When propagating rose hips, planting is possible for everyone possible options: by seed method, cuttings, by dividing the bush, rooting stem layering and shoots of roots. Mostly garden varieties Rose hips are cultivated in the Northern Hemisphere, and in the tropical zone these plants are found only occasionally.

Photo and description of decorative rose hips

Decorative rosehip is a large shrub with arched hanging branches covered with strong sickle-shaped and very sharp thorns. Young shoots have a greenish-red tint with small bristles and thorns.

There are species with very long shoots that creep along the ground or cling to the trunks and branches of neighboring plants, rising to a considerable height. Some grow in the form of dense, low bushes - cushions, very decorative during flowering. The leaves are imparipinnate, with elliptic or ovate, sharply serrated leaflets, with two leaf-like stipules, partially adherent to the base of the petiole.

As you can see in the photo, the flowers of the decorative rose hips are large, fragrant, bisexual, solitary or collected in inflorescences:

Flower sizes range from 1 to 12 cm in diameter. There are 5 sepals. The corolla is free-petalled, formed, as a rule, by five obverse-heart-shaped petals of pink, red, dark crimson, white or yellow color. There are many stamens, and there are also numerous pistils, located along the inner wall of the concave receptacle. Sometimes there are flowers that have more than five petals, with some of the stamens or pistils turning into additional petals. This is how semi-double or double flowers appear. In some cases, the number of petals can be very large - in the wrinkled variety there are up to 180. Double flowers, as a rule, larger and more decorative than simple ones.

Most plants garden species They bloom for a short time - from May to July. Evergreens and subtropicals bloom almost continuously.

The fruits ripen in August - September, gradually acquiring a yellow, scarlet-red or black-brown color and remain on the branches until winter. The expanded receptacle is fleshy, juicy, and berry-shaped. It contains large number fruits - angular shaped nuts with a slightly pointed tip. The inner wall of the hypanthium is covered with long bristly hairs.

Easily cultivated plants, they are widely used in green construction, in particular, when creating soil conservation plantings. Drought-resistant and undemanding to soil conditions. Most species are photophilous and grow well in moderately humid, loamy soils, do not tolerate waterlogging well.

Rose hips can be propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, suckers, layering, stem and root cuttings.

A huge variety of varieties and hybrids are widely used in gardening construction. Bush and standard - for flower beds and parterres, lining paths and in group planting in the foreground; climbing species and varieties - for vertical gardening. The variety of colors and structure of the flower, unequal flowering periods make it possible to create highly artistic, decorative compositions, besides, they bloom at a time when most have faded, and color palette the flowers are inimitable.

Decorative cultivars and forms are combined into groups with common morphology and developmental features.

Majority fruit varieties bred on the basis of cinnamon, wrinkled, daurian and gray. According to the size of the fruits, they can be divided into two groups: varieties with large fruits, having thick, fleshy pulp, and with thin-walled, small fruits.

Garden rose hips wrinkled: photos and descriptions of varieties

Rosehip wrinkled- a shrub up to two meters high. The branches are thick, erect, and seated with numerous small straight or curved needle-like spines and bristles, and the spines are also pubescent. On old branches the bark is gray or dark gray, on young branches it is brownish or brownish-brown, in places covered with pressed grayish fluff. The buds are small, reddish, round-ovoid, slightly spaced from the shoot. The leaf scar is very narrow, almost linear. Characterized by wrinkled leaves, slightly flattened orange-red fruits and flowers of various shapes and colors.

Look at the photo of the wrinkled rosehip - its flowers are large, up to 6-8 cm in diameter, carmine-pink and very fragrant, collected in few-flowered inflorescences or, less often, located singly:

Blooms from June to late autumn.

When describing the wrinkled rosehip, it is especially worth noting the fruits of the plant: they are fleshy, spherical or somewhat flattened-spherical, up to 3 cm in diameter. Bright red or dark orange. Sepals are erect. The fruits begin to ripen in mid-summer.

The range is Primorye, southern Kamchatka, Sakhalin, the Kuril and Shantar Islands, and outside Russia - China, Korea and Japan. Grows on sandy and sandy-pebble soils sea ​​coasts. Often forms thickets, so-called coastal rose gardens.

The most spectacular varieties of wrinkled rose hips are “Blanc Double de Coubert”, “Mont Blanc”, “Henry Hudson” with white flowers, “Pink Grootendorst” and “Therese Bugnet” with pink flowers, “Scarbosa” and “Hansa” with lilac-violet flowers. Height different varieties varies from 1 to 3 meters.

Varieties of the group “Grootendorst”, or “Grootendorst”, obtained by crossing rugosa rose with polyantha. They inherited from their parents the erect shape of the bush, good winter hardiness and abundant long-term flowering.

The varieties of this group are “F.J. Grootendorst" with crimson flowers, "Pink Grootendorst" with pink, "Grootendorst Supreme" with dark red, "White Grootendorst" and "Fimbriata" with pure white flowers are considered quite winter-hardy even for the middle zone, but in too severe winters they can freeze slightly .

Planting, care and pruning of wrinkled rose hips

Planting and caring for wrinkled rose hips is not difficult, since this species is completely undemanding to the composition and nutritional value of the soil, it tolerates even slight salinity and drought, although it develops better with regular watering on southern and western slopes protected from the wind and well-lit. The powerful spreading crown does not require support, and the disease-resistant foliage does not require preventive spraying.

