To do this you will need a ripe pot of soil. First, remove the seed from the fruit and treat it with a growth stimulator, which you can always buy at a gardening store. Follow the instructions that are usually on the label.

Next, place several broken shards or pieces of brick at the bottom of the pot with the hole. This will result in drainage, without which the roots will be damp and stuffy. Fill the pot with soil. For it, take purchased citrus soil or prepare a mixture of humus, turf soil, peat and sand taken from equal amount.

The soil for the tangerine needs to be steamed over a pan of boiling water.

Plant the seed in a pot, water it and place it in a warm place. You will have to wait a long time, only in a month will the sprout appear. During this time, the soil needs to be watered periodically so that the soil does not dry out. Move the pot with the sprout to a lighted place, take care of the young tree and after a couple of years you will get beautiful plant, which will bloom and even delight with fruits. True, they will not be tasty, but to get sweet tangerines, you need to plant this bush in at a young age or grow another plant.

To graft a tangerine, you need to take a cutting or bud from a varietal plant.

Growing tangerine from cuttings

To get a plant with sweet fruits, you will need a tangerine with a twig and a leaf. You can buy one like this in a store. The main thing is that the branch is not withered. Cut off a cutting with a leaf and plant it in a loose fertile land. Pour over and cover with halved plastic bottle from sparkling water with the lid unscrewed.

After a couple of months, the branch will take root and new leaves will appear. During this time, it is important to monitor soil moisture. When the plant is completely strengthened, the cover can be removed. Further care comes down to regular watering, annual replanting in more spacious potty with soil replacement and fertilizing. For fertilizing, take manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Water the soil under your home tree with this solution 2 times a year, in spring and autumn.

First, the tangerine will grow, then it will bloom with beautiful white flowers, and soon you will be able to enjoy its fruits, grown with your own hands.

You can grow a tree using seedlings or planting a seed. If problems can arise with a seedling, then you definitely won’t have them with seeds. You can go to any store near your home and buy tangerines. In its tender and juicy pulp you will definitely find a couple of seeds from which you can grow a tangerine at home.

But, like any plant, this tree requires special treatment. Growing a plant from a seed has its own special secrets.

Preparing seeds

Those who have ever tried to germinate seeds know that it is better if the seeds are soaked before doing so. To do this, the bones can be placed in a damp cloth made of natural fibers, and leave it alone for 2-3 days, placing it at home in a warm place. Just make sure that the fabric always remains damp and wet it periodically. In a few days, roots will begin to appear.

You just need to avoid excess moisture; the seeds should not float in water! It is better to germinate up to 10 pieces or more at once, because it will not be possible to germinate everything at once; some of them will die even before rooting. Then choose the strongest one and healthy plant, raised at home.

If you are not confident that you can monitor the moisture content of the fabric, go to a specialty store and buy a special hydrogel. He will not only create optimal humidity, but will also nourish the already sprouted sprout. The main thing is to immerse the seeds in the middle of the gel, and not just scatter them on the surface.

Soil preparation

When choosing soil for your tree, immediately stop using peat; this soil dries out too quickly, and nutrients there's not much in it. The ideal soil would be one you make yourself; for this you will need the following:

  • Forest soil – 2 parts;
  • Humus - 2 parts;
  • Sand – 1 part.

But, if you don’t have the opportunity to mix the ingredients yourself, you can buy soil with a neutral pH at the store. For example, a mixture of “Rose” or “Veriohumus”; there is also a special mixture for growing citrus fruits, but it is not always possible to find it.

How to plant a seed

When the seed has swelled, sprouted and a root has sprouted, it’s time to plant it at home. If you don’t know what a grown seed looks like, it’s better to look at the photo so as not to make mistakes.

A small pot or flowerpot with a volume of more than four liters is suitable for planting. Before filling the soil, fill the bottom with drainage. This can be small pebbles, nut shells, expanded clay, etc. Then we fill the flowerpot with earth, leaving about 6 cm from the top edge. We place seeds on the ground, preferably several at a time, and fill them with another four centimeters of earth.

It is best to place the pot with seeds in a warm place, ideally on the south side and be sure to monitor the condition of the soil. The soil should be moist, but not wet. And the temperature is not lower than 20 °C. Remember, you have a guest at home from warm, southern countries who requires special care.

