There are so many legends and fictions that circulate about these people, probably not a single military specialty has been invented. On November 5, military intelligence officers will celebrate their holiday for the 10th time. All those who are somehow connected today or were connected in the past with military intelligence will gather around the table, remember something, and tell the next “stories.” They will drink the traditional hundred grams and remember their fallen friends.

I've been to such "get-togethers" events. And I have always been amazed at how much the image created in our heads by films and eyewitness memories does not correspond to reality. Yes, among the operational-tactical level of reconnaissance you can meet people who are quite impressive in size and strength. But not the "Schwarzeneggers" for sure. Strong, big people. With good sports training.

But at the strategic intelligence level... A complete break in the pattern. Ordinary, often gray-haired men, of which there are many on the street. More often they are kind than “with steely characters”. You’ll meet someone like that on the street and you won’t even think that he’s involved in some serious military affairs. But it was these guys who traveled around the world back in Soviet times. We worked in the armies of many countries.

People often ask about the date itself. What became the “starting point” for the new holiday? After all, intelligence has existed exactly since the first army appeared.

Indeed, the history of military intelligence began back in 1654 under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. It was then that the first specialized order was created in Rus', which dealt specifically with intelligence - the Order of Secret Affairs. Moreover, we must pay tribute to the military leaders of that time, the order became one of the most effective governing bodies of that time.

So where did the date November 5th come from? This date is the legacy of the Red Army. It was in the Red Army that the Field Headquarters of the Red Army of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic was created. This decision was made on November 1, 1918. And on November 5, order No. 197/27 of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic was issued. It was this order that became the basis for the creation of a department that became the prototype of the GRU: the Registration Directorate to coordinate the efforts of all intelligence agencies of the army.

The first body of the Republic was called in accordance with revolutionary trends - Register.

Many people know about the intelligence activities of the GRU. More precisely, they assume. But few people know that the famous and terrible “Smersh” for enemy spies and their accomplices, created in April 1943, was also organizationally part of the intelligence service.

Most people not associated with such organizations firmly believe that military intelligence officers deal with issues related to the armies of other states. If they are military, then they are specialists in military matters. However, this is not the case.

Strategic and operational intelligence is indeed a priority for military intelligence officers. However, no one relieves the GRU of tasks to resolve other issues. This includes military-technical intelligence, military-political intelligence, environmental intelligence, military-economic intelligence... Listing the tasks of modern intelligence officers is not a rewarding and even stupid task. There are no issues that in the modern world are not related to the army.

The “eyes and ears” of our army today are equipped with the most modern equipment and weapons. Information for intelligence officers today is available in a wide range of possibilities. From the ocean depths to space. But no one forgets the old, traditional methods of reconnaissance. The GRU agent network is quite a serious argument in disputes with the opposing side.

I would like to pay special attention to the GRU special forces. This year this structure turned 66 years old. Yes, only 66! Special forces units of the USSR GRU were created in 1950. Today it is not possible to talk about the number and composition of the units of this structure. The composition and strength of such units is strictly secret.

But what they are capable of sometimes leaks into the press. Now in one country, now in another, events occur that cannot be called anything other than a “miracle.” Dictators die, arsenals of armies ready to attack neighboring states explode, terrorists miraculously become flexible negotiators and release hostages, allies for some reason begin to fight with each other, instead of a prepared operation to seize something.

It is difficult to overestimate the activities of military intelligence officers. It is possible to underestimate, due to the secrecy of most operations. But it was military intelligence that stood and stands at the forefront of Russia’s defense. It is the scouts who will be the first to report an impending attack or sabotage. It is the scouts who will help find gangs of terrorists. It is the intelligence officers who are really at war in peacetime.

I would like to touch on a topic that is heard in most media today. Well-known thanks to the intelligence department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Military intelligence emblem theme. Many people remember and saw the popular bat against the backdrop of the globe. Emblem of Soviet intelligence officers.

