To grow cucumbers, gardeners usually select a well-lit area that is protected from the north, as well as from the prevailing winds. Around the selected area, “scenes” are set up, which can serve as potatoes, sunflowers, corn, beans and even hemp. All these tall and fast-growing crops are able to provide a suitable microclimate in the area where cucumbers are grown.

Planting cucumbers in open ground can be done both with seeds and seedlings. Let's look at the features of each method in more detail.

What points should you take care of?

If you are going to grow cucumbers, you must take into account a number of important nuances based on the characteristics of this crop. In short, work should be approached comprehensively, without missing anything.

Table. Requirements for growing cucumbers

Condition Short description

Cucumber is a heat-loving crop, so it should be planted when the temperature of the top layer of soil is at least 13-15°C. But, characteristically, cucumber doesn’t like it too much. high temperature– if this indicator rises above 28°C, then development may stop.

The area for cucumbers must first be fertilized with chicken droppings, manure or mullein. This will not only provide plants nutrients, but will also disinfect the soil from pathogens of many diseases.

The culture needs a permanent moisture regime. If there is a lack of moisture, the leaves will darken and become brittle, and the plants themselves will be in under stress. Excessive watering are also harmful - there will be less oxygen in the soil, which will cause the foliage to turn pale, and the development of vines and green foliage will noticeably decrease. When watering, the water should not be cold (otherwise the ability of the roots to absorb will deteriorate), but should have a temperature of about 18°C. The ideal soil humidity is 80% (at 30%, cucumbers wither).

The culture described in the article represents plants of short daylight hours, so it is best to grow it in mid-to-late summer. Despite the fact that the cucumber is light- and heat-loving, it requires only 10-12 hours of photoperiod per day.

Special attention should be paid to the root system. In our case, it is superficial, so the vegetable requires structured soil with high humidity and good access to oxygen. The root of a cucumber (which is about 1.5% of the total mass of the plant), being only 5 cm from the surface, can go deep by a maximum of 40 cm. In this regard, it is impossible to loosen the soil around the cucumber, since each such procedure leads to injury roots, and recovery takes more than 7 days. Therefore, instead of loosening and weeding, you need to resort to mulching, applying organic fertilizers and pre-planting suitable predecessors.

The latter include:

  • salad;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • green manure;
  • peas.

Inadmissible predecessors are carrots, beans, and all melons (they have common diseases with cucumbers).

How to plant cucumbers in open soil

Having familiarized yourself with all the features, you can proceed directly to planting. The procedure is not complicated, but some important nuances still take place.

So, work should traditionally begin with site preparation.

Stage one. Preparing the ground

Planting should begin with the selection and preparation of a site. This is one of the most important stages, since the cucumber, as we have already found out, is light-loving and responds well to fertile soil. For this reason, it is better to organize the beds from north to south, and add organic fertilizer or, as an option, fertilize the soil before planting the cucumber.

The optimal fertilizer in our case is cow manure. For previous crops it should be applied rotted (approximate consumption 5 kg/m?), and before planting - in the form of a solution (1 part of manure should be diluted in 5 parts of water). In the absence of manure, it is quite possible to use chicken manure (mixed in a ratio of 1:20) or any mineral fertilizing complex type.

Note! Warm beds over 20 cm high are most suitable for cucumbers. The organic “cushion” located inside such a bed will not only provide cucumbers useful elements, but will also warm the roots and also saturate them with carbon dioxide.

Stage two. Planting cucumbers in open soil

According to many high yield cucumber is possible only when growing seedling method. But if the climate in your region is mild enough, then the seeds can be sown directly into the beds. However, to be fair, let's consider both methods.

Method one. Using seeds

It is better to sow the seeds in several stages, otherwise you can miscalculate the timing (for example, cold weather may unexpectedly return). In addition, this simple move will extend the fruiting period. Sowing can begin in mid-May and finish in mid-June. You shouldn’t do this later, because the summer heat and long daylight hours are not the best favorable conditions for the development of culture.

Step 1. Start with preparation planting material. Today, there are not only varieties that are zoned for specific regions, but also hybrids that are more resistant to diseases. It is better to give preference to hybrids - this will allow you to get rid of unnecessary worries and significantly increase productivity.

