A modern pipeline system, regardless of the facility, is a complex interweaving of pipes (branches, connections) with spaced in the right places shut-off and control valves. For ease of design and subsequent maintenance, there are so-called hydraulic diagrams. They represent a drawing diagram, where, through lines and symbols the pipeline system is described. In accordance with domestic GOST standards, there are designations check valve, tap valves, gate valves and all available types of fittings. The hydraulic circuit itself is designated by the letter “G”.

There are three types of hydraulic circuits:

Structural. Here are the components pipeline system are displayed in the form of rectangles, inside which the specific name of the component is indicated. Pipes are indicated by lines, parallel to which arrows indicate the direction of flow of the working medium. At large quantities components, to simplify the understanding of the circuit, it is allowed to indicate numbers in rectangles. Each number corresponds to a specific component. For example, the designation of a check valve on a diagram of this type will be in the form of a number;
. fundamental hydraulic. Here the elements and devices are displayed as letter designations. The relationships between the devices of the pipeline system are described by lines. In such diagrams, the designation of the check valve will be KO (stands for check valve). If there are several of them in the circuit, the valves are assigned serial numbers: KO1, KO2, KO3. Designations of other components of hydraulic circuits can be found in the corresponding Russian GOSTs (GOST 2 780-96, GOST 2 781-96, GOST 2 782-96);
. connection diagrams. Here the piping components are displayed as graphic images. The graphic designation of a check valve looks like this:

Rotary looks like:

In this case, the direction of flow of the working medium is shown from the white triangle to the black one.

A well-designed scheme is the key to comfortable and uninterrupted operation of the pipeline system. The design and placement of fittings in the pipeline should be entrusted to qualified specialists. When installing fittings into an existing pipeline, you should choose level areas of the pipe. At the same time, it is necessary to leave room for maintenance and repair.

mounted in a pipe in four main ways:

flanged Here, there should be flanges at the edges of the fittings itself and adjacent sections of the pipeline. The connection is made with bolts and nuts;
wafer. It is a continuation of the previous one. Only here the fittings are clamped between the pipe flanges. As a rule, this method is used on small diameters;
for welding. This method considered the most difficult to perform. Here the edges of the reinforcement and adjacent pipe sections are welded to each other. Before this it is necessary to carry out preparatory activities: Thoroughly clean the external and internal surfaces pipes from dirt, rust to pure metal. During the welding process, it is necessary to maintain the alignment of the fittings and the pipe;

coupling This method is usually used in utility pipelines (water supply, heating) of small diameter.

After installation in the pipeline system, the corresponding diagrams of the pipeline system must be modified to include the designations of check valves. General standards for drawing up hydraulic diagrams are described in domestic GOSTs. Data regulatory documents must be followed when making changes. This will keep them clear and readable.

In modern realities, hydraulic circuits are created using modern software. The most popular and effective software for this is AutoCAD and Festo. In these programs there are blank designations for check valves. You can also add the designation of check valves to the diagram yourself, drawing line by line yourself. In the absence of proper experience in creating such schemes, trust the design procedure and making changes to existing schemes should be done by experienced professionals.

The Admiral plant produces check valves. European norms and standards are observed at every stage of production. Extensive testing is carried out upon completion finished product. This minimizes the delivery of defective products to the end consumer. Valves are delivered throughout the territory Russian Federation V as soon as possible. May use hired freight transport or delivery services.

When developing and drawing up projects and schemes of water supply and sewerage in paper and electronic documents, drawings and accompanying applications use symbols that characterize the parameters of devices, mechanisms, parts and elements, as well as alphabetic and numeric symbols special purpose. For example, the designation of a pump on a water supply and sewerage diagram must necessarily be present in the drawings of not only industrial-scale construction projects, but also in projects individual construction, as well as symbols of pipelines and other components and mechanisms of engineering communications. All these symbols, symbols and icons are described in detail in GOST 21.205-93, and their use is built into computer programs for creating drawings of water supply and sewerage systems, such as AutoCAD, FreeCAD, T-FLEX CAD, DraftSight Free CAD", "LibreCAD" and others, working in Computer-Aided Design and Drawing (CAD) standards.

Why are drawings and projects of water supply and sewerage drawn up?

All construction sites - industrial, residential or strategic buildings are, to one degree or another, equipped with sanitary systems that have some General characteristics and functions. Such systems are not isolated - they consist of a complex of engineering and communication circuits and components, such as hot water supply and hot water supply, sewer lines, centralized gas supply, garbage chute lines, storm sewer and snow retention systems, heating units, electrical and communication communications.