It is better to plant rose hips in the spring before the buds open, and to create a high hedge, seedlings should be placed according to a pattern of 60 × 60 cm (80 × 80 cm), medium-high - 30 × 30 cm (50 × 50 cm) and at a distance of 1.5 - 2 m apart when planting in groups. Despite the fact that it produces an effect during flowering and in mono-compositions, it looks good against a background with a spreading or vertical crown, and a combination with an early-flowering spirea can brighten up its “dull appearance” in the spring.

To prevent overgrowth, bushes need to be pruned regularly. Or, when planting and caring for rose hips, dig vertical sheets of slate around the bush, which will “hold” root shoots in a limited space.

If fertilizers are applied when preparing planting holes (at least a bucket of humus), then the plant is not fed for the next 3-4 years, and then, if necessary, every 3-4 years it is fertilized with compost or full mineral fertilizer, which is applied after spring pruning.

The first pruning of rose hips is carried out immediately after planting - all shoots are shortened by a third, and then from the age of 3, annual spring pruning bush removal is an exclusively sanitary procedure - the removal of dried shoots growing inside the bush and unproductive branches older than 4 years of age. For better branching, which in turn stimulates more abundant flowering and fruit formation, the remaining branches can be further shortened by a third. With this easy care will be able to grow without transplantation for at least 25 years, and with regular feeding And correct pruning- more than a hundred years.

A video of pruning rose hips in spring will help you correctly perform this agrotechnical technique:

Description of French and May rose hips

French rose hips- the ancestor of the pharmaceutical rose, famous in medieval Europe. Grows in southern Europe, European Russia, Crimea. Low-growing, less than a meter high, low-branched bushes that grow due to underground horizontal rhizomes and often form continuous thickets. The stems and all the branches, including the peduncles themselves, are densely planted with straight, sharp spines and smaller spines and needles. The flowers are formed at the ends of the shoots, large, bright red. The sepals of the French rose hip are large, with large, inaccurately spread lateral feathers.

Rosehip May or cinnamon- the most common type in middle lane Russia, therefore the exact number of its varieties has not been calculated. Everyone is familiar with the description of the May rosehip, since these bushes grow everywhere in forest clearings, clearings, and are often found in gardens. When grown in the garden, it is extremely unpretentious to soil conditions, and species temperate latitudes They are characterized by high winter hardiness and resistance to. But, despite this, you should not forget to protect the bush so that in the fall it will give you its wonderful fruits, which have unique medicinal properties.

Hybrid varieties of musk rose: “Buff Beauty”, “Felicia”, “Penelope”.

Decorative rose hips with dense semi-shiny foliage and burgundy young shoots, have red berries.

Planting and caring for garden rose hips (with photo)

They are planted both in the spring, before the beginning of the growing season, and in the fall, in previously prepared planting holes. Preference should be given to the spring period; autumn planting of rose hips is allowed only in moist soil. Before planting, dig up the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm.

For planting and care decorative rose hips choose a well-lit place, protected from cold winds. If the soil is poor, a month before autumn planting, the following is added per 1 m2 for digging: 6-8 kg of compost, 40-60 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium salt. Acidic soils lime a year before planting slaked lime. For spring planting, fertilizers are applied and incorporated into the soil in the fall - in October.

Since plants cross-pollinate, several bushes of different varieties are planted at once, but bloom at the same time.

Both annual and biennial seedlings can be used for planting. Depending on the future vigor of growth, the bushes are planted after 1.5-3 m. Dig planting holes of at least 50 cm in diameter and depth, add 10-15 kg of humus, 150-200 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium sulfate and 60-70 g ammonium nitrate, after mixing well with fertile soil.

Before boarding aboveground part the seedling is cut short, leaving stumps 8-10 cm long, and the main roots are shortened by 3-5 cm. Then the plant is placed in a hole and, having straightened the roots, sprinkled fertile soil without fertilizers, gradually compacting and making sure that the root collar is level with the ground surface. After planting, the plants are watered abundantly and the soil is mulched with peat, sawdust or dry soil.

Here you can see photos of planting and caring for garden rose hips at your summer cottage:

How to care for garden rose hips

In dry weather it needs watering, especially in the first year after planting. As a rule, mature bushes are watered rarely, but abundantly. If there is no rain during the active growth of shoots and ovaries, 20-30 liters of water are spent on a young bush when watering, and 40-50 liters on a fruit-bearing bush.

How to care for rose hips starting from the third year of life? During this period, the bushes begin to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Minerals are applied in three periods: nitrogen - in the spring, at the beginning of plant growth, and in the summer, during the formation of fruits and shoot growth. During the period of active growth of shoots and ovaries, rose hips respond well to fermented bird droppings or slurry diluted with water, at the rate of a bucket per bush.

It is better to apply mineral fertilizers before watering, scattering them evenly over the entire crown projection and incorporating them into the soil by shallow loosening. It is advisable to pour liquid fertilizers into circular or longitudinal grooves 7-10 cm deep, located at a distance of 50 cm from the center of the bush. After fertilizing and watering, the furrows are backfilled and the soil tree trunk circles mulch.

Reproduction and planting of rose hips in spring with seeds

All species can be propagated by seeds. Plants grown from seeds, as a rule, significantly deviate from the mother plant and produce a lot various forms, differing from each other and from the mother bush in significant characteristics - thorniness, size and shape of the fruit, shade of the petals. When planting rose hips with seeds, the overwhelming majority of vitamin content in the fruits of the offspring does not decrease, and in some forms even increases.

