People in Ancient China knew a lot about how a person can achieve inner harmony with nature. The Chinese passed on the skills accumulated over thousands of years to their descendants from generation to generation, including knowledge about Feng Shui, an ancient science that is relevant throughout the world.

In the art of Feng Shui, sleep is of great importance. After all, a person devotes one third of his life to it. Sleep helps restore vital energy, relax, and get rid of negative emotions accumulated during the day. Feng Shui masters unanimously say that our well-being and quality of sleep directly depend on how the sleeping place is arranged.

The bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house, as it is here that we relax after a hard day at work, build personal relationships with our significant other, or simply enjoy our vacation.

According to Chinese teaching, a person in a room should under no circumstances sleep with his feet facing the exit, since such a position is the position of a deceased person. If you sleep like this, then serious troubles in life cannot be avoided. Also, do not place the bed behind the door, because nightmares and horrors may come in your sleep. The bed, which is located behind the wall adjacent to the bathroom, will attract a flow of negative Sha energy, which in turn will cause illness.

Bed relative to cardinal directions

According to Western magical beliefs, it is most favorable to sleep with your head facing north, since in this case the person is located along the magnetic lines. This arrangement will bring harmony to the house. Stability, good health and healing from illnesses. Spouses sleeping with their heads to the north will feel even more intimate affection. This direction is not very suitable for a person of an eccentric nature.

The northwestern side should be chosen by an assertive and purposeful person who has many ambitions and plans for life. If you sleep with your head facing north-west, you can achieve your goals. It is better to choose the orientation of the head to the northeast for energetic and strong people who do not suffer from insomnia. This orientation of the sleeping place can provoke the appearance of chronic diseases.

Positioning your head to the west is great for passionate and romantic people. This orientation will instantly bring more eroticism, sensuality and joy into life.

The southeastern direction should be chosen by those who want to build a dizzying career.

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How to achieve well-being and always feel great? It turns out that to change your life for the better, you don’t need to go to extreme measures. Often, to achieve harmony in all aspects of our existence, it is enough to arrange the bed according to the rules of Feng Shui.

According to ancient Chinese teachings, you need to go to bed in accordance with the direction of energy flows, which attract positive changes in our lives. In other words, if you sleep according to Feng Shui, a person attracts prosperity, improves health and becomes happier.

Based on the ancient teachings of the Celestial Empire, good health and quality components of life depend on where a person’s head is directed during sleep. The fact is that each side of the world has its own energy, which has a huge impact.

People spend about a third of their lives sleeping. At night, they remain motionless for hours and are affected by various streams of energy, against which they are defenseless.

However, if you turn to ancient Chinese teachings, you can learn to control mysterious energy flows, harmonizing them for the benefit of humanity. To do this, you just need to know what each of the cardinal directions gives.

If a person has the following problems:

  • constant stressful situations;
  • endless shaking;
  • regular troubles that haunt him at work and at home.

To quickly eliminate such problems, it is recommended to sleep with your head facing north. This vector will attract stability and calm. Moreover, literally within a month, regularity will appear in a person’s life.

This direction is best suited for married couples. If you regularly go to bed with your head facing north, harmony and cohesion appear in your relationship and the desire to sort things out disappears. In addition, the direction under consideration is also suitable for people with health problems.

Who is the northeast suitable for?

The energy of the northeast suits the following natures:

  • indecisive;
  • not self-confident;
  • complex.

If there is a need to make responsible and important decisions, and a person cannot cope with indecision, the bed should be rearranged so that the headboard is directed to the northeast side. After the manipulation, the assigned tasks will be solved with ease.

Important: If you suffer from insomnia, placing your bed on the northeast side is not recommended. Because this vector will only intensify the existing problem.

After rearranging the room, a person will be saturated with positive energy during sleep, which will allow him to make wise decisions.

Who suits the east

If a person suffers from chronic fatigue and even a full night’s rest does not bring positive results, it is time to change the sleeping place. To increase vitality, you should rearrange the bed so that the person sleeps with his head to the east.

It is from this side that the sun rises, giving energy and life to all living things on our planet. Just a few nights in this position will bring a surge of strength to a person, after which there will be a desire to work hard and reach new heights.

When to sleep on the southeast side

How to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui for people who have complexes? If you feel inferior or suffer from your own inadequacy, it’s time to rearrange your bedroom. To do this, rearrange the bed so that the headboard is on the southeast side.

This vector helps to get rid of many psychological problems, makes a person more confident in his own abilities, fills life with positive energy and increases self-esteem.

Who needs to sleep with their head facing south?

