A balcony is a place that is important part apartments. That is why it is so important to make it as comfortable and cozy as possible. Very popular now French glazing balconies from floor to ceiling, which combines beauty, originality and sophistication.

With this type of glazing, the natural look is enhanced. This indicator is important for apartment owners, because the balcony is no longer a place suitable only for storing unnecessary things. Now they spend hours of relaxation on it, admiring the surroundings. picturesque view. French glazing of the balcony allows you to open a panoramic view of the beautiful streets cities. It also combines modern tendencies and classic lines. If you choose this type of balcony glazing, the feeling of lightness will not leave you.

What can a French balcony be like?

Balconies and loggias made in the French style can be different. The classic version is different large window and the lack of recreation areas. With this glazing you can decorate your balcony flower pots and vases. This style is best suited for balconies of old houses.

French balcony decorated with flowers

Sometimes there are options when there may be a site. It is small in size, but it is enough to step foot and admire the scenery outside the window and even take a photo. The design is completed by a large glass door. She draws attention to herself and becomes separate element decor.

Semicircular loggias with French glazing will become excellent option for owners corner apartments. A similar balcony will also be made of glass from floor to ceiling.

Semicircular loggias with French glazing

Lightweight French-style balconies are distinguished by the fact that their frames are made of a metal such as aluminum. However, when choosing this option, it is worth remembering that this metal does not conduct heat, so only those people whose apartments are located in southern cities should choose it. And for the northern regions it is better to choose loggias with a PVC profile.

Which glass to choose?

  1. Glass can also be different. If you want your outline to be not very clear, then choose balconies with frosted glass. Usually this option is represented by transparent glass on top and frosted glass on the bottom.
  2. If you want to protect your apartment from the sun, then order tinted glass, which will hide you from prying eyes and protect the balcony from bright sunlight.
  3. Anti-vandal glass will allow you to be sure that no one will be able to spoil the appearance of the loggia . Your balcony will be reliably protected from floor to ceiling.

Study on the balcony with French glazing

Why should you choose balconies with French glazing?

Panoramic glazing a balcony allows you to complete any interior. Even if the apartment is made in high-tech style, it is better to choose loggias with plastic or aluminum frames instead. After all, glass and straight lines are fundamental details of the high-tech style. French windows on the balcony may be different depending on the number of sashes.

Another advantage is the fact that with the help of panoramic glazing you can visually enlarge the apartment. This happens due to the fact that a lot of light passes through the glass of the loggias and enters the rooms. And, as you know, a well-lit room always looks more spacious than a dark room.

The next advantage is that the outside of the loggia does not have to be sheathed with special materials such as or. After all, from the street the balcony will look amazing. The same goes for appearance inside. It is worth noting the fact that glazing does not require welding work, which often causes discomfort to apartment owners.


As for the disadvantages, French windows to the balcony are distinguished by the presence of several of them. The most basic is that it is very dangerous for families with small children to use floor-to-ceiling glass in their interiors. By the way, some balconies are framed from the outside forged parts. Which increases their safety. Similar options can be seen in the photo on the Internet.

Interior Design French balcony

Of course, it is worth considering the fact that everything that happens on the balcony will be visible through the glass. Therefore, it is recommended to restore order there as often as possible.

If you want to hide your balcony from prying eyes, then order tinted glass. When ordering French glazing, be prepared for the fact that there will be no window sill on your balcony. However, you can take a different approach to this, being glad that now you don’t have to wipe the dust on it.

It is also worth considering the fact that glass tends to heat up. Everyone also knows the fact that glass requires special care. Dust, fingerprints and other contaminants are clearly visible on it. Therefore, the panoramic balcony will have to be constantly looked after. However, it is worth it to go out to the beautiful loggia at any time and admire the panoramic view.

Panoramic glazing of a balcony in an old house - a reality

It's no secret that old high-rise buildings are different small balconies. However, this should not be a reason to abandon panoramic glazing. On the contrary, you can enlarge and make the loggia visually more spacious with the help of glass. There are often options when top part The balcony is expanding.

You cannot install French glazing on a balcony if its platform is weakened

To the owners small apartments worth paying attention to. They allow you to save space in your apartment. After all, when the balcony door is open, a lot of space is “eaten up”. As for the glass balcony, many owners note that after such glazing they stopped treating the loggia as a storage room. This is due to the fact that now I want to go out to beautiful balcony, which is not in the photo, but in own apartment. Now it will be possible to carry out romantic evenings and meetings.

