An electromagnetic wave is a system of variable electric and magnetic fields generating each other and propagating in space.

All household electrical appliances are sources of electromagnetic radiation, and the higher the power, the more aggressive the field. It is most powerful in microwave ovens, refrigerators with a “no frost” system, electric stoves and mobile phones. Low-frequency radiation propagating from the electrical network at home is considered relatively harmless. The field diverges from the wires, even when the circuit is not closed and electricity does not flow through them, but is largely shielded by grounded conductive materials, for example, the walls of a house. The magnetic component of electromagnetic fields is more difficult to shield, but it disappears when the electrical appliance is turned off. The exception is electrical appliances with a transformer that are turned off but remain connected to the network (TV, video player, etc.). High-frequency electromagnetic radiation, the sources of which are radio and television transmitters, as well as radars, is considered more dangerous.

Microwave ovens have already entered the lives of ordinary people quite a long time ago as a convenient and necessary attribute in the kitchen. With their help you can quickly cook, defrost or reheat something. Because it’s easy to use a “microwave” and it performs necessary tasks quickly, people are very accustomed to it, and some don’t even imagine how they can do without it.

Is the microwave oven the only benefit?

It is believed that it poses a danger to human health. Russian scientists back in the 1930s conducted a study of the effect of microwaves on the nervous system of humans and animals. Their research led to very strict safety measures, which, however, were not taken seriously by Western scientists. In 1976, microwave ovens were banned in Russia due to their harmful effects on human health. The ban was lifted only in the early 90s.

But many scientists talk about the negative impact of microwave ovens on food and living organisms. Here are some of them:

Professor Thomas Thiel (Vienna, 1986) spoke out against microwave ovens: “...really small portions heat up quickly, but if the portions are large, then there is no advantage in comparison with the traditional heating method. And the taste of food changes significantly.”

Scientific journal “The Lancet” (1989): “Research at the University of Vienna has established that microwaves, when heating food, disrupt the atomic order of amino acids. There is concern that these amino acids are incorporated into proteins, which they subsequently alter structurally, functionally, and immunologically. Microwaves change food – the basics of life are proteins.”

Dr. Hans Ulrich Hertel (1991), fired from a large Swiss company for disclosing research results, published data confirming that food cooked in a microwave oven poses a health risk.

Research in the USA (1992) says that “...molecules introduced into the human body and exposed to microwaves can cause harm. These food molecules contain microwave energy that is not found in conventionally prepared foods.”

Nowadays, almost every family has a microwave oven. But there are people who wonder if a stove is really harmful, is it worth purchasing or using it often? After all, in his home, every person should be sure that nothing threatens his health. That's why we turned to this topic. We believe that the topic of our work is still relevant today.

Different sources of information evaluate the effect of a microwave oven differently.

There is a lot of material on the Internet. We tried to figure out whether there really is a danger from the oven itself and from eating food from the microwave.

Object of study: microwave (microwave) oven.

Subject of research: biological influence of electromagnetic waves of a microwave oven.

When writing the work, we set ourselves the following target: find out what is the benefit and what is the harm of a microwave oven.

1. Get acquainted with the history of the creation and use of the microwave oven.
2. Collect and analyze available information on the research topic.
3. Using experimental studies, establish the influence of electromagnetic waves on the growth and development of plants.
4. Give recommendations to microwave oven users.

When performing research work, the following were used methods:

Theoretical methods:
- analysis
- synthesis

Empirical methods:
- experiment
- observation
- comparison

Mathematical methods:
- statistical


History of the creation of microwave ovens

Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic energy, just like light waves or radio waves. These are very short electromagnetic waves that travel at the speed of light (299,000.79 km per second).

In modern technology, microwaves are used in microwave ovens, for long-distance and international telephone communications, transmission of television programs, and operation of the Internet on Earth and via satellites. But we will look at microwaves as a source of energy for cooking - a microwave oven.

Microwave oven or microwave oven- an electrical appliance designed for quickly preparing or heating food, defrosting food in the home using electromagnetic waves with a wavelength from one millimeter to one meter (UHF waves), usually with a frequency of 2450 MHz. This frequency is established for microwave ovens by special international agreements so as not to interfere with the operation of radars and other devices that use microwaves.

The discovery of the thermal effects of microwaves happened by accident. In 1942, American physicist Percy Spencer worked in the laboratory of the Raytheon company with a device that emitted ultrahigh-frequency waves. According to one version, Spencer put his sandwich on the device, and after removing it a few minutes later, he discovered that the sandwich had warmed up to the middle. According to another version, the chocolate that Spencer had in his pocket warmed up and melted when he was working near his installation. Therefore, using microwaves, you can reheat food.

Already in 1945, Spencer received a patent for the use of microwaves for cooking, and in 1947, the first devices for cooking using microwaves appeared in the kitchens of hospitals and military canteens, where the requirements for food quality were not so high. These Raytheon products, human height, weighed 340 kg and cost $3,000 apiece.

The first “civilian” microwave was the Radarange (1947). Its height was about 1.8 m, the oven weighed 350 kg, had a power of 3000 W and required water cooling.

In the Western world, the harmful effects of microwaves on biological systems have been known since their first use during World War II. The Germans were developing to provide soldiers with hot food at any time and anywhere. Practical studies were carried out on experimental groups in concentration camps. Having become convinced of the harmful effects of a microwave oven during operation and the harmful effects on the body of food cooked in a microwave oven, the Germans abandoned its practical use. The research data was classified.

After the Second World War, data on these developments fell into the hands of the Americans, who quickly found use for them without going into detailed studies of the effects of microwaves on the human body. Already in 1952, a microwave oven adapted for home use entered the US market under license from the Raytheon Company.

All studies were conducted only on sealing the microwave door to protect the consumer from direct exposure to microwaves.

Russian scientists already in the 1930s conducted research on the effect of microwaves on the nervous system of humans and animals. The result of the study was a ban on the use of microwave ovens in the USSR.

How does a microwave oven work?