What needs to be done for active growth

The planting has taken place, but you need to wait two to three weeks before the plants themselves become noticeable. In general, tangerine is a rather slow-growing tree. It may stop growing for several months. But if you give it everything it needs at home, then after several years your eyes will be pleased with the beautiful tree.

In order for growth and development to proceed correctly, you need to take into account factors such as temperature and lighting, watering and fertilizing, replanting and more.


Lighting has important beneficial properties for growth. Abundant sunlight he needs at least 12 hours a day all year round. But at the same time in spring and summer during the hottest hours, when straight lines fall sun rays, the tree needs shade. Temperature - do not allow the temperature at home to drop; where the tangerine grows, it should not be lower than +13. But the plant doesn’t care about temperatures of +40 °C or higher, as long as there is sufficient humidity.


loves very much this plant moisture. Dry soil and air can cause death. Therefore, if the air in the apartment is dry, care includes spraying the leaves and stems with a spray bottle and wiping with a dust cloth.

A monthly shower procedure has beneficial properties.


You need to water your tangerine at home when the layer of soil on top dries out. Just take a lump and rub between your fingers. The soil crumbles when pressed - it’s time to water. But overwatering will cause the roots to rot.

Tap water is absolutely not suitable for citrus plants, since it contains chlorine and metal salts. Such water will not bring any benefit to the plant, and will also cause spots to appear on the leaves and disrupt metabolic processes in the shoot, which will negatively affect cultivation. It is better to pour water from a hot tap, let it sit for at least a day, and it will be suitable for watering.

If you live in own home, then it is better to take water from a well or stream, letting it warm up to room temperature. But rainwater It’s better not to use it, it now contains too many various chemical impurities and all the beneficial properties have disappeared.

In winter, it is better to water the tree with water heated to a temperature of at least +30 °C. In the summer, it’s easier to put the water on the window and the sun will decide the heating issue for you.

Top dressing

With the appearance of the first leaves, you can already start feeding and do this twice a month, both organic and mineral fertilizers. There are also fertilizers for citrus fruits on sale. Fertilizing is done the next day after watering, otherwise the roots will get burned. When the plant takes the form of a tree, fertilizing is carried out only in spring and autumn period. And in winter, the beneficial properties of feeding are lost, as the plant rests.


As the tree grows, it needs to be replanted into a flowerpot once a year. larger size. Choose a new one with a diameter 3 cm larger than the previous one. Best time for transplantation February-March. Replanting is carried out by transshipment, keeping the old clod of earth and adding fresh soil on the sides. After two weeks, the plant always begins a period of growth activation; at this time it is better to feed the tree.

Pest and disease control

For a plant that was grown at home, the enemies are gnawing and sucking pests, as well as viruses and fungi. The most common are spider mites, aphids, scale insects, thrips, etc. Care involves destroying them. Use natural biological products that have beneficial properties - infusion onion peel or garlic.

The appearance of a thrips fly at home is the first sign of wet soil; constantly loosen the soil and allow the top layer to dry.

But the infection of tangerine grown from a seed with scale insects or spider mite may lead to the death of the plant. If you notice the finest cobwebs on the stems and leaves, make sure that this is not the work of a spider and urgently treat it with special preparations, for example, Actellik, but others will also work. But strictly follow the instructions for the drug.

Can also be used folk remedieslaundry soap and mix tobacco dust in the following proportions - 10 grams, add 1 tbsp to the solution. spoons filled with a glass of water and infused for 6 days. The resulting solution should be sprayed on the plant 3 times, with an interval of 6 days.

Grafting and the tangerine bears fruit

After about eight years, the grown tree will bloom and bear fruit. Only the fruits turn out beautiful and green, but not very tasty, very sour.

If you want to grow the same fruits as in the store, then you cannot do without grafting. To do this you need to buy a cutting the right variety or search for a fruit-bearing plant you know. The grafting operation must be performed with a sterile instrument, but it is up to you to decide which incision is best. Look at the photo and choose the best one for your plant.

But remember that you need to vaccinate clearly and quickly, thinking through everything in advance. Caring for the junction consists of treating it with garden varnish and bandaging it.

A tangerine grown at home can reach a height of up to 1.5 m. When it blooms or bears fruit, you always want to capture it in a photo, because the tree simply attracts the eye with its beauty.