When is it necessary to sleep with your head facing south? This vector is recommended for people who have financial difficulties. To attract financial flows in your direction, you will need to move the bed with the headboard to the south side. And soon your income will begin to increase. At the same time, it is important to understand that the south direction will not give you easy money.

In addition, it should be mentioned that this situation also has disadvantages:

  • to attract money into your life, a person must sleep alone;
  • The energy of the south is very powerful, therefore it is contraindicated for suspicious and impressionable people.

Important: The correct positioning of the headboard and conscientious work will allow you to quickly advance up the career ladder and increase your financial status.

And lastly, if a person is stressed, you should not place the bed in the south direction. Otherwise, there is a possibility of worsening the existing problem.

In what cases should you choose the West?

  • people lacking business acumen;
  • those who lack practicality;
  • people who have no life experience.

Important: The Western side is also suitable for people who have difficulty establishing contacts in a team.

When to sleep in the northwest

Being a company leader is good, but being a good leader is even better. If a person lacks leadership qualities, this situation can be corrected by rearranging the sleeping place so that the head of the bed is located northwest.

In addition to leadership qualities, this vector provides a number of advantages:

  • It’s easier for people to make responsible decisions;
  • they feel more comfortable;
  • if an elderly person goes to sleep in this direction, then his sleep becomes deeper and of higher quality.

The North-West gives you the opportunity to make a career much faster and build a strong family.

According to the ancient Indian teaching of Gua, the head of the bed should be on the north or north-east side. In India, it is generally accepted that each person has his own unique energy field. And if you go to bed with your head to the north and your feet to the south, in the morning he will be full of strength and feel a colossal surge of vigor that will not leave him until sunset.

Important: If the sleeping area is designed in such a way that it is not possible to position the bed correctly, you can simply turn it to the east side.

This rule applies not only to adults, but also to infants. It is believed that a child who sleeps with his head facing northeast from birth will be healthy and successful in life.

What is strictly forbidden to do

Choosing the right direction to sleep is not everything. There are several important points to consider when planning a sleeping area, namely:

  • It is strictly not recommended to go to bed with your feet or head in relation to the front door. Otherwise, a person risks a number of health problems and chronic lack of sleep;
  • You should not choose beds that have two-tier ceiling beams. Such a design can destroy the positive energy of the bedroom;
  • When planning a room, avoid places for the bed between the window and the door. With this arrangement, energy flows pass through a person, which can affect health and relationships.

Of course, where you should sleep with your head according to ancient Chinese teachings is up to you to decide. However, plan the recreation area in such a way as to get the most positive result.

Safe sleep according to Feng Shui

When choosing the optimal place to sleep according to Feng Shui, pay attention to the following points:

  • the area around the bed should not have sharp corners;
  • You should not install paintings, lamps or shelves above the bed;
  • a married couple needs to purchase a solid and wide bed, it should not consist of halves;
  • Do not push two beds together or use a pull-out sofa that divides the bed into two halves. Otherwise, the spouses will gradually begin to separate from each other;
  • Do not place the bed with the head of the window facing the window. This direction provokes the development of diseases and worsens family relationships;
  • the place where you sleep should not become a haven for literature. You should not keep detective novels, stories with elements of horror and various magazines describing incidents in your room;
  • It is not recommended to install mirrors in the bedroom. Otherwise, it will be difficult to fall asleep, which will negatively affect the general condition of the body and the emotional background;
  • Do not buy used beds. Such pieces of furniture store information about the previous owner, who may have died or been seriously ill;
  • choose beds with a rectangular or solid headboard made of wood. If the selected option has a backrest made of copper, you should not buy such a model because this metal is not suitable for a sleeping person;
  • When planning to place a bed in a room, place it on the side where the wall is located. So, a person will feel protected, which means his sleep will be sound;
  • Before purchasing the option you like, check the strength of the legs of the product. They must be strong and stable. Don't buy models with wheels. They symbolize uncertainty and lack of stability.

And lastly, if you don't want to be tormented by nightmares, you shouldn't place your sleeping area right outside the door. If the apartment is small, think in advance where to put the bed and select its optimal size. If everything is planned correctly, a person will always have a good rest.

