An illness associated with deformation of the joints of the lower extremities occurs equally in men and women. This problem causes the formation of aesthetic complexes or leads to deterioration of health.

Causes of curvature of legs

Often joint deformities are inherited due to national characteristics. Curvature of the limbs can be noticed at an early age. To correct the situation, you should consult a doctor to prevent worsening.

The reasons for the appearance of curvature of the legs include the following factors:

  • rickets and its consequences arising due to unfavorable conditions during the child’s growth period;
  • pathological processes in bone tissue, leading to thinning of the bone structure;
  • incorrect postures while standing or sitting;
  • playing certain sports in childhood or adolescence;
  • disturbance of mineral metabolism;
  • excess body weight, inactivity;
  • weakness of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • endocrine reasons.

Types of leg curvature

There are several types of deformation:

  1. True.

Changes when the femur and tibia are shaped like an arch. The main cause of this disease is a hereditary predisposition or a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. To correct the situation, a consultation with an orthopedist is necessary.

  1. False.

With a false curvature of the legs, the bone has the correct shape. The source of the problem is associated with impaired development of muscle tissue. The knees and ankle touch, creating a curvature at the ankle. The condition can be eliminated with a course of exercises.

  1. O-shaped, varus.

This defect has the appearance of an oval, since the disease starts from the hips and goes to the ankle joint. The knee joints do not touch each other.

  1. Valgus curvature, X-shaped.

A defect in which the knees are together but the ankles are not aligned. The legs look like the letter X.

Method for determining the type of curvature

To determine the shape of the limbs and identify possible violations, you must perform the following steps:

  • stand straight in front of the mirror and bend your leg:
  • if the knee has moved inward, this indicates an O-deformation;
  • the kneecap has moved outward - a type of X-curvature;
  • placing your hands on your waist (feet shoulder-width apart), do a squat:
  • with an O-defect, the legs diverge to the sides;
  • X-type – limbs are connected;
  • the correct form is bending parallel to the feet.

To completely confirm or exclude the diagnosis, an x-ray must be taken. The condition of the bones determines the type and solution of the problem.

Correcting false curvature

This deformation does not cause harm to health and has only an aesthetic aspect. To correct the condition, you need to exercise, lose excess weight and build muscle tissue. With the right selection of exercises, cosmetic changes will gradually disappear. You can perform a set of exercises at home and in the gym.

True curvature

True curvature lies in a defect in the bones of the legs; sometimes it is difficult to cope with it only with the help of exercise therapy.


There are two types of surgical operations:

A. Installation of the Ilizarov apparatus on the lower leg.

The procedure has fairly rapid progress, which is noticeable after 2 months. Operations can be performed from the age of 14. After removing the structure, loads are prohibited for several weeks. The technique is traditional and is used in most cases.

Possible complications:

  • inflammation in soft tissues;
  • infectious processes;
  • the appearance of contracture;
  • damage in the area of ​​correction.

B. Plastic surgery – cruroplasty.

The operation is carried out using two methods:

  • installation of an implant in the lower leg area of ​​the desired shape;
  • lipofilling from fat cells of the abdomen or buttocks.

The procedure takes place under general anesthesia in a hospital setting. Rehabilitation lasts for 2 months; disadvantages include displacement of the implant and distortion of the shape of the legs. Sports activities are prohibited.


Massage sessions are important from birth to three years of age. The procedure will help correct crooked legs only in early childhood.

For adults, manual therapy and impact on the lower back are used if the essence of the defect lies in the sacral area. It will not be possible to completely remove the deformity, since the formed bone tissue is difficult to massage.

Straightening on the simulator

The principle of the technique is horizontal traction of the spinal column and lower extremities.

Regular practice helps in relieving muscle spasms caused by curvature, restoring blood flow and noticeably lengthening the lower leg.

Correction belts

The procedure consists of fastening the legs at several points with special belts and performing prescribed exercises in this manner.

Manual fix

The technique allows you to eliminate defects:

  • knees that are too close or apart;
  • O – figurative deformation;
  • curvature of the femur.

Restoring functions in the knee joints:

  • It is necessary to pat the areas of the meniscus every day for a minute with a bag filled with a granular substance (salt or sand): on the inside for an O-defect, on the outside for an X-type.
  • It is worth striking with a gradual increase in force twice a day.

Correction of shin curvature:

  • The exercise is performed in the same way - by tapping on defective areas. The essence of the technique is to cause microtrauma and improve blood flow and metabolic phenomena. After the impacts there is a visual improvement.

Elimination of femoral bone defect:

  • Sit on a chair and intensely squeeze a small ball between your thighs.

With this exercise, muscle tissue grows.

The effect of the exercises occurs after about 6 months.