Given such a multitude complex systems all of them must be brought to a single standard in order to minimize the risk of emergency situations and other unplanned malfunctions. The most important engineering systems– sewerage and water supply, therefore their layout must be clearly reflected in the drawings and network diagrams, in compliance with all designations accepted by the standards. Only by observing the conventions established by GOST can you launch a facility that complies with the rules of livability and comfortable operation.

  1. Water supply in a residential area in general and individually in each apartment has its own role - these systems ensure not only the full functioning of residents, but also preserve their health. Therefore, when drawing up project documentation, one cannot allow the slightest deviation in calculations and drawings, since this will certainly affect the way of life, the health of people, and the technical condition systems
  2. Sewage removes waste from residential premises dirty water, domestic waste and crushed solid waste human life, the same function is performed by the garbage chute. As in water supply, in the sewerage system the first and necessary unit is a pump. Considering the aggressiveness of the environment and the constituent components of the wastewater, the system must be as reliable as possible throughout the entire period of operation, which means that the very first steps - drawing up drawings and documentation - must be taken responsibly.

All sewer drains, pipeline and gas pipeline taps on diagrams, water supply and sewerage systems have their own symbols and designation marks in project drawings, which should be displayed the same everywhere. Due to the complexity of compiling similar projects It is recommended to entrust such work to professionals so that not only the correct symbols and designations of the water supply system, pumps, valves, sewers, pipes and shut-off valves on the diagram are observed, but also their parameters are calculated for long-term maintenance-free operation.

Features of schematic symbols

Before drawing up the final version of the project, preliminary drawings are developed that take into account the specific operating conditions of the equipment in a particular room. The draft draft will take into account geographical and technical features buildings, number of residential and technical premises, location and direction of water input and output, etc. After preliminary drawings and design documents have been drawn up for each room of the house, they are combined into one final design.

But on each drawing, on each diagram, only generally accepted symbols and symbols should be used so that any builder, architect or engineer can correctly read the drawing and accurately carry out their part of the work.

The use of other conventional icons, symbols and designations in construction documentation is strictly prohibited by GOST 21.205-93. There are several hundred established and approved designations, so let’s look at their use using the example of pumps - circulation pumps, pumping pumps, and others.

Conditional graphic symbols pumps are shown in the table:

Based on the symbols approved by GOST 21.205-93, all of the above programs for drawing up drawings and 2-D or 3-D visualization of projects work.

When developing a sewer or DHW schemes, in heating and other pipeline diagrams, developers indicate with symbols and other symbols the places of connection of hot or cold water, inlet and outlet of drains, location of plumbing fixtures and other equipment. Circuit complexity and installed equipment depends largely on the area and functional purpose premises, therefore, even for identical premises, the wiring and connection diagrams will always be different. When preparing projects and drawings DHW systems, cold water supply and sewerage, only generally accepted special symbols are used. Discrepancies in the documentation are unacceptable, and it is not permitted to independently change the designations in preliminary and final documents.

Symbols of water supply and sewerage in the drawing

Working data on the properties and parameters of the water supply and sewerage system in diagrams and drawings of pipelines utility networks are entered into the design documentation by symbols in letters and numbers.

Any water supply network is designated by the alphanumeric symbols “B0”, the pipeline for household and drinking needs is designated by the symbols “B1”, water communications for fire protection systems indicated by the symbols “B2”, pipes for supplying process water designated as "B4". That is, all designations that have the symbol “B” at the beginning refer to the water supply of the facility.

General sewerage is designated by the Cyrillic symbol “K”, sewerage for domestic waste is designated by the symbol set “K1”, storm drainage is designated “K2”, drainage in industrial scale indicated by the symbols “K3”.

In water supply and sewer schemes, along with lines, special alphanumeric designations and symbols are used in the drawing process. All symbols are unexplained, with the exception of specific industry symbols in the diagram. Such designations (for example, a non-standard valve) are deciphered by indicating a reference to detailed description element. Not all symbols regulated by the standard must always be used in design, but some are required, since water supply, sewerage, and heating system are installed in all residential buildings. This could be a pump or valve in the drawing, a designation for a coarse filter or fine cleaning, the presence of a heat exchanger or manual (automatic) valves in the circuit.

Also, on the diagram of the utility lines of a house, there are often lines like a dotted line with a dot, or straight and dotted lines. These are designations for domestic wastewater, stormwater and mixed sewerage systems.