No less important are the timing of ripening (cucumbers can be early, mid and late ripening) and the specific purpose of the variety (for salads, for pickling, universal).

Note! If the purpose is not indicated on the package, then you need to look at the photograph: for vegetables intended for consumption in fresh, the pimples are white, and those that are suitable only for preservation are dark.

We also note that the age of the seeds must be at least 2 years. This is explained by an increase in the germination of seeds of all melons during storage (the optimal age is up to 6 years, by the 9th year the grains are no longer suitable for sowing).

Step 2. Before sowing, the selected seeds need to be heated for 2 hours at a temperature of 60°C (the shoots will be more friendly, and fruiting will occur earlier).

Then you need to soak for 12 hours in a solution consisting of the following components:

  • manganese sulfate (0.2 g);
  • potassium nitrate (10 g);
  • superphosphate (5 g);
  • water (1 l).

Then the seeds are dried and sown.

Step 3. In the prepared area, furrows should be made 2 cm deep in increments of 50 cm. The seeds are placed in these furrows at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Average consumption – 50 g of grains per 10 m². If the soil is dry, then before sowing it needs to be watered and the seeds sprinkled with humus, peat or loose soil with sawdust.

Step 4. All that remains is to look around: if there are bird nests near the site, then the bed should be covered with brushwood, it is also advisable to place wind rattles and a stuffed animal. This way the birds will not peck the young shoots.

Video - Sowing cucumbers in beds

Method two. Using seedlings

Cucumbers can be planted on the site as seedlings. To do this, seedlings are grown on a well-lit windowsill: in early May, the grains are sown in pots measuring 10x10 cm or 8x8 cm, which are installed in boxes. Approximate consumption – 16-18 plants for every 1 m².

Particular attention should be paid to the substrate - it must be prepared from sawdust(25-30%) and peat (70-75%). First, add 20 g of ammonium nitrate to each bucket of sawdust, then mix the components and keep them in this form for at least 2 days. Next, they are mixed with peat, and potassium nitrate (8-10 g) is added. All this is mixed and aged for 2 weeks (during this time the mixture must be stirred several times). The finished substrate is poured into pots and watered.

Holes 1 cm deep are made in the damp substrate, grains are placed in them (prepared as in the previous method, 1 for each pot) and sprinkled. The box is covered with a film, which must be removed after the first shoots appear. There is no need to water the seedlings if the humidity in the greenhouse is somewhere around 80%. Concerning room conditions, then the air here is drier, so watering needs to be done 2 or 3 times during the growing season.

7 days before transplanting, the seedlings are hardened, that is, accustomed to natural conditions. The first time it needs to be taken out Fresh air in the evening, a second time - at lunchtime (be sure to shade). On other days, the seedlings can remain open. 24 hours before transplanting, the pots need to be watered several times.

The transplant should be done on a sunny day at an air temperature of 25°C. The ground temperature will be around 25-30°C due to the hot manure. The distance between seedlings in a row should vary within 12-14 cm. Typically, only the roots need to be covered with soil. If the planting depth is too deep, there is a risk of developing root rot.

Note! Further care almost the same for both methods. However, with seedling cultivation, the fruits will ripen 14 days earlier than with seed cultivation.

Video - Planting cucumber seedlings in open soil

Stage three. Further care

In the first days after transplantation (in case of cultivation by seeds - immediately after the appearance of the first shoots) Special attention should be given to soil moisture and plant condition. If the leaves wither during the daytime, then in the evening the beds need to be watered, and the water temperature should be 20-25°C (approximate flow rate - about 1.5 l/m?). When the plants close together, they are thinned (2-3 times in total) by removing the weakest shoots. Between plants you need to leave 5-15 cm. In parallel with thinning, you should carefully loosen the soil and weed the beds. Subsequently, loosening should be stopped when the cucumbers grow to the middle of the row spacing, otherwise it can be damaged root system. It is also necessary to spread evenly developing plants on the ground.

Flowering will begin in 30-45 days (or earlier if cucumbers are grown by seedlings), depending on the specific variety. When fruiting begins, the amount of watering should be increased to approximately 3 l/m2, and watering should be done almost daily (except for cloudy days).

