Each of us strives to create in our home maximum comfort and comfort. Fortunately, modern building materials make this task much easier. They're on the move decorative materials, presented wide range construction stores. And, here are the final touches of the renovation, and our house greets us with a renewed look. Living in such a house becomes even more pleasant, the walls and floors are pleasing to the eye, but are all the materials that we used to create this comfort good for our health?

Continuing the topic building materials and their impact on our health, today we will talk about the most common type of flooring - linoleum.

Is this material harmless to our health, and what do you need to know when choosing linoleum for your home...

Linoleum today is one of the most popular flooring options not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. The explanation for this lies in a number of its advantages over other types of floor coverings. So, for example, linoleum is enough cheap option solutions to the "sexual issue"« :), it does not require special skills when laying it on a flat floor, it does not puff up or go in “waves”, does not creak or sag, and is quite undemanding in maintenance. These are all, of course, unconditional “advantages” in favor of choosing linoleum. But, due to the fact that in recent years Our compatriots are increasingly becoming interested not only in cost, quality, but also in the factor of harmlessness to human health; this material comes under the lens of a closer study of its properties and the components from which it is made.
But first, a little history...

Linoleum was first invented back in 1863, and what is noteworthy is that its production technology has not changed much since then. Only the ingredients in the composition of this material have changed. The composition of the first linoleum included flax flour and wood flour, pine resins, and natural jute fabric, which was supplied from India, was used as the basis for such environmentally friendly linoleum. Lime powder, dyes, turpentine were also added to the composition of linoleum... Such linoleum was absolutely harmless, and this is how it was made a century and a half ago.

Does such “natural” linoleum exist today? Experts and specialists say that yes, however, they immediately warn that such naturalness, and therefore harmlessness to human health, is not a cheap pleasure.

Types of linoleum

Today in the assortment of construction stores you can find the following types of linoleum:

  1. Natural linoleum– in its production technology, manufacturers try to use whenever possible natural materials, and as we wrote above, such naturalness is not a cheap pleasure.
  2. Linoleum, which contains polyvinyl chloride (PVC). What does this mean? This means that one of the ingredients in the composition natural linoleum, V in this case linseed oil (a very expensive product!) was replaced with a cheaper alternative - polyvinyl chloride. The cost of producing such linoleum has become cheaper, the material itself has become more accessible to the average buyer, but the harmlessness of such material has decreased. It is especially dangerous to lay such linoleum in sunny rooms or where there is high temperature indoors - as a result of heating the linoleum, the polyvinyl chloride, which is part of it, begins to emit toxic fumes that negatively affect your health. You can feel headache, which over time will turn into migraine attacks, you will begin to have problems with your lungs and liver, and allergic reactions may appear. Such hazardous linoleum, if you stay for a long time in the room where it is laid, can cause the development of cancer.
  3. Alkyd linoleum with the addition of polyester resins. Toxic resins, toluene, xylene harm not only environment, but also to human health. Such chemical compounds cause diseases of the organs of vision, skin dermatitis and disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system.
  4. Nitrocellulose linoleum. Another chemical material that harms human health.
  5. Rubber linoleum, which contains rubber and synthetic rubber. Toxic fumes from rubber and synthetic rubber provoke allergic diseases and respiratory diseases.

Unfortunately, our domestic consumers most often have to deal with harmful linoleum made from artificial and chemical components. More than half of the linoleum sold in construction stores or at specialized points of sale, does not have the necessary certificates confirming the fact harmless to human health. In addition, not every linoleum is suitable for use in residential premises. So, there is linoleum intended for use in industrial premises, which is much cheaper in cost, which only contributes to “sniffing” it left and right, although in no case should it be used in residential premises.

Please remember: if the seller cannot provide you necessary documentation, safety certificates and linoleum has not passed GOST certification - such It’s better not to buy linoleum, no matter how tempting and affordable its cost. Funds that you will then spend on treatment and recovery own health and the health of their loved ones will definitely exceed the cost of high-quality natural linoleum.

Is it possible, as they say, “by eye” to determine what kind of linoleum is in front of us? Full of chemical surprises or still a harmless floor covering option?