The color of the balcony may vary. Designers still advise paying attention to the color of the house itself from the outside so that the loggia is in harmony with it. In this case, the balcony will look as beautiful as possible. After all, it often happens that one of the loggias is “knocked out” from general design and therefore does not look entirely appropriate.

Original loggia design with French glazing from the inside

Trust only professionals

Repairing and is an important and labor-intensive task. That is why it is necessary to trust it only to professionals. To do this, try to contact only those companies that have been engaged in French glazing of balconies for a long time.

Such companies have many photographs of their work, reviews from satisfied clients and a team of professionals. To contact the “right” company, you need to spend time searching for it and studying its activities. Remember that this is not an easy matter, so you should not save on paying for the services of masters. Of course, such work is not cheap, but I would also like to note that such costs are completely justified. The installation itself must take place in several stages. This is necessary for the craftsmen to take measurements and assess the condition of the finishing elements.

If you want to make your apartment unusual and beautiful, then a French balcony is what you need. With its help, you can spend your evenings on the balcony, admiring the view around you.

Useful video on the topic: secrets of proper French glazing of a balcony

The view of the balcony as a storage room has long been outdated, and this is reflected in the attitude towards it. Now its interior is being taken care of as seriously as in living rooms, and especially close attention is paid to the design of the doorway. IN modern apartments The traditional window unit is missing, and in its place is a French door made entirely or partially of glass.

What is a French door to a balcony and its advantages

French doors are installed across the entire width of the exit to the balcony. In their design there is no traditional window opening - it is occupied by doors. Moreover, they consist of fully glazed frames and resemble a huge window that fills the entire wall. This type of door is very unusual and has its own advantages.

Advantages of French doors:

  • Abundance of sunlight penetrating through the glass;
  • Visual connection between the room and the balcony;
  • Feeling of spaciousness;
  • Air access, high-quality ventilation of the room;
  • By opening the door, you can easily increase the area of ​​a small room;
  • Stylish design.

Thanks to the huge glass, the boundary between indoors and outdoors is erased. This is especially felt if you can admire the picturesque landscape from the window, or the apartment is located on upper floors, and a panorama of city streets opens from above.

French doors suit any interior and will be at home in a room decorated in a discreet manner. classic style, luxurious antique or modern, not recognizing the slightest excess.

Minus French doors to the balcony. The abundance of glass complicates the maintenance of doors, since fingerprints and stains after poor cleaning are clearly visible on them.

The stains and lint left from the napkin are especially noticeable if the balcony is located on the sunny side.

Types of French doors to a balcony

Although French-style balcony doors have not yet become widespread, their range is already quite wide. They differ in the material of manufacture, design (mainly the type of opening) and glass configuration. Sliding . The most simple design: sliding doors moves on rollers along metal guides. The disadvantage of this type of door is that the door leaf does not fit tightly to the frame, so they are installed only on heated balconies.

Sliding system

Plastic tilt-sliding doors at the beginning of opening, they move forward slightly and then move to the side, completely opening the passage. The moving part of the door closed position fits tightly to the frame, without letting heat out of the room, so it is installed on balconies with any glazing and even on non-glazed ones. The door is set to ventilation mode according to the principle used in window units. The mechanism is controlled silently and easily.

Tilt and slide doors

Peculiarity lift and slide door The problem is that it does not open all the way, so it is installed in very wide openings. Despite its massive size, it opens easily and fits snugly into the box. It is made of metal-plastic and has a modern design.

Lift and slide doors They are manufactured in any width (up to 10 m) and ensure complete heat retention in the room. Opening is carried out after a slight turn of the handle: the door leaf rises slightly, after which it moves to the side along the upper and lower rail mechanism.

Lift-and-slide system for balcony

Accordion door The design is somewhat reminiscent of a screen. Several doors are connected into one whole and, when opened, they fold according to the accordion principle, which is where the name of the design comes from. Since the doors consist of several parts, the penetration of light into the room is limited. Folding doors are produced up to 6 m wide and 2.5 m high, so they are suitable for installation in large openings. Made from plastic and aluminum. The simplicity of the design also allows the use of wood to make the door. Just as in the case of a sliding sliding door, the “accordion” does not fit tightly to the frame and, as a result, does not retain heat well in the room.

