A clogged drain is a fairly common problem that homeowners face at the most inopportune times. In some cases, you can deal with blockages yourself, using available means such as a cable, a plunger, as well as all kinds of cleaning agents for pouring into pipes. If you do not have the appropriate skills and knowledge, then it is best to use the help of a specialist who will help you cope with a more serious situation. Otherwise, you may make the situation worse, causing damage to plumbing fixtures and flooding your neighbors.

Types of clogged sewer system

A sewer blockage can occur for several reasons, including man-made, mechanical and operational ones. The first occurs when one pipe or part of the system becomes deflected or collapses. Mechanical blockages are caused by large objects entering the drain. Operational blockage occurs when the drains cannot perform their functions due to the build-up of deposits on the internal surfaces of the pipes.

Causes of blockages

A clogged drain can occur due to improper use of the system. People face such problems when various wastes such as crusts and cleanings are dumped into plumbing fixtures. at the same time, they cannot penetrate. Among other things, elements contained in water can build up on the walls of metal and cast iron products over time. The resulting roughness catches toilet paper, hair, buttons and threads. Little by little, the clearance is reduced, which causes the sewer system to stop working.

Under the influence of low temperatures, grease from kitchen sinks and dishwashers hardens, it grows and blocks the entire drainage lumen. Sometimes a sewer blockage occurs due to an error made during installation. If the toilet has a special design or is not compatible with the system, then the drain line may have an incorrect slope. Social problems lead to clogged risers, which can be initiated by residents of apartments on any floor.

Removing a blockage using a plunger

Sewerage can be done using different methods, the most commonly used is a plunger. Alternative solutions may include using chemicals or improvised means, as well as pouring boiling water over the system. Every home should have a plunger, which is the simplest plumbing fixture. Its main purpose is to clear the system of blockages. To use, you need to close the drain, as well as additional holes that are necessary to protect against overflow. Fill the sink with enough water to cover the bowl of the plunger. In order to ensure a tight fit of the rubber part to the surface, the edges can be lubricated with Vaseline.

If the sewage system turns out to be inoperative, you can clear the blockages yourself. To do this, the plunger is pressed tightly against the drain hole, and then you need to make a rocking movement up and down. The bowl should not be lifted from the surface. To ensure that the siphon does not fail, you do not need to exert much physical effort. Otherwise, the air pressure will be excessively high. At the end of the procedure, the plunger must be pulled up. If you notice that the water goes down the drain rather slowly, the procedure can be repeated until the cleaning is completed. sewerage in this way is not always possible. This is the main disadvantage of the method, which lies in the inability to get rid of old blockages.

Siphon cleaning

As practice shows, most often the blockage is concentrated in the siphon, which is represented by a curved section of pipe. To clean it, you need to unscrew the removable part, and then remove debris and dirt. Some craftsmen additionally treat with a degreasing compound. You can get rid of fat deposits using boiling water, which should be poured into the sink in the volume of one pan. To prevent the described problem, each time after washing dishes, you need to run boiling water for 20 seconds.

Use for cleaning hot water and chemicals

The easiest way to clear drain clogs is with hot water. It will eliminate the problem by dissolving the fat. But in most cases, this method does not give the expected result, so it is advisable to combine it with others. On sale today you can find special chemicals based on alkali and acids, which are presented in the form of liquids, powders and gels. When choosing, you need to make sure that the products will be harmless to the pipes. The most popular is “Mole” for cleaning sewers. For the bath it is recommended to use compounds that can dissolve hair, for the kitchen - grease. Experts advise choosing a gel-like product that spreads over the entire surface of the system, dissolving deposits.

Using Vinegar and Soda

If the blockage of the sewer at home occurs in the evening, and it is not possible to go out to purchase other products, it is recommended to use vinegar and soda, which can be found in any home. A pack of soda is poured into the drain, followed by a glass of vinegar. After half an hour, boiling water must be poured into the system. Under no circumstances should you use battery electrolyte or sulfuric acid, as they can damage the sewage system.

Application of plumbing cable

You can easily clean the drain yourself. Removing blockages, according to users, is most effective when using a plumbing cable. If the obstruction is localized in a place that is sufficiently distant from the drain hole, then the problem can only be dealt with in this way. The item is represented by a flexible metal string, the length of which can reach 10 meters. There is a handle at one end. For cleaning, a cable is installed in the siphon, which must be positioned in the desired direction. Next, the master begins to rotate the handle; for convenience, you can use the help of another person. When the string encounters an obstacle, it must be pushed back and forth until the blockage is removed. During the cleaning process, debris will stick to the cable, which is why it is necessary to remove it from the pipe during the work. After completing the work, you need to screw on the siphon and drain the hot water. By the formation of a funnel, one can judge that the procedure was carried out correctly.

