Did you know, how to properly care for house flowers? If you have one or two flowers at home, then caring for them will not be difficult and will not affect your budget in any way. And if the house is a continuous flower garden, then the monthly expenses for fertilizing and “medicines” can result in a good amount.
How can you save these costs? You need to learn how to use home remedies, replace fertilizing and drainage with them.

Learn how to care for home flowers with minimal expenses

Let's reveal some clever tricks and secrets for caring for indoor plants.

How to water flowers correctly?

Each flower has its own watering regime; this needs to be clarified individually. But there are general rules that apply to all plants in the house.

The most important thing is water quality.

Do not water flowers with hard water. How to determine water hardness at home? The easiest way is to look at the walls of the teapot. If scale appears quickly, the water is hard and not suitable for irrigation.

How to soften water for watering flowers?

For every liter of water you need to add 2 tablespoons. spoons of formic or citric acid. This water must be kept for 3-4 days in an open jar with a wide neck. Then carefully pour, straining off the sediment. Water for irrigation is ready.

Another important point in watering plants:

  • In summer and spring, flowers are watered in the evening.
  • In autumn and winter - in the morning.

How to spray indoor flowers correctly

Not all flowers benefit from this procedure, but in general flowers love irrigation, and for many it is vitally important.

  • The water should be soft, warm or even hot. During spraying, the water instantly cools down.
  • To get bright leaves with rich color, add 3-4 drops of camphor alcohol per 1 liter of water to the spraying water.
  • Spray early in the morning or after sunset.

How to save on feeding house plants

For beauty, every flower needs additional vitamins, especially during the flowering period.

  1. For feeding cacti Sometimes you can use natural milk. For 1 liter of water, a dessert spoon of milk. No more is needed, otherwise an unpleasant odor will appear. When you use this fertilizer, sprinkle the top layer with dry soil.
  2. In winter, water for irrigation can be enriched with sugar: 1 tsp. for 200 gr. water. Some housewives pour sugar directly into the pot. Use this method of feeding flowers 2 times a month.
  3. During flowering, add fire oil to the water for irrigation at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.
  4. Tea leaves without flavoring are also suitable for watering and feeding flowers.

And another tip on what can be used as drainage. Nut shells, especially walnut shells.

Shine large leaves Banana peel will help. Simply rub the inside of the peel on the leaves and they will look juicy and vibrant.

Agree, these are very affordable and effective ways to care for flowers. Now you can make a couple more green friends, because caring for home flowers will not cost much if you learn how to use home remedies correctly.


Flowers in a room always give a feeling of comfort and warmth. Today we can not only find any plant in the store, but also create an entire garden at home. However, growing indoor flowers is a whole science, since you need to know how to care for them, where to place pots of plants, and what conditions to maintain in your small greenhouse.

Breeding indoor flowers - secrets

In order to carry out all the work ourselves, we will need the following:

  • Priming
  • Container (pots)
  • Seeds of selected plants
  • Top dressing or mineral fertilizers

Today we will only look at several options for planting the most famous flowers among gardeners who grow them on their windowsill.

  • Geranium is one of the most preferred plants for those who decide to create their own lovely garden at home. The best time for sowing is December or January. In this case, you should prepare - the first shoots may appear in about a month. The soil for this species should be soft and loose, you can also add a little sand. To increase seed germination, mix the soil with humus. The container should be small with a special drainage hole. Sowing the seeds is done on top; when finished, sprinkle the future geranium with soil. The pot should be covered either with film or a glass jar. Do not forget that this variety loves light, and therefore you should choose sunny places for the pot. After the shoots appear, remove the film. You need to water it moderately, and when the first leaves appear, be sure to transplant the flower into a separate pot.
  • Streptocarpus is also very popular - an excellent plant for planting at home. If you provide it with good lighting, this flower will delight you with its brightness throughout the year. Work must begin in the spring. The pot must have a hole for liquid to drain. The best soil for streptocarpus is a mixture of agroperlite, vermiculite and peat. Scatter the plant seeds evenly in the pot and sprinkle a little soil. The place to install the pot should be warm and bright. After planting, cover the container with film and water from time to time. After the sprouts appear, transplant the plants into a deeper pot.
  • Gloxinia is considered one of the easiest plants to plant at home. The soil should contain a large percentage of peat, in addition, fertilizer can be added. Even a small plastic cup will work as a container for planting, and don’t forget to cover it with film. This will allow you to create the necessary conditions for the normal development of gloxinia.