Door - Accordion

Interesting fact. Swing doors in the French style there is no point in installing on the balcony, since the doors take up too much space in open position, and when opening them, the curtains have to be completely pulled apart.

Swing doors

French ones are produced balcony doors from modern materials(metal-plastic, aluminum) and traditional wood. Also produced combined modelsmetal structure decorated with wood. They combine the strength and reliability of metal and the decorative properties of wood.

Double-glazed windows are installed in one, two and three glasses, the same as in plastic windows. IN wooden frames glass is installed by yourself different sizes. This can be one solid glass covering the entire door or several small ones inserted like panels. A combination of large (in the center) and small (on the edges) glasses is possible. In this case, the outer glasses are made transparent or decorative: with fusing, frosted, with engraving. Used for glazing strained glass, withstanding mechanical loads.

French door installation

Before installing a French door, the doorway is prepared, which is significantly different from that which is carried out before installing a regular door. IN preparatory work includes the mandatory dismantling of the section of the wall on which the window unit rests. If there is no glazing on the balcony, remove the wall (the same as old door with a window) is recommended immediately before installing the door, so as not to leave the resulting opening open indefinitely. If there is glazing on the balcony, dismantling work can be done in advance.

Important. Removal of the balcony block with dismantling of the wall requires approval from managing organization. If you do not obtain permission for redevelopment, difficulties may arise in the future when selling the apartment, which will entail additional costs.

Who to entrust the installation to?

Since the French window units They are large in size, and the glass occupies most of the window; their installation must be carried out by a team of professionals. It is unlikely that you will be able to install windows without experience in this matter, much less alone.

Why French windows should be installed by specialists:

  • If the glass is damaged, liability will be borne by construction company, not you;
  • If any shortcomings arise during operation, the company that installed the windows will take care of them;
  • After installing the structure, professionals will give recommendations for care and provide preventative care for the doors;
  • Serious companies give a guarantee on doors only if the installation was carried out by the company's employees.

Please note that finishing the slopes is not included in the door installation services, so this work must be ordered separately or done on your own.

Is it possible to install the door yourself and how to do it

It is not recommended to install a French door on a balcony with your own hands, but if the apartment owner believes that he has enough experience for this, the work should be done in the following sequence:

  • The doorway is cleared of dust and loose places;
  • If ordered wooden door, the doorway around the perimeter is laid with waterproofing material. This will prevent the wood from becoming damp;
  • The area of ​​the floor where the structure will be installed is leveled horizontal level. If necessary, the floor is strengthened cement screed and left until it dries;
  • The door frame is installed in the opening;
  • The box is leveled in a vertical plane using a level. Deviations are not allowed even up to 1 mm;
  • The frame is attached to the side walls with anchor dowels;
  • Door leaves are installed in the Frame.

The gaps between the frame and the wall are sealed polyurethane foam. It should not be applied too much. It is enough for the gap to be foamed halfway, since after swelling the foam will come out and stain the front side of the door frame.

After a day, when the foam has hardened, its remains are cut off with a knife, and the slopes are finished. They can be plastered, lined with plasterboard or plastic. If plastic or plasterboard is chosen for finishing, between the concrete (or brick) wall and finishing material insulation is being laid. Will do mineral wool, since it fits tightly to the surface and can be driven into the cracks. Polystyrene foam and similar materials are not suitable for this purpose.

At the end of the work, the glass is removed protective film. Leave on for a long time It cannot be placed on glass, as it will be more difficult to peel off later.

French Door Care

Glass surfaces require basic care. It is not recommended to use cloth napkins to wash them, since they leave lint and sometimes stains on the glass. The exception is special fiber cloths for washing windows. You will also need a window cleaner in aerosol packaging: second, nictinol and the like. Cleaning should be done as the glass surface gets dirty, but at least once a week.

Once every 1-2 months, routine window maintenance is carried out using a foam or rubber scraper. Long handle allows you to reach the very top corners of the window without standing on a stepladder. The device does not leave streaks, captures a large surface at once and washes away dirt well.

Advice. When using a scraper, it is important to make movements with it directed only in one direction - towards yourself. Thus, the dirt is washed down without being smeared along the edges of the glazing beads.

Plastic and wooden elements the doors are wiped with a damp sponge and then wiped dry with a dry cloth. If dirty, you can use detergents, which do not contain aggressive components.

