With the help of vines and climbing annuals, you can not only create spectacular flower arrangements, but also to complement or change the architecture of the house or gazebo. These plants will help create a stylish hedge or cover up the shortcomings of the building. Climbing garden flowers can form separate small architectural forms - arches, hedges and stylish gazebos.

Lianas help protect areas located near busy highways from noise and dust and are often used to effectively decorate the facade of a house. A huge selection of perennials and annuals in any stylistic decision.

Features of vertical gardening - important nuances in choosing plants for the garden

Any vine flowers for the garden require a support, the design of which depends on the intended decor and must meet the following mandatory requirements:

  • The strength of the support is calculated depending on the type of plant. For annuals, it is quite enough to stretch a plastic net for cucumbers, but for massive vines, the support should be made of metal and firmly fixed to metal frame to withstand gusts of wind, rain and snow;

  • Crawling plant species will find support themselves in brick or natural stone masonry. Maiden grapes or ivy may well replace decorative plaster and become an effective decoration for the walls of a small country house;
  • For clinging varieties such as sweet pea or morning glory, it is enough to install a thin mesh (reinforcement) or simply stretch a thin wire on a wooden frame;

  • Supporting varieties of loaches require a vertical or inclined support of forty-five degrees. Arched ceilings, all types of pergolas or trellises perfect solution for honeysuckle, clematis and wisteria;
  • Semi-vines that cannot secure themselves to a support, climbing roses and raspberries, require fastening the branches with twine or special clothespins.

Advice. When choosing this or that variety of loach, it is important to immediately decide on the design of the support and the planting location, since these plants do not like to change their “place of residence.”

Popular colorful hedges and showy flowering arches

Lianas and other bindweeds grow very quickly; in two years in central Russia, plants can create a full-fledged hedge. When choosing varieties, you must be guided by the climate in the region, average monthly winter temperatures and requirements for agricultural technology. For each region of our country, you can choose the best option vertical gardening.

Interesting. The opinion that vines contribute to dampness is a mistake. The roots of plants take moisture from the base of the foundation, and the leaves protect the walls from rain and wind.

  • Roses, honeysuckle and grapes grow well in the south and southeast of the site;
  • It is advisable to plant actinidia on the eastern side, Chinese lemongrass or Kirkazon;
  • The shady northern and northwestern sides are landscaped with unpretentious maiden vines or ivy.

Advice. Loaches in the garden are planted taking into account the flowering period and the requirements for the degree of moisture. It is better to place moisture-loving varieties in areas with an equipped irrigation system. IN southern regions worked well drip irrigation, at the root.

Unpretentious bright annuals

Climbing annuals for the garden will bring little trouble and a lot of joy. Such bright decor does not require the construction of monumental supports; the flowers will perfectly wrap around a fence, fence or gazebo. It is enough to pull the string or twine in in the right direction and the magnificent green tent will grow on its own.

If there is a craving for experimentation, then annuals are the best solution. Every year you can change the landscaping depending on your mood.

Important. Some species sow independently and very abundantly. This must be taken into account so as not to deal with unwanted shoots later.

The most popular loaches in central Russia:

  • Ampelous gloxinia- an unpretentious annual plant with a large selection of colors. It blooms from June until the first frost, does not like drafts and cold. Therefore, the instructions recommend planting seeds in early May in sunny, sheltered areas of the garden. The most popular varieties are “Barclay” and Azarina climbing;
  • Bell grapes or kobeya– delicate honey aroma and delicate bell-shaped inflorescences from blue to purple. It blooms buds from July and is pleasing to the eye until October. Requires regular watering and monthly mineral supplements, as it gains weight very quickly. Recommended for decorating hedges and gazebos;
  • Bright and unpretentious bindweed for the garden - morning glory. If the soil is favorable, then once you sow this flower near the fence, you don’t have to worry about painting it. From June to the first frost, this persistent bindweed delights with lush clusters of blue, star-shaped or crimson inflorescences.

Advice. Pots with morning glory look very impressive on the veranda, but we must not forget that the plant loves sandy soils with lime inclusions.