Indoor flowers - care and cultivation

Growing indoor flowers from seeds should first of all interest you. They are known to love human attention. That is why you need to sometimes “communicate” with them, understanding and satisfying their needs. We must remember that care is not only about watering, but also about taking care of the flowers. When choosing for their subsequent planting in an apartment, be sure to check the conditions for their cultivation and subsequent care.

This should include requirements for soil, lighting, and watering. This is what will guarantee their health. Don't forget about pests that can destroy flowers. That is why you should purchase “medicines for green friends”; they are also selected individually. If the flower does get sick, be sure to wipe the visible roots and leaves with a clean damp cloth, and don’t forget to feed them, which will make your flowers more resistant to diseases. When choosing soil, remember that it must allow liquid to pass through without retaining oxygen.

Pay attention to the pots - as they grow, be sure to change containers to suit the size of the plants. And if you follow all the advice and treat the flowers you grow with love, they will delight you with their freshness, bloom and beauty.

A lot depends not only on proper cultivation, but also on the choice of location of the flower pot. Thanks to this, they will not only be healthy, but will also be able to make your apartment much more beautiful and comfortable. or apartments is a real art, it requires understanding and knowledge of the qualities of plants. First of all, you need to consider the dimensions of your apartment and the level of light. It is quite difficult to recommend certain varieties of flowers, since their range includes several hundred species.

The main thing is to choose them so that they either bloom 365 days a year or replace each other. That is why so many people give preference to evergreens, which can delight you endlessly with proper care. If you want to create any composition, you need, first of all, to determine the task that you set for yourself when using them in the room.

  • Masking ugly places
  • Visual connection with nature
  • Emphasis on any interior elements (doorways, windows, bay window)

If you are installing plants in shady areas, choose those that stand out with their expressive silhouette, leaf patterns or lush crown. These flowers include monstera, chamedoria, anthurium and some varieties of palm trees. Lianas or others that are suspended in flowerpots do not interfere with the penetration of sunlight into the apartment. Choose them according to their height, since a tall palm tree will not look good in an apartment with low ceilings. Do not forget that they need to be positioned so that they are at the same time in a natural position and at the same time do not take up much space. Growing flowers is a pleasant job that will bring you a lot of positive emotions.

or scary secrets of caring for house plants

My neighbor on the first floor has not a window, but a greenhouse... I admire it all the time. Violets, geraniums... the simplest flowers and bloom all the time. I didn't always succeed until recently.

Has this ever happened to you - you buy a gorgeous flower in a store or nursery, bring it home... beauty, it blooms so profusely, the foliage is bright, thick, you can’t stop looking at it.

Quite a bit of time passes (sometimes a couple of weeks...), but the flowers have all fallen off, the leaves have turned pale, it can get worse, the plant dies.

This has happened to me more than once. Especially with blooming ones.

And you seem to be doing everything right, and taking care of it as it should, and replanting it immediately into normal soil, but nothing helps.

It’s simple, where do the flowers come from in the stores? That's right, often from Holland, or from Europe. What is used for transportation? That's right - peat. How are they fed? Just pure stimulants, which we have never heard of or seen before... Well, and also the feeding regime... there are many nuances. And so we bring home such a “drug addict” and put him on a “starvation” ration. That is, we take care as usual. And that's it, the end of the flower.

I thought about it and went to my neighbor. She told me a lot of new and old forgotten things. But I understood the main thing. Don’t be lazy and live and learn.

Now I have my own secrets and my grandmother’s old ones are remembered.

✔And here is my first secret – purchase adapted flowers. With neighbors, in markets, at exhibitions where collectors display their treasures. Take cuttings, sprouts, seeds from them... And then you will be happy.

And also, if I do buy a flower in a store, then, if possible, I try to immediately take a shoot or divide it when replanting, if possible. Then there is hope that your favorite flower will still remain with you.

Well, okay, I think many of you know about this. Here are the following secrets. I didn’t come up with them myself, I found them online and learned them from a neighbor. I use almost everything.

Everyone understands that flowers not only need to be watered, but also fed. We don’t live on the same water, we don’t forget to have lunch. And they also love to eat.

✔ Everyone loves flowers sugar, the most common. I usually dilute 0.5 tbsp. spoons of sugar in 0.5 liters of water, and sometimes I simply sprinkle sugar on the ground in a flower pot, and then water it.

This feeding should be done once a month,

You can also just buy glucose at the pharmacy (plants need this). I dilute one tablet per liter of water. This composition can not only be watered, but also sprayed . they will say “thank you.” Also no more than once a month.

Ficus and cacti especially love sugar.

And if there is not enough light, especially in winter, when the sun does not come often and plants lack ultraviolet radiation, sugar is beneficial for all the flowers in the house.