Heating in the furnace is based on the principle of the so-called “dipole shift”. A molecular dipole shift under the influence of an electric field occurs in products containing polar molecules, that is, those that have a positive electric charge at one end and a negative one at the other.

The energy of electromagnetic field oscillations leads to a constant shift of molecules, aligning them along the field lines, which is called the dipole moment. And since the field is variable, the molecules periodically change direction. The electromagnetic field in a microwave oven changes polarity millions of times per second! Since the temperature is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of movement of atoms or molecules in the material (E = 3/2*kT), this means that such mixing of molecules, by definition, increases the temperature of the material. Thus, dipole shift is a mechanism for converting the energy of electromagnetic radiation into thermal energy of a material.

Heating in a microwave oven as a result of a dipole shift under the influence of an alternating electric field depends on the characteristics of the molecules and intermolecular interactions in the medium. For better heating, the frequency of the alternating electric field must be set in such a way that the molecules have time to completely rearrange themselves during the half-cycle. Since water is contained in almost all products, the frequency of the microwave emitter of the microwave oven was selected for better heating of water molecules in the liquid state, while ice, fat and sugar heat up much worse.

So, every microwave oven contains a magnetron, which converts electrical energy into a microwave electric field with a frequency of 2450 MHz, which interacts with water molecules in food. Microwaves “bomb” the water molecules in the food, causing them to spin millions of times per second, creating molecular friction that heats the food.

Pros and cons of microwave ovens

Many families use a microwave oven, as it has undeniable advantages compared to a gas or electric stove:

With its help, you can not only cook or heat food (even food that cannot be stirred), it can also have grilling, defrosting, baking, etc. functions;
Speed ​​of heating, defrosting, cooking, and, as a result, saving time;
It is much smaller in size;
Easy to use;
External safety when used by children, unlike open fire.

The influence of the electromagnetic field cannot be characterized as unambiguously negative - electromagnetic radiation is used in physiotherapy to treat many diseases: it can accelerate tissue healing and have an anti-inflammatory effect. How exactly the electromagnetic field from ordinary household appliances affects us, and how harmful it is for a healthy person, is a controversial issue, so it is reasonable to shield sources of electromagnetic radiation whenever possible and try to minimize its impact.

From the material we studied, we identified four factors indicating that microwaves are harmful.

Firstly, these are electromagnetic radiations themselves.

Electromagnetic radiation cannot be seen, heard or clearly felt. But it exists and affects the human body. The exact mechanism of action of electromagnetic study has not yet been studied. The influence of this radiation does not appear immediately, but as it accumulates, so it can be difficult to attribute a particular disease that suddenly arises in a person to the devices with which he was in contact.

In our country, research into the influence of electromagnetic fields on humans and animals has been conducted for more than 50 years. After conducting hundreds of experiments, Russian scientists found that growing tissues, embryos, are most susceptible to influence.

It turned out that electromagnetic fields also affect nervous and muscle tissue and can provoke neurological disorders and insomnia, as well as disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. They change both heart rate and blood pressure.

In addition, we must not forget about temperature. Of course, this applies to long periods of time and constant use of the microwave. Microwave radiation directly heats the body. Blood flow reduces heat (this applies to organs rich in blood vessels). But there are organs, such as the lens, that do not contain blood vessels. Therefore, microwave waves, that is, a significant thermal effect, lead to clouding of the lens and its destruction. These changes are irreversible.

Secondly, Microwave radiation leads to weakening of the cells of our body.

In genetic engineering, there is such a method: in order to penetrate a cell, it is lightly irradiated with electromagnetic waves and this weakens the cell membranes. Since the cells are practically broken, the cell membranes cannot protect the cell from the penetration of viruses, fungi and other microorganisms, and the natural self-healing mechanism is also suppressed.

Thirdly, this is the effect of microwave radiation on food.

Molecular friction causes significant damage to food molecules by breaking or deforming them. Simply put, a microwave oven causes decay and changes in the molecular structure of food through the process of radiation, which leads to a change in their taste and is harmful to human health.

The results of a Russian study describe exactly what changes occur in food after microwave exposure. Here are some of them:

Microwaved meats contain Nitroso-dienthanolamines, a well-known carcinogen;
Some amino acids in milk and cereals have become carcinogens;
Defrosting frozen fruits in microwave ovens converts their glucosides and galactosides into particles containing carcinogenic elements;
Even very short microwave irradiation of raw vegetables converts their alkaloids into carcinogens;
Carcinogenic free radicals are formed in microwaved plants, especially root vegetables;

Carcinogens are particles that lead to the formation of cancer cells.

The value of food decreases from 60% to 90%: the biological activity of vitamin B (complex), vitamins C and E, and also in many minerals disappears.

A short-term study showed that people who ate microwaved milk and vegetables had changes in their blood composition, decreased hemoglobin and increased cholesterol, while people who ate the same food, but prepared in a traditional way, did not change their body condition.

Researchers at the University of Vienna have found that heating with microwaves disrupts the atomic order of amino acids. According to the researchers, this is of concern because these amino acids are incorporated into proteins, which they then structurally, functionally and immunologically alter. Thus, proteins - the basis of life - are changed in food by microwaves.

Fourth, microwaves create new compounds that do not exist in nature, called radiolytics. Radiolytic compounds create molecular rot - as a direct consequence of radiation.

But modern microwave ovens will not be able to kill us... tomorrow or in a year... Scientists talk about the consequences in 10-15 years. The harm of microwave radiation depends on its intensity and exposure time.

An interesting pattern: as soon as information about the negative effects of microwave ovens appears in the press, articles are quickly discovered that directly or indirectly deny the negative effects of microwave radiation.


Assessing the quality of microwave water

Anthropologist A. Bohmert reported the following discovery at one of his presentations: water samples were heated, some in a microwave oven, others in the usual way, and then were left to cool for later use. Water samples were used to prepare seeds for germination. The grains that came into contact with microwaved water were the only ones that did not germinate. We decided to conduct similar experiments.