Gymnastics is used to strengthen muscle strength. Elimination of deformation is carried out by a set of special asanas that relax areas of tightness.

Visual effect

Procedures for eliminating curvature of the legs are quite lengthy, so you can correct the cosmetic defect using the following tricks:

  • Overlays.

Special silicone devices are attached to the lower leg, and then tights or tight pants are put on.

  • Cloth.

A properly selected piece of clothing can correct the problem and visually straighten your legs. For everyday wear, you should wear pants with flares from the hip, boots with wide tops, dresses and skirts of maximum length to the ankles.

A set of exercises for correcting O-legs

The following activities will help you make your limbs straight:

  • walking on the inner and outer sides of the foot, lifting on the toes and moving on the heels when lowering;
  • running with high legs;
  • squat;
  • plie (socks and knees pointing in different directions);
  • abduction to the side with one leg, alternately standing at a support, you can use a sports elastic band;
  • raise straight legs one by one;
  • placing each leg forward in turn with a squat (the weight shift should fall on the heel area);
  • scissors exercise;
  • reduction and connection of the limbs in a lying position.

Do gymnastics at least 3 times a week, after warming up the muscles with a warm-up.

Exercises to correct X-legs

A simple set of exercises to make your legs straighter:

  • walking on the outer part of the foot, on the knees;
  • abduction of the limbs to the side with the foot pulled towards you;
  • lunges left and right;
  • squatting with a ball pressed between the thighs;
  • static exercises;
  • lying on your stomach, make a “butterfly”: connect your feet and spread your knees to the sides. Hold on for 5-10 minutes.

If you have an X-shaped defect, it is useful to go swimming or cycling.

Exercise therapy for varus deformity

A set of exercises to correct curvature of the legs:

  • walking on the heels, the inner part of the sole;
  • quickly raising your knees up and landing on your toes;
  • squatting (knee joints together);
  • swing to the side at the support;
  • raising straight limbs while lying on your side;
  • “scissors” sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall;
  • pedal, simulating cycling;
  • connecting and separating legs while lying on your back;
  • cross twine.

Exercises for hallux valgus

Sample list of activities:

  • walking on the outer arches of the sole;
  • knee walking;
  • swing to the sides with pointed toes;
  • side lunges;
  • squat as low as possible with the ball against the wall;
  • sitting in a “Turkish” position, press on the knee joints or try to reach them to the floor;
  • lying on your stomach, bring your feet together and spread your legs to the sides.

All exercises should be performed several times a week. If you experience pain or other unpleasant sensations, you should report them to your doctor. After classes, it is useful to take a warm bath, adding essential oil to the water.

Exercises for a child

Defects in a child should be corrected before the age of seven. It is necessary to combine regular massage courses with gymnastics.


Walk around the room first on your toes, then on the inside and outside of your feet. For the best effect, perform the exercise with the ball clamped between your legs.

Lying down

Lie on your back, lower limbs shoulder-width apart, feet turned inward.

Clench and unclench your fingers several times. Then connect your feet and imitate clapping.

On knees

Leaning on the palms and knee joints, the child pulls the leg back, straightening the toe.

On the stomach

Bend your knees so that your heels touch your buttocks.


To prevent curvature, several rules should be followed:

  1. Regular walks in the park area, getting enough vitamin D for development.
  2. Timeliness of skills - you should not accustom your child to early crawling or walking, as weak muscle and ligamentous apparatus lead to changes in the shape of the lower leg.
  3. Balanced diet.
  4. Classes in the pool.

To correct false curvature, you should follow the recommendations:

  • Don't sleep on your stomach. In this position, the back is under tension, and this is reflected in the length of the lower limbs.
  • Do not cross your legs over each other while sitting on a chair.
  • Stand straight.
  • Avoid walking in high, narrow or uncomfortable shoes.
  • Timely treatment of diseases.
  • Doing exercises regularly.
  • Proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  • Exercise in the pool or cycling.

Elimination of curvature of the lower extremities is not a quick process, and if defects are suspected in a child, it is necessary to begin correcting them without delaying a trip to the doctor.

Newborn babies often experience slight bowing of the legs. If the defect does not disappear by three or maximum five years, it needs to be corrected. In addition to the psychological factor, a person also experiences physical problems. When the legs are deformed, the load on the knee joint is distributed unevenly, which leads to osteoarthritis and flat feet.

Why does a child have X-shaped or wheel-shaped legs? Let's look at the reasons for curvature

Orthopedists distinguish 2 main types of deformation of the lower extremities - O-shaped and X-shaped.

The cause of curvature of the legs in a child can be factors such as:

Causes of pathology Curvature form


Features of the body structure, and accordingly the curvature of the legs, can be determined at the genetic level and transmitted from parents to children. Such curvature can sometimes be corrected only through surgery.



