Lighter is a device for producing fire for use in various household needs. Lighters can be gas or gasoline and have their own characteristics and purposes. Most often, lighters use two ignition systems - flint and piezoelectric.

Gasoline lighters. Lighters of this type are almost identical in design. The structure of a gasoline lighter consists of: a container for gasoline, a wick, a gear wheel, and silicon. In gasoline lighters, the ignition mechanism operates due to the friction of a toothed wheel on the flint. The container of a gasoline lighter is filled with special cotton wool, which, when refilling the lighter, is completely saturated with gasoline. These lighters run on special, purified gasoline. Durability and high reliability are advantages of gasoline lighters. When used correctly, such lighters will last a long time and will never let you down. Of course, gasoline lighters are quite expensive. There are also a number of disadvantages, since not many people like the smell of gasoline, which will certainly accompany every lighting. And if you are lighting a cigar or pipe, then a gasoline lighter will not be suitable at all, since the tobacco in the cigar and pipe takes on other odors and is interrupted by them. In addition, a gasoline lighter needs quite frequent refueling. Gasoline for such lighters is also quite expensive. And, without much experience, you can fill the flint with gasoline, and the lighter will fail for a while. Such lighters are refilled only with special and purified gasoline. Such lighters are usually reliable and durable, but not everyone is satisfied with the smell of gasoline and the fact that gasoline evaporates quickly.

Gas lighters. Gas lighters use gas. Gas lighters use liquefied propane (C3H8) or liquefied butane (C4H10) as fuel, which, after passing through the reducer, evaporates, forming a highly flammable mixture of gas and air. There are 3 types of gas lighters with different ignition systems: flint, piezo, and electronic ignition systems. Silicon lighters are similar in design to gasoline lighters, but instead of a container for gasoline, they have a gas canister. Piezo lighters use a piezoelectric element to ignite gas. When the piezoelectric element is triggered, a spark is formed, which ignites the gas coming from the lighter’s container. The piezoelectric element almost never fails. The operating principle of lighters with an electronic ignition circuit is similar to the operating principle of piezo lighters, only they have a special battery installed.

Lighters are divided by fuel type into gasoline and gas.

IN petrol lighters ignition is produced only by friction of the gear on the flint. The advantage of gasoline lighters is high reliability and durability.

In turn gas lighters share on ignition device on silicon, piezo and with an electronic ignition circuit.

  • Ignition in flint gas lighters, as in gasoline lighters, occurs by friction of the wheel on the flint. Such lighters are highly reliable and durable. The disadvantages include the need to periodically replace the flint.
  • IN piezo lighters ignition is carried out using a piezoelectric element. When it is triggered, a spark is formed between the divider at the end of the upper valve and the wire of the piezoelectric element. The divider serves to form the gas-air mixture necessary for reliable ignition. It is strictly forbidden to touch the piezoelectric element or clean it yourself, as this can damage the lighter. The advantage of such lighters is the long-term operation (almost the entire service life) of the piezoelectric element.
  • Lighters with electronic circuit They ignite according to the principle of lighters with a piezoelectric element, only the spark in them is formed by converting the voltage of the installed battery by an electronic circuit to the required value when the button is pressed. The advantage is that no effort is required when pressing the button.

According to the type of flame, gas lighters are divided into conventional and turbocharged. IN ordinary lighters the gas leaves the top valve through the divider at a low speed and mixes with the air at its outlet.

In lighters turbo the gas passes through the diaphragm in the turbine through a microscopic hole and increases speed dramatically. Next, it draws air through the side holes in the turbine and, under high pressure, enters the flame former in the upper part of the turbine, which gives the flame the required shape.

For even greater wind resistance, in some types of turbo lighters a spiral of refractory metal is installed above the turbine, which heats up under the influence of a flame and, due to thermal inertia, does not allow it to go out during strong gusts of wind. Such lighters are most reliable in inclement weather.

Terms of use:
  • It is not recommended to store lighters for a long time without gas or use.

  • Lighters must be protected from moisture, dirt and dust.

