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Instructions on how to open a Chinese door if the lock is jammed

There is always a place for accidents, and a lost or broken key is one of the most common problems with opening the front door. In some cases, you will have to call a locksmith or a company specialist if we are talking, for example, about a combination electronic lock, but sometimes you can do it yourself.

Opening a Chinese door

For example, almost everyone knows how to open a Chinese door without a key.

Design Features

This simple secret is that such models have the simplest locks with a low level of security. This means not only a simple combination of pins, but also a weakened constipation mechanism itself. So in those extreme cases, when it comes to a threat to life, what they do is quite simple: they knock out the lock or even the door itself with a strong blow.

Opening a Chinese door

If you need to open a Chinese door without breaking it, you need to use fairly simple techniques that allow you to do without a key if it is lost or even broken.

Hairpin method

To use it you need some skill, but in fact you can acquire it quickly. True, the method is not suitable for any constipation. Open the Chinese door as follows:

  • the hairpin is broken into 2 parts;
  • one part is inserted into the well and try to rotate;
  • another element moves the pins away.

You can use wire yourself in the same way.

If we are talking about a lever mechanism, you should strongly pull the sash, thread the wire and press the levers. How to open a Chinese door without damage is demonstrated.

Screwdriver method

The method is more suitable when locking from the inside, since manipulations with a screwdriver attract the attention of neighbors:

  • first remove the key panel;
  • then they try to turn the mechanism with a screwdriver.

Mechanism jamming

You can open the door from the inside in the same way as from the outside when the door is jammed.

To avoid damage, first pay attention to the reason why the door is jammed.

  • Use a stiff brush to clean all visible cracks: the cause of the breakdown may be dirt or paint.
  • If the lock is jammed, lubricate the mechanism with machine oil, kerosene, or at worst, even sunflower oil, and then try to turn it.
  • The reason may not be that the lock is jammed, but sagging of the sash, broken hinges, and the like. In this case, all manipulations with constipation are useless. To open a Chinese door, use a wedge - at least a metal ruler. The wedge is inserted into the slot opposite the lock, and used as a lever until the sash is pushed into place. At the same time, they try to turn the handle to unlock the lock.

Key failure

If this device breaks right in the well, in order to open the valve, you will have to act very carefully.

  • From the inside or outside, depending on where the owner of the apartment was at that moment, the locking mechanism is lubricated with silicone spray. Then they try to remove the debris. You can use pliers.
  • If the part breaks in the secret, in order to open the Chinese door without damage, you will have to use a jigsaw: its blade is inserted into the hole with its teeth up and turned, trying to catch the fragments and remove them. If the fragments did not damage the device, then a complete replacement is not necessary.
  • If you cannot get the part, you need to remove the panel, disassemble the locking mechanism and pull out the fragments. If a cylinder lock is installed, then the secret lock needs to be drilled out.

How to open a Chinese door without a key from the inside is demonstrated in the photo.


An example of a “Chinese” door for Russia was the Forpost doors with Masterlock locks and fittings. The price of the door became the reason for its popularity. In this article we do not discuss opening locks with master keys; in our country this is prohibited by law. Let's consider the option of opening a "Chinese" door with a locksmith's tool.

Reasons for contacting:

Masterlock won't open
- the key in the lock is broken, the inscription LM on the key
- the key cannot be inserted into the lock cylinder
- forgot your keys at home and closed the door by lifting the handle up, “no key” system - closing the door lock without a key
- open the night gate
- the lock is open but the door does not open, the lower bolt has come off

Using the lower Masterlock lock as an example, we will analyze how you can open a Chinese door without damaging the door with a locksmith's tool.

Open the door with minimal damage, save the door leaf, door structure, lock seat, mounting holes, lock body if the cause of the breakdown is not in it.

A set of plumbing tools plus an electric or cordless drill with a set of drills.

We remove the lock escutcheon by drilling out the mounting screws

Drill out the mounting screws at the cylinder protective lining

We dismantle the lock cylinder, open the lock or raise the lower bolt

Of course, in some cases, you can use the cylinder drilling method. Sometimes, you can open the lock through the peephole with a correctly bent wire, provided that your “no key” system lock is closed without a key and opened by pressing the handle on the inside of the door.

Remove the peephole, press the handle and open the door

Please pay your ATTENTION!

According to the manufacturer, outpost doors are produced in Russia in the city of Kaliningrad. Lock of the “no key” system; closing the door lock without a key can be replaced with a regular one; it can be closed and opened only with a key.

If necessary, a locksmith with a set of tools and knowledge about the structure of locks and doors is ready to help.

Telephone consultations are free.