Properly arranging your sleeping area

In order for your life to be long, healthy, rich and happy, you need to take a responsible approach to arranging your sleeping place. To do this, follow a few rules:

  • locate the sleeping area as far as possible from the entrance;
  • the doors of the sleeping room and the bathroom should not mirror each other;
  • When choosing colors, give preference to beige and coffee shades. These colors promote good energy flow;
  • When choosing a tone for the floor, also give preference to light shades. Remember, dark colors absorb positive Qi energy, which negatively affects your well-being;
  • a bedroom in bright colors will negatively affect your well-being, bring insomnia and nightmares;
  • use a little red in your decor. This will strengthen the family unit and fill the relationship with passion and harmony;
  • When decorating a bedroom, you should not clutter it with furniture. It is enough to install a comfortable bed and a good-quality wardrobe;
  • It is advisable to purchase furniture for the room from natural wood.

And lastly, you should not sleep on furniture made of metal, since such objects have a negative electromagnetic effect on the human body.


Today, many people resort to the advice of Chinese and Indian sages. However, we should not forget that prejudices and superstitions create discomfort in our lives. Therefore, you should not focus too much on these teachings. The main thing is that a person feels comfortable while sleeping and gets proper rest.

Feng Shui sleep rules

The ancient Chinese had a great understanding of how a person could achieve complete harmony with nature. They left all the knowledge accumulated over centuries to their descendants in the teaching of Feng Shui, which has recently gained wide popularity throughout the world.

Feng Shui pays a lot of attention to sleep, because a person devotes 1/3 of his life to night rest, restoring strength and getting rid of negative emotions accumulated during the day.

Feng Shui experts are confident that the quality of sleep directly depends on how well a person’s resting place is arranged.

They consider the bedroom to be the main room in the living space, because this is where they can relax, enjoy free time, and build relationships with their significant other.

Bedroom: location and furnishings

To ensure that nothing disturbs the peace of the owners of the house, Feng Shui advises placing the bedroom in an area far from the front door. In no case should you allow the doors of the bedroom and bathroom to “look” at each other - this will have the most negative impact on marital relationships.

According to Feng Shui, you should sleep in a room whose walls are painted in delicate pastel colors (cream, peach, milky white, beige, pink), which enhance. No matter how much you would like to paint the walls or ceiling of the bedroom in dark colors that are fashionable today, it is best to abandon this idea, since dark shades will absorb vital energy and negatively affect the health of the inhabitants of the bedroom.

You should also be careful with the color red, as its abundance can cause tense relationships, insomnia or nightmares. But you shouldn’t completely abandon this bright shade - small red details in the bedroom will support the fire of passion in marital intimate life, and they will help newlyweds conceive a baby.

It is not recommended to clutter the bedroom with furniture. Tables, chests of drawers, bedside tables and other furnishings should be placed in such a way that their sharp corners are not directed towards the bed, otherwise the inhabitants of the room will be haunted by bad dreams. There is no need to overuse mirrors in the relaxation room - they promote the outflow of Qi energy. It is especially dangerous to install a mirror surface on the ceiling above the bed, since the sleeping person should not have a reflection. For the same reason, it is not recommended to place a dressing table or dressing table near the sleeping area. The ideal location for a mirror in the bedroom is on the inside door of the closet.

If you clearly listen to the teachings of Feng Shui, then the sleeping room should only have a comfortable bed and a spacious linen closet made of natural wood. Metal furniture and decorative elements should be avoided in the rest room, as metal produces electromagnetic radiation on the resting person.

Bed direction

Followers of ancient Chinese teachings have special complaints about the sleeping bed. It must be placed in such a way that the owner of the room does not sleep with his feet towards the exit - according to the teachings of Feng Shui, such a position is considered the direction of the deceased, which can bring serious illnesses to a person. You cannot place a bed behind the door - this will attract nightmares into your night visions. And a bed located along the wall adjacent to the bathroom will contribute to the influx of bad Sha-Qi energy, attracting various ailments to a person. Another important condition: the sleep area must be organized in a place reliably protected from drafts.

The sleeping place should always stand with its back to the wall, in this case the person will feel reliable support and protection. The direction of the head of the bed relative to the cardinal points is of no small importance in Feng Shui. It should be chosen based on the individual characteristics of the person living in the room.

The northern direction should be preferred by people who suffer from insomnia - this orientation of the bed helps to normalize sleep. However, it is not advisable for a lonely person to sleep with his head to the north, as this will make him feel even more abandoned and unclaimed.

The northwestern location should be chosen by purposeful people with many life plans, and married couples who have lived many years in harmony and love. This direction contributes to stability in relationships and the achievement of far-reaching goals.

Northeast orientation of the head of the bed can be chosen only by completely healthy and energetic people who do not suffer from sleep disorders. For a frequently ill person, such a sleeping arrangement can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Orientation with your head to the west while sleeping is ideal for young romantic natures. It will increase sexual desire and give newness to feelings.

The direction of the sleeping place to the southeast should be chosen by all those who want to quickly build a career or achieve success in their own business.