Experts say that such a test for the “professional suitability of linoleum” and its factor harmlessness does not have to be carried out in a laboratory, you can try to establish its components and more in an accessible way. If the linoleum contains chemical components, then such linoleum will smell quite sharp. This specific smell can be explained very simply -

To reduce the cost and increase the service life of linoleum, manufacturers add special plasticizers to its composition, which emit toxic gas.

In the first days, it is almost impossible to stay in a room in which such “chemical” linoleum was laid due to the specific smell. Over time, this “aroma” fades a little, but its toxic fumes continue to cause harm to human health. In addition, after several years of operation of such linoleum, despite the fact that “it is still nothing,” it still needs to be changed, since under the influence of temperatures and ultraviolet rays, the polymers in the composition of linoleum begin to decompose and release dangerous and toxic substances into the space. substances. Externally, this decomposition of the components is manifested by the appearance yellow spots on the surface of linoleum...

The most important advantage of linoleum is that anyone can lay it on the floor, which means that the cost of installing the flooring can be removed from the repair costs. However, everyone knows that “cheap” does not always mean “good”, and when choosing linoleum you need to be especially careful, because your health depends on it. AiF.ru talks about how to buy linoleum and not regret it.

Natural linoleum

Many people believe that linoleum is exclusively synthetic material. Actually this is not true. It was invented long ago by PVC, and you can still find completely natural coatings on the market.

Natural linoleum consists of wood and cork flour, pine resin, natural dyes and jute fabric. The advantages of this coating include its environmental friendliness, the fact that it is durable and does not fade over time. The disadvantages are high cost, fragility (unlike synthetic linoleum, it breaks when bent), and also the fact that it cannot be used in rooms with high humidity(bathrooms).

There are 4 types of synthetic linoleum, and the most popular of them is made using polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Its advantages include low thermal conductivity, which is especially important in rooms with cold floors, resistance to humidity, simple technology styling The downside is its sensitivity to low temperatures and chemical solvents, fats and alkalis. It is worth noting that, for example, in the USA, only natural linoleum is considered, and polyvinyl chloride material is called “PVC coating”. In Russia there is no such gradation of names.

Photo: Shutterstock.com/Goodluz

Glypthal linoleum is made from alkyd resin which is applied to the fabric. The main advantage of this coating is its good thermal insulation. The disadvantages include fragility and difficulty of installation. Colloxin linoleum is made from nitrocellulose. This material is resistant to moisture and fire, but is prone to shrinkage and is afraid of temperature changes. Relin linoleum has two layers: the first is made from old crushed rubber, and the top, front layer is made from rubber, pigment and filler. The advantages of this material are the same as other synthetic ones. floor coverings: It is elastic, durable and does not absorb moisture. However, it contains harmful substances that gradually evaporate and are harmful to health, and therefore such linoleum is not used in residential premises.

Is linoleum harmful to health?

Natural linoleum does not contain harmful impurities and is completely safe for health, however, it is used very rarely. Most often, PVC linoleum is used in apartments, and there are big questions about the environmental friendliness of this material. It is known that polyvinyl chloride emits harmful fumes that can lead to liver disease, lung disease and even cancer. However, their release occurs when the material is heated, and at room temperature it is insignificant.

The compliance of linoleum with environmental standards must be certified by an appropriate certificate, which the seller must have. However, the certificate does not guarantee that this material will be completely harmless. The fact is that emission rates for linoleum are calculated individually, but PVC is also contained in suspended ceilings, furniture, wallpaper, plastic windows, and if the content of substances in linoleum alone does not exceed the permissible limit, then in the room as a whole it can be harmful to health.

Photo: Shutterstock.com / Aksenenko Olga

In addition, you need to take into account that harmful substances are especially released when straight objects fall on linoleum. sun rays, as well as in other cases of heating. Therefore, for example, in a nursery with windows facing east or west, use cheap linoleum it is forbidden.

From 3 to 20 years

Any linoleum is a temporary coating that will have to be changed after a few years. However, it is important to understand that the most cheap material will become unusable in 2-3 years, which means that if you are choosing a coating for the apartment where you are going to live, you should not save on it. In addition, the choice also depends on the number of people living in the apartment: the more there are, the higher the coverage class should be.