A disease associated with a lack of vitamin D in a child’s body leads to disruption of the formation and growth of bone tissue. The baby's bones become softer and bend under his weight.

Both types of deformities

Early loads on the lower limbs

Each child's age corresponds to certain skills . Many parents want their baby to get on his feet faster or take his first independent steps. Early use or driving by the handles increases the load on fragile legs and leads to their curvature.

This happens especially quickly in overweight children. .


Osteochondrosis deformans (Blount's disease)

A congenital disorder that results in a wheel-shaped curvature of the legs. Most often, leg deformities occur in girls who are overweight .


Even our grandmothers used tight swaddling to keep the baby’s legs straight. However, it has been scientifically proven that this is not true. In fact, When a newborn’s legs are tightened tightly, a dangerous disease can occur - .

How to independently determine the curvature of legs in children

If the baby’s legs are bent quite strongly, then this can be seen with the naked eye. To determine even minor deviations from the norm, ask the child to stand up straight and bring his heels together.

Compare the baby’s legs with the diagram presented:

As can be seen from the pictures, the child’s legs can be normal, X-shaped or O-shaped. If your child is under 3 years old, his legs may be shaped like the letter “O”. At older ages, X-shaped deformities of the lower extremities are more often observed.

Treating X-shaped curvature of a child’s legs

Doctors advise starting to correct the legs in the shape of the letter “X” as early as possible.

Pathological abnormalities can be completely cured if the child has not yet reached school age, and treatment should begin no later than 2 years.

To correct the lower extremities, methods such as:

Massotherapy Treatment sessions should only be carried out by a specialist . The procedures include massage not only of the child’s legs, but also of the back, buttocks and lumbar areas. It is recommended to conduct 4 courses per year. Under the guidance of a doctor, you can learn a few simple techniques (not capable of harming the baby) and additionally use massage at home.
Electrical stimulation Electrical treatment is used when, in addition to the curvature of the lower leg, deformation of the feet is observed . Pulses with a current strength of 50 mA of varying duration (from about 5 to 300 ms) pass through the legs, excite cells and stimulate motor activity of muscles.
Physiotherapy The exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs and back and correcting deformities.

Therapeutic gymnastics consists of a number of exercises:

  1. Walking . It is useful for your baby to often run barefoot in the summer (on sand, small pebbles, shells). Teach your child to walk on the outer edges of the arch of the foot. Walking on ribbed surfaces is beneficial.
  2. Grips . You need to grab pieces of fabric or small objects with your toes in both a sitting and standing position.
  3. Sitting in the Turkish position and getting up from it without assistance with alternating legs. You can sit cross-legged not only during gymnastics.
  4. Squats with full foot support , and then only on the toes.
Orthopedic shoes It is a preventive measure after correcting a leg defect. The shoes are made to order, equipped with a solid heel and orthopedic insole that follows the shape of the child's foot.

Therapeutic shoes should:

  • Enclose your foot snugly (but not harshly) and ankle joint.
  • Be with a small heel .
  • Must have an insole – arch support and sole roll.
Physical activity The best medicine is the baby's mobility. He should walk more - run, jump, play outdoor games. You can buy a wall bars for your baby. In addition, it is useful to jump while sitting on a large ball or walk along a ladder lying on the floor. Children with X-shaped legs benefit from swimming and any games in the water. .

During outdoor games and exercises, it is necessary to exclude prolonged load of the baby’s body weight on the knees and ankle joints, while helping to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.

To make it interesting for your child, turn morning exercises with exercises that help correct the shape of your legs into a fun game:

  1. Invite the baby to walk like a clumsy bear. This will allow the child to stomp on the outside of the foot.
  2. Let the kid try himself as a tightrope walker . Walking along a narrow plank or path made of flat figures, the baby will place his feet closer to one another.
  3. Remind your child of a familiar oriental fairy tale and offer to sit like a Turkish sultan .

Important! If you have an X-shaped curvature of the legs, it is not recommended to stand for a long time, especially with your legs apart. This pose increases the displacement of the knees inward and the spread of the feet outward.

Features of treatment of O-shaped (varus) leg deformity in children

Leg deformities in the shape of the letter “O” should begin to be treated as soon as the first signs of pathology appear. Otherwise, the child has a gait disorder, he often falls, and cannot walk long distances. In addition, the baby’s spine suffers and the posture becomes distorted.

Varus deformity of the limbs causes:

Uneven development knee joints.
Squeezing internal meniscus.
Extension The joint space is external and narrows on the internal side.
Development clubfoot.
Stretching ligaments that strengthen the knee joint.

Treatment of O-shaped deformity takes a lot of time, so parents need to be patient and follow all the instructions of the orthopedic doctor.