Traditionally plastic surfaces are produced in white color. But you can deviate from tradition and paint the plastic in any color that suits the interior.

Wooden surfaces are usually refinished with varnish, but they can also be painted if desired. To do this, the old coating is removed with special solvents, and 2 thin layers of paint are applied.

We always want to bring a touch of freshness, calmness, or, conversely, create a dynamic atmosphere, that is, choose a design for the rooms that would not run counter to our sense of ourselves, but, on the contrary, would harmoniously merge and express our own “I.”

Advantages and disadvantages of the main types of French balconies and windows

Original and unusual solution successful interior could be a French balcony. Panoramic glazing of the balcony will favorably highlight the outer surface of the window facing the street. A private house or the apartment will become more graceful, more elegant, airiness and sophistication will appear, inner space The rooms will be filled with unobtrusive sunlight.

What is a French balcony for?

General overview

When mentioning French glazing of a balcony in a conversation, they most often mean large windows, occupying space from the floor to the ceiling, harmoniously combined with a small area with a fence in the form of a lattice product. From the street, thanks to the curvature of its shape, the panoramic balcony resembles a voluminous basket.

The functionality of the structure is low; mainly the emphasis is on the decorative nature of the device. The small size of the site does not allow the owner of the apartment to use it as a veranda for relaxing or storing any things.

It makes no sense from floor to ceiling if you are going to place bags of potatoes, boxes with household supplies and utensils on the balcony, because such clutter will become obvious to every passerby, and the balcony will lose its attractive appearance.

Who will like a French balcony? First of all, for amateur plant growers, who will finally be able to please themselves and display pots with carefully grown flowers, while at the same time decorating their facade.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other design, a panoramic balcony has its pros and cons. Among the advantages are the absence of the need for additional costs for the installation of the parapet part, finishing works and fortifications. The balcony does not require reinforcing building materials, for example, siding or corrugated sheets. Unlike other balcony devices, in this case you can forget about the casing.

Thanks to the French balcony, the room gets large quantity light, which means that creative people have the opportunity to express themselves and allow their own design ideas to bring their wildest ideas to life.

For example, you can remove them altogether, thereby expanding the window hole. The adjacent one is automatically released wall structure, which can be decorated just as elegantly, keeping with the style of the balcony visible in the window and the forged fence.

One of the disadvantages of the device is the absence of a window sill, but this disadvantage can be looked at from the other side - window sills are often parts that collect dust.

The frame base for a panoramic balcony should be decorated with reinforcing elements. If the windows face south, you will have to ventilate the room well or equip it with a reliable fan - direct contact sun rays is fraught with overheating of floor surfaces and a corresponding increase in air temperature in the room.

Don't expect the product to cost little. On the contrary, the excessive cheapness of the device should alert you.

If you decide to install a French balcony, be sure to arm yourself with a cleaning product glass surfaces- to maintain proper appearance they will have to be rubbed regularly.

Main types

Today, among French balconies, there are two main types of French structures: classic (traditional) and modern. What are their main features?

The first copy does not provide for the presence of the usual platform; the barriers are located in the existing opening from the outer wall opposite the door. If you still want to have a platform, you can construct it yourself, but it will most likely only be suitable for leaving the room.

French doors to balcony modern form represent panoramic doors to the balcony, i.e. glazing is done from bottom to top, without installing additional parapets.

Depending on the type of fastening to the facade of the building, there are structures equipped with metal elements or pipe. The handrails and grille look great, made using the forging method, giving the structure special reliability and emphasizing the refined french style. Based on coatings decorative elements gold leaf or patina is used.

You can also experiment with the shade of the window and double-glazed windows. The profile component can be made of wood or plastic, and the glass varies in degree of transparency.

How to install a French balcony

Technical parameters of the design

TO technical parameters refer to the dimensions of the depth and width of the balcony adjacent to the product Mosquito nets mosquito repellent, drainage system and other additional parts of the device.

When to choose quality material, pay attention to the number of floors of the apartment in the house, as well as the general condition of the building. For example, in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings it is recommended to lighten the French balcony using an aluminum profile.

But this option is far from ideal - aluminum is more expensive and does not have such high heat and sound insulation rates as metal-plastic.

As for the doors, the mechanism of their functioning can be hinged - the doors open outward, solid or partially open. Here everything depends on the taste and desires of the customer, as well as the design of the double-glazed window model. In this case, always take into account what material the facade to which the panoramic balcony is attached to is made of, and the height of the device as a whole.