Based on cross-country ability, the material is divided into three classes: household, commercial and semi-commercial. The first material is the thinnest, its service life is 3-5 years. The second one is more durable and durable, it will last up to 20 years. It is used in shops, hotels and other commercial establishments. Semi-commercial linoleum- something between the first and second types, and it lasts about 7-10 years.

Secrets of choice

It is better to buy linoleum in a store, not on the market: you need to check the quality at room temperature, and in a rolled out state, and not in a roll - this is the only way to understand whether there are waves and damage on the coating, whether it is peeling off protective layer and whether it corresponds to the stated dimensions. The pattern should be clear, the coating should not have a greasy sheen.

Photo: Shutterstock.com / Iriana Shiyan

It would be ideal to ask the seller for samples of the material and look at them in the room: it is better to choose the appropriate shade on the spot, because it is more difficult to do this from memory. The width of the canvas should be approximately equal to the room, but it is better to take it with a reserve, and also take into account thresholds, niches for radiators and other recesses in the walls.

You should not buy linoleum from different batches - even if they have the same article number, this does not mean that their shade will not differ from each other. Linoleum is always rolled with the front side inward so as not to damage the protective layer, but otherwise the roll is wrapped with protective film on top. Under no circumstances should the material be folded: this may damage the coating.

When choosing a material, first of all you need to pay attention to its smell. Good coverage, whether made from natural or synthetic components, should not smell of anything. The smell is a sign that the material uses low-quality dyes and other harmful additives.

Most important advice when choosing linoleum, trust only trusted suppliers who have all the relevant certificates, and do not chase cheapness: there are many counterfeit products on the market that can ruin not only your mood, but also your health.

Interest in safe and environmentally friendly products is becoming greater every day. Many people want to see only harmless materials next to them. Quite often, where linoleum is sold, you can hear the question: “Is it harmful to health?” Based on the materials included in its composition, this coating can be natural or polymer.

Natural linoleum is made from natural ingredients: wood chips, linseed oil, jute fabric, pigments and natural resin. This coating can be considered environmentally friendly. It is wear-resistant and resistant to various external influences and can easily be replaced polymer coating. His weaknesses: difficult to install and high cost. If this does not suit you, we offer it at reasonable prices. parquet board Tarkett.

Artificial linoleum is nothing more than ordinary PVC, but in a slightly different form. Since this coating has a polymer composition, some treat it with disdain and consider it harmful. But that's not true. If, for example, we compare the harm to human health that linoleum brings good quality and a carpet from natural wool, the score will be far from being in favor of the latter.

This floor covering contains stable materials that do not emit any harmful substances. As for the carpet, despite the use of natural fabrics, its fibers accumulate dust and bacteria, which then end up in the air we breathe. It's up to you to decide how harmful it is.

Many people are concerned about the smell that comes from the new roll. In fact, this is the smell from the materials used in the production of linoleum. After a few days, the remaining particles on the surface disappear and the coating becomes completely neutral. Therefore, there is no reason to worry. Before laying it, spread it in a well-ventilated area and leave it there for several days.

If you do not have such an opportunity, you can tolerate this specific smell without fear. The concentration of such substances on the surface of linoleum is extremely low, so they are absolutely harmless.

This is the only inconvenience of linoleum. But we are surrounded by objects made from polymers such as mobile phone, a panel in a car, a TV... They have the same chemical composition, however, this will not force us to harness a horse-drawn cart or use grandfather's bugle for communication.

Linoleum is one of the most popular floor coverings due to its low cost and long term operation.

It is widely used not only in our country, but also abroad. When purchasing, the question often arises whether linoleum is harmful to health.

Quality and environmental safety depend on many factors that need to be taken into account. Let's look at what types of material are available, their characteristics, and what to look for when purchasing.

Types of linoleum

Depending on the purpose, linoleum is divided into:

  • natural;
  • domestic;
  • semi-commercial;
  • commercial.