During treatment, a whole range of measures are used, which are carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of specialists:

  • Children are prescribed calcium electrophoresis
  • Paraffin boots


Special shoes and devices are prescribed by the orthopedist after examining the child. . In each individual case, he recommends the use of instep supports, correctors (splints) or special insoles.
Complex massage In case of varus deformity, the procedure is carried out in combination with a general tonic body massage. Much attention is paid to the lumbar spine, since from there the nerve endings go to the gluteal area and leg muscles.

The following massage sequence is used:

  1. Back area in the lumbar region .
  2. Gluteal area and sacrum .
  3. Back of the leg (thigh, shin, Achilles tendon and sole).
  4. Front of the leg (surface of the foot from the back, ankle and lower leg joints, knee joint and thigh).
Physiotherapy Gymnastic exercises help correct the shape of the foot and strengthen the muscles. Exercise therapy helps to increase the effect of massage procedures.

For varus pathology, you need to do the following exercises with your baby:

  • Supination of the foot - turning the legs with the sole inward.
  • Flex the back of your foot.
  • Bend the sole.
  • Bend your fingers.
  • Hold toys between your feet with your legs elevated.
  • Rotate your feet, your right leg clockwise, and your left leg in the other direction.
  • Walk along a herringbone path (in summer the path can be trodden on sand, and in winter - on snow).
  • Walking on your heels .

It is useful for the baby to sit more often in the “between the heels” position. To do this, you need to put the child on your knees, spread your feet with your toes apart and sit between them.

Gymnastics for X-shaped and O-shaped curvature of the legs in children

If a child has a pronounced curvature of the legs in the form of the letter X or O, one should not hope that with age everything will go away and the legs will take a normal shape. Curvatures can and should be dealt with. One of the effective ways is therapeutic exercises. A simple set of exercises will help you cope with the irregular shape of children's legs.

Exercise 1 . Alternate walking on toes and heelsX . Designate a short path for your child, for example, from wall to wall in the room. To make it more interesting for the child, first let the baby walk in one direction on his toes, and in the opposite direction on his heels. Then - half the track on the toes, half on the heels. By the end of the exercise, you can alternate 5 steps on your heels and 5 on your toes. Total duration 2-3 minutes.

Exercise 2 . Teddy Bear . Show your child how to walk using only the outside or inside of the foot. You can perform the exercise similarly to walking on your toes and heels - alternating the positions of your legs. The duration of the lesson is no more than 3 minutes.

Exercise 3 . Dangling legs . IP (starting position) – sitting on a chair. The arms rest against the waist, the legs should reach the floor. First, we pull our fingers up, then bend them down. We repeat several times. We place our feet alternately on the outer and inner sides. The total duration of the exercise is 1-2 minutes.

Exercise 4 . Rubbing feet on feet . IP - sitting on a chair, legs slightly raised. We try to wipe the right leg from bottom to top with the foot of our left foot, then the left foot with the foot of our right foot. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times with each leg.

Exercise 5 . Performing grabs . IP - sitting on a chair. Small objects are laid out next to the chair, under the feet - pencils, pebbles, small soft toys and rags. You need to grab any object with your toes and hold it for as long as possible. You need to perform the exercise alternately with your left and right legs, and then with both legs at once. The duration of the exercise is 2-4 minutes.

Exercise 6 . To complete the task you will need a ball . IP - sitting on a chair. The ball is placed under your feet. First, with the left foot, then with the right foot, roll the ball forward - backward, left - right. After several repetitions, they grasp the ball with the insides of their feet and try to lift and hold it above the floor. The total duration of the exercise is 2-3 minutes.

Exercise 7 . IP - sitting on a chair . Place a small stick under your feet (you can use a regular rolling pin). Place your feet on it and roll the stick back and forth. In this case, the entire foot should be involved - from the heel to the toes. The duration of the lesson is 1-2 minutes.

Uexercise 8 . IP - sitting on the floor in Turkish style . First, the child sits in a yoga pose (left leg on the right) for no more than 2 minutes. The child’s task is to rise from the floor, relying only on his legs. At the same time, an adult stands behind him, supporting him by the hands. Changing the position of the legs (right to left), the exercise is repeated. The duration of the lesson is 2-3 minutes.

Exercise 9 . Walking on a log . In the cool season at home, and in the summer outside, the child should walk barefoot on the log. At the same time, the parents are nearby and insure the baby. The duration of the exercise is 2-4 minutes.

Exercise 10 . We use the wall bars . The child climbs and descends on the exercise equipment barefoot for 2-3 minutes. For the safety of the child, adults must provide protection.

Possible complications – when is surgery necessary?

Surgeon intervention for pathology of the shape of the legs in children is used in only 7% of cases of the total number of pathologies. Surgery is prescribed when conservative treatment methods have not led to the desired result or in advanced forms of the disease.