But no one should try to get a good night’s sleep with the back of the bed facing southwest, since this orientation will contribute to a person’s excessive anxiety and feeling of self-doubt.

No matter which side of the world the bedroom window faces, you cannot place the bed with the head of it facing it - this promises a person a lack of mutual understanding with loved ones, frequent illnesses and nightmares.

There should be no electrical outlets near the head of the bed. You cannot hang bulky paintings, bookshelves, chandeliers and other heavy objects above your sleeping area - they make a person feel anxious and insecure. Those who like to read at night should put books away from their heads that describe murders, horrors and other negative information that can affect sleep.

What kind of bed should you sleep in according to Feng Shui?

What, according to ancient Chinese philosophers, should the bed itself look like, protecting its owner’s night sleep? The main requirement for it is the presence of strong legs, clearly fixed to the floor. According to Feng Shui, you should not sleep in a bed on wheels: unstable furniture represents instability in life and unnecessary worries.

In furniture stores today you can see beds with headboards of any shape. But, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is recommended to sleep only in a bed, the head of which is crowned with a solid rectangular wooden back. Headboards of bizarre shapes are not welcome in ancient Chinese teaching. The dimensions of the bed are also of great importance: the most favorable sizes for a person are considered to be 1.5x2.2 m, 1.9x2.2 m, 2.2x2.2 m and 2.2x2.4 m. But the standard bed is 1.4x2 m not worth purchasing.

According to Feng Shui, you cannot sleep in a bed that has previously been used by strangers. A sleeping place is capable of absorbing and storing the energy of its previous owners for a long time: if someone was often sick or even died on it, then its current owners will not be able to be happy. A bed that a person inherited from close relatives can only be used after preliminary cleaning of its energy. To do this, you need to place several small plates filled with salt on the sleeping furniture for a day, and then walk around it, holding a church candle in your hands. After the cleansing ritual, the used salt is flushed down the toilet or buried in the ground, but under no circumstances is it thrown into the trash.

Bed for husband and wife

A married couple should always sleep on a wide bed with a single mattress. You cannot move 2 narrow beds together, trying to create 1 of them: the line passing between husband and wife during sleep will separate them and make them strangers. The same goes for bedding: it is not advisable to put 2 narrow sheets on a wide bed or cover yourself with separate blankets, because when the spouses have a common bed, then their family life will be successful.

In order to strengthen the relationship between husband and wife, you can place paired decorative elements (figurines or vases) or a pine twig near their bed. It is very good to keep a pair of figurines of doves or swans near the sleeping area, which are symbols of fidelity between spouses. The bed can be decorated with several red heart-shaped pillows (but in this case there should be no other bright elements in the room).

There are many factors that can prevent a person from sleeping well. Feng Shui claims that a good night's rest is facilitated by the calm shades of the bedroom walls, furniture made from natural materials, the correct location of the bed, the absence of unnecessary objects in the room, and much more. By equipping your relaxation area in accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, you can improve your sleep, restore your health and return love, mutual understanding and former passion to your relationship with your other half.

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How to sleep according to Feng Shui?

If you want to fall asleep easily every evening, sleep soundly and have joyful dreams, and wake up easily and well rested, then we recommend listening to the advice of the ancient teaching about the harmonization of space - Feng Shui.

Where to sleep according to Feng Shui?

In order to determine how to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui, you must first think about where you should do it. Thus, according to teaching, in the bedroom the orientation of the head of the bed and its location in the room are very important. Chinese sages do not recommend installing a bed so that its head or foot faces the exit from the room. Also, you should not place your bed under a ceiling beam or under the wall where the exit from the room is located.

It is traditionally believed that the orientation of the bed awakens the following energies in a person: if the head of the bed is directed to the north, then intuition is activated, to the south - integrity, the east affects peaceful and restful sleep, and the west suggests successful procreation.

Where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui?

It is believed that according to Feng Shui, you need to sleep with your head in one of the four directions that are favorable for human development. They are determined individually using the gua number and the corresponding card. If you and your life partner sleep together, then choose a direction that is favorable for the man.

If we turn to general recommendations, then it is best to sleep with your head facing north, since then the human body is oriented along the magnetic lines of the Earth, energy circulates correctly and without difficulty. This gives you restful sleep, stability and health. The eastern direction is favorable for those who intend to start a new business, as it increases efficiency and ambition. In addition, those who sleep with their heads facing east always wake up refreshed. The West brings love and enhances sensuality, while the South is suitable for careerists, as it helps to fully concentrate on work tasks.

