You will need

  • For the noble cause of maintaining beauty, you don’t need very much: creams, decorative cosmetics, some vegetables, and a trip to the hairdresser.


Skin is the first and main component of female beauty. How fresh you will look depends on the condition it is in, how fresh it looks.
Young skin glows and glows, you know it yourself. How to achieve this effect?
Make it a rule to use a foundation with reflective particles. By doing this, you will achieve several effects at once: the skin will look more youthful, and wrinkles and other minor flaws will become less noticeable.
If yours also has a lifting effect, it will be absolutely wonderful.

Eyes, namely, circles under. This problem makes many people older, even young ones. The reasons for this problem can be different. These include chronic lack of sleep, poor circulation in the eye area, kidney problems, and even hemorrhoids.
If your health is fine, get some sleep and try the simplest and most effective folk remedy for eliminating circles. Take a fresh cucumber, grate it, wrap it in gauze, and make these cucumber compresses under your eyes.
Cucumber juice perfectly refreshes and brightens the delicate skin under the eyes. Do this procedure regularly and you will see how much you will transform and become.
In emergency cases, you can use special lightening pencils.

Cheeks are fresh and rosy. Remember how in the fairy tale “Morozko” a loving mother rubbed the beet cheeks of her ugly daughter and said “princess, no - princess!” Remember and don't do that.
If you are under 18, don't go overboard with very bright blushes, but if you are under 60, don't get carried away with beige and brown tones. Pink and peach are your go-to blush colors to look younger and more attractive.

The lips are bow-shaped, plump and sexy.
If your lips are dry, first of all, this is a lack of vitamin B. Pay attention to this - this vitamin is extremely necessary and useful for the female body.
And to visually make your lips look bigger and sexier, use pink, light, pearl-effect lipstick or lip gloss.

Hair is shiny and healthy. Vitamin B is also responsible for the health and beauty of our hair. Make taking vitamins a pleasant morning ritual, and you yourself will notice how the structure and appearance of your hair will improve.
In order to visually look younger, do not create complex hairstyles. Give preference to simple hairstyles, freely flowing curls and a color close to natural.

Go to a good hairdresser, together you can choose a look that will be easy to maintain on your own and that will make you look younger.

Almost every woman sooner or later is faced with the realization that she is not happy with everything about her appearance. Of course, every representative of the fair sex may want to see “the best version of herself” in the reflection of the mirror, and if you also have such a desire, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some recommendations.

How to change your appearance as a girl, where to start

The first thing you should do is outline a plan of action. Write down on a piece of paper what specifically you are not happy with about your appearance, and how these features can be changed for the better. Read on the Internet about various cosmetic procedures, experiment in Photoshop with hair color, eyebrow thickness, and so on, in order to understand whether the intended changes will really suit you, and only after that proceed with drastic changes.

How to change beyond recognition

Get plastic surgery Of course, this method is the most radical, but you should only resort to it if there are some real defects on your face. There are often situations when a girl impulsively changes the shape of her lips or the shape of her eyes, but subsequently turns to the surgeon again in order to return everything “as it was” - a rejection of the “new self” occurs. In addition, the new option is not always better than the previous one. If you have been dreaming about surgery for a long time and are convinced that this is a real way to improve your appearance, then you can decide on the procedure. We recommend that you consult with several practicing surgeons on this issue. Botox, lift Note that Botox injections and facelifts are procedures that can help improve the appearance of women over 35-40 years old. For young girls, these manipulations with the face, as a rule, are completely unnecessary, and can even be harmful. If you are not satisfied with the quality of your skin, consult a cosmetologist and ask him to recommend procedures that will best suit your age. Get a tattoo on your face This is a fairly common procedure, but when doing it, keep in mind that sometimes you will have to correct the tattoo so that it does not fade. Currently, there is tattooing of lips, eyebrows and so on. Many women note the convenience of this method - for example, with the help of lip tattooing they were able to visually increase their volume without resorting to injections of hyaluronic acid and so on. In addition, such a tattoo helps to temporarily solve problems with makeup - the artist initially selects the color with which your lips will be painted according to your wishes. Likewise, you can apply winged lines to your eyelids - this will also help you save time on applying everyday makeup if they are an integral part of it.

