IN ancient Rus' beans were considered the main food of the common people and one of the main vegetable crops. But after the appearance of the “Petrovsky” potatoes, the planting of beans gradually decreased. IN Tsarist Russia consumption of beans has decreased in Russian gardens by three times. And on modern summer cottages and there are none in the gardens at all! It's a pity…

Vegetable beans contain components unique to the human body: protein, up to 35%; light fat, 15%, as well as rare mineral salts. Our body easily digests any beans, both mature and green – early, not yet “ripe” ones.

As an “energy for nutrition”, beans have 3 times more calories than potatoes and 7 times more calories than cabbage.

It is very useful for children to eat both young, unripe beans (raw), and fully ripened, dried ones. Due to their high-quality hardness, they already need to be boiled or stewed. Beans are not demanding of their predecessors in the garden, like soybeans or peas, but after them, any vegetables and plants grow well in the next season. It has been noted that their powerful root system loosens and enriches even the most depleted soils with microelements.

The principle of action is similar to annual phacelia. (phacelia, this plant is green manure, i.e. living green manure). And yet they prefer beans loamy soils, and light and wet ones are not desirable. If you choose the worst site for beans, then in the fall you need to add a little manure, potassium salt and superphosphates. Dig this entire mixture onto the “bayonet” of a shovel. And, in the spring, it’s enough to loosen the soil and start sowing.

Beans can be sown from the third ten days of April until the end of May. It is important to sort through the seeds and remove damaged ones before planting. To revive the metabolic processes in beans, it is useful to soak them in water (50–55 degrees) for 10 minutes, and then to speed up germination, place the beans in cold water. But, no longer than 2 hours. And the planting material is ready!

Video about agricultural technology of legumes in a garden plot

Vegetable beans are useful to grow in the garden not only for eating, but also for feeding other crops. Beans are an unpretentious crop when growing. Caring for them in open ground requires only timely watering, loosening and hilling.

Planting beans in open ground is done with seeds. in early spring . To grow beans correctly, get good harvest and enrich garden soil, it is enough to comply simple rules agricultural technology.

Conditions for growing beans

The conditions for growing beans are largely due to their cold resistance, and the technology is similar to the principles of growing other legumes.

  • Bean seeds begin to germinate at positive temperatures of 3-4 °C.
  • Beans begin to be sown as early as possible in the spring.
  • The grown plant can easily withstand short-term frosts down to 4 °C below zero.
  • A temperature of 17-18 °C will be quite enough for optimal growth vegetable beans. The beans will feel most comfortable at a temperature of 20-22 °C.
  • But at temperatures above 25 °C, the beans suffer: the flowers that have formed fall off and the fruits do not ripen.

Vegetable beans are practically not demanding of heat and are considered one of the most cold-resistant crops among other legumes, slightly second only to peas.

Soil for growing beans

  1. Beans are prescribed fertile, loamy and clayey soils.
  2. They need a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction in the environment.
  3. Also, beans tolerate poor soil relatively well.
  4. At the same time, they are demanding of moisture and prefer well-moistened soil.

Unpretentious beans also have their own requirements:

  • they need a bright place, this long day plants.

Therefore, they cannot tolerate a site in the shade and do not do well in acidic and sandy soils.

Growing beans from seeds

Bean seeds can be sown immediately in open ground, after thoroughly moistening the planting site. But if you want to help the seeds germinate faster and more reliably, and also get rid of possible pathogens, the seeds can be treated before planting.

  1. First, bean seeds are soaked in water at room temperature for 5-6 hours (overnight is possible).
  2. If the seeds are very dry, they need more time to soak - it is better to leave them for 12-20 hours, periodically changing the water.
  3. after soaking for 5 minutes, warm up in hot water temperature approx. 50°C.
  4. Then immediately immerse in cold water.
  5. After this treatment, the seeds can be sown.

Bean seeds remain viable for a very long time: from 5 to 10 years, of course, if they are stored correctly:

  • in a dry place,
  • without temperature changes,
  • away from heating devices,
  • avoiding direct sunlight.

Planting beans in open ground

When growing beans from seed, you need to know the best time to plant them.

Bean planting dates

The timing of planting beans in open ground is the same as for: end of Aprilearly May.

  1. The earlier you sow beans, the better - they will have a higher yield, larger seeds with a higher protein and starch content, and the plants themselves will be more resistant to aphid damage.
  2. Timing for planting beans to obtain fruits in technical ripeness quite stretched - they can be sown until the end of June.

