Metrology rules PR 50.2.011-94

The procedure for maintaining the state register of measuring instruments

These rules apply to the State Register of Measuring Instruments and establish the procedure for its maintenance.

completeness and correctness of their design.

2.7. Information on approved types of measuring instruments is entered into the State Register. Allowed to maintain state registration on a personal computer (PC). When keeping records on a PC, it must be possible to view them on the display screen, as well as the ability to correct them and print them on a printer.

2.8. Each type of measuring instrument is assigned a registration number, consisting of the serial number of state registration and the last two digits of the year of type approval.

2.9. The type name is indicated in the State Register in accordance with the decision of the Russian State Standard on approval of the type.

2.10. Based on the decision of the State Standard of Russia, the following changes can be made to the registration record of VNIIMS:

On changing the name of a previously approved type of measuring instruments in connection with the introduction of new regulatory documents;

On making additions to the registration record in the form of the previous registration number with new last digits indicating the year of approval of the new modification of the type of measuring instruments with the replacement of the description approved by the accredited state testing center that conducted the tests.

On introducing changes into the description of the approved type of measuring instruments that do not relate to their basic technical and metrological characteristics, without changing the registration number.

2.11. Exclusion from the State Register of approved types of measuring instruments is carried out on the basis of a decision of the State Standard of Russia.

2.11.1. Within 5 days after VNIIMS receives the decision of Gosstandart of Russia on exclusion, the following data is entered into the State Register:

a note on the date of termination of production of measuring instruments or import from abroad;

an indication of the limitation of the scope of application of a previously approved type.

2.11.2. The registration number of types of measuring instruments excluded from the State Register is not assigned to newly approved types.

2.11.3 Technical documentation for excluded types of measuring instruments is subject to storage in the archives of the State Register for 5 years, followed by a decision by VNIIMS on its liquidation.

3. Registration of type approval certificate

3.1. A type approval certificate is issued for each measuring instrument based on the decision of the Russian State Standard on type approval.

3.2. The type approval certificate is assigned a registration number with the following entry:

XX.X.XX.XXX.X. N 10001, where

XX. - country-of-manufacturer SI code, identified by two in capital letters Latin alphabet according to the international classifier "Countries of the World";

C - serial production or periodic import of SI from abroad, E - single copy or one-time batch of SI;

XX. - two numbers relating the measuring instrument to the type of measurement in accordance with the SI classifier: from 27 to 39;

XXX. - the last three digits of the registration number of the GCI SI that carried out the tests, according to the entry in the State Register, or 000, indicating that the tests were carried out on behalf of the Gosstandart of Russia by an organization not accredited as a GCI SI, or 999, indicating that the test results were recognized by the Gosstandart of Russia;

X. is a letter symbol meaning the following information:

A - measuring instruments for general use, B - measuring instruments used for the needs of the RF Ministry of Defense.

For example: RU.C.29.006.A N 10001

The record carries the following information: SI Russian production, mass-produced, used to measure flow (volume, level), tested by GCI SI VNIIR, general industrial use, entry included in the journal under number 10001.

For example: US.E.29.016.B N 10011

The record contains the following information: SI manufactured in the USA, a single copy (one-time batch), used to measure flow (volume, level), tested by GCI Voentest SI, military purpose, the record is included in the journal under number 10011.

3.3. Extension of the validity period and cancellation of certificates of approval of the type of measuring instruments is carried out on the basis of a decision of the State Standard of Russia, about which a corresponding note is made in the State Register.

4. The procedure for registering accreditation certificates of state testing centers for measuring instruments

4.1. When registering accreditation certificates for state testing centers for measuring instruments, VNIIMS is responsible for:

state registration of accreditation certificates of state testing centers for measuring instruments, decisions of the State Standard of Russia on the recognition of accreditation certificates of state testing centers accredited by foreign countries;

creation of an automated data bank for accredited state testing centers for measuring instruments;

timely introduction of appropriate changes and additions to the State Register.

4.2. State registration and formation of the State Register file is carried out exclusively on the basis of materials drawn up in the manner established by the Metrology Rules "Procedure for testing and type approval of measuring instruments."

4.3. Registration is carried out within 7 days from the date of receipt of the set of materials for registration.

5. Procedure for registration of standard testing programs for measuring instruments

5.1. Registration of standard testing programs for measuring instruments is carried out in accordance with the requirements of MI-2146.

6. Information service according to state register data

6.1. Based on the information contained in the State Register, information services are provided to interested legal and individuals, including foreign countries, in the prescribed manner on the basis of an electronic log book.

6.2. Information from the State Register is published in periodicals of the State Standard of Russia and special information collections (indexes, reference books, catalogues).

Reason 1. Expanding the scope of application of this SI and, accordingly, the sales market for your measuring instrument

Did you know that in the areas of mandatory metrological supervision and control on the territory of the Russian Federation, only measuring instruments of an approved type can be used, that is, those included in the state register of measuring instruments Russian Federation, for which there are Certificates of approval of the type of measuring instruments?