  • Hyacinth or dolichos beans– purple-white flowers turn into purple pods by August. Often used to decorate an oriental style garden, especially brick or stone walls located in the south of the site;
  • Bright yellow elegant lilac– the plant can cover a wall up to five meters high in a month, so it is often used for original design arches, trellises and tree trunk circles. Prefers southern, well-lit areas, undemanding to watering and soil composition;

  • Sweet pea– gentle, pastel shades and delicate aroma with absolute unpretentiousness to conditions make it rightfully the most popular annual in the garden.

Advice. When choosing a variety, you need to pay attention to the height of the plant. Exist dwarf species for decorating flower beds and borders.

Perennials - green garden architects

Perennial garden climbing flowers can help create interesting architectural designs in the garden. But they require a serious approach to building a reliable and durable support.

Let's look at the most popular vines that are easy to cultivate in central Russia:

  • "Wisteria blooms, blue frost"- a spectacular cascade of cascading blue, purple and pink inflorescences is suitable for creating arches, pergolas and shady paths in the garden. With proper care and shelter for the winter from frost, it feels good even at frosts below 20.

  • Clematis also does not like the cold. Distinctive feature– leaves and flowers should receive enough sunlight and heat, and root system located in the shade, hidden from direct sunlight;
  • Ivy and honeysuckle– shade-loving vines, with the help of which, within one season, you can form a spectacular hedge on the site;
  • Garden climbing bean, also known as alpine bean- a frost-resistant, shade-loving bush with beautifully flowering long, downward-pointing branches. It grows well only in the southern regions; at minus ten degrees the plant freezes completely.

Important. The fruits of the bean tree are poisonous, so if there are children in the house, it is not advisable to plant it.

  • Universal climbing rose bushes – the most popular type of vertical gardening. The only negative is that they are prickly, but this is fully compensated by the magnificent summer flowering, unfortunately, mainly only in June;
  • Wood pliers is a universal vine for northern regions and shady areas of the garden. The only requirement is regular watering and loosening of the soil;
  • Maiden grapes– the lack of flowers is compensated by bright, elegant foliage and absolute undemandingness. Cost of care - autumn pruning, more attention This modest person will not demand to be with him.


With the help of climbing plants you can short term Transform your garden plot into a Garden of Eden, all your imagination and desire will do.

The video in this article will tell you about interesting ideas with the help of vines and annual climbers.

Landscape designers very often use climbing plants for decorating the garden and various courtyard buildings. They have high decorative characteristics and can significantly revive and decorate the local area.

Did you know? Completely low maintenance wild grapes capable of forming dense thickets on all vertical surfaces. Clinging to them with aerial sucker roots, it creates unique garden compositions.

Climbing flowers are used to create shady arches, decorate fences and gazebos. They are undemanding in care, easily tolerate our winters, create a romantic atmosphere in the garden, significantly enhancing its aesthetic appeal. This article presents the most popular perennial loaches with photos and names.

Wild grapes are a non-capricious vine that is classified as a perennial and is actively used for landscaping gardens.

If the conversation turns to perennial climbing plants for the garden, then it should start with wild or girl's grapes. This plant plays the first violin in landscaping gardens and local areas. Maiden grapes look especially charming in the fall, when its leaves acquire a rich crimson color. The plant has phenomenal unpretentiousness, and, by the way, it is easier to plant than to then remove it from the site. It does not require the creation of special conditions or fixation, but at the same time it is able to very quickly braid an impressive area, turning it into a continuous green carpet.
Experienced and even novice landscape designers use it to quickly create the effect of exquisite antiquity on a site. Wild grapes weave a dense lace around the fence, protecting the local area from prying prying eyes. This fast-growing vine is also a perennial. which turns her into perfect decoration for the garden, and the word “wild” in its name rather indicates the unpretentiousness and high adaptive abilities of this representative of the grape family, rather than its origin.

This plant is a deciduous vine covered with three-toed or five-toed leaves and small dark blue or black berries, which are not recommended for consumption. In the Far East there are varieties that have white, orange and blue berries, which are also not used in cooking.