In addition, diagrams and drawings may contain elements and symbols with long or short, complemented by various symbols and elements: circles, cylindrical symbols, squares or rectangles, triangles or perpendicular segments of thin lines. All these symbols and designations have different meanings: they can mean sewer, the end of a pipe, a damper embedded in the route, etc. A circle and a letter symbol inside a circle means an oil trap, a grease trap, a fuel flap, a mud trap, etc. If there is no symbol in the circle, then such a designation indicates the presence of a sump tank in the diagram.

Special symbols on project plans also exist to indicate plumbing fixtures and other household equipment. State standard No. 21.205 of 1993 provides for such designations as a shower stall with a hose and sprayer, and sinks with mixer taps, and bathtubs themselves, and toilets with different types flushing water. For different devices, even for the same purpose, there are different designations, symbols and icons. These can also be conventional drawings, in the lines of which you can immediately guess what equipment is indicated on the project drawing.

When developing design documentation for the construction of a house, designers take into account many more auxiliary and secondary conditions: it is necessary to designate not only the main components, but also the parts that ensure their operation - heating main pipes, water supply or sewerage, valves and filters, traps and shut-off valves, fittings and turns. Such detailed information will help you read the drawing faster and more clearly, and implement it in practice without errors. To indicate additional information, letters, numbers, pictures, geometric figures and other designations.

In the drawings of the building project, it is necessary to display a diagram of the wiring of engineering and technical communications, such as DHW supply and cold water, sewerage and heating, parameters of sewer, inspection and collector wells and other technical information that is recommended to be used during the work process. It is not enough to rely only on key data - if additional information is used, the project will be implemented with a long-term operational perspective, without accidents and unplanned repairs. Volume design work is large enough for self-taught builders, so hiring professional designers will be the only right decision.

All designations and forms of numbers, Latin, Cyrillic and graphic letters, geometric figures and symbols must be used only for their intended purpose, without distorting the display on the diagram. It is forbidden to use images and designations of elements not regulated by GOST and SNiP in drawings and diagrams of sewerage and water supply systems. Loss of the correct perception of the designation at any stage of construction or installation will break the entire scheme, which will lead to wasted time and labor costs.

Correctly used symbols, letters, geometric shapes and symbols are a guarantee of correct reading project documentation, and therefore correct execution construction and installation work on site. By complying with all GOST requirements, you will achieve efficient work all engineering networks, which means their long-term and uninterrupted operation.

Any serious construction begins with drawing up a project. This allows you to compose and place everything in the room in advance, even at the level of diagrams and drawings. engineering Communication necessary for a comfortable stay. The main ones, along with gas supply, heating and garbage disposal, are cold and hot water supply with sewerage and drains.

For the convenience of planning and reading designed documentation during construction, GOST developed, approved and regulated in SNiP the symbols of all systems installed on construction sites, as well as sanitary requirements to each of them. They also include detailed symbolism of the units required to supply water to the house, filter it and remove it from it as part of sewer waste.

This table shows all the design symbols for water supply and sewerage communications used in construction:

  1. Pipeline for waste water disposal
  2. Pipeline for mixed sewerage of the facility
  3. Pipeline for storm sewerage of the site
  4. Internal pipeline for sewerage
  5. Storm drain device
  6. Changed pipe diameter
  7. Hood with piping to the roof, covered with a hood
  8. Ventilation system riser
  9. Pipe end cap
  10. Flange type pipe connection
  11. Socket type pipe connection
  12. Threaded type pipe connection
  13. Cleaning pipe
  14. Shut-off valve
  15. Three-mode crane
  16. Water stop valve
  17. Throttle valve
  18. Check valve
  1. Pressure compensator system
  2. Stuffing box water compensator
  3. Reducing valve
  4. Bathtub outlet siphon
  5. Siphon outlet from the basement
  6. Drain grate storm water yard
  7. Street stormwater drainage grate
  8. Reverse shutter with double protection
  9. Drain well and pipelines
  10. Well for monitoring open trays
  11. Device for cleaning wastewater in a small circle
  12. Medium type wastewater treatment device
  13. Reinforced wastewater treatment device

The symbols for water supply and sewerage are uniform throughout the Russian Federation and CIS countries. Changing them at your own discretion is unacceptable. The reason is simple: a drawing for the plumbing arrangement of a facility should be understood by any trained plumber. This will help avoid mistakes in work technology and, ultimately, ensure the most effective method operation of the facility's water supply.