How to sleep according to Feng Shui: where with your head and in which direction with your feet?

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese system of harmonizing space and energy flows in a room. The teaching is designed to improve our lives, to put in order all external and interior spaces of the house and the human soul, correctly direct the flows of “sha” and “qi” to attract well-being to the home.

How to go to bed and choose the direction for the head? Chinese sages advise paying attention to parts of the world! But first you need to calculate Personal Gua number, obtained from the added numbers of the year of birth. You will get a two-digit number, the digits of which must be added again.

After this, women need to add the number 5 to the resulting number, and men, on the contrary, subtract the resulting number from the number 10. Persons born in the new millennium need to add 6 and subtract from 9. The resulting single-digit number will become your passport to the world knowledge and power.

Let's look at an example. Let's say you were born in 1982. The sum of the last two digits is 10. Add the remaining digits again and get 1. If you're a girl, then we add 5 and get a Gua number equal to 6, and if a man, then we subtract the number 1 from 10 and get a Gua equal to 9.

Pay close attention to the fact that the personal number cannot be 5. If you end up with this figure, this means that for women the personal number is 8, and for males – 2.

Ones, Threes, Fours and Nines will find their happiness, if they lay their heads towards the north or south, east and southeast.

For Twos, Sixes, Sevens and Eights, all variations with the west, as well as the northeast, are suitable.

Accordingly, opposite directions better to avoid!

How to go to bed using a compass

It's best if bedroom area or the children's room will be located in the south or east. These areas especially contribute to good sleep and a healthier body.

If place a bed headboard to the south, then you will be able to catch the vibrations of success in society, the north - to put the nervous system in order and strengthen spiritual processes, the east - to improve health, the west - to attract prosperity to the house.

For creative and active people, we can recommend the western and southern directions, as well as the southeast. If your goal is health improvement or the acquisition of knowledge, then the northeast and east will help you.

Where to lay your head while sleeping?

The best thing go to bed with your head towards the wall. The wall is a reliable protection that will prevent energy from leaving your body during sleep. It is not good to sleep with your head directly towards the window, as this will weaken your body.

The most successful option is to put headboard to the wall according to your personal Gua direction. The head or feet should not “go out” into the street. The same goes for the door.

Do not place pictures with water, aquariums, fountains or anything related to the water element at the head of the room. Well-being will flow away through my fingers. You should also avoid bedside tables with sharp corners; a permissible option is a small bookcase with rounded edges. And you definitely shouldn’t hang portraits and paintings above your sofa.

In which direction to sleep with your feet according to Feng Shui?

It's best if you sleep with your feet towards the wall. As you have already noticed, experts advise avoiding the door-window line and strongly recommend placing a sofa between the walls. It’s very good if you can approach the sofa from both sides - this promotes correct energy circulation.

Never go to bed in front of a mirror. An ideal option if the mirrors are located inside the dressing room or closet. An acceptable option if the mirror is positioned so that you are not reflected in it. The same goes for TV and computer. Try to position them so that their screen does not turn into a mirror at night opposite the bed.

The shape of the bed is the key to success!

So that positive energy does not flow away from you during sleep, avoid designs with slatted headboards. Beds with a large massive headboard are ideal.

To save love, choose beds with a single mattress so that no stripes separate you, either in the bedroom or in life! An original solution would be a sleeping bed with a thick heart-shaped headboard.

Must be under the sofa free space. This will not only make the cleaning process easier, but will also allow energy flows to circulate freely.

A round sofa or, conversely, a bed with sharply sharpened corners are not the friendliest options. The circle will close your energy and will interfere with decision making and prosperity, and the corners will attract negativity to you. It is best to give preference to a sofa or bed of a standard shape, but with soft rounded backs.

Favorable colors for the bedroom

  • Green color will always lift your spirits, psychologically set you up for unity with nature and fill you with positive energy. And green is also surprising because it attracts happiness and wealth.
  • Lovers can paint the walls in terracotta, pink, and brown tones. These energies will connect you to the Earth and “stake out” your relationships. Also, these colors, if you choose brighter shades, will connect you with Fire and support the flame of your love.
  • If you are used to working at home, you can focus on calm pastel colors and white.

Look for yourself, try and experiment in accordance with energy laws of the universe, and she will definitely respond to you!


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Where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui - simple and useful tips

Adequate sleep is the basis of human health. How to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui, where to put your head and other useful tips can be found in this teaching.