No fertilizing is required provided the soil has been amended correctly. But if a low temperature is observed for more than a week, the foliage may turn pale. To restore color in this case, the leaves need to be treated with any nitrogen fertilizer(for example, the same urea), the consumption should be 7-10 g per bucket of water. This procedure is carried out using a whisk or hand sprayer, but always in evening time, otherwise Sun rays can burn leaves through droplets of solution covering them.

The collection of greens is carried out in the mornings.

As a conclusion. Features of reproduction

If the selected variety really gave good harvest, then it is advisable to collect seeds from it. For this purpose, a certain number of large fruits (maximum 3 per bush) are left on several plants and allowed to ripen. But it should be remembered that this procedure acceptable only for real varieties. The fact is that hybrid crops are unable to reproduce the mother culture from grains, which means that leaving them for breeding is pointless.

Time to board cucumber seedlings can be determined by various folk signs or using moon calendar. One of folk signs is to plant cucumber seedlings while dandelions are blooming.

How to plant cucumber seedlings? To do this, it is not at all necessary to have special knowledge. You can grow seedlings using a potless method, that is, directly in the ground or in a greenhouse in special cups or pots. Growing seedlings for sowing in open ground can last thirty or more days. You can plant seeds in paper or peat cups. With ways and detailed process can be found in the video.

To grow healthy seedlings, you need to carefully select the seeds. The seeds must be soaked in water for five minutes at room temperature, which is about twenty degrees. Then, after five minutes, the seeds should be transferred to a salt solution. After this, all the seeds that are not capable of producing a harvest will float to the surface. Before you start sowing, from

floating seeds should be disposed of. Healthy seeds should be placed in a solution of manganese (0.1 g) with the addition of boric acid(0.02 g) per 1 liter of water for disinfection for fifteen minutes. After this period, the seeds are washed clean water and dry.

Then in each cup you need to plant three seeds to a depth of three centimeters and cover with a mixture of soil. Seeds need to be watered carefully warm water and cover the top with film. Afterwards you need to leave them to germinate at a temperature of twenty-eight degrees. After the sprouts appear, one of the sprouted seeds out of the three planted is left in each glass; this process is called thinning. The seedlings are left in the greenhouses for another two or three days, but at the same time the temperature is lowered by five degrees during the daytime and by the same amount at night. After three days it is increased again to the previous level. Ready seedlings should have 2 leaves dark green. Before planting seedlings, the soil is ventilated for a week; this is necessary to harden the soil.

Timing for planting cucumber seedlings

As noted above, cucumber is a heat-loving crop, and therefore its planting time directly depends on weather conditions. Before planting, you need to make sure that the soil temperature has reached fifteen degrees Celsius. But it also depends on the region and climate zone. As a rule, planting in open ground takes place after spring frosts. In the Moscow region, seedlings are planted in open ground until the fifth of June; due to prolonged cold in this area, the seedlings are covered with film until the temperature and weather stabilize.

IN different areas The timing of planting seedlings may vary. For example, in Leningrad region planting begins in late April and early May. Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse or in the ground, subject to film coverage. IN southern regions In Russia, seedlings are planted from mid-April.

Planting dates are determined based on the optimal age of seedlings. If it is equal to thirty days, then the height of the sprouts healthy seedlings it should be about thirty centimeters and several green leaves, more than two. To calculate the period, you also need to take into account the variety of cucumbers. According to the speed of fruiting, cucumbers are divided into early ones, which begin to bloom already on the thirtieth day after planting, medium ones usually bloom on the fiftieth day after planting, and late varieties that begin flowering on the seventieth day after planting.

Planting seedlings in beds is carried out in special holes, having previously fertilized the soil and watered abundantly for ten days. Seedlings are planted at a distance of twenty centimeters and to a depth of ten or twelve centimeters.

Preparing the soil for planting seedlings

The soil for planting cucumbers is prepared in the fall. It must be fertilized, dug up and cleared of weeds and plant debris. As for the soil, the most favorable soil for planting cucumbers is one containing clay and sand. It is not recommended to plant cucumbers in beds after harvesting. pumpkin crops, watermelons and melons, since they have the same structure and feed on the same substances. The soil must be sufficiently nutrient rich to grow healthy crops.