Change yourself internally Of course, internal changes are unlikely to change you beyond recognition, but they can really make significant changes to your image. It has long been noted that if a person reconsiders his attitude to life, finds himself in an unexpected hobby, begins to engage in various practices that help achieve inner harmony, then these positive changes begin to have a better effect on his appearance. Lose weight or get pumped up As you know, with a change in weight, changes in the face become noticeable. A woman who has lost weight begins to notice new features in herself - cheekbones that suddenly appear, the disappearance of swelling, and so on. Even the eyes on a thinner face suddenly begin to appear larger and more expressive. Also, do not forget about the new shapes that the figure takes on. However, often not only overweight women are dissatisfied with their figure, but also those who suffer from underweight. In the second case, you can gain the necessary kilograms by increasing muscle mass - in this case, a thin body will receive the desired shape in the right places and acquire more advantageous proportions.

How to change in a month - action plan

If you want to achieve changes in your appearance in a month, then outline the necessary action plan in advance. Drastically change your hairstyle and hair color You can start with a radical change in hairstyle and hair color. If you have been wearing a braid below the waist for many years, you can update the cut, for example, by cutting your hair to your shoulder blades. You can also get hair extensions, bangs or an interesting haircut to suit your hair length. However, all this should be done only if you are convinced that the new image will really suit you. The same rule applies to hair dyeing - if possible, try on a wig with strands of the desired color or edit your photo in Photoshop to see how you will look with an updated hairstyle. Please note that if you decide to go blonde, but your hair is now dark, then you will probably have to repeat the coloring procedure more than once, maintaining an interval of several days, to achieve the desired result. New makeup (or simplification if you've always worn bright makeup) Try to choose a new makeup for yourself that will make you look more impressive. There are many training videos on the Internet and various courses for this. However, even without this, you can try to apply makeup differently than usual - “play” with the color palette, apply eye shadow in a completely different shade than you are used to, experiment with the color of your lipstick. For these purposes, you can buy several cheap lipsticks and an inexpensive set of shadows - this way you can be sure which colors are absolutely not suitable for you, and which ones look very interesting on your face. Of course, after experimenting, cleanse your face and buy new lipstick and eye shadow from your favorite brand and those shades that, after experimenting, you liked best on your face. Update your wardrobe Often, just by updating her wardrobe, a woman appears to others in a completely different light. Perhaps you are used to dressing in a certain style and don’t even suspect that completely different things may suit you much better. We recommend that you choose a free day and, having come to a clothing store with reasonable prices for you, take several wardrobe items into the fitting room that you usually do not pay attention to. Try to put together several looks from things that are unusual for you, and be sure to photograph each of them in the fitting room mirror. At home, look at your photos, remember the feelings you felt when you put on new clothes, and go back for the things that suit you. However, you can buy those wardrobe items that are more familiar to you, but be sure to complement them with new accessories. Change habits and habits Give up bad habits - they usually do not have the best effect on your overall appearance. Instead, it is better to acquire new healthy habits - playing sports, eating right, walking in the fresh air, and the like. Visit new places, communicate with new people Expand your horizons by meeting new people and going to new places. For example, visiting various types of establishments, you will involuntarily expand your wardrobe - a dress for the theater, a tracksuit for fitness, a new outfit for a date, and so on.

How to transform yourself quickly and without special expenses

Sometimes, for transformation, a woman needs very little - proper sleep and rest. Often we neglect this, and as a result we end up with dark circles or bags under the eyes, a tired look and other unpleasant changes in appearance. A rested and well-slept woman, in turn, usually looks fresh and cheerful, which cannot but improve her appearance. Find a way to set aside a couple of days for yourself, in which you do nothing but sleep and relax. Moreover, you don’t need to rest in front of the computer - take a walk around the city, just lie on the couch, take a bath with sea salt, foam and essential oils, and the like. Do your own hairstyle and hair coloring Dyeing your hair at home is not at all difficult, if we are not talking about some complex dyeing or lightening. On any hair dye you will find detailed instructions for use. Dye your eyebrows Many women make an appointment to have their eyebrows tinted at a beauty salon, or put off this visit until later, without even suspecting that they can easily cope with this procedure at home, spending no more than 15 minutes on it. To do this, you just need to buy a tube of the desired paint in almost any cosmetic store. If you are not sure that you can cope with the task yourself, watch a video on the Internet on how to do it or read general recommendations. Exercise or go on a diet You can do sports not only in the gym, but also at home. To do this, we recommend stocking up on a pair of dumbbells and starting doing exercises - for this purpose, you can find several videos on the Internet that demonstrate a set of exercises for a particular muscle group. Even if you just start doing squats and doing abs every day, this will have a positive effect on your appearance. If you have excess weight on your body, we recommend choosing a suitable diet for yourself - this will not only improve your appearance, but also have a good effect on your overall well-being.