From the third or fourth year of life, seedlings are highly resistant to frost and drought, but begin to bear fruit later than plants obtained vegetatively. High-quality seedlings can only be obtained from the seeds of healthy, high-yielding bushes with large fruits and a high content of vitamins.

The seeds are covered with a durable woody shell, so they are difficult to germinate. They sprout only two, and some even three years after sowing. Therefore, to obtain seeds, the fruits are collected unripe (when the seeds in them are already fully developed, but the shell has not yet hardened). The seeds are removed from the fruit and immediately placed in boxes in damp sand (for one part of seeds - three parts of washed, pre-calcined sand). The boxes should be up to 20 cm high with small holes along the bottom. They are placed in a cool basement and regularly moistened.

To prevent the seeds from being washed away with sand, the holes in the boxes are closed (as when planting indoor flowers) broken shards flower pots or covered with loose fabric. The basement is ventilated, maintaining the temperature at 2-4°C in winter. Seeds that are being stratified must be protected from: cover the boxes with glass or metal mesh.

In the fall, you can place the seeds in ridges with well-drained, non-sinking soil, filled with humus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. After 15-20 cm, cut furrows 4-5 cm deep and sow in them (at the rate of 150-200 pieces per linear meter) seeds. On heavy soils furrows can be sealed with a mixture of earth and humus (in equal proportions). To obtain friendly shoots, the ridges (or at least furrows) are mulched with humus. Mulch and regular watering prevent the seeds from drying out.

Rose hips are planted with seeds in the spring in prepared ridges, and until the emergence of seedlings, the soil is constantly kept moist.

Caring for ridges consists of removing weeds, loosening the soil, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers (1 percent solution of ammonium nitrate or urea), and controlling pests and diseases. If the rosehip seedlings on the ridges are dense, they are thinned out. Seedlings obtained from thinning are placed in containers with a large number water, and then planted in prepared beds according to the scheme - 20 cm between rows and 10 cm in rows between seedlings. Best time for the emergence of seedlings - the appearance of one or two true leaves. It is better to pick seedlings in cloudy weather or in the evening.

After picking, the rows of seedlings must be carefully watered and mulched. In the first three to four days, watering is carried out daily in the evening, and then as the soil dries. Seven to eight days after picking, the seedlings should be fed with a 1% solution of slurry. Feeding is repeated after two to three weeks. Caring for ridges of pruned seedlings is usual.

“White rose hips, wild rose hips are more beautiful garden roses“- this line from the play “Juno and Avos” was familiar without exaggeration to all residents Soviet Union. Romance was so popular that this not very noticeable shrub became a symbol of beautiful love with a tragic outcome.

But really, it may not be more beautiful than garden roses, but it is in no way inferior to them either in smell or in the beauty of delicate flowers. It’s just wild, but this also has a certain charm. Rose hips are also familiar from the fairy tale “The Sleeping Beauty,” in which the royal palace with all its sleeping inhabitants became overgrown overnight with wild thorns and rose hips, the thorny branches of which, intertwined, turned into impenetrable thickets.

Name and classification

Rose hips have a great many names - they didn’t even try to count them all. More than three thousand names are mentioned in the scientific literature. It grows mainly in cool climates and is common in both Eurasia and the Americas. Only in the tropics it is not. Nowadays white rose hips are in great demand garden plant. What is he like? He has scientific name: rosehip multiflora. According to scientific classification, it belongs to the plant kingdom, division of angiosperms, class of dicotyledons, order Rosaceae, family Rosaceae. This plant species has a subfamily (Rosaaceae), genus (rose hips) and species (multiflorous rose hips, or Rosa multiflora). He is originally from Taiwan. The shrub is the progenitor of all types of roses on earth, its age is more than respectable - some sources indicate a figure of 40 million years. But the double rosehip pink, red, white, yellow and cream are hybrids from the rosehip itself with simple but very fragrant flowers.

Hardy unpretentious plant

In Europe, there are up to 40 species of this plant, the most common being the cinnamon or May rose hip. What habitat does the white rose hip have? These are mainly China and Japan, Korea and Taiwan. But this is in the wild. Now this shrub is cultivated in Europe. It is so widespread primarily because it is undemanding environment. Grows in all drained soils - acidic and neutral, dry and damp soils. Although this shrub is light-loving, it is quite shade-tolerant, frost- and wind-resistant, and also tolerates heat and drought well. Fruits that remain on the branches until winter can withstand temperatures up to 8 degrees minus.

Appearance of the bush

White rosehip is a shrubby plant. Upright, it looks very picturesque and graceful - arched branches, studded with white flowers, widely spread and hanging. Deciduous and fast-growing, it has a height of 2-3 meters, less often 5, and a width of 3 meters. The bark of this shrub is brownish and reddish-green, the shoots come with a small number of thorns or without them at all. The leaves of the white rose hip are alternating, in addition, they are imparipinnate - the branch ends with a leaf that does not have a pair. Their length varies from 5 to 10 centimeters, width - from 2 to 3 cm. There can be from 7 to 9 of them on a branch. Upper part The leaves are usually green and shiny, while the lower ones are dull. The leaves are slightly pubescent and do not fall off for a long time.

