Some owners of private houses, when equipping their homes, abandon traditional radiators and choose instead water heating convectors built into the floor. This relatively new type of heating device will not spoil any interior style, and, in addition, is perfect for rooms and halls with walls with panoramic glazing.

In fact, convector heating devices cannot be fully called a new invention. They have been installed for quite a long time in the vestibules of large department stores or hotels, creating powerful thermal curtains against the penetration of cold air. Even today, such convectors have not lost their relevance, and they are equipped with entrances to office centers and other buildings with large areas and frequently opening entrance doors. The intensity of the heated air is such that, rising upward, from the floor to the ceiling, it completely blocks the entrance, and the cold air does not have time to get inside the building.

Over time, such devices “migrated” to residential private houses, becoming the main or additional source of heating.

Functions of floor-mounted convectors

For what reason are convectors being increasingly installed instead of the usual radiators, and what functions are assigned to them? There are several answers to these questions:

  • The convector, using a thermal curtain, creates the most effective protection against cold air flows coming from door and window openings. For example, the walls of a house with panoramic glazing definitely require a thermal curtain, otherwise the room will quickly cool down.

  • This device is capable of creating comfortable conditions for a person to stay in it even in a large hall with a high ceiling.
  • For some rooms with a large internal volume, convectors become the only possible effective source of heating, since they are able to evenly distribute heated air throughout the entire space, thanks to additional airflow.
  • If the convector is installed along a glazed wall or window, then it effectively resists the formation of condensation, and therefore the accumulation of dampness on slopes, which can lead to the formation of mold.
  • Any of the radiators is less efficient than a convector and is not able to create a proper barrier to the cold from a window or a constantly opening door. In addition, a battery installed near a transparent wall will significantly spoil the view, for which, in principle, the panoramic glazing was installed.

Basic convector design

The word "convection" comes from the Latin "convectiō", which means transfer. In the case of such heating devices, we are, of course, talking about intense flows of warm air, which receives heat from the heating circuit pipes laid below, through which the coolant circulates.

The design and operating principle of the convector are quite simple and understandable

Modern floor-mounted convectors are improved, aesthetically pleasing and compact devices. If we compare with another hidden heating system - water-heated floors, then converters certainly win, primarily in terms of simplicity of design. In addition, they differ somewhat in the principle of operation. The heated surface of the “warm floor” mainly works for direct heat transfer, and convection in this case is quite weak. Convectors actively heat the air and promote its free and directed flow into the room. In addition, the dense warm upward flow creates a reliable barrier against the penetration of cold from outside and maintains a comfortable temperature in the rooms.

Warm air rises up along the wall, panoramic glazing or window, then passes along the surface of the ceiling to the opposite wall of the room, after which it falls down and enters the convector again, repeating the cycle. This air circulation maintains approximately the same temperature both near the floor and under the ceiling - usually the difference is only 2-3 degrees.

Prices for built-in convectors Breeze

Built-in convectors Breeze

The trench convector has a fairly simple basic design, which includes the following parts and components:

1 – metal casing of the convector;

2 – holes in the housing for connecting pipes with plugs;

3 – mounting brackets or legs necessary for installing the device and adjusting its height. They can be as shown in the figure, or adjustable - screw type (pos. 3a in the figure below).

4 – radiator-heat exchanger, connected to the heating pipes, when air passes between the plates it receives the necessary heat.

5 – outer decorative frame.

6 – upper decorative grille.

In addition to the listed parts of a simple convector, it can be equipped with shut-off and control valves (item 7), a thermostat, and also a fan for forced creation of air flow (item 8).

To understand the purpose of each of the elements, you need to consider them in more detail.

  • The convector body is usually made of stainless steel. It is built into the floor, the surface of which rises to a certain height. Therefore, floor planning and installation of the convector must be carried out simultaneously.
  • The heat exchanger installed in the housing consists of a copper pipe and heat exchange plates, usually made of aluminum, since this metal provides maximum heat transfer. The heat exchanger pipes are connected by line to the heating circuit pipes. Typically, shut-off and control valves are installed between the supply line and the heat exchanger.