What can you change about yourself if you’ve already tried everything?

Get a tattoo, eyelashes, nails Try an interesting manicure - it can add unexpected touches to your look. It is also quite possible that eyelash extensions or eyelid tattooing will add more expressiveness to your look. Get yourself a tattoo If you have been dreaming of a tattoo for a long time, and this is not an impulsive decision, then perhaps it’s time to make your dream come true? Choose a salon with positive reviews or make an appointment with a specialist based on recommendations - for sure, even a small drawing on the body that you like will give you the opportunity to feel yourself in a new way. Dye your hair an unexpected color Hair color plays a big role in the overall look. The same woman with different hair color looks completely different. Try experimenting with your hair, but make sure in advance that these changes will still suit you. Trim your long locks or add extensions if you have short hair. Of course, you can conduct unexpected experiments not only with hair color, but also with its length. Many women don’t even know what they look like with waist-length hair, only because they have never been able to grow their hair to that limit. Meanwhile, you may well try to grow your hair in the most gentle way possible, or try on extensions. Also, some people have worn waist-length hair for many years, despite the fact that this hairstyle does not suit them at all, and the curls in general do not look very neat due to split ends ends or dullness. Subsequently, some of them still cut their braids, making, for example, an elongated bob. As a result, their image becomes more fresh and interesting, and their hair looks much healthier.

To transform yourself for the better, don’t rush into experiments.

Think carefully and study the information Before you decide to make drastic changes, try reading reviews about them on the Internet, and consult with your loved ones. Don't make a decision impulsively. Consult with experts Depending on the area in which you are planning changes, consult with a hairdresser, cosmetologist, plastic surgeon, and so on. Spend more time to get better results Do not expect to get excellent results in a short time - in some cases this is not possible. We are talking about diets, sports activities, comprehensive skin care, getting rid of cellulite and much more. It is difficult to achieve dramatic changes in a week if we are talking about significant weight loss, muscle gain or plastic surgery (recovery time is required). However, you can make many other changes to your appearance during this time. The main thing is to study the necessary information in advance and make sure that these changes will really be for the better - otherwise, the matter may turn out to be a big disappointment for you. The main advice is to approach any experiments consciously.

Is it possible to become a different person in appearance in 1 day?

In general, in one day you can really change quite significantly in appearance. However, if you are unhappy with your weight, then these changes will certainly take much longer. If you are happy with your figure, but want some noticeable changes, then you can make them by changing your hair color, dyeing your eyebrows, getting eyelash extensions, having your face cleaned in a salon, changing your wardrobe, visiting a solarium, cutting or getting hair extensions. If we are talking about internal changes, then this, of course, will take much more time. However, you can also do a lot in one day - outline a detailed action plan that will help you achieve the desired results.

It is human nature to strive for ideals! At least, at least in my thoughts. Another thing is that very few take real action for this. And in order to get rid of some shortcomings and acquire positive traits, there is only one way, and it lies through changes. How can a girl change externally and internally? This is precisely the question that interests many representatives of the fair sex who are trying to take the path of their own restructuring.

How to change externally and internally beyond recognition

It is worth noting that for dramatic changes, only changes in one’s appearance are not enough; the defining moment is changes in one’s inner world, but first things first:

First, think about what you would like to change in your appearance. Although appearance is directly proportional to our inner world, the chosen style of clothing, the chosen hairstyle and other details are one of the predetermining moments. They still greet us based on our clothes, so whatever one may say, for dramatic changes we will have to act in this direction.

It is important that the changes made to your appearance are accepted by you, that is, you must at the same time get used to the “new” yourself. A person can choose the most first-class clothes, put on impeccable shoes, but if he does not “know how to wear it”, the effect can be inversely proportional to the desired one.

