2. Design internal water supply

2.1. Description of the building - taken from the assignment.

Building improvement - residential building apartment type with a geyser or with hot water supply (according to hydraulic calculation).

Accepted norm of water consumption (from the assignment - specific water consumption l/day per person).

The number of residents is determined by hydraulic calculation of the area and the probability of simultaneous operation of the devices.

2.2. The adopted water supply system and diagram, pipe material, methods of connecting them, wiring, fastening, insulation and slope of the pipeline.

Selecting a water supply system and diagram.

The internal water supply system is selected depending on the technical and economic feasibility, sanitary and hygienic and fire safety requirements, as well as taking into account the adopted external water supply system.

For the conditions of this course work A drinking water supply system is used.

Plumbing schemes must be designed to be simple, economical, reliable and convenient for installation and operation.

According to the configuration, water supply diagrams can be with lower and upper distribution of main pipelines, dead-end and ring. IN residential buildings up to 12 floors high, a dead-end scheme with lower distribution of main pipes is used.

At bottom wiring the highway is located at the lowest level, i.e. in the basement, if there is one, or in special channels. (mainly in residential and public buildings) (Fig. 1 and 2)

At top wiring the highway is located on high level, i.e. somewhere under the ceiling of the upper floor or on the technical floor (mainly for industrial buildings).

Fig.1. Bottom wiring. Fig.2. Upper wiring.

For this course project We accept a domestic and drinking water supply system, a dead-end water supply system with one inlet and lower distribution of main pipelines.

A dead-end water supply system consists of a main line and dead-end branches. Water in such a system moves from the main entrance to the dead-end sections. The advantage of such a system is that a minimum amount of water pipes. But the disadvantage is that any breakdown in a section of the mainline leaves subsequent branches without water.

Depending on the magnitude of the guaranteed pressure in external network The following schemes are distinguished for water supply:

a) working under pressure from the external network;

b) working with local booster units.

Schemes with local booster settings are divided into:

a) diagrams with a water tank;

b) schemes with permanently operating pumping units;

c) schemes with periodically operating pumping units operating in conjunction with a water tank.

The internal plumbing system includes:

water supply entry into the building, water metering unit, distribution network, risers,

connections to sanitary fixtures, water supply, mixing, shut-off and control valves.

The material of the water supply pipes will be taken from the hydraulic calculation.

The way they connect the pipes depends on the material of the pipes.

Insulation of the main for cold water supply only up to the water metering unit along the length of possible freezing.

2.2.1. Water supply inlet and water metering unit (trace water supply network) .

The internal water supply scheme should be developed starting with its entry into the building.

The inlet is the section of pipeline from the city water supply network to the water metering station. The input must be laid along the shortest distance at an angle of 90° to the wall of the building.

Each water supply inlet in residential buildings is designed for a number of apartments of no more than 400.

The input diameter is determined during the hydraulic calculation of the network.

The water supply is installed:

Water metering unit . A water meter unit (water meter frame) is a section of a water pipe immediately after the water supply system is entered, which has a water meter, a pressure gauge, shut-off valves and a bypass line. The water meter unit should be installed at outer wall buildings in a convenient and easily accessible room with artificial or natural lighting at a distance of about 1 m from the wall with measures against freezing, or an air temperature not lower than +5 ° C according to SNiP 2.04.01-85. How to insulate a pipe up to the water metering unit is explained in explanatory note, but this is not indicated in any way on the drawing. The bypass line of the water metering unit is usually closed, and the fittings on it are sealed. This is necessary to measure water through a water meter. The reliability of the water meter readings can be checked using a control valve installed after it. Valves or valves are installed on each side of the water meter.

The house inlet ends with a water metering unit, which is installed behind the first outer wall of the building - in a warm and dry room. A “city” valve or valve is installed in front of the water meter, and a “house” valve is installed behind the water meter. A tee with a water tap is installed between the water meter and the “house” valve. The presence of this tap makes it possible to drain water from the system in emergency situations, as well as check the accuracy of the water meter readings without removing it from its place.

The depth of the inlet is assumed to be equal to the depth of the city water supply and depends on the depth of soil freezing. To allow emptying, the inlet is laid with a slope of 0.002-0.005 towards the street network.

A – first floor floor mark

F - basement floor mark, technical floor

B – mark of the ground surface near the building

B – mark of the ground surface at the point of connection to the city water supply and sewerage system

G – axis mark of the city water supply pipe at the connection point

D – mark of the bottom of the city sewer pipe at the connection point

A - in dry soil.

B - in wet soils;

1 - input pipe; 2 - resin strand; 3 - crumpled fatty clay; 4 - plaster with cement mortar; 5 - sleeve; 6 - cement-sand mortar; 7 - wooden insert; 8 - tarred rope; 9 - wall

basement; 10 - clay castle.

The water supply inlet is located above the sewer pipes, the distance in plan is at least 1.5 m from each other.

The intersection of the inlet with the basement walls is carried out in dry soils with a gap of 0.2 m between the pipeline and building structures with the opening sealed with waterproof and gas-proof elastic materials, in wet soils - with the installation of oil seals.