  • It is not recommended to touch the divider or turbine, as this may damage the lighter.
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The classification of modern lighters has two main sections: according to the type used in the device fuel and ignition method. In the first case, everything is simple: lighters can be refilled with either gas (liquefied butane or liquefied propane - the flame can reach temperatures from 800 to 1970 degrees Celsius) or gasoline vapor (the flame can reach temperatures from 1300 to 1400 degrees Celsius). In the case of ignition methods, there are more options. Common types of lighters include:

  • Silicon lighters(use of sparking material, silicon, through friction under mechanical influence);
  • Sensory lighters (when the lid is opened, the gas supply begins and the sensor mechanism operates; when you bring your finger to the sensor, the mechanism produces a spark);
  • Electrical lighters or lighters with electronic ignition circuit (the principle of operation is based on the cyclic closing and opening of an electrical circuit by a spark-forming rod under the influence of an electromagnetic field. The iron-containing rod closes the circuit, turns on the electromagnet, which draws the rod into itself and thereby opens the circuit; then the rod returns to its original position under the action of a spring, and the process is repeated. The resulting electric arc ignites the gas.) As a subtype, battery-powered lighters can be distinguished (designed to operate on one or more batteries, is a pulse converter with a step-up transformer, produces many weak sparks while the button is pressed. There is also a similar type of battery-powered lighters (with possibility of recharging from the network and also with recharging from USB ));
  • Piezo lighters(has in its design a piezoelectric element that has a piezoelectric effect; when subjected to mechanical action, it produces a charge and generates a spark).

In addition, lighters can be classified into the following types:

- cigars;

- tube;

- fireplace;

- kitchen;

- cool lighters;

- well, and everyone else.

Lighters can also be pocket or tabletop, disposable or reusable (with the possibility of refilling)

And I almost forgot, according to the type of flame, lighters are divided into those that have a pipe blower, an adjustable flame, and regular ones. Gas, in conventional lighters, comes out of the top valve through the divider at a low speed and is mixed with air at its outlet. In tube lighters, the gas first passes through a special diaphragm in the turbine, through a very small hole with a sharp increase in speed. After this, through the side holes in the turbine, it draws in air and, under strong pressure, enters the flame former, which is located in the upper part of the turbine. A shaper is needed to give the flame the desired shape. In some turbo lighters, a spiral made of refractory metal is installed above the turbine for stronger wind resistance. Due to thermal inertia, this spiral heats up and does not allow the fire to go out in a strong wind.

The ignition principle is based on the piezoelectric effect (from the Greek ?? - piezo - I press). This phenomenon, discovered by the brothers Jacques and Pierre Curie in 1880, is that when single crystals of certain substances are compressed, electric charges arise on their faces. Such a single crystal replaces flint in the lighter design.
The piezoelectric element in a lighter is a small quartz crystal endowed with piezoelectric properties. When voltage is applied to a crystal, the crystal lattice is deformed and the dimensions of the crystal change. This is called the direct piezoelectric effect. Conversely, when a quartz crystal is stretched or compressed, tension is generated on its surface. This phenomenon is called the inverse piezoelectric effect. A slight blow to the quartz crystal located in the lighter generates a voltage of several hundred volts. This causes an electrical breakdown and a spark jumps between the electrodes. The gas catches fire.
By the way, a piezo lighter is a high-tech product, the brainchild of high technology in the second half of the twentieth century and is a kind of mini-power plant... in the palm of your hand. In fact, isn’t it a miracle when pressing a finger on a key with a force of only 20-30 N is directly converted into a high voltage of 10-20 thousand volts? Moreover, this is a practically inexhaustible source of energy; the service life of the piezoelements of such a mechanism is at least 12 years!

These lighters do not require energy sources or other consumables (except gas, of course).
Piezoelectricity is generated through an innovative process that does not use standard electrical wires. Instead, the spark is produced using natural forces. The piezo igniter is very reliable.
Piezoelectricity does not use electrical connections, although many devices use wires to produce a spark at a specific location. To ignite such devices, you usually need to press a button. They are quite effective, easy to use, durable and require minimal maintenance.
Piezo lighters, as a rule, last much longer than mechanical lighters. The secret to their longevity is the lack of friction between the elements. However, if something happens to the piezoelectric element, you will not be able to repair it. No amount of cleaning will help him, “amateur” will kill the lighter completely. Note, however, that failure of the piezoelectric element is a very rare phenomenon.
In addition, piezo lighters are not at risk of gas leakage, which, unfortunately, often happens with flint lighters. Of course, we are talking here exclusively about high-quality piezo lighters from reliable manufacturers, and not about “black” market products.

Gas lighters are divided into flint and piezo lighters by design.

In flint lighters made of plastic, gas enters when the lever under the wheel is pressed, and in metal lighters, when the lid is opened.