If you have internal uncertainty and are tormented by the desire to get rid of it, then try to do something out of the ordinary and unusual for yourself. You need a good adrenaline rush.

To change externally and internally, you might want to try jumping with a parachute or from a diving board, go horseback riding, or go conquer the mountains. Whatever it is, it is worth choosing a task from which you could prove to yourself your own strength. Just keep in mind that excessive fanaticism is not at all necessary in this matter.

It will probably not be a discovery for anyone that only by changing your hairstyle and hair color, you can significantly change your external perception.

These changes can be especially illustrated in women: by going from blonde to brunette, you can significantly increase the level of seriousness you are perceived in the workplace.

By dyeing your hair blonde, you can make the male half of the population more inclined to like you. It is believed that fatal blondes are much easier to win men's hearts than women with a different hair color.

There is no person who would not be faced with a situation when at a certain stage of life the question arises: how to change for the better, how to change your behavior, habits, character?

You can change yourself for the better endlessly, because there will always be something that doesn’t suit you. In the process of life, many of us develop an attitude towards existence that can be described in two words - a feeling of helplessness.

It seems to us that life is full of hopelessness and desperation. It becomes especially scary when we are unable to change anything. There are many reasons to think this way - constant pain, endless disappointments, incessant grievances. But as a result, we see one thing - a categorical rejection of life, self-loathing and the inability to see our life in a positive way.

In such a situation, it is important to ask yourself the question: “What leads me to constant disappointments? How can I change myself for the better and change my attitude towards the world?

After all, it is the desire for better and self-improvement that can change a person’s character, his worldview and attitude towards life, then the world around him will treat him completely differently.

Internal and external changes in a person certainly lead to an improvement in life. The highest goals and dreams become accessible. When we are ready to change - we are growing!

Intrinsic motivation

What is one of the main reasons for wanting to change yourself and your usual lifestyle for the better? Often it's fear. Among the strongest motivators are the fear of losing health, family, job, loved one, status, fear of not being able to do something in life.

To start changes, you need to convince yourself and believe that there is always a way out of any situation; it is important to have a strong hope of solving the problem.

Only then does a girl in love, who wants to lose weight and not lose her loved one, start going to the pool and gym. A person who has had a heart attack immediately stops smoking. The fear of poverty and insolvency forces one to work hard.

However, a person will not change himself and his life if he is satisfied with everything and is confident that he will live well anyway. Those who simply do not see the possibility of solving emerging problems and difficult situations will not strive for change.

People do not fight serious illnesses because they do not believe and do not hope for recovery. To start changing, you need to realize how important and precious everything is to you that can easily be lost.

The beginning of change

There are no ways to change internally quickly and easily. Nor have they come up with magical means for instantly eradicating bad habits or acquiring positive character traits.

The desire to change yourself is not enough - it is important to make some efforts to achieve success. Change begins with a clear understanding of what exactly irritates you or doesn’t suit you in yourself, what prevents you from living peacefully.

You need to find out for yourself what positive or negative qualities you have, what they give you. Then consciously choose those qualities that you absolutely must get rid of in order to change for the better.

There is no need to try to get rid of all bad qualities and habits at the same time. This is an absolutely impossible task!

It is necessary to gradually and patiently cultivate the positive qualities inherent in every person. This process is similar to how a gardener cares for and cares for flowers. Even roses freed from weeds will not bloom and smell fragrant if not properly cared for.

Positive thinking

Every day we hear endless complaints about people, life, injustice. At the same time, everyone knows about the usefulness and importance of positive thinking. It has long been known that people’s thoughts depend on their statements and influence behavior, emotions and feelings.

Priest Will Bowen observed people's behavior over a long period of time. He advised those who wanted to radically change their lives to wear a bracelet on their wrist for three weeks and try to live without complaints, gossip and irritation.

If a person forgot and started saying negative phrases, he had to put the bracelet on his other hand, and the countdown began again. The goal of the experiment is to wear the bracelet on one hand for a full three weeks.

The method used turned out to be extremely effective. The observation participants changed significantly - they learned to notice positive qualities in themselves and the world around them, live without complaints for a long time, and stopped speaking negatively about things and people.

