Add a little magic to such an exciting and stressful event as moving! And you will see how easier things will go, and the joy from the process will increase. Yes, moving rules are good, but combine them with magical signs and rituals and life will become easier and happier.

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Say goodbye to your old home! After all, a lot of different events also happened in this house: joyful, sad, exciting, which will certainly remain in the memory. So, first of all, leave the apartment clean, remove trash, trash, bags, sweep and wash the floor.

Make a simple Farewell Pie ritual, which involves old apartment you prepare any simple treat and eat it here with all the household members. This is a farewell to home and a kind of transition to new life. Take pieces and leftovers of the pie to new apartment do not do it!

When preparing to move to a new apartment, try to take everything into account and not forget anything. Counts bad omen, if you have to return to an old house for things. Check all the rooms, the bathroom, the balcony, the loggia one by one, look into all the closets and mezzanines.

Another simple ritual is performed after things are taken out during the move. Ventilate the apartment, walk around it and say goodbye to it mentally or out loud. It is very useful to thank her for her protection, comfort and all the good things that happened here.

And be sure to take a broom with you from your old apartment! It is believed that along with it you take away the spirit of the house, the brownie, your protector. Moreover, before picking up the broom, quickly sweep the floors with it and put it in a separate bag.


There are several magic rules:

  • It is best to plan the move in the morning, and the earlier, the more successful the matter will be.
  • A suitable day is Saturday, and according to Eastern beliefs, Wednesday.
  • It is considered favorable if it rains or snows on this day. This is fortunate and an easy road.
  • There is no need to wash your hair, sew or do laundry on this day!
  • If you meet a beggar, a dog or a pregnant lady on the way to a new home, this is a sign of luck and good news.

Before moving to a new apartment, it is advisable to plan a housewarming day. This will help you quickly adapt on the spot.


First of all, let's let the cat in! If he is not there, but there is a dog, that will do too. Let your defender be the first to enter new house. And then you throw a few coins over the threshold - for prosperity and money luck. After this procedure, you can bring in things, boxes and furniture.

After the movers leave and the move to another apartment can be considered completed, it is worth doing a small ritual-amulet. You will need a church candle and 10-15 minutes of free time. Light a candle and go around all the rooms, reading a prayer (preferably “Our Father”). Bless corners, closets, toilets and bathrooms, and every space in the house with a candle. This will clean it well and protect you.

Another simple way to “make friends with your home” is to light your favorite incense and walk through the rooms with it. After 10-15 minutes, the apartment should be slightly ventilated. Don't worry, the aroma of incense and its beneficial power will remain!

We recommend that you hang a horseshoe amulet in your new apartment. It is best to hang it with the ends up, above front door. If there is no space there, then above the entrance to any of the rooms. And another tip: buy something new from kitchen utensils for home. This will also be considered a sign of good luck!


Now you know what you need to move and settle in a new place. But that is not all! Be sure to organize a housewarming party, and on the first weekend after moving in. Several rituals are also associated with this home holiday:

  • Invite only relatives and loved ones, as well as children different ages. Children's laughter and fussing in a new home is a great start and auspicious sign for all.
  • If it is important for you to invite your colleagues, then organize a second housewarming party for them, which can be held when things have already been laid out. In addition to colleagues, you can also invite friends and acquaintances.
  • A lot of food for housewarming - happiness and prosperity! You can even make a kind of buffet with a lot of sandwiches,

  • fruits, sweets. All this makes the table (and therefore the house!) abundant and generous.

It is imperative to accept housewarming gifts, especially if they are household utensils, dishes, or interior items!

Signs associated with moving and home have now lost some of their relevance, and many no longer remember the traditions and customs of our distant ancestors associated specifically with signs and a new home. With that harmony and the creation of harmonious relations between the apartment itself and its new owner, there are many well-known signs that in ancient times were strictly observed. Nowadays, only a few will be able to answer the questions: why did our ancestors hang various talismans and small bundles of St. John's wort in the corners of the house, for what purpose they placed a knife under the threshold of the house, and how they greeted the brownie. The only sign that has survived to this day was the hanging of a lucky totem called a horseshoe on the house or directly above the door of the house.