The distance in plan between the water supply inlet and the sewerage and drainage outlets must be at least 1.5 m with an inlet diameter of up to 200 mm. At least 3 m - with an input diameter of more than 200 mm,

clause 9.5 [Lukinykh A.A., Lukinykh N.A. Tables for hydraulic calculation of sewer networks and siphons according to the formula of Acad. Pavlovsky. - M., 1984].

On main pipelines, it is also necessary to provide for the installation of watering taps with a diameter of 25 mm, which are located on the outside of the building in niches at a height of 0.25 m from the blind area, 60-70 m along the perimeter of the building. A shut-off valve is installed on the inside to turn off watering tap for the winter.

– shut-off valve (diameter 15, 20, 25, 32, 40 mm). – water meter (water flow meter). – pressure gauge.

When designing a system with one input, a water metering unit is installed with a bypass line, on which a sealed valve is installed, which includes, if necessary, the passage of fire-fighting water or the removal of the water meter for repair and inspection. It is necessary to provide free access to the water metering unit for ease of operation and taking water meter readings. Shut-off valves are installed before and after the water meter, and a control and drain valve is installed between the water meter and the second valve in the direction of travel.

The water metering unit is usually located immediately after entering inside the building at a distance of no more than 1 m from the outer wall.

The water supply is installed:

a) from cast iron pipes with an input diameter of more than 50 mm,

b) from galvanized steel pipes with an input diameter of less than 50 mm.

Water meter units are installed immediately after the inlet passes through the wall

or foundation at a distance of about 1 m from the wall, ensuring measures against freezing. How to insulate a pipe up to the water metering unit is explained in the explanatory note, but this is not indicated in any way on the drawing.

The bypass line of the water metering unit is usually closed, and the fittings on it are sealed. This is necessary to measure water through a water meter. The reliability of the water meter readings can be checked using a control valve installed after it. Valves or valves are installed on each side of the water meter.

Between the water meter and the valve second in terms of water movement, a control valve is installed to empty the system and check the accuracy of the water meter reading. When installing one input into a building, a bypass line with a valve or gate valve is installed at the water meter.

Routing of the water supply network.

Water risers should be placed together with sewer risers and risers hot water in places of greatest water intake, usually in the corner near the toilet.

Depending on the finishing of buildings, open and hidden installation of risers is used.

Main water pipelines are laid along the capital interior wall or columns 40-50 cm below the basement ceiling. The pipelines are secured to brackets or roofs.

A shut-off valve is installed on the inside to turn off the watering tap for the winter. Supply pipelines from risers to sanitary fixtures are laid at a height of 20-30 cm above the floor with a slope of 0.002-0.005 to the risers and connected to the fittings of the fixture in vertical sections.

If there is a basement or technical underground, the entry is made into the basement or technical underground, ensuring free access to the water metering unit. In the absence of a basement or technical underground, it is advisable to assign the input to staircase with the installation of a water meter in the underground channel.


– visible section of pipeline B1 (open installation). – invisible section of pipeline K1 (hidden gasket). – water tap. – watering tap.

B1 - domestic drinking water supply; B2 - fire water supply; B3 - industrial water supply (general designation).

B1-1 - means that the input refers to the drinking water supply system B1 and the serial number of the input is No. 1. This means that the input refers to the drinking water supply system B1 and the serial number of the input is No. 1. 2.2.2. Internal water supply network and fittings.

1. Network design should begin with the selection of locations for risers for various purposes on floor plans. When designing, we are guided by the following provisions: - we strive to lay networks parallel to the walls of buildings and column lines, as straight as possible, so that the length of the pipe is minimal; - pipelines should not cross beams, columns and other load-bearing parts of the building; - choose the laying of the cold water supply network taking into account joint installation with other networks (hot water supply, heating); - when placing risers, it is necessary to take into account the layout of the premises so that they are located near walls that allow the fastening of pipelines; - risers are laid, if possible, in places where the largest number of water-folding devices are located so that their number and the length of connections to the water-folding devices are minimal.

2. The internal water supply network consists of main pipelines, risers and pipes leading to sanitary fixtures.

We number all risers clockwise, respectively, water supply: utility and drinking - St.V1-1, St.V1-2, etc., sewer: domestic system - Art. K1-1, St. K1-2, etc.

For the installation of cold water supply networks, SNiP 2.04.01-85* recommends using plastic, metal-polymer, fiberglass, steel, cast iron and asbestos-cement pipes. It is allowed to use copper, bronze, brass pipes and fittings for them.

We design internal water supply and sewerage networks on plans simultaneously so that the design solutions of the schemes are as simple as possible, easy to use and interconnected. Moreover, priority in design is given to the sewerage system, since during operation it becomes clogged and requires cleaning.

It is advisable to use industrial construction methods when designing using sanitary blocks and cabins different types, but individual installation is also possible.

Water risers are placed together with sewer risers, which are installed near the device (toilet) that discharges the largest one-time wastewater flow. Depending on the requirements for finishing buildings, open or hidden installation of risers is used.

External load-bearing wall 510 mm thick. Internal load-bearing wall 380 mm thick. Niche for risers 150 mm deep, 250-300 mm wide.