Cleaning with a cable and a sponge

If you need to remove blockages in sewer pipes that are made of cast iron or plastic, you can use a 4-mm nylon cord and a dishwashing sponge. The size of the latter must be selected in such a way that it can pass through the pipes, but does not get stuck in them. Before you begin, you should clean and rinse the pipes by passing the end of the cable through them. You should try to remove it into the toilet. Afterwards, a nylon cord is tied to it, the length of which should be two lengths of the pipe. After this, the cable along with the cord is pulled out, the elements are untied from each other. The main part will be in the pipe, and the cable will no longer be needed. A metal sponge is tied onto the cord so that it is located in the center. The cord is pulled out first at one end, then at the other, and the washcloth is pulled along the pipe. The operation should be repeated at least 3 times, each of which is accompanied by boiling water.

Hydrodynamic cleaning

This method is used when all of the above methods do not allow achieving a positive result. Hydrodynamic cleaning involves the use of special machines that can have different sizes and power. They are equipped with special nozzles and remove blockages in pipes of different diameters, the latter can vary from 5 to 150 centimeters. If we are talking about an intra-house sewer system, then you can use a compact device that fights the most complex blockages. This method has many advantages, which are expressed in the guarantee of a positive result, as well as the safety of pipes using simple technology. The water jet will remove not only deposits, but also debris, and will also extend the life of the pipeline. During operation, there is no emission of dust and dirt, there is no harmful effect on the external environment and the surface of the pipes. No matter how complex the wiring may be, a variety of attachments will allow you to cope with any serious blockages. You will have to pay for such a procedure.

A situation where sewer drains are clogged requires an immediate solution. What to do when the pipe is clogged and there is no way to call a technician? Having studied in detail the causes of blockages and the main methods for eliminating them, you can carry out all the work yourself, quickly and efficiently.

Possible causes and types of blockages

Unfortunately, clogged sewer systems are a common occurrence in apartment buildings. Sewage pipes (usually made of cast iron) become overgrown with a coating of fat, food debris and hair from the inside in a very short time. There are also frequent cases of foreign objects getting into the system: phones, rags, jewelry. If you do not take timely measures to remove the blockage, then after some time the drain will become completely clogged, and as a result, a flood may occur.

Traffic jams can occur at the following points:

  • in the pipe connecting the riser and the outlets of the bathtub or shower;
  • on the path from the main water supply pipe to the outlets to the washing machine, dishwasher or kitchen sink;
  • at the junction of the toilet and the sewer riser;
  • directly in the riser.

Before you begin to eliminate the clog problem, you need to determine its type:

  • Mechanical blockage occurs as a result of insoluble particles entering the sewer pipe. This can be either a large object or a large number of small fragments (sand, pieces of paper, hair).
  • Operational damage occurs as a result of prolonged settling of fat and small insoluble particles on the inner walls of pipes. Layer after layer of particles grow and over time completely block the normal flow of water.
  • Technological blockage is the most problematic option, requiring not only time, but also knowledge to eliminate this problem. Most often it occurs due to the presence of a large number of right angles in the sewer system. A sharp turn significantly reduces the speed at which water passes through the pipes, which, together with small debris, quickly leads to blockages.

Also, during the operation of the sewer system, deformation of the pipeline may occur. The corrosion process and impacts with heavy objects can cause pipe rupture.

Traditional cleaning methods

A few simple tips will help you quickly clear a clogged sewer pipe with your own hands:

  1. Since a common cause of clogged pipes is grease accumulated on the inner surface, regular boiling water carefully poured into the drain hole will help quickly eliminate the problem. Before the procedure, the sink must be wiped. As soon as the water begins to flow freely, the system is thoroughly rinsed with cold water.
  2. Soda-vinegar solution is the most popular and most importantly effective cleaning method. Use the product as follows:
    • wipe the sink dry;
    • Carefully pour half a glass of baking soda into the drain;
    • carefully pour in 100 g of vinegar;
    • plug the drain hole with a special stopper or a piece of rags;
    • After 30 minutes, the plug can be removed and the riser can be washed with running water.