Bean planting scheme

  • distance between tapes 70 cm,
  • Leave about half a meter between the rows.
  • Seeds are sown from each other at a distance of 12-15 cm.
  • Place 2-3 seeds in the nest and plant them to a depth of 6-8 cm.

At two-line landing on the beds, the seeding density is observed:

  1. For tall varieties 20 seeds per 1 m² according to a 20 by 20 cm pattern,
  2. for low-growing (dwarf) varieties - 28 seeds per 1 m².

Applies also square nest method sowing (70 by 70 cm), when 5-6 seeds are placed in one nest.

Preparing the soil for planting beans

Collateral proper agricultural technology is the careful preparation and fertilization of the soil for growing beans. When preparing a place for planting beans, it is advisable to apply mineral or organic fertilizers.

  • Beans grow well in soils amended with organic matter, so in the fall it is recommended to add 5-9 kg for planting beans organic fertilizers per 1 m².
  • According to the rules of bean agricultural technology, they are planted after any crop 1-2 years after application manure.
  • Beans protect any plantings and crops very well from the wind.
  • Therefore, if we consider joint plantings, then it is better to plant beans around the perimeter of the beds and potato fields.
  • Some gardeners even note that such circular closed plantings of beans repel moles. In this case, beans of the variety are considered especially effective Black Russians , sown at a distance of 12-15 cm from each other.

Beans are ideal for crop rotation. Beans are an excellent precursor for any crop, because... saturate the soil with nitrogen from nodule bacteria.

Caring for beans in open ground

Caring for beans is minimal and includes watering, loosening and hilling, and rarely weeding and fertilizing.

Caring for young beans

  • Young plants need one-time feeding and regular loosening.
  • Young plants need a little help and care that they are not disturbed by weeds. Therefore, in the first time after sowing, you need to pay attention to weeding.
  • When the seedlings grow and gain strength, the weeds will not interfere with them; the beans themselves will begin to inhibit the growth of weeds.

Hilling beans

  1. When the beans reach a height of 50 cm, they are hilled.
  2. During the bean planting season, you will need to loosen and prune the beans 2-3 times.
  3. Hilling up simultaneously with loosening contributes to greater plant stability and helps withstand winds.

Watering the beans

  • Beans should be watered before mass flowering only during dry periods.
  • As soon as flowering begins, watering should be regular.
  • At the same time, make sure that there is no waterlogging, otherwise the vegetative mass of the beans will begin to actively grow to the detriment of the development of flowers and fruits.

Feeding beans

  1. If you fertilize the soil well before planting beans, additional feeding they don't need it.
  2. If the soils are poor, you can pamper the plants with a treat made from slurry - but no more than once per season.

Pinching the tops of the beans

  • As soon as the beans begin to bloom en masse, they need to be pinched - this effective method protection from aphids that eat young shoots.
  • Tops 10-15 cm long are cut off, buried or burned.
  • Pinching also promotes uniform ripening of the fruit.

Supporting and tying beans

Beans have a straight, non-lodging stem, which can be either low in height, only 20 cm, or quite tall - up to 180 cm. Therefore, for tall varieties it is necessary to provide support.

  1. You can stick meter-long pegs at the ends of the bed and stretch twine between them every 25-30 cm, and tie the plants to it.
  2. This will be easier and simpler than tying each bush to a separate peg.

Diseases and pests of beans

Uninvited guests garden plots– crows and rooks love to pull out young shoots of beans. Here you will have to provide methods for protecting and scaring birds away from the site.

When using quality planting material and proper care beans rarely get sick. However, their plantings are susceptible to attack by fungal diseases:

  • root spot,
  • black leg,
  • ascochyta blight,
  • rust,
  • fusarium.

One of the most dangerous pests counts nodule weevil. Its larvae eat nodules on the roots, and the pest itself feeds on young leaves, causing the plant to weaken and die.

Also attacks beans different types aphids– their activity occurs in the second half of summer. Long bean shoots are more susceptible to black melon aphid , which attacks plantings in August. To combat such pests you can use Fitoverm .

Picking beans

Cleaning starts from the beginning July and are harvested many times during the season.

  1. For direct consumption, the fruits must be collected at technical ripeness, when the bean leaves are juicy, soft, and tender.
  2. Grains in milky ripeness size approx. 1 cm - it occurs approximately 2 weeks after flowering.
  3. Harvesting begins from the bottom of the stem - there the fruits ripen faster.
  4. With more early stages harvested, the seeds are not as tasty and even have a bitter taste.

Remember that eating raw beans is dangerous to your health, just like undercooked ones, because... they contain toxic substances. Therefore, only carefully heat-treated legumes can be eaten.