3. We place sewer risers near sanitary fixtures with the most contaminated wastewater so that they get into the risers by the shortest route, near the main walls, and not near the partitions.

In bathrooms, we place sewer risers near the toilet or behind the toilet, in a wall channel or shaft.

Sewer risers should not be located near walls adjacent to residential premises.

We lay discharge pipelines from sanitary fixtures along partitions and main walls to the corresponding risers to which they are connected.

It is incorrect to place the water supply riser so that sewer riser I had to go around it in a loop.

It is incorrect to place one riser for two apartments, because...

The hydraulic calculation increases (the farthest riser will be the most loaded),

Sealing pipes with tiles is also impossible because of the neighbors.

4. We place water risers in places of greatest water intake and take into account the possibility of installing one shut-off valve to disconnect all supply from each riser.

Water risers should not be placed on walls adjacent to living rooms or near external walls.

We lay water connections from the water risers along the walls or partitions to the installation locations of the water fittings of the corresponding sanitary fixture.

5. After we have finished designing the networks on the floor plans, we proceed to designing the networks on the basement plan, having previously moved all the risers to the same places on the basement plan.

6. Tracing internal network they start from the water distribution devices: on the floor plans and sections of the building, they mark the places for laying the pipes supplying water to the devices (distribution), as well as risers.

7. Water supply networks are laid so that their length and the number of intersections with building structures is minimal. The presence of bends and turns in the form of loops on the risers is undesirable, since air pockets form in them, which disrupt the operation of the network.

The main pipeline is laid in the basement along the internal main wall of the building below the ceiling by 0.3-0.5 m.

8. Pipelines should not cross beams, columns and other load-bearing parts of the building. When placing risers, it is necessary to take into account the layout of the premises on all floors of buildings: risers should not pass in the middle of the room, cross the load-bearing structures of the building, and should be located near walls and partitions, columns that allow the fastening of pipelines.

To change the direction of the pipeline, connect side branches, and connect pipes of different diameters, shaped (connecting) parts are used.

9. For ease of operation, in buildings with a large number of water taps and a significant number of pipelines, risers are located in installation shafts (150 x 250...300 mm in internal load-bearing walls) or channels, grooves.

Hidden installation in furrows is allowed for rooms with increased finishing requirements. To ensure reliable operation of a network with hidden wiring, all connections embedded in the wall must be welded (with the exception of elbows for connecting wall fittings). Furrows with pipelines must be sealed with plaster or cladding that allows easy opening of pipelines during their repair and dismantling. In the place where threaded connections and fittings are installed, hatches with doors are provided.

Pipelines can be laid openly along walls, trusses, columns and under ceilings. This allows you to reduce installation and construction work and provides easy access for inspection and repair of networks. The disadvantage of open installation is the clutter of walls, deterioration of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the room due to the accumulation of dust and sweating of pipes.

At the intersection of risers and other vertical pipelines with ceilings, sleeves made of roofing felt or sheet steel are put on them (so that they protrude 20 mm above the finished floor level) to protect the ceilings from wetting with condensing moisture.

The deviation of risers from the vertical should not exceed 2 mm per 1 m of their length. 10. The mains are laid in such a way as to combine all the risers and the pipeline supplying water to the building. On networks with lower wiring, they are placed in underground, basements and technical floors or on the ground floor, in underground channels.

When the lines are routed from above, they are mounted in the attic of the building, under the ceiling of the top floor.

11. To drain water, the mains must be laid with a slope of 0.002-0.005 towards the inlet or water points. In the lowest sections of the main line, plugs should be provided to release water from the networks during their repair.

12. It is not allowed to embed pipes into walls and ceilings.

13. It is recommended to lay the network together with other networks. At the same time, in order to avoid pollution and increase in water temperature, it is necessary: ​​to provide for laying with sewer pipelines only in passage channels when the water supply is located on top; do not allow installation with pipelines transporting flammable, combustible and toxic liquids and gases; locate pipelines below networks transporting hot water and steam, and cover them with thermal insulation.

14. Pipelines are laid in rooms with temperatures above 2 °C to prevent pipelines from freezing.

When laying in rooms with lower temperatures, in areas influenced by cold outside air (near entrance doors and gates), in rooms with high humidity, where condensation may form on the cold surface of the pipes, the pipelines should be covered with thermal insulation.

Uninsulated pipes are painted oil paint, and in damp rooms they are varnished.

If several pipelines for different purposes are laid in a room, they are painted in different colors.

15. When laying networks from plastic pipes, their features should be taken into account.

To avoid damage to the pipe, it is advisable to use hidden installation in grooves, shafts, and channels.

Compensation for large thermal elongations of plastic pipes (0.6-1 mm per 1 m) is ensured by the installation of turns, bends, indentations, and on long straight sections by the installation of U-shaped or lens compensators.

Plastic pipes must be protected from exposure high temperatures: when they are laid parallel to heating and hot water supply pipes, they must be located at a distance of at least 100 mm.