Aluminum plates are firmly connected to the convector pipeline using soldering, which is performed using a special solder containing silver. This ensures that losses during direct heat transfer are minimized, and in addition, thermal expansion when heated does not make such a connection of elements less reliable.

  • In the upper part of the case there is a seat for installing a frame and a decorative grille, which covers the internal space of the device with an installed heat exchanger. The grille is strong enough to support the weight of a person and can be rigid or rollable. It can be made of stainless steel, high-strength plastic or hardwood.

  • The fan is installed in convectors with forced air circulation function. In recent years, manufacturers have been placing increasing emphasis on the production of just such devices - they are characterized by higher efficiency
  • The convector is often equipped with a valve to release air, since air pockets can form in the heat exchanger pipe. A floor-mounted heating device is located at the lowest point of the heating circuit, however, the possibility of such a plug still remains. The valve is able to remove air, establishing normal coolant circulation.
  • Some modern convector models are equipped with a thermostat with a remote sensor or a thermostat with a servo drive, which allows you to maintain the set temperature for heating the air in the room. In other, more affordable devices, the above-mentioned manual valves or ball valves are installed for adjustment.
  • Holes for pipe connections allow connections from both the front and side of the convector body.
  • The housing of many convectors has special pipes to which, if necessary, supply air ducts are connected, for example, if, for the purpose of additional ventilation, air is taken from the street.

  • Sometimes the convector is equipped with several heat exchangers connected in series (they are called two-level). Such options are chosen if a model with increased thermal power is needed. Another option is that each of the heat exchangers has its own connection pipes.

In this case, they can be connected in parallel or used in different circuits - one of the heat exchangers may not be involved in heating, but, on the contrary, connected to the cooling and air conditioning system used in the summer.

Types of floor convectors

Today there are three main types of convectors on sale, operating on the principle of natural and forced air circulation.

  • Convectors with natural air circulation (KVE) have already been discussed above. In this option, heated flows rise upward without additional influence, in accordance only with the laws of physics, due to the difference in the density of warm and cooled air.

Of course, the process of such circulation is quite slow. But the device does not require connection to the power supply, and does not make any noise.

  • In-floor water convectors with forced air circulation (FAC) are equipped with a fan and heat the room more efficiently, since the flow of heated air is forcibly directed upward, moves more intensively in space, and, without having time to cool completely, is again supplied for heating.

Tangential fan…

Tangential fans with a characteristic elongated cylindrical shape, installed in the structure, usually operate on a voltage of 12 volts, which is safe when operating the device.

... and its typical place in the design of a convector operating on the principle of forced circulation

This type of convectors today is the most popular for installation both in private homes and in various public buildings.

  • Double-circuit convectors, with air heating and cooling functions, are the third type of device. Purchasing such convectors, and organizing their connection to heating and cooling circuits, is quite an expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford, so the demand for them among private developers is quite “modest”.

This system can well be called “winter-summer”, since in winter the air is heated by the hot coolant circulating in the heat exchanger, and in the summer, when the rooms need to be cooled, cooled liquid passes through the secondary circuit pipes, helping to create a cooler atmosphere in the room . Thus, this type of convector works like a kind of air conditioner.

Prices for built-in convectors Techno

Built-in convectors Techno

In addition to dividing convectors into types according to functionality, the devices have significant differences in other parameters:

  • Height, width and length of the device.
  • Power depending on the size and number of heat exchangers.
  • The convector is equipped with additional control and automatic adjustment devices. Very often, when purchasing a convector, such devices are offered to be purchased independently - these can be built-in or remote temperature sensors, thermostatic valves (taps) with manual preset or servo drives, wall-mounted fan control units, etc.

