The long-awaited renovation season is coming. Many apartment owners think about which linoleum is best for their apartment. Let's try to understand this issue and the huge assortment offered by trade organizations to help you choose exactly the option you need.

Material requirements

First of all, you need to decide in which room this flooring will be located. The requirements placed on it depend on this. Will it be able to withstand the loads that are placed on it in a particular room? Will the selected linoleum answer technical specifications, such as moisture resistance, sound absorption, etc. Does the material match the interior of the room.


When deciding for yourself which linoleum is best for an apartment, you should familiarize yourself with the regulatory classification of this material. On the reverse side of the linoleum you can see two numbers. One of them means the type of premises: 2 (residential building), 3 ( office building), 4 (production premises). The second number indicates the strength of the material. In accordance with the loads, linoleum is divided into three groups:

  1. Household - this is a thin material that can withstand 1.25 kg per 1 square meter. Rolled up, it does not crack. This material would be quite appropriate in a bedroom or hallway. It is not suitable for the kitchen or bathroom.
  2. Commercial - wear-resistant and durable material. Choosing which linoleum
    better for an apartment, you can confidently choose this option.
  3. Semi-commercial - quite durable and not thick material.


In this room, the load on the floor covering is maximum, so it is more advisable to lay semi-commercial linoleum that will serve you for many years.


This is a special room in any home, if only because it is different high humidity. Much more often used here as flooring But if for some reason you decide to abandon it, then you can use Imitating granite or marble; it looks very impressive and modern, especially if the bathroom is decorated in high-tech style. Naturally, it will cost you more than traditional samples, but the result is worth it. It has increased moisture resistance, and if you consider that the floor area in this room, as a rule, is not too large, then the cost of such a coating will not be too burdensome for your budget.

Living room

Many people are wondering whether it is worth using linoleum for the hall. In an apartment, this is probably the room with the least load on the floor. Therefore, it is quite justified to use classic linoleum in it, especially if it is partially covered with carpets. It is important to choose the right color. If you want to highlight the floor against the general background, choose a linoleum color that contrasts with the walls and furniture. To make the room look harmonious, select several accessories to match the color of the floor. This could be textiles, souvenirs, vases, etc.


It is obvious that this room needs a special floor covering. It can be linoleum with a protective layer. This is usually a natural material. You need to know that flaxseed oil, which is part of natural linoleum, is a powerful antiseptic that can not only protect the floor from germs, but also disinfect the air in the kitchen.

An important element general design are the floors in the apartment. Linoleum for the kitchen, in addition to its attractive and style-appropriate colors, mandatory must have anti-slip properties. It's no secret that it's quite often wet. Therefore, the anti-slip properties will protect you from injury.

Experts advise choosing for the kitchen wide linoleum so that you can lay it without unnecessary seams. When transporting, roll it up, otherwise it may crack. At home, the roll should be unrolled and the material should be allowed to rest well.

Children's room

The room where the bed should be laid best linoleum. For an apartment where there is a room for a baby, it is especially important to do right choice. The floor will not be used too intensively, but it should be taken into account that a small person will be crawling on it and splashing with his bare feet, and therefore you need to pay attention special attention his safety.

The most floor covering is natural linoleum. Flaxseed oil, which is included in its composition, has bactericidal properties and antistatic properties. In other words - this best option. But you should know that its price is twice as expensive as the synthetic one. If you decide that this material is too expensive for you, then lay it top layer glued onto jute or felt base. Such material for children's rooms is decorated with bright and colorful images of animals or favorite cartoon characters, which the baby will certainly like.

Is linoleum harmful?

When starting a home renovation, every person is concerned about how to choose safe, environmentally friendly clean materials. Is linoleum harmful? In the apartment, natural material is completely safe. However, today manufacturers offer much more synthetic PVC coverings. Their manufacturers claim that they are also safe, provided they are followed certain rules operation:

  • You should not lay alkyd (rubber) linoleum in residential premises;
  • commercial linoleum is not suitable for flooring in an apartment, as it contains plasticizers (to increase strength);
  • You should not purchase a non-certified product - it may contain

If after two weeks the initial smell has not disappeared, then most likely the material was manufactured with technological violations.