With hallux valgus, modern medicine allows you to do without plaster and metal devices after surgery. The surgeon changes the angle between the bones and straightens the ligaments. Already on the second day after such an operation, the child can walk independently. Surgical intervention is resorted to no earlier than the child reaches 6-7 years of age .

In order not to bring the situation to surgery, contact an orthopedist at the first signs of curvature of the baby’s legs.

Curvature of the lower limbs is a common problem among people, which often worries the female half. Naturally, every woman wants to look as good and attractive as possible, but congenital deformity of the knee joints, which has a dominant type of inheritance, becomes a strong hindrance. In addition, such problems are characterized not only by aesthetic discomfort. After all, we are talking about a serious pathology that is to blame for the incorrect distribution of body weight on the limbs, thereby provoking a number of subsequent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, the sooner patients seek professional help, the lower the likelihood of serious pathology in future.

Types and degrees of leg curvature and causes of deformation

In surgery of the human musculoskeletal system, there are three main types of curvature of the legs, or deformation of the lower extremities, which determined in a standing position “feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides”:

  • varus deformity- when the feet touch, the shins resemble the letter “O”; there is no point of contact in the knees. This type of deformation is also called O-shaped curvature of the legs;
  • hallux valgus- under similar conditions, the standing position of the shins resembles the letter “X”, that is, this is an X-shaped curvature of the legs. In this case, it is possible to close the knees, but the feet cannot be closed;
  • false deformation represents a visual, erroneous idea of ​​the curvature of the legs. In fact, the patient’s bone structure is normal, but the muscle-fat membrane is distributed incorrectly, which gives the visible effect of false curvature. With false curvature of the legs, it is possible to close the knees and feet, but it is difficult to bring the calves into contact.

Normally, the shin part of the limbs deviates slightly outward. In men this deviation relative to a vertical line perpendicular to the floor line is approximately 5 degrees, among women slightly higher - up to 10 degrees. X-shaped curvature of the legs is more clearly reflected in the patient’s gait - creates a strong effect of “swinging the hips”, and with a stronger deformation, “bouncing” of the buttock when supporting the corresponding limb.

An O-shaped curvature leads to a reverse roll-up of the foot, which while walking creates some instability and contributes to one-sided rubbing of the sole of the shoe. In addition, with this form of curvature, flat feet quickly progresses..

In the majority of cases, curvature of the limbs is a hereditary phenomenon. In second place are the causes caused by trauma from childhood or insufficiency of certain nutrients necessary for the proper formation of bones and joints during the period when this process occurs most intensively - from birth to 12 years of age.

In the modern world, a common cause of deformation of the lower extremities is the long-term use of diapers, so young mothers need to remember that constant wearing of diapers by their child can provoke severe deviations of the musculoskeletal system in the future.

In addition, other factors may contribute to acquired limb deformity.

  • Severe forms of rickets suffered in childhood.
  • Osteomyelitis and other bone pathologies of similar origin.
  • Metabolic disorders, especially trace elements calcium, magnesium and potassium.
  • Various endocrine pathologies, the humoral functionality of which also takes part in the exchange of microelements and the formation of the bone structure in childhood.

In older adolescence, deformities in the limbs may appear due to a deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, insufficient exposure to fresh air and exposure to direct sunlight. In addition to the direct development of deformation, these reasons can serve as an aggravating factor for an existing, but insignificant curvature.

Also, direct causes of deformation in the knee joints can be pathological processes that develop in them or are present in the anamnesis, but are manifesting themselves at the present time.

In addition to congenital, childhood and rachitic curvatures of the lower extremities, others are also distinguished.

  • Post-traumatic curvatures resulting from epiphyseal growth of the bone base of the lower extremities.
  • Curvatures due to unilateral contraction of the muscular system, which is most often observed with paralytic or paresis concomitant pathologies.
  • Deformations that arise due to regular force-based educational processes in childhood.
  • As a result of Erlacher-Blount disease.
  • Secondary deformations resulting from moderate or increased loads on the lower extremities as a result of adduction contracture in the hip joint.

In addition, provoking factors for the development of the disease in adolescence and adulthood can be excess weight and insufficiency of tendon-muscular ligaments, supervising the functionality of the knee joint and limb.

It is worth noting that any non-physiological condition of the knee joint over time leads to a number of associated pathologies and disorders. Most often, these may be flat feet and inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the tissue of the articular cartilage - gonarthrosis.

In what cases is surgical correction of curvature of the legs indicated?

The need for therapeutic and surgical intervention is determined by the shape of the legs. This indicator includes not only the contours of the muscle-fat membrane of the limbs, but also the biomechanical axis of each of them, as well as the mutual relationship of the axis of the thigh and lower leg. The shape of legs in medicine determines their slimness in the language of ordinary people.

