In this article we will touch on the topic: spring flowers, photos and names. Early flowers are the first harbingers of good weather. They appear with the first sun and are generally not afraid of frost. Despite their fragile appearance, they can withstand bad weather very well.

First flowers in alphabetical order

There are several types of primroses that grow even in frost. They are not whimsical and are perfect for growing in the garden: anemone, galanthus, marigold, crocus, lungwort, hellebore, narcissus, liverwort, scylla, violet, crested plant.

The first spring flowers and their meaning for children

After a long and cold winter, early flowers Primroses primarily delight children with their appearance. They indicate the beginning of spring and warm the heart of any adult, but especially a gardener. There are many classes, let's understand each of them.

Galanthus or in common parlance - snowdrop. This copy is on everyone's lips. Not afraid of frost.

Crocus or saffron. It has a bright color and germinates on warm days. Short period growing season. It only lasts a week. Some varieties are pleasing only in the fall.

Scilla, scilla or blue snowdrop. Appears after the snow melts and is not afraid of late frosts. Have blue or blue color. They look similar to snowdrops, but have nothing in common with each other.

Lungwort. The growing season occurs from mid-spring to its end, characterized by the appearance of variegated leaves after budding stops. Prefers loose and moist soil.

Narcissus. Multi-year class. Has many subspecies. Blooms in March and continues until early summer.

Violet or viola. Fragrant perennials. The growing season begins in early spring. IN southern regions It can bloom again in the fall, and sometimes retains buds even in winter.

Anemone. In common people it received the name - anemone, because the petals fall in the wind. It has different types, which can bloom in spring, summer and autumn.

Corydalis. Low, does not exceed half a meter in length. Germinates in early spring. As soon as it stops blooming, all the leaves die off.

Marigold. It is similar to chistyak, however, it also has a difference, which is that marigold retains its foliage until mid-autumn. Prefers marshy substrate.

The liverwort. Can't stand straight lines sun rays, therefore it grows in shaded areas. For this, the common people received the name - scilla. The hats are bright blue.

Erantis. Appears in early March and is not afraid of frost and snow. It pleases gardeners with its bright yellow color.

Primrose. In nature it has about half a thousand varieties, but only a few are cultivated. Appears in early spring; in some specimens it may recur in the fall.

Adonis. It has a bright yellow color. Shown on warm days. Grows on loose, fertile soil. Prefers sunny flowerbeds.

Spring clean. Appears as soon as the snow melts. Prefers the sun, so good weather They show their caps, and in bad weather they close their buds.

Muscari. It is also popularly called mouse hyacinth. Perennial, reproduces by bulbs. It has various shades from white to purple.

Whiteflower. As the name suggests it has white color. Budding occurs in April for thirty days.

Pushkinia. Propagated by bulbs. Pleases with its beauty at the beginning of spring. Does not exceed half a meter in height.

Chionodoxa. Also called snow beauty. buds and leaves appear at the same time. It has pink, white and blue colors.

Iridodictium or reticulate iris. Fragrant and low growing class. Germinates in April. They do not exceed ten centimeters in length. Prefers sunny beds and tolerates light shade.

Hyacinthoides. Keeps baskets for quite a long time, about three weeks. It looks like a scilla, but differs from it in having larger baskets.

Brunnera or forget-me-not. The genus is quite large, reaching a height of up to forty centimeters. Frost-resistant and unpretentious. Will take root well in shady flower beds.

Tulip. Has many varieties. Wild ones appear in April.

Grouse. Received this name for its similarity in color to a bird. The most commonly used are the imperial and chess genders.

Bulbocodium. Also called brandushka. A very fragrant specimen. It has no stem; during the growing season it forms up to four buds. The growing season continues for 14 days.

Spring cleaner



Spring flowers in the garden

They will allow you to add color to the garden after winter. Just imagine how white and blue bushes will look among the still unmelted snow. Such specimens are quite unpretentious and frost-resistant and can even withstand newly fallen snow. They are also not picky about the soil, but still prefer one that allows moisture to pass through well. They love sunny places with light shade and often delight with their beauty before the onset of summer days.

Early wild

In cultivation, wild bulbous classes are most often used. They are best suited for transplantation and take root well in any garden plot, and their cultivation will not cause much trouble.

Spring early bulbous

Galanthus or in common parlance - snowdrop. If you plant snowdrops in your garden, then you need to create the most similar conditions for its stay, that is, near shrubs and trees that practically do not provide shade in the spring.

Know! Snowdrops have a very short growing season, so after budding stops, all aboveground part dies.

In nature, it can reproduce using seeds that are processed by ants.

Scilla, scilla or blue snowdrop. Shows up after the snow melts and is not afraid of late frosts. They are blue or blue in color. They are similar in appearance to galanthus, but have nothing in common with each other. It does not require care, but loves loose and well-drained soil.

When planting on a site, it is worth considering that the crop grows very quickly and requires constant monitoring. The optimal conditions for keeping them will be to create conditions similar to those in nature.

Muscari. Popularly also called mouse hyacinth. Perennial genus, reproduces by bulbs. It has various shades from white to purple.

An unpretentious specimen. Grows and multiplies quickly. There are a huge number of classes that differ from each other in flowering time. Frost-resistant and germinate already in the second month of spring. To grow soap hyacinth in your garden, you don’t need to make any special efforts. Just place the fruit in the fall, in the chosen place, and that's it.

Remember! The muscari bulb grows very quickly and it will not be possible to dig it up completely; small children will still remain in the flowerbed. Therefore, it is recommended to use deep containers or baskets for planting.

Erantis. Appears at the beginning of spring, is not afraid of frost and snow. Delights gardeners with its bright yellow hues. Does not tolerate either excess or lack of water. It needs to be planted in shady places, preferably under trees and shrubs, just like in nature. It is best combined with other first varieties such as galanthus, corpus and reticulated iris.