  • The biological maturity of the beans will be indicated by the darkening of the valves - they acquire a black or brown tint.
  • The time to harvest fruits at biological ripeness is when the pods wither and begin to droop.
  • They can be broken out by hand or the plants can be pulled out by the roots (this is easier to do in damp weather), tied into bundles and hung in the shed to ripen.
  • When the fruits are dry enough, they can be easily peeled and stored.

After harvest aboveground part beans are cut and burned, and the underground goes for digging or compost. Nodule bacteria located on the roots will become a good green manure fertilizer, saturating the soil with nitrogen.

The term “bean” refers to the fruit of any leguminous crop. However, gardeners call this the common or Russian bean - a species of the genus Vika.

This plant is distinguished by its high the nutritional value. It is due to the presence of proteins in fruits, which contain essential amino acids. The product also contains vitamins of groups PP, C, B, iron, calcium, sulfur, potassium and phosphorus. The high calorie content of beans allows you to quickly fill up on dishes made from them and maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Of particular importance is the planting of legumes to restore depleted soils. Bacteria live on the roots of these plants, capable of absorbing atmospheric nitrogen and converting it into ammonia form, available for other crops. In addition, legumes loosen dense soil, prevent the growth of weeds and the washing away of the top fertile layer by rainwater. This is due to the ability of plants to form dense clumps with their roots.

Bean varieties

The main varieties of common beans growing in the Russian Federation include:

  • Aushra. The variety is resistant to pests. The period from sowing to technical maturity is 3.5–4 months.
  • Belorussian. The fruits ripen in 2–2.5 months. The variety is characterized by good yield indicators.
  • Windsor. Large fruits white or green. The variety belongs to early ripening, differs increased productivity. The seedlings tolerate frost well; beans can be grown in northern regions.
  • Velena. Plants are unpretentious to soil. The beans are curved and medium in size.
  • Virovsky. Resistant variety, fruits with high taste qualities.
  • Black giant. tall plants with long (up to 15 cm) pods.
  • Black Russian. Unpretentious variety, the fruits can be eaten without peeling.

Bean cultivation and care

Well-lit, loamy soils are suitable for growing beans. Optimal value acidity – 7.0. Beans are sensitive to potassium deficiency. They respond well to the application of ash and organic fertilizers. It is better to plant plants on a small hill, from which the snow melts early in the spring.

Beans tolerate short-term drought calmly, but not during the flowering and fruiting period. Once the ovaries appear, watering should be carried out regularly, twice a week.

Being green manure plants themselves (introducing nitrogen into the soil), beans cannot tolerate excess nitrogen. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant them after plants of the same family. The predecessors of beans can be tomato, cucumber, potato and cabbage.

Planting beans

Planting can be done immediately after the snow has cleared from the fields. Seeds can easily tolerate temperature drops down to -4°C. In most regions of Russia, this period occurs at the beginning - mid-April. Seedlings can be planted after the hardening procedure in mid-May. Sowing frequency – 40 cm per flat surface, 20–25 cm when using beds. The placement depth is 5–8 cm, depending on the looseness of the soil.

The first shoots appear after 2–3 weeks. Caring for plants comes down to periodic loosening and removing weeds. Optimal temperature for the formation of ovary in beans it is +20–22°C. When its value increases to +25°C or more, barren flowers are formed.

Bean propagation

Seeds can be collected when the valves turn black. The viable ones are selected from the beans. To do this, the seeds are placed in a solution table salt, empty beans float to the surface. To control pests, seeds are treated with granazone or TMTD several weeks before sowing. On the day of planting, the beans are treated with nitrogin.

Beans are a crop that is good for the soil, great for preparing a variety of dishes, and completely easy to grow.

Beans belong to the group Leguminous plants. They have been known in Russia for a long time, but in Lately they began to be undeservedly forgotten. They represent unpretentious plant, which can be eaten.

According to their characteristics, beans belong to useful products, since they contain a large number of protein, microorganisms and vitamin.

They have a good taste, and well-prepared dishes from them can quickly saturate the body.

Beans: care and planting in open ground

The plant has one more advantage: they fertilize the soil well. Therefore, many summer residents grow them so that they can later fertilize their beds. This plant does not harm other crops. All vegetables except onions and garlic can coexist with them in the same bed. The plants are not whimsical and do not require special care during the growing process. This article will talk about how legumes grow in open ground.