Options for cleaning sewer pipes

When selecting chemicals for cleaning the sewage system, it is important to study in detail the manufacturer’s instructions, which clearly state what pipe materials the product is suitable for and how to use it correctly.

All such cleaning products for drain pipes are produced in three types:

  • Dry powder. The advantage of this option is convenient packaging, affordable price, and versatility of use.
  • Gel is an easy-to-use, economical option. The dense, viscous structure of the gel allows you to minimize the consumption of the drug. Spreading slowly, it effectively combats layers of grease and dirt on the inside of the pipe.
  • Liquid products are aggressive substances that are effective in combating stubborn stains.

Regardless of the release form, all work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area using personal protective equipment.


Boiling water, soda, and vinegar do not help remove clogged sewer pipes. What to do?

You can resort to a mechanical cleaning method using a plunger - a large rubber suction cup with a wooden or plastic handle.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Carefully close the drain hole with a stopper or cloth gag.
  2. Fill the sink, shower stall or bathtub with water so that its level is higher than the plunger lowered to the bottom.
  3. Remove the plug and firmly press the plunger suction cup onto the drain hole.
  4. Using sharp forward movements of the plunger, create pressure inside the sewer system, which, acting on the plug, removes it.
  5. The procedure must be repeated until water begins to flow freely into the drain hole.

Cleaning the sewer riser

A sewer riser is a system of vertical pipes indoors that drains wastewater from plumbing fixtures into the general sewer system. It also includes drains for the bathroom, shower and kitchen sink.

It is not difficult to guess that the sewer riser is clogged:

  • Residents of the top floors of a multi-storey building have water accumulating in their toilets and sinks;
  • For residents of the first floors, sewage and fetid masses pour out of the toilet.

Methods for cleaning a riser in an apartment

The first thing to do is to go around the neighbors (on all floors) in order to identify the point of clogging. Once the location of the plug is located, it can be removed using a steel cable. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Feed the cable into the fan pipe of the riser.
  2. Gently push it down.
  3. When you feel an obstacle, twist the wire.
  4. Once the clog is cleared, flush the system thoroughly with water. If water flows freely into the system, the problem is solved.

This method is only suitable for minor blockages. If the plug is large enough, then to remove it you will most likely have to dismantle the structure. It is better to carry out such work with the help of specialists.

Cleaning a riser in a private house

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Climb to the roof of the house and insert the cable into the ventilation riser.
  2. Gently push it down the structure.
  3. When he comes across a plug, it is necessary to make several sharp turns, which will break the blockage.
  4. Flush the drain system with water using a garden hose.

Other methods

In addition to cleaning pipes with chemicals and special tools, hydrodynamic cleaning does a good job of removing blockages. This method involves the use of special devices that increase water pressure.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. A hose is inserted into the sewer pipe and connected to the compressor.
  2. The compressor system is turned on, and under strong water pressure the process of destroying all debris begins.

If a compressor is not available, it can be replaced with a watering hose and a garden pump. In a city apartment, it can be replaced with a washing vacuum cleaner with a reverse blowing function.

When using a vacuum cleaner in the process of cleaning pipes, you must adhere to three basic rules:

  • Be sure to remove the dust collector from it.
  • During operation, it is necessary to ensure that water does not get on the electrical part of the device.
  • It is important to ensure that the plastic pipes of the vacuum cleaner do not burst due to high pressure.

Prevention measures

You can prevent clogging of sewer pipes by following simple recommendations from experts:

  • It is always necessary to monitor what goes down the toilet;
  • it is advisable to install special filters and grilles;
  • good prevention is regular cleaning of pipes from plaque;
  • correct calculation of the required pipe diameter when installing a sewer system will help minimize the problem of blockage.

The sewer system, like any engineering communications, does not tolerate neglect. Lack of proper attention and care of pipes can lead to emergency situations. In order not to urgently look for the causes of clogged sewerage and not to spend a lot of money on repairs, you need to take preventive measures in advance.

The most common cause of blocked pipes is simple carelessness. Something that shouldn't be there gets into the system, and the flow is blocked. Dealing with such oversights is simple: usually one serious cleaning of the pipes is enough for the residents of the house to take more careful care of the water supply and toilet.

Most often, sewer areas with complex configurations become clogged.