Crocus or saffron. It is brightly colored and appears on warm days. The growing season is short, only a week. Some varieties delight with colorful hats only in autumn.

Widely used for garden decoration. The bulbs are planted in the fall, using large baskets so that they are not spoiled by rodents. Suitable for container propagation. Does not require annual replanting. This is done if the overgrown onion needs to be divided.

Iridodictium or reticulate iris. It grows in April. They do not exceed ten centimeters in length. Tolerates light shade well. However, it is better to plant in a sunny area. Looks great in a garden bed with other bulbous plants. The growing season occurs from late March to April.

Remember! The plant is ephemeral, that is, after flowering, the leaves die off.

Pushkinia. Externally it looks like a blueberry. However, it has delicate baskets. There are two types:

  • scilla-like;
  • hyacinth-shaped.

Narcissus. Popular with gardeners. This is due to the ease of cultivation. Bulbs of these species are dug up for drying once every five years. And there is no need to worry about them, since they are poisonous and rodents will not touch them.

Tulips. Considered the most popular. There are more than ten thousand varieties. Although the Netherlands is engaged in the export of tulips, its homeland is Asia. They begin to germinate only after exposure to cold.

Planted in a sunny area without drafts. Does not like waterlogged soil. The substrate should be neutral, with a high fertility index and loose. If the soil is heavy, humus, peat and sand are added to it.

Hyacinth. A favorite in any garden. Fragrant culture. Starting in April, it delights with bright tassels of white, blue, pink, yellow and orange colors. Does not tolerate clay soil. Therefore, if the substrate is heavy, you need to add peat soil or sand. Heat-loving, does not tolerate drafts. One bulb can bear fruit for fifteen years.

Poultry farmer. The growing season occurs in parallel with snowdrops and blueberries. The baskets look like stars and have six petals. There are African and Western classes. The former are grown only in greenhouses, the latter tolerate cold well. They reach almost one and a half meters in length. They love loose soil and sunny places.

Poultry farmer

Early flowers in pots

In recent years it has become very popular to grow garden plants in pots. Primrose and bulbous varieties are best suited for this.

Know! In order to grow a plant from a bulb at home, it must be kept in the cold for some time, this will promote the production of growth hormone.

Just imagine what a window sill with bright tulips and hyacinths will look like.


It has a large number of subspecies Each of them differs from each other not only in appearance, but also in care requirements. The birthplace of this culture is Asia, specifically Tibet, the Himalayas and Western China. Only about thirty grow in the European part of the mainland.

It is usually believed that primrose grows preferentially in forest belts, but some have taken root in the mountains and meadows of the Alps, as well as on river banks. Less than half of all varieties are used in culture, and some are unable to survive even in our harsh conditions.

However, among the variety of classes, you can also find those that germinate after the snow melts. And if you choose the right varieties, the flowerbed will be decorated with bright caps throughout the warm season. The following types are used in Russian gardening:

  1. Spring. Early species, development period begins in April. The plant is low, does not exceed thirty centimeters in length. It is predominantly yellow in color.
  2. Large-cupped. Buds appear in late April and May. The caps are yellow in color and look like umbrellas. Does not exceed forty centimeters. Used in folk medicine.
  3. Serrated. The bush is about a meter high. The buds begin to set in April. Has purple hues.
  4. Stemless. The growing season begins at the same time as for the first variety.
    Julia. Low growing plant. It happens no more than a meter. It has a soft purple-pink color.
  5. Siberian. Vegetation begins in May. It has a purple-red color, less often white. Does not exceed half a meter.
  6. Ushkovaya. The buds begin to set in May. They come in a wide variety of shades.
  7. Voronova. Small in size, reaching no more than twenty centimeters.
  8. Japanese. Unusual variety. The growing season lasts from the beginning of summer to its end. The baskets are bright and form tiers among themselves.
  9. Palassa. The buds appear from May to June. Thirty centimeters high. The culture has a delicate yellow tint.

Breeding and caring for primroses

They propagate using seeds and cuttings. The first method is labor-intensive due to the fact that it has small fruits. And the germination of seeds does not last long, so it is better to sow immediately. But if it is customary to propagate primrose with seeds, then they need to be sown in early February.

Remember! Seeds must undergo stratification, that is, prolonged exposure to cold.

You can also try temperature swing, it is considered the best way:

  1. To do this, during the day the seeds must be placed either in the cold or in the heat for equal periods of time. This will help some varieties sprout.
  2. After which you can soak the seeds in a special product to stimulate growth.
  3. Then, using a toothpick, sow each spot into a separate container. In this case, it is very convenient to use peat tablets.
  4. The final step is to cover the container with the seeds with film and place it on the windowsill. In the future, you will need to monitor the humidity of the substrate.
  5. Germination of seedlings can take several months, so do not worry ahead of time.

Spring garden perennial flowers. Photo

There are several types:

  1. Lily of the valley. Loves moist soil. It is recommended not to be kept near other crops, as the roots are very developed. Loves shaded areas near bushes and trees.
  2. Daisy. The growing season occurs in early May. It differs in that the plant retains buds throughout the winter. Used as border plants.
  3. Hellebore. The name alone speaks for itself. The vegetative process occurs in frosts. Not afraid of snow at all. Has many colors. The optimal place for growing is partial shade with moderate humidity. Propagated by seeds or cuttings.
  4. Periwinkle. Is evergreen. After the ground begins to thaw, new shoots grow, and in mid-spring they crumble into a blue carpet. In summer it propagates by cuttings. Prefers loose soil that allows moisture to pass through well. The planting site should be shady.


Primroses in the flowerbed

First of all, for early copies you need to find optimal place for growth. This should be a place with a little shade, with loose and fertile soil. You can choose a place in front of the entrance to the house or on the veranda. After the flowerbed is prepared, it is necessary to decide on the choice of bulbous plants, these can be: tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, muscari, quinodoxes, hazel grouse, scylla, iridodictiums.