White rosehip

The flowers of this shrub are small, but they cover it abundantly, which gives the rose hips an indescribable charm. Lush cascades of single small flowers in pin-shaped panicles begin to bloom in June and end in July, blooming once a year. The fruits of the bush are pea-sized, red, oval, which remain on the bushes for a very long time, even in frost. It can be added that its frost resistance belongs to zone 5b - this means that the shrub will not die in frosts down to minus 23.5 - 29 degrees. This plant is one of the decorative park roses. White rose hips are the direct ancestor of several hardy and beautiful varieties of roses, special place among which Maidens Blanche ranks.

Rosehip prickly

Rosehip femoralis, or prickly terry, is also called “white rosehip,” but its very name contains the difference. It is terry - the bud contains from 40 to 60 petals, and it has many more spines. Terry prickly rosehip is a hybrid garden variety that is closer to a garden rose than to a wild growing bush. And it is much smaller in size - the bush does not exceed one meter in height. This beautiful hybrid became the ancestor of some types of garden roses - for example, Scottish ones. Under natural conditions, this shrub grows in the European part of southern Russia, Crimea and the Caucasus, Central Asia, Western and Eastern Siberia. It blooms for only three weeks. It has undoubted advantages - it is resistant to both drought and frost, and in addition, this type of white rose hip strengthens the slopes very well. This shrub was extremely popular in England and Scotland, where the already mentioned Scottish roses were bred from it. In our country, the variety Deuble White, or white terry rose hip, is common. Rose prickly - very beautiful bush both at the time of flowering and in autumn, with beautifully colored leaves and bright berries. She is very loved by designers, but has one peculiarity. Once planted, it is very difficult to remove, because it reproduces strongly by its root system and produces sprouts at a considerable distance from the bush.

Giver of love

The wild roses described here also include the white rose hip Rosa Alba. This is the same “culprit of passion” glorified in the legendary Lenkomov performance - a bush with simple white flowers.

It should be noted that it was about him, about the white rose hip with its magical ability to arouse love in the hearts of people, that was written in various medieval books with conspiracies.

There was such a mysterious person as Milokh Zaruzhny, who in his “works” wrote that if two people are scratched on the same white rose hip branch, then the mutual passionate feeling that flared up will survive centuries, because only this plant is capable of forever binding the hearts of even the most different people. Love potions are prepared from it, which can evoke tenderness and passion.

And if you collect branches of white rose hips during the full moon in November, dry them and wear them as a talisman, then neither a vampire nor a sorcerer will be able to suck blood or energy out of a person. And a talisman made from a mixture of flowers or twigs of white rose hips, hawthorn berries, branches or pine cones becomes completely omnipotent. Rosehip with white flowers heals the heart, cleanses and restores the blood, and gives people love, peace and happiness.

Undeniable advantages

The rugosa rose, or wrinkled rose, which has mostly bright colors, is very common in the gardens and parks of our country. But it also has a white-flowered form. Rosa Rugosa Alba is a white rose hip whose bush grows up to 2 meters. It blooms all summer and autumn; on one branch you can see both bright red fruits and white flowers. The fleshy, flattened-oblong berries contain up to 2.7% vitamin C.

The bush is powerful with straight branches strewn with thorns. The first white-flowered hybrids of rugose roses were roses of the Paulia variety, with beautiful simple and delicate flowers. All types of rose hips are full of charm, they all have beneficial properties- their fruits contain more vitamin C than apples and even lemons. A thorny bush can serve as a reliable and beautiful fence for a site. Fragrant flowers fill the air with aromas. Rose hips are propagated in different ways - by seeds, seedlings, root suckers, dividing the bush, by green cuttings and some other methods.

Rules for planting seedlings

White rosehip seedlings, like any other, take root best when autumn planting. It is recommended to plant them in October or November. How does this happen?

First you need to dig a hole 20-22 centimeters deep. It is advisable to treat the soil - if it is acidic, it is necessary to add lime fertilizer. Add rotted manure and compost to the same hole. There are certain rules landings. So, before planting, the seedling is cut so that the thick branch is no longer than 8-10 cm; root cuts are also made up to 10-15 cm. Before planting the seedling in the hole, we dip the rhizome in a clay mash so that the roots do not dry out.

Some details

Although they say that it is becoming a thing of the past, and is being replaced by various nutritional gels, the chatterbox is still quite in demand. Then we straighten the roots and install the seedling so that the rhizome drops 5-8 cm below the soil surface. Next, you need to fill the roots with prepared soil, water it with water and sprinkle the planted seedling with sawdust or peat.

Specialized stores have a very large selection of seedlings of all popular types of rose hips. It is necessary to specify the distance between planted plants. If you are making a hedge, 50 centimeters between the holes will be quite enough. If the bush is planted with the aim of obtaining bountiful harvests fruits, there should be much more space around the bush. It should be added that vitamin varieties are planted only vegetatively (method asexual reproduction, when a new one is obtained from a multicellular part of the body of the parent individual) - by grafting, cuttings and layering.

Necessary care

Then the question arises: “How are seedlings grown and how are they cared for?” Despite the fact that the rose hip is called a wild rose, it still requires ongoing care. And although it is not very difficult - remove weeds in time, loosen the soil, water, trim dried branches - this matter should not be left to chance. From the age of two, it is necessary to prune dry and non-fruiting branches. From the age of eight, rejuvenating pruning is carried out, and the branches are cut close to the ground - this ensures the abundant appearance of basal shoots. If the plant was not planted on a nutrient medium, it is necessary to carry out systematic feeding.