Today we tried to figure out which linoleum is best for an apartment. We hope that our advice will help you make the right choice. Linoleum is a coating that has a long service life, so I would like it to please you with its excellent quality for many years.

Each of us strives to create in our home maximum comfort and comfort. Fortunately, modern building materials make this task much easier. They're on the move decorative materials, presented wide range construction stores. And, here are the final touches of the renovation, and our house greets us with a renewed look. Living in such a house becomes even more pleasant, the walls and floor are pleasing to the eye, but are all the materials that we used to create this comfort good for our health?

Continuing the topic building materials and their impact on our health, today we will talk about the most common type of flooring - linoleum.

Is this material harmless to our health, and what do you need to know when choosing linoleum for your home...

Linoleum today is one of the most popular flooring options not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. The explanation for this lies in a number of its advantages over other types of floor coverings. So, for example, linoleum is enough cheap option solutions to the "sexual issue"« :), it does not require special skills when laying it on a flat floor, it does not puff up or go in “waves”, does not creak or sag, and is quite undemanding in maintenance. These are all, of course, unconditional “advantages” in favor of choosing linoleum. But, due to the fact that in recent years our compatriots are increasingly becoming interested not only in cost, quality, but also in the factor of harmlessness to human health; this material comes under the lens of a closer study of its properties and the components from which it is made.
But first, a little history...

Linoleum was first invented back in 1863, and what is noteworthy is that its production technology has not changed much since then. Only the ingredients in the composition of this material have changed. The composition of the first linoleum included flax flour and wood flour, pine resins, and natural jute fabric, which was supplied from India, was used as the basis for such environmentally friendly linoleum. Lime powder, dyes, turpentine were also added to the composition of linoleum... Such linoleum was absolutely harmless, and this is how it was made a century and a half ago.

Does such “natural” linoleum exist today? Experts and specialists say that yes, however, they immediately warn that such naturalness, and therefore harmlessness to human health, is not a cheap pleasure.

Types of linoleum

Today in the assortment of construction stores you can find the following types of linoleum:

  1. Natural linoleum– in its production technology, manufacturers try to use natural materials whenever possible, and as we wrote above, such naturalness is not a cheap pleasure.
  2. Linoleum, which contains polyvinyl chloride (PVC). What does this mean? This means that one of the ingredients in natural linoleum, in in this case linseed oil (a very expensive product!) was replaced with a cheaper alternative - polyvinyl chloride. The cost of producing such linoleum has become cheaper, the material itself has become more accessible to the average buyer, but the harmlessness of such material has decreased. It is especially dangerous to lay such linoleum in sunny rooms or where there is high temperature indoors - as a result of heating the linoleum, the polyvinyl chloride, which is part of it, begins to emit toxic fumes that negatively affect your health. You can feel headache, which over time will turn into migraine attacks, you will begin to have problems with your lungs and liver, which may appear allergic reactions. Such hazardous linoleum, if you spend a long time in the room where it is laid, can cause the development of cancer.
  3. Alkyd linoleum with the addition of polyester resins. Toxic resins, toluene, xylene harm not only the environment, but also human health. Such chemical compounds cause diseases of the organs of vision, skin dermatitis and disorders in the central nervous system.
  4. Nitrocellulose linoleum. Another chemical material that harms human health.
  5. Rubber linoleum, which contains rubber and synthetic rubber. Toxic fumes from rubber and synthetic rubber provoke allergic diseases and respiratory diseases.

Unfortunately, our domestic consumers most often have to deal with harmful linoleum made from artificial and chemical components. More than half of the linoleum sold in construction stores or at specialized points of sale, does not have the necessary certificates confirming the fact harmless to human health. In addition, not every linoleum is suitable for use in residential premises. So, there is linoleum intended for use in industrial premises, which is much cheaper in cost, which only contributes to “sniffing” it left and right, although in no case should it be used in residential premises.