Conventional signs on drawings and diagrams for the installation of plumbing should be indicated during the construction of any construction project, be it multi-storey building, cottage or any manufacture building. They also apply V computer programs, for example, "Autocade", used in creating projects for water supply and sewerage facilities.

Features of drawing up diagrams and drawings

Plumbing symbols for various components are used both in diagrams of the object and in its drawings. Both types of graphic display of communications, in general, perform the same task - the creation of a working draft, which is the main document during construction work.

A scheme is an idea, the beginning of everything, most often based on a specific technical task. It runs on any medium, including a simple notepad. All elements of the upcoming design can be recorded here quite conditionally, only with the designation of installation nodes and their communication connections at the site. For example, like this:

However, more informative are the diagrams, which indicate the projection of the communications being constructed and the symbols of all proposed nodes. Depending on the need, two types of projections are used in the diagrams - two-dimensional and three-dimensional (isometric).

Two-dimensional ( axonometric) diagrams allow you to represent an object in two planes: length and height or length and width:

Isometric projection more informative. It makes it possible to immediately estimate the working area in terms of length, width and height:

Even more visual for the designer is a three-dimensional image in 3D computer format. With its help it is much easier to maintain the scale and required dimensions.

The presence of all dimensions in all three planes, made to a given scale, turns a detailed and accurately executed diagram into a drawing. All drawings in construction projects performed on paper. This makes them more convenient for use on sites. On large construction sites equipped with computers, information is duplicated on special websites with the ability to view each drawing section in 3D.

The main task of the project is to create a plan that takes into account all the subtleties of supplying cold and hot water and its subsequent sewerage.

The specification of the proposed drawings is also important, in particular data on the wells available at the construction site, as well as the topography of the area. In addition, the project includes all certified materials necessary for the work.

All symbols on the drawings must comply with GOST. Otherwise, execute exactly installation work will be impossible. It is also necessary to take into account the requirements of SPDS (design documentation system for construction) for the development and recording of documentation intended for the installation of plumbing fixtures at construction sites. Only in this way can you gain confidence that your home’s water supply and sewage system will operate efficiently and safely.

Symbols on drawings for water pipelines

Before developing a water supply project for any building and, in particular, country house the entire group of factors that can affect the functioning of the water supply system is identified.

Such factors include, first of all, the presence or absence of a centralized water supply network near the construction site, and whether it can lead to pressure drops. If there is no network, it is designed local system water supply with the installation of a storage tank.

The process of creating a project goes through several stages:

  • Based on the total number of water consuming points in the house and on the site, it is calculated maximum load to the water supply system.
  • Methods are being developed to compensate for water supply when pressure drops in the central or local network.
  • A drawing is being drawn up.
  • Equipment is selected according to the selected scheme.

In order to correctly place the water supply symbols on the drawings of the project being designed, the designer needs to imagine what elements the water supply system consists of. The number of plumbing elements and the material from which the plumbing fixtures are made may vary in cost and quality, but this does not fundamentally change anything.
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The symbols of pipeline diagrams and the corresponding equipment of the water supply system in all cases remain approximately as follows:

  • well (or other source);
  • pump;
  • storage tank with tee;
  • two outlet pipes: one for home water supply, the other - for technical (garden, vegetable garden);
  • water filtration system for home with tee;
  • two outlet pipes: one for cold water, the other for hot water.

Conventional graphic symbols of pipelines are aimed at showing the distribution system of hot and cold water pipes.

Cold water from the tee of the filtration system it enters the collector installed in the house. From there it is distributed through pipes to existing plumbing points.

Hot water is supplied to the heater and then distributed point by point in the same way. This diagram clearly demonstrates this:

Sewerage: design features

Sewage system in any home or production premises divided into indoor and outdoor modules. The first covers cleaning inside buildings, the second covers external sewerage around the house.

The internal sewerage module is formed from a network of pipelines combined into one complex. This module has only one outlet from the house, connected to the outdoor module via a check valve, which prevents the system from overflowing with water if the external tanks are overfilled.

into which all internal and external drains from external sewer lines are drained, including storm drains, if there is one on the site.

Storm water drainage system

What types are there, who does the maintenance and installation features

During design, a number of calculations are made. The main ones are:

  • determining the location of plumbing units indoors and how to connect them to the sewer system;
  • choice of drainage methods (forced or self-drainage). In the case of self-draining water, the slope of the pipes is calculated, as well as their markings.