Features of installation and piping of in-floor convectors

These heating devices can be installed in the floor of almost any room used for various needs. Since stainless steel is used in the manufacture of convector housings, they can be installed even in wet areas of swimming pools, saunas and bathrooms. To get a quality connection, you should follow some recommendations when installing the structure.

An underfloor heating convector is installed in a niche made in advance when arranging the floor or cut out in the right place. Another option is to install the device under a raised floor, which is raised above the base (ceiling) to the level of the decorative grille of the heating device.

One of the schemes for installing the device is in a niche prepared for it in the floor

When preparing a place for a convector and during installation, some rules should be taken into account.

  • If a niche is installed in the floor (item 1), then it should be wider than the convector body by 5÷7 mm in each direction along its entire perimeter, and by 100 mm on the pipe supply side. (b mouth = b to + 10÷15 mm). The depth of the niche (h mouth) taking into account the thickness of the finishing floor covering (item 5). It should be 10÷15 mm greater than the height of the device (h k).
  • The convector is precisely positioned until complete stability and the desired height are achieved, using adjustable supports (item 3) or special brackets. The device must stand very stable, and for this, after installing and connecting the pipes, it is recommended to fill the remaining space between the body (item 2) and the walls of the niche with a fixing mortar (item 4).
  • After laying the finished floor, the narrow gap between the finishing coating and the decorative frame can be filled with silicone sealant (item 6).
  • Another option is when the convectors are installed and pre-tied, and then the floor is filled to the required height with a screed (taking into account the thickness of the future floor covering).

  • The piping of a convector installed in a floor niche is done with metal-plastic pipes, since they may have to be bent.
  • The pipes are embedded in a concrete covering or covered with a raised floor, and they should not have any connections in this area. For this reason, metal pipes are not suitable for this purpose, as they will be unreliable in operation.
  • If the surface is raised by a raised floor, then any pipes for connection can be used, but it is still better to use metal-plastic or polypropylene.
  • The connection of the circuit pipes connected to the convector and its copper heat exchanger is usually made inside the housing using American union nuts, sometimes using high-quality flexible connections (stainless corrugated pipes).

  • If a convector with forced circulation is installed, the device will need to be connected to the power supply. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider the connection and cable routing scheme. In addition, you should consider the location for mounting the fan control unit and transformer, since tangential fans that use a safe voltage of 12 V are usually installed in convectors. In this matter, you should take into account the manufacturer’s recommendations, and it is better to use the services of a professional electrician.

Video: animated example of installing a simple convector followed by pouring a floor screed

Other types of water heating convectors

In addition to the floor-mounted convectors under consideration, there are other varieties that differ slightly in design and installation location - these are floor-mounted and wall-mounted units. It’s also worth saying a few words about them.

Floor convectors

Floor convectors work on the same principle as in-floor convectors and have a similar design. The device is equipped with adjustment elements and can also operate on the principle of natural or forced circulation. These heating devices differ, essentially, only in the installation location, and are equipped with stable legs for placing them and securing them to the floor.

Typically, floor convectors are compact in size, but despite this, they have good heat transfer and are built into the heating circuit instead of conventional radiators.

If the house has panoramic glazing, but it is raised from the floor to a certain height, then floor convectors are ideal for creating a thermal curtain. The devices will prevent condensation from appearing on the glass and the formation of mold spots on the walls around the windows.

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Wall convectors

The wall-mounted version of convectors is hung on special brackets. Heating devices are light in weight, so their installation is quite simple and can easily be carried out by one specialist. In addition, due to its low weight, it can even be hung on a plasterboard partition between rooms.

Wall-hung convectors come in various shapes and sizes, but the most popular are narrow convectors that protrude from the wall by only 70÷100 mm, as they are excellent for rooms with a small area.

“Warm baseboards” with water heating can also be considered a type of wall convectors. They are distinguished by their compact dimensions in height and thickness, characteristic elongated shape, and are usually installed along the external walls of the room, directly above the usual baseboard or even instead of it.