Exists omen that before moving to a new house, you need to take with you the brownie who lived with you in the old house for many years. According to the tradition of signs, this is quite simple to do. There are many ways to achieve this goal. The simplest and most accessible of them, in in this case is a simple manipulation with an old household broom. Take it with you when moving to a new house, and accordingly the brownie from your house will move into it with you.

However, in modern apartments It often happens that there is no broom as a means of cleaning. For this purpose, you can use a box filled with soft things. The box may contain your old items or various scraps of fabric. In order for the brownie to “settle” in the box, it must be taken out and placed on the threshold for a short time. However, make sure that there is nothing hard or sharp in the box so that the brownie can get comfortable in it and go with you to a new home or other place of residence.

As folk superstitions say, when moving to another house, it is very important to keep track of who will be the first to cross the threshold of the new home. Most likely this sign is still used in modern times, and most people, especially older people, know that the first person to cross the threshold of the house, oddly enough, should not be the newly-made owner or mistress, but the beloved pet - the cat. Moreover, it is very important that the cat also meets all the requirements of folk signs. IN ideal the cat should preferably be black, and moreover, it should be a cat, not a cat, and should have a calm and affectionate character.

This is where problems most often arise. Firstly, not every person has a cat. In ancient times, they were bred to rid the home of small rodents, but in the modern world, the need for this has disappeared, and cats are bred simply for beauty and entertainment. In addition, choosing a cat with nerves of iron, who will be the first to enter an unfamiliar room without fear, is also not easy. It is not recommended to let a dog into a new house or apartment instead of a cat, since according to folk traditions, the dog should guard the entrance to the house and not cross the threshold. If you still own both a dog and a cat, then just make sure that the dog enters the house or apartment last.

Main rule of omen when you first enter the house, don’t rush things, but rather the cat itself, and don’t push him over the threshold by force, otherwise you’ll ruin the whole procedure proper move to the house. It should also be noted that do not step in front of the cat yourself - this rule applies to direct moving with things and property. After the cat gets comfortable and plucks up courage, and still crosses the threshold of the house, the rest of the new residents can follow him in. After this, you should immediately “feed” the brownie, who has become tired during the move in a box or on a broom. To do this, simply place a saucer and fill it with milk. If you immediately rush to sort things out after cleaning, then home may consider you too stingy and leave to look for more generous owners.

Other folk signs

There are several other folk signs associated with moving into a house. For example, when entering a new house, you need to throw a few silver coins on the floor - this method of folk sign is not used for a simple reason (there is no place to get silver coins). However, if you do this, then this ritual, in addition to everything else, promises wealth and monetary wealth. In addition, it is also advisable to leave a small amount of money in the old house so that your life and the life of the residents who come to your place will be rich - the meaning of this superstition is that there will be a return (after all, if you want to have something, first something should be given).

Another sign associated with financial well-being, is banknote, which is placed under the tablecloth on the table on which food is eaten. At the same time, it is simply not recommended to touch the money or take it out of this place, otherwise it will not work.

After you have moved into a new apartment, you must carry out inspections in all areas of the new home. wet cleaning. Cleaning must be carried out even if you have moved into a completely clean room, the only element of the furnishings in which is the floor and bare walls. Well-washed window sills and windows, as well as a sparkling clean floor, are not only a way to eliminate accumulated dust, but also neutralize negative energy, which could have accumulated in this house before you moved.

After the cat has settled into its new place of residence, the brownie has left the broom or box of soft things in which it was transported, the walls, windows and floors are shining clean, it’s time to perform modern touch with tradition, -celebrate in a (human) way so that the housewarming will be remembered among your friends, family and friends. After all the folk signs have been observed, you can settle into your new home with a clear conscience, in full confidence that all kinds of adversity will pass you by - and you will be happy.