By the way, this sign was never the official emblem of the GRU. There is no order approving him in this capacity. But there is an order to wear uniforms and emblems of units and subunits of the garrison. So, military intelligence officers have always been tank crews, paratroopers, artillerymen and other representatives of the garrison majority. And the mouse, it seems to me, appeared at the end of the 20th century. More precisely, in the late 80s - early 90s.

After the adoption of the new Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” on February 11, 1993, which explicitly stated the obligation to indicate belonging to the type of troops with sleeve chevrons, many “animal” emblems appeared. You can see echoes of this event today on any beach in Russia. Wolves, scorpions, eagles... Against the background of the emblems of the Airborne Forces, the globe and other things...

Therefore, in 2002, the GRU adopted an official emblem - a red carnation on a black background and a grenade in the center. But there is still a mouse “lying” on the floor in the headquarters of the GRU of the Russian Federation! But there is actually a carnation on the wall nearby.

We have already written about the difficult everyday life of army intelligence. The fact that these guys are the elite of our armed forces is undeniable. Trainings, training camps, exercises. And absolute secrecy.

And it so happened that right on the eve of the holiday, at the training ground where regular exercises were taking place, we, without even expecting it, were the first to fly into reconnaissance.

Good roads rarely lead to interesting places. And even more so at training grounds, the dirtier it is, the more educational it is in the end. And at the end of this direction, if I may say so, we saw buildings that were not there last time. Well, we decided to drive up, fortunately, it seemed the direction was quite suitable.
Two cheerful men in dirty white overalls on top of Gorki, fully equipped, joyfully told us that we had arrived and were taken prisoner. Yeah, right now... With the support of a representative of the press service of the Western Military District, we captured a reconnaissance group of a separate reconnaissance battalion of one of the Western Military District brigades, based in the neighboring region.

We did not know that over the past two weeks this training ground has been significantly expanded in area and has become a place for all nearby units to practice combat missions, since it now allows working with combat charges for everything from a mortar to self-propelled guns.

We started with huts. The situation has not been fully clarified; extracting any information from intelligence is another task. But as we understood, the guys were too lazy to drag these huge tents for just one night. And even more so, install them first, and then disassemble them. And then winter began with all the special effects.

I had to arrange a more equipped accommodation for the night...

And then, the authorities, seeing the fruits of creativity, expressed their approval and ordered to turn this overnight stay into a training place. The place turned out just the way we liked it.

The scouts themselves had to do completely different things. And they showed them to us. The task was to organize a position for covert surveillance of the road.

This is not an attempt to photograph a winter landscape. It was I who filmed the place of the first NP. The stump turned out to be not real, but quite man-made.

The soldiers immediately explained that in a combat situation, all equipment would be made from branches, sticks, wire and other inconspicuous materials. And here a plastic basin processed with a bayonet-knife fit perfectly. When asked where they got the civilian plastic basin, the guys, looking honestly in the eyes, said that they bought it. Mentally imagining where the nearest store was, I mentally shuddered...

Under the “stump” there was a room about 2x1.5 meters. Having assessed the size, I almost agreed that you could sit in it for more than one hour. Almost - this is because I really didn’t want to test it on myself, and the fighters were quite ready to put me there. But the weather and the prospect of returning in approximately the same camouflage (very dirty) forced me to agree “once”.

Still the same dirty snowy landscape. It seemed that the tracks should have shown where the cache was, but I saw it only when the leader of the group gave the command “Seryoga, stick out the pipe!”

Seryoga stuck out. Burned the place down. Under normal conditions, as commander Maxim explained, a plaster is screwed onto the pipe, grabbed a little with dirty hands, and that’s it, camouflage is ensured.

Although it (the pipe) is not very noticeable anyway.

Third NP. It was not yet completed; the soldiers were deploying a surveillance system.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t wait for the end; it was time to get down to what we actually came for. So, after saying goodbye and wishing success to our “prisoners,” we left the reconnaissance group.