Installation process

Installation of the device occurs in several stages. First, you should take the necessary measurements; a construction tape will help you with this. Inspect finishing parts for defects. If everything is in order, make reinforcement metal-plastic installation through the profile and reinforce with reinforcing parts.

If you are wondering how to turn a regular structure into a French one, first of all get rid of the concrete barrier and cut down the metal railings, if any. Now strengthen the slab, on top of which in the future double-glazed windows made of metal-plastic or aluminum will be fixed. The latter provides only sliding mechanism opening the door.

Experts advise using double-glazed windows And energy saving glass. Such a balcony almost entirely consists of glass surfaces, which means that it is advisable to insulate it, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid the low temperature in the room in cold weather.

Some get out of this situation by partially glazing the structure. How it's done? Visually divide the balcony into two parts: there should be a double-glazed window on the top, and sandwich panels should be installed on the bottom.

Conveniently, the proposed model does not require manipulations with insulation and covering of the device. Glazing a balcony from floor to ceiling using technology requires the use of high-strength double-glazed windows, simultaneously combined with sandwich plates. This device is safe even for small children.

How to decorate a French balcony

Elegant balcony products with railings presented in the form of forged gratings will sparkle with new colors if you engage in additional design.

Small decorative lanterns and candlesticks with a closed capsule and lit candles look very cozy and romantic. A bright country umbrella, framed in a designer lampshade that hides you from the rain and sun, will help add some piquancy.

Flowers and lush greenery can be easily placed in flowerpots equipped with holes for fixing to the railings. It is appropriate to use hanging pots.

In stores you can choose a suitable chair small size and decorate it with bright fabric. Among the new products, balcony swings are becoming popular.


A French balcony certainly indicates the impeccable and subtle taste of the apartment owner. A special charm panoramic designs It will be appreciated by the owners of private houses, who, going out onto the luxuriously equipped terrace, will be able to admire the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Equip French design in your home is not as difficult as it seems, especially since the cost of creating and installing the product is quite small, and the end result is simply amazing!

This type of work such as French glazing of loggias and balconies from floor to ceiling is practical option arranging a balcony allows you to increase the panoramic landscape from the window, and also looks aesthetically pleasing. But how legal is such an event and is permission needed to hold it?

French balcony: subtleties of coordination

It is worth immediately noting that, according to current legislation French in itself balcony glazing does not require permission, due to the fact that the type of glazing is not included in the BTI plans, only the fact itself is noted: glazed or not.

In addition, the requirement to obtain permission for glazing of any type was canceled due to the current situation in Moscow with heavy smoke due to large-scale forest fires. The owners received the go-ahead to glaze the balcony without approval.
But it should be noted that there are two cases in which difficulties may arise when installing glazing of this type:

  1. When installing a French balcony in Khrushchev and old brick houses, there are certain difficulties, since initially the balcony in these houses was not designed for heavy glazing, because balcony slab in most cases it does not lie under the entire room, but is only partially held window sill block. Such work must be approached with special responsibility, having studied this issue in more detail and discussed it with the specialists of our company.
  2. If we're talking about about new buildings ( monolithic houses), then there is a possibility that the installation will be refused panoramic windows due to the fact that for each house it is planned individual design facade, and when installing floor-to-ceiling windows, the entire appearance of the building deteriorates.

Concerning panel houses, then the main requirement here is the prohibition on dismantling the door threshold. In other cases, coordinating French glazing of a balcony will not cause any difficulties, even if we are talking about coordinating glazing that has already been completed.
What package of documents must be completed to legalize French windows on the balcony:

  • consent in writing from the house maintenance service;
  • permission from the Mosarchitecture (if the building has historical value or if the façade of the building is affected, it is cut out additional window and so on.);
  • technical conclusion on the possibility of implementing this type of redevelopment;
  • preparation of project documentation;
  • permission from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

In houses where there is no balcony (loggia) or is not provided, interesting option is the arrangement of French windows, that is, glass opening doors with a grille-fence. This type of work requires approval, since it is not ordinary glazing, but introduces certain changes to the outer wall.

As for certain requirements for French glazing of a balcony on the floor, those also exist. First of all, it is necessary to take design standards seriously; it is recommended to entrust such an important task to professionals. Choice quality windows and glazing options will allow you to enjoy a French balcony in your home without worrying about safety or temperature differences in winter and summer.