16. Pipes are secured to the walls with brackets and clamps that have a smooth inner surface and rounded edges.

For movable fastenings, clamps with an internal diameter 1-3 mm larger than the diameter of the pipe are used. For fixed mounting, rubber gaskets are placed under the same clamps. Fixed fasteners are installed at a distance of no more than 400 pipe diameters.

The distance between the fastenings due to the low strength of the pipes is taken equal to 0.3-0.6 m for pipes with a diameter of 10-20 mm; 0.4-1.3 m at d = 25-50 mm.

Horizontal pipes are attached to walls, ceilings or laid along the floor on supports.

17. Wiring is usually laid openly along the walls of showers, kitchens and other rooms. It is rational to place them under sanitary fixtures at a height of 15-40 cm above the floor and, if necessary, cover them with a ceramic tile plinth.

18. Supply pipelines from risers to sanitary fixtures are laid at a height of 20-30 cm above the floor with a slope of 0.002-0.005 to the risers and connected to the fittings of the fixture in vertical sections.

19. Internal water supply pipelines are laid from pipes with a diameter of 15-32 mm. The internal water supply of a residential building consists of vertical risers, main and distribution pipelines, sanitary fixtures and connections to them. On diagrams and drawings, the main water supply is designated, for example, as follows: Input B1-1.

20. In an extensive network, shut-off valves can be installed on a group of devices. Pipelines laid outside, for example for irrigation, must have devices for turning off the water supply in winter and draining the water.

21. Issues domestic sewerage We place it on one side of the building perpendicular to the outer walls.

When deciding on the number of outlets from a building, one must proceed from the following conditions:

best use in the future;

specific building layout, so that when several risers are combined into one outlet, the length of the network is the shortest and with fewer turns, remembering that during operation in places of turns, pipeline clogging is possible.

We install cleanings or inspections in places where the direction of movement of wastewater changes, in straight sections at certain distances, according to table.6. Inspections and cleanings must be installed in places convenient for their maintenance.

Installation of inspections and cleanings on the internal drainage network is carried out similarly to the household sewerage network.

22. In the project, deviations from the detailed design are allowed so as not to make two identical floor plans; water supply and sewerage networks are drawn parallel to each other on the same building plan drawing.

An example of installing a water meter unit.

Installation water metering unit is carried out on a working system filled with water and undergone pressure testing and washing. The units are installed in dry non-residential premises. The measuring device is installed on a straight section, and the units themselves are assembled from the smallest number of bends, fittings and other parts in order to avoid unnecessary pressure losses. As an example, a water metering unit with a nominal diameter of 50 mm is presented, as one of the most common (in practice, for most apartment buildings, the diameters of the supply pipelines are in the range of 32...100 mm.

As follows from the presented diagram, the water metering unit consists of a main line (in which an inlet valve, filter, water meter, check valve and output gate) and the bypass line with a gate installed in it. In the operating position, the main line valves are fully open, and the bypass line valve is completely closed. The presence of a bypass line in the water metering unit is determined by the requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to ensure maximum water supply in the event of emergency situations, primarily in the event of a fire. It is also necessary to ensure uninterrupted water supply to the house during routine and repair work: cleaning the filter, replacing the water meter (for example, when checking it again), etc. In this case, first the bypass line gate is fully opened, and then the main line inlet and outlet gates are completely closed. After this, the pressure from the main line is “bleeded” using a two- or three-way valve, usually installed between the check valve and the outlet valve, and necessary work. Upon completion, the gates of the main channel are completely opened, and the gate of the bypass channel is completely closed. It should be especially noted that the presence of a bypass line in the water metering unit, as well as the need to carry out the above-described routine and repair work when servicing the water metering unit, places increased demands on the tightness of the valves in the closed position.

A water metering unit with a bypass line is used mainly on combined fire-fighting and drinking water supply systems. This may be convenient

When you need to pass water for a fire through a bypass line bypassing the meter,

In buildings where the water supply cannot be interrupted,

The bypass line may turn on if the water meter is removed, replaced or repaired.

The capacity of the water metering unit is determined by the water flow. You need to select water meter units based on the maximum estimated water flow in the building, taking into account fire flow, and also do not forget to check the water meter for small flow rates, which amount to 5-9% of the average hourly flow.

In diagrams and drawings, the input is designated, for example, as follows: Input B1-1. This means that the input belongs to the drinking water supply system B1 and the serial number of the input is No. 1. The depth of the water supply input pipe is taken according to SNiP 2.04.02-84 for external networks and is found according to the formula: H hall = H frozen + 0.5 m , where H frozen is the standard depth of soil freezing in a given area; 0.5 m - half a meter margin.

Example of a drinking water supply system B1 in two-story building with a basement.

Elements of the drinking water supply system B1: 1 - water supply inlet; 2 - water metering unit; 3 - pumping unit(not always); 4 - water distribution network; 5 - water riser; 6 - floor (apartment) water supply; 7 - water supply and mixing fittings.

An example of piping layout is shown in the figure.

Network routing (laying pipelines) begins with a quarter network, which combines the main elements of the system (pumping stations, networks individual buildings etc.). Typically, block networks are laid in the ground. Minimum distances from these networks to other communications are taken the same as for inputs. It is rational to lay block networks together with other networks in through and non-through channels - couplings between buildings.