The tangerine tree will decorate any interior. Its fruits are not as sweet as those grown on outdoors but they look very nice. Besides citrus oils are able to disinfect the air in the room, while simultaneously saturating it with oxygen. Therefore, it would be useful to find out how to grow a tangerine from a seed at home, especially since it is quite exciting activity.

Seed preparation

First, you should buy and eat tangerines. Seeds for planting are selected from ripe and sweet fruits. When making a selection, focus your attention on rounded large seeds- they are the most viable. After this, the bones must undergo preparation. They are wrapped in damp gauze and left for 5 days. This time is required to planting material saturated with water and swelling occurred . Some tips:

When the shoots appear, you can select 2-3 of the strongest seedlings for further cultivation, and distribute the rest of the material or throw it away. Plastic cups are suitable for initial planting; as the plants grow, they are transplanted into pots. A grown seedling will need a 4-liter pot.

Step-by-step planting instructions

When grown in a common container, a layer of expanded clay or clay shards is placed on the bottom. Drainage is necessary to ensure that moisture does not stagnate at the roots. The soil must be breathable and fertile. You can buy special soil for citrus plants in the store.. After this, they begin planting:

Immediately after transplanting, care should be taken not to flood the plant. Tangerine roots are prone to rotting. Until the seedling takes root in its new location, it is watered extremely carefully.

Caring for a tangerine tree

A tangerine tree from a seed at home requires specific care so that it can grow, develop and bear fruit.

One of important conditions successful growth serves frequent transplantation. Young plants need to be replanted annually, and adults - once every 2-3 years. In this case, the diameter of the new pot each time should be 4-6 cm larger than the previous container. When the tree grows too big, it is no longer disturbed. In this case, instead of transplanting, replace top layer soil with fresh soil - this will be enough to maintain the plant in a healthy state.

If you do not want to burden yourself with special troubles and achieve fruiting, then basic care will be somewhat simpler. Tangerine must be regularly watered and sprayed foliage, sometimes you can pamper the plant warm shower. This culture is also demanding of light. To maintain decorativeness in winter time It is advisable to organize lighting for the tree. In summer, a pot of tangerines can be taken out to fresh air, the plant will like it.

Some people dream of getting ripe tangerine fruits from an indoor tree. Is this possible? In order for the tree to bloom, it needs special care. Below it will be explained how to grow a tangerine at home that can bear fruit:

After six months, the tangerine is freed from the wire. This method will work if other conditions for planting buds are met: the tree is healthy and has a properly formed crown, and a dormant period is observed during the winter months.

The age of the plant must also be taken into account; at least 5 years must pass from the moment the seed is planted. The taste of tangerine fruit depends on care and maintenance conditions.

Crown formation

To form a crown, a technique such as pinching shoots is used. This is recommended if you want to get fruits grown by yourself. After the main shoot reaches a height of 30-40 cm, its crown must be pinched to stimulate branching, if it does not occur on its own. This allows one to obtain first-order lateral branches. The procedure is continued in the future, removing the tops of all growing shoots and leaving 4-5 leaves on each.

Using this technique, you can ensure that tangerines bloom on branches of the 5th order and bear fruit. Branches growing inside the crown, weak and twisted shoots are also removed. The entire process of crown formation takes 3-4 years. In order for the tree to grow evenly, it must be rotated around its axis from time to time, different sides to the light.

The rotation angle should be small; the pot with the plant is slightly turned once every two weeks. It is not recommended to do this more often, since the mandarin does not like changes in its location.

Good day everyone!

The New Year has arrived, the holidays are over, and the tangerine season is still in full swing. Today's article is about how to grow tangerines from seeds at home. Probably everyone has tried to stick a tangerine or orange seed into a flower pot. Hoping, deep down, that he will grow tangerine tree. My kids do this often.

And seeds sometimes germinate and then wither. What's the matter? Let's take a closer look at what citrus fruits love and

How to plant a tangerine from a seed at home

Growing tangerines is not a difficult and exciting activity. Do this with your child, it’s very interesting to grow your own tangerine tree!

What are we going to do?