Research method:
We took plain water and divided it into two parts. One part was brought to a boil in a saucepan on a gas stove, and the second part was brought to a boil in a microwave oven. After cooling, water was used
- for watering two identical plants to see if there will be any change with plants watered with normally boiled water and water boiled in a microwave oven;
- for germinating pepper seeds and checking their germination.

We assumed that the structure of water or its energy could be changed by microwave radiation.

Experience 1

We took two shoots of the indoor chlorophytum flower. We placed them in cups of water, boiled in the microwave and on a gas stove.

The shoots gave roots. As you can see in the photo, the number of roots and their length are different. But this could depend not only on the properties of water. We were unable to find two absolutely identical layers.
The flowers were planted in the same soil in identical pots, placed side by side on the windowsill, where they received light and warmth in equal portions, and began to be watered with different waters.
The flowers in both pots have taken root well and new leaves have grown.

A month later we counted their number and measured their length. We got the following result:

Each flower grew three new leaves,
- on a flower that was watered with water boiled on gas, the length of new leaves was 10 cm, 16 cm and 20 cm,
- on a flower that was watered with water boiled in a microwave oven, the length of new leaves was 10 cm, 21 cm and 26 cm.

Conclusion: as a result of our research, we saw that both flowers remained green and developed well. But the plant that was watered with water boiled in a gas oven was slightly behind in growth compared to the plant that was watered with water boiled in a microwave oven.

Experience 2

We took 30 bell pepper seeds. One half of the seeds were soaked in water boiled in the microwave, and the other half in plain water. All the seeds sprouted. But the sprouts of seeds soaked in water boiled in a microwave oven are slightly longer, although their tips appear darker in color.

Conclusion: Microwave water did not have a negative effect on germinating seeds.

Experience 3

We planted the seeds (6 pieces each) in plastic cups at approximately the same depth in the same soil and watered them with different water: boiled on gas and boiled in a microwave oven. All seeds sprouted in 5-6 days.

Conclusion: Water boiled in a microwave oven and water boiled in gas had the same effect on seed germination.

General conclusion: even if the structure of water or its energy changed under the influence of microwave oven radiation, this did not affect the germination of seeds and plant growth.

Assessing the tightness of a microwave oven

Electromagnetic microwaves, according to scientists, cause great harm to human health. We must be sure that our microwave ovens are airtight.
The method for testing the tightness of a microwave oven is simple. We took the cell phone and put it in the turned off (!!!) microwave. The oven door was closed. From another phone they called the phone number in the oven.
If the oven is sealed, the signal will not pass inside the oven. And in the handset of the external telephone we will hear: “The subscriber is unavailable!” If the seal of the oven is broken, then we will hear the phone ringing inside it.

We tested 16 microwave ovens of our friends and acquaintances. 4 of them turned out to be leaky. The service life of these furnaces is more than 10-15 years.

Conclusion: you must follow all instructions for working with a microwave oven and monitor its service life.


In the course of our research, based on systematization and generalization of theoretical material, we set and solved a number of problems:
- got acquainted with the structure and operating principle of a microwave oven;
- collected and analyzed available information on the research problem;
- with the help of research we tried to determine whether there is harm from a microwave oven.

In our work, we did not specifically answer the question: “Is a microwave oven harmful or beneficial?” After all, even scientists have not yet come to a consensus and continue to study its effect on human health. Any household appliance can be beneficial, or it can cause harm. But we can give the following recommendations:

1. Read the instructions carefully and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
2. Take precautions when using the microwave oven.
3. While the microwave oven is operating, do not be closer to it than at arm's length.
4. Use the microwave oven as little as possible.
5. Change the oven after its service life has expired.
6. Do not feed infants food that has been heated in a microwave oven.
7. Do not place objects in the oven that are not intended to be heated in it.
8. You need to defrost food in a microwave oven at the lowest power, otherwise the food will remain frozen inside and begin to cook on the outside.

We think that our work can be useful to all microwave oven users. They should know the advantages and disadvantages of using modern technology. In conclusion, I would like to say that we must remember that our health depends only on us. And the choice is ours.


1. Kitaygorodsky A.I. Physics for everyone. Electrons – 2nd ed. reworked – M.: Science. Main editorial office of physical and mathematical literature, 1982.

At the moment it is very difficult to say who exactly invented the microwave oven. In different sources you can see completely different information. The official creator is usually named P.B. Spencer, an engineer from the United States of America who was involved in research on the emitter of microwave waves - the magnetron. As a result of his experiments, he made very specific conclusions. A certain frequency of radiation causes intense heat generation. On December 6, 1945, scientists received a patent for the use of microwaves for cooking. In 1949, in the USA, using this patent, the production of microwave ovens, which were intended for quickly defrosting strategic food reserves, had already begun. The whole world celebrates the birthday of microwave ovens on December 6th.

Controversy surrounding the invention

Since this device was created, debates about its benefits and harms have not subsided. Until now, many people do not understand the principle of operation of a microwave oven, which is why it is believed that products that have undergone such processing can be dangerous to human health. When this device first appeared on the Russian market, many began to hear that food prepared or heated in this way causes cancer. They often talked about the influence of microwaves on the intrauterine development of children and their ability to cause various pathologies. Dishes from such an oven are full of carcinogens.

Recent studies of the household appliances market have demonstrated that every fifth family in Russia has a microwave oven, and in the United States of America only 10% of the population has not yet acquired this unit. When purchasing from sales consultants, you can often hear that this particular model is completely safe for health and shielded from radiation. And then the thought creeps in that there are some harmful factors.

This device uses radio waves similar to a conventional receiver, only they differ in frequency and are characterized by greater power. Every day we experience the effects of radio waves of different frequencies - we are influenced by our mobile phones, computers, televisions and other types of equipment. We should take a closer look at what a microwave oven is. Is there harm or benefit from its use, what is its impact? The cooking process works like this: microwave microwaves “bomb” the water molecules in the food, causing them to rotate at an incredible frequency, which creates molecular friction that heats the food. It is this process that causes severe damage to food molecules, as it leads to their rupture and deformation. It turns out that a microwave oven leads to decay and changes in the structure of products under the influence of radiation.