Piezo lighters, in turn, are divided into regular and turbo. In conventional piezo lighters, the fire is ignited using an electrical charge. The difference from ordinary ones is that gas is supplied to them under pressure - and the fire does not go out from the wind.

Most often, lighters contain highly purified liquefied butane, a mixture of liquefied butane and propane, which is much cheaper, or isobutane.

Pure propane was only used in older style lighters. It was abandoned because this gas is explosive. The boiling point of propane occurs at -20 degrees Celsius, which can lead to an explosion. The boiling point of butane is +10. Butane lighters can only be used when exposed to direct sunlight.

It should be noted that lighters produced in the CIS are designed for a mixture of propane and butane. They can work even with mixtures of low purity. Imported lighters can only run on butane or triple-purified isobutane. These are mainly expensive and popular models of lighters, which low-quality gas can simply ruin. Some branded lighters only run on liquefied isobutane.

The propane-butane mixture has higher pressure than pure butane and a lower degree of purification. This mixture is not suitable for piezo lighters.

Until recently, lighters were produced in cheap disposable versions. Nowadays these types of lighters are very rare. Reusable lighters of silicon or piezo type are mainly produced.

How to refill a lighter?

Refilling a lighter is only relevant if it is an expensive model. The cost of a gas can is much higher than the cost of a regular refillable lighter.

To use a lighter, you need to purchase a can of liquefied butane or triple-purified isobutane.

How to refill a lighter correctly?

1. Turn the lighter over with the refill valve facing up. For most models it is located at the bottom.

2. Insert the canister stem into the valve, press and hold for 10 seconds. In this case, the can must be positioned with the stem down. When refueling is correct, gas should not escape.

3. After refueling, you must wait a few seconds.

4. To get rid of excess air, you need to set the combustion level valve to minimum. This valve is located next to the refill valve on most lighters. In this case, the lighter may not light up, since the air accumulated in it will first escape.

5. Adjust the combustion level. At this stage, a large flame is possible, which will burn out the accumulated dirt.

A can of gas usually lasts up to 30 refills, but this depends on the volume of the can itself and the size of the lighter.

The lighter as we know it has existed for almost 2 centuries. During this time, manufacturers have learned to make this accessory for different types of fuel, with different types of ignition, shape, color of fire and functionality. In this article we will talk about all this diversity and classify it. So what kind of lighters are there in the 21st century?

With and without fuel

Based on the type of fuel that modern lighters operate on, they are divided into gasoline and gas. There is a third subtype that does not need refueling in the classical sense - electric pulse ones.


There are 3 types of gas products. They differ in the type of fuel ignition:

    Flint - the spark is obtained, as in gasoline analogues, from flint. The only difference is the fuel.

    Piezo (on quartz crystals) - when rubbed, the crystals form a spark, igniting the gas.

    Electric - the principle is the same as in piezo products, but instead of crystals, the active element is a battery.

Current strength

There are lighters that run on electricity. They are also called flameless, since they do not give off fire. Instead, such products contain an electrical discharge, similar to a miniature lightning bolt. It provides the temperature necessary for lighting or igniting.

There are battery-powered models in which current passes through a thin wire (the operating principle is similar to a car cigarette lighter). The second type is electric pulse lighters, charged via a USB port (on average, you need to recharge them once every 2 months). Such lighters are not afraid of frost, unlike their gas counterparts, and do not fail in windy weather.

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Classification by purpose and scope of application

There are standard (hand or pocket) and desktop (stationary) models. Depending on the scope of use of lighters, their design also changes. In household and camping models, the spout is narrow; there are options with control of the direction and strength of the flame. Products for home use often include a child lock feature.


    for cigarettes/pipes/cigars/hookahs/fireplaces/candles/burners.

    for lighting barbecues/grills/bonfires - this category is called camping, for active recreation and tourism.

In lighters for lighting pipes, the fire does not burst out in the usual vertical direction, but from the side.


Manufacturing companies offer standard lighters in the shape of rectangles of different widths and thicknesses, women's and men's models, youth options and products for respectable older people. The price of a lighter depends on the material, decor and brand. There are a huge number of designs - from the classic, win-win, no-frills Zippo to collectible models with precious stones, made of gold, with a built-in pistol mechanism.

The industry is rich in offers of lighters and non-standard shapes - in the form of animals, cartoon characters, bottles, confectionery, various types of weapons, crypts, dishes, shoes - there is no limit to the imagination of designers. And yet, among all this riot of options, Zippo products stand out for their quality and prestige. The company creates things with status and history.

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