No plant is immune from diseases or pests. Especially from rose flies. It should be noted that now there are a lot of different drugs to combat these scourges.

More beautiful than garden roses
White branch, young lover

He brought it to the count's wife.

There is no price for love,
There is only one life, one life, one life.

White rosehip, wild rosehip
He gave it to her, laughing.
Leaves fell on the windowsill,
A shawl fell to the floor.

White rosehip, the culprit of passion
The mind is ready to be taken away.
Don't you know, Count's gardener
Against other people's flowers.

White rosehip. culprit of passions,
Suddenly a shot rang out.
Red with blood, red briar
It fell from dead hands.

They were buried in different graves
Where the sarine shaft is.
What was your name, dear young man,
Only the rosehip knew.

The one who killed them is the one who ruined them
He will be punished.
White rosehip, wild rosehip
Blooms in memory of love.

Juno and Avos - White Rosehip

White rose hip“, wild rose hips are more beautiful than garden roses,” this line from the play “Juno and Avos” was familiar without exaggeration to all residents of the Soviet Union. Romance was so popular that this not very noticeable shrub became a symbol of beautiful love with a tragic outcome. But really, it may not be more beautiful than garden roses, but it is in no way inferior to them either in smell or in the beauty of delicate flowers. It’s just wild, but this also has a certain charm. Rose hips are also familiar from the fairy tale “The Sleeping Beauty,” in which the royal palace with all its sleeping inhabitants became overgrown overnight with wild thorns and rose hips, the thorny branches of which, intertwined, turned into impenetrable thickets.

Name and classification

Rose hips have a great many names - they didn’t even try to count them all. More than three thousand names are mentioned in the scientific literature. It grows mainly in cool climates and is common in both Eurasia and the Americas. Only in the tropics it is not. Now white rosehip is a very popular garden plant. What is he like? It has a scientific name: rosehip multiflorum. According to scientific classification, it belongs to the plant kingdom, division of angiosperms, class of dicotyledons, order Rosaceae, family Rosaceae. This plant species has a subfamily (Rosaaceae), genus (rose hips) and species (multiflorous rose hips, or Rosa multiflora). He is originally from Taiwan. The shrub is the progenitor of all types of roses on earth, its age is more than respectable - some sources indicate a figure of 40 million years. But the double rosehip pink, red, white, yellow and cream are hybrids from the rosehip itself with simple but very fragrant flowers.

Hardy unpretentious plant

In Europe, there are up to 40 species of this plant, the most common being the cinnamon or May rose hip. What is its habitat? rose hip white? These are mainly China and Japan, Korea and Taiwan. But this is in the wild. Now this shrub is cultivated in Europe. It is so widespread primarily because it is undemanding to the environment. Grows in all drained soils - acidic and neutral, dry and damp soils. Although this shrub is light-loving, it is quite shade-tolerant, frost- and wind-resistant, and also tolerates heat and drought well. Fruits that remain on the branches until winter can withstand temperatures up to 8 degrees minus.

Appearance of the bush

White rosehip - shrubby plant. Upright, it looks very picturesque and graceful - arched branches, studded with white flowers, widely spread and hanging. Deciduous and fast-growing, it has a height of 2-3 meters, less often 5, and a width of 3 meters. The bark of this shrub is brownish and reddish-green, the shoots come with a small number of thorns or without them at all. The leaves of the white rose hip are alternating, in addition, they are imparipinnate - the branch ends with a leaf that does not have a pair. Their length varies from 5 to 10 centimeters, width - from 2 to 3 cm. There can be from 7 to 9 of them on a branch. The upper part of the leaf is usually green and shiny, while the lower part is dull. The leaves are slightly pubescent and do not fall off for a long time.

White rosehip

Flowers This shrub is small, but covers it abundantly, which gives rosehip inexpressible beauty. Lush cascades of single small flowers in pin-shaped panicles begin to bloom in June and end in July, blooming once a year. The fruits of the bush are pea-sized, red, oval, which remain on the bushes for a very long time, even in frost. It can be added that its frost resistance belongs to zone 5b - this means that the shrub will not die in frosts down to minus 23.5 - 29 degrees. This plant is one of the decorative park roses. White rose hips are the direct ancestor of several hardy and beautiful varieties of roses, among which Maidens Blanche occupies a special place.

Rosehip prickly

Rose hipfemoral-leaved, or prickly double, is also called “white rose hip,” but its very name contains the difference. It is terry - the bud contains from 40 to 60 petals, and it has many more spines. Terry prickly rosehip is a hybrid garden variety that is closer to a garden rose than to a wild growing bush. And it is much smaller in size - the bush does not exceed one meter in height. This beautiful hybrid became the ancestor of some types of garden roses - for example, Scottish ones. Under natural conditions, this shrub grows in the European part of southern Russia, Crimea and the Caucasus, Central Asia, Western and Eastern Siberia. It blooms for only three weeks. It has undoubted advantages - it is resistant to both drought and frost, and in addition, this type of white rose hip strengthens the slopes very well. This shrub was extremely popular in England and Scotland, where the already mentioned Scottish roses were bred from it. In our country, the variety Deuble White, or white terry rose hip, is common. Prickly rose is a very beautiful shrub both at the time of flowering and in autumn, with beautifully colored leaves and bright berries. She is very loved by designers, but has one peculiarity. Once planted, it is very difficult to remove, because it reproduces strongly by its root system and produces sprouts at a considerable distance from the bush.