Coping with the natural processes occurring in the sewer system is much more difficult. Clogging of pipes can be caused by greasy deposits on the walls, build-up of soapy residue or rust. Here, the choice of method to combat the problem depends on the type of blockage and its location.

Errors during design and installation

The most labor-intensive to eliminate are faults that arise as a result of unskilled design and installation.

Possible causes of problems:

  • Overestimation or underestimation of slope parameters.
  • Changes in the shape of pipes due to improper fastening - debris accumulates in sagging areas.
  • Freezing of the external and/or underground part of the sewer system.
  • The formation of phenomena in areas with a complex configuration (a large number of adapters, turns).
  • The appearance of a counter-slope in pipes as a result of shrinkage of the house or poor-quality installation of the sewer system.
  • Lack of fan ventilation. If air does not enter the sewer pipe, water may be “pulled” from the siphons and an unpleasant odor may appear.

External sections of sewer pipes must be laid at a sufficient depth

To prevent sewer blockages, it is necessary to initially carry out correct installation that complies with building codes:

  • The slopes of the internal pipes cannot exceed 0.15 m. Ideal parameters are from 2 to 3 cm.
  • Fastenings must be rigid in two planes; it is better to choose metal threaded or tape holders.
  • The outer section of the system is laid below the soil freezing level. If this is not possible, the pipe is reliably insulated.

Important! When developing a project and subsequent purchase of components, you should not try to simplify the system or save on materials - repairs will cost much more.

Household prevention techniques

Timely prevention of pipe blockages is the most effective way to eliminate potential accidents. It’s worth starting with the simplest household techniques:

  • Buy plastic screens for bathroom and sink drains - they cost a penny, but they catch all the garbage.
  • Do not throw food waste down the toilet, much less into the sink.
  • Periodically open the hot water tap to full power and flush the system for 10-15 minutes. Boiling water does an excellent job of removing fat and soap deposits.
  • For thorough cleaning, dissolve a pack of soda in several liters of hot water and pour this solution into the system.

Cheap sink strainers will save you from many serious problems

Important! “Grandma’s” method of preventing pipe blockages in the kitchen is based on a basic chemical reaction. You need to pour a pack of baking soda into the sink drain and fill it with vinegar. Upon contact, the substances form a large amount of foam, which will wash away all dirt and deposits. To enhance the effect, plug the drain hole with a rag. After a couple of hours, the system needs to be “flooded” with a large amount of hot water.

Review of chemicals for preventing blockages

The modern chemical industry offers ready-made products that effectively eliminate the causes of clogged sinks or bathtubs. In most cases, they can also be used for prevention. Let's look at the most famous brands.

Our mothers also used the inexpensive domestic product. “Mole” dissolves food residues, greasy plaque and collagen fibers. A side effect is the neutralization of unpleasant odors. Using the solution is very simple:

  • Pour the liquid into the drain hole (the exact volume will be indicated in the instructions on the bottle).
  • Leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Flush the pipes with a stream of hot water.

Important! The composition is not suitable for permanent use. If used frequently, it may cause pipe corrosion.

Manufacturers are now producing safer modifications of the Mole.


The brand produces cleaning granules designed to be filled with cold and hot water. In the second case, the efficiency is higher. Use the powder to prevent sewer pipe blockages as follows:

  • Pour the contents of the bag into the drain.
  • Add a glass of water - the granules begin to hiss.
  • The solution should act within 15-20 minutes.
  • After the time has passed, flush the pipes with plenty of water.

Important! When working with Floop, you need to be extremely careful. Wear rubber gloves and be careful not to get the solution on your skin or mucous membranes.

Mister Muscle

The gel or foam product contains antibacterial components, due to which it not only effectively cleans pipes, but also eliminates unpleasant “odors.” Judging by customer reviews, foam is better for preventing sewer blockages, and gel is better for removing blockages. In the second case, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Important! For maximum effect, wait exactly the time recommended on the package. If you wash off the composition earlier, the effect may be weak. If left too long, the solution may damage the pipes.

A powerful product that copes with almost all causes of clogged bathtubs and drains: limescale, paper residue, hair, etc. The granular “Bagi Pothan” is praised by many customers. The only thing that confuses me is its high price, but here it is worth considering the consumption: the package is enough for 6-7 preventive procedures.