After the war, medical research was discovered that the Germans were doing with microwaves. All these documents, along with several working models, were transferred to the United States of America for further research. The Russians obtained a number of models with which they conducted many experiments. During the study, it was revealed that exposure to microwaves produces environmental and biological substances that are harmful to health. A regulation was created to strictly limit the use of microwave waves.

The harm and benefits of a microwave oven according to scientists

American researchers say that this device has reduced the incidence of stomach cancer in America. This is due to the fact that there is no need to add oil when cooking in a microwave oven. And in terms of the cooking method, this option is very similar to steam, which is considered the safest. A short cooking time allows you to preserve twice as many nutrients in food: minerals and vitamins. At the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, it was calculated that the process of preparing dishes on the stove leads to the loss of 60% of useful elements, in particular vitamin C. And microwaves destroy only 2-25%. However, scientists from Spain claim that broccoli, which is prepared in this way, loses up to 98% of the minerals and vitamins contained in it, and the microwave oven is to blame for this.

The harm of this method of cooking is becoming more and more confirmed every day. A lot of information has emerged that food prepared in this way causes irreparable harm to human health. Microwaves cause food to break down at the molecular level, causing irreversible changes that cause cancer-causing substances in regular food.

In 1992, a comparative study was published in the United States, which stated that introducing molecules exposed to microwaves into the human body leads to more harm than benefit. In food that has undergone this processing, the molecules contain microwave energy that is not present in foods prepared using traditional methods.

The microwave oven, the dangers of which have been studied for several years, changes the structure of products. A short-term study showed that people who consumed vegetables and milk prepared in this way had changes in their blood composition, increased cholesterol and decreased hemoglobin. At the same time, eating the same products, but prepared traditionally, did not lead to any changes in the body.

Unanswered question

Manufacturers of microwave ovens unanimously claim that food from a microwave oven does not differ in composition from that processed in a traditional way. However, no public university in the United States has conducted research into how food altered in this way affects the human body. But there is a huge amount of research on what happens if the door of the device is not closed. Common sense dictates that issues related to the food itself are quite important. Therefore, at the moment it is a complete mystery what a microwave oven does to food, whether it brings harm or benefit to them.

Other Important Points

Quite often you can hear that these devices are harmful to children. The composition of mother's milk and infant formula includes amino acids that, when exposed to this radiation, are converted into d-isomers, and they are considered neurotoxic, that is, they lead to deformation of the nervous system, and also nephrotoxic, that is, they are poison for the kidneys. Now that many children are fed with artificial formulas, the dangers are increasing, because they are heated in microwaves.

The World Health Organization has issued a verdict that the radiation used in microwaves does not harm food or humans at all. But the intensity of the microwave flux can affect implanted cardiac stimulators. This is why people with pacemakers are advised to give up microwaves and cell phones.

Other Features

However, many people are still targeting the microwave oven. Whether it is harmful or not is not clear. Therefore, a final verdict has not yet been made on this issue. Many scientists are working to study its effect on the human body. In the meantime, the dangers and benefits of a microwave oven remain a big question; you should use it only for heating and defrosting food, but not for cooking. You should not be near a switched-on stove yourself, especially if you do not allow children near it. A faulty device should not be used. The doors should close as securely as possible and there should be no damage to them. And if you have a microwave oven, the instruction manual will help you use it correctly. You should always have this appliance repaired by qualified personnel rather than doing it yourself.

Unusual use of microwaves

A microwave oven, whose characteristics depend on many factors, can be used for various purposes that are not considered traditional for it. You can use it for drying vegetables, herbs, nuts for the winter, as well as crackers. If you put spices and seasonings in the microwave for 30 seconds, you can refresh their aroma. Bread can be refreshed by wrapping it in a napkin and placing it in the device for 1 minute at the most intense radiation.

You can peel almonds by placing them in boiling water and then heating them in the oven for half a minute at full power. A microwave oven, the harm of which has been intensively studied, is also useful for peeling walnuts. They need to be heated in water at full power for 4-5 minutes. You can easily get rid of the white pulp on lemons or oranges. To do this, citrus fruits should be heated at full power for 30 seconds. After this, the white pulp can be separated from the slices quite simply.

Lemon or orange zest can be dried quite quickly by heating it for two minutes at full power. The same time will be enough to melt the candied honey.

You can rid cutting boards of unpleasant odors. To do this, you need to wash them, rub them with lemon juice, and then fry them in the microwave for a couple of minutes. In this case, even the most pungent ingrained odor will disappear.

To squeeze out the juice from citrus fruits to the last drop, just warm them up in the microwave for a few minutes and then let them cool.

What is the harm of a microwave?

If you are interested in a microwave oven, the harm of which is confirmed by many studies, then it is worth noting that the operating frequency of this device coincides with the frequency of a mobile phone. At the moment, there are four main factors that speak in favor of the harm of this unit.

First of all, it should be noted that electromagnetic radiation, or more precisely, its information component, is harmful. In science it is usually called a torsion field. Experiments have demonstrated that electromagnetic radiation has a torsion component. It is precisely such fields, according to most scientists, that pose danger and harm to human health. The torsion field transmits to a person all the negative information, which can cause irritation, headaches and insomnia, as well as other ailments.

It is also important to remember the temperature, but this applies over a long period of time when using the microwave oven constantly.

If we are targeting a microwave oven, the harm or benefits of which we are so interested in, then from the point of view of biology, it is high-frequency radiation in the centimeter range that is most harmful to humans. Since it is from it that the electromagnetic radiation of the highest intensity is obtained.

Microwaves lead to direct heating of the body, and only blood flow can reduce the degree of exposure. But there are organs, for example the lens, in which there is not a single vessel. Therefore, exposure to microwave waves causes clouding of the lens and its destruction. Such changes are irreversible.