Important! You should not feast on the fruits of virgin grapes, even though they look very similar to the berries of ordinary grapes. Eating a handful of its fruits will not cause fatal poisoning, but you will get an upset stomach and, in some cases, vomiting.

Gardeners highly value wild grapes for their high decorative characteristics, unpretentiousness and rapid growth rates.

- the closest relatives of another popular climbing plant called clematis. These plants differ from each other in the structure of their flowers: the drooping bells of the princes are formed by small, barely noticeable petals and are bordered by larger sepals, while clematis has no petals at all, and its flowers are formed by sepals colored in different tones. Despite the fact that the name of the plant “princelings” is translated from ancient Greek as “antennae,” it is attached to vertical surfaces with the help of young leaves and petioles, since it has no tendrils at all. In this regard, when growing a plant, wire or rope mesh should be used as a support for it.
Climbing flowers for the garden, called princelings, will delight gardeners with their unpretentiousness, simple care, non-capricious disposition and generous flowering. The liana does not need to be removed from its support for the winter, trimmed and protected from diseases. Another advantage of growing these vines is that they bloom early. And at a time when clematis are just being released from their winter shelter, the princelings are already covered with a dense carpet of green foliage. The Alpine princelings begin to bloom first, the Okhotsk variety takes up the baton, and the Siberian marathon continues.

Petiolate hydrangea is a unique variety of hydrangea, which is radically different from its tree-like and paniculate relatives. This climbing plant is often used for landscaping fences, helped by the fact that it is considered a fast-growing plant. Petiolate hydrangea is similar in structure to a vine and does not have a hard trunk, but it has high decorative characteristics, due to which it is actively used in landscape design. It is unpretentious, but will require the grower to provide high-quality watering and provide it with an area cleared of weeds for growth. Otherwise, the gardener risks getting, instead of a dense green carpet, unpleasant lace with protruding different places bushes of weeds.

Did you know? IN comfortable conditions Petiolate hydrangea can reach the height of a four-story building. It is rightfully considered one of the longest plants used in landscape design.

Petiolate hydrangea is a frost-resistant species, but young plants still need protection from sub-zero temperatures, since tender shoots can be damaged by frost. The liana is capable of forming a dense green carpet and entwining objects of the most unusual shapes.

is a beautiful perennial climbing plant used for landscaping arbors, fences and arches. Liana has a delicate aroma that intensifies in the evening, which significantly increases its decorative appeal. Honeysuckle can become the main decoration of any garden or local area, and in addition, it will effectively emphasize unique style and will add romantic charm to even the most dull area. Due to the fact that today there are many varieties of honeysuckle that bloom in different time, the grower will be able to organize wave flowering of the plant on the site.

Important! The fruits of climbing honeysuckle contain hydrocyanic acid, and therefore it is better to refrain from eating them, but they are considered an excellent remedy for lichen. If you wish, it is better to feast on the fruits of edible honeysuckle, which is absolutely safe and is actively used in cooking for making jam, wine, jelly and compotes.

The most popular varieties of climbing honeysuckle:
  • Tatarian honeysuckle- this liana, which proper care can reach a length of up to 3 meters. It blooms in May and blooms until the end of June. The variety attracts plant growers with its incredibly beautiful white-pink flowers.
  • Honeysuckle reaches a length of more than 6 meters. Flowering continues from June to July. During flowering it produces creamy yellow flowers with a slight reddish tint.
  • Brown- enough unpretentious variety, the shoots of which can reach a length of up to 5 meters. It blooms from mid-June for three weeks, delighting others with luxurious carrot-red flowers.
  • Telman forms lashes reaching a length of no more than 5 meters. The liana blooms in mid-May. Blooms profusely for no more than two weeks. During this period, it is covered with charming golden-yellow flowers.
  • Serotin– the latest flowering variety: the plant begins to become covered with flowers in August and blooms until early September. During this period, fragrant cream flowers form on the vine. In comfortable conditions, the plant can reach up to 4 meters in length.