A very convenient new product among heating devices - “warm baseboard”

Floor and wall convectors can have a side or bottom connection, and are selected according to this criterion depending on the supply of heating circuit pipes.

The main advantage of such convectors over in-floor convectors is, of course, much simpler installation, which does not require large-scale general construction and finishing work.

"Pros" and "cons" of water heating convectors

Like any heating devices, convectors have their advantages and disadvantages.

The “advantages” of convectors include the following qualities:

  • Rapid heating of the room due to the uniform distribution of heated air flows throughout it.
  • Savings on energy bills, since efficient heating of rooms is ensured by filling the system with a small amount of coolant, heated to only 60 degrees.
  • The light weight and simple design of wall or floor convectors makes their installation simple and accessible even for non-professionals.
  • By installing in-floor or narrow wall-mounted convectors, replacing more bulky radiator designs with them, you can free up a lot of usable space in the room,
  • The convection currents of convectors installed under the windows prevent the formation of condensation on the glass, thereby protecting the room from the appearance of mold stains, which are very difficult to get rid of.
  • The modern and neat appearance of all types of convectors allows them to be used in any interior style.
  • Convectors are able to withstand coolant temperatures reaching 90 degrees or more. This thermal endurance is especially useful for installation in buildings located in regions with very low winter temperatures.
  • The pipes of the in-floor convector are completely hidden, and the outer part of the device itself (the grille) never heats up to dangerous temperatures. Therefore, the likelihood of getting burned is eliminated, which indicates their safety for small children.
  • Convectors practically do not dry the air in the room. Heated masses, due to the fact that they are in constant motion, are enriched with moisture. If it is necessary to increase the humidity in the room, you can place a container of water on the convector grille. Some models have built-in capacity for these purposes.

The disadvantages of such convection heating devices include the following:

  • If convectors are installed in the premises as heating devices, then wet cleaning will have to be carried out much more often, since the circulating air will carry a lot of dust with it from the floor surface. Since circulation will take place constantly, the air in the room will be filled with dust, which is very dangerous for people prone to allergic reactions.
  • Convectors with natural circulation are ineffective for heating rooms with high ceilings, since due to the slow movement of air, the entire volume of the room will not be fully heated. If the ceilings are too high, then you should only choose devices with a built-in fan.
  • Natural circulation will not be effective even if a forced ventilation system is installed in the room. In this case, the air heated by the convector will simply be drawn out through the ventilation ducts.
  • An obvious disadvantage is the complexity of installing in-floor appliances, since for them you need to build a niche of the required size in the floor and lay grooves for pipes and cables, or raise the floor to the height of the convector body.

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Criteria for choosing a water convector

To choose the right one of these heaters for a specific room, you need to rely on several criteria:

  • In order for heating to be effective, you need to correctly calculate the power of the heating device for a specific room - the convector, acting as the main heat source, must be able to maintain the required comfortable temperature and completely replenish heat losses. It is generally accepted that the norm is 100 W per square meter of room, with a ceiling height in the room of no more than three meters. However, in reality everything may look slightly different. Such a calculation does not take into account the climatic conditions of the region of residence, the characteristics of the room, which may have one or several external walls, access to the street or to an unheated balcony. The ratio of the area of ​​the room to the area of ​​its glazing has a very serious effect on the level of heat loss. Even the location of the room relative to the cardinal points can make adjustments.

Convector heaters, radiators and oil radiators are actively used to heat rooms for various purposes. Differing in design and method of heat supply, they allow you to create efficient heating systems. Convector or radiator, which is better - such questions are often puzzled by people who want to create an autonomous heating system. It is difficult to answer this question, since the specified equipment is designed for use in a wide variety of conditions.

In this comparative review we will cover the following equipment:

  • Electric convectors;
  • Water convectors;
  • Oil radiators;
  • Radiators for water heating systems.

At the same time, we’ll find out which of these is better – let’s go through the list in order.