Since we do not see or hear electromagnetic radiation, and we do not clearly feel it, we cannot determine whether it was the cause of this or that human disease. The influence of such radiation does not appear immediately, but only when it accumulates, which makes it difficult to blame any device with which a person has been in contact for this.

So, if you are considering a microwave oven, the characteristics of which are completely unimportant in this matter, then you should study its effect on food. Electromagnetic radiation can cause the ionization of molecules of a substance, that is, as a result of this, an atom can gain or lose an electron, which leads to a change in the structure of the substance itself.

Radiation causes the destruction of food molecules and their deformation. The microwave oven (whether its use is harmful to health or not is still being actively studied) creates new compounds that do not exist in nature. They are called radiolytic. And they, in turn, create molecular rot, which is a direct consequence of radiation.

Here are just a few facts to think about if you're interested in using a microwave oven:

Meat prepared in this way contains Nitrosodienthanolamines, which is a carcinogen;

In milk and cereals, many acids turn into carcinogens;

When fruits are defrosted in this way, their galactizoids and glucosides are converted into carcinogenic substances;

Vegetable alkaloids become carcinogenic even with minor irradiation;

When plants, especially root vegetables, are processed in a microwave oven, carcinogenic free radicals are formed;

The value of food is sometimes reduced by 90%;

Many vitamins lose their biological activity.

A microwave oven, reviews of which can be interesting and educational, is capable of weakening the cells of our body with its microwave radiation. There is a method of genetic engineering in which a cell is lightly irradiated with electromagnetic waves to penetrate it, and this leads to a weakening of the membranes. Since the cells, one might say, are broken, the membranes no longer serve as an obstacle to viruses, fungi and other microorganisms, and the natural self-healing mechanism is also suppressed.

The health hazards of microwave ovens are the same as exposure to radiation. In this case, radioactive decay of molecules occurs, after which new alloys unknown to nature are formed.

The influence of microwave radiation on human health

Eating food that is cooked in a microwave oven leads to a gradual decrease in heart rate and blood pressure. After this comes a period of nervousness and high blood pressure, headaches, eye pain, dizziness, irritability, insomnia, stomach pain, hair loss, inability to concentrate, and reproductive problems. Sometimes cancerous tumors even appear. With heart disease and stress, all these symptoms worsen.

What does the market offer?

The microwave oven, reviews of which you might like, is designed to provide maximum comfort, convenience and complete safety during use. The Russian market offers devices of different brands and sizes. Thanks to the abundance of design solutions, you can choose the model that best suits your taste preferences. There are both simple solutions and multifunctional large-sized specimens.

Any microwave oven whose characteristics suit you works on the same principle. The product is heated evenly due to irradiation from all sides. Simple models are characterized by the fact that the product is in one place, and a microwave source rotates around it, while more advanced options assume that directed microwave radiation is used, and the product is located on a special rotating tray.

A microwave oven, the design of which may include a grill and forced air circulation, is a more complex device. In this case, the fan is usually located behind the chamber wall. Grills are equipped with tubular heating elements. For steam cooking, the device can be equipped with special utensils. All models have a backlight that allows you to monitor the cooking process.

Subtleties of choice and characteristics

Despite the fact that a microwave oven, the reviews of which you may like, can completely replace a traditional kitchen stove, it is usually purchased as an addition to existing equipment. Before choosing, you should determine your needs and capabilities. You need to decide what tasks you need to perform and how often: prepare first courses, bake meat and poultry, defrost food, reheat it, and so on. Do you need a traditional, inexpensive device or a modern and elegant one? And all this is important when considering microwave ovens. How to choose one model or another is entirely up to you.

Many buyers prefer to use this device for defrosting food and heating food. These goals are easily achieved in simple microwave ovens, which use exclusively microwave radiation. Such equipment is usually purchased as an addition to a stove and oven. This way you can satisfy dietary and fast food requirements.

The size and design of the microwave oven affect the number of products and dishes that will be prepared at one time. The greatest demand is for devices that are characterized by medium and small dimensions, as well as the presence of a grill. With this option, food is not only heated, but also brought to perfect condition. Such solutions meet the needs of small families with limited budgets.

An important parameter is the volume of the chamber. Typically, the more functions a device has, the larger it is. Microwave wattage is another thing to keep in mind. This is what affects the cooking speed. The controls should be clear, but at the same time quite functional.

It is advisable that the kit includes a set of necessary accessories. Then working with the device will be much easier. The choice of one brand or another is a personal matter for everyone, and it all depends on preferences.

If we talk about reviews about microwave ovens, then here, as elsewhere, you can find different opinions. But most people agree on the usefulness of such a kitchen device as an assistant if you need to warm up, defrost, or quickly cook something. Models with a grill are more popular, as the food in them turns out to be more appetizing in appearance.

In general, a microwave oven, the photo of which you can take yourself, should be the way you want it. In the sense that the choice of a particular model depends entirely on your preferences.

Greetings to all my subscribers. I think there is hardly a housewife who does not have a microwave oven in her everyday life. This useful technique has struggled to find its way into our kitchens. However, like all devices that appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. People are still figuring out whether microwave ovens are harmful to humans.

This is not surprising. After all, the first mobile phones, washing machines and refrigerators were called tools of the devil by the clergy. They urged people not to use such equipment, so as not to incur various troubles. Little by little, these household appliances have become overgrown with myths and horror stories. Let's find out what research has been done in this area.

I want to say right away that most negative reviews are due to basic ignorance of the device. I recommend that you definitely read my article about. This will make it easier for you to weed out far-fetched myths from real research.

Myth one– microwaves are radioactive. These are the arguments of people far from physics. The waves that the magnetron emits are non-ionizing. They cannot have a radioactive effect on either products or people.

Myth two– the molecular structure of foods changes in the microwave. Everything cooked in it becomes carcinogenic. I haven't found a single scientific study that confirms this. X-ray and ionizing radiation can make a product carcinogenic. Microwaves are not. Moreover, a carcinogen can be obtained by overcooking the product in oil. In a regular frying pan!