Feng Shui Teaching: A Brief Overview

The phrase “feng shui” literally translates as “wind and water”. This ancient Chinese philosophical doctrine studies the basics of the correct organization of space, the location of the house and objects in it. Practice proceeds from the fact that different energy flows flow in separate directions. Therefore, a person’s task is to identify favorable waves and make the most of them for his physical and mental health.

main idea

The fundamental concept of Feng Shui is that space, incl. material objects, inanimate objects and living beings, are penetrated by energy flows. They are constantly changing, interacting with each other and creating more or less harmonious combinations. This explains why it is necessary to properly organize the space in the house - for example, go to bed according to the orientation of the bedroom and bed to the cardinal points.

Each point in space has a unique energy pattern. Just as there are no two identical people, there are no two identical zones. At the same time, the teachings of Feng Shui proceed from the fact that there are no zones of love, family comfort, health or wealth as such. The calculation of a harmonious combination and the correct ratio is different in each case. But there are also general tips on how to sleep according to Feng Shui, where to lay your head, etc.

Thus, this philosophical practice studies the harmony of a person’s living space and proposes a system of specific rules for the orientation of houses, rooms in them, objects in rooms, as well as people relative to the cardinal points and each other.

Energy of Qi and Shen Qi

The basic concepts of Feng Shui are two types of energy:

  1. Qi are flows that penetrate through the space of the house, individual rooms and areas. It should move freely through all objects and corners, so it is not recommended to clutter the apartment or create difficult-to-pass places.
  2. Shen Qi is a beneficial energy that helps you survive stress and life's challenges. This is the breath of life, which is calculated individually for each person, in accordance with his gua number.

Time and space

In the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that energy simultaneously moves:

  • in time (measured according to the calendar);
  • in space (oriented by compass).

In accordance with this, a classification of the environment into 5 elements has been developed:

  • fire;
  • Earth;
  • metal;
  • tree;
  • water.

Each element has its own energy, which must be taken into account when organizing the design in the bedroom and throughout the house.

Harmonization of sleep according to Feng Shui

Advice on how to sleep according to Feng Shui is one of the most interesting aspects of philosophical teaching. Recommendations concern where to lay your head, how to orient the bedroom and bed, so that the interaction of energy flows leads to harmonious combinations that have a positive effect on a person’s mental and physical health.

Sleeping area

Feng Shui states that not only the orientation of the head is important, but also the position of the bed:

  1. It is not advisable to rest with your feet forward towards the exit.
  2. You should not place the sleeping place close to the wall in which the interior door is located.
  3. Shelves, beams, chandeliers, mezzanines and other objects should not hang over the bed.
  4. You should not place the bed along the door-window line.
  5. Sharp corners of furniture should not “look” in the direction of the bed.

Another facet of the teaching is the division of people into categories, in accordance with gua numbers. The required calculation is very simple:

  1. All numbers of the year of birth are added up to form one digit. For example, 1986: 1+9+8+6 = 24; 2+4 = 6.
  2. Next, 10 should be subtracted from this figure for men: 10-6 = 4; for females - add 5 to the number: 6+5 = 11.

If you get two-digit numbers, all the digits are added to get a single-digit number. As a result, two options are possible.

Correct house layout

The layout of the house is of great importance, since it determines the flow of energy, where one should sleep with one's head for normal rest. Therefore, it is important to know not only where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, but also where to optimally position the bedroom:

  1. The room should be located as far as possible from the entrance to the apartment or house.
  2. The location of the room in the southwest and northeast is unfavorable; you can safely choose the other cardinal directions.
  3. It is optimal if the room has a regular square or slightly elongated rectangular shape.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to place a bedroom next to a bathroom or toilet.

If this is not possible, it is better to place the bed as far as possible from the wall adjacent to these auxiliary rooms.

Bed placement is another important feng shui principle, along with where to lay your head. To make your sleep as comfortable as possible, and for your sleep to become a full night's rest, you should correctly position the bed in accordance with the cardinal directions. It all depends on the characteristics of the person:

  1. It is undesirable for lonely people to sleep with their heads facing north, since such an orientation leads to an increased feeling of melancholy.
  2. Sleeping with your head to the north-west or south-east is recommended for those who currently have big life plans and strive for career development and personal development.
  3. Healthy people who lead an active lifestyle and do not suffer from any sleep disorders orient themselves towards the northeast. They are the ones who can lay their heads in this direction.
  4. Another tip on where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui concerns people with a romantic personality. It is better for them to orient themselves to the west.
  5. Southwestern orientation is not recommended for anyone. Because in this case, sleep will become restless, and self-confidence will begin to decline. In this case, you should not lay your head towards anyone in the southwest direction.
  6. But sleeping with your head facing east is a favorable position for all people, especially the elderly.
  7. The Southeast Recommendation is recommended for those who have been implementing an important plan for a long time, but have not yet been able to achieve reliable results. If you lay your head this way, you can bring your dreams closer to reality.
  8. People who would like to develop the qualities of communication and sociability can sleep with their heads in the south.