Description of beans

They refer to annual plants. The stem is straight with a slight thickening. The height of the shoot can reach 120 cm. The leaves have green color. The root system of beans is very powerful. It can go deep into the earth up to 1.5 m. Flowers have a brush shape, consisting of white, with black spots, flowers. The flowers open in the afternoon and their colors are mesmerizing. Ripe fruits are placed in a pod. The length of the pod is about 30 cm. One pod can contain from two to more seeds. Seeds can be various colors. The color of the seed determines the type of bean. They can be yellow, green, brown and even black.

The plants withstand frost well, as they are cold-resistant plants. Seeds can sprout even at a temperature of +3 °C. Rooted plants can withstand temperatures down to -3°C. Growth activity begins when the temperature environment reaches +19–22 °C.

Variety of beans

Beans are classified according to the size of the fruit (seed). These can be varieties with small, medium or large fruits.

Based on regional characteristics, plants are divided into northern and western European varieties. Northern varieties grown in conditions temperate climate, and Western European varieties have proven themselves well in areas with hot climates.

According to their own taste qualities, yield and other characteristics, beans are divided into the following varieties:

  • Russian blacks. Refers to cold-resistant varieties, and can germinate in the northern latitudes of Russia. One of the hardiest and popular varieties. The height of the bush reaches 60 cm. The flowers are white with black spots. Ripe beans have a curved shape. In a ripe fruit, the pod valves do not open;
  • Belarusian. Belongs to mid-ripening varieties. The height of the stems reaches one meter. Flowers are spotted white. The shape of the fruit is straight. When the pod is ripe, the pod valves open. The seeds are light brown in color. They usually germinate in Belarus, Ukraine and Latvia;
  • Windsor green and white. They also belong to mid-ripening varieties. The height of the bush reaches one meter. The fruit has an elliptical shape. The pod is green in color and has a fleshy body. When ripe, the pod valves open;
  • Virovsky. The plant is classified as mid-early varieties. The bush is straight, one meter high. The flowers are big. The pod is curved. Milky colored seeds.

Features of cultivation

Since the beans are cold-resistant varieties and are not afraid of frost, they are planted in early spring. Comfortable temperature when growing it should be within 22 degrees Celsius. At high temperatures The flowers begin to fall and barren flowers appear en masse. Plants love moisture, especially during flowering. They tolerate drought very poorly.

Choosing a bed for planting beans

The best beds for planting beans are those that are well lit. sun rays. It is advisable to select loamy, slightly acidic soil, but neutral soil may also be suitable. To grow beans, you should choose soil that longer time is in a moist state. These can be various lowlands or spaces between rows of other plants. In unheated and wet soil, the beans simply die. In such soil, the seeds simply rot. Beans can be planted in beds where they previously sprouted vegetable crops, such as potatoes, cabbage and cucumbers.

Planting beans in open ground

  1. soil preparation to planting seeds. They begin to prepare the soil in the fall. In the fall it is carefully dug up. Considering that beans have a powerful and branched root system, the loosening depth is set to at least one bayonet. Before digging you should add organic fertilizers. In the fall, it is recommended to add compost or manure. Fertilizer should be applied at a rate of 3–4 kg/m2. To slightly reduce the acidity of the soil, it should be enriched phosphorus fertilizers, it is best to add ash.

In early spring, when the snow has risen and the soil has dried out somewhat, it should be dug up again and potassium salt (20 g/m2) and superphosphate (10–20 g/m2) should be added.

When planting, the seeds are deepened into the soil by 5–7 cm. The distance between individual bushes is maintained within 10–15 cm. After planting, the beds must be watered. To save garden space, beans can be planted between rows of other plants. In this case, it is recommended to make the row spacing slightly lower so that moisture accumulates there longer.

Plant care

Caring for beans is quite simple. You just need to water, loosen and hill up on time. Special attention should be given to weeding, especially in the initial stage. Rapid development of weeds can lead to stunted growth. Better weeds Do not weed, but pull out by the roots. Beans are capable of suppressing the growth of weeds themselves, but this happens when they are well rooted and have gained strength. During this period, weeding is no longer as important as at the beginning of growth.

When the height of the bush reaches 50 cm, the beans are spudded. During the entire period from planting to fruit ripening, the beans are hilled 2 to 3 times. Hilling is necessary so that the stems are more stable and can withstand wind loads.

When loosening, fertilizers are added to the soil, such as superphosphate (10 g/m2), ammonium nitrate and potassium salt (5 g/m2 each).

Beans are a moisture-loving plant, so they should be watered regularly. It is necessary to water especially abundantly during the period of color release. But we should not forget that excess moisture and its stagnation leads to rotting of the root system and a sharp decrease in yield.