As for microwaves, it’s just the opposite; food can be cooked without oil. In a microwave oven, everything is cooked quickly; food is not exposed to prolonged heat. This means that the products contain a minimum of burnt fat. The molecular structure of which changes during prolonged heat treatment.

Myth three- magnetic radiation from microwave ovens is dangerous. In fact, the radiation of microwaves is the same as the flow of waves from Wi-Fi or an LCD TV. It's just more powerful during cooking. But the device is designed in such a way that it remains inside the device. It has been scientifically proven that microwaves in the atmosphere quickly attenuate. They do not tend to accumulate in surrounding objects or products. Once the magnetron is turned off, the microwaves disappear. Of course, this does not mean that you need to stick your face to the glass during cooking. To watch the cooking. The safe distance from the device is arm's length.

Scientific evidence of the harm from microwaves and its benefits

Opponents of using microwave ovens claim that products in them lose all their beneficial properties. But I think you know very well that any heat treatment of the product leads to this. What negatively affects nutrients:

  • high temperature
  • long cooking time
  • water used for cooking. Some of the nutrient water-soluble substances remain in it.

It has been scientifically proven that food loses less nutrients in the microwave than on the stove. This happens, firstly, because water is not used.

Secondly, the cooking time is shorter, which means heat treatment is minimal. Thirdly, the temperature in the microwave oven rises to 100 degrees. This is much lower than the temperature of the stove, much less the oven. Two studies have confirmed that such cooking does not result in significant loss of nutrients. It has been compared to other cooking methods ( 1 , 2 ).

However, not all foods should be cooked in a microwave oven. It destroys the anti-cancer substances contained in garlic in just one minute. In the oven they are completely destroyed only after 45 minutes. This was confirmed by one study ( 3 ). The conclusion is simple. Garlic should not be added to dishes while cooking in the microwave.

Next research showed that microwaving destroyed 97% of the flavonoid antioxidants in broccoli. Moreover, if you cook it on the stove, only 66% will be destroyed. This argument is often used by opponents of microwave ovens. But let's be realistic - during cooking, we also calculated those substances that went into the water. Will you drink this water later?

Let's talk about baby food. It’s also not worth putting it in a microwave oven. It will not become harmful, but will become less useful for the child. This is especially important for breast milk. As a result of uneven heating, beneficial bacteria die in it ( 4 ). I advise you to watch a video with Dr. Komarovsky on this topic.

Research still speaks in favor of heating and cooking food in a microwave oven. It loses less beneficial properties of products than when boiling and frying.

Is microwave oven harmful to health?

There is no official evidence that microwaves are dangerous to people. Yes, this is actively discussed, but I have not seen any sources. To describe a specific case with the subjects. That this study be officially registered by WHO. But this household appliance has been actively used for more than 30 years.

One official study proves that microwaved chicken is healthier than fried chicken. Since much less heterocyclic amines are formed during the cooking process. These are harmful substances that are released when meat products are overcooked. The experiment proves that much more of them are formed in a frying pan ( 5 ).

It is difficult to overcook a product in a microwave oven. Cooking in it is something between boiling and stewing. Products are cooked in their own juices without or with minimal use of oil. It is important to stir them constantly, as the cooking process itself can become harmful. After all, they warm up unevenly.

As I wrote above, in a microwave oven the products are heated to the boiling point of water. With uneven heating, pathogenic bacteria are not completely destroyed. Therefore, it is advisable to cover the container in which you cook with a lid. This way the product will warm up faster and, along with the splashes, bacteria will not settle on the walls of the stove.

Whether heating food in the microwave or cooking is harmful or not, everyone decides for themselves. When making a decision, I advise you to pay attention to the opinion of the WHO. It has officially confirmed that this technique does not have a harmful effect on humans. And also it is not harmful to food.

The only warning that WHO has expressed concerns heart patients. People with implanted cardiac stimulators should not be near the device while it is on. Microwave radiation may adversely affect the functioning of the pacemaker. This applies not only to microwave ovens, but also to mobile phones.

Why not all dishes are suitable for the microwave

It is important to understand that microwaves can heat plastic. And it contains various carcinogens. These are benzene, toluene, polyethylene terephthalate, xylene and dioxins. Also, various plastic containers may contain substances that affect hormones. When heating food in such a container, the product may absorb these harmful substances. Naturally, such food will be hazardous to health.

I myself have been using the microwave as needed for a long time. Mainly to heat up food. Sometimes I can cook something. By the way, it works out great. Without a single drop of vegetable oil. Prepares literally within 5 minutes, does not burn. If you use 1.5% milk you get a dietary breakfast!

I want to give you some simple tips:

  1. If you are cooking or heating something, cover the dish with a lid. Make sure that it stands strictly in the middle of the rotating plate. Stir/turn the product at least once during cooking.
  2. Do not stand closer than 50 cm to the device.
  3. Wipe down the oven walls with a damp, soapy sponge after each meal.
  4. Clean your microwave and turntable with vinegar at least once a month. If you cook in it often - every two weeks.
  5. Do not use plastic or metal utensils, or containers with chips.

To summarize, we can conclude that this device does not pose a danger to people. Children and pregnant women can also use it. There is no data to support the contrary. And the device is even useful for preparing some dishes. It is possible to cook without oil and water. The product will be dietary. It will also retain more nutrients.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to give up sauteing, baking and boiling. There must be moderation in everything. A microwave oven is just a useful addition to a gas or electric stove. What do you think?

PS: I moved to Ufa

My dears, I moved to Ufa. We flew from Bangkok at +30 degrees, and arrived in Ufa at +3. We put on everything we could and the bags were almost empty :)

It's already the 2nd week that we've been living here. While we look around, gradually studying what is where. At least I stopped walking around the apartment in a jacket and two pants :) This means that acclimatization is almost complete.

We went to the monument to Salavat Yulaev. Here I am

What harm does a microwave do to human health, and what benefits does this device bring? How to use the device correctly to minimize the negative impact.

Microwave - benefit or harm?