Bagi Pothan is one of the most effective means for cleaning pipes and preventing blockages

The application scheme is slightly different from analogues:

  • Remove water from the sink and drain (if the sink is clogged, the liquid level should be at least 5 cm below the hole).
  • Pour in the required amount of granules (the exact information can be read in the instructions).
  • Wait 3 minutes and add a glass of hot water.
  • Wait another 3 minutes and rinse the drain with warm running water.

Important! Due to the high concentration of the product, you can get a chemical burn, so be sure to wear rubber gloves and ensure good ventilation.

Professional preventive measures

Regular cleaning of sewer pipes is necessary for its smooth operation. When installing the system, special sealable hatches are installed through which inspection and maintenance of the sewage system is carried out. The optimal places for installing “windows” are areas of connections, sharp turns and changes in diameter.

Preventing pipe blockages includes:

  • flushing the system;
  • removal of sediments and their disposal;
  • elimination of foreign objects;
  • diagnostics of the condition of the internal surface;
  • identifying system defects.

A professional preventive regimen often includes video diagnostics. It allows you to detect problem areas, identify the causes of sewer blockages, develop an accurate action plan and select the necessary tools.

Pressure flushing of pipes requires special equipment

Several methods are used for cleaning:

  • Mechanical (plumbing cables). Allows you to remove plugs from solid waste accumulated in hard-to-reach places. It is also used to prepare pipes for further washing.
  • Hypodynamic. A powerful jet of water is supplied to the system. Under high pressure, silty deposits and sedimentary elements are washed away. The tightness of seams and joints is not affected.
  • Thermal. The water under high pressure is further heated. This approach allows you to dissolve fat and soap deposits.
  • Chemical. Involves the use of special chemicals. Active components remove residues of rust, salts, scale, and biological waste.

To remove traffic jams and prevent blockages, specialists use modern equipment and powerful industrial products. There is no doubt that this approach is very effective, but calling professionals is very expensive. It is much easier and cheaper to monitor the condition of the pipes and promptly wash them with household solutions. And, of course, use the sewer system for its intended purpose, and not as a garbage disposal!

Video: cleaning the sink with soda and vinegar

From time to time we all encounter a problem - clogged drains. Sometimes the drain in the sink stops working, sometimes in the bathtub, sometimes the water is standing everywhere. In this case, you can call a plumber, or you can clean the drain yourself.

Where did the blockage occur?

To choose the right sewer cleaning method, you need to understand where the blockage has formed. To do this, drain the water one by one at all points. If the water does not go somewhere in one place, the siphon is most likely clogged. The second reason is a blockage in the section of the pipe before connecting to the main sewer.

If the water does not leave at all, and even overflows from one device to another (you open the water in the sink, it appears in the bathroom or the level in the toilet begins to rise), the common sewer outlet is clogged.

If we are talking about a private house, this is a branch to a septic tank or cesspool; if we are talking about an apartment, this is the section to the riser or even the sewer riser itself. In the case of a clogged riser in an apartment, there can be an unpleasant situation - when water is drained from the upper floors, due to a blockage in the sewer, it flows into yours and rises in the bathroom or toilet. If the situation is like this, call the plumbers - you can’t handle it on your own, you need powerful equipment.

If the sewage system in a private house is clogged, first of all check whether the pit or septic tank is overflowing. If the level is not above normal, the problem is in the pipes or drains.

How to remove dirt from a siphon

The simplest case of a clogged drain is when only one sink does not drain water. Most often, this problem occurs in the kitchen, a little less often in the bathroom. In this case, it is easiest to clean the drain. You need to unscrew the siphon, remove any debris there, wash the insides with detergent, and put everything back in place. If this was the reason, the drain should work.

Let's sort it out

How to disassemble the siphon on the sink, see the photo. The lower part of the siphon is unscrewed - there is a regular thread. Before unscrewing, place some container down - some water will drain out. When you remove the lower part, you will see dirt. You need to wash the removed part and clean the part that remains on the sink - a decent amount of dirt accumulates there, between the walls. We remove everything and clean it.

Under the bathtub the siphon has a different shape. It is more difficult to disassemble, but if you do remove it, you will see a dense plug of hair and various plant debris.

In order not to remove the siphon, they usually try to make do with mechanical influences. In the picture on the left you can see what a clogged bathtub looks like. The main task when removing it is to push the plug further into the pipe so that it goes into the sewer. For this, a plunger is usually used - this is a rubber attachment on a wooden or plastic handle.