Personal impression: elite do not care with great potential. In a word - intelligence!

So, on behalf of the editors and authors of Military Review, let me congratulate those who wear “carnations” today and those who continue to wear “mice” on their professional holiday. “Only the stars are higher than us!” Happy holiday “little eyes” and “ears”!

Select the desired trims from the catalogue, and in the order form specify the type of trims (pinned or sewn) and the color of the fabric (if sewn). The bar is a rectangular backing covered with an order ribbon. It can be made on a metal or fabric, plastic (flexible) basis. In the case of a fabric backing, the color can be matched to the color of the clothing (gray, olive, blue, black, and so on). Metal-based strips are attached with a pin, which is located on the reverse side, fabric strips are sewn to the uniform. The left side of the chest is designated as the place to wear the order bars. Several order bars are not worn separately, but placed together on a common basis in accordance with the statute of orders and medals. On the general bar, the ribbons are arranged in a certain order in accordance with the statute of orders and medals, recorded in the relevant documents, but the general principle is this: the higher the rank of the award, the higher it is in the list of locations. Each award has a corresponding order bar. In the case where the award contains an order bar, the ribbon used on it is also used to decorate the corresponding order bar. Order bars are collected on an advance payment basis.

Select the desired trims from the catalogue, and in the order form specify the type of trims (pinned or sewn) and the color of the fabric (if sewn). The bar is a rectangular backing covered with an order ribbon. It can be made on a metal or fabric, plastic (flexible) basis. In the case of a fabric backing, the color can be matched to the color of the clothing (gray, olive, blue, black, and so on). Metal-based strips are attached with a pin, which is located on the reverse side, fabric strips are sewn to the uniform. The left side of the chest is designated as the place to wear the order bars. Several order bars are not worn separately, but placed together on a common basis in accordance with the statute of orders and medals. On the general bar, the ribbons are arranged in a certain order in accordance with the statute of orders and medals, recorded in the relevant documents, but the general principle is this: the higher the rank of the award, the higher it is in the list of locations. Each award has a corresponding order bar. In the case where the award contains an order bar, the ribbon used on it is also used to decorate the corresponding order bar. Order bars are collected on an advance payment basis.

Select the desired trims from the catalogue, and in the order form specify the type of trims (pinned or sewn) and the color of the fabric (if sewn). The bar is a rectangular backing covered with an order ribbon. It can be made on a metal or fabric, plastic (flexible) basis. In the case of a fabric backing, the color can be matched to the color of the clothing (gray, olive, blue, black, and so on). Metal-based strips are attached with a pin, which is located on the reverse side, fabric strips are sewn to the uniform. The left side of the chest is designated as the place to wear the order bars. Several order bars are not worn separately, but placed together on a common basis in accordance with the statute of orders and medals. On the general bar, the ribbons are arranged in a certain order in accordance with the statute of orders and medals, recorded in the relevant documents, but the general principle is this: the higher the rank of the award, the higher it is in the list of locations. Each award has a corresponding order bar. In the case where the award contains an order bar, the ribbon used on it is also used to decorate the corresponding order bar. Order bars are collected on an advance payment basis.

Russian military intelligence is the most closed structure of the state, the only intelligence service that has not undergone any significant changes since 1991. Where did the “bat” come from, which for many years served as the emblem of military intelligence of the USSR and Russia, and even after the official replacement with a carnation with grenades, did not leave the headquarters of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Russia?