In the modern world, people often ask themselves the question: “Is a microwave oven harmful to our body?” Opinions on this matter differ. To understand this issue, you need to understand the operating principle of this device. To decide for yourself whether a microwave is harmful or beneficial for humans, you need to rely on scientific evidence.

Operating principle

Operating principle of a microwave oven

A microwave oven emits electromagnetic waves at superfrequencies, the length of which ranges from 1 mm to 30 cm. They are also used in mobile communications, radio communications, and also for the Internet. But why is a microwave so dangerous and scary? It consists of several parts: a high-voltage transformer, a magnetron and a control system (buttons, display, timer, etc.).

The magnetron transforms electricity into microwave rays, which have an effect on food molecules. Microwaves act on the water atoms in food, causing them to spin faster, thereby creating a frictional force that heats the food. Friction between water molecules and other molecules breaks food apart and deforms it from the inside.

This process is called isomerism (that is, isomers appear). It causes particles to decompose and destroys the original molecular structure of food. It is not possible to crush a particle, even such a simple one as a water molecule, at home, even when it turns into a vapor state.

History of creation

The microwave was created during the Second World War, in Nazi Germany. It was intended to speed up the process of feeding soldiers, in other words, to reduce the amount of time spent on preparing and heating food. Soon, German scientists found out that the device they had invented had a negative effect on the human body and they were forced to abandon this development.

In 1943, the development of the furnace fell into the hands of the Russians and Americans. The Americans classified this information as secret, and Russian scientists carefully studied all the data and came to the conclusion that the microwave oven poses a biological threat and has a very harmful effect on the human body. And so they came to the conclusion that this is a device that negatively affects the environment. As a result, its use was banned.

Myths about the first microwave oven

There are many different arguments about whether a microwave oven is harmful or dangerous. You need to be able to distinguish what is the truth, the basis for which is scientific research. And what is a pseudoscientific myth that is just made up?

Myth one

Since microwave rays affect the molecular structure of food, anything exposed to this device becomes carcinogenic. Carcinogenic - this means that any food product that is heated by the oven becomes the causative agent of a malignant tumor. Accordingly, under no circumstances should you heat food in the appliance.

Bacteria are killed in the microwave

No scientific study has proven this information. Only X-rays and ionizing rays can make a product a carcinogen. Carcinogens are also produced when frying in oil. When quickly heated in a microwave oven, food products are not exposed to long-term heat, and therefore they contain a minimum of burnt fat, which makes the product carcinogenic.

Moreover, rapid heating, on the contrary, destroys harmful microorganisms, such as E. coli. Therefore, the microwave oven plays the role of a sterilizer.

Is microwaved food harmful? If we rely on the scientific research presented above, then in this case, only benefits come from quick warming up.

Myth two

Food cannot be heated in a microwave because the magnetic radiation emitted by this device is harmful to human life. In fact, the radiation from a stove is the same as that from a WI-FI router or a cell phone. It’s just stronger during cooking, but scientists have foreseen this. Due to the design of the furnace, during heating, the radiation remains inside the device.

Scientists have discovered that waves do not accumulate in household items or food; they disappear in the open atmosphere. In other words, no threat will arise if the equipment is not used with the door open.

Myth three

The waves emitted by a microwave oven are radioactive. The waves produced by the device are non-ionizing. People who are at least a little familiar with physics know that they do not harm either food or people.

Myth four

An explosion may occur in the device due to metal objects. This is nonsense, everyone knows that the result of an explosion is the rapid expansion of gas. In our case, metal objects will cause sparking, which will have a negative effect on the device itself. This is why heating food in metal objects is not recommended.

Harm from a microwave oven

It turns out that most of the “horror stories” about microwave ovens turned out to be myths. So why is a microwave actually harmful?

  1. Has a negative effect on the brain. Scientists have found that radiation causes damage to the brain. The impulses that neurons send become shorter.
  2. Food heated in the oven is not properly recognized by the digestive tract. In other words, food is not regarded as food. Thus, by eating food from a microwave oven, you can leave your body hungry.
  3. The body absorbs vitamins and minerals worse. This is due to the fact that the waves change the structure of useful minerals and substances, and the body cannot accept them. In addition, the substances are not only not absorbed, but also do not leave the body, forming blood clots.
  4. Many people ask the question: “Is it harmful or not to heat food for a child in the oven?” It is not recommended to put food in the microwave for children. Of course, it will not cause harm, but the nutrients of the heated food will decrease.
  5. Negative effect on immunity. It has been clinically proven that eating foods that have been thermally processed in a microwave oven leads to disruption of the lymph nodes and lymph glands. The consequence of this is premature aging of the human body. In addition, blood clotting slows down, which makes wounds take much longer to heal.
  6. Negative effects on the hormonal system. Frequent consumption of foods that have been exposed to microwaves leads to disruption of the production of male and female hormones. According to the researchers' conclusions, this is due to the fact that the human body has not adapted to positively perceive food products from microwave ovens. By eating such food, we ourselves disrupt the body’s parameters and complicate the functioning of the digestive system.

Benefits of a microwave oven

We have looked at the damage these household appliances can cause. But is it possible to benefit from its use? Of course yes.

  • as mentioned earlier, the thermal effect of the device kills some harmful organisms;
  • You can cook food without fat and oil, which do not have a very good effect on our body;
  • It takes much less time to cook;
  • You can quickly reheat and defrost food.

Is a microwave useful in everyday life or, on the contrary, harmful? This is all a controversial issue. Whatever you decide for yourself, in any case, use the recommendations for use:

  1. Follow all recommendations for proper installation.
  2. Leave the vent connector open.
  3. Do not turn on the device unless necessary.
  4. The mass of the product to be heated must be more than two hundred grams.
  5. Do not heat explosive foods such as eggs.
  6. Cover the heated food with a lid, place it exactly in the center of the disk and try to stir at least occasionally.
  7. Do not stand closer than 50 centimeters from the device.
  8. Wipe the oven walls with soapy water after each use.
  9. Once every six months, wash the entire oven with vinegar.
  10. Do not heat in plastic, metal or chipped containers.
  11. Do not use the microwave oven if it is faulty and do not try to repair it yourself. It is best to contact specialists.