An important sign when moving, especially if you are moving into an apartment after the old owners, is to get rid of the negative energy accumulated there. To do this, it is very important to do a general cleaning immediately after moving, thoroughly washing the floors and wiping off dust in all places.

We also know from our grandmothers that in a new house you can hang a horseshoe above the front door; this should be done with the horns facing down. This sign is associated with happiness and prosperity reigning in the new apartment or house.

But in the old days, bunches of St. John's wort were hung in houses to protect against evil forces and evil spirits - this is the so-called amulet.

The sign that when moving you should let the cat into the house first will help your new home become hospitable. That's why they say that the cat should come in on its own, you just need to put it at the door. In general, there are a lot of signs and even superstitions associated with a cat. Some take a closer look at her behavior in a new place, remember the places she has chosen. For example, in the place where the cat fell asleep for the first time, a bed is placed. But this is not always correct, because the bed is located according to the principles of Feng Shui for the bedroom and according to other signs. Well, what should you do if your cat falls asleep in the kitchen or bathroom? Of course you won't sleep there!

1. Try to drive during a full moon. If this succeeds, then let the cat (if you have one) into the house first and say three times: “As the month is full, so life in the house would be full.”

2. If everything was fine in your old apartment, then say three times in the old place and three times in the new: “Grandfather-neighbor, come with us to the apartment. Look after, settle, put to bed, water, feed, drive home.”

3. If you have already moved in, but have not taken the old brownie into the new house: on any three days (in a row) of the new moon, when the new moon is visible, you need to open the window and shout (it is very advisable to shout): “Grandfather Brownie, come home. Go live with us, we will love you."

4. The first slice of bread, cut off at the first dinner in a new house (not suitable for apartment residents), must be buried in the ground, in the right corner under the house, saying: “Breadwinner, breadwinner, come to the new house to eat bread here and listen to the young owners. "

5. If you have a basin, basket, etc. where you put your laundry before washing and it serves you for this purpose for at least 3 months, then when you bring it into the house you can say three times: “As (a basin, a basket or...) collects a lot of laundry, so let my house collect wealth.” "

How to take your brownie from your old to your new apartment

It’s unlikely that many today pay attention to this point, but in the old days, without a brownie, they didn’t squeeze him into a new home at all - they had to lure him with them by any means.

In general, a brownie is your friend and buddy who not only protects the house from troubles, but also takes care of the household. And when you are friends with him, you probably noticed that you are living well. Therefore, when moving, it is important to take your friend, the brownie, to your new apartment. The easiest way to do this is after collecting your things, place a box at the front door in which soft items will be folded, and then leave it for at least 10-15 minutes. Your brownie will definitely climb into this box and go with you. And some beliefs convince us that to move with your brownie, it’s enough to grab a broom from your old apartment.

One way or another, after arrival you need to let the brownie in. Place the same box at the entrance and open it. Then pour milk into a saucer and place it on the floor. The brownie will certainly go to eat from your caring hands, especially since he could get hungry on the road.

There are, of course, entire rituals that can be performed, but they are best used in more serious cases. For example, if you had an unhappy life in your old place, or you moved into a bad place, etc. Or you have problems regarding family ties, etc. There are different situations, everything is determined according to the specific case.
And do not forget when selling any of your real estate, be it a house, apartment, a store, shop, etc. take the brownie with you if things were going well for you there. And also treat your little ones. Leave milk, gingerbread, sweets. It is best to allocate a place near the stove; if this is not possible, then place it higher, but in the kitchen. If the animal starts to eat the treat, do not interfere, let it eat.

The question of how to move correctly begins to worry long before the move. Even being skeptics, people often feel excited when moving into a new apartment and believe in unexplained phenomena. Following certain recommendations can significantly reduce the intensity of passions and somewhat calm your state of mind. In addition, peculiar “rites,” which many view with a healthy dose of skepticism, are easy to perform. So why not observe these wonderful traditions, so as not to justify the troubles later.

