pumpkins. The peeled, chopped pulp is crushed with a blender. Per kilogram requires a liter of water and boiling for half an hour.

Then add 2 kilograms of granulated sugar and boil over low heat until tender. It is necessary to stir the jam regularly and check its readiness: the end of cooking - the cooled drop retains its shape.

Canned melon

Canned melon can be prepared in the form of compote or natural canned food.

For compote, the prepared pieces are blanched at a temperature of 80 degrees for 10 minutes. Place in prepared jars 2/3 full and fill with 25% syrup. To prepare it you will need a ratio of 0.3 kilograms of sugar per liter of water. Sterilization of a 0.5 liter cylinder – 10 minutes, 1.0 liter – 12 minutes.

The preparation of natural melon differs from compote by pouring: instead of syrup, boiling water is used. Melon preserved in this way is a semi-finished product for making jam, preserves, and compote.

Melon in sugar syrup

Ratio of pulp, sugar and water: 1.0:1.1:0.2. Additionally, citric acid (10 grams per kilogram) and vanillin (a pinch per kilogram) are added.

Preparation, per kilogram of preparation:

  1. Add 100 grams of sugar to a glass of water and bring to a boil.
  2. Blanch the melon pieces in this syrup one by one for 10 minutes.
  3. They take it out.
  4. Pour the rest of the sugar into the syrup and, stirring continuously, bring it to readiness on a thin thread.
  5. Add melon and cook until required thickness.
  6. At the end, add citric acid and vanillin.

Roll up using the hot packaging method. Cooling without turning over.

In its own juice

To harvest melon in its own juice, you will need juicy, ripe and overripe pulp.

At the first stage, the juice is prepared. From 2 kilograms, half of the prepared melon is crushed in a blender to puree. Add the juice of 1 lemon, 0.5 liters of water, 0.25 kilograms of sugar. The mixture is cooked over low heat for a quarter of an hour.

The rest of the mass is blanched at a temperature of 80 degrees for 3-5 minutes (so that the shape of the pieces is not lost) and cooled in water. Place the blanched parts into the boiling juice and leave for 15 minutes. After packaging into half-liter jars, the canned food is sterilized for 10 minutes. Immediate seaming, cooling without turning.

Jam for the winter without sterilization

Jam cooked in several stages does not require sterilization.

To prepare a sweet dish from melon, you will need to boil the raw material 3 times with an interval of 10-12 hours. At the first stage, the melon parts are blanched for no more than a minute. The amount of liquid is 0.4 liters per kilogram of pulp. Sugar is added to the water where the melon was boiled in the same proportion as the melon.

The syrup is boiled for 10-15 minutes. Removed from heat. Cools down a bit. Blanched raw materials are placed in a container with syrup. Stir. Boil over low heat.

Preparing melon for the winter in jars

The pulp is cut into rectangular pieces, no more than 2 centimeters thick. Fill liter jars halfway. For flavor, you can add mint and basil leaves according to your own taste. A glass of granulated sugar is poured in, boiling water is poured in and placed for sterilization.

The water temperature at the beginning of sterilization is not lower than 80 degrees. The heat treatment time for a liter jar from the beginning of boiling is 12 minutes. The boil should not be violent. Cool cans upside down.

Pickled melon

The pulp for pickling should be ripe and dense. The prepared pieces are blanched in boiling water for 1 second and cooled in water.

Place the following on the bottom of a sterilized liter jar:

  • 0.5 grams of cinnamon;
  • 3-4 clove seeds;
  • melon (just below the shoulders).

Pour boiling marinade over and place for sterilization.

Marinade for 1 liter jar:

  • 0.3 liters of water;
  • 0.11 kilograms of sugar;
  • 0.04 liters of vinegar 5%.


  • water temperature in the sterilizer – 50 degrees;
  • filling – 3 centimeters below the neck;
  • time – 12 minutes.

When finished, close tightly with lids. Upside down cooling.

Melon jam in a slow cooker

To prepare 1 liter of jam you will need a kilogram of peeled and cut into small pieces of melon, 0.7 kilograms of melon, 1 lemon, 4 grams of pectin. Pour boiling water over the lemon, trim off the ends and cut into 4 parts. Place the melon and sugar in the multicooker bowl and mix well. Add the lemon pieces to the bowl, before squeezing the juice into the sugar and melon mixture.

Set the “Jam” mode (60 minutes). After 12 minutes, open the multicooker lid and continue cooking in the open position. Following the instructions for using pectin, add it to the boiling jam a few minutes before the end of cooking, remove the lemon parts. Pour pineapple flavored jam into jars.

Methods for storing preparations for the winter

Canned food should be stored in a dry, unheated, darkened room, in some cases it is allowed in room conditions.

If you follow the technology for preparing preparations at home and the requirements for their storage, canned fruits can be stored for 6-7 years. But the quality (taste and appearance) decreases.

The main reasons for spoilage of jam: insufficient sterilization time, leaks and length of capping. In such cases, there is swelling or tearing of the lid, mold on the surface, and a pungent odor. Such canned food is not consumed.