Installation of sliding doors on the balcony

In the case of arranging a French exit to the balcony, it is also necessary to remember about approval from the relevant authorities, since this work is a redevelopment. Also, do not forget about the thermal insulation of the apartment and preventing an increase in space heating, as this is a violation. Sliding French doors to balconies are often installed if desired.

In the matter of coordinating the installation of a French balcony, doors or windows in houses different types and the year of construction, specialists from Architectural and Design Workshop No. 1 will help you. Contacting our company is a guarantee of high-quality approval work with a positive result at an affordable price.


Legalizing the installation of French glazing on a balcony will not cause difficulties, since in 2013 Muscovites received permission to carry out any type of glazing without approval due to heavy smoke due to forest fires. Difficulties can only arise with the old brick houses, where the balcony slab is not designed for such a load or in new buildings with an individual facade design.

Currently, French balconies are decorated apartment buildings and cottages not only in Europe, but also in our country. The photo of the article shows a selection various options that can be found in any city. Such designs give the façade of the building an original look.

An example of a classic version.

IN classic version there is never too much space. Only indoor flowers can be placed here.

What is a French balcony?

A modern version of this design is continuous glazing of the room, which is installed on concrete base with or without lattice fencing. The frame consists of aluminum and metal-plastic profiles; special fittings connect the elements together. From the front side, such a structure resembles a voluminous basket.

Modern model of a French balcony. Aluminum profile and miniature fencing bars.

To create the bottom part, select following materials: frosted glass, plastic, glass with mirror film or do a combined version.

Design advantages:

  • No external and interior lining parapet, unlike standard options(saving money on the purchase of finishing materials);
  • Gets into the room a large number of Sveta;
  • There is no need for welding during installation;
  • Large selection of decor options.

Modern design: strict lines, a combination of metal and decorative plaster on the facade.

Terrace on a modern French balcony. The interior decoration uses natural shades and natural textures: wooden lining, wicker furniture, profiles with wood texture.


  • No window sill. However, this disadvantage eliminates the accumulation of dust;
  • The design must be as reliable as possible; for this, the frame is supplemented with special elements;
  • Massive glazing requires protection from the sun in summer period and additional heating in winter;
  • High price;
  • A lot of work when cleaning glass.

Types of structures

French balconies with wrought iron elements

The classic option is a window or doorway with decorative metal parapet. Often the load-bearing slab does not exceed the length of a foot, but sometimes it reaches a maximum of half a meter. This design does not imply prolonged recreation in the fresh air.

Used for fencing artistic forging. The design, as a rule, is elegant; floral patterns can often be seen.

Sometimes ready hardware covered with gold leaf or patinated their surface (aging effect). The use of these methods turns the fence into original part, which primarily attracts attention.

The small base area does not allow organizing storage space. A French balcony adorns the facade of the house and the room that is hidden behind it. A lot of light enters a window or doorway.

Forged fencing in a private house. The chocolate shade of the forged metal and metal-plastic profile goes well with the color of the brick wall.

The classic version is not functional, it only serves a decorative role.

The doors can open partially or completely, outward or inward, or be blind. These details directly depend on your desires.

Artistic forging complements the exterior in an original way. In the workshop, designers can develop a unique pattern to order.

Radial forged fencing in a private house.

To create a single ensemble, you can set forged grilles on the windows. They must be made in the same style as the fence.

French balcony in Khrushchev

View from inside an apartment in Khrushchev.

Metal-plastic profiles have significant weight. On the eve of installation in the Khrushchev building, you should check the condition concrete slab. If defects are found during inspection, the base must be carefully repaired.

Flower pots are mounted on a metal fence.

French doors to the balcony photo

Fencing with plant pattern.

French balconies without railings

In new buildings you can find French glazing without fences.

Other options

Interior decoration of a room with an area of ​​6 sq. m. For interior decoration we chose natural colors and natural materials.


To use the balcony all year round it is necessary to insulate this room. In addition to a high-quality profile and heat-saving double-glazed windows, it is necessary to additionally protect the surface of the ceiling and floor. A comfortable microclimate is helped by creating additional heating sources, such as oil heater, heated floor or autonomous radiator. There is also a special film that protects against heat loss in winter and keeps the room cool in summer.

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