You should use the microwave as little as possible

Is a microwave oven harmful to health and to what extent? Is it harmful to heat food in the microwave? Everyone decides for themselves. Despite all the data that proves that microwave ovens are harmful, there are also many refutations of this. Most likely, if you decide whether a microwave oven is beneficial or harmful, opinions will be divided 50 to 50.

Don't forget that electrical equipment affects human organs. But each individual is affected differently. For some it may appear immediately, for others it may take decades. Years go by and it will no longer be possible to determine exactly why this happened. In the history of the microwave oven, there is not a single case where it was proven that a person died due to its exposure.

To ensure the benefit of technology and to minimize its harm, a microwave oven should be used only as needed, as a complement to a gas and electric stove. Let its presence in everyday life be kept to a minimum.


Is microwave harmful? How does it work?

A microwave oven is a convenient and compact device, thanks to which we easily and quickly heat up food, and also cook food even without the use of oil.

For some reason, people have always been wary of all innovations, and from the moment of its appearance, the microwave oven was surrounded by speculation about harm to human health. Next, we will figure out whether the negative impact of our kitchen assistant on the body is really dangerous.

Myths and fictions around the microwave oven

Reference: In a microwave oven, heating occurs much faster, which means less nutrients are lost.

Expert opinion: “You can heat it up!”

Oleg Dronitsky, director of the TEST-BET testing center, responded to the question: is a microwave oven harmful to human health with humor? He joked that this device is very dangerous if you stick your hand into it. And he immediately made a reservation that it would not be possible to get burned even in such an absurd case - modern equipment is equipped with child locking protection even when the electrical appliance is turned off.

Oleg Dronitsky explains that food cooked or heated in a microwave is no different in terms of the level of harmful substances from food from a regular frying pan or pot. Wave radiation is really harmful to the body, although if a person stands for 8 hours at a distance of 5 cm from the microwave. And even then, harmful microwaves have only a partial effect.

Note: According to current sanitary standards in Russia, the density of emitted energy should not exceed 10 μW per 1 sq. cm at a distance of 50 cm from the microwave when heating 1 liter of water. All manufactured models fully comply with the required requirements with a large margin.

The opinions of scientists are divided - some trumpet the unacceptability of using microwaves, others, on the contrary, about its exceptional benefits. For example, American researchers believe that thanks to the gentle method of cooking without oil, the percentage of cancer cases in the United States has decreased.

Conversely, in Sweden, biologist Hertel and Professor Bernard Blank tried to prove an increase in white blood cells through the use of microwaves. But their experience was incompetent, since due to the lack of money for research, scientists limited themselves to only one experimental subject.

The WHO has now issued an official verdict based on scientific evidence: Microwave ovens do not have a harmful effect on the human body and the food consumed.

Important: the only exception is people with pacemakers, since the flow of intense microwaves negatively affects the functioning of heart rhythm drivers.

What do nutritionists and doctors say?

Many experts in dietary nutrition are confident that it is impossible to prepare healthy food in a microwave oven. But nutritionists also consider it unacceptable to cook in a frying pan or in a saucepan. The best option for preparing healthy food for nutritionists is using a multicooker or steamer.

Let's compare microwave radiation with other household appliances

A microwave oven, of course, produces a certain percentage of harmful effects on humans, but is it so dangerous compared to other irreplaceable technical attributes in the house? Let's look at a few examples:

  • Fridge with NO FROST system. Compressor at a distance of 10 cm produces a magnetic field intensity that far exceeds the permissible level. Safety is ensured only at a distance of a meter from the door.
  • Electric stove. At a distance of 25 cm from the front panel - already high magnetic field intensity(1–3 µT). It is recommended to cook at least 50 cm away from the stove.
  • Electric kettles. Also publish high radiation within a radius of 20 cm – 0.6 µT.
  • Irons. It is impossible not to succumb to the negative influence of radiation when ironing - devices emit magnetic fields exceeding 0.2 µT if the hand is less than 25 cm from the iron.
  • Washing machine. You should not approach such working equipment at all - (10 µT).
  • Vacuum cleaner. This the most powerful harmful emitter. During operation, the intensity of magnetic fields exceeds 100 μT.

When using a microwave oven, harmful radiation is emitted (about 0.3 - 0.8 µT), comparable to the negative impact of a Wi-Fi router or TV. But microwaves are equipped with a special protective barrier, through which it is impossible for radioactive waves to penetrate in amounts exceeding permissible standards.

Harm or benefit

In using a microwave oven There are many more pros than cons:

  • deep heating in the oven - up to 2.5 cm from the surface;
  • heating occurs significantly faster;
  • uniform heating products;
  • cooking at lower temperature(below 100 degrees);
  • convenience and comfort.

The only disadvantages include the loss of some substances necessary for the treatment of oncology. In particular, it is better to add garlic after removing the dish from the microwave, as it loses its beneficial properties.

Problems with microwave leakage have been observed in older microwave models. Modern samples have undergone improved modernization and are absolutely safe for health. The only exceptions are devices with damaged housing, so you should be careful about the technical condition of the microwave oven. If the door is not insulated enough, the percentage of radiation may increase several times, so it is recommended to exclude such devices from use.

The following rules must be followed to minimize possible harm from a microwave oven:

  1. Install the device in a strictly horizontal position at a distance of a meter from the floor surface.
  2. enjoy ventilation system.
  3. Do not use the microwave to cook raw eggs in their shells.
  4. Do not use utensils or containers containing metal.
  5. Do not turn on without products.
  6. Dispose of the faulty microwave oven.

A microwave oven has a large list of advantages. The only disadvantages that can be identified are the unproven effects of radiation, as well as the loss of some beneficial vitamins. The main advantage is time saving will allow microwaves to remain at the peak of popularity among household appliances for heating and cooking for a long time.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):