How to clean without removing

The plunger is pressed tightly against the drain hole and water is poured into the bathtub/sink. Next, you need to sharply press and lift the plunger handle up, creating vibrations in the water that break up the deposits and push the residue further. In this case, it is desirable that the rubber part of the plunger fits tightly, without gaps, to the surface of the bathtub or sink. Then, when you lift it from the surface (press it sharply and pull it towards you), a sharp push occurs, which best breaks the traffic jams. This operation must be repeated until the water flows out without problems, forming a funnel. But even in this case, it is also advisable - for prevention - to clean the sewer using one of the grease-dissolving agents described below.

If some family members have long hair, the clogged bathtub is most likely caused by them. Usually hair gets caught on the grate, dirt then sticks to it and all this together blocks the flow of water. In this case, you can remove the grate, make a hook from a piece of wire and place it in the drain. Most likely, you will pull out something that looks like dirty tow. Gradually you will pull out everything that has accumulated there, and you can wash off the remains.

Blockage in the corrugation

There is another place in our sewer system where blockages most often form. These are corrugated hoses. Their structure is such that it promotes the accumulation of all kinds of garbage. If the sink from which the corrugation comes does not work, first check the siphon, then the corrugation. If everything is clean in them, but the water does not drain, the problem is somewhere further, in the pipes.

The corrugation is attractive because it can easily be adjusted to any length and is easy to install/dismantle. So, you remove it, clean it, put it in place (you can put a new one in so as not to bother with cleaning).

If such “pleasure” does not appeal to you, you can try. They cope well with almost all contaminants, at least they are good until everything is completely clogged.

How to clear clogged pipes with home remedies

While siphons are more or less easy to deal with, pipes are much more difficult. Taking them apart is a real hassle, so few people agree to do this. They try to use all available methods - both chemical and mechanical.

Here it must be said that the most reliable mechanical methods are a plunger and a cable. They can deal with any kind of clog - both greasy and classic clogs caused by hair or rags. Chemical products, both homemade and store-bought, serve more as a preventative measure. If you just have suspicions that the water has begun to drain a little worse, use chemicals. It will work fine for a while.

If there is already a plug, then after using “fat solvents”, it will simply settle on it, turning it into a monolith. If the water had somehow gone away before, then after applying the “chemistry” it may become tighter. Removing such a sewer clog is even more difficult. And then there is only one way out - to clean the sewer with a cable, maybe with special water equipment or a Karcher if there is one on the farm.

Most often, water does not drain well from the kitchen sink due to the accumulation of grease on the walls of the pipe. It first fills the unevenness on the walls, and then grows, gradually closing the entire or almost the entire lumen. In this case, cleaning the drain means dissolving the grease. If you do this correctly, the rest of the fragments will go with it.

On the left is a pipe overgrown with grease.

Since fat dissolves better when heated, it is advisable to warm up the pipes. If the water drains even a little, turn on the hot water and just run it for a while. If the problem is fat, you will notice that the water begins to drain better. But don't stop there. If you do not thoroughly clean the pipes, after a while the sewer will become clogged again. So let's continue.

Clear the blockage with baking soda and water

As you know, regular baking soda dissolves fat well. Therefore, it is logical to use this inexpensive tool. If there is a blockage in the siphon and you don’t want to remove it, just pour baking soda into the drain hole (half a pack to start with) and pour boiling water over it. Pour boiling water in a thin stream, together with soda it will gradually corrode the fat plug, and at the same time other deposits will become softer.

It will not work to pour soda deep into the pipe. So this method is effective for plugs located close to the drain hole. If the problem continues, it is advisable to prepare an aqueous solution of soda. To do this, the soda is preheated in a frying pan.

To get a strong alkaline solution, you need 150 grams of soda (5 heaped tablespoons) and 200 ml of water. Pour the soda into a dry frying pan and heat it on the stove for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly. We continue heating until a light smoke rises above the frying pan - the reaction of converting sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) into sodium carbonate - soda ash. During the reaction, water and carbon dioxide are also formed. The gas evaporates, and we observe the evaporation of water in the form of haze over the frying pan.

When the soda has become more free-flowing and the steam has stopped, set the pan aside and wait about 10-15 minutes for the soda to cool. Then pour water into it (do not pour it right away - you will get a chemical burn) and dissolve the powder. We obtained a concentrated solution of soda ash. We pour it into the pipe, leave it for an hour and a half, then pour it with hot water. A fairly effective way to clean drains using home remedies.