The birthday of Russian (in those days, Soviet) intelligence is considered to be November 5, 1918. It was then that the Revolutionary Military Council approved the structure of the Field Headquarters of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, which included the Registration Directorate, which was then the prototype of today’s GRU.
Just imagine: a new department was created from the fragments of the Imperial Army, which in one decade (!!!) acquired one of the largest intelligence networks in the world. Even the terror of the 30s, which, of course, was a blow of enormous destructive force, did not destroy the Intelligence Directorate. The leadership and the scouts themselves fought for life and the opportunity to work in every way. A simple example: today Richard Sorge, who has already become a legend of military intelligence, and then a resident of the intelligence department in Japan, simply refused to return to the USSR, knowing that this meant death. Sorge referred to the difficult situation and the impossibility of leaving the position vacant.
The role played by military intelligence in the Great War is invaluable. It was almost impossible to imagine that the intelligence department, which had been destroyed for years, would completely outmaneuver the Abwehr, but today this is an established fact. Moreover, we are talking here about military intelligence, and about agents, and about Soviet saboteurs.
For some reason, a little-known fact is that the Soviet partisans are also a project of the intelligence department. The detachments behind enemy lines were created by career RU officers. The local fighters did not wear military intelligence emblems only because it was not advertised at all. The theory and methodology of guerrilla warfare was laid down in the 50s and became the basis for the created GRU special forces. The basics of training, methods of warfare, attention to speed of movement - everything is in accordance with science. Only now special forces brigades have become part of the regular army, the range of tasks performed has expanded (the nuclear threat is a priority), special weapons and uniforms are being introduced, which are a source of special pride and a sign of belonging to the “elite of elites” - the symbols of military intelligence.
Created and trained to penetrate the territories of aggressive states, GRU Spetsnaz units often participated in carrying out tasks far from their main profile. Soldiers and officers of the GRU special forces were involved in all military operations in which the Soviet Union took part. Thus, many units conducting combat operations were reinforced by military personnel from various reconnaissance brigades. Although these guys no longer served directly under the emblem, as you know, there are no former special forces soldiers. They remained the best in any of the combat specialties, be it a sniper or a grenade launcher and many others.
November 5 acquired its “open” status only on October 12, 2000, when Military Intelligence Day was established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 490.

The bat once became the emblem of military intelligence - it makes little noise, but hears everything.

“Mouse” has been on the chevrons of GRU special forces soldiers for a very long time; they say that the first here was the 12th ObrSpN. For a long time, all this was unofficial, but with the end of the USSR era, the view of the “separation of duties” in the armed forces changed. Elite military units began to introduce appropriate insignia, and new official symbols of military intelligence were approved.
In 1993, when domestic military intelligence was preparing to celebrate the 75th anniversary of its creation. For this anniversary, someone who is fond of heraldry from among the GRU1 employees decided to present a gift to his colleagues in the form of new symbols. This proposal received the support of the head of the GRU, Colonel General F.I. Ladygina. By that time, as is known, the Airborne Forces, as well as the Russian contingent of peacekeeping forces in Transnistria (the letters “MS” on a blue rectangular patch) had already acquired their own officially approved sleeve insignia. We do not know whether the “heraldists-intelligence officers” and their superiors knew about this or not, but they nevertheless circumvented the law. In the second half of October, the GRU prepared a draft report from the Chief of the General Staff addressed to the Minister of Defense, with a description and drawings of two sleeve insignia attached: for military intelligence agencies and special-purpose military units. October 22 F.I. Ladygin signed it “by hand” from the Chief of the General Staff, Colonel General
M.P. Kolesnikov, and the next day the Minister of Defense, Army General P.S. Grachev approved the descriptions and drawings of the sleeve insignia.
So the bat became a symbol of military intelligence and special forces units. The choice was far from accidental. The bat has always been considered one of the most mysterious and secretive creatures operating under the cover of darkness. Well, secrecy, as we know, is the key to a successful intelligence operation.

However, in the GRU, as well as in the intelligence departments of the branches of the armed forces, districts and fleets, the sleeve insignia approved for them was never worn for obvious reasons. But its numerous varieties quickly spread throughout military, artillery and engineering reconnaissance units and units, as well as anti-sabotage warfare. In special-purpose formations and units, various versions of sleeve insignia, made based on the approved design, were also widely used.