The types, their characteristics and the degree of environmental safety are discussed in the table:

Type of linoleum Characteristic Environmental safety
Polyvinyl chloride It is made on the basis of PVC with the addition of plasticizers, stabilizers, dyes, artificial fillers. Easy to clean, abrasion resistant, does not electrify. A protective layer is applied on top that prevents the release of harmful substances, but it gradually wears off and is destroyed when washed with abrasive agents. The composition includes synthetic resins, xylene, toluene, the fumes of which are highly harmful to human health. The strongest release of volatile substances occurs with increasing temperature. In this case, the harm from linoleum is obvious. Not recommended for use in conjunction with warm floors, in the bathroom, kitchen, children's rooms. Low quality PVC coating contributes to migraines, allergic reactions, oncological diseases.
Wet surfaces become slippery.
Natural It is made from flax oil, wood (oak) flour, pine and spruce resin, and lime powder. With or without jute base. It has high strength and is not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
Less resistant than synthetic to exposure high humidity. Installation in the bathroom is not recommended due to humidity.
All components used in production (even dyes) are natural and completely harmless. The coating has antibacterial properties and is ideal for installation in children's rooms.
Natural ingredients are expensive, which is reflected in the price of the coating.
Rubber It has a bottom layer with the addition of wood, and a top layer based on synthetic rubber and other fillers. Rubber releases harmful substances into the air that cause respiratory diseases and provoke allergies.
Alkyd Produced with the addition of polyester resins. The harm of toluene, xylene, and synthetic resins has long been proven. These substances lead to allergic reactions, dermatitis, diseases of the nervous system and visual organs.
Nitrocellulose It is made without a base, is resistant to moisture, and has high elasticity. Unsafe for human health.
Glypthal It is made by applying alkyd resin to a fabric base and is characterized by high levels of noise insulation and heat retention. Alkyd resins emit harmful substances.

Expensive linseed oil is replaced with polyvinyl chloride to reduce the cost of linoleum. The lower the cost of the coating, the more plasticizers and other chemical additives it contains.

Consequently, it releases a significant amount of harmful substances, which are activated when the temperature rises and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.


The linoleum marking consists of two numbers, the first number means:

The second number indicates the possible loads on the coating: from 1 to 4, where 1 - withstands the lowest loads, 4 - the highest loads.

Which linoleum to choose

For living rooms and passage rooms, a coating with a thickness of 1 - 2 mm is sufficient.

Before you decide to lay linoleum in your apartment, you need to thoroughly study its characteristics.

Some rooms have increased requirements for the environmental safety of building materials.

Let's consider what kind of linoleum you need to buy for living rooms:

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the smell, appearance and other factors.

What to look for when choosing

To reduce health risks, you need to carefully consider the choice of flooring. Important to buy quality linoleum. The harm caused to health from purchasing cheap flooring is not justified by the low price of the coating. For more information on how to choose linoleum, watch this video:

Please note:

  • availability of a certificate;
  • material used in manufacturing;
  • marking;
  • thickness of the protective coating;
  • smell.

If you feel that the material is emanating bad smell, you need to refuse the purchase without hesitation. You should not hope that the smell will disappear over time; the harm of linoleum in this case is obvious.

What to do if the house has linoleum with an unpleasant odor

Let the linoleum rest in a ventilated area

If the floor covering smells bad, it needs to be replaced immediately.

Otherwise, diseases may arise that over time develop into a chronic form.

While the coating is on the floor, you need to ventilate the room as often as possible so that at least some of the toxic substances are ventilated.

According to research, it has been proven that indoor air is 4 times dirtier and 7 times more toxic than outdoor air. The main sources of pollution are building materials, wallpaper, furniture, and floor coverings.

Acceptable norms of harmfulness of floor coverings and building materials are regulated by SanPiN To learn how not to choose a coating with an unpleasant odor, watch this video:

There is a widespread belief that linoleum is harmful and therefore not suitable for use in residential areas.

But according to consumer reviews, every fourth person has this particular floor covering in their apartment.

Everyone has to decide on the choice of material independently. To minimize health risks, you need to be careful when choosing and not buy the cheapest options.

Linoleum is one of the most popular floor coverings due to its low cost and long service life.

It is widely used not only in our country, but also abroad. When purchasing, the question often arises whether linoleum is harmful to health.

Quality and environmental safety depend on many factors that need to be taken into account. Let's look at what types of material are available, their characteristics, and what to look for when purchasing.

Depending on the purpose, linoleum is divided into:

  • natural;
  • domestic;
  • semi-commercial;
  • commercial.