Jam prepared without sterilization should be stored in cellars, pantries, under the conditions indicated above. Sterilized and pasteurized jars can be stored indoors. An open jar of this jam can be stored for no more than two weeks. Low sugar jam should be consumed within 3 days and kept in the refrigerator when opened.

At the height of the watermelon and melon season, I really want to enjoy them not only in the summer, but also prepare them for the winter in order to make the most of their beneficial properties. In this article we will share the best melon recipes for the winter so that you can treat yourself and your loved ones to this delicacy on cold winter evenings.

Fragrant melon jam for the winter

A simple recipe for this sweet will preserve the enchanting melon aroma and its honey taste and will not take much of your time and effort. To get jam-like jam, choose the most ripe melon; for classic jam, slightly unripe, hard varieties are suitable.

The standard ratio of melon and sugar is 1:0.5. That is, for 1 kilogram of melon you need 500 grams of sugar. You can also add bananas for thickness, and lemon zest for flavor.

Step by step description

  1. Remove peel and seeds from well-washed and dried melon.
  2. Cut the pulp into medium-sized pieces, add sugar and leave for half an hour.
  3. Add zest and bananas to the melon and sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil, close the lid and turn off the gas.
  4. After cooling completely, bring to a boil again and cook for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Cool the finished jam completely and distribute into jars.

Agree, a rather simple recipe for melon jam for the winter? And most importantly, a very tasty and aromatic dessert will please even the most spoiled sweet tooth.

Amber jam recipe

To prepare a tender, homogeneous jam, you will need a kilogram of melon, one and a half kilograms of sugar, a little vanillin, citric acid and fresh ginger. As for classic jam, the melon is peeled and cut into pieces. Only in the case of jam, you need to cut it as finely as possible or even grind it in a meat grinder or grind it in a blender. Yes, it will take a little longer than we would like, but the result will eclipse all memories of the troubles.

The grated melon is mixed with sugar and left for half an hour to release the juice. After this, add citric acid, vanillin and ginger and boil for no more than ten minutes. The jam is cooled and placed in sterilized jars.

Amazing golden berry jam

In all the recipes, you probably noticed that only the peeled pulp of ripe berries is used. Have you ever tried jam made from melon crusts? If not, we strongly advise you to enjoy this dessert.

For such a dessert you will need hard melon crusts, from which the skin is peeled off in a very thin layer. The crusts are cut into small cubes, covered with sugar in equal proportions and left for several hours to release the juice.

Boil the finished mass over low heat for literally 7-8 minutes, until the melon pieces look like marmalade. The jam is cooled and boiled again for 5 minutes to thicken. When hot, it is placed in sterilized jars and sealed.

Fragrant melon compote

Another simple way to prepare melon for the winter is to cook compote. The fragrant and sweet drink is much tastier and healthier than any juice from the store. The recipe for melon compote for the winter is quite simple. To begin, a kilogram of melon must be peeled, seeds removed and cut into large pieces. In a separate bowl, boil syrup from a liter of water, 500 grams of sugar and a teaspoon of citric acid. The syrup cooking time should not exceed 10 minutes. Melon pieces are added to the syrup and boiled in it for several minutes. The finished melon is placed on the bottom of the jars and filled with hot syrup. The jars are sterilized and sealed. That's all - melon compote is ready for the winter! Jars of compote are cooled and stored.

Canned melon for the winter

An excellent option for preparing melon, which will taste like canned pineapple. The process of preserving melon for the winter is similar to preparing compote from it. Peeled and chopped melon is placed tightly in jars and poured with boiling sweet syrup. Syrup for preservation is prepared according to a fairly standard recipe - from sugar, water and citric acid. You can determine the proportions yourself, to your taste. It all depends on how sweet the melon is and what concentration of sugar you prefer in juices and compotes. Jars of melon filled with hot syrup are sterilized and rolled up. This canned melon for the winter will not only be a delicious dessert, but also an excellent ingredient for salads.

Melon in a spicy marinade

Quite an unusual way of preparing this sweet berry for the winter. It is unusual due to the addition of spices and vinegar to the sweet marinade. This is what gives melon its special piquancy and unusualness. For marinade for ten half-liter jars you will need one and a half liters of water, half a kilo of sugar, two tablespoons of vinegar essence. In each jar you need to place a couple of black peppercorns, cloves and a pinch of cinnamon. Melon pieces are boiled in boiling water for several minutes and placed in jars. The syrup is boiled from water and sugar for ten minutes, to which vinegar is later added. The marinade is poured into jars, after which they, along with the contents, are sterilized and sealed.


Do you like to freeze berries, fruits and vegetables for the winter? Then you've probably wondered at least once whether it's possible to freeze melon for the winter? Of course you can! But this method of preparing melon for the winter has its own nuances.

  • For freezing, varieties with dense pulp are selected, which are less susceptible to losing their appetizing appearance after defrosting.
  • The melon is cut into portions and frozen on plates or trays. For best quality frozen food, keep a small distance between cut pieces. This way they will freeze faster, which will preserve all the vitamins and nutrients.
  • Frozen pieces are stored in special bags or plastic containers with a tight-fitting lid.