The biomechanical axis of each lower limb is the main indicator on the basis of which its curvature is assessed. This axis is a continuous straight line passing through the head of the femur, the middle of the patella and the center of the ankle. Normally, the anatomical axis of the lower leg should pass along this line. It is the difference between these lines that shows the degree of curvature and allows you to make a decision on medical intervention for corrective purposes. The local focus of deformation of each limb is determined by the direction of the articular surfaces to the corresponding segment of the biomechanical axis. In this way, a curved joint or a place on the bone itself is determined. The second option is more typical for rachitic etiology and is much more difficult to correct than articular types of curvature.

The most common cause of congenital deformity is a genetic factor that causes curvature in the knee joint. In a physiological norm, the biomechanical axis should pass through the center of the joint, which ensures that the load during walking is distributed evenly over the entire articular surface.

  1. Depending on the curvature, pressure increases on one half of the joint and weakens on the other.
  2. As a result, in the half where the load is higher, progressive wear of the articular cartilage occurs and the formation of a gap in the other half of the joint.
  3. In the load-bearing joint part, as a rule, arthrosis develops with all the ensuing symptoms.
  4. As for the crevice part, the increasing tension force provokes stretching and rapid wear of the muscle ligaments and tendons.

Thus, around the middle of life, the patient begins to experience pain in the knee joints, gait disturbances, and intermittent claudication. In the future, the development of chronic arthritis against the background of chronically ongoing degenerative changes is possible. In old age, this situation usually leads to severe pain in the legs and the inability to move freely independently.

For this reason, surgery is highly recommended before the age of 30 years. - until the body is capable of active restoration of damaged tissues, and the growth and division of osteocytes is still possible, i.e. bone cells.

I must say that false deformation of the lower extremities causes inconvenience only in aesthetic terms. A false deformity does not promise any disorders or disorders of the musculoskeletal system in the future. The main therapeutic methods in the fight against this type of curvature are a number of special physical exercises, as well as possible cosmetic interventions in the form of subcutaneous grafts.

Application of the Ilizarov apparatus to correct curvature of the legs using osteotomy

First of all, the specialist must determine the type of limb deformity and exclude false curvature, which does not require special intervention in the anatomical and physiological functionality of the patient’s lower extremities. The main methods of primary examination are:

  • inspection;.
  • orthopedic examination with an appropriate measuring instrument;
  • Initial photography is necessary, as a rule, for the patient himself as an assessment of his problem from the outside, and subsequently - to compare the result “before and after”;
  • X-ray studies;
  • computed tomography in the lower extremities;
  • additional laboratory tests to determine whether the patient has third-party pathologies and quality.

It is worth noting that the emotional state of the patient plays an important role not so much in making an accurate diagnosis, but in the possibility of carrying out the operation itself. Today, one of the most effective ways to correct curvatures of the lower extremities is an artificial fracture of the tibia, possibly in several places, and the correct composition of the fragments, which grow together safely and determine the correct biomechanical axis .

Naturally, such a formulation of the question plunges patients into shock, so a number of techniques are used in medicine to show that, in fact, the operation is quite painless and very effective. For this purpose, computer programs are widely used that quite clearly demonstrate future correction in a particular patient, and also provide additional information about other patients.

It is worth noting whether to correct leg deformities or not. This is a personal matter for each patient. Perhaps, indeed, it makes sense to think about whether the future cosmetic effect of the upcoming operation is so important as to sacrifice your body like that. An exception, of course, may be cases when straightening is indicated for medical purposes, when the curvature is very serious, interferes with movement and predicts severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the future.

An artificial fracture (or, more correctly from the point of view of medical terminology, the intersection of a bone with subsequent fixation of fragments) is called osteotomy. Fixation of the fragments is carried out using the Ilizarov apparatus, a fairly well-known and important invention of the 20th century, which makes it possible to accurately correct the fusion of bone fragments using the external method.

Modern orthopedics has a wide range of information and digital programs that allow good control over the process of bone fusion correction, individually for each patient.

Almost the next day after a successful operation, patients can move independently. The direct process of fusion correction begins approximately on the 10th day by tightening the corresponding screws on the Ilizarov apparatus while monitoring the results with a computer program.

As with any invasive surgical intervention, after surgery to correct the curvature of the limbs some complications are possible, about which the patient is informed in advance.

  • Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​soft tissue along the perimeter of the intersection of the bone.
  • Inflammatory processes of bone tissue at the sites of intersection and installation of the Ilizarov apparatus wires.
  • Possible restrictions on the patient's movement.
  • Bone deformation or fracture in the correction area, which more often occurs with congenital weakness of the bone base of the skeleton as a whole and certain metabolic pathologies.