Electric convectors

If a household is not connected to a gas main, consumers often resort to electric heating systems. Recently, it has become fashionable to use convectors here. They allow you to do without installing radiators and a boiler, as well as without running pipes around the house. Convector heaters require only electrical power and do not require a coolant supply. Agree, it is much easier to bring wires to the installation site than a pipe with hot water.

All convectors work on the same principle.

Electric convectors operate on the principle of natural convection. They heat the air, causing it to rise up and leave the equipment. Rising to the ceiling, it displaces cold air masses from there, which are sucked into the convectors and follow the same path. All this is controlled by mechanical or electronic thermostats that regulate the temperature by turning on/off the heating element. Moreover, it is better for the consumer to choose devices with electronics - they are more economical.

The heart of convector heaters are heating elements with a large fin area. They heat the air masses; their share of thermal radiation is extremely small.

Advantages of convectors:

  • Autonomous operation without coolant – significant cost savings on creating a heating system;
  • The ability to combine several convectors into a single network with centralized heating - this makes it better and more convenient to control the temperature in the rooms;
  • Extreme simplicity of design - there is simply nothing to break here;
  • Environmentally friendly - convectors do not burn oxygen and practically do not change air humidity;
  • Easy installation - just connect wires with electricity to the equipment.

In addition, electronically controlled electric convectors are often equipped with auxiliary functions, turning them into modern heating equipment. If you are a fan of modern functional appliances, it is better to choose electric convectors with electronics on board.

Disadvantages of convectors:

  • High electricity consumption - at current energy tariffs, electric convectors will never be able to keep up with heating systems running on gas or other energy sources;
  • Reduced efficiency during long-term operation - therefore it is better to set the temperature slightly higher than normal;
  • Possibility of electric shock - this happens when operating faulty equipment.

Despite some disadvantages, electric convectors remain the simplest and most affordable heating devices.

When choosing convectors, it is best to purchase units from well-known brands - on their basis you will create reliable and durable electric heating.

Water convectors

The main distinguishing feature of water convectors is the need to supply pipes with hot coolant to them.

Convectors can operate not only using electricity, but also using coolant coming from the heating system. The coolant is heated by boilers - electric, gas, liquid, solid fuel or universal. Thanks to their simple internal structure, they do not cause any difficulties in operation and provide quick heating of the premises.

Water convectors are equipped with powerful heat exchangers. Consumers can choose from modifications with steel exchangers and exchangers made of non-ferrous metals. The latter are much more expensive, but they are resistant to corrosion - both outside and inside.. Copper and aluminum are used as non-ferrous metals. The coolant flows through copper tubes, and the air is heated by aluminum fins.

Water heating convectors are available in several form factors:

  • Wall-mounted – these devices are mounted on the walls. It is best to install them under window openings;
  • In the floor - most often placed under panoramic windows or windows with low window sills that do not reach the floor;
  • Built-in – for hidden installation in interior wall niches. It is best to purchase such convectors if you want to create an invisible heating system;
  • In-floor - such convectors do the best job of preventing condensation from settling on panoramic windows.

In-floor models look great in front of panoramic windows or doors.

Let's talk about the advantages of water convectors:

  • They do not require electricity - they are powered by hot coolant;
  • Heating systems turn out to be more economical - provided that they are not powered by electric boilers;
  • Compactness and simplicity are undoubted advantages;
  • High heating efficiency.


  • It is better not to use convectors in rooms with high ceilings - in such conditions they are ineffective;
  • Difficulty in installation - you need to lay pipes around the house;
  • Susceptibility to corrosion and pressure changes - you have to put up with this.

Compared to electric convectors, water convectors are better in that heating systems based on them are more economical. The main thing is to power them from an economical heat source. And it’s easier to manage such a system - just set the desired temperature on the heating boiler.

Heating systems based on water convectors are better than electric convectors, even if they are currently powered by electric boilers - when gas becomes available, you can quickly convert the system to work with a gas boiler.