Baking soda and vinegar against sewer clogs

Everyone knows that if you pour vinegar into soda, a violent reaction begins, which is accompanied by abundant formation of foam, the mass increases significantly in volume. The substances formed as a result of the reaction are practically neutral, but it is the reaction with the formation of foam that destroys the blockage. So you can also clean the drain this way.

So, pour dry soda into the drain hole (at least half a pack), pour vinegar - about 500 ml. To prevent the soda from getting stuck on the grid, use a piece of thick paper to build something like a funnel and pour the soda into it.

When the reaction stops (the hissing in the pipe subsides), take a bucket of boiling water and pour it into the pipes. It should help. If the water still does not drain well enough (a funnel does not form), the treatment can be repeated.

Mechanical methods

We have already talked about the plunger. It can also be used for clogged sewer pipes. It is advisable to first warm up the contents of the pipes, pour at least the same soda solution, and then “pump” it all with a plunger. Such a comprehensive measure can clear the sewer even with a serious traffic jam.

How to work with a cable

If there is a rag, a clump of hair, or something similar stuck in the pipe, none of the above methods will work. You will need a special plumbing cable. This is a cable (or flexible steel wire) with a handle at one end and a hook, brush or spiral at the other.

Some cables may have a replaceable nozzle; simpler ones end with one device. The handle is made in such a way that the handle remains motionless, and the cable turns inside.

Using a plumbing cable is not difficult, but it is better to work with an assistant. Put on gloves and dirty clothes and start cleaning the drain. First, provide access to the sewer pipe. You can remove one of the siphons, and in a private house, when planning a sewer system, it is better to provide such a backup point for cleaning sewer pipes.

The principle of “working with a cable” with a spiral or hook at the end is to hook the plug that has blocked the pipe and pull it out. It is unlikely that it will be possible to pull it out entirely in one go, but in parts it is possible.

The cable is unwound, the end is put into the pipe, and they begin to rotate in one direction. At this time, the second person pushes the cable through the pipe. If the cable gets stuck in some area, you can pull it back a little, then try to push it again (continue to rotate the handle). This is either another turn in the sewer system, into which the end of the cable rests, or a blockage. After trying to push it further a couple of times, we pull out the cable. If there is part of the blockage at the end, it was a plug and you are on the right track. We clean the tip, put it back into the pipe and repeat the procedure until the pipe is clean. It’s not the most pleasant task, but without this, some blockages simply cannot be removed.

There is another way - to make cable ends with ruffling edges. They are able to get through the most complex and dense blockages. Then the cork will not need to be removed in parts, but it will be possible to crush it and then wash it off. What kind of tips can be made for a plumbing cable - in the video.

Cleaning the toilet with a plastic bottle

If you have tried to clear a clog in the toilet using a plunger, you have noticed that this method is ineffective due to the fact that the rubber part does not fit tightly, so the water hardly moves, and there is almost no result. There is a more effective, and, moreover, cheaper tool - a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off. Take a larger vessel, cut off only the bottom, and leave the lid closed.

We bring the cut bottle to the bend of the toilet, lower it into the water, and sharply move it up and down. The water movements are quite active. At the point of inflection, “waves” are formed, which gradually break up the resulting plug. This method of cleaning the sewer only works if a plug has formed in the bend of the toilet, if somewhere in the pipe, there is only one way out - cleaning with a cable.

First, you can try to break through the toilet drain hole, but if that doesn’t work, you will need to dismantle the toilet and free up access to the exit to the sewer (this is if there is no inspection hatch).

Every apartment owner has at least once encountered blockages in the sewer system.

From the article you will learn why blockages occur and how to prevent their occurrence.

You will learn how to clean a drain and how to properly use special products and tools, and you will learn what to do if your sink or bathtub is clogged and the water won’t flow.

Causes of blockages

A clog occurs when solids in the drains get caught on uneven surfaces in the drain. The frequency of blockages is also influenced by the angle of inclination of sewer pipes, the composition of fecal water and the design of the sewer system.

If the slope is less than necessary, the flow speed is also less, so large particles that are caught on uneven surfaces will not be washed away by the flow.

If the slope is greater than necessary, the speed of water movement is higher, so there is a higher risk of solid fragments of fecal water getting caught on uneven surfaces of the drain. The risk of blockage increases with 90-degree turns, elevation changes, and the use of pipes whose diameter is smaller than required.