Cruroplasty and lipofilling: modern methods of correcting the shape of the legs

Cruroplasty and lipofilling are methods for correcting false curvature of the lower extremities. These techniques are not used to correct true valgus and vagus curvature due to inappropriateness.

The essence of the cruroplasty method is the introduction of special artificial implants under the subcutaneous tissue of the femoral region of the lower extremities, guaranteeing an aesthetically correct shape in this part of the limb.

Lipofilling The indications are similar to the previous method, however, “leveling” of defective areas is carried out using the patient’s fat tissue, taken from other places, most often from the buttocks area. Lipofilling is considered a less traumatic method and more suitable from the point of view of survival.

It is worth noting that such operations have only a cosmetic effect; there is not a single medical indication for their implementation. The determining role in carrying out such surgical interventions is played only by the patient’s desire.

Crooked legs are a defect that affects both adults and children..

In some situations, the problem is only aesthetic (the so-called false curvature), and in some it is also medical (with congenital deformity).

If the curvature of the legs is associated with any disease, then you need to straighten your legs as soon as possible (for example, with rickets). Otherwise, such a defect can lead to curvature of the spine, back pain, and joint destruction.

It is very important to know how to straighten crooked legs at home in order to avoid sad consequences.

They distinguish between true and false curvature of the legs. The true one, in turn, is divided into:

  • varus or O-shaped(legs “wheel”, the divergence starts from the level of the hip, reaches the knee and below);
  • valgus or X-shaped(when the ankles don't meet).

A simple test to determine the type of curvature: you need to stand in front of a mirror, bend one leg and follow the kneecap of your straight leg. If it is displaced inward, then you have a varus deformity, if outward, then you have a valgus deformity.

False leg deformity is not a disease; there is no need to treat this deformity. It only brings an aesthetic defect. With this curvature, the knees and feet close together, but the calves do not.

With this defect, soft tissues are deformed, not bones, so this pathology cannot cause damage to health. But still, many are interested: “How to correct false curvature of the legs?”

To do this, it is necessary to perform special exercises aimed at building muscles in the lower leg and calves so that the false curvature is eliminated:

  • raising on toes with or without weights;
  • quickly climbing a mountain or stairs using your toes;
  • walking on toes for a long time;
  • squats on toes with dumbbells.

An accurate diagnosis regarding the type of curvature must be made by a doctor based on the results of an x-ray.

To correct the O-shaped curvature of the lower extremities, the following exercises that need to be performed daily will come to the rescue:

Each exercise should be performed in 3 sets, each of which should consist of 5-10 repetitions. How else can you fix your legs with a wheel? Speed ​​skating, swimming or ballet also help.

To correct X-shaped legs, you need to regularly perform the following exercises:

These leg straightening exercises help target the muscles on the outer thighs.. In addition to them, swimming, yoga, cycling or horse riding bring great benefits to your legs.

Straightening your legs is a long process. To make your legs look perfect, you can try to visually correct the problem..

Wearing the right clothes will help with this. For example, tights with horizontal stripes visually hide the curvature and make the legs straighter.

A child, just like an adult, can experience curvature of the legs.

There are several reasons for this: weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, rickets, congenital dysplasia of the hip joints, dislocation during childbirth.

It is possible to correct the problem of crooked legs in a child, but it is best to do this at an early age (up to 7 years), then the process of correcting the deformity will go faster.

Therapeutic massages, which should be carried out by a specialist, will help with this. For older children, it is recommended to carry out therapeutic exercises.

The following exercises will help with crooked legs in children:


Walk in a circle with the baby, first on the tiptoes, then on the inner, outer edge of the feet, with the ball sandwiched between the legs.

Lying down

The child lies on his back, his legs are slightly apart, his feet are turned inward. They must “say hello” to each other, while clasping their fingers.

You can also do the following exercise in this position: clap your feet into your palms.

On knees

The child gets on all fours, stretches one leg back and up, stretching his toe as much as possible.

On the stomach

The child lies on the floor, rests his hands on his chin, and puts his feet together. At the same time, he bends his knees and touches his heels to his buttocks.

Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky believes that it is possible to prevent crooked legs in childhood. To do this it is necessary that:

  • the child was breastfed;
  • the baby spent more time in the fresh air and received a sufficient dose of vitamin D;
  • parents encouraged the baby to crawl and did not force him to walk or sit ahead of time;
  • Since childhood, parents have taken their baby to the pool so that his skeleton develops properly.

Swaddling your baby will not solve the problem of crooked legs. This is a myth that grandmothers impose on us.

If a child has crooked legs, he should not roller skate, wear open-toed shoes, sneakers, slippers, or sit on his knees.

He can and should sit cross-legged, ride a bicycle, ride a horse, wear orthopedic shoes, swim in salt water, walk barefoot on grass, sand, pebbles, and special rugs.