Therefore, before planting cucumbers, the soil needs to be enriched using fertilizers organic type. First of all, this is manure, which is applied in the fall. Manure loosens the soil, decomposing complex clay formations. Loamy soil should be fertilized fifty days before sowing seedlings. In addition to organic fertilizers, the soil should also be saturated with mineral fertilizers; they greatly increase efficiency. Ash can be used as mineral fertilizers; it should be applied at the rate of ten grams per square meter. Ash enriches the soil with potassium during spring digging.

As for the use of fertilizers that combine both organic and mineral, when applying them to the soil, you should follow the instructions so as not to oversaturate the soil.

To obtain a good harvest, planting cucumbers in open ground is carried out in a sunny area, protected from northern winds. Along the perimeter of the selected plot, fast-growing tall crops (legumes, sunflowers or potatoes) should be planted, which will help create a microclimate favorable for cucumbers.

Depending on the region, cucumber crops are planted in spring, when the soil is warm enough. You can plant cucumbers using seedlings or sowing seeds.

Proper tillage

To grow cucumbers in open ground, the site is prepared in the fall. To do this, you need to dig up the soil and add fertilizer. To disinfect the soil and destroy pathogens, you need to treat the soil with a solution copper sulfate and add a portion of superphosphate and.

For successful cultivation For cucumbers, “warm” beds with an internal organic “cushion”, 20-25 cm high, are well suited. Organic matter will help provide vegetables essential microelements and protect the root system from freezing.

Planting cucumber seedlings in open ground will give a good harvest in the middle and northern latitudes, and in the southern regions with in early spring vegetables can be sown in the soil.

Features of sowing seeds in open ground

Experienced farmers recommend sowing seeds in 2-3 doses to insure seedlings from unexpected return frosts and prolong fruiting. Planting cucumbers in open ground with seeds is carried out from mid-spring to early summer. It is important not to miss the moment, because the summer heat negatively affects the development of the plant.

Selection of seed material

Seeds can be purchased at specialized places or collected independently. Their shelf life must be at least two years so that the shoots are strong and friendly.

Cucumber seeds for sowing must be High Quality. To identify unsuitable material, place it in a container of warm water. Poor quality seeds will float to the surface. Cucumber seeds that have sunk to the bottom can be used for sowing after pre-treatment. To obtain earlier shoots, the seed is germinated by placing it in damp sawdust, peat or cloth. During germination, weak seeds are additionally discarded.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Preparation seed material includes several stages:

  1. Selected seeds are placed in a manganese solution for several minutes.
  2. Dry and heat for about two hours at a temperature of 60 degrees. This speeds up the onset of fruiting.
  3. Placed for half a day in water solution with manganese sulfate, potassium nitrate and superphosphate.
  4. Dry and sow again.

If there is no information on the packaging about the purpose of vegetables, then you should take a closer look at the photo: cucumbers suitable for canning are covered with dark pimples, and those that are consumed fresh are white.

Cucumber seeds should be planted in open ground when the weather is warm and the soil has warmed up sufficiently. If there is still a threat of frost, it is recommended to cover the crops with film.

Rules for sowing seeds in unprotected soil

On prepared ridges they form planting holes and pour water on them. Seed material is laid out in them, deepened by 2 cm, at intervals of 8-10 cm, and sprinkled with humus mixture or earth with the addition of sawdust. On average, 50 grams of seeds are needed per 10 square meters. If the quality of the seed material does not inspire confidence, then 2-4 seeds can be placed in one hole.

Features of the seedling method

You can grow cucumber seedlings in a warm, well-lit room. Planting containers filled with a substrate of a mixture of peat and sawdust with the addition of ammonium nitrate and watered.

The seeds are deepened into the substrate by 1 cm and dropped in drops. The containers are covered with polyethylene until the first shoots. As the seedlings grow, you need to ensure that the soil is constantly moist. Before planting cucumbers in open ground, the seedlings need to be hardened off for a week, gradually accustoming them to fresh air.