Please remember: if the seller cannot provide you necessary documentation, safety certificates and linoleum has not passed GOST certification - such It’s better not to buy linoleum, no matter how tempting and affordable its cost. The funds that you will then spend on treating and restoring your own health and the health of your loved ones will definitely exceed the cost of high-quality natural linoleum.

Is it possible, as they say, “by eye” to determine what kind of linoleum is in front of us? Full of chemical surprises or still a harmless floor covering option?

Experts say that such a test for the “professional suitability of linoleum” and its factor harmlessness does not have to be carried out in a laboratory, you can try to establish its components and more in an accessible way. If the linoleum contains chemical components, then such linoleum will smell quite sharp. This specific smell can be explained very simply -

To reduce the cost and increase the service life of linoleum, manufacturers add special plasticizers to its composition, which emit toxic gas.

In the first days, it is almost impossible to stay in a room in which such “chemical” linoleum was laid due to the specific smell. Over time, this “aroma” fades a little, but its toxic fumes continue to cause harm to human health. In addition, after several years of operation of such linoleum, despite the fact that “it is still nothing,” it still needs to be changed, since under the influence of temperatures and ultraviolet rays, the polymers in the composition of linoleum begin to decompose and release dangerous and toxic substances into the space. substances. Externally, this decomposition of the components is manifested by the appearance of yellow spots on the surface of the linoleum...

The word "linoleum" consists of two words: "lin" - flax and "oleum" - oil. Linoleum was originally linen fabric soaked in oils to protect it from water and make it stronger. Such, for example, were the sails of the ships of the ancient Vikings. A later ancestor of natural linoleum was a material invented in 1767 by Nathan Smith, made from fabric coated with a mixture of pine resin oleoresin, beeswax, linseed oil and dye. Modern linoleum is made from oxidized linseed oil, pine resin and wood chips. This linoleum is completely environmentally friendly.

Also called linoleum are materials based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC), relin (a material based on synthetic and natural rubber), and some other types of materials (nitrocellulose and alkyd linoleum). This word was passed on to natural linoleum substitutes by inheritance due to the similarity in the functions of the materials.

The topic of our conversation will be PVC linoleum, as it raises the greatest doubts about its environmental friendliness.

What is linoleum made of and how is it used?

Polyvinyl chloride (otherwise called: vinyl, corvik, polyvinyl chloride, sikron, jeon, etc.) is a transparent colorless plastic, a thermoplastic polymer of vinyl chloride. But vinyl chloride itself (chlorethylene, chloroethene) is an extremely flammable and explosive substance that, when burned, releases toxic substances that cause carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic (causing fetal malformations) effects. Basically, the entire volume of vinyl chloride is used for the synthesis of PVC; The danger is posed by the transportation of raw materials, which must be carried out in protected, sealed containers that guarantee the substance from leakage, which could lead to disasters.

Polyvinyl chloride is truly the first material of the twentieth century in terms of mass production and the number of areas where it has found application. These include braids for wires and cables, the production of pipes for water supply and sewerage, and various building materials: plastic and suspended ceilings, PVC linoleum, window and door profiles, wallpaper, as well as wrapping films, medical casings, clothing, toys, exterior design of establishments and, of course, gramophone records.

Is linoleum harmful or not?

Manufacturers of PVC linoleum talk about how wear-resistant, practical, easy to clean, and beautiful their material is, but they do not answer the question of why linoleum is harmful. PVC linoleum is easy to transport, install and care for. The only thing: it becomes electrified, smells unpleasant until it wears off and, importantly, when burned, it releases highly toxic organochlorine compounds, dioxins, which are carcinogens. But the answer to this is that you can buy special heat-resistant linoleum and protect yourself from its fire.

But no one goes deep into the production technology of PVC linoleum. And it lies in the fact that initially vinyl chloride polymer is a material that vitrifies at 75-80 ° C, changes shape at 65 ° C, and has no color, strength, or elasticity. It acquires all these properties (sometimes radically different for PVC products) with the help of additives - plasticizers, emulsifiers, stabilizers - the properties of which, as well as their presence, are not discussed by anyone. For example, to make polyvinyl chloride strong and black, metals are added to it, and heavy metals are used as biostabilizers.