- these are the most welcome guests in any garden. Bindweeds are very often used to decorate the garden, especially since this perennial plant is absolutely unpretentious and has excellent frost resistance. won the hearts of amateur plant growers and professional landscape designers with its stunning star-shaped flowers framed by dark green foliage. Blooming clematis is a fascinating sight. And their wide color palette, ranging from white to burgundy-brown, allows you to bring to life the most extravagant and daring ideas.
The spread of the vine is also facilitated by the fact that it is independently fixed to the support by leaf petioles. This allows you to use not only rigid pergolas or trellises as support for it, but also nets that help form flowering walls.

At correct pruning The flowering of the vine can last quite a long time: from mid-June until the first frost. In order for clematis to develop well and delight with generous flowering, it needs to be planted in well-lit places, high-quality watering and regular feeding.

- a perennial climbing plant that is often used in landscape design for decoration. garden gazebo, landscaping a fence and forming an arch, and it is the fact that it is perennial, combined with luxurious appearance, non-capricious disposition and rapid growth rates, that has brought it wide popularity. The vine is native to Southeast Asia. Particularly popular are the variegated varieties of actinidia - Kolomikta And Polygamous.
Variegation in these varieties of actinidia does not appear immediately, but only two weeks before the flowers appear: first, the tips of the leaves turn white, which then turn crimson. This feature is characteristic of both female and male plants, but it appears only on hybrids obtained by crossing the Argut and Purpurny varieties.

Did you know? Actinidia is dioecious plant, however, sometimes fruits can set if there are only female plants on the site. Presumably 1% of all actinidia are monoecious plants, which are especially valuable for breeding self-fertile varieties.

Actinidia is also notable for the fact that it is devoid of physiological fruit drop: all inflorescences that have been pollinated and turned into fruits will grow to full maturity.

The intensive pace of development is another trump card of this vine. If it is not disturbed and comfortable conditions are created, then its shoots can grow two meters during the season. This feature of actinidia is often used by landscape designers in places where it is necessary to quickly landscape the area.

Loaches are perennials called Tekoma, in our climate zone they are very rarely grown in open ground. The plant comes from South America and is widespread in Florida, Mexico, Argentina. In our country, tekoma is mainly cultivated as a greenhouse or indoor plant. Tekoma is a member of the Bignoniaceae family. Today, approximately 16 species of this plant are known. IN natural environment tekoma can reach a length of more than 6 meters.
Domestic plant growers grow capsis - tekomu evasive and tekomu erect, which are beautifully flowering deciduous vines. Different types of thecoma have simple and compound leaves, consisting of 5 or 7 small lobes with a serrated edge. The flowers of the vine have the shape of elongated bells, sometimes they resemble funnel-shaped corollas of a yellow or orange hue, can reach more than 5 centimeters in diameter and are collected in loose or racemose inflorescences. Tekoma is characterized by long and abundant flowering, giving the impression that it is strewn with flowers.

After flowering, the vine is covered with fruits of an original shape, similar in appearance to beans. The climbing rose is a favorite plant of landscape designers. Due to the fact that many of the most different varieties
with her participation, it is possible to create real garden masterpieces. Almost all modern varieties are remontant, which allows you to enjoy the flowering of this garden beauty This plant is not climbing by nature; its use in vertical gardening is due to its ability to produce incredibly long flowering shoots. The main disadvantage of climbing roses is that they cannot be fixed to the base on their own, and therefore the plant needs to periodically fix the vines to the support.

Despite the fact that initially it was not resistant to low temperatures, thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, modern varieties are able to withstand quite very coldy. View blooming wisteria will definitely leave an indelible mark on the soul of even the most inveterate skeptic. Heat-loving wisteria pleases residents of the Caucasus, Crimea and Transcarpathia with abundant and long flowering, while residents of the northern regions can see its flowers for a fairly limited time. In northern latitudes, the plant grows weaker and smaller, and in addition, it needs winter shelter.
Wisteria, or wisteria, is a representative of tree-like tall subtropical plants belonging to the Legume family. Wisteria has large odd-pinnate leaves and during the flowering period it is covered with a waterfall of white or light purple inflorescences, reaching a length of up to 30 centimeters. The first flowers on the vine appear in the spring, and individual inflorescences can remain on the plant until the end of summer. Wisteria is very often used in landscape design when planting vertical structures.