  • Soil preparation
  • Seed preparation and planting
  • Pest and disease control
  • How to grow tangerines with fruits at home?
  • Graft
  • Video about tangerine grafting

1. Soil preparation

Tangerines don't like dry ones, sour earth. Therefore, we try to avoid peat getting into the soil. Store-bought mixtures almost always contain peat. Read the composition and choose soil without peat. Best cast You can cook it yourself.

  • 2 parts humus,
  • 2 parts of forest land
  • 1 part sand

Not everyone can do this at home, the main thing is that the soil is light and allows water and air to pass through well. If the soil is ready, prepare the seeds.

2. Seed preparation and planting

Although I don’t like to adjust the seeds, still soak the tangerine seeds for better germination. You can put them in a damp cloth for a couple of days and put them in a warm place. There is no need to fill it with water, but make sure that the fabric is always damp and does not dry out.

Now our seeds have swelled well, and maybe sprouts have appeared, we are preparing a pot. A size of 4 liters or more is needed for a grown seedling, but you can also sow in cups for now, then transfer to a larger volume.

As with any flower, you need to put drainage at the bottom - a layer of pebbles, shards, nut shells. Then we fill it with soil and plant the seeds to a depth of about 4 cm.

We plant several at once, up to a dozen.

First of all, not everyone will grow up without proper care. Secondly, if you decide to plant a twig of varietal tangerine on it, then it is better to have several bushes for the experiment. Vaccinations are not often successful the first time; the tree may die.

Until germination we keep the pots in warm place, monitor the humidity. Then we transfer the sprouts to a bright, warm place, not lower than 20°C - tangerine is heat-loving southern plant and doesn't like the cold.

Six-month-old tangerine seedling

3. Care

Young and even adult tangerine trees do not like dry air and dry soil. They need to be sprayed frequently with water, since apartments have dry air in winter, and the leaves must be wiped clean from dust. We water as needed; overwatering is also harmful.

A tangerine tree can grow at home for many years. Every year it needs to be replanted by transferring it into a larger pot. And after eight years, a year later.

It is important for your pet's health to spot pests early.

4. Pest and disease control

Red mites, aphids, and flies may appear on the tangerine. There are different biological products, " green soap", or prepare an infusion of garlic and onion peels. It is better not to use chemicals at home. You won’t need it if you notice a problem with the tangerines in time.

Rinse the entire plant thoroughly and give it a real “bath”. You can place the pot in the bathroom or sink, and sparing no solutions, wash all the leaves and trunk from pests. Because simply spraying will not do anything.

Read more about recipes for preparing solutions for controlling plant pests.

Flies usually breed in constantly moist soil, do not flood the tangerine, constantly loosen the soil, let the top layer dry.

Also, from waterlogging, young tangerines can get blackleg and die.

Video about growing tangerines at home

5. How to grow tangerines with fruits at home?

No way without vaccination. The seed that we plant from the tangerine will grow into a wild one. With beautiful shiny green leaves, which if you rub, smell wonderful of citrus. Maybe it will even bloom in 3-5 years and it will have small green sour tangerines. That is, how decorative flower, tangerine grows well at home for many people.

If you really want real tangerines to grow on it, then you need to graft a sprig of varietal tangerine onto it.

You can grow such beauty at home!

6. Vaccination

You need to find a fresh cutting of a varietal tangerine from friends or buy it. If you cannot plant it right away, store it in a bag on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator so that it does not dry out.

All operations are performed with a sharp, clean (disinfected) instrument. Eat different types cuts, as for any fruit trees. Choose which one is more convenient for you.

The vaccine is given on young tree as thick as a pencil. You can graft a bud and a cutting. There are many different ways, you can make a T-shaped shallow cut on your game, and insert the scion there almost under the bark. For a scion or cutting, you need to make a cut at an acute angle, try to ensure that the cut fits completely into our cut.

You need to work quickly and accurately, like a surgeon during an operation. Think and prepare everything in advance. Then we cover the grafting site with garden varnish and bandage it with fumlente, which is used in plumbing or with tape.

It is advisable to cover the plant after grafting - make it a mini-greenhouse. It may look something like the photo.

Mandarin after vaccination

After a month, you can remove the film; when a new branch begins to grow, remove the bandage.

Mandarin is a very popular citrus crop. Nowadays you can find miniature ones for sale in specialized stores without any problems. tangerine trees strewn with small fruits. But the price of this exotic is very high and therefore not everyone can afford such a purchase.