One method of controlling aphids is pinching. The tops of stems about 10–15 cm long are pinched. Pinching promotes uniform development of the fruit. U some varieties of beans the stem reaches a meter in height. To prevent it from breaking, the bushes should be tied up. Typically, wooden pegs are used for gartering, which are driven into the ground next to the bush. If there are a lot of bushes, then you can build a special “trellis”. To do this, wooden or metal racks, and twine or nylon rope is stretched between them.

The bushes are tied directly to a rope or twine.

Harvest Cathedral

Usually the crop is harvested several times. The first harvest is at the beginning of summer, when the beans are not yet fully ripe. Such fruits are eaten fresh, so they are collected while still green. The milky green grains can be harvested approximately two weeks after the first flowers appear. The fruits begin to ripen from the bottom of the bush, so harvesting should begin from the bottom.

Greens juicy fruits usually used in salads. Ripe beans are used for soups. Subsequent collection of seeds is carried out when the fruit valves begin to open. Such ripe fruits can be stored for a long time. Store beans in a dry place away from heating devices.

Beans in the photo

The soil for growing beans from seeds must be fertile, with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. The composition is loamy or clayey, acidic soils Beans must be limed before planting.

Like all plants of the legume family, the roots of vegetable beans form nodule bacteria, fixing air nitrogen, so necessary for normal development plants. Application into the soil nitrogen fertilizers slows down this process. After harvesting, the stems are embedded in the soil - this is a valuable fertilizer. After the final harvest, it is not recommended to uproot the plant itself. The stem is cut above the soil surface, and the root remains in the ground. Nitrogen-fixing nodule bacteria, remaining together with the roots in the ground, will enrich the soil with nitrogen and humus. It is necessary to water the beans, especially during drought, otherwise they will shed flowers and young ovaries.

Beans are harvested for consumption when the leaves become fleshy and the seeds in them are at least one centimeter, which means they have reached milky ripeness. It is not advisable to harvest earlier, since the seeds may not acquire a specific taste and will also be slightly bitter.

If you need to prepare some of the grains for the winter, wait until the pods, and therefore the grains in them, dry out, and only then pick them from the bush. The beans are picked sudden movement down with a turn.

When growing legumes, it is very important not to delay harvesting. The reasons are as follows: ripened fruits inhibit the ripening of subsequent pods; overripe pods open when harvesting, and the beans scatter; ripened fruits can be a tasty morsel for many bugs, and then the eaten beans will not be suitable for storage.

As you can see in the photo, bean seeds irregular shape, flat:

Irregularly shaped bean seeds (photo)
Flat bean seeds (photo)

To obtain seeds, the beans are left to ripen on the bush. To obtain mature seeds, the fruits are left on the plant until they acquire a straw color, after which the stems are cut and hung to dry. In wet weather, plants are pulled out of the ground and hung under a canopy for ripening. The dried beans are shelled, the seeds are dried, spread on paper.

Store bean seeds for planting in the ground in containers with a tightly fitting lid.

To treat bean seeds before planting, they should be dipped for 5 minutes in a warm (40 ° C) solution of 2 g ammonium molybdate and 2 g boric acid for 10 liters of water. This bath will prevent the plant from being damaged by the nodule weevil.

Before planting beans, it is very useful to treat the seeds bacterial fertilizer. For this purpose, nitrogin or rizotrophin is used in a proportion of 1 g per 1 kg of seeds.

How to plant bean seeds: planting and care

Bean shoots in the photo

Beans require a lot of water to germinate, so you need to sow as early as possible - from late April to early May. The scheme for planting beans in open ground is as follows: for one square meter 12-15 seeds. The depth of sowing beans depends on the composition of the soil - if the soil is heavy, then 4 cm, if the soil is light, then 6-7 cm deeper. After 7-10 days when sowing swollen seeds and 15-20 days when sowing dry ones, shoots will appear.

Bean seeds germinate at a temperature of 6-10 °C. However, having quickly hatched and been exposed to frost, the plants may die. Therefore, you need to take measures to protect the sprouts:

  • the optimal planting time in the central regions is the last ten days of May,
  • Before planting, seeds must be carefully inspected and non-standard, diseased and damaged by the grinder removed. Damage is indicated by a small hole in the bean. By breaking the seed, you can find the larva of the beetle itself,
  • You can sow seeds either dry or soaked. Soaked seeds germinate faster and enable the gardener to timely plant new ones in place of ungerminated plants. You need to soak the seeds by immersing them in water, preferably melted water, overnight. Under no circumstances should you delay sowing swollen seeds, since after lying in water for more than 15 hours, the beans “choke” and do not germinate.

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