What are these areas of state metrological supervision and control and what measuring instruments fall under their scope?

Firstly, these are, of course, the same measuring instruments used in mutual settlements. For a long time different nations were very strict rules regarding the regulation of fair trading. These rules were based on both religious and legal reasons against the use of inaccurate and deceptive measuring instruments (false scales, weights, incorrect rulers, other measures of length, mass, volume, etc.) for the purpose of misleading a business partner, buyer or seller. IN different countries and in religions, such false measuring instruments were considered an abomination that God hates, and the punishment threatened for the use of such “measuring instruments” according to the ancient criminal codes amounted to self-mutilation. Nowadays, the interests of fair trade in the Russian Federation are served by a state register of measuring instruments, and punishment for the use of inaccurate measuring instruments varies from administrative to criminal liability.

Thus, only measuring instruments included in the state register of measuring instruments can be used to organize mutual settlements between citizens and organizations. That is, for example, scales that are not included in the state register can be used at home for cooking, but they cannot be used, say, in the market, in order to charge people for a particular quantity of goods based on their readings. Also, a liquid volume flow meter (for example, a fuel dispenser) that is not included in the state register of measuring instruments can only be used in your personal garage (if allowed cash) for pumping fuel into a personal car in the morning from an underground tank in the garage basement. Great idea in an era of rising oil and gasoline prices! However, nevertheless, sell based on meter readings SUCH(not included in the state register) gas station you do not have the right to give gasoline to another person, even if you are the owner of your own gas station, because it (this gas station) is not included in the state register of measuring instruments and no one knows what it shows there at all.

Thus, a measuring instrument that is not included in the state register cannot be used for mutual settlements, which means that it either cannot be used for its intended purpose at all, or its scope of application will be so narrow that it may not meet the expectations of the manufacturer (seller or importer) ) of this measuring instrument.

Secondly, in the field of state metrological supervision and control there are measuring instruments responsible for the safety of people. Sometimes such measuring instruments are part of other objects responsible for the safety of people, and sometimes such a measuring instrument itself serves to ensure safety. In such cases, either for the entire system or for this measuring instrument, a permit from Rostechnadzor is issued ( Federal service on technical and nuclear supervision). If necessary, the Market Gate company is able to issue this permit to its clients at very competitive prices. low prices. To obtain permission from Rostechnadzor for a system in which there are measuring instruments, as well as for the measuring instrument itself, it is necessary to enter this measuring instrument or all measuring instruments included in the state register this system, for which a permit from Rostechnadzor is issued. This is done in order to be sure of the safety of people, since there is nothing in the world more valuable than human life. Thus, for example, pressure gauges that are not included in the state register of measuring instruments cannot be used at hazardous facilities (oil refineries, dangerous areas oil pipelines, etc.), and accidents in mines and the death of miners due to the release of associated gases in mines with non-working, switched off gas detectors once again indicate that safety must be at its best, and gas detectors must be in the state register, otherwise the whole point of operation is lost of these devices, since no one guarantees their operation. [

RemonTeR said:

SETL AT-24D devices imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, after the expiration of the certificate, are nothing more than counterfeit

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There is some confusion of concepts here.
Counterfeit- It's a fake copy.
SETL AT-24D devices, judging by the website of the manufacturer, Tiangin SETL Survey Equipment Co, are produced: ... icleID=202
If someone imports them, produced by SETL, and not by the family “knee” cooperative Fan (in compliance with the necessary customs procedures) into Russia, then this is in no way counterfeit.
Can they be used? Of course, as much as you like, but only until they fall into the sphere metrological control . There is no valid type approval certificate for these devices. "Legality" mentioned above RemonTeR, denotes precisely the legality of using a certain piece of iron as a means of measurement within the “Russian metrological space”. The layout of paths on your site by construction workers-guest workers, for example, is outside the Russian metrological space, which does not prevent, for example, foreman Shamil from privately approaching his acquaintance Igor at the service center and performing adjustments.

RemonTeR said:

if these devices were imported after 06/01/2010, such a device cannot pass verification

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If the device passes type approval tests and receives a type approval certificate, then it can.
A measuring device (measuring instrument, hereinafter referred to as SI) is a device designed to obtain information about the value of a certain physical quantity within a certain specified range.
Measurement range is the range of values ​​of a quantity within which SI errors are normalized (i.e., the deviation of the measurement result of a quantity from the true value of this quantity.
Type of measuring instrument - a set of measuring instruments of the same purpose, having the same design and principle of operation.

Another thing is who will do this? When the type approval certificate for devices with the SETL trademark was in force, they could be imported into the country with great success different ways(not about that now), and make a profit from the sales of metrologically covered devices. Not everyone liked it (now it’s not about who), so interested people used standard scheme. It's called the "umbrella brand". By registering trademark VEGA (umbrella brand), using the products of the original equipment manufacturer (OEM, original equipment manufacturer) SETL, they have received an SI type approval certificate for devices under their own brand. And protect copyright on your own TM much easier.

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