Giver of love

The wild roses described here also include the white rose hip Rosa Alba. This is the same “culprit of passion”, glorified in the legendary Lenkom performance - bush with simple white flowers.

It should be noted that it was about him, about the white rose hip with its magical ability to arouse love in the hearts of people, that was written in various medieval books with conspiracies.

There was such a mysterious person as Milokh Zaruzhny, who in his “works” wrote that if two people are scratched on the same white rose hip branch, then the mutual passionate feeling that flared up will survive centuries, because only this plant is capable of forever binding the hearts of even the most different people. Love potions are prepared from it, which can evoke tenderness and passion.

And if you collect branches of white rose hips during the full moon in November, dry them and wear them as a talisman, then neither a vampire nor a sorcerer will be able to suck blood or energy out of a person. And a talisman made from a mixture of flowers or twigs of white rose hips, hawthorn berries, branches or pine cones becomes completely omnipotent. Rosehip with white flowers heals the heart, cleanses and restores the blood, and gives people love, peace and happiness.

Undeniable advantages

The rugosa rose, or wrinkled rose, which has mostly bright colors, is very common in the gardens and parks of our country. But it also has a white-flowered form. Rosa Rugosa Alba is a white rose hip whose bush grows up to 2 meters. It blooms all summer and autumn; on one branch you can see both bright red fruits and white flowers. The fleshy, flattened-oblong berries contain up to 2.7% vitamin C.

The bush is powerful with straight branches strewn with thorns. The first white-flowered hybrids roses The wrinkled roses were the Paulia variety, with beautiful simple and delicate flowers. All types of rose hips are full of charm, they all have beneficial properties - their fruits contain more vitamin C than apples and even lemons. A thorny bush can serve as a reliable and beautiful fence for a site. Fragrant flowers fill the air with aromas. Rose hips are propagated in different ways - by seeds, seedlings, root suckers, dividing the bush, by green cuttings and some other methods.

Rules for planting seedlings

White rosehip seedlings, like any other, take root best when planted in autumn. It is recommended to plant them in October or November. How does this happen?

First you need to dig a hole 20-22 centimeters deep. It is advisable to treat the soil - if it is acidic, you need to add lime fertilizer. Add rotted manure and compost to the same hole. There are certain landing rules. So, before planting, the seedling is cut so that the thick branch is no longer than 8-10 cm; root cuts are also made up to 10-15 cm. Before planting the seedling in the hole, we dip the rhizome in a clay mash so that the roots do not dry out.

Some details

Although they say that it is becoming a thing of the past, and is being replaced by various nutritional gels, the chatterbox is still quite in demand. Then we straighten the roots and install the seedling so that the rhizome drops 5-8 cm below the soil surface. Next, you need to fill the roots with prepared soil, water it with water and sprinkle the planted seedling with sawdust or peat.

Specialized stores have a very large selection of seedlings of all popular types of rose hips. It is necessary to specify the distance between planted plants. If donehedge, 50 centimeters between holes will be quite enough. If the bush is planted in order to obtain abundant fruit harvests, there should be much more space around the bush. It should be added that vitamin varieties are planted only vegetatively (a method of asexual reproduction, when a new one is obtained from a multicellular part of the body of the parent) - by grafting, cuttings and layering.

Necessary care

Next, the question arises: “How are seedlings grown and how are they cared for?” Despite the fact that rosehip is called a wild rose, it still requires constant care. And although it is not very difficult - remove weeds in time, loosen the soil, water, trim dried branches - this matter should not be left to chance. From the age of two, it is necessary to prune dry and non-fruiting branches. From the age of eight, rejuvenating pruning is carried out, and the branches are cut close to the ground - this ensures the abundant appearance of basal shoots. If the plant was not planted on a nutrient medium, it is necessary to carry out systematic feeding.

No plant is immune from diseases or pests. Especially from rose flies. It should be noted that now there are a lot of different drugs to combat these scourges.

The Rosehip is a wild Rose bush that grows to a height of 2m with drooping and straight branches. The shape of the bush is tall triangular shape, and some types resemble the shape of a pillow. But they are all very decorative during the flowering period. Let's take a closer look at biological description and varieties of Rose Hips and we’ll figure out what it is - a tree or a shrub.

Tree or shrub

Wikipedia says that Rosehip is a deciduous shrub with straight or creeping branches. Depending on natural conditions or bush care, it grows to different heights, but not more than 3 m.

Other sources also say that it is a shrub of varying heights and does not have a central trunk so that it can be classified as a tree.

Useful features

Rose hips contain many vitamins and other beneficial substances. And so the plant has many features:

  1. Prepared from fruits– teas, pastes, jams, compotes, sweets and much more.
  2. From- making jam.
  3. Fruits in Slovenia added to wine and give it a special taste.
  4. Young shoots were eaten in the Caucasus, and young shoots sheet plates brewed into tea.
  5. Pharmacological factories make various vitamins, syrups, extracts.

Popular varieties

Rose hips have many species and varieties that are used in gardening, planted as bushes or used for rootstock, growing decorative varietal roses. Some varieties below are especially popular among flower lovers.


In the wild it can be found on Far East. Has erect branches 1.5 m high. The flowers are dark pink up to 4 cm in diameter.