If the drainage from a sink or bathtub is not cleaned with a mesh that is inserted into the drain, large food debris, grease, and hair end up in the drain. All this increases the risk of blockages.

Throwing rags and paper down the toilet increases the amount of large fragments in the wastewater and increases the likelihood of a clog. When pouring cooled fatty broth into the toilet or sink, keep in mind that cold fat is insoluble in water and is very sticky, so it will increase the incipient clog.

Sewage pipes must be cleared of sediment, this will extend the life of the sewer before it becomes clogged.

If the drains are not cleaned or treated with grease-dissolving agents, over time the amount of sediment will grow so large that it will block the flow of fecal water.

Removing blockages

To remove blockages, mechanical and chemical cleaning methods are used. For the mechanical method, they use hot water, a plunger, a plumbing cable and a sewer cleaning machine (it rotates the pant, so you don’t have to turn the handle of the cable; sometimes such devices are called a professional cable). For the chemical method, various substances that break down fats are used.

Chemical method

Buy a chemical cleaner for clearing clogs (Bagi Pothan, Mister Muscle, Mole) based on caustic soda. Pour it down the drain and wait 10-15 minutes. Then pour out 2-3 buckets of water.

If you don't know which clog remover to choose, take the one that is cheaper. Because the active ingredient and effectiveness of expensive and cheap drain cleaning products are the same (regular caustic soda). If the chemical method does not help, proceed to the mechanical method.

Mechanical method

If the bathtub or sink is clogged, pour 1-2 cm of water into it, place the plunger on the drain, and press and pull the plunger 10-15 times. If the clog has blocked no more than 95 percent of the drain pipe, this method will increase the pipe's capacity and lift sediment away from the walls.

If the plunger does not help, place a bucket under the drain hole of the sewer where the drain from the sink or bathtub enters. Remove the drain hose from the drain hole. If water flows out of it, the problem is in the sewer. If not, the problem is in the siphon. Clean the siphon, connect the sink or bathtub to the inlet and turn on the water. If the water goes away, you have fixed the problem. If not, use a plumber's rope.

Insert the cable into the sewer inlet to its full length. If the cable does not go forward, twist the handle in any direction. If that doesn't work, twist and push it through. It is advisable to perform this operation together.

Pull the cable out from time to time. If there are rags, hair and thick dirt at the end of the cable, you have reached the blockage. Twist, push and pull out the cable until the pipe's permeability increases.

If after half an hour of work the condition of the pipe has not improved, pull out the cable, open the cleaning cover (cleaning hole) and pour 1-2 liters of water into it. If the water does not go away, continue cleaning the pipe from there. If it goes away, clean the blockage again, but this time from the side of the cleaning hole. So move towards the common building sewer.

If you reach the collector and the water still does not go away, call utility services or representatives of the management company to clean the collector.

If water goes into the collector, but does not pass through the apartment’s sewer system and none of the cleaning methods has helped, you need to find the blockage and cut a 3-5 cm wide strip along it, remove the blockage and seal the pipe or replace the clogged section of the sewer. If you are unable to clear the clog, contact a professional.

If you don't have cleanout holes, cut 3-5cm holes in the pipe, clean out the pipe, then seal them.

Comparison of the effectiveness of sewer cleaning methods

The chemical method is effective if the blockage has blocked no more than 70 percent of the internal diameter of the pipe. If the pipe is clogged by 70 percent or more, or if the length of the blockage is more than 10 cm, the effectiveness of chemical methods is 10-20 percent. Such a blockage can be eliminated using chemical means in one pipe out of five.

The mechanical method is harder and more effective. Using a cable, they break through a blockage up to 20 cm long. To clear longer or older blockages that the cable could not handle, it is necessary to open the pipe.

Preventing blockages

Old clog in sewer pipes

To prevent clogged drains, do the following:

  • install nets on sinks and bathtubs that catch debris larger than 3 mm;
  • do not flush foreign objects down the toilet, they increase the likelihood of a blockage;
  • once a month, pour a bucket of hot water (temperature 40-45 degrees) into the toilet, the water will soften the grease and wash away some of the light blockages;
  • Once a quarter, pour a bottle of clog remover into the bathtub or sink farthest away from the sewer; The product will dissolve grease and remove light blockages.

To avoid blockages, maintain your drains on time.

From the article you learned about the causes of clogged sewers, different methods for removing blockages, tools and reagents that are needed for this.

You have learned various methods of drain cleaning and the correct implementation of preventive measures.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):