If X-shaped or O-shaped legs are observed in girls, then for them this is a real disaster. Because then you won’t be able to go out for a walk in a short skirt or dress or wear high-heeled shoes.

Crooked legs for women are not aesthetically pleasing, not sexy. Many women, without knowing it, become the reason why their legs gradually begin to deform.

This is facilitated by:

  • sitting in a position where one leg rests on the other;
  • sleeping on your side or stomach;
  • wearing stilettos or high heels;
  • constantly carrying a bag on one shoulder (especially if the bag is very overloaded).

Today, the cardinal way to solve the problem of curvature of the legs is surgery.. At home, an alternative to surgical intervention will be special exercises that need to be performed daily.

Exercises should only be selected by an orthopedic doctor after determining the type of leg curvature.

Let's look at effective, universal exercises for correcting the shape of the legs:

  1. Squats. Perform 10 squats, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Exercise "Soldier". In a standing position with a straight back, you need to put your toes apart and your heels together. Try to bring your knees together, then put your feet in the correct position.
  3. Exercise "Wall". Lie on the floor near the wall. Press your legs bent at the knees against the wall for 5 seconds.

Thanks to these simple exercises, you can straighten your legs without surgery.

A person’s weight plays an important role. If a woman is overweight, then the load goes on her legs, as a result of which they begin to deform.

Therefore, in parallel with straightening the legs with the help of exercises, it is necessary to direct efforts to reduce excess weight.

Fasting will not help in this case. You need to eat right, eat healthy food, eat 5 times a day in small portions.

A combination of diet and exercise are the right steps towards achieving ideal beautiful legs in adults.

In men, curvature of the legs is most often associated with injuries, carrying heavy objects, and pathological processes in the femur and tibia.

Adults often don’t pay attention to the curvature of boys’ legs; they believe that it doesn’t matter for boys. Therefore, it is believed that boys (and then men) often have crooked legs rather than girls (women).

But if you identify the problem in a timely manner and do everything possible to get rid of it, then at an older age you can have healthy, straight legs.

How can you correct crooked legs in men at home? The tactics for correcting the defect are the same as for women: regular exercise, proper nutrition, comfortable shoes.

Crooked legs can be made slimmer at any age. To do this, it is not necessary to decide on surgery. Regular exercise, proper shoes, nutrition - all this will help correct the shape of your legs.

The main thing is to set a goal, not to be lazy, and do the exercises every day. And then your legs will become slender and beautiful!

Determining whether you need surgery is quite simple. Lie on your back and stretch your legs. In this position, the X shape of the legs is quite normal. Bend your legs - your thighs should be parallel. The normal curvature of the legs relative to the vertical position during loading should not be more than 15 degrees. If the curvature of your legs is more than 15 degrees, then surgical intervention cannot be avoided. If it’s less, then you just have a bad capsular-ligamentous system and you can correct the shape of your legs with the help of gymnastics and massage.

You should do exercises to straighten your legs every day, without being lazy or feeling sorry for yourself. If you don’t want to bother with such activities, love yourself for who you are and don’t return to this issue again.

1. The first exercise is very simple. Tie your legs in three places. It is better to do this with a scarf or other pleasant fabric that does not cut the skin. Sit down and straighten your legs. Try to reach your toes with your hands, but do not bend your back under any circumstances. At this moment, your pelvis adjusts to the position required for straight legs. Over time you will feel a clicking sensation. Don't be alarmed, this is normal and not painful.

2. To make your legs straight, you need to rebuild your entire body in a new way. The spine plays a significant role. Hang on the horizontal bar more often. Never jump off it abruptly, because... on the crossbar it stretches and straightens, and at the moment of landing it suddenly snaps back, ruining your back.

3. You should properly “swing” the pelvic bones, otherwise you won’t see any benefits from the exercises. Very good belly dance. If you do not have the opportunity to attend a dance school, then do it yourself. Thanks to the training video, you can easily understand the basics of oriental dance.

4. Stand barefoot on the floor. Place your feet wider than your shoulders. Squat down 10 times slowly. Don't forget about rest. When this exercise becomes more or less easy for you, start doing the same on your toes.

5. Get on all fours and bend your knees. In this case, you need to sit not on your calves, but on the floor. This exercise stretches, making them not crumpled and pumped up, but long and beautiful.

6. Lie on your back. Place your knees bent against the wall and press on it for 10 seconds. Perform this exercise 10 times with a break of 5 seconds. If you don’t be lazy and don’t complain about a rather boring exercise, you won’t have to wait long.

Be careful! Leg pulling exercises should be performed with the consent of the surgeon, otherwise you may cause damage. For other exercises, consult a good trainer. Otherwise, you have a chance to pump up the opposite side of the muscles and the curvature of your legs may become even more noticeable.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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