Once the decision is made, you need to choose to decorate the flowerbed specimens that bloom with the arrival of warmer weather: forget-me-nots, violas, daisies. There are varieties of violas that bloom in the fall. And in the end, perennial specimens are used for the base of the flowerbed:

  • pelargonium;
  • day-lily;
  • creeping phlox;
  • primrose;
  • sedum;
  • cineraria;
  • Heuchera.

Spring flowers for bouquets

Bulbous crops are best suited. They look great alone or in combination with each other. Best suited for making bouquets:

  • tulips;
  • daffodils;
  • hyacinths.

Early cultures are truly a miracle. Especially those that grow unimaginably in the middle of snowy expanses. They may not exist for long, but these are the specimens that show all the strength and beauty of our nature. Very often they are given as gifts for holidays and sold at markets.

There are many tulips and hyacinths on sale that are created for home breeding. They look great on the windowsill in the apartment. That's all I wanted to say on this topic.

After a long, gray winter, spring becomes a life-giving breath that quenches the thirst for bright colors. Therefore, it is the spring flowerbed that causes the greatest aesthetic delight. But what plants should you fill it with so that it sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow? This article contains spring flowers with photos and names. We will tell you about a wide variety of spring flowers suitable for decorating borders, alpine slides and all types of flower beds.

Such a beautiful holiday as Women's Day pleases with an abundance of beautiful flowers, among which tulips, of course, take the lead. However, this is a greenhouse beauty, because it will not bloom in the garden. before May. Considering that in most regions there may be snow before the end of March, it is too early to talk about decorating a flowerbed.

Therefore, you can either grow tulips on the windowsill, or wait a little. After all, it all begins with the April violet passing the baton garden tradescantia, lupine, tulips, daffodils and others gentle representatives flora.

First of all, I would like to pay attention to low-growing flowers that can weave a huge flower bed. Lush and bright flowering The following will please you.

During the flowering period, this plant becomes covered a huge amount small flower stalks, and in the summer it simply decorates the flowerbed with fresh green leaves. If you plant gypsophila in a small pot, it will grow like a lush “standing” bush.

In the flowerbed she spreads herself out as best she can. It is worth noting that she does not like waterlogging and gravitates towards dry, sunny areas.

Lightness, elegance and an unimaginable aroma best characterize this look. The bush reaches 15 cm in height and grows “single”.

Therefore, to decorate a border or a curly path, it is necessary to propagate carnations by seeds or vegetatively divide the bushes, planting them at a short distance.

It attracts not so much with the peduncle, but light leaves and ability to rapid reproduction. Although it is hardy and can easily tolerate heat, it is best planted in cool, shady areas.

This beautiful, graceful milky flower can grow up to 50 cm, however, in shady places its height rarely exceeds 25 cm. At the same time, it will delight you with many flower stalks.

If you want to give your flowerbed some personality, you should place several unusual representatives beautiful flora.

It can be large or small. During flowering, the first shoots an arrow up to 1 m high, at the end of which there is a huge purple ball, the structure of which resembles a faded one. The second is a low bush with many graceful pink flower stalks.

Another good choice for decorating a border or “background” of a flower bed. In appearance, this plant very much resembles small wild onions, only the flower is slightly different. By the way, this type often used to create alpine slides.

Admirers purple They will not pass by this plant, reminiscent of luxurious bunches of grapes. Lupine or “wolf bean” comes in several varieties, but the most beautiful is still purple. The best “neighbors” for it will be lilies, phlox, and delphiniums.

In fact, this is a colored chamomile, which is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and early flowering. Interestingly, this plant contains pyrethrins - substances that help get rid of bedbugs. Therefore, dried flowers can be spread in the basement or in other places where these insects are found.

This plant is so simple and unpretentious that many for a long time perceived it exclusively as a weed. But it soon gained popularity in the design of urban flower beds, which are difficult to care for regularly. Therefore, this is a good plant for decorating an area behind a fence - no one will definitely tear it out, and it looks better than ordinary grass.

Interestingly, this bush blooms in different time- for some in early May, for others only in June. Much depends on the landing site. Although it prefers partial shade, flower stalks appear earlier in the sun.

Of course, all the flowers presented above are beautiful and original in their own way, but they cannot be called independent in terms of design, since not everyone likes them. Most often, they only surround those representatives of the flora whose beauty defies skepticism. Speaking about spring flowers - the leaders, it is worth mentioning daylilies, peonies, irises, tulips and daffodils.

Form a flowerbed according to your preferences, and it will become a magical piece of a fairy tale on your site.

The earliest spring flowers in my garden

Spring flowers photo gallery

Cockerels Cockerels Bell Armeria seaside Iris

Primrose ruby Peonies Lily

With the onset of spring, everyone wants bright rich colors in the garden, blooming greenery, and aromas, so we are hurrying up spring. What could it be the best decoration plot if not a flower garden in which a variety of spring flowers are planted? It is he who decorates the site and pleases its owners.

What flowers to choose for a spring flower garden or flower bed? First of all, these are bulbous flowers - tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses. We have already talked about them on the pages of the site. But besides bulbous flowers, there are many flowers that bloom beautifully in spring.

Selecting spring flowers for the flower bed.

Bergenia thickleaf is a low plant with shiny round leaves that overwinter under the snow; in the spring it forms shoots with small pink flowers. It can decorate the shore of a pond, a rock garden or the foreground of a flower garden.

Doronicum has sunny yellow flowers, reminiscent of the familiar white daisies, it reaches a height of 50-70 cm, so we plant it on medium shot flower garden

Everyone loves soft pink and white daisies, they are very small, no more than 15 cm in height, so they need to be planted close to the front edge of the flower bed. There is now beautiful varieties With double flowers.