Mixed conclusions

In order to accurately declare the performance properties of PVC linoleum, in order to find out why linoleum is harmful, it is necessary to conduct special independent research. But something can be said now: the production of polyvinyl chloride consumes large number energy; at PVC production waste and chemical residues remain that cannot be disposed of without releasing toxic waste, one of them is carcinogen-carbon tetrachloride, chemical compound, thinning the azone layer of the atmosphere. And if you consider that for many years several billion tons of PVC were produced annually throughout the world, you can imagine the harm its production caused to the global environment.

For a long time, Soviet and then Russian consumers did not even think about the benefits or harms of linoleum. But modern society slowly begins to think not only about convenience and material gain, but also about own health and safety.

On the one hand, this is true. The critics are right. Linoleum is really not just harmful, but dangerous to health. But not all of it. But only low-quality cheap ones, which most often are either waste material, or simply not suitable for use in domestic premises.
Therefore, when choosing linoleum for your home, you should pay close attention to safety certificates, chemical composition and price of linoleum.

You probably understand that a coating made from high-quality environmentally friendly materials, will not be cheap. That's why low price finishing coating is a priori an alarming signal.

As for the chemical composition, the dangerous chemical elements linoleum emits a sharp bad smell, which should not only alert you, but also warn you against purchasing. By itself, such linoleum already releases carcinogens. And when heated (for example, when exposed to central heating or the sun) and generally begins to produce highly toxic fumes that poison the human body.

Why do many still choose linoleum as the base flooring for many rooms? Yes, because this material has high performance characteristics, durability and wear resistance. If you also decide to purchase linoleum for your home, be sure to make sure it is safe before purchasing. To do this, you need to ask the seller for safety certificates. Any self-respecting seller should have such documents. Also a guarantor of quality is the GOST badge or the manufacturer’s seal on back side products. However, if there is no such sign, the linoleum is not necessarily a fake. Perhaps its manufacturing technology simply did not allow it to be stamped on the substrate.

In addition to the poorest quality linoleum, unsuitable adhesive compositions can cause harm to human health. After all, when choosing glue, you also take care of your health. Therefore, save on adhesive composition under no circumstances is it possible. After all, a cheap fake can also highlight toxic substances, which will gradually poison the human body.

And if you already have linoleum in your home, and it is already quite old, then you can determine whether it is poisonous or not quite simply. Carcinogenic substances that low-quality linoleum constantly releases leave their mark on the floor surface in the form yellow spots. If you have any in your home, you should seriously consider replacing the flooring.

The debate continues about whether linoleum is harmful to human health and the environment. environment. Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

Types of linoleum

Let's start with the fact that linoleum is a large group of flooring materials. Different types differ chemical composition individual components, number of layers, purpose. So, types of linoleum:

  • Domestic;
  • Semi-commercial;
  • Commercial.

The presented types are intended for service in different conditions, accordingly, have characteristics adapted for operation:

  • Household is intended for installation in residential premises - in houses and apartments. There should be no harm from linoleum;
  • Semi-commercial has more high wear resistance than household. It is designed for service in small commercial premises with average traffic - in offices, in offices;
  • Commercial designed for use in high traffic areas - corridors public buildings, in reception areas, in conference rooms, in classrooms, etc.

Another criterion for dividing into groups is composition:

  • Synthetic linoleums;
  • Natural floor covering.

The composition of natural linoleum includes:

  1. Linseed oil;
  2. Wood flour;
  3. Cork bark;
  4. Tree resins, most often coniferous species;
  5. Jute fabric and other natural ingredients.

Natural linoleum is not harmful to health, its components do not emit hazardous substances and fumes. Experts and users note that the quality natural material significantly superior artificial turf. However, not every family can afford to cover the floor with cork linoleum - the material costs the same as good parquet.

Artificial linoleum canvases are much cheaper than natural ones, so we found wide application in mass construction.