Oil radiators

Oil radiators operate on a similar principle, but the temperature of their housings is much higher.

Let's immediately see how a convector differs from a radiator. Convectors heat primarily by heating hot air. As for radiators, there is also thermal radiation. If we stand next to a radiator, we will perceive the heat emanating from it and at the same time feel how hot air rises above the device. That is, the main difference between a convector and a radiator is not at all in the principle of operation, but in the design and some other parameters.

Oil radiators are heating devices that not only emit heat spreading in all directions, but also produce heated air rising upward. Thanks to this, relatively quick heating of the premises is achieved. Such radiators are rarely used in constant heating systems; most often they work as auxiliary equipment - in this regard, they heat a little better than convector devices.

The main difference between an oil radiator and a convector is the large working area. In fact, this is the entire outer surface. It is heated by heated mineral oil circulating through a small circuit. These devices are installed at random points in the premises - under desks, near work stations, next to the sofa, along blank walls. Some models are made in an exclusively wall-mounted form factor.

Advantages of oil radiators:

  • Oil-based appliances are better because they provide quick heating due to their large area;
  • Built-in thermoregulation systems;
  • Mobility - they are easy to move from place to place;
  • Easy to clean;
  • Affordable price.

But there are also disadvantages:

Do not leave children alone with oil radiators as they may get burned.

  • High temperature of the housings – It is better not to use these devices where children play, otherwise they may get burned;
  • There is always a risk of leakage - hot mineral oil leaking from the radiator can cause burns;
  • Models for constant heating are very, very expensive.

Oil radiators are best chosen as auxiliary equipment.

Radiators for water heating systems are built in much the same way as oil-fired appliances. But they heat up not due to oil, but due to the coolant circulating through the system. They are equipment for creating constant heating. Scope of application: centralized and autonomous heating systems. They are better than oil ones in that they do not consume electricity. And if they are powered by an economical gas boiler, then heating costs will be minimal.

Radiators for water heating are better than their oil counterparts due to their increased reliability. They are also better than convectors due to their large heating area. They also do not raise dust into the air and are easier to clean with wet cleaning. Being connected to a single heating system, they allow you to evenly regulate the heating temperature in all rooms at once.

However, water radiators can be equipped with thermostatic valves, making it possible to individually regulate the temperature in the rooms.

Water heating radiators are the most popular type of heaters used in our country.

Advantages of water radiators:

  • These radiators have high heat transfer;
  • High environmental friendliness;
  • Increased power on some models.

There are also several disadvantages:

  • Convectors are better than radiators because they are more compact. A striking example of this is miniature in-floor or baseboard models;
  • Radiators are more expensive than convectors - so the latter are a little better in this regard;

The first water heating systems used the so-called gravity circuit (with natural circulation).

The coolant circulated in a closed circuit of pipes due to the different densities of hot and cold water. In order for the system to work, it was necessary to use large diameter pipes, and in general it was very inertial, that is, it heated up slowly and cooled just as slowly. Nowadays, such a scheme is still occasionally used for heating small private houses.

At first, heat transfer in water heating systems was carried out through ordinary or finned pipes. Due to the relatively small area of ​​contact with air, they were not very effective.

And it was in Russia, or rather in St. Petersburg, that a fundamentally new heating device was invented - a cast iron radiator, which consisted of several thick pipes with vertical disks. It was created by a Russified German of Italian origin, Franz Karlovich San Galli, in 1855, calling his invention “Heitzkörper” (hot box), or, more familiar to Russian ears, “battery”.

Such batteries soon became popular all over the world, and were used not only in water systems, but also in the parallel development of steam heating, where the temperature of superheated steam reached 150-200 o C and the pressure was several atmospheres. Compared to today's cast iron radiators, they were more bulky and richly decorated with ornaments.