Primroses also serve as a wonderful decoration for the spring flower garden. They have different types and varieties - Julia primrose, serrated p., auricular p., etc. Primroses amaze with their richness of colors, you can make a flowerbed from primroses alone, although in the summer it will no longer bloom.

Decorative onions with their lilac balls of inflorescences fit perfectly in a spring flower garden with yellow flowers; they have a height of 50-70 cm; we plant them away from the edge.

Pansies or Wittrock violets will decorate any flower garden with their variegated and expressive flowers of yellow, blue, violet, white, purple, and orange. It can be grown from seeds or bought ready-made flowering seedlings.

Dicentra or broken heart is a very romantic plant, small white and pink hearts form on its shoots, the plant is medium-sized and loves partial shade.

Dwarf rhizomatous irises bloom in early spring; their orchid-like flowers form bright spots of blue, yellow and purple. They are not very tall.

Some ground cover flowers we plant on alpine slide, also bloom in early and late spring, so we can plant them in a flowerbed. For example, creeping tenacious. Its varieties not only have beautiful tricolor leaves, but also low, spike-shaped inflorescences of blue flowers.

A border of white or pink arabis will also decorate a flower bed or flower garden; it is available in double forms.

Touching forget-me-nots will leave few people indifferent with their sky-blue flowers, although they are biennial plants. But there is a very similar Brunnera with heart-shaped leaves and blue flowers, with which a golden or orange swimsuit goes perfectly.

Lilies of the valley, everyone's favorite fragrant spring flowers, are also good in the flower garden, but they are quite aggressive. Therefore, they must be limited to an underground border.

Collecting a spring flower garden

If the plants are selected, then you can begin to arrange a spring flower garden or flower bed. The place allocated for the flower garden should be sunny and open. First, it is useful to draw a diagram of the flower garden on paper to scale, marking the location with ovals individual species colors.

In this case, we must take into account the point of view of the flower garden - the place from which we will look at it. In the background of the flower garden we plant tall and medium-sized plants - dicentra, doronicum, decorative onions, bathing suit. In the middle it is convenient to place plants such as bergenia, tulips, daffodils, brunnera, and forget-me-nots. And in the foreground we plant all the low-growing flowers - daisies, violas, dwarf irises, primroses, pansies, arabis, creeping flowers, hyacinths, crocuses.

When creating a spring flower garden or flower bed, you need to take care of this in advance, preferably at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, because in the spring it is not recommended to plant spring-flowering perennials; for them, the dormant period is the second half of summer. This is the most best time to create a spring flower garden, but you can also plant plants in the spring, but you won’t get beautiful flowering this season.

It is good to choose early-flowering and late-flowering plants, then the flowerbed or flower garden will retain its decorative effect in the spring for a long time. It must necessarily include bulbous flowers, which are planted in small groups of 3-10 bulbs.

To prevent the flower garden from seeming too variegated or empty, it is often supplemented with summer-flowering perennials, which in the spring are just beginning to unfurl their leaves - these are hostas, astilbes, aquilegias, and daylilies. Then after the end of flowering spring flowers, these perennials will cover the fading foliage of the bulbous plants, unfold their leaves, and in the summer they will bloom, delighting us with their beauty and aromas. This flower garden will be beautiful until autumn.

All flower lovers are constantly trying to create blooming garden, but if the land plot is not very large, then a luxurious flower bed will be enough. For it, you can select decorative crops that bloom alternately during the warm period, with early spring until late autumn. The choice can be made of both annual and perennial crops, as well as textured conifers or unusual cereal plants.

Flowers for a flowerbed of continuous flowering

The flowerbed will become colorful already in early spring if you plant primroses on it: scilla, chionodoxa, muscari, fragrant hyacinths and a variety of crocuses, as well as bright hellebores. These first flowers will be very long-awaited after winter and will decorate the first spring days with their colors.

The primroses will be replaced by anemones, primroses and blue periwinkle.

And also beautiful, diverse and very spectacular petunias and violas.

Not a single flowerbed can do without daffodils and tulips, the choice of which is so wide that it will satisfy the tastes of even the most picky gardener.


IN Lately increasingly, free corners of the garden are decorated with miniature botanical tulips. The most popular varieties are Urumiysky, Hegera “Little Princess”, Tarda. It is impossible not to note the excellent tulip, which from one stem produces 3 bright red flowers with pointed petals.

Be sure to provide space for a bush of fragrant peony, root or tree-like. Both representatives are famous for their huge double flowers.

At the same time, imperial hazel grouse and bearded irises begin to show off.

Lilies of the valley Bearded irises

As the hot summer days approach, poppies, snapdragons and dicentra with its broken heart flowers will bloom.

Poppies Snapdragon

Neat islands of Campanula garganensis, which can be planted at the very foot, near stones, a border or other fencing of a flower oasis, will also look good in a flowering flowerbed. For the same purposes, you can use all kinds of sedums, aubrieta, rock alyssum and awl-shaped phlox.

Flowering rugs of these ground cover plants will be a wonderful addition to the background for any large plant, giving the soil a fabulous look.

And, of course, one cannot ignore the queen of flower beds - the rose. When decorating a limited plot of land, you can opt for standard roses or spectacular climbing roses.


You can use the less common corrugated rose, better known as a variety of large-fruited rosehip. Its flowers, up to 8 cm in diameter, are not only beautiful, but also have a wonderful aroma.

And in the fall, this bush will delight you with huge fruits, up to 3 cm, very noticeable against the background of fading crimson foliage.

Lilies are no less original. Currently, breeders can please both complex specimens with huge fragrant flowers, up to 20 cm in diameter, and completely unpretentious oriental or Asian hybrids.


The flower garden will not fade if phlox, matthiola, etc. are planted on it. Their rich colors and pleasant smells fill the air until autumn.

Fragrant tobacco

On cooler days, asters, autumn marigolds, dahlias and chrysanthemums will begin to bloom, blooming until the first frost.