Fig.5. a - valve, b - valve Some people think that a valve is the same valve, only small size. But this is not true at all! No matter what valve price they cost less than valves. In valves, the fluid flow is blocked by a valve (Fig. a), which is pressed against the seat in a horizontal plane or in another parallel to the flow. To accomplish this, the fluid movement channel in the valve is bent twice at an angle of 90 degrees, which is not good, because it creates unnecessary resistance to the fluid flow. But in valves, the flow of liquid is blocked by a damper or cone (Fig. b), which lowers perpendicular to the movement of the flow.

The peculiarity of the valve is the complete absence of resistance, because there are no bends. Gate valves and gate valves have their pros and cons. The main advantage of the valve is the absence of resistance and such shut-off valves are more reliable, they close the channel better even under high pressure, because one-sided pressure presses the valve more tightly to the seat. Advantages: Gate valves operate more efficiently at high pressures and diameters, i.e. The larger the size of the fittings, the better the valve design works. This can be felt from approximately a pipe diameter of 300 mm. The advantages of the valve are its ease of manufacture, because there is no need to grind the parts so precisely due to the use of gaskets, and the ease of rotation (opening) of the wing at high pressures. But the downside is that the pressure tends to push the valve away from the seat, and this entails additional loads on the structure.

According to the design of the valves, they are distinguished: wedge valve, rigid wedge, double-disc wedge, elastic wedge, parallel valve, hose valve, gate valve, with a non-retractable or retractable spindle. Gate valves are usually made of steel or cast iron, but they can also be made of titanium or aluminum alloys.

The water metering unit consists of a water meter to account for the volume of water intake from centralized system. It is usually installed in a technical or basement. This is a specialized system for accurately measuring the volume of water consumed. With its help, you can objectively record the volume of consumption and the possible costs of paying for it.

Water meter readings are used to calculate utility bills.

Components and subtypes of water measuring units

Water meter units are divided into 2 subtypes:

  • The first is operated without a backup fire line.
  • The second is used with a backup fire line.

The node consists of several components:

  • device for recording water consumption volumes;
  • water meter piping;
  • shut-off valves;
  • connecting elements;
  • filter;
  • control valve;
  • compensation pipes.

Types of water meter units

Water metering units are divided into several types, depending on their design features.

Main types of water metering units:

1. Unit without a bypass line for drinking or household water supply.

2. A water metering unit with a bypass line is installed if there is only one water inlet that is not designed to carry a flow of water to extinguish a fire.

A valve with electric drive. In the event of a fire, the line is connected to the fire extinguishing system.

3. Water metering unit with double input for drinking and fire water supply.

4. The TsIRV water metering unit is manufactured in exact accordance with the TsIRV albums.

Magazine standards apply to the installation of mechanical meters cold water on fire and drinking water lines with a possible diameter of 15-200 mm.

Scope of application

The scope of application of the water meter unit is quite extensive.

The water meter unit performs several tasks:

  • pressure control in the water supply system;
  • draining water from the internal water supply if necessary to carry out repair work in a separate area;
  • control of water consumption and verification of measurements;
  • detection of unauthorized leakage from the system.

Design features of water meters

Water metering units are divided into domestic and industrial.

They, in turn, are divided into several types:

  • electromagnetic;
  • vortex;
  • tachometer;
  • ultrasonic.

Tachometer meters are installed on horizontal water pipelines with an internal diameter of up to 300 mm.

Tachometer counters are divided into 3 types:

  1. Vane ones are installed in small buildings or workshops with low water consumption.
  2. Turbine ones are installed on piping units in places of maximum flow.
  3. Combined ones combine turbine and vane type elements in their design and are installed in pipelines with large fluctuations in water flow.

Tachometer counters are divided into single and multi-jet (more accurate).

Electromagnetic water meter units use current induction in a conductor passing through an electromagnetic field for measurements. The water flowing through the pipeline is this conductor. A meter located in the pipe records the electromotive force that occurs when the water flow moves.

This type of meters is very accurate and can be connected to a laptop computer to save data. They can record water consumption for a specific period of time. Installed in enterprises with high consumption.

An ultrasonic water meter unit uses the frequency difference (Doppler effect) to record water flow, which occurs when an ultrasonic wave moves against and with the flow of liquid in a pipe.

Ultrasonic vibrations are generated by oscillating piezocrystals.

This type of water meter is used to measure flow volumes containing impurities that may affect the accuracy of electromagnetic measurements.


The water metering unit is installed in a dry, warm room (in the basement, on the landing). There should be easy access to it for convenient readings.

Installation of a water meter unit is carried out by qualified professionals.

Particular attention is paid to the installation of the strapping unit. It is responsible for thermal regulation of the water supply system.

Once every 5 years, water meters are dismantled and sent to check the accuracy of measurements.

After checking, the water meter is installed in its original place. Apartment owners prefer not to have their household water meters checked, but rather replace them with new ones.

Registration of a water meter node

After installation of the water metering unit, the installation is checked for correctness, sealed, and an official conclusion and permission to use it are issued.