Landing rules

The day before planting, the seedlings should be watered well. The procedure is carried out in a clear warm weather. Cucumber seedlings are planted in open ground at intervals of 10-15 cm so that the plants do not interfere with each other. Only the roots go deep into the ground, otherwise there is a risk of root rot.

Rules of care

Growing a cucumber crop requires compliance with a number of rules, which include irrigation, fertilization, loosening and hilling, protection from diseases and pests.

After planting cucumbers in open ground, they need careful care, because the plants are not yet accustomed to the new conditions and are vulnerable:

Fertilizers must be applied carefully so as not to scorch the leaves. The procedure is carried out in warm, clear weather, otherwise nutrients are not completely absorbed by the root system.

Protection against diseases

The cucumber crop has many enemies. But the most common and dangerous disease is cladosporiosis. The causative agent of the disease is fungi, which activate their activity during sudden changes temperature regime And high humidity. Black spots with a sulfur coating form on bushes and young cucumbers. The fruits become distorted and stop growing.

For treatment, drugs with benzimidazole are used, in the form of a spray solution.

Cucumbers can also be affected. This fungal disease, which manifests itself by appearing on the foliage white plaque. The disease spreads rapidly and the plant dies.

For treatment, sulfur-containing and fungicidal preparations are used to remove weeds and damaged parts of the plant.

A good harvest of cucumbers directly depends on quality care and correct landing. Detailed tips You can watch the video on planting cucumbers in open ground.

Harvesting should be done in the morning or evening, and to keep the vegetables firm, they should be covered with a tarp or placed in a cool, shaded place. If you follow all the rules of agricultural technology and select suitable variety crops, then the harvests will be stable and rich.

Planting seeds and seedlings of cucumbers in the ground - video

It is necessary to grow cucumbers at soil moisture of 75 - 95% and relative air humidity of 70 - 80%. The most suitable is fertile, loose soil with a neutral reaction of the soil solution. Undemanding to lighting conditions. Planting cucumbers is done either by sowing seeds or by planting seedlings grown in advance. So how to grow and how to plant cucumber seedlings in open ground?

Growing cucumbers in open ground should be done in loose soil.

Growing and subsequent planting of any vegetable crop seedlings allows you to get earlier and high yield, as well as significantly reduce seed consumption and grow vegetables that do not ripen when sown in open ground. Seedlings can be grown using a potless method, directly in the soil (substrate) of a greenhouse or in specially prepared pots. Growing cucumbers from seeds in the garden or planting them as ready-made seedlings in open ground does not require certain knowledge, some of which we share with you.

Growing cucumber seedlings

Growing cucumbers to be fully prepared before planting takes about 35 days.

Growing seedlings for planting in open ground lasts 30 - 35 days. IN middle lane seeds should be planted at the end of April. You can plant the seeds in paper cups or bags, or special peat pots measuring 8x8 cm, filled with soil mixture. Its main components are a mixture of peat, humus of turf soil with mullein and mineral fertilizer. Approximate composition of soil for planting: 5 parts peat, 3 parts humus, 1 part turf soil and 1 part mullein.

Growing healthy, resilient seedlings begins with careful selection of seeds. To select, immerse the seeds in water at room temperature for 5 minutes, then lower them into the solution. table salt and pour it a couple of times. We discard the floating seeds. Selected seeds are disinfected by placing them in a solution of potassium permanganate with boric acid for 15 minutes (0.1 g of potassium permanganate and 0.02 g of boric acid per 1 liter of solution), after which they are washed with clean water and dried. If necessary, we carry out germination and hardening of seeds.

When growing seedlings in a pot, do 1-2 feedings.

In each pot, to a depth of 2-3 cm, plant 2-3 pieces of sprouted or dry seeds, strengthening them in the soil with soil mixture. Then carefully, through a strainer, water the seeds with water at room temperature and, covering the pots with film, remove them for growing. Optimal temperature for seed germination - 25 - 28 degrees. After the shoots emerge, the film is removed and the seedlings are thinned out, leaving 1 - 2 plants in the pot. The temperature is lowered for 2-3 days to 18-20 degrees during the day and to 15 degrees at night. Then we raise the temperature again to 22 - 25 degrees during the day and to 20 - 22 degrees at night. Relative humidity air is maintained at 85 - 95%.