Having planted several in the flower garden unusual plants, such as imperata cylindrical, Chinese miscanthus, evergreen or sedge, in combination with juniper or thuja occidentalis, you can admire the flowerbed even in winter, when the first snow or frost decorates these plants.

Perennial spring flowers for flower beds

Snowdrop (Galanthus)

This flower is popular among gardeners because it blooms when there is still snow around. The plant has a small height of 12-15 centimeters with two leaves. The wild species blooms early in April, as soon as the snow melts and even against a backdrop of snow. There are also garden species that can be successfully grown; the plant loves areas that do not receive direct sunlight.


It is not picky about soils, but does not like overly moist places. Since garden varieties of snowdrops originated from wild plants, they are very frost-resistant plants.

Reproduction occurs in two ways:

  • Seeds that are sown in the summer without pre-treatment after they are collected from plants. But this path is long, due to the fact that the first shoots will appear only in the spring of next year. After strengthening the young plants, they are transplanted to permanent place.
  • Bulbs: they are dug up in the second half of summer, the baby is separated, dried and planted in a permanent place in early autumn. The planting distance for large bulbs is 7-10 centimeters from each other, and small bulbs are planted at a distance of 3-5 centimeters from each other.

Scylla (blue snowdrop)

A plant of the lily family, for early flowering and Blue colour flowers and got its name. The plant has bright green and wide leaves, which are arranged in rosettes of 3-4 pieces and several beautiful blue flowers.


Flowers prefer loose and semi-shaded soils. They tolerate winter well and reproduce like snowdrops (by seeds and bulbs). When sowing seeds, seedlings appear only in the 3-5th year. Excellent for forcing for early flowering in mid-winter.

Muscari (Mouse Hyacinth)

A beautiful plant from the lily family. Flowers different colors: blue, white, lilac-blue. Frost-resistant, grows in one place for 4-5 years. Like all bulbous plants, it reproduces by children, less often by seeds, since seedlings appear only after a few years.


The bulbs are planted at the end of summer; flowers appear on the plants at next year. They are widely used in distillation.


It is one of the most common early flowering plants. There are crocuses that bloom early in the spring, and there are those that bloom late in the fall. The plants are small, up to 14 centimeters, the flowers have different colors (from white to yellow).


A rare feature of the plant is leaves that grow only after flowering has ended. For propagation, corms, chicks and seeds are used. It lends itself very well to forcing and blooms profusely in winter.

For fresh and beautiful flowers in winter, late autumn into a prepared mixture consisting of two parts of turf soil and one part of leaf humus and river sand. After about two months, the crocus blooms.


Ubiquitous among flower lovers for their early blooming and beautiful, pleasant-smelling flowers. For these flowers, prepare richly fertilized and well-loosened soil. Bulbs should be planted in the fall (September-October) at a shallow depth (about 10 cm) and mulched with humus. The bulbs overwinter and bloom profusely in the spring.


Mainly propagated by children (small bulbs), they are selected from large ones at the end of summer, dried and planted in September. Just like crocuses, they are suitable for winter forcing, it is important not to forget to constantly keep the soil moist.


A bulbous plant of the lily family. Currently, more than 120 wild flower species have been studied and several thousand varieties and hybrids have been bred as garden flowers. Tulips are divided into 4 groups: early-blooming, medium-blooming, late-blooming and wild.

Propagated by seeds or vegetatively. But in practice, they use propagation by bulbs and children; for this, at the end of summer, when the leaves of the plant are already dry, they dig up the bulbs. They are well dried and the small ones are separated from the large ones.

Bulbs with a diameter of more than 2 centimeters can already be used for flowering; smaller ones require one or two years of growing.

Tulips love loose, well-fertilized soils with normal lighting. These flowers do not like dimly lit places and acidic soils, on which the plants will develop poorly and often get sick.

Tulips - best flowers for forcing into room conditions. At the end of September, they take the best bulbs and plant them in pots, one bulb in each. A soil mixture is prepared from turf soil mixed with humus and sand.

The soil in the pots is watered abundantly and sprinkled with sawdust to retain moisture. Then they are placed in a room with a temperature of no more than 3-7 degrees for 1.5-2 months. After this, the pots are placed on warm window sill, and after 25-30 days the plants bloom. Cut tulip flowers are stored for a long time in fresh cold water, for which they are especially popular in the flower industry.

These flowers for the flower bed are unpretentious both in terms of soil and care, so even a novice amateur gardener can grow them.

Perennial iris for flower beds

This flower has a special grace. It is impossible to take your eyes off its royal beauty and amazingly refined form. Translated from Greek, “iris” means rainbow. According to legend, the goddess Iris came to earth to people precisely along the rainbow. These flowers received this name back in the 4th century BC.

Perennial iris for flower beds

There is very interesting legend about how the flower spread throughout the earth. Initially, irises grew only in ancient Asia, but the birds that inhabited the forests and gardens there carried the seeds of this plant throughout the world.

The well-known city of Florence received this name only because all its borders were planted with blooming irises.

Today there are more than 250 species of irises. They grow on all continents. Only in latitudes modern Russia You can count about 60 species of this flower. Iris is distant and more ancient relative of gladiolus.

Among the variety of irises, the most popular are: Siberian, bearded and Japanese species. Also very popular is the bright yellow marsh iris.

The bearded iris is a very interesting flower. Along the edge of its petal there are delicate, colored hairs, which in appearance are very reminiscent of a beard.

A feature of Siberian irises is their special resistance to low temperatures and their unpretentiousness to growing conditions.

The Japanese retain theirs the longest decorative look and flowering. They can be divided once every seven years, in early autumn or spring.

Swamp iris is wild plant, but it very much attracts a person with its bright yellow color. Reproduces marsh iris seeds that fall into water and are easily localized in new places of growth.