To receive documents you must provide:

  • act on temporary closure of the internal water supply network;
  • act on flushing the internal network;
  • pump testing report;
  • certificate from positive results water samples;
  • certificate and passport for equipment.

Registration can be completed in 14-20 days.

If the water meter is planned to be reused, after checking it, a corresponding certificate and permission for reuse are issued.

How and where is the water meter connected?

The scheme of a water metering unit in apartments and houses involves the installation of devices for measuring the volume of water consumption of hot and cold water supply.

If the apartment is not connected to a centralized hot water supply, the water meter is installed only for cold water.

Water meters:

  • installed in rooms with air humidity of 80% and temperature from +5 to +50°C;
  • are not installed in fire-fighting separate water supply systems.

Hot water with temperatures up to +90°C is metered using meters installed on the circulation supply pipeline for hot water supply. A check valve is additionally installed in two pipe networks.

IN modern world a shortage of clean water suitable for drinking and industrial use is beginning to be observed, so accounting water resources at any stage requires accurate indicators, that is, both at the stage of delivery and consumption.

Water metering units must be installed in full compliance with installation standards on each water main. Water metering will allow you to use it more efficiently with the greatest possible savings.

), pipeline fittings(valves or valves), drain valve, technical pressure gauge, connecting parts (elbows, transitions, tees) and pipes made of water supply steel pipes.

There are water meter units:

Simple (without bypass line);

With bypass line (with bypass).

Bypass line at the cold water meter required if there is one entrance to the building, as well as in cases where the water meter does not provide for the calculated water flow for internal fire extinguishing. The bypass line is calculated for the maximum (including fire) water flow. On the bypass line, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a valve or butterfly valve, usually with an electric drive, sealed in usual time in closed position.

If the meters are not designed for maximum flow water for fire extinguishing, on the bypass line installation of a gate valve with an electric drive should be provided, which will open automatically simultaneously with the start of fire pumps from buttons installed at fire hydrants or other automatic devices.

Pipe fittings installed before and after the water meter to make it possible to replace it or verify the correctness of its readings, as well as disconnect the internal water supply network from the input and empty it. A control valve (or a pipe with a plug) is used to drain water from the internal water supply network, control the pressure (available pressure), verify the accuracy of the water meter readings and detect water leaks in the system.

Our topic today is hot water supply system apartment building: diagrams, basic elements and typical problems problems that a homeowner may encounter. So let's get started.

DHW and heat supply diagram

Hot water supply scheme in apartment building can be implemented in two fundamentally different ways:

  1. It uses water from the cold water supply and heats it with heat from autonomous source. This could be a boiler installed in the apartment, geyser or a heat exchanger that uses coolant from a local boiler house or thermal power plant for heating;

Please note: the advantage of this scheme is more high quality water. It must comply with the requirements of GOST R 51232-98 (“ Drinking water"). In addition, hot water supply parameters (temperature and pressure) extremely rarely deviate from nominal values; in particular, the DHW pressure is always equal cold water pressure taking into account the loss of pressure during water withdrawal.

  1. It supplies water to the consumer directly from the heating main. This is exactly what is implemented in the vast majority of residential and administrative buildings Soviet-built, constituting 90% of the housing stock in the vast expanses of our great and vast. In the future we will focus our attention on it.

Dear reader can find additional information in the video in this article.


So, what elements does the water supply scheme of an apartment building include?

Water metering unit

He is responsible for supplying cold water to the house.

The water meter performs several functions:

  • Provides accounting of water consumption (as its name clearly suggests);
  • Allows you to turn off cold water to the entire house to repair shut-off valves or eliminate spillage leaks;
  • Provides rough filtration of water at the entrance to the house. For this purpose, the water meter is equipped with a mud trap.

The water meter includes:

  1. Inlet and house shut-off valves (valves or Ball Valves located on the side of the cold water supply input and the in-house water supply system);
  2. Water meter (usually mechanical);
  3. Mud tank (a tank with a drain valve, in which, due to the slow movement of water through its volume, sand, large particles of rust and other debris settle). Often, instead of a mud trap, the water meter unit is equipped with a filter rough cleaning, in which a stainless mesh is responsible for purifying water from debris;
  4. Pressure gauge or control valve for its installation;
  5. Optionally, the water meter can be equipped with a bypass line with its own valve or ball valve on it. The bypass opens when the water meter is dismantled for repairs or verification. At other times, it is closed and sealed by a representative of the water supplier organization.

It is curious: “Vodoset”, or the organization replacing it, is responsible for the state of the cold water supply input up to the first flange of the inlet valve. The water meter is the responsibility of the organization serving the house.

Elevator unit

The elevator unit, or heating point, also combines a number of functions:

  • Responsible for the operation and regulation of the heating system;
  • Provides a home hot water. Water (also the coolant of the heating system) is supplied to intra-house system DHW directly from the heating main;
  • Allows, if necessary, to switch DHW between the supply and return lines of the heating main. The switch is necessary because in winter the supply temperature can reach an impressive 150°C, and the permissible maximum hot water temperature is only 75°C.

A short lecture on physics: water is heated above its boiling point without evaporating, due to excess pressure in the heating main. The higher the pressure, the higher the boiling point of liquids.