Chinese doors can be considered a budget option, which is why they are especially popular nowadays. Among the disadvantages are simple and unreliable locking mechanisms. In this case, it may be necessary to open Chinese doors when, for example, the key is lost or broken. Next, we will answer the question in more detail: how to open a Chinese door without a key.


There are several methods for opening Chinese locks:

- You can just try to pick up the keys. This method is relevant when a cylinder type lock is installed. Also, universal master keys are suitable here, which easily cope with this task.

— In addition to master keys, you can take other improvised means. This could be a nail file or a flathead screwdriver. A master key can be made from a regular hairpin or scraper. Chinese locks have multiple pins. Under the influence of mechanical action, you can easily move the pins to the correct position and thereby open the Chinese door.

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- You can just try to drill out the pins. After this, open the locking mechanism with a regular flat-head screwdriver.

— You can also try to press the door. A screwdriver and a chisel are suitable for this. You need to try to move the door to the side so that the lock tongue is visible.

— In order to open the lock of a Chinese door without a key, you can tear off the fittings. To do this, you need to use all available tools, for example, pliers and a hammer. After this, we open the locking mechanism using improvised means.

We open the Chinese doors from the inside.

In this case, you can use the mechanical method. You just need to try to knock out the lock cylinder. A hammer, chisel and other strong objects are suitable for this. Of course, after this you will have to repair the doors and lock.

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You can unscrew the lock from the canvas. To unscrew the core you need to use pliers or an adjustable wrench.

Again, you can try universal master keys. Chinese locks are very easy to open with a screwdriver, paper clip or nail file. You can make a master key from any sharp objects. It takes several attempts to turn the locking mechanism. In addition, you can always call a specialist who will cope with this task without damaging the door leaf.

There is always a place for accidents, and a lost or broken key is one of the most common problems with opening the front door. In some cases, you will have to call a locksmith or a company specialist if we are talking, for example, about a combination electronic lock, but sometimes you can do it yourself.

For example, almost everyone knows how to open a Chinese door without a key.

Design Features

This simple secret is that such models have the simplest locks with a low level of security. This means not only a simple combination of pins, but also a weakened constipation mechanism itself. So in those extreme cases, when it comes to a threat to life, what they do is quite simple: they knock out the lock or even the door itself with a strong blow.

If you need to open a Chinese door without breaking it, you need to use fairly simple techniques that allow you to do without a key if it is lost or even broken.

Hairpin method

To use it you need some skill, but in fact you can acquire it quickly. True, the method is not suitable for any constipation. Open the Chinese door as follows:

  • the hairpin is broken into 2 parts;
  • one part is inserted into the well and try to rotate;
  • another element moves the pins away.

You can use wire yourself in the same way.

If we are talking about a lever mechanism, you should strongly pull the sash, thread the wire and press the levers. The video demonstrates how to open a Chinese door without damage.

Screwdriver method

The method is more suitable when locking from the inside, since manipulations with a screwdriver attract the attention of neighbors:

  • first remove the key panel;
  • then they try to turn the mechanism with a screwdriver.

Mechanism jamming

You can open the door from the inside in the same way as from the outside when the door is jammed.

To avoid damage, first pay attention to the reason why the door is jammed.

  • Use a stiff brush to clean all visible cracks: the cause of the breakdown may be dirt or paint.
  • If the lock is jammed, lubricate the mechanism with machine oil, kerosene, or at worst, even sunflower oil, and then try to turn it.
  • The reason may not be that the lock is jammed, but sagging of the sash, broken hinges, and the like. In this case, all manipulations with constipation are useless. To open a Chinese door, use a wedge - at least a metal ruler. The wedge is inserted into the slot opposite the lock, and used as a lever until the sash is pushed into place. At the same time, they try to turn the handle to unlock the lock.

Key failure

If this device breaks right in the well, in order to open the valve, you will have to act very carefully.

  • From the inside or outside, depending on where the owner of the apartment was at that moment, the locking mechanism is lubricated with silicone spray. Then they try to remove the debris. You can use pliers.
  • If the part breaks in the secret, in order to open the Chinese door without damage, you will have to use a jigsaw: its blade is inserted into the hole with its teeth up and turned, trying to catch the fragments and remove them. If the fragments did not damage the device, then a complete replacement is not necessary.
  • If you cannot get the part, you need to remove the panel, disassemble the locking mechanism and pull out the fragments. If a cylinder lock is installed, then the secret lock needs to be drilled out.

How to open a Chinese door without a key from the inside is demonstrated in the photo.

And there are now a large number of paintings themselves. Each plant guarantees the quality of its products. But incidents such as a jammed lock occur quite often. And it doesn’t matter whether it happened inside or outside the home. Let's look at how to open a door if the lock is jammed.