Perennial peony for flower beds

This amazingly beautiful flower can rightfully be called the king among plants. In addition to its bright color, peony has a special, very delicate aroma. It cannot be confused with other colors.

Peony perennial

Few people know that peony is endowed with deep philosophical meaning. According to the oldest records of Chinese scientists, peonies symbolize the fundamental positions of any person - love and family.

These light, seemingly weightless plants attract with their bright and large flowers. Certain types of poppy have different colored buds. Shades vary from pure white to rich tones of purple and violet.


The peculiarity of the poppy is the rapidly falling flower petals. Also, the poppy capsule produces the largest number of very small seeds. Their number can reach more than 300 thousand pieces in one flower.

Poppy is widely used in both medicinal purposes still in cooking. Therefore, poppies can often be seen in gardens and vegetable gardens. Due to their unique beauty, poppies are planted in flower beds for a purely decorative function.

Poppies make wonderful compositions with other flowers. They look interesting flower arrangements of poppies of various colors.

Poppy has become widespread not only due to its decorative, medicinal and practical properties. Poppies are very easy to care for. It can be planted in any soil and will delight you bright flowers more than one year.

These perennial, herbaceous plants are not often found in flower beds or gardens. However, they are able to decorate any area with their flowers. Anemones look especially impressive against the background of stones in combination with other plants.

Anemone belongs to the ranunculaceae family, and has more than 120 different species. As a rule, this heat-loving plant grows well in the southern temperature zone.

The ancient Greeks called anemones “daughter of the winds.” They believed that the wind helps a flower bud to open or close. But of course this is not true. In fact, anemone flowers are so delicate that when exposed to wind, the large but rather fragile petals curl up.

Anemones are enough long plants. Thin stems reach up to 50 cm in height. Depending on the type of flower, the color of the petals and sepals of the plant changes.

Anemones gained popularity due to their long flowering. All summer and autumn they will delight with their color. Anemones create beautiful compositions with shrubs and trees.

By approaching creatively, with love and knowledge of the matter, you can turn any piece of land into paradise, which will delight with its unfading beauty, color change and lively texture. The main thing to remember is that you should not plant everything, choose only what is closer in spirit and mood.

Read about it here.

Photo gallery of flowers for a flower bed

Nothing pleases a gardener more than primroses, which appear one after another on the site. There is still snow in some places, and juicy greens plants with cheerful and bright flowers, in the best possible way, speaks of the awakening of nature.

Perennial primroses with photos and names

Anemone (Anemone)

Crown Anemone with bright large flowers

Anemone or anemone, so nicknamed for its sensitive attitude to the slightest breath of wind, is one of the first to bloom. The leaves of the garden trees and shrubs have not yet blossomed, but the anemone flowers are already swaying on tall stems.

Early flowering allows you to grow anemones under trees, near bushes, near the walls of buildings, which will protect the plant from the wind.

Buttercup and oak anemone, the most common types of plants that are grown in summer cottages as primroses. Anemones bloom at the end of April, their flowering lasts for two to three weeks. The color of the flowers of the oak forest anemone is white, and the buttercup anemone pleases with yellow flowers.

Similar to the plant described above and tender anemone with blue flowers. The smallest anemone (about 10 cm) is very popular among gardeners.

Crown anemone, a representative of warm regions, therefore requires the creation comfortable conditions for wintering. It requires shelter from the foliage of broad-leaved trees (maple, oak). The flowers of this plant are larger; red and white, purple and pink.

The above-ground part of all anemone species dies after flowering a month later. Therefore there will be correct location next to them there are flowers with more late flowering. With overgrown foliage they will cover the ugliness of withered anemones.

The most accessible and easiest way to propagate a flower is to divide the bush into several parts. Without digging up the entire plant, separate a piece of turf and plant it in in the right place. Separated anemone bushes have good survival rate.

Seed propagation involves autumn sowing in the ground, or this is done at home, with preliminary stratification of the planting material. In the first case, flowering will occur in the spring of next year.


Blooming snowdrops

The plant is listed in the Red Book, because due to man’s great love for his person, it was practically uprooted from its habitat.

But the gardener has the opportunity to grow it on his own personal plot, and admire its early flowering.

This unpretentious plant may not need a transplant for many years, as it has minimum requirements for soil and growing conditions. In addition, these plants do not like their roots being disturbed, but if such a need arises, this should be done together with a piece of turf. There is no need to free the root system from the old soil.

Galanthus, another name for snowdrop, grows well in a shady place. Few hours sunlight and moist soil is the minimum that a plant needs for it to begin flowering. And the cooler the spring weather, the more abundant and longer the snowdrop will bloom.

After flowering, the leaves should be left to wither on their own; during this period, the bulb stores nutrients for full flowering next spring.
About the method of reproduction dividing the bush mentioned above, and propagation by seeds will give results no earlier than in four years.

The following species are most often grown in gardens:

  1. common snowdrop, a low plant with fragrant flowers;
  2. Elvis's snowdrop differs in height (up to 50 cm);
  3. Volkov's snowdrop, originally from Russia. This species has the property of growing very quickly, so the bush needs to be divided every three years.

Flowers of all types are drooping, bell-shaped and white.


Scilla is a bulbous perennial that covers the ground with low plants with blue star-shaped flowers. It is the density of planting that achieves the effect of a blue carpet, which looks simply amazing against the backdrop of a gray, uncomfortable garden.

Siberian Scilla most common among gardeners as a primrose used for early decoration garden plot. Due to the fact that the plant is hardy and does not require special care, it can grow in the garden allotted to it for up to 5 years. But not to weaken it decorative qualities The minimum norms of fertilizing should still be applied. And they must consist of a complex containing phosphorus and potassium and nitrogen.

Increasing the area occupied by bluegrass will not require much time and expense. It is enough to separate part of the flower along with the soil, without resorting to completely removing the plant, and transplant it to a new place.