Attention to classification

To minimize the health harm of linoleum, when choosing a material you should pay attention to the class designation:

  • Class 21, 22, 23 - completely safe material free of harmful components. It must be used in residential premises, bedrooms and children's rooms;
  • Class 31, 32, 33, 34 - linoleum for offices, premises for periodic public use (semi-commercial);
  • Class 41, 42, 43 - coating permissible only for production premises. This material may produce toxic fumes when certain conditions, therefore its use in administrative and residential buildings excluded.

Composition of synthetic linoleum

Let's say with household coatings of classes 21-23 it is clear - the material is harmless, but it is not cheap. Is semi-commercial linoleum harmful? What will happen if you lay it in an apartment as a less expensive finishing material?
To determine the essence of the problem, consider the composition standard product from PVC in layers:

  1. Polyacrylic or polyurethane protective layer;
  2. Protective layer of PVC up to 0.8 mm thick;
  3. Drawing;
  4. Foamed PVC;
  5. Fiberglass;
  6. Substrate - foamed PVC, felt or jute;
  7. The bottom layer is protective.

Is PVC linoleum harmful or not? Polyvinyl chloride itself is safe, because many objects around us are made from this material. However, the layer is placed under a protective layer of polyacrylic or polyurethane. If the integrity of the layer is damaged and at the same time heated, PVC is capable of evaporation and volatilization in small quantities. However, this is rather a matter of comfort and the danger from the smell is very doubtful.

The most harmful linoleums

In addition to natural and PVC linoleum coverings, budget materials are sometimes found in stores:

  • Alkyd with polyester resins. These components, when evaporated, cause eye diseases, skin, central nervous system.
  • Synthetic rubber is also dangerous when it releases substances - vapors provoke respiratory diseases and allergic reactions.
  • Nitrocellulose is still a dangerous thing.

Until recently, linoleums based on these components were used everywhere due to their low cost. We can judge how harmful linoleum is even by the fact that it was banned for use in public places. And yet, to this day this is found in construction supermarkets and buyers give preference to it because of the low price, not knowing about the other side of the coin.

What should we be afraid of?

The main danger lies in plasticizers and stabilizers, which are part of the adhesive layers. If you ask the question: can linoleum emit harmful substances, then the answer will be these components. They are released when the layers are abraded and heated. sun rays or warm floors. In cheap coatings, manufacturers often use low-quality raw materials. To eliminate the risk of purchasing one, you should ask the seller for safety certificates.


The main problem today is the production and disposal of linoleum. For these reasons, artificial turf is prohibited in Europe to preserve the environment. During manufacturing, the main danger is represented by plasticizers and polymers that evaporate heavy vapors into the air.

Disposal is no easier - burning old material officially prohibited. When burned, it emits black, acrid fumes that are dangerous to both humans and the environment. IN natural conditions The fabric has been processed for hundreds of years. So kilometers of old linoleum lie in landfills and emit harmful substances when decomposed and solar heating. This is really a problem in our state, where the use of linoleum has not been fully thought through.

What is more harmful: laminate or linoleum?

If we compare the popular and affordable linoleum with laminate, we get the following:

  • Safety. Laminate is a fiberboard-based material, but it also contains toxic polyester resins. The only way Protect yourself from their harmful effects - purchase certified products from responsible manufacturers.
  • Thermal insulation. Linoleum retains heat well, but its safety is guaranteed only at room temperature. Laminate flooring that does not float should be laid on heated floors. harmful substances even after abrasion of the upper protective layers.

If you choose between linoleum and laminate, you need to take into account other points: wear resistance, installation, cost, specifics of the room. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately determine the winner in this case.

A key feature will be fire safety: linoleum, as mentioned, emits toxic gases, and laminate does not support combustion and does not smoke. We will give him the championship.

Let's sum it up

Linoleum has a place in our houses and apartments, but to choose flooring material should be approached consciously:

  • You should not buy very cheap canvases;
  • You should always ask for product certificates;
  • Know the safety classes of linoleum;
  • You should not lay the material in children's and bedrooms, as well as in rooms where there is often sun.

At the right conditions operation, the coating will last more than 10 years without harm to the health of others.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):