Frozen melon is used for various cocktails and smoothies. Once defrosted, it is ready to eat, despite a slight loss of appearance.

Juicy melon sorbet at home

A great way to preserve all the best qualities of melon is by making homemade sorbet. The result is delicious homemade ice cream, which is made from absolutely natural ingredients with your own hands.

First you need to cook the syrup from a glass of sugar and a glass of water. Chilled syrup, melon pieces (about four cups of pulp) and a little citrus zest are crushed in a blender to a smooth puree. The finished mass is placed in containers and frozen. As it freezes, you need to stir the sorbet - this way it freezes evenly and pieces of ice do not form.

To obtain a more delicate taste, you can add cream and vanillin to the sorbet before freezing. This way you will get a real melon ice cream, made with your own hands.

Melon for the winter in its own juice

Melon prepared in its own juice is considered no less tasty. This method allows you to preserve the taste and aroma of melon in an undiluted form. This recipe requires ripe juicy melon, sugar and citric acid. For a kilogram of sugar, take 3-4 kilograms of melon and a couple of teaspoons of citric acid. Pieces of peeled and seeded melon are covered with sugar and left for several hours. The ideal option would be to leave the melon under sugar all night - this will give more juice. As soon as enough syrup is formed, the melon is boiled in juice with the addition of citric acid for literally five minutes, placed in jars and canned. Before preservation, all jars and lids are thoroughly sterilized.

Dried melon

You can dry the melon for the winter. More precisely, it is dried. Not many varieties are suitable for this, namely: “torpedo”, “collective farmer” and “gulyabi”. First, the melon is allowed to ripen for several days at room temperature. Then peel, remove the seeds and cut into thin slices. The thickness of such strips should not be more than four centimeters. The cut melon slices are hung on ropes or wires in a well-ventilated room. This drying lasts at least two weeks, provided that the slices are constantly turned over for better ventilation. Thanks to the uniform evaporation of moisture, the weight of the melon will decrease by about 10-12 times compared to the original.

Ready dried melon slices are quite elastic, which allows them to be braided for convenient and aesthetic storage. Dried melon can also be stored in glass jars with airtight lids.

Dried melon makes very tasty and healthy natural candies. Simply roll the dried slice into a ball and roll it in sesame seeds or ground nuts. Melon and nut rolls are delicious. You will definitely surprise your family and guests with these homemade sweets.

The benefits of melon preparations

Did you know that melon is not only sweet and fragrant, but also an incredibly healthy berry? In this section we will talk about how valuable melon preparations for the winter are. After all, it can be consumed not only fresh, but also preserve all the vitamins and microelements almost all year round.

Vitamins A, PP, B1 and B2 are what melon is rich in. It is also ahead of lemons and oranges in terms of vitamin C content. In terms of the amount of iron, melon is 17 times higher than milk. And thanks to the high content of potassium and magnesium, the melon diet is indicated for people suffering from rheumatism, anemia and diseases of the joints, kidneys and liver.

The pulp of this fragrant berry contains a large amount of starch, pectin, fiber and mineral salts. The high silicon content in melon fruits helps improve the condition of facial skin and increase brain activity.

Just a couple of slices of this ripe berry can instantly lift your mood. All this is thanks to substances that promote the production of the “happiness hormone” - serotonin.

If you are looking for unusual preparations for the winter, we invite you to try today’s recipe - melon like pineapple for the winter. I have been making this kind of preparation for several years now, so I can tell you with confidence that 99% of success is a correctly chosen melon; it should not be overripe or underripe. The melon should be ripe, dense, even a little hard, and sweet. As for the actual final taste, thanks to a drop of pineapple flavoring, the melon pieces will vaguely resemble it. If you don’t add flavoring, it will still be delicious, but it will still be melon. This preparation is perfect for filling pies; you can also decorate cakes with pieces of melon and serve with ice cream. Be sure to prepare this one too.

- melon – 1 pc.;
- water – 1 liter;
- sugar – 1.5 cups;
- natural pineapple flavoring - 2 drops;
- citric acid – 1 tsp.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Prepare the melon by removing the inner seeds and peeling. Then cut the melon pulp into large pieces. Wash the jars for the preparation in advance with soda, sterilize them in a way convenient for you - over steam or in the oven, boil the lids in water for 10 minutes. Fill sterile jars with melon pieces.

Boil the syrup - add sugar, citric acid and a few drops of flavoring to the water. Boil the syrup for three minutes, take a sample, and add more flavoring if necessary.

Now pour the boiling syrup into the jars with the melon pieces.

Also immediately prepare a pan with warm water, do not forget to cover the bottom with a cloth. Place the jars of melon in a saucepan and sterilize for 15 minutes.

After carefully removing the jars from the pan, immediately seal the lids tightly. Place all the blanks upside down, additionally insulate them with a blanket or rug, and leave them alone for a day. After a while, you can put the melon in the cellar or pantry. That's all, in winter, take out the jars and taste the dessert. I would also like to draw your attention to this

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):