While growing seedlings, soil is added to the pots and 1 or 2 fertilizing is done. The first is given during the formation of 2 true leaves (ammonia selenium), the second after 10-14 days ( phosphorus-potassium fertilizer), based on 10 liters from 50 to 80 g of fertilizers. Growing seedlings is not complete without moderate watering with warm (25 - 28 degrees) water that does not over-wet the soil. Feeding is carried out in the morning in sunny weather. After feeding, the fertilizer solution is washed off the leaves with clean water.

Cucumbers are plants that do not need long daylight hours, so artificially reducing daylight hours to 10–12 hours over the course of 17–20 days helps accelerate their growth and development, as well as a noticeable increase in yield. We reduce daylight hours by artificial shading in the morning and evening hours. Seedlings ready for planting have 2-3 true leaves of dark green color. The squat root system should cover the entire volume of the soil. 5 - 7 days before planting seedlings in open ground, they are hardened by intensive ventilation during the day and then at night.

Today we will find out the following questions: when to plant cucumbers as seedlings for open ground, how to do it correctly and what to take into account?

When to plant?

When choosing the time of transplantation, two factors should be taken into account: soil and air temperature and plant age.


The optimal time for planting cucumbers in open ground is the end of May.

As a rule, by this time the air warms up above 20 degrees during the daytime, and at night the temperature does not drop below 15-17.

The soil at a depth of 10 cm should warm up up to 12 degrees.

But if it’s cooler outside, there’s no need to rush into planting.

ADVICE! If your seedlings are ready for planting, and the air temperature is not high enough, You can initially provide shelter for cucumbers. As soon as the air warms up, continue to grow the vegetable in open ground.

Plastic five-liter bottles are very convenient in this regard. The bottom is cut off from them and the cucumber bush is covered with the resulting cap. During the day, unscrew the cap for ventilation and cover the bottle at night. It turns out a kind of mini-greenhouse, which will allow cucumbers into the ground earlier by one to two weeks.

Seedling age

The age of the seedlings is also important for planting. Cucumber sowing must be calculated in such a way that by the time of planting, it has formed 3-4 true leaves. It is at this time that the plant’s root system is sufficiently developed, and it will tolerate a change in growing location well. The cucumber reaches this phase of development at the age 20-25 days after germination.

Preparing for transplant

Before moving into open ground, cucumber seedlings need to be prepared for the procedure. If you remove plants unprepared for the sun and changes in temperature and immediately place them in the soil, the cucumbers will die.

Two weeks before planting, boxes of cucumbers should begin to be taken outside..

First for a short time, gradually increasing it.

Choose a shaded place, protected from drafts, to install the boxes.

For your first walk, choose a warm, windless day.

To prevent infection of seedlings 5-6 days before planting, treat the plants with a solution of the drug “Epin” or “Immunocytophyte”.

Preparing the bed

It's important to choose right place for planting cucumber on the plot. Don't forget that cucumbers are susceptible to diseases, and when choosing a location, you need to take into account what plants were located there the previous year.

You can’t plant cucumbers after pumpkins, zucchini, squash, and melons.. The best predecessors are , cabbage and onions. These crops have different diseases from cucumber, which means the risk of infection is minimal.

The place for cucumbers should be illuminated as much as possible by the sun. during the day and at the same time must be protected from the wind. Do not plant cucumbers in a draft, otherwise you will not get a harvest.

The bed for cucumbers needs to be dug well, humus and nitrophoska (a tablespoon per square meter) added to the soil. If the soil is highly acidic, add when digging slaked lime or ash. Cucumber prefers loose, light compositions, so if your site has heavy, dense soil, you need to add peat or sand to it.

The width of the bed should be selected in such a way that it is convenient to care for the plants (80-90 cm). For cucumbers, it is advisable to make high beds, raised 15-20 cm above the level of the rest of the soil. This height will provide the root system with sufficient heat.

IMPORTANT! Do not make the bed wider than 130 cm. In this case, you will have to plant cucumbers in three rows, and it will be difficult to care for the central specimens.

Warm bed for cucumbers

A warm bed is ideal for growing cucumbers. biofuel based.