This variety produces many root cuttings for propagation.


This type Rose hips can withstand frosts down to – 40 degrees. The height of the bush is 1-3 m, the berries are average 1.5 cm long.

Berries of this type contain more vitamin C than other types.


The main difference from other species is the white flowers that bloom in the spring. At the same time The fruits, when ripe, acquire a dark blue, almost black color. Flowering occurs at the end of May.

May (cinnamon)

This type of Rosehip grows in central Russia. The favorite habitat of shrubs is floodplains, where they can form impenetrable thickets. Flowering begins in May and lasts 15 days, the flowers are simple, pink. At the end of summer, bright red fruits grow in their place, and the bush looks very beautiful. The height of the bush varies depending on its habitat. In partial shade it can reach a height of 2 m, and in sunny, dry areas 120 cm is the limit of its growth.

The main difference from other varieties is the small thorns at the base of the branches.


It grows in the wild in Russia in the Far East. The shape of the bush can be varied, but the most common form is one that spreads along the ground. Flowers appear on the bush throughout the summer and they are quite large and bright pink..

In autumn, this variety is covered not only with orange berries, but also with beautiful orange foliage.


Grows in the European part of Russia. The height of the bush is 3 m and the shoots have a bluish color. The flowers are small, pink and collected in inflorescences from 3 to 15 pieces.

The variety is suitable for creating a hedge.


It grows in the black earth regions of Europe and Russia. This type of Rosehip is often used as a rootstock for growing cultivated roses . Absolutely unpretentious and frost-resistant, withstands almost any frost. IN natural conditions This is a powerful bush with thorns on the stems, which are not often located. It blooms briefly with pale pink flowers; in August, elongated red fruits appear in place of the flowers.


This type of Rosehip got its name from its fruits, which ripen in August. They are large and resemble small wild apples. At the same time, their color is yellow at first, and then they begin to blush on one side and they turn out to be miniature apples.

It is distributed only in the south of Russia, and even there, in winters with little snow, it manages to freeze slightly.

Planting and caring for Rose Hips

Planting in a summer cottage

Rose hips can be planted in the spring before the leaf buds break or in the fall when the hot season subsides. A place needs to be chosen with a large number sun rays.

Soil preparation and planting

Best soils for planting rose hips - sandy or loamy soils

The soil must be sufficiently fertile. Ideally, it will be loam or have a slightly acidic reaction. If on site groundwater are very close to the surface of the earth, then when planting a seedling they make a drainage cushion from crushed stone.

The thickness of the pillow should be 20 cm.

Before you dig landing hole size 60x60 cm, the soil must be cleared of different types of weeds. After this, the soil is dug up onto the bayonet of a shovel and holes are prepared.

Features of correct landing

In order for the bush to take root, you need to follow some recommendations for planting Rosehip seedlings:

  1. At the bottom of the pit they make small hill from nutritious soil.
  2. Fine spilled water.
  3. A seedling is placed on it and straighten root system in different directions.
  4. The soil dug out of the hole is mixed with humus and the root system is sprinkled, at the same time squeezing the soil with your hands to get rid of the emptiness in the ground.
  5. The distance between planted seedlings should be not less than 130 cm.

In order for the Rosehip bush to take root well, its root system is shortened by one third of its length.

Proper care after planting

To get big harvest Rose hips need to take certain measures to care for them.

Watering is done regularly. Stopping it only during rains. In their absence, water the bush with 30 liters of water once every two weeks. If the bush is in the fruiting stage, then it is necessary to pour 50 liters of water under the bush.

Loosening the soil around the planted Rosehip bush, carried out after each watering or rainfall, so that there is air access to the root system. Simultaneously with loosening, sprouted weeds are also removed.


This is an important event when growing this crop. The first pruning should be done after the seedling is planted in the ground.. All branches are cut off, leaving only the three strongest ones, and they are shortened by one third.

Carry out any pruning garden pruning shears to less injure the branches of the bush.

The second pruning is carried out in the spring, two years later.. At this time, all branches that are broken or frozen in winter are removed at the root. The remaining branches are cut at a height of 25 cm.

Approximately After five years, the bush must be thinned annually, cutting out several branches at the root. Because Rosehip branches well and the bush will be very thick. This will prevent the formation of flower buds, and, consequently, the number of ripening fruits will decrease.

How to prepare for winter

Since this plant has great winter hardiness, most varieties do not need shelter for the winter. But there are regions in Russia that experience long-term winter cold spells, then you can resort to this method:

  • Trim the bush to a height of 30 cm;
  • Sprinkle leaves on it and put the spruce branches;
  • Cover the top lutrasil.

Do all this when the weather gets really cold.


Rose hips can be propagated in various ways, but do not use seeds in great demand, because you have to for a long time wait for fruiting.

The seeds are collected in August and extracted from the fruits. After washing warm water they are dried and planted in September on a prepared bed. Seal them to a depth of 2 cm.

In the spring, when the snow melts, young Rosehip seedlings will appear from under the ground.

Green cuttings are done in this way:

  1. Cuttings are cut with pruning shears, making an oblique cut.
  2. Envelop anyone growth stimulator roots
  3. Planted in containers and water when dry.
  4. In a month and a half seedlings are ready for planting at the main place of residence.

Propagated by layering in spring, bending the flexible young shoot to the ground and pinning it for good fixation. After a month, with good soil moisture, the shoot will develop its own root system.