is an evergreen climbing plant that is capable of climbing vertically up quite long distances without outside help. This unusual ability of ivy is due to the fact that it has adventitious sucker roots that are capable of grasping any, even slightly rough, surface and reliably fixing the shoots in a vertical position.
Ivy flowers have low decorative qualities. If there is no support nearby for this vine, it will cover the soil on your garden plot. The plant has emerald green, dense, shiny, leathery leaves that create the illusion of impenetrability.

is another plant that is often used for decorative purposes. Liana can grow on a site for more than 20 years. Hops belong to the hemp family, but it differs from the latter by the presence of a long curly stem that can reach up to 7 meters. The hop stalk steadily climbs up and wraps around the support in a clockwise direction. Its tetrahedral stem is hollow inside and covered on the outside with tiny curved spines, allowing it to easily climb any support. The plant has leaves that are rough to the touch, located on long petioles and covered with yellow glands.
Hops begin to bloom in the second half of summer; in female plants, its inflorescences are collected in charming loose cones, and in male plants - in panicles. At the beginning of summer, the vine is covered with fruits. Hops are unpretentious, but prefer to grow in well-moistened soils.

Schisandra chinensis

Schisandra chinensis is a light and graceful vine that can reach up to 15 meters in length. In comfortable conditions, the plant can produce three-meter annual growth over a season. Liana has high decorative characteristics and enormous healing potential. Schisandra chinensis is fixed to the support by means of shoots. Like hops, it wraps around the support only in a clockwise direction. The plant prefers to climb up wooden or plastic supports. To prevent the vine shoots from freezing, it is better not to use them as a support. metal structures, since it is simply impossible to remove the vine from them. Due to the impressive length of its shoots, Schisandra chinensis is very often used for landscaping gazebos, terraces and houses.

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A well-groomed area, decorated with many green spaces and framed by an openwork fence, which seems to be woven from leaves and fancy flowers - the pride of any owner. Climbing plants for the fence seem to be specially created by nature in order to become a worthy decoration of the site, change and transform the face of the garden. Climbing plants are an important element in landscaping, as they can bring greenery and flowering to places where other plantings would not have enough space.

Climbing plants for a fence are universal elements for landscaping. After all, with their help you can solve several design problems at once:

  • Decorative. Climbing perennials can not only “dress” a fence: they decorate low buildings and fences, as well as openwork pergolas, trellises and arches.
  • Camouflage. Climbing plants are designed to decorate unsightly elements of the exterior. They allow you to transform unsightly shed walls, hiding small surface imperfections, compost containers and rain barrels.
  • Covering. Rapidly growing plants that cover the walls of the fence help protect against street dust and noise, providing the owners of the site with peace and quiet. They are planted along fences, open areas and gazebos for saving shade and pleasant coolness.

It should also be noted that vines visually increase the area of ​​the garden.

Using climbing plants, you can create a multi-level structure, thanks to which you can visually increase the area of ​​the garden

The most attractive and popular representatives of climbing flora among most gardeners are. The variety of choice of these plants, which have the most incredible colors and shapes, is simply amazing.

By selecting successful combination varieties, you can create extraordinary beautiful fence, which will delight you with gorgeous blooms and wonderful aroma for many years

Even a novice gardener can grow an unpretentious plant in his garden: just plant the bush in a well-lit area with fertile soil, and then only periodically fertilize and water the rose abundantly. Although climbing roses do not require special care, they autumn period With the onset of cold weather, they still require pruning and additional shelter.

Most varieties of climbing roses bloom in the first half of June, bringing extraordinary joy beautiful flowering within 3-4 weeks. The rest of the months the fence is decorated only with dense foliage of plants.

The climbing beauty New Down, whose three-meter lashes are dotted with many soft pink flowers, can bloom throughout the summer

Sun-loving plants exhibit the greatest decorativeness and flowering splendor only in well-lit areas.

They are no less popular among owners of suburban areas. Large star-shaped flowers, opening on shoots in the first weeks of summer, never cease to amaze with their marvelous blooms until autumn.

