Decoration flower pots with your own hands - exciting activity, allowing banal, inconspicuous or simply boring clay and plastic pots turn into exquisite decorative elements.

The ideal material for decoration is untreated clay pots without painting or decoration: they are inexpensive and plants feel great in them, while plastic containers do not have sufficient porosity and therefore do not allow access to the root system required amount air. For original decoration flower pots, almost all hand-made techniques are applicable, ranging from artistic painting and decoupage, and ending with crackle. Rich imagination, diligence and golden hands can create real miracles! We offer you some interesting ideas that will help you breathe new life in nondescript pots and flowerpots.

Decorating flower pots with eggshells using the crackle technique

Crackle - a pattern of thin cracks on the surface ceramic product, which is created using special tools for decorative effect antiquity. Usually craquelure varnishes are used for crackle, but we will use boiled egg shells. You can mix shell white and beige colour. If desired, the shell can be painted in any shade. Before use, the shells must be washed in warm water, degrease in solution baking soda and dry. Ideal for natural white or beige shells dark will do base, so if necessary, a light pot can be painted dark acrylic paint.

Decorating antique pots: how to create a patina effect

A couple of simple manipulations and the most common clay pot will turn into an antique rarity. How? One-two-three!

1. Degrease the surface of the pot with any alcohol-containing liquid and carefully sand it with 70-grit sandpaper.

2. Using careless strokes, cover the pot with moisture-resistant putty and let it dry.

3. Apply marsh-colored paint on top of the putty. When it dries, use 100-grit sandpaper to lightly sand down the areas where the putty is too thick. Well, now your pot looks like it was dug up during excavations in Ancient Rome!

Original decor of flower pots and flowerpots

  • Moss and pine cones.

  • Birch bark.

  • To keep your green friends warm and cozy, knit cute blouses for them or simply use sleeves from an old knitted sweater to make covers.

  • A rustic “suit” made of burlap and buttons is perfect for a container with geraniums. We make a pattern, wrap the pot in several layers with burlap, mask the crumbling edges and decorate the “suit” with large decorative buttons, preferably wooden ones. To firmly fix the burlap on the flowerpot, we thread it and fasten it along the upper edge with a tourniquet or elastic band.

  • We cover the pot with the same color and size with simple pencils with an elastic band, and decorate the composition with a bow made of satin and organza.

Elena Mamchich

16:15 4.02.2017

There is not much time left before the start of calendar spring. This means that very soon the time will come to plant seeds and flower bulbs. So let’s quickly review our stocks of old flowerpots, put them in order and decorate them with unusual decor.

Paper for decorating a flower pot

The easiest way to make a beautiful flowerpot out of an old unsightly plastic one is to wrap it in beautiful paper and tie it with ribbon or jute thread.

Textile decor of flower pots

Beautiful and simple You can decorate a flowerpot using jute thread. For example, you can wrap the thread around the flowerpot several times.

Or wrap the flowerpot completely. If desired the thread can be dyed. This option for decorating a flower pot is suitable for lovers of eco-style.

For those who love to sew, A suitable option for decorating a flower pot, as in the photo below.

Original idea decorate flower pot with white lace different shapes and with different patterns.

Knitted decor very popular now. And, of course, flower pots are no exception!

Decoupage flower pots

This option for decorating flower pots is a very common option. If you choose a decoupage napkin with a floral pattern, you will end up with a very cute flowerpot in Provencal style.

Decorating a flower pot using mosaics

This option will require a lot of patience from you, but it's worth it! For flowerpot decoration you can use old broken plates or cups, beads and even sea pebbles.

Flowerpot decor using natural materials

Just look how original and simple you can decorate a flower pot by using simple twigs and glue!

Marine style lovers in the interior they will appreciate this original idea flower pot decoration.

Decorating a flower pot using paint

This method is perhaps the most common of all. Draw any patterns, flowers or family coat of arms. Anything that fits to decorate your interior.

If you are not confident in your artistic talent, then use stencils or stamps.

With help masking tape flower pots can be decorated with geometric patterns, which are very popular now.

To decorate flower pots it is necessary involve your children! You can leave handprints, foot prints on the flowerpot, or use your fingerprints to draw flowers and butterflies.