What causes the breakdown?

There are many reasons:

  • factory defect;
  • closing the door with great force, slamming;
  • the mechanism is not periodically lubricated;
  • the door is not installed level, it is skewed;
  • a foreign object got inside (vandals tried);
  • the key inside the mechanism broke off;
  • use of a low-quality duplicate.

These are a number of factors that lead to breakdowns. Let's look at some ways to open a door if the lock is jammed.

Interior devices

Locks with simple mechanisms are inserted into such canvases. If the tongue is jammed, you need to take a number of actions:

  • Take a plastic card and insert it into the gap between the frame and the door at the level of the locking mechanism (tongue).
  • Tilt the card to the side and carefully slide it through. The movement should follow the beveled portion of the tongue. It is important to consider which side this area is on. Otherwise, the card will have to be pushed over the mechanism and lowered at an angle in order to walk along the sloping area on the other side. When pressed, the locking mechanism will move away and the door will open.

For this process, not only a credit card is used, but also other flat objects of sufficient rigidity, for example, a knife. This is the first option on how to open an interior door if the lock is jammed. If it comes to an English device, then the central part is drilled out and the cylindrical rod is removed. And then they engage the locking mechanism of the lock and pull it back. This will trigger the mechanism to open.

For modern models, when there is a handle and a lock, this method will not work. How to open a door if the lock is jammed? There is an alternative way. Decorative plugs should be removed. Next, the screws holding the handle are unscrewed, and the latter is removed. You need to find a locking mechanism in the hole and hook it with a thin but fairly rigid wire. Then you should put the handle in place. At the same time, by pressing it down, it is necessary to influence the rotating mechanism with the wire and press with your shoulder on the door.

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When the door has glass inserts, you should carefully remove the retaining guides and set the decor. Through the resulting hole you need to reach the handle on the other side and try to open it. In some versions, the door leaf is removed from the hinges. And then the problem of repair or larvae is solved.

Well, the last way is to remove the door leaf. This is a costly method, but in some cases it cannot be avoided. We've sorted out the interior doors, and now let's figure out how to open the jammed lock of the front door.

Lock and key jammed in it

You should equip yourself with WD-40 liquid, which is sold at auto parts stores or hardware departments. You need to process the lock, carefully turning the key from side to side, and try to open it. If there is a blockage, the lock is treated with liquid, and the key is inserted into the lock cylinder several times and pulled out until the dirt is completely removed.

The key is broken and stuck - this situation is more complicated. There are several options:

  • A piece of the key sticks out. You should take pliers and use them to turn the key rod to the desired position. Then carefully remove.
  • The wreck is inside. Here you can try with a sharp object (knitting needle, paper clip, etc.) to push out or pull the stuck end out. And then pick it up and pull it out with tweezers.

If these methods do not help, contact specialized services. They will help you get out of the situation with the least damage.

Types of locks and methods of opening them

You can tell from the appearance of the lock whether it will be possible to open it or not:

  • The larva is in the form of a cylinder. How to open the door if the lock of this type is jammed? You'll have to crack the larva. But it’s easier to replace it than completely. To do this, use a drill or pliers. The outer part is bitten off or drilled out, and the remains are knocked out using a thick screwdriver and hammer. Cross-shaped locks are easier to open. Chewing gum is stuffed into the hole, a screwdriver is inserted and turned instead of a key. After a few turns, the chewing gum will take the shape of a key and open the lock.
  • Leveling devices are reliable, but they can also fail sooner or later. If the lock is jammed, you need to remove the key and look inside the hole with a flashlight. Perhaps one of the levers (plates) is jammed. Use a thin tool (knitting needle, pin, etc.) to set it in place. If you were unable to solve the problem yourself, then it is better to turn to professionals, since these locks are unique in their reliability, and they cannot be opened with a simple paper clip.

Entrance doors have more complex locking devices.

Balcony door

This implies a plastic construction. And there are problems with it. Solving them is simple: you need to remove the double-glazed window. It is fixed with spatulas. Carefully dismantle and remove the glass. This makes it possible to reach the handle on the other side. Reinstalling the glass will not require additional costs. This is the simplest and most effective way to open a plastic door if the lock is jammed.

It is quite possible to open a balcony or interior door yourself. But with metal entrances, as a rule, you will need the help of professionals. This will help avoid drastic measures such as cutting off hinges or cutting out the lock, which could result in a complete replacement of the door leaf. To reduce the risk of problems, the lock must be lubricated periodically.

So, we found out how to open a metal door if the lock is jammed. But it is better not to let this happen and process the mechanism in a timely manner.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):