Beautiful flowers, densely covering the shoots, are capable of creating a continuous carpet dotted with “stars” of white, pink, blue and purple shades

Clematis need fertile soil and sufficient lighting of the area. While creating optimal conditions and skillful pruning of shoots, clematis can bloom until the first frost.

Material on how to make a support for clematis will also be useful:

Among the charming exotics, one can highlight a number of varieties adapted to the changing harsh winters. The main ones among them are: the long-flowering 'Ballerina' with elegant snow-white flowers, 'Nelly Moser' with pale pink petals decorated with a bright crimson stripe, 'Nikolai Rubtsov', whose petals are framed by several contours, thereby creating the effect of a “flower within a flower”.

Creeping vines to create a green carpet

Creeping vines are an ideal option for decorating a fence. With the help of small sucker roots, they are able to conquer any height, freely covering solid fence 3-4 meters. The most picky among creeping vines: petiole hydrangea, honeysuckle and campsis. Having planted them in spring or autumn along a fence or support, the very next season you can watch how powerful stems of vines confidently climb along vertical surface covering the fence with a green carpet.

Petiole hydrangea is a beautiful liana-like shrub that freely reaches a height of 8 to 20 meters.

Against the background of green egg-shaped leaves, pinkish-white flowers collected in paniculate inflorescences look impressive

Among the most attractive varieties we can highlight: 'Miranda', whose leaves are decorated with a yellow-cream border, as well as oakleaf hydrangea with lush cone-shaped inflorescences and dense foliage, turning into rich purple shades in the fall.

For decorating durable concrete, stone and brick fences Wisteria is perfect. A light-loving vine, decorated with white, lilac or pink clusters of miniature flowers, can transform even the most inconspicuous fence into a spectacular fence for the site.

Collected in racemes wonderful flowers, blooming in early May, completely obscure the foliage and cover the fence

In landscape design, the most widespread are:

  • Chinese wisteria- reaches a height of 20 meters. In the summer months, it is decorated with loose clusters of pale purple flowers that emit a fruity aroma;
  • profusely blooming wisteria– is distinguished by the larger size of its ovoid leaves and the splendor of its drooping white inflorescences. The branches of the plant twist in an original clockwise direction;
  • Japanese wisteria- one of the most spectacular vines, the branches of which reach a height of 8-10 meters, twisting around the support clockwise. Dense inflorescences with flowers of lilac-blue and white shades reach a length of 50 cm.

The heat-loving vine Kampsis is known to many gardeners thanks to its unusual orange flowers that look like small gramophones. Blooming in the second half of June, the liana delights with elegant flowering until the beginning of autumn. She is not afraid of any adversity: the vine calmly tolerates frosts down to -20°C.

The main advantage of this perennial vine is gas and smoke resistance, as well as excellent resistance to urban conditions.

When growing a plant, one should take into account its ability to grow quickly, conquering territory from weaker “neighbors”. Timely pruning and fertilization will help maintain the compact shape and decorative appearance of the plant throughout the season.

An unpretentious plant, honeysuckle can not only decorate a fence, but also bring a special aura and create a mood. Honeysuckle is rightfully considered the champion of unpretentiousness. The curly beauty prefers sunny areas, but also tolerates partial shade. She is not picky about the composition of the soil, but happily responds rapid growth and abundant flowering when fertilized with organic fertilizer.

Exuding a subtle sweetish aroma during flowering, honeysuckle can make a suburban area look like a piece of paradise.

Honeysuckle is unusually beautiful during the flowering period, which occurs in the first month of summer. Collected in inflorescences, graceful flowers can have the most incredible shades, starting from soft white and yellowish and ending with a spectacular combination of pink and orange. The most attractive varieties are: ’Serotina’ with bright red and crimson flowers, Korolkova honeysuckle with soft pink inflorescences, ’Grahm Thomas’ with cream and golden yellow flowers.

Decorative deciduous climbing plants

Maiden grapes, which do not require special conditions for cultivation, are attractive primarily due to their openwork foliage, which in the autumn, as if under the brush of an artist, is colored amazingly beautiful shades burgundy and red.

A deciduous vine can grow up to 4 meters in just one year, covering large area and forming a dense fence of plants

From spring to autumn, fences entwined with graceful shoots with lacy foliage look simply magnificent. Caring for the plant consists only of timely pruning, preventing excessive growth and thickening of the vine.