The plants are well adapted; with the arrival of next spring, there will be a new island on the site, reflecting the blue of the sky.
Scilla is also grown from baby bulbs, which quickly ripen and are suitable for forming a full-fledged plant at the age of three.

Reproduction often occurs by self-seeding, so single plantings of scilla can become dense thickets.

Tulips are quite widely used by gardeners to create flower beds, flower beds, and are grown specifically for cutting. And primroses include simple early tulips, as well as double early tulips.

This group of plants is characterized by a small height of 25-40 cm, but thanks to their early flowering they can often be found in early May at their summer cottage. And they were planted for one purpose: to give the garden charm, bright colors. Especially when most of the site is not yet covered with lush spring greenery.

Tulip is a moisture-loving plant, so in dry spring they need watering. They can be combined with fertilizing; nitrogen fertilizers are added in early spring, and phosphorus and potassium supplements are used during budding and after flowering.

After the tulip flower has faded, its calyx should be cut off. leaving the peduncle, it and the remaining leaves will help the bulb to stock up necessary elements nutrition for a safe winter and early flowering in the spring of next year.

Flowers that are used to decorate the garden, and early bloomers are among them, can be left in the ground for several years. In this case, autumn planting of flowers should be carried out to a depth of 25 cm, and more densely, and the soil around should be decorated with evergreen perennials. This will create a more picturesque spring flower garden.

Another beautiful perennial, from the bulbous family, which belongs to the primroses. Blooming at the end of April, it looks great in a small flower garden consisting of early flowering perennials.

The flowering periods of hyacinth are divided into three categories:

  • early blooming,
  • medium flowering,
  • late blooming.

Although it should be noted that the difference between the beginning of flowering of the first category and the last does not exceed 10 days.

The inflorescences of early hyacinths are usually blue in color. Next come pink, white, red flowers. The parade of colors will be completed by plants with yellow and orange caps of inflorescences.

The cooler the spring weather, the longer the hyacinth blooms. If at t +10°C it can be three weeks, then with its increase the flowering period will be reduced by a week.

The flower also has requirements for the composition of the soil. The soil must be fertile, neutral and have good structure and drainage properties. Even a slight stagnation of water in the area where the bulbs are located can lead to their death.

The ground underneath autumn planting hyacinths begin to be processed in advance, introducing organic and mineral fertilizers. The addition of humus, ready-made compost, sand, wood ash.

Planting of hyacinth bulbs begins at the end of September. Large specimens are deepened by 15-20 cm, and small ones 8-12 cm will be enough. The distance between the bulbs themselves should be 10-15 cm and 5-8 cm, respectively.

The method of planting bulbs in sand is also practiced. Sand is poured into the groove. A layer of 2-3 cm will allow you to fix the bulbs in it, pour more sand on top, and fill the remaining height of the groove with earth. This method will prevent rotting of the bulbs, protect them from infections in the soil, and increase the drainage capacity of the soil.

With the onset of cold weather, mulch the plantings.

Spring maintenance work begins with removing the mulch layer and carefully loosening the resulting crust on the surface and applying fertilizer.

  1. After the sprouts appear, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizer follows.
  2. During the budding period, a complex of mineral fertilizers will help the plant form a strong and bright flower.
  3. Third, mineral supplement, will allow the bulb to stock up on the necessary elements and safely endure the winter cold.

Narcissus is a bulbous, perennial, early flowering plant.

The height of the plant stem is from 5 cm (dwarf species) to 50 cm, which ends in a white or yellow flower.

It is distinguished by its unpretentious disposition, both in relation to the soil on which it grows and to the light level. It can grow well and develop on sandy soil. Loams are also suitable for growing daffodils. But a minimum amount of the fertilizer complex must still be added to the soil before planting.

Choosing a place to plant a flower is not difficult: sunny or shaded. You should know that if you choose the second option, flowering will last longer.

Planting bulbs in open ground Produced in September, taking into account that plants need about three weeks to form a root system. Otherwise, the bulbs will be squeezed out from the depths to the surface of the earth, which will lead to their freezing.

Dividing a bush that already exists on a summer cottage can be done during the period when the narcissus leaves begin to fade.

  1. Having dug up the bush, you need to select the baby bulbs and discard the sick and damaged ones.
  2. Transplant the bushes you like to a new place, cutting off the above-ground part.
  3. It is better to leave a small stump so as not to lose the planting.


Unpretentious herbaceous perennial, which with its bright, varied colors will enliven any corner of the summer cottage.

Preferring shady places, primrose develops safely and blooms under the crowns garden trees and near ornamental shrubs.

The flowers begin to appear in the first days of May and the plant will receive a sufficient amount of heat and light, because the leaves on the trees have not yet blossomed in full force. And on hot days, the foliage will protect the flower from scorching rays.

The soil for planting flowers should be loose, fertilized, without stagnant water. This will save the gardener from having to apply fertilizer every year.

After 3-4 years, it is advisable to replant the primrose bush. The gardener will have the opportunity to increase plantings, and the plant itself will again be provided with a supply of nutrients for several years to come.

The time of replanting is not critical, but it is better to do it when the plant has flowered.

  • The flower is dug up and the roots are washed to determine how best to carry out the division.
  • Each separated bush should have its own growing point with two or three leaves and a good bunch of roots.
  • After transplantation, the plant should be watered and shaded for several days.


Primroses that withstand any spring changes weather conditions.

For abundant and lush flowering, crocuses need good lighting. And since they appear practically from under the snow, it is possible to grow them close fruit trees and ornamental shrubs. There is no foliage on the trees yet, and the flower will be fully provided with sunlight.

Crocuses are not picky about soil, but it is necessary to add a small complex of nitrogen and mineral fertilizers to the soil before planting.

Even more important event is to improve the soil structure. It must be moisture permeable. Good drainage will eliminate stagnant water, otherwise the bulb will rot and die.