The types, their characteristics and the degree of environmental safety are discussed in the table:

Type of linoleumCharacteristicEnvironmental safety
Polyvinyl chlorideIt is made on the basis of PVC with the addition of plasticizers, stabilizers, dyes, and artificial fillers. Easy to clean, abrasion resistant, does not electrify. A protective layer is applied on top that prevents the release of harmful substances, but it gradually wears off and is destroyed when washed with abrasive agents.The composition includes synthetic resins, xylene, toluene, the fumes of which are highly harmful to human health. The strongest release of volatile substances occurs with increasing temperature. In this case, the harm from linoleum is obvious. It is not recommended to use in conjunction with heated floors, in the bathroom, kitchen, or children's rooms. Low-quality PVC coating contributes to the occurrence of migraines, allergic reactions, and cancer.
Wet surfaces become slippery.
NaturalIt is made from flax oil, wood (oak) flour, pine and spruce resin, and lime powder. With or without jute base. It has high strength and is not afraid of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
Less resistant than synthetic to high humidity. Installation in the bathroom is not recommended due to humidity.
All components used in production (even dyes) are natural and completely harmless. The coating has antibacterial properties and is ideal for installation in children's rooms.
Natural ingredients are expensive, which is reflected in the price of the coating.
RubberIt has a bottom layer with the addition of wood, and a top layer based on synthetic rubber and other fillers.Rubber releases harmful substances into the air that cause respiratory diseases and provoke allergies.
AlkydProduced with the addition of polyester resins.The harm of toluene, xylene, and synthetic resins has long been proven. These substances lead to allergic reactions, dermatitis, diseases of the nervous system and visual organs.
NitrocelluloseIt is made without a base, is resistant to moisture, and has high elasticity.Unsafe for human health.
GlypthalIt is made by applying alkyd resin to a fabric base and is characterized by high levels of noise insulation and heat retention.Alkyd resins emit harmful substances.

Expensive linseed oil is replaced with polyvinyl chloride to reduce the cost of linoleum. The lower the cost of the coating, the more plasticizers and other chemical additives it contains.

Consequently, it releases a significant amount of harmful substances, which are activated when the temperature rises and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.


The linoleum marking consists of two numbers, the first number means:

The second number indicates the possible loads on the coating: from 1 to 4, where 1 - withstands the lowest loads, 4 - the highest loads.

Which linoleum to choose

For living rooms and passage rooms, a coating with a thickness of 1 - 2 mm is sufficient.

Before you decide to lay linoleum in your apartment, you need to thoroughly study its characteristics.

Some rooms have increased requirements for the environmental safety of building materials.

Let's consider what kind of linoleum you need to buy for living rooms:

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the smell, appearance and other factors.

What to look for when choosing

To reduce health risks, you need to carefully consider the choice of flooring. It is important to buy high-quality linoleum. The harm caused to health from purchasing cheap flooring is not justified by the low price of the coating. For more information on how to choose linoleum, watch this video:

Please note:

  • availability of a certificate;
  • material used in manufacturing;
  • marking;
  • thickness of the protective coating;
  • smell.

If you feel that the material has an unpleasant odor, you should refuse the purchase without hesitation. You should not hope that the smell will disappear over time; the harm of linoleum in this case is obvious.

What to do if the house has linoleum with an unpleasant odor

Let the linoleum rest in a ventilated area

If the floor covering smells bad, it needs to be replaced immediately.

Otherwise, diseases may arise that over time develop into a chronic form.

While the coating is on the floor, you need to ventilate the room as often as possible so that at least some of the toxic substances are ventilated.

According to research, it has been proven that indoor air is 4 times dirtier and 7 times more toxic than outdoor air. The main sources of pollution are building materials, wallpaper, furniture, and floor coverings.

Acceptable norms of harmfulness of floor coverings and building materials are regulated by SanPiN To learn how not to choose a coating with an unpleasant odor, watch this video:

There is a widespread belief that linoleum is harmful and therefore not suitable for use in residential areas.

But according to consumer reviews, every fourth person has this particular floor covering in their apartment.

Everyone has to decide on the choice of material independently. To minimize health risks, you need to be careful when choosing and not buy the cheapest options.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):