Fast-growing ivy is a popular landscaping element. In terms of vitality and unpretentiousness, ivy can give odds to any climbing plant.

An evergreen plant that forms curly thickets is able to maintain an attractive decorative appearance all year round. Ivy is great for areas with moderate, mild climates

Fence walls overgrown with ivy provide an excellent backdrop for spring-blooming daffodils and tulips or annuals: gladioli, coreopsis, roses.

Video: types of curly ones and design examples

The design of garden areas is impossible without climbing plants, which are planted near fences, pillars, lanterns, and “green arches” are arranged at the entrance to the garden or near gazebos. The range of crops for vertical gardening is very diverse, including perennial vines and climbing annuals. This article is all about agricultural technology, differences, decorative qualities climbing crops with descriptions and names. To help flower growers - a photo guide to climbing plants.

Climbing plants for the garden are not only beautiful, they also perform a number of specific tasks:

  1. Zoning the garden area into separate areas.
  2. Disguise outbuildings and fences.
  3. Installation of green awnings over children's playgrounds.

Wherever vertical gardening is used with the help of decorative climbing and climbing plants, this area of ​​the garden becomes unrecognizable, unusual and elegant.

Climbing plants will decorate a gazebo, fence or building on the site

The range of plants for constructing green screens and canopies is very extensive - annual and perennial crops are used for vertical gardening, and they, in turn, are divided into light-loving and shade-tolerant.

Advice. For planting on a site with a southern orientation, you should select those crops that can tolerate strong sun, and plant certain plants in the shade.

Annual climbing plants: green garden canopy

Annual climbing plants are good because when sown with seeds, they quickly grow green mass, forming a dense canopy, bloom and form seeds in one season. Among the annual climbing plants are:

  • Decorative flowering crops - this group of plants includes vines with large, decorative flowers, which already at the beginning of summer create a lacy shadow and delight with their flowers.
  • Fruiting vines - this includes plants that form decorative fruits after flowering. Below we will consider several crops that bear fruit on liana-like shoots.
  • Climbing annuals for shade - in this group it is worth combining those plants that are capable of summer season increase significant green mass in conditions of limited lighting. There will always be shady areas in the garden that need to be covered with climbing plants.

Lianas with decorative flowers

Among the variety of climbing plants with decorative flowers, morning glory is worth noting. The plant is very unpretentious and reproduces well from seeds, including self-sowing. Ripe in a round box, large seeds morning glory is planted directly in the garden bed, where the plant will have to develop for the whole summer - morning glory is difficult to tolerate transplantation. The plant belongs to the Convolvulaceae family; the genus includes more than 300 species of morning glory.

Ipomoea purpurea

Especially often in the gardens of amateurs you can find Ipomoea purpurea - an annual vine that reaches a height of up to 8 meters. The stem, heart-shaped leaves, and pedicels have a delicate drooping with short hair. Flowers - delicate funnel-shaped gramophones different color(white, pink, red, blue, purple, two-tone with contrasting spots or border), the diameter of which varies among different varieties from 5 cm to 8 cm.

Morning glory grows very quickly to its maximum length, blooms early, and the decorative value of this vine has long been appreciated by amateur gardeners. Morning glory can be found in almost every garden.

Another type of morning glory that looks very decorative when creating a “flowering canopy” is quamoclite. This vine has very thin, pinnately dissected green foliage and an abundance of small, star-like flowers in white or red. Kvamoklit grows quickly, and does an excellent job of entwining some garden structures. Sometimes special spatial frames are installed in the garden, near which quamoclite seeds are planted; in a short time, the plant tightly envelops the support, creating unique landscape figures. A scattering of decorative star-shaped flowers adds charm to unique flower beds.

Thunbergia winged

Morning glory (moonflower) grows naturally in the tropics of South America. Powerful shoots quickly grow from seeds, reaching a height of up to 6 meters. Moonflower decorates the walls of buildings in a short time, rising to the 2nd floor. The flowers of this species of morning glory are much larger, the diameter of the milky-white shining gramophones reaches up to 10 cm. The beginning of flowering is the end of July, the plant blooms for a long time until the first autumn frosts. The pearly-delicate gramophones of the moonflower are open only in cloudy weather, as well as in the early morning or after sunset.