Heating convectors today are recognized as one of the most common types of heating devices, the use of which is recommended by experts for the main as well as additional heating of premises.

Wall-mounted steel water heating convectors Universal

Steel wall-mounted heating convectors with a safety casing of the “Universal” type KSK 20 are used for two-pipe and single-pipe water heating systems for rooms and buildings for a wide variety of purposes with a maximum permissible coolant temperature of 150 0 C and excess pressure of up to 1 MPa.

The heating devices successfully passed tests at the Research Institute of Plumbing of the Russian Federation to determine the nominal heat flow, tightness, strength, and hydraulic resistance. Based on test results, they are recommended for use.

Heating convectors have been certified and comply with TU 4935-001-42227798-03 and GOST 20849-94, as well as state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

Convectors have a simple design: a heating element and a casing with an air valve, which is necessary to regulate the heat flow.

Water convectors of shallow depth Universal KSK 20M consist of one heating element, medium depth - KSK 20S of 2 heating elements, which are connected to each other by a plate and a roll.

There are two options for heating elements of convectors that are produced today: pass-through and end. The pass-through heating convector is equipped with straight pipes of the heating element, as well as connecting pipes on them on both sides. For a medium-depth pass-through convector, there are four heating element pipes, which are connected in pairs using junction boxes. At the end convector, the connecting pipes are located on one side and, thus, the coolant passes in turn through all the pipes of the heating element, connected to each other by rollers.

Depending on the location of the connecting pipes can be right-handed (nozzles on the right side) or left-handed (nozzles on the left side).

The convector casings are standard, that is, they are made in overall and connecting dimensions and differ only in depth - 95 mm for the “M” model and 156 mm for the “C” model. The height of the casing is unified - 400 mm.

To reduce injury and comfort, the housings are designed without sharp corners and the air valve control handles are completely recessed.

To automatically maintain a given temperature in a room, along with basic models of convectors, our company offers shallow-depth convectors “Universal” KSK 20MT and medium-depth convectors - KSK 20ST, which are equipped with built-in thermostats instead of an “air” valve.

Thermostats are installed on the heating element of the heating convector instead of the kalach and serve to regulate the heat flow through the coolant (water), providing a high level of thermal comfort in the premises and optimal energy consumption.

Our company also offers Universal KSK 20 convectors with an INDIV 5R individual heat metering device to save consumer energy costs.

Floor-standing steel heating convectors KPVK and KPNK

High floor heating convectors type KPVK - 20 and low convectors type KPNK - 20 according to GOST 20849 are intended for water heating systems of residential, public and industrial buildings with coolant temperatures up to 150 0 C and excess pressure up to 1 MPa with the possibility of installing devices under windows with low window sills.

Convectors KPVK and KPNK consist of a heating element, support and casing.

The SOTIS company offers buy heating convectors wholesale and retail: wall convectors “Universal” KSK 20 and floor heating convectors KPVK and KPNK. The convectors supplied by our company not only satisfy the requirements of capital construction projects, but also easily fit into almost any interior thanks to their modern design, various installation methods and a large number of standard sizes.

Prices for heating convectors from the SOTIS company

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our prices for the Universal convectors KSK 20, KPVK and KPNK:

Product photo Product name Price *, rub.

Convector "Universal" KSK-20-M

Convector "Universal" KSK-20-M on thread

from 1052,58

Convector "Universal" KSK-20-S

Convector "Universal" KSK-20-S on thread

from 2236,69

Convector "Universal" KSK-20-MT-1

Convector "Universal" KSK-20-MT-2

from 1414,31

Convector "Universal" KSK-20-ST-1

Low convector type KPNK-20 on thread

from 5252,86

*Retail prices include VAT. For an order amount of 50,000 rubles. discounts apply.

You can find out more detailed information, prices, product availability, and also buy heating convectors “Universal” KSK 20, KPVK and KPNK wholesale and retail from our company’s sales department specialists. There is a special discount system for regular and wholesale customers.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):