Heart elevator unit- water-jet elevator, through the nozzle of which hot and having more high pressure supply water is injected into the mixing chamber filled with return water. Thanks to the operation of the elevator, a large volume of water with a relatively low temperature passes through the heating system of the house; At the same time, the water consumption from the supply is relatively small.

DHW taps are located between the inlet valves and the elevator. There can be two of these inserts (one on the supply and return) or four (two on each thread). The first scheme is typical for houses built in the 70s of the last century and older buildings, the second - for more or less modern buildings.

Why are additional inserts needed?

To answer this question, we need to jump ahead and study the water supply schemes in apartment buildings.

On cold water, a dead-end scheme is always used: the water meter goes to the only bottling, which goes to the risers, which end with intra-apartment connections. Water moves in such a water supply circuit only when drawing water.

What's going on at the hot water supply?

In houses with two hot water connections into the elevator unit, the same scheme is used.

However, it has two rather annoying drawbacks:

  1. If the water supply is on your riser for a long time there wasn’t, you have to drain the water for a long time before it heats up;

Please note: if your connections have mechanical meters, they will record water consumption, ignoring its temperature. As a result, you will end up overpaying a hundred or two rubles every month for a service that you didn’t actually use.

  1. Towel dryers installed on hot water supply lines, which are also responsible for heating the bathroom, will only heat up when hot water is supplied to your apartment. And, accordingly, they will remain cold most of the time. Hence the cold and dampness in bathrooms, which often become the cause of fungus.

An elevator unit with four hot water connections ensures continuous circulation of hot water through two bottlings and risers connected by jumpers.

DHW operation is possible according to one of three schemes:

  1. From server to return pipeline. Such a hot water supply scheme multi-storey building used only in the summer, when the heating is turned off: a bypass between the lines of the heating main would reduce the pressure drop across the elevator;
  2. From feed to feed. This scheme is for autumn and spring with their relatively low supply temperature;
  3. From return to return. So the DHW is turned on during cold weather, when the supply temperature exceeds the threshold 75 degrees.

Readers who have not forgotten the basics of physics will have a reasonable question: how is the pressure difference necessary for continuous circulation between two tie-ins in one thread ensured?

Remember: water continuously moves through the pipes between the inlet valves and the elevator. To create a pressure difference, you only need to limit the flow by placing an obstacle between the taps. This role is played by a retaining washer - a metal pancake with a hole in it.

Captain Obviousness dictates: a significant limitation in the permeability of any pipeline would interfere with the operation of the elevator unit, so the diameter retaining washers per millimeter larger diameter elevator nozzles. This, in turn, is calculated by the organization (heat supplier) in such a way that the return temperature at the outlet heating point corresponded to the temperature schedule.


Water supply spills are called horizontal pipes, passing through the basement or subfloor of the house, and connecting the risers with the elevator and water metering units. Hot water filling is always the same, domestic hot water filling is always the same circulation system two hot water supplies.

The bottling diameter, depending on its material and the number of water consumers, varies from 32 to 100 millimeters. The last meaning is clearly redundant; however, the water supply project for an apartment building had to take into account not only the current condition of the pipelines, but also their inevitable overgrowth with sediment and rust. After 20-25 years of operation, the pipe clearance in cold water decreases by 2-3 times.


Each riser is responsible for vertical wiring water in apartments located one above the other.

The most typical scheme is one group of risers (hot water supply and hot water supply, optional heated towel rails) per apartment; however, other options are possible:

  • Two groups of risers can pass through the apartment, supplying water to the bathroom and kitchen spaced a long distance away;
  • Risers in one apartment can supply water not only to its residents, but also to neighbors behind the wall;
  • On DHW circulation jumpers can connect up to 7 risers from several apartments.

The typical diameter of cold water and hot water risers is 25-40 mm. The diameter of the risers of heated towel rails and single (without plumbing fixtures) circulation risers is usually smaller: they are mounted with a DN20 pipe.

IN circulation scheme For hot water supply, jumpers between risers can be located in the apartment on the top floor or placed in the attic. The jumpers are equipped with air vents (Maevsky valves or conventional valves), which allow the air that is obstructing circulation to be released.


Their function is to distribute water to plumbing fixtures inside the apartment. What is useful to know about water supply connections?

  • Their typical size (for steel water and gas pipes) is DN15 (which approximately corresponds to an internal diameter of 15 mm). When replacing hoses with your own hands, it is advisable not to reduce their internal diameter - this will lead to a drop in pressure on all plumbing fixtures when water is drawn from one of them;

  • Since Soviet times, apartments have traditionally used simple and cheap serial (tee) wiring. A more material-intensive collector requires, among other things, hidden installation liners, which greatly complicates their further maintenance;

  • With time throughput steel liners drops noticeably due to the notorious overgrowing of deposits. In such cases, the pipes are cleaned with a thin steel string or, simply, replaced with new ones.

If you decide to replace eyeliners, we strongly advise you to opt for metal pipes. The instruction is associated with a fairly high probability of water hammer and deviations from the standard temperature in DHW system: for example, if a forgetful plumber does not switch the water supply from supply to return during the first frost, the water temperature can significantly exceed the maximum for any polymer pipes of 90-95 degrees.