Each military intelligence unit has its own unique symbols, these include various variations with a bat, and some specific sleeve patches. Very often, individual units of the Special Forces (Special Forces) troops use predatory animals and birds as their symbol - here everything depends on the geographical location and the specifics of the tasks performed. In the photo, the emblem of military intelligence 551 ooSpN symbolizes the wolf squad, which, by the way, was revered by intelligence officers back in Soviet times; perhaps it was second in popularity after the “mouse”.

It is believed that the red carnation is “a symbol of perseverance, devotion, inflexibility and determination in achieving one’s goals,” and the three-flamed grenade is “a historical sign of the grenadiers, the most trained military personnel of elite units

But starting in 1998, the bat began to gradually be replaced by a new symbol of military intelligence, the red carnation, which was proposed by the famous heraldist Yu.V. Abaturov. The symbolism here is very clear: carnations were very often used by Soviet intelligence officers as an identification mark. Well, the number of petals on the new emblem of military intelligence is five types of intelligence (ground, air, sea, information, special), five continents on the globe, five extremely developed senses of an intelligence officer. It initially appears on the insignia "For Service in Military Intelligence". In 2000, it became an element of the large emblem and the new sleeve insignia of the GRU and, finally, in 2005, it finally occupied a central place on all heraldic insignia, including sleeve patches.
By the way, the innovation initially caused a rather negative reaction among soldiers and special forces officers, but when it became clear that the reform did not mean the eradication of the “mouse,” the storm subsided. The introduction of the new official combined arms emblem of military intelligence did not in any way affect the popularity of the bat among the soldiers of the GRU army formations; even a superficial acquaintance with the culture of tattoos in the Special Forces troops is enough. The bat, as one of the main elements of military intelligence symbolism, was established long before 1993 and will probably always remain so.

One way or another, the bat is an emblem that unites all active and retired intelligence officers; it is a symbol of unity and exclusivity. And, in general, it doesn’t matter who we’re talking about - a secret GRU agent somewhere in the army or a sniper in any of the special forces brigades. They all did and are doing one very important and responsible thing.
So, the bat is the main element of the symbolism of Russian military intelligence, even despite the appearance of the “carnation” it does not give up its position: this symbol today is not only on chevrons and flags, it has also become an element of soldier’s folklore.
It is noteworthy that even after replacing the “Bat” with the “Red Carnation”, not only the special forces and “pear soldiers” did not stop considering “mice” as their symbol, but also the “Bat” remained on the floor in the headquarters of the Main Intelligence Directorate, adjacent to the “Carnation” attached to the wall of the hall.

Today, the 2nd Main Directorate of the General Staff (GRU GSH) is a powerful military organization, the exact composition and organizational structure of which, of course, is a military secret. Today's GRU headquarters has been operating since November 5, 2006, the facility was commissioned just in time for the holiday, it is here that the most important intelligence information is now received, and from here the command of military special forces units is carried out. The building is designed in accordance with the most modern technologies, not only construction, but also security - only selected employees can enter many “compartments” of the Aquarium. Well, the entrance is decorated with a giant emblem of the Russian military intelligence.

Army tattoos can be safely combined into separate groups. Many, who have already served, attach special significance to the drawings on the skin. First of all, it is a union of people, regiments, companies, etc. Secondly, with this kind of tattoo you can immediately find “your people” and understand who belongs to which division. The Main Intelligence Directorate, abbreviated as GRU, also boasts its tattoos, among which stands out bat. This creature, in fact, is a symbol of the troops. There are also brooches in the shape of a bat, which are worn by experienced intelligence officers who do not want to leave marks on their skin.