If you are not the first owners of a new home

Any new home for people is a completely different tangle of energy lines, which conceals, for example, quarrels and disagreements among former residents. It's about about a house purchased on the secondary market.

As they say, walls store and absorb energy, and if it was negative, the new owners will be faced with a constantly depressed atmosphere, despondency, unfortunate events, and poor health. There is no clear answer to the question of how to move correctly, but doing what you can is simply necessary, if only to fill the new home with positivity.

Why shouldn’t you live in an “unprepared” apartment?

“Houses and walls help” - perhaps everyone has come across such a saying. So, it would be quite correct to reverse option. If a person moved into a room in which the family suffered due to disagreements or constant quarrels, then his life will soon change, but, unfortunately, not in better side. The negative aura of objects and even the walls themselves will put pressure, deprive you of the desire for life and activity. From a young, cheerful person you can turn into an old man who himself will seek “recharge” from his relatives and become angry and irritable.

Ultimately, this will result in health problems, since it is impossible to constantly be under psychological pressure without consequences for the body. Among the recommendations on how to properly move to a new apartment, the first one should be cleaning, both energetic and physical.

Cleaning the house

It is necessary to get rid of the belongings of previous residents. If they want, let them take them for themselves, but as soon as possible. The longer the trash is stored in a new apartment, the worse it is; this leads to a layering of impressions, “clutter” in the mind and soul, and spoils the mood. Here are a few interesting recommendations regarding items left behind by former owners. We’ll also talk about signs and how to correctly move to a new apartment, following them.

It is necessary to ensure that all old things end up in the trash heap or in the garage of the previous residents. Particular attention should be paid to old photos and personal belongings. Under no circumstances should you use household items, their photo frames, combs, or wear clothes. You should also be wary of mirrors, since, according to signs, they are a door to the other world and store old energy. spring-cleaning- this is a key sign regarding how to properly move to another apartment. The first thing to do is general cleaning. It needs to be carried out both at the old place of residence and at the new one.

Need to say goodbye

We continue to figure out how to move correctly. It is extremely important to carry out a farewell ritual. It allows you to somewhat smooth out the remnants of your own energy and not remain dependent on the background at your previous place of residence. General cleaning must be comprehensive. It’s not enough just to sweep the floors, you need to literally clean everything and carefully check it so that not even a couple of personal trinkets are left anywhere. An unkind person can easily use them against you.

In addition, it is important to put your home in order spiritually, for example, by using incense and church candles. By cleaning up energy waste, people leave the room clean, while at the same time protecting themselves from outside influence or even direct harm. In this case, the key sign about how to move correctly is the purity of the process itself, when a person is not dragged along by emotional baggage and all sorts of experiences from his previous home.

Last meal and brownie

It is simply necessary to have the last meal at the old place of residence, almost all the signs indicate this. We continue to give advice on how to properly move to a new apartment. So, without old emotional connections with housing, you can do this by simply taking the brownie with you. This good spirit will serve as a protector of the new home, and will also provide a feeling of comfort and security. You can carry out his relocation without unnecessary difficulties. How to do it?

You need to take a broom with you from your old home, after sweeping the floors there. As for the delicacy, then the best option there will be a pie. Learning to move correctly. This will not only leave you beautiful, but also delicious. If life in the old apartment was bitter, then you need to prepare something salty, whereas if you live well, you need to cook something sweet. The whole family should have dinner when everything has been put away. After this, you need to collect the crumbs, wash and clean the apartment, thereby completing the farewell ritual.

Animal in a new home

It is extremely important, before moving in, to let a cat, kitten or dog into the house. Perhaps everyone has heard that an animal allows you to protect your home from negative energy and make its aura cleaner. Cats are better suited in this case, since they are more attached to their own home, and therefore will protect it more willingly. In addition, many legends give them sacred meaning and mystical abilities.