In addition, the project takes into account:

  • environmental requirements for the area adjacent to the house: cesspool with a septic tank should not be located near drinking water wells;
  • method of drainage of sewage. It can be autonomous with disposal through a cesspool or centralized with waste removal through a community-wide sewerage system located near the house.

Symbols for internal sewerage

Internal sewerage is designed to drain wastewater from all plumbing installations located in the premises. The water formed as a result of the life activity of its inhabitants mainly moves through pipelines installed with a certain slope, naturally. In rare cases, this requires forced promotion.

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The rooms in which the plumbing is located are planned close to each other. This helps drain the drain faster and reduces the likelihood of drain clogging.

To avoid the appearance unpleasant odors When planning, each plumbing fixture is provided with water-locking siphons. The end of the pipe connecting all the outlets is led outside the building through the wall.

The designation of the sewerage system must take into account both internal and external sewer networks.

Internal sewerage includes signs indicating:

  • outlets from all sanitary facilities located in the premises;
  • risers that allow pumping wastewater from upper floors to the lower ones;
  • collectors collecting wastewater from various sources;
  • exhaust systems;
  • treatment plants;
  • ventilation pipelines;
  • cleaning pipes;
  • hydraulic valves that prevent the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewer system;
  • sewer plugs.

The designation of the sewer plug is mandatory. If there are several plugs, the location of each should be indicated on the drawing.

Internal sewer system in residential premises it is designed in isometric pipelines with symbols, primarily as a system for household waste. At the same time, drains connected to the storm sewer or special trays around the perimeter of the building. A special siphon is installed at the point where wastewater is discharged from the house.

If you decide, then we suggest step by step instructions with video tutorial, diagrams and projects.

The symbol in the sewer axonometry includes elements that are the source of sewer waste:

  • sanitary facilities equipment (baths, sinks, toilets, bidets);
  • dishwashers and washing machines;
  • industrial equipment with waste water systems.

The flushing devices are connected to the water supply. Waste water heading to external sewerage through siphons, which are also hydraulic valves - U-shaped pipes with water. Each siphon is connected to a pipe with holes for inspection in case of blockage.

The drawing also symbolizes sewerage pipe inlets, as well as their fittings, with the help of which wastewater is diverted to cast iron or plastic risers- tees, elbows, crosses. Also indicated in the drawing is an attic outlet for the riser to the roof, which prevents the room from being polluted with unpleasant odors.

Graphic symbols on drawings of external sewerage

External sewerage covers water treatment and drainage outside the home. It can be all-alloy, semi-dividing, dividing. All-alloy sewerage is designed to collect all types of sewage into a collector and then direct it to the treatment network.

Semi-separate sewerage is aimed at removing all rainfall without separating it into polluted and clean.

Symbols for sewerage in the drawings of the separation system include stormwater and domestic service networks.

Storm drains collect rain or industrial wastewater and discharge it into the water without prior treatment. sewer well or a body of water.

The sewer network, intended for household needs, passes atmospheric precipitation or wastewater of industrial origin through a special filtration system.

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Graphic signs on wiring diagrams V mandatory display:

  1. devices for receiving waste water;
  2. drainage pipes;
  3. external sewer riser;
  4. exhaust ventilation pipe;
  5. hydraulic shutter;
  6. outlet;
  7. yard sewerage network;
  8. sewer well with cover;
  9. drainage funnel;
  10. internal sewer riser.

Each of these elements has a specific function in the system of reception, transmission and treatment of sewer and storm drains, and therefore must be installed both in the house and on the area adjacent to it.

Summary of the article

The importance of symbols in the practice of construction design is difficult to overestimate. In the process of studying the material, a large amount of information is processed, relating not only to the equipment installed at the site. It is important to create a drawing that would be understandable to those directly performing the work: it should be easy to read.

This is what the symbols are for. They can be alphabetic, numeric, but the most visual is the graphic, symbolic version.

The pictograms used by the project executor allow the master reading the drawing to easily determine which element of the system being created should be installed and where. This greatly simplifies the process of installing water supply and sewerage on site.

The great advantage of symbols is that with their help, according to GOST, you can put on the drawing not only plumbing communications, but also the plumbing itself: sink, faucets, bathtub, shower, toilet.

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Each of these elements is displayed in the form of a specific picture. This makes it possible to immediately understand what should be installed in one place or another, and, ultimately, carry out the work more quickly and efficiently.


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