Monitor watering at this time so that the soil does not dry out.

Diseases and pests

Rose hips are sometimes affected by aphids or scale insects. Since the bush has a large vegetative mass, it is cut off at the root, and the stumps are treated with a solution of Actellik, diluted according to the instructions.

If the region experiences a long rainy season and any fungal diseases, then it is cut off in the same way, leaving 30 cm above the soil surface and treated with any fungicides.

In this case, burn the cut branches outside the site.

We can talk about Rosehip for a long time, although sometimes some gardeners treat it with noticeable disdain. Although it serves as a wonderful medicinal source, works good rootstock for garden roses.

Ordinary rose hips have many beneficial and medicinal properties; they contain many vitamins, especially vitamin C, carotene, vitamins B, PP and K. The berries are rich in mineral and organic salts, pectins and organic acids. This article contains all about the benefits of rose hips, possible harm when using it, contraindications for various diseases, photos.

Rose hips: varieties, varieties, appearance

In nature, there are about 50 species of rose hips, all of them are represented by tall, spreading bushes with thorns on their stems. Other names for rose hips are “ wild rose"; "dog rose"; "cinnamon rose"

Rose hips

The shrub blooms with fragrant flowers of white, pink or lilac. The beginning of flowering usually occurs in the first half of May and can last until the beginning of summer in different areas Russia. Useful fruits ripen closer to autumn. Bright red elongated berries densely cover drooping thorny branches. Rose hips are a storehouse of vitamins; they have medicinal properties and are often used to treat various diseases, but they also have a number of contraindications.

Proper collection of medicinal rose hips

All parts of rose hips have medicinal properties, but they are harvested at different times of the year. The roots of the plant begin to be harvested at the beginning of spring; Young shoots and leaves must be collected at the end of May. Petals from rosehip flowers are collected before they begin to wilt. Ripe berries, fully colored, are harvested from autumn until the first frost.

Important! For long-term storage It is important to properly dry the plant material.

Medicinal properties of rose hips

  • Normalization of the immune system of the human body.
  • Treatment of blood vessel diseases.
  • Restoration of energy metabolism.
  • Improved functioning nervous system, getting rid of stress, improving sleep.
  • Regeneration and protection of body cells.
  • Treatment of arthritis and arthrosis.
  • Prevention of cancer.
  • Treatment of a number of genitourinary diseases.

To improve the functioning of the digestive system, there is a proven recipe: one tsp. dry rosehip petals are steamed hot water, leave for about 5 minutes. Take the infusion for flatulence, hernias, heartburn, pain in the area of ​​the stomach and esophagus, 1 cup after meals.

An infusion of 10 g of dry rosehip petals brewed with boiling water helps relieve inflammation from the eyes. The infusion is kept for about 10 minutes, then a sterile napkin is soaked in the solution and a compress is applied to the eyes.

A mild laxative can be prepared from dry rose hip leaves, for which 70 g of the raw material is steamed with a glass of boiling water, but an infusion of rose hips, evaporated over low heat in a glass of water, can easily help stop diarrhea. The 2/3 of the liquid remaining after evaporation is taken to stop diarrhea.

A nutritious infusion of rose hips for healing the body can be easily prepared in a thermos, for which the washed berries are poured with boiling water in a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. berries for 1 tbsp. boiling water

Advice! Sugar should not be added to the infusion, it is better to use natural honey. To prepare rosehip infusions, you should not use boiling water to brew the berries - this destroys vitamin C.

Rosehip decoction prepared in a thermos can be used for treatment, as well as to increase vitality.

Rosehip as a means of enhancing male health

There is an opinion that rosehip helps with the decline of male body functions, increases potency and helps men's health.

Recipe for the treatment of prostatitis. First you need to prepare 1 liter of rosehip infusion. Add 50 g of burdock roots to the infusion while heating the liquid in a water bath. After 10 minutes of heating, the decoction is infused for 3 hours, then the liquid is filtered. Take 30 g before meals for a month, break for a month, then repeat the treatment.

Preparing the infusion in a water bath helps preserve maximum beneficial properties.

Recipe for increasing potency. A decoction of hawthorn in rosehip infusion will help harmonize men's health and increase potency. The liquid with rose hips (1 glass) is evaporated in a water bath, infused for an hour, filtered and taken before meals at regular intervals.

For what diseases is rose hips contraindicated?

Despite everything positive qualities, all parts of rosehip can be harmful in certain diseases, therefore, when treating with rosehip preparations, you should definitely obtain prior consultation and permission from a doctor.

Harm during treatment with rosehip preparations containing large amounts of ascorbic acid is observed in peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, as well as in various types gastritis.

It is worth limiting the intake of rosehip infusions and decoctions during pregnancy - an overdose can cause a miscarriage.

After consuming rosehip decoctions, you should immediately rinse your mouth plain water, concentrated infusions can harm tooth enamel.

It is not allowed to use rosehip and to be treated with its preparations in the presence of vascular diseases (thrombophlebitis), heart dystrophy, poor blood clotting, or liver inflammation.

A decoction of rosehip roots affects the deterioration of the excretory system (constipation); slows down the secretion of bile; affects the balanced functioning of the pancreas.

Self-medication is dangerous, even if the usual berries and herbs are used instead of medicine.

Useful properties of rose hips: video

Rosehip for health: photo

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):