Psychologists also recommend getting an animal in a new place, maybe even a hamster or fish. Having an additional life when a person is at work or gone on business will make the apartment warmer, more comfortable and cozy. When asking the question about how to move to another city correctly, we get the answer: the same. The same traditions must be observed.

A few signs for well-being

Among the recommendations on how to move correctly, there are several tips to ensure well-being in your new place of residence. So, for example, after the animal you need to throw a few coins into the house, which should subsequently be hidden and reliably guarded. They will serve as a guarantee of the well-being and well-being of future residents. In addition, it never hurts to hang a horseshoe over the front door for good luck. If the sign itself is known, then few people pay attention to its features. You can often see it hanging upside down, covered in dust and dirt. This cannot be allowed.

It should be pinned as securely as possible, of course, with the “horns” facing up, and kept clean at all times. Then luck will never forget the way to the house of the new residents and will follow on their heels. It is better to start the moving process itself in the morning; the earlier, the better. It would be a good idea to get up at dawn and finish things before dusk, then everything will literally be in the hands of the residents. The most favorable day for such an event is Saturday; you should not move on Monday, as this could ruin the upcoming working week.

Everything in a new apartment should be updated

Another tip on how to move to a new apartment correctly. It involves careful selection and discarding of everything old and shabby. It’s better to have a few things, but their quality and novelty will ensure the well-being of the family. In addition, it is important to bring something radical, new, and personal into your home. Let it be windows or doors, sticking beautiful wallpaper, furniture. It is not necessary to do all the repairs right away, although this will have a positive effect on the energy of the house, but something simply needs to be done. Otherwise, residents will face constant apathy, laziness, and attachment to old experiences and things, which is not good.

As you can see, there is a lot of advice on how to move correctly, but whether to follow them or not is everyone’s business. But in conclusion, only one thing can be said: do not neglect what is easy to do. After all, in the end, this will exclusively benefit the residents themselves and provide a pleasant family atmosphere in the new home.

There are special customs when moving that are usually observed. This is not difficult to do, because they are all a type of household white magic. A conspiracy for a happy move to a new home carries only positive energy.

When moving to another apartment, you need to perform magical rituals

When people move to a new place, they hope that life will change for the better. For this to really happen, you need to move to a new apartment, signs, rituals, rules, and follow them exactly. Moving to a new apartment will then be successful and bring prosperity to the family.

Moving to a new home - an important event in the life of any person. For many people this is a real stress. In addition to the everyday hassles associated with transporting things to another city, problems arise with paperwork, collecting things, and delivering luggage to the place where they are going to live. To make the process of changing your place of residence go smoothly, it is best to secure yourself with the help of magic.

A smart housewife understands that not only their quiet life, but sometimes also their health depends on the energetic atmosphere in which her husband and children will live.

If the apartment or house previously belonged to other people, you need to cleanse the home of other people’s energy, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.

The most common rules and signs when moving to a new apartment:

  • clean your home with holy water or invite a clergyman to do this;
  • try to negotiate with your brownie about moving to a new place;
  • let the cat into the house first;
  • read the plot for a happy move.

It is best, before taking possession of a new home, to carry out a conspiracy on the waxing moon for a happy move into your home.

Ritual for moving to a new home

Before you move out of your apartment, you also need to follow some old rules. When packing, throw away anything that is broken, cracked or no longer needed. Try to get rid of old clutter, packing only the most necessary things. You cannot take worn out shoes or clothes with holes into your new apartment.

Take special care when packing family heirlooms that are treasure keeper hearth and home. It is very important that they are not damaged on the road, but arrive at their destination intact and safe.

You need to put sweets for the brownie in an empty suitcase

Bow down to your old home, even if you went through difficult days or grief in it. Then take a small empty suitcase and put candy and cookies in it. Invite your brownie there to go with you.

After this, go around the old home with a candle in your hand to put up protection against future residents. Say these words:

“I don’t leave everything bad that happened to other people, and I don’t take it with me either. I release them into the open fields, into the distant distances. I’m cutting off contact with myself and putting up protection for the house.”