✔Castor oil gives a very good effect for flowering ones. You can buy it at any pharmacy. For 1 hour spoon of castor oil - 1 liter of water. During the bud setting period, water it a couple of times with this solution.

✔It's autumn now, citrus and pomegranate it's time. Did you guess it? We make an infusion - take the peels of pomegranates and any citrus fruits, chop them and pour boiling water over them and leave for a day. Then we remove the crusts, filter, add this solution to a liter and you can water it.

Aspirin. Pills. It was a revelation for me. I didn’t know before that it had such a good effect. The plants in my house have practically stopped getting sick.

✔Diluted aloe juice . Not only can we treat ourselves with it, but it can also be used to fertilize plants. You need to dilute one teaspoon of juice in one and a half liters of water.

✔Tooth powder . I always have it at home. And it is good for teeth. And good for plants.

You need to take 3 tbsp. spoons of powder, 3 tbsp. spoons of wood ash (in summer I bonfire collected), and one tbsp. a spoonful of copper sulfate, all this for 1 liter of water. There is no need to insist, you can water it right away.

✔Sometimes I use this for watering flowers water in which the cereals were washed. They say there is iron, silicon and phosphorus... And what’s not there. I’m not a chemist, I don’t know for sure, but I water it.

✔Soda. I use it for spraying. This is a prevention against . My grandmother taught me this. Since then I have been using her experience.

✔ My grandmother also regularly watered her geraniums, gloxinias, ficus, hibiscus and her favorite violets meat and milk water once a year.

In the spring, when transplanting plants into the ground, I always added used and dried tea leaves , and also often coffee grounds . We had never heard of any ready-made fertilizers at that time. There were no pests. We didn't even know they existed. But what beautiful, ever-blooming plants stood on the windows!!!


And one more observation. Sometimes I visit a friend at work. She works as an accountant, their staff is mostly women. I'm always amazed at the flowers they have in their office. The geranium blooms all the time, no matter how I come. The Tradescantia stands on the closet - it has grown almost to the floor, it is lush, the leaves are juicy, huge...

Well, they drink tea at work, naturally. And you have to go wash the cups, leave the office... in general, the leftover tea is always in the flower pots. There’s coffee leftovers, sugar, probably, too...

Well, draw your own conclusions...

✔Zola. I make it myself and saw it at my neighbor’s. It turns out very well, I especially like Saintpaulias. Pour about two fingers' worth of ash into a three-liter jar, pour boiling water to the top of the jar, let it sit for two days. And that’s it, you can spill it.

✔ Banana peel . Don't throw it away, it is rich in potassium, magnesium and phosphorus and can be used when replanting plants. I recently transplanted my ficus this way. On top of the drainage layer I laid a layer of finely chopped or minced banana peels, and then the soil.

I use that too. I have a whole story about her . Read at your leisure.

These are the secrets I use. Well, do you like my Saintpaulias, and do you like the orange double hibiscus, grown from cuttings? And the sorrel tree in the very last photo is blooming - such delicate flowers.

Caring for indoor plants - There are a great many types of indoor plants, but, as a rule, they are all conditionally divided into just a few groups, which differ strikingly in their care characteristics. Some plants are moisture-loving, others cannot tolerate excessive moisture. Some people prefer higher air temperatures, while others prefer the opposite. There are plants that love the sun and even direct sunlight, some cannot tolerate them. Our section on caring for indoor plants is aimed at ensuring that you can easily find the necessary information about the features of caring for a specific plant - how to water, how to deal with pests and diseases, what place in the house to choose for its growth?

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Before purchasing a plant, read its label. If you live in a basement, then you should not take a plant that needs bright sunlight (unless you are going to buy a special phytolamp).

Secret #2: Define your style

When decorating your home and choosing plants, decide on a style. If you have a tropical interior, then choose tropical plants; cacti are suitable for a southeastern style. Sansevieria (“pike tail”) fits well into a modern interior, and for a rustic style there is nothing better than violets, ropewort (abutilon) or plants with bright leaves, such as royal begonia.

Secret #3: Size matters

Yes, a spreading palm tree looks great in a spacious office, but can you imagine it in your compact living room? Conversely, if you have a large room, then one pot of philodendron is not enough. Also be sure to find out how large the plant can grow indoors.

Secret No. 4: proper care

Read all about caring for each of your plants. If you like to water your flowers every day, then choose plants that like moist soil, such as dwarf papyrus. And if you constantly forget about watering, then stop at succulents, cacti or plants with aerial roots.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):