But you shouldn’t get upset about this ahead of time; below we will talk in detail about how to grow a real tangerine from a seed yourself. To do this, you just need a well-ripened fruit and a little patience.

Preparing seeds and soil

For sowing, you need to take seeds from well-ripened fruits. They must be planted immediately after removal, without allowing them to dry out. If the seeds are exposed to air for just a few hours, this will significantly reduce their viability. Before sowing, they can be soaked for a day in warm water with the addition of growth stimulants. For example, you can use a drug such as Epin.

Also, some gardeners carry out pre-sowing seed germination. To do this, the swollen bones are laid out on a layer of damp gauze, which is then periodically moistened, preventing it from drying out. If you don’t want to bother with gauze, you can use hydrogel.

The soil for sowing must be light, moisture-absorbing and breathable. For example, for these purposes you can use a substrate intended for growing citrus plants. His mechanical properties and composition are closest to optimal performance.

Sowing rules

For sowing, you can use any container of suitable volume. They definitely need to be punched drainage holes to drain excess water. Drainage made of expanded clay or small pebbles is laid at their bottom, and only then soil is poured.

Up to a dozen seeds can be planted in each container at once; some of them, most likely, simply will not sprout. In this case, the depth of planting the seeds should be no more than 2 cm. After sowing is completed, the containers are covered with a piece of polyethylene film and placed in a warm place with a temperature not lower than +25° C. From the moment of sowing to the emergence of seedlings, it usually takes about 1 month.

Seedling care and growing conditions

To grow tangerines from seeds at home, it is not enough to simply sow the seeds and wait for the shoots to appear. If the seedlings are not cared for proper care, then they will most likely die.

Immediately after germination, the container with seedlings is placed in a warm and bright place. During this period, it is imperative to ensure that the soil in it does not dry out. Mandarin does not tolerate dry soil and dry air.

Therefore, in addition to regular watering, seedlings also require periodic spraying with warm, settled water. To increase the humidity of the surrounding air, you can also place a container of water next to the pot. IN winter period The frequency of watering should be reduced to a minimum. At this time, small tangerines do not grow, so they are in a state of rest.

During the period of intensive growth from March to August, seedlings can be fed. For these purposes, it is best to use a special fertilizer for citrus crops.

Attention! All fertilizing must be applied on moist soil. When watering dry soil root system may suffer serious burns.

Mandarins grown at home should be carefully transferred into a larger pot once a year in the spring. Moreover, the new capacity should be slightly larger than the previous one.

Like any other citrus crop, the tangerine seed tree is quite demanding in terms of lighting levels. Therefore, a south-oriented window is best suited for its placement. In winter, it is best for the plant to provide additional lighting with fluorescent or phyto lamps.

How to grow fruit-bearing tangerine

A tangerine grown from a seed begins to bear fruit no earlier than 6-10 years of age. To significantly speed up this process, vaccination is used. To carry it out you will need the following:

  1. The rootstock, that is, the seedling itself. At the time of grafting, the diameter of its stem must be at least 5 mm.
  2. Scion, that is, a branch from a fruiting tangerine. Her age should be no more than 2 years. You can often buy it from a greenhouse or from citrus collectors.
  3. A sharp knife, preferably a special budding one. If it is not available, an ordinary small kitchen one will do.
  4. Insulating tape.
  5. A small amount of garden varnish.

After preparing the necessary equipment, you can begin grafting. The procedure for carrying it out is as follows:

  1. A T-shaped cut is made on the rootstock 10 cm from the soil surface. Its length should be about 3 cm vertically and 1 cm horizontally.
  2. All leaves are removed from the scion, after which it is carefully inserted into the incision site.
  3. The joint is fixed with electrical tape.
  4. A suitable size plastic bag is placed over the plant.
  5. If the outcome is favorable, after about a month the scion begins to grow. After which the plant must be ventilated periodically.
  6. 20-30 days after the start of growth, the main stem of the seedling is cut obliquely at a height of 3 cm from the grafting site.

Attention! After removing the main shoot of the rootstock, the cut remains and must be covered with garden varnish.

From the article above, we learned how to germinate a tangerine seed and how to then get a full-fledged fruit-bearing tree from it. But sometimes during the growing process, tangerine is attacked by various pests or affected by diseases.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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