Crocuses are propagated by bulbous children, which are formed next to the uterine corm. Overgrown plantings of flowers are dug up every 3-4 years, the bulbs are sorted by size, air-dried, but under a canopy. With the arrival of autumn, they are planted in newly properly prepared soil. Usually the timing of this work falls on the third ten days of September.


Muscari, low ornamental plant with a blue inflorescence similar to a bunch of grapes. The bulbous perennial, to which muscari belongs, can be grown in any corner of the summer cottage.

The flower is light-loving, but you can grow it in tree trunk circles fruit trees, since flowering will complete before the foliage creates shade over it.

A flower can grow in one place for many years. This involves high-quality soil treatment before planting:

  • application of mineral and organic fertilizers,
  • improving soil structure.

This will allow the plant to develop without lacking nutrients. Ensuring good soil permeability will protect the bulb from rotting.

The same result can be achieved by pouring coarse sand into the holes for planting flowers. In addition, the lack of contact with the soil will protect planting material from infections that may be in the ground.

For spring flowering, the plant needs enough moisture, which is formed from melting snow. Subsequently, after the leaves die, annuals will probably be planted in this place, and moisture will flow to the bulbs from their watering.

The flower is propagated by bulblets. After the plant bloomed, the leaves turned yellow and dried out, and the flower entered the dormant phase. During this period, the plant can be dug up and young bulbs can be selected. But this work can be done at another time convenient for the gardener. This will not harm the plant.

The flower is a very winter-hardy plant. Caring for it is simple: loosening and weeding are the main types of work.


Imperial hazel grouse

Hazel grouse is not a capricious perennial. The original plant, with drooping flowers, makes the gardener want to grow it in his summer cottage.

The first thing to consider when purchasing planting material is their vulnerability. The bulbs do not have an outer covering, and any mechanical damage can cause various types of diseases.

In any case, before planting they need to be disinfected with a weak solution of ordinary potassium permanganate.

Just like most perennials, hazel grouse grows in one place for several years without transplanting. And this must be taken into account when preparing the soil for planting. Adding organic matter in the form of humus or ready-made compost, substrates that improve access to moisture and air will help the plant quickly get used to its new location.

After flowering, which occurs in the second half of May, the plant still looks decorative for some time, but by the end of June the stem begins to fade. This is the best time to increase hazel grouse plantings.

The bulbs are carefully dug out, washed, disinfected in a manganese solution and dried well. Existing bulbs are also planted in the fall, in September. Typically, hazel grouse begins to bloom when the size of the bulb reaches 5 cm in diameter.

So it turns out that growing hazel grouse is not difficult, but it does require patience.

Dicentra is also called "broken heart"

Charming plant, with many flowers of hearts encourages the gardener to purchase a flower.

Enough unpretentious perennial regarding the choice of landing site. It will bloom in both sun and shade.

The difference is that on open place Flowering will occur earlier, but will be shorter. In the shade, the plant develops more powerfully and the flowering period increases.

Dicentra has a root system that is located close to the surface of the earth; this requires good drainage, otherwise the fragile roots will suffer from stagnant water. This will inevitably lead to their rotting and, as a rule, the death of the plant. The fragility of the roots requires careful handling of the flower during planting.

The flower is grown on fertile soils, with the addition of ready-made compost, humus, and wood ash.

Propagated by dividing the bush, which can be carried out both in spring and autumn. In spring, this work is carried out as early as possible so that it does not harm flowering.

Autumn transplantation is less painful for the flower. After the plant withers, it is dug up and the rhizome is cut into several components. Planted in fertilized holes, falling asleep fertile soil. It should be watered abundantly; dicentra is moisture-loving.


Forget-me-not Alpine Indigo

Forget-me-nots are herbaceous perennial, with gentle blue flowers, prefers shaded areas with moist soil.

The soil where forget-me-nots will grow should not be overfed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. This will lead to the growth of the green mass of the plant and weaken its decorative qualities.

Forget-me-nots are grown from seeds. At the summer cottage, in June, they prepare a garden bed. Add nitrophoska (30 g per 1 sq. m.), add half a bucket of humus, carefully dig everything up, level it and water it. Seeds are scattered along small grooves. Sprinkle with a thin layer of sand and compact.

To retain moisture and create optimal conditions For germination, the bed is covered with film. By the end of the second week, it is necessary to check the crops; when shoots appear, the cover is removed. The seedlings need to be thinned out.

In the first year, the forget-me-not forms a small bush, and will bloom the following spring in May. By then it should be planted in a permanent place. Spring care care for the flower consists of watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. In the fall, a nitrogen-containing composition should be added to them.

Despite its tenderness and apparent fragility, forget-me-not is a rather aggressive plant. If its growth is left to chance, it will quickly take over territories that do not belong to it.

Lungwort - Pulmonaria villarsae

Lungwort is a low rhizomatous perennial, the main advantage of which is its unpretentiousness in terms of lighting. It can grow even in dense shade.

But partial shade is preferable for her.

The soil for lungwort needs to be slightly acidic and rich in humus. Can grow in one place for about 25 years. But the flower needs thinning, so dividing the bush once every 4 years will solve the problem not only with planting density, but will also provide the summer resident with planting material.

Gardeners value lungwort not only for its bell flowers and its shade tolerance, but also for its decorative foliage. Light or dark green leaves are covered with white spots and specks over the entire surface. In addition, they have the property of changing their color, in which case the specks merge with the color of the leaf.

Caring for the plant is not difficult, keeping the soil moist (but not excessively), one-time fertilizing with a set of mineral fertilizers and autumn pruning stems. Although the removal of stems can be left until the spring.

Primroses in the garden: video

No matter how many flowers are planted on the site, the gardener will always have a desire to buy something new. And this is natural - the beauty of fresh flowers pleases.

And primroses are especially pleasing in early spring, when the snow has just melted and there is almost no greenery - and the bright islands delicate flowers have already awakened.

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