Very often, new residents begin to angrily curse those people who lived before them. They may not like the faucet in the bathtub or the wallpaper in the bedroom. Or maybe they will simply regret for some reason that they moved to this apartment.

The procedure for carrying out ceremonies when moving

Try to find out the signs, rules and rituals for moving to a new apartment in advance so as not to forget anything. Write down the text of the prayer in advance for good luck in your new place of residence.

Make a plan for the rituals. Moving takes a lot of effort and time. But if you want to live happily ever after in a new place, it is better to devote a little time to household magic.

Transporting your brownie to another city is very important stage when moving. After preparing the treat, place it at the bottom of an empty box or suitcase and say the following words:

“Brownie is the hostess, Let's go with me to a new home! Let's live together and make good money! Don’t leave me, master, in your protection!”

When you reach a new place, you need to perform a rite of entry into your new home. Let the cat into the apartment in front of you. This old sign, rooted in hoary antiquity. A cat has 9 lives, so if she takes on all the negativity of her new home, then nothing will happen to her.

The cat should be the first to enter the new apartment.

When the cat has already gone to sniff all the corners and get acquainted with the new shelter, cross the threshold and immediately open the “brownie house” in which you brought him. When opening it, say:

“Housewife, here is your new home, You and we can live in it! For happiness and prosperity, And for joy. You can live and keep your house in order, help me.”

After this, begin cleaning your new home. You should have two new brooms ready. One needs to sweep out all the trash left by the previous residents. When looking around the apartment, pay attention to whether there are abandoned small coins, needles or old dolls in the corner. If there are such things, they need to be removed without touching them with your hands.

Then the floors are washed, adding holy water. The broom and cloth are thrown away. They keep the second broom for themselves and place it near the threshold with the whisk facing up. Let it stand like this for three days.

Take a lit church candle in your hands and walk around the entire apartment clockwise, starting from the entrance. It should be a vicious circle. Corners, doorways and windows are baptized with candles. While making your rounds, read the moving prayer, “Our Father.” Then, read the prayer at your new place of residence, walking around again in a circle with holy water:

“God bless. On high mountain there is a throne, and Mother sits on the throne Holy Mother of God and holds a cross and water in his hands. He sprinkles it with water, with the cross he drives away damage from this threshold, from bad to worse. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to sprinkle the corners of the apartment with charmed salt.

After this, they make a third round of the home in a circle. Places at the threshold, near walls, in corners, near windows are sprinkled with blessed salt. During these actions, a prayer is said to help with the move:

“You can’t live in this house for bad things, for worse or worse. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Ancient traditions of moving to a new home

Our ancestors firmly believed in the power of folk signs and rites of entry into a new home. They tried to follow them so that life in the new home would be happy and well-fed.

Here are some of them:

  1. When a cat enters the house, it should not be brought there by force, carried in your arms or pushed. To make the process of passing through the threshold go smoothly, throw some treat through it that will interest the animal.
  2. The oldest member of the family crossed the threshold of the home first, then they moved in order, ending with the youngest.
  3. The one who enters the house first should have a potted plant in his hands. It is carried at arm's length so that it has time to absorb the bad energy of the house, if it is present there. Then it is thrown away. IN summer period can be replaced home flower a bunch of wormwood. This will have an even greater effect.
  4. They cross the threshold very carefully so as not to stumble - then life will be smooth and without interference.
  5. When they step onto the floor of a new house for the first time, they only think about good things. Then they make their deepest wish.
  6. Having crossed the threshold, the youngest family member must put three coins under it. It's very good if it's Small child. As the child grows, the well-being of the family will also grow - they will live well.

After all household members enter the apartment, the hostess must pour blessed salt outside the door. This will be good protection from evil entities and negative energy. After that on reasonable place residents say the Lord's Prayer.

Most people follow rituals when moving. Some perform them the way their fathers and grandfathers taught them. Others do not perform the rituals to enter a new home, considering it annoying nonsense.

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