In any case, the head of the bed should not face the window - this is an unfavorable energy combination.

Organization of sleep directions in Hinduism

Hindu philosophy has its own unique ideas about how to sleep correctly, where to put your head so that night's rest is as beneficial as possible for human health.

The idea of ​​the teachings of yogis is that, like the Earth, each person has his own electromagnetic field: north is on the head, and south is in the feet. Therefore, in the question of where to sleep with your head, the teaching gives a clear answer: you should focus on the northern or northeastern direction. If it is impossible to position the bed in this way, place it with the head of the bed facing east.

Vastu is an ancient Indian philosophy that, like Feng Shui, gives advice on the harmonious organization of living space, including where to sleep with your head. The main recommendation is to orient the head of the room to the east. Vastu Shastra indicates that such an arrangement is harmoniously combined with the movement of the Earth and other celestial bodies.

Along with vastu, there is also Vedic teaching, which suggests that a person should not go to bed with his head to the north, but it is always better to orient himself to the south. Then the energy of the Earth itself will be harmonized with the human body. This has a beneficial effect not only on sleep, but also on the health of the body as a whole.

Very often, the realities of apartment planning do not allow it to comply with the teachings of Feng Shui, the Vedas and other philosophical practices. Then you need to take into account the most important tips as much as possible and do what you can at least do, for example:

  • do not place any objects above the bed;
  • do not place a mirror in front of the bed;
  • curtain the computer and TV at night or remove them from the bedroom;
  • place the bed as far as possible from both the door and the window.

Body position in sleep

Maintaining the correct position of the body while sleeping, as well as Feng Shui tips on where to sleep with your head, is very important. Each person, if desired, can verify this by his own example.

Correct energy flows largely depend on the orientation of the bed and body to the cardinal points - almost all Eastern practices agree on this. The consequences of non-compliance are expressed in chronic sleep disorders, lack of sleep, and anxiety. Ultimately, this adversely affects the condition of the entire organism.

Taking a Critical Look at Teachings

Feng Shui is usually criticized as a pseudoscientific teaching that has no material and scientific evidence. At the same time, the presence of the earth’s magnetic poles, electric fields and their influence on the human body has been proven. Therefore, everyone can independently choose whether to listen to the advice of practitioners or not. In such cases, it is important to pay attention to your own feelings and listen to your intuition.

The necessary tips on where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, how to orient the bed and properly organize the space, work only if there is a reasonable combination of each of them. If some advice cannot be followed, you should try as much as possible to implement the basic rules. In special cases, when it is difficult to fall asleep and fully rest during sleep, a Feng Shui specialist is invited.

The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no way calls for independent diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and use of medications, consultation with a qualified physician is required. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The portal's editors are not responsible for its accuracy.

How to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui, what direction should the head be during sleep, what is the best way to position the bed in? Have you ever thought that a person's sleeping position has a strong impact not only on well-being, but on life in general? Let's listen to the advice of the ancient.

It turns out that in order to change your life for the better, you don’t always need to move mountains on your way. Often this is simply enough to follow the rules of Feng Shui and take the correct position while sleeping.

If you calculate how much time we sleep, it turns out that a person spends about a third of his conscious life sleeping. This takes from 20 to 30 years of our life. All this time we are in a motionless state, and for hours we do not change the position of our body in space. And during this period, we are influenced by various energy flows, against the influence of which we are practically defenseless.

The teachings of Feng Shui help to direct, balance and harmonize for the benefit of people these mysterious forces of the earth and space, which we know as “qi”.

To determine which sleeping direction will be the most successful for you, let’s listen to Feng Shui knowledge about what kind of energy each direction has.


The northern direction of the head is perfect for good rest, sweet and sound sleep. This position is recommended for hot-tempered and unbalanced people, for whom life constantly throws unpleasant surprises and nervous shocks.

Well suited for a married couple who are prone to frequent quarrels and showdowns. Sleeping with their head to the north will make their life more peaceful and harmonious and reduce the number of conflicts. In addition, the northern direction contributes to greater intimacy in relationships and the partners’ affection for each other.

Sleeping with your head to the north is also very useful for people suffering from chronic diseases - it will help them recover faster. But for young and active people, ready for unexpected adventures, the north will be too calm and measured.