GRU. History of origin

The Main Intelligence Directorate is an external intelligence agency reporting to the Ministry of Defense. Many note that the predecessor of this type of troops can be considered the Special Chancellery, which existed during the Russian Empire. According to most historians, it was this organ that contributed to the emergence military-political intelligence in the USSR. Similar organizations have also met before. For example, the Order of Secret Affairs, which arose under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

The GRU received its modern name in 1942, when, according to the order of the People's Commissar of Defense, the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army was once again renamed. The GRU tattoo, a photo of which can be found on the Internet, looks really proud. This is due to the fact that many military personnel are happy to represent a department with such a long history.

GRU tattoo on the shoulder blade in the form of a helicopter and special forces

Bat and Gru

Why is the bat considered the symbol of the Main Intelligence Directorate? The fact is that this creature is also nocturnal. Besides, intelligence has always been octane with secrets. Just like these creatures, incomprehensible to many, cause fear and are able to hide in the dark. This is a kind of symbol of invisibility. However, this type of tattoo is not only applied to military personnel. People who did not join the military can also use such an image.

Tattoo of GRU in the form of a tiger with the inscription

Did you know? The GRU tattoo, the meaning of which is associated with the image of a bat, is preferably applied to the shoulder or breast. At the same time, a person who has no connection with the army in general, or with the GRU in particular, can choose any place for the drawing. This kind of image looks good in both small and large formats. That's why they place it on the back, neck, hands , forearms. In the female version, it can be located behind the ear.

Skull on a parachute - GRU tattoo

The meaning of a bat tattoo

The nocturnal creature, frightening in its appearance, gave rise to many legends. At the same time, the bat performed in both good and bad roles. Therefore, the meaning of the tattoo is ambiguous:

  • invisibility. In GRU tattoos, the design of which is mixed with the image of a mouse, the meaning of the image is quite clearly expressed. Like a bat, a scout must remain undetected, be able to deceive the enemy, and hide in the dark;
  • insight. The ancient Greeks believed that it was the bat that had the ability of clairvoyance. These creatures could recognize the future and predict the actions of opponents. Also, some peoples turned to bats for help, guessing the weather by their behavior;
  • vigilance. Catching a mouse is quite difficult. Perhaps this is another one the reason why this type of tattoo was chosen as a symbol of the GRU;
  • valor and honor. A person who has this kind of tattoo acts as a protector of the weak. For him, the words “duty” and “justice” mean a lot;
  • sign Good luck. The image of a bat is often used in greeting cards in China. The creatures are very popular in this country. Their image is considered a harbinger of happiness and good luck.

A bat and a parachute are typical symbols of a GRU tattoo

What else can be depicted on a tattoo?

Bat on the shoulder A GRU officer is not always alone. It is often accompanied by signatures containing date service, unit number. The tattoo itself most often does not have unnecessary details; it is depicted in black and white option. Occasionally it is decorated with sayings that appeal to the owner of the image.

A small bat tattoo is memory about intelligence service. Initially I didn’t want to leave any marks on the skin, but now I don’t regret anything. The mouse is neat, with wide arms wings. Looks aggressive. But I really like her. I didn’t bother pinning down the part number either. But now not everyone will understand whether this is a tribute to fashion, or a tattoo with meaning.

Ivan, Moscow.

Skull with inscription - GRU tattoo

Bat in legends

The image of the bat was frightening and fascinating. Perhaps that's why The image of a vampire has long been associated with these creatures. Also in a number of countries it was believed that a bat could absorb Sun and all the sunshine. The ancient Romans attributed sharp vision to these creatures, so in antiquity they were considered a symbol of vigilance. However, as scientists have proven, this opinion was erroneous. A bat's vision is not perfect. In the Middle Ages, they came to the conclusion that these creatures were an echo of the souls of sinners. That is why they have such an unpresentable appearance and are forced to live without sunlight.

GRU tattoo: parachute, planes and the inscription “Always first”

Did you know? According to one legend, bats are winged messengers of death serving in the underworld. All this happened because the god Dionysus was angry with the three royal daughters. For lack of reverence, the deity turned them into ugly creatures.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):