In such conditions, the roots of the vegetable will receive enough heat and at the same time be provided with nutrition.

This is significant will accelerate their growth and bring the harvest closer.

REFERENCE! The most suitable manure for a warm bed is horse manure. It is able to maintain a temperature of 50-60 degrees for 1.5 - 2 months.

  1. Digging to make a bed trench 40-50 cm deep and 1 meter wide. A layer of soil is removed from it and rotted manure mixed with chopped straw is placed at the bottom. The layer is 20-30 cm.
  2. This layer is covered on top with soil removed from the trench. The thickness of the soil should be 20-30 cm.
  3. 1-2 days before planting the cucumbers, the garden bed is watered hot water and cover black film. By the time of planting, the soil temperature in such a bed will be optimal, and cucumber roots placed in warm soil will take root more easily.

If warm bed There is no way to do this, you can put a little manure-straw mixture in each hole to a depth of 40-45 cm, and sprinkle earth on top. The effect will be approximately the same.

REFERENCE! The manure bed promotes the formation of female flowers in the cucumber, since it actively releases carbon dioxide. The yield in such a bed increases significantly.

Landing technology

The ideal option for growing cucumbers is peat pots or tablets. This method allows you not to injure the delicate roots and plant each plant along with a lump of earth in prepared holes.

For planting, dig holes, the depth of which should correspond to the height of the pot or earthen coma, in which the plant is placed.

  1. The holes are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other, the row spacing between plants should be 40-50 cm. Before planting, the hole is spilled with water.
  2. Seedlings in peat pots plant in the hole with them, deepening them to the full height. If the cucumber is grown in a cup, turn it over and, holding the stem with your hand, carefully remove it from the clod of earth. Try to act as carefully as possible without damaging the delicate roots.
  3. ATTENTION! Plant only in the evening, preferably after 17.00. If the procedure is carried out in the morning or afternoon, the hot spring sun will burn your plants, they will wither and die.

  4. Plants are buried in the soil up to the cotyledon leaves.. The soil around is lightly compacted and watered. You need to pour about 1 liter of liquid under each plant to keep the soil as moist as possible.
  5. After watering, the surface should be mulched with dry grass or small straw to prevent moisture from evaporating. You can cover the surface with a special lightproof film.

IMPORTANT! Don't water the cucumbers cold water, the liquid should be slightly warm.

Care in the first days after disembarkation

After planting a cucumber in the garden, it is advisable to shade for 1-2 days so that the bright rays of the sun do not burn the leaves. Do not rush the plant until the roots take root - excess moisture at this time it can cause them to rot. The first watering after planting can be done in 2-3 days.

14 days after planting in the ground, cucumbers can be fertilized with organic fertilizer.

IMPORTANT! Do not loosen the soil around the cucumber. This plant's roots are close to the surface and you are sure to damage them. If a crust has formed on the soil, carefully break it up with the blunt end of a hoe.

How to properly plant cucumbers in open ground with seeds?

If you have not grown cucumbers in cups, you can sow them directly into the ground. Recommendations for preparing beds are the same as for planting seedlings.

When are cucumbers planted in open ground with seeds? Optimal time for sowing – May 15-20. By this time, the soil temperature has warmed up to 16-18 degrees and seedlings will appear in 5-7 days.

Sowing is carried out into the holes, 2-3 seeds in each, to a depth of 2-3 cm. The number of seeds is increased in case some of them do not germinate. If all the specimens have sprouted, select the strongest one and remove the rest. When removing, do not pull the unwanted sprout out of the soil, as you may touch the remaining one.

Carefully break off the top, leaving the root in the ground. Thinning is carried out no earlier than at least 3 leaves have formed. By this time it is already possible to identify the most strong plant, and also to exclude the death of what remains in the hole.

ATTENTION! Place the seed in the hole flat or with its nose facing up. If the seed's nose is at the bottom, the plant may not appear.

When landing expensive varietal seeds pre-germination can be used. To do this, place them in a damp cloth and place them in warm place. Before soaking, you can treat the seeds with Epin or Zircon.

This will prevent them from becoming infected with pathogens and speed up germination. In addition to these drugs, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate or aloe leaf juice for treatment.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):