Which pipes can be used for water supply:

Image Description

have been used for water distribution since Stalin times. Unlike black steel, galvanized steel is resistant to deposits and rust. Important point: galvanizing is installed only on threaded connections, since during welding the zinc in the weld area completely evaporates.

have long proven their reliability and durability: the oldest operating copper water pipes are more than a century old, and they are in excellent condition. Solder connections copper pipes- maintenance-free, and can be mounted hidden, in a screed or grooves.

Corrugated pipes from of stainless steel compare favorably with competitors extremely simple installation. To connect them, compression fittings are used, the assembly of which requires only two adjustable wrenches. The service life of the pipes themselves is characterized by manufacturers as unlimited; however, after 30 years, you, or more likely your children, will need to replace the silicone O-rings in the fittings.


What problems in the operation of the water supply system can the apartment owner eliminate on his own? Here are some of the most typical situations.

Valves leaking

Description: leakage along the stem of screw valves.

  • Reason: partial wear of the oil seal or wear of the rubber O-ring.
  • Solution: open the valve knob all the way. In this case, the thread on the rod will tighten the seal from below, and the leak will stop.

Crane noise

Description: when you open a hot or (less often) cold water tap, you can hear loud noise and the vibration of the mixer is felt. Alternatively, your neighbors faucet could be the source of the noise.

Cause: a deformed and crushed gasket on the screw valve in the half-open position causes a continuous series of water hammers. Its valve closes the seat in the mixer body at intervals of a fraction of a second. In hot water, the pressure is usually noticeably higher, so the effect is more pronounced.


  1. Shut off the water to the apartment;
  2. Turn out the problematic valve housing;
  3. Replace the gasket with a new one;
  4. Use scissors to chamfer the new gasket. The removed chamfer will prevent the valve from beating in a turbulent stream of water in the future.

By the way: ceramic faucets are fully compatible with screw threaded faucets, and do not have the described problem.

Cold heated towel rail

  • Description: The heated towel rail in your bathroom has cooled down and is not heating up.
  • Cause: if the water supply scheme of a residential apartment building uses continuous circulation of hot water, the air remaining in the jumper between the risers after water is discharged (for example, for inspection and repair of shut-off valves) is to blame.
  • Solution: climb up top floor and ask your neighbors to bleed the air from the jumper between the hot water supply risers and heated towel rails.

If for some reason this cannot be done, the problem can be solved from the basement:

  1. Block traffic passing through your apartment DHW riser, to which your liners are connected;
  2. Go up to the apartment and open the hot water taps all the way;
  3. After all the air has come out of the riser through them, close the taps and open the tap on the riser.

Note: immediately after finishing heating season There may be no pressure difference between the threads of the heating main. In this case, the heated towel rails will be cold even in the absence of air jams in risers.


We hope that our material helped you study the water supply of an apartment building: the water supply scheme described by us is the most common. Good luck!

The water metering unit consists of a device for measuring the amount of water consumed, shut-off valves, a control valve, connecting parts and pipes made of water-gas steel pipes.

There are simple water meter units and water meter units with a bypass line. A water metering unit with a bypass line is used when there is one input. It is also applicable if the device for measuring the amount of water consumed is not designed to pass fire flow. Shut-off valves installed before and after the measuring device to make it possible to replace it or check the correctness of its readings, as well as disconnecting the internal network from the input and emptying it.

A control valve is designed to drain water from the internal water supply network, monitor pressure, check the accuracy of the readings of the measuring device and detect water leaks in the system.

Installation of a water metering unit is carried out only on existing and water-filled water pipelines that have been flushed and pressure tested. The water metering unit must be installed in a warm and dry place non-residential premises. Its location must be accessible for inspection. Most often, the water metering unit is located in the premises of the central heating unit, in basements or on staircase landings building. To avoid unnecessary pressure losses, water measuring units are assembled from the smallest number of bends and fittings, installing the measuring device on a straight section. The water meter unit is rigidly attached to the floor or walls so that the axis of the water meter is at a height of 0.3-1 m from the floor. If the resulting forces cannot be absorbed by the pipe joints, stops are provided at pipeline turns. Water tanks are installed on wooden beams, which rest on the pallet. The tray should protrude 100 mm beyond the contours of the tank.

To measure water flow, vane or turbine meters are installed, which are part of the water metering units. Vane meters are installed only on horizontal sections of pipelines with threaded connection. Their axis of rotation is perpendicular to the direction of water movement. Turbine water meters are connected on flanges to pipelines located in any position with the direction of water movement from bottom to top. They differ from vane ones in that the axis of rotation is parallel to the direction of water movement.

It is necessary to regularly check the accuracy of the meters. It can be carried out by employees of the organization providing Maintenance water metering unit, or specialized enterprises. After verification, an appropriate conclusion is issued. Verification can be carried out without dismantling the device using special ultrasonic, electromagnetic and mobile verification devices. Devices that carry out commercial metering of hot or cold water must be protected from unauthorized disassembly and changes in meter readings. To do this, they are sealed.

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