Thus, participants who wanted to know how to change beyond recognition internally learned to control their thoughts and phrases, which led to dramatic changes in their lives. In addition, the experiment allowed everyone to learn a lot of interesting things about themselves and their thinking.

External changes

How to change externally? A question of this kind will certainly arise if you want to change yourself for the better. The general image will certainly begin to undergo dramatic changes as soon as changes appear in the internal worldview.

By learning to use positive thinking, you will stop wasting your strength and energy on useless grievances and destructive thoughts, and you will also be able to forgive offenders and ill-wishers.

As soon as you recognize your uniqueness, you will immediately love yourself and learn to show love to other people. There will be no desire to avoid problems and adversity through alcohol, smoking, or overeating.

You will notice changes in your appearance: straightened shoulders, confident gait, sparkling eyes. The world will begin to change rapidly, and you will have new acquaintances, hobbies, and friends. You will want to change your appearance, your usual image, because you need to correspond to the new internal state.

The opposite course of life changes is also possible. First, a person decides to change his appearance: get rid of extra pounds, get a new hairstyle, update his wardrobe. Then changes immediately occur in the internal content and thinking. A person feels confident because he is satisfied with his appearance.

If you have decided and realized how to change radically (internally or externally), then don’t hesitate, don’t put off starting a better life until “tomorrow,” “later,” or “later.” Begin to be active immediately, regardless of the time of day or day of the week. Appreciate every second, because life passes quickly and irrevocably!

Changes in character

If you want to understand how to change your character for the better, you need to do the following. Take a blank sheet of paper and a pen and make a list of two columns.

In the first column write those character traits that, in your opinion, negatively affect behavior, in the second - indicate the traits that you would like to acquire. Your family and friends can help you compile such a list. This will give you the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside, because often we do not notice or do not want to admit our own shortcomings.

Next, next to the indicated character flaws, you need to write down the proposed ways to turn them into advantages. For example, pessimism can be overcome by positive thinking and a positive attitude, laziness - by an active lifestyle and hobbies, anger - by showing goodwill, etc.

Think responsibly about how your life will change after changing your character. This will motivate you. But remember that it is not enough just to know how to change your character. It is important to put in effort and work, to show willpower, and this is not an easy task!

Sometimes a person's character can be changed by changing their appearance. This is especially true for women. For example, by changing her hairstyle or hair color, a woman notices that her attitude towards the world around her begins to gradually change.

There is also an inverse relationship. When a rethinking of values ​​occurs in the mind, a desire may arise to change externally in order to correspond to your new “I”.

Video “How to become happy”

Changing character is a very difficult task. In an effort to improve yourself and your character, control your behavior and get rid of unnecessary thoughts and actions in time!

One day the day comes when you wake up and say to yourself... No, more like this: you can’t sleep, you think a lot and finally decide that...

Or even like this: you’re walking down the street, suddenly you see your reflection in a shop window and you understand: “I want to change!” I want to become different! We have to do something!” This happens to each of us.

At some point, we stop liking ourselves in the form in which we are reflected in a shop window, a mirror, the eyes of our friends, or in the gaze of our beloved man. It begins to seem that the cause of bad luck, uncertainty, just a gray mood at this stage of life is they - the wrong clothes, the wrong shoes, the wrong bag, the wrong hairstyle, etc.

In short, we can’t live like this any longer. We urgently need to break the piggy bank, go to salons, shops, hairdressers and change something, change, change. Have you ever thought about what exactly you want to change about yourself? changing your appearance? And what can your new haircut, hair of an unusual color, a bag of a different style, or your always sharp nails rounded during a manicure tell you?

Transformations in a hairdressing or beauty salon:

If you come and tell a hairdresser you have known for a long time: “As always, straighten the ends a little,” then there can be no talk of any changes. You support your style, you are satisfied with yours appearance, or it seems to you that you certainly won’t look better than you do now.

But if you have long hair and you ask for a boy’s haircut, then you’re saying “tired of it!” not only a meter-long spit, but also something else.

For example, your parents who forbade you to cut your hair until you graduated from school, or your ex-boyfriend who often repeated that your hair is what made him fall in love with you. And now this symbol of the past life is gone.

And you feel renewed, light (after all, the braid had weight!), young. In general, it has been noticed that women with short hair are usually more determined than those with long hair.