Has rough and harsh energy. Suitable for timid and indecisive people who find it extremely difficult to make a choice. By placing the head of the bed in the northeast, you will save yourself from the need to constantly make decisions in agony. It's not magic. It’s just that the energy of the northeast activates the brain, improves analytical thinking and speeds up reactions. But this direction is not suitable for people suffering from insomnia, as their condition may worsen.


The East is the place of sunrise, which gives us life and fills us with energy. By placing the head of the bed to the east, you will very soon feel a surge of vitality. You will have a desire to act actively, new perspectives and opportunities will open up before you, you will be able to achieve what seemed impossible just yesterday. The eastern direction during sleep is most suitable for people experiencing a lack of energy.


It is an ideal destination for shy, insecure people who suffer from various complexes and have problems with self-esteem. By choosing the southeastern direction, they will become more self-confident and less vulnerable.


Sleeping with your head facing south is recommended for people who have problems with finances and careers. If you make an effort, positive changes will happen in your life very soon. Perhaps you can find another job or sources of additional income will appear.

But you must take into account the fact that for this you will have to sleep alone in bed. Also, people who are very impressionable and vulnerable and prone to depression should not sleep with their heads facing south.


An ideal direction for people who are not practical and reasonable enough, who often regret actions committed in a fit of violent emotions. People sleeping with their heads to the southwest will become less conflicted and tolerant of others.


Helps awaken creative energy, romantic feelings and bright emotions. Suitable for people who suffer from melancholy and monotony and want to add color to their lives. Every new day will bring them new interesting adventures and events.

If spouses sleep with their heads to the west, dramatic changes will occur in their sex life, and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.


The Northwestern direction should be chosen by indecisive people who are afraid of responsibility. Dreaming in this direction will strengthen their morale and strengthen their leadership skills. It is useful for older people to sleep with their head to the north-west - this will make their sleep healthy and complete. Not very suitable for young and active people.

Rules for healthy sleep according to Feng Shui

When choosing the ideal direction for sleep, pay attention to these feng shui tips:

  • The bed should not be positioned so that the head or feet are opposite the entrance to the room. This may have a negative impact on your health.
  • Don't place your bed between a window and a door. Such energy will have a negative impact on relationships and worsen well-being.
  • You should not place your sleeping place in a draft - this will disrupt the proper flow of Qi energy, not to mention the risk of colds.
  • There should be no sharp corners near the sleeping place, and there should be no overhanging objects above the headboard: shelves, lamps, paintings.
  • The marital bed should not consist of two halves - the bed should be wide and solid. You cannot move two beds together or use a folding sofa that divides the sleeping space into two halves. Otherwise, the same thing will happen in family life - the couple will gradually move away from each other.
  • The head of the bed should not be directed towards the window. This will lead to health problems and deterioration of family relationships.
  • It is advisable not to keep various literature near your bed, especially horror stories, detective stories, and publications about incidents.
  • Do not place your sleeping place in front of a mirror - this will adversely affect your health and mental state.
  • It is best that the bed is new and does not contain any marks from previous owners. When purchasing an inexpensive bed at a thrift store, you are not insured against the fact that the previous owner could have died on it or had serious health problems.
  • The bed should have a back, preferably solid and rectangular. The copper backrest is not suitable for a sleeping person.
  • The bed should be positioned against the wall so that the person feels securely supported and protected while sleeping.
  • Furniture intended for sleeping should have strong legs and be in a stable position. A bed on wheels is not suitable for a bedroom designed according to Feng Shui. Furniture that is in an unstable position symbolizes uncertainty and instability.
  • Do not place the bed directly outside the door, otherwise you will suffer from nightmares and disturbing dreams.

How to arrange a bedroom according to Feng Shui?

To ensure that your sleep is always healthy and complete, you need to take the arrangement of your bedroom seriously.

The bedroom should be located as far as possible from the entrance, and the door of the bedroom and bathroom should not be opposite each other, otherwise family relationships may deteriorate.

A bedroom decorated in bright red colors will bring you relationship problems, insomnia and nightmares. When decorating a bedroom, it is best to use small red details.

In the matrimonial bedroom, you should use decor in the form of paired items: two doves, two hearts, two figurines. This will help strengthen family ties and fill relationships with harmony and passion.

Don't turn your bedroom into a pile of furniture. According to Feng Shui, it is enough to have a wide, comfortable bed and a spacious closet in the bedroom. It is better to opt for furniture made from natural materials. But it is better not to use furniture made of metal, because it has an electromagnetic effect on people.

We introduced you to the secrets of Feng Shui teachings on how to sleep properly. And in conclusion, we recommend watching this interesting video:

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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