An amazing green bedspread with bright flowers in yellow-orange hues is eye-catching. This is blooming Thunbergia winged - a climbing annual vine that is capable of a short time reach up to 2.5 m. The leaves are green, heart-shaped, covered with sparse hard hairs. Thunbergia buds appear from the axils of the next leaves, it seems that the whole plant is strewn with yellow flowers.

The decorative effect of simple thunbergia flowers is given by the black eye located in the center. The Thunbergia variety 'Black-Eyed Suzanne' includes orange, yellow and cream flowers with bright contrasting spots - the overall result is a very decorative carpet.

Advice. To climbing annuals with beautiful flowers include azarina, rhodochiton, kobe (sometimes grown in a two-year culture).

Fruit-bearing annual vines for vertical gardening.

Decorative pumpkins can easily be included in this group of plants. The culture is characterized by rapid growth. Huge leaves cover fences, gazebos, wrap around pergolas and canopies. Pumpkin flowers are not particularly decorative, but already during fruit set, the plant acquires an indescribable charm. During the ripening of the pumpkins, when the striped and dotted fruits hang from the stems, it is impossible to take your eyes off this bright Persian carpet.


Another crop that perfectly decorates vertical planes in the garden is momordica. The plant grows quickly, sprouts well from seeds, and decorates high walls. Momordica is a representative of the Pumpkin family. Planting requires fertile soil and special care, but the plant is worth it. When momordica fruits ripen, the vine is practically covered with elongated orange fruits with bumpy skin (the entire surface of the fruit is covered with warty outgrowths). Momordica fruits and its seeds are used in folk medicine prepared from the plant medications, lowering cholesterol levels, cleansing blood vessels. Medicines from momordica reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks and prevent cancer.

Advice. Beans, beans, and okra bear fruit on vertical supports.

Perennial climbing plants

Among perennial plants For vertical gardening, it is worth noting climbing roses, campsis, virgin grapes, ivy, and hops.

It is difficult to compete with climbing roses in beauty - when a bush is strewn with fragrant flowers, it is impossible to take your eyes off it. The height of roses ranges from 1.8 to 5 meters. Among the beauties there are varieties that bloom once at the beginning of summer, as well as remontant varieties - flowering occurs 2-3 times per season. Remontant varieties continue to bloom with single flowers even during breaks between mass flowerings. Roses have double or semi-double flowers, the diameter of which ranges from 4 to 8 cm. The color of the petals can be red, pink or white in a wide range of tones and shades.

Clematis are amazing vines with huge flowers (can be single or double) of all kinds of colors. Plants require close attention and careful care. Clematis do not tolerate bright sun, so for planting them you should choose a shaded place, completely protected from the wind. Support for plants is installed immediately upon planting, so it is important to immediately choose the right one for clematis. permanent place. The plant requires reliable drainage - clematis roots quickly become wet with excessive watering and close proximity to soil water.

Campsis grandiflora

Campsis (tubeflower, tecoma) is a powerful vine, the stem of which becomes thicker every year and becomes overgrown with bark. The bright green leaves of Kampsis form a dense tent, among which bell-shaped flowers hang in clusters orange color. It grows to significant sizes and requires shelter for the winter in the central regions of Russia, in southern regions winters without shelter.

Ivy is the most shade-tolerant plant vertical gardens. They decorate the walls of buildings facing the north side. Ivy can climb stone and concrete surfaces without support - the plant clings to ledges in the walls with special suction cups. Ivy is unpretentious and tolerates shearing well.

Hops and maiden grapes become decorative closer to autumn - pale green fruits appear on hop bushes, which look very decorative against the background of dark foliage. At the end of summer, girlish grapes are painted in crimson-pink tones, as if an artist painted a green canvas with paints. Grapes and hops are very unpretentious plants, they differ easy care when growing.

Types of climbing plants: video

Climbing plants for the garden: photos

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