If you want to make a clear geometric bob haircut, it means that you are striving for calm, smooth and compromising communication with others. If you choose oblique bangs and an asymmetrical silhouette, you are ready to flirt, in an ironic and cheerful mood.

If you ask the hairdresser to curl your hair and let it fall over your shoulders in lush curls, go ahead to a corporate party, a date, or grandma’s birthday. Your love of life and energy will come in handy everywhere.

Hair coloring
If you “renew” your natural hair color, revive it with highlights or coloring, then this only speaks of your desire to maintain beauty at the proper level. It's a completely different matter when you want to change your color completely.

Hairdressers have long noticed: if a woman decides to change her hair color, it means she needs changes in her life in general. The desire to change your color is based on a subconscious desire to conform to the stereotypes of a particular “suit.”

For example, blondes are considered feminine, frivolous, pretty, and more “preferred by gentlemen.” The desire to try on these qualities can force a burning brunette to spend a lot of time and money to become a blonde, and then every two weeks to torture the regrown hair roots so that no one will guess about her true nature.

Brunettes, again, are stereotypically considered more bitchy, decisive, and self-confident. Those who lack these qualities in their natural hair color subconsciously try to “get” them by dyeing their hair brunette.
Redheads are defined by the collective unconscious as eccentric, flamboyant, ambiguous, and mysterious.

And who doesn't want to be mysterious?
It is curious that most of those who radically changed their “suit” returned to their natural color after some time. Subconsciously relying on stereotypes, they themselves became their victims, feeling uncomfortable in the new image of a “blonde-fool”, “brunette-bitch” or “shameless redhead”.

Our nails usually come in the following shapes: trapezoidal (sharp), rectangular, square and round. The shape of your nails is determined by nature and your own taste, which may change from time to time.

So, if you suddenly want long, sharp nails, and even covered with some bright varnish, it means that you have gained confidence in your character. Maybe even myself
confidence. You become a bright impulse
a strong nature, prone to creativity and difficult to tolerate criticism.

If you like the rectangular shape of your nails more than others, which looks especially good with a French manicure, then it means that life is getting better, your energy is not diminishing, you’re great at work, and you have enough energy for entertainment, communication with friends and social gossip. .

Square nails will “call” you to comfort and home (by the way, with such nails it is most convenient to clean up the house), but at the same time to independence, responsibility and a confident look into the future.

Rounded nails, “redesigned”, for example, from rectangular or sharp ones, will “open” a romantic period in your life. With them you will become more tender, more defenseless, softer.

Transformations in the store:

Of course, the style, and sometimes the color of clothing, depends on many factors: place of work, social class, age, lifestyle and much more. But still, still...Have you noticed how most often the women dressed are dressed “in beautiful” by the hosts of the program “Take It Off Immediately!”?

Almost all of them, having given up on themselves, wear clothes in a loose, semi-sports style: jeans, wide sweaters of uninteresting colors, sneakers, low-soled boots. And each one claims that “it’s convenient.”

So, when this “comfortable” is not enough for you, but you also want “beautiful”, “stylish”, “sexy”, it means that you are ready to change, to fly out of the routine of everyday life, to become better. And the point here is not even in style (sports items can also look very attractive), but in your attitude to what you wear.

By ceasing to perceive clothes only as protection from wind, rain and snow and setting the goal of using them to emphasize your advantages and hide your shortcomings, you “remember” yourself and strive to increase your own self-esteem.

Bags and handbags are different: for work, for a hike, for a party, for a dinner party. But at a time when you desperately want change, you are most likely to buy the bag that reflects the state of your soul at the moment. If you have chosen a large, soft, easy-to-open bag, it means that you are striving for vigorous activity and are not averse to learning something new and broadening your horizons.

Choosing a bag of a strict shape with many compartments indicates an intention to become more serious, responsible, punctual, or at least stop being late for work every day. An elegant small handbag, which holds only all the essentials and purely personal things, puts your interests at the forefront, and not the interests of others.

Of course, we women are fickle creatures. If only we had more freedom and more money, we would change clothes, handbags, jewelry, cosmetics and perfumes every day. But even if we have such an opportunity, the main thing is that, swirling around in all this variety of colors, smells and shapes, we should never forget about our individuality. In other words: change yourself, not from changing to yourself.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):