Decorate the pot with inscriptions and patterns

A regular flowerpot can be paint with chalkboard paint, so that you can write names or draw with chalk.

Paint the flowerpot with white paint and then using a black marker apply a pattern or write a wish, the name of a flower or a motto.

Find more ideas in each issue of the magazine

The desire to decorate the house and the surrounding space has always been in my blood. creative personalities. Firstly, it’s a pleasant pastime, and secondly, you get a lot of pleasure from the result of your handicraft. Flower lovers often look for original and beautiful pots, in which plants can be planted. And you don’t have to buy unusual specimens in stores; you can make them yourself from scrap materials. There are pots for home and garden, or rather, outdoor ones. This article will talk about how to make your own flower pots from existing materials. Be sure to look at the photos and videos, they will undoubtedly be useful to you.

Useful materials or how to make a masterpiece out of nothing

Everyone has unnecessary things in their house. I don't dare throw them away. Then there is only one way out - to give the objects a new life! One manufacturing option is to use old cans. Both large and small containers will work. Just wash the jar, remove the sticker, bend the sharp edges with pliers and the high-tech pot is ready. You can go further and apply any bright paint.

Advice. You can decorate jars different materials. For example, fabric, grains, stones, leather, fur, nut shells.

Plastic bottles also count popular material for making pots with your own hands. You can use them to make flowerpots for climbing plants. And also make a floor pot with a stable base. To do this, you will need a strong base to which the neck is attached. The final step is to decorate the container.

Another one interesting idea for the garden - old worn shoes. Rubber boots and winter boots can be used as flower pots. men's boots, sneakers, sneakers and even flip-flops. This style is inappropriate for apartments, but it is quite suitable for outdoor decoration.

An old bucket can also be used as a flowerpot. Just remove the handles and decorate it.

- a new trend in the field of needlework. There are no limits to your imagination. Any project can be turned into reality.

Outdoor Pot Ideas

Floor pots or flowerpots are widely used for growing flowers both in the garden and in the apartment. There are many different options their decorations. Let's consider decorating a pot with cereals. You will need:

  • plastic or ceramic pot;
  • paper sheet;
  • felt-tip pen or pencil;
  • copy sheet;
  • PVA glue;
  • brushes;
  • peas;
  • small beans;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • flax-seed;

There is nothing complicated about this method. So, start the master class on making and decorating an outdoor flower pot.

  1. Create a sketch and transfer it to the pot using carbon paper.
  2. Apply glue to part of the design.
  3. Sprinkle with any cereal.
  4. Repeat the manipulations with the remaining parts of the pots.
  5. Give the product a rest and within a day you can decorate your garden or home with it.

Attention! There should be no areas left on the surface of the pot that are not decorated with grain.

Pot made of cement and rags

Make a pot from waste rags and cement mortar- as easy as pie. From the title of the master class it is immediately clear what materials you will need.

  1. First of all, find an unnecessary rag or old fabric.
  2. Soak it in the cement solution.
  3. Place the cloth with cement on the bucket. Leave it like this until it dries completely.

Advice. The dried pot can be coated with paint.

Flowerpot made of shells and stones

It is worth noting that all design options for flower pots are not complicated. And scrap materials can always be found among unnecessary things. Many people coming from the sea bring small souvenirs for themselves - pebbles and shells (as a memory of a wonderful vacation). Of course, they can be placed in an aquarium, and especially large specimens can even be used to ferment cabbage. But it is much better to use them, for example, to make outdoor flower pots. You will need:

  • gypsum;
  • plaster bandage;
  • ceramic or plastic pot(can be replaced with a plastic mayonnaise bucket);
  • pebbles and shells;
  • colored soil for an aquarium;
  • glue.

You will get the pot in nautical style. It can be displayed in the garden or placed on the windowsill of the house. But first, study step by step instructions. By following it, you will be able to create a beautiful flowerpot the first time.

  1. Apply a plaster bandage soaked in water to the pot.
  2. It is necessary to cover the container with several layers of gypsum material.
  3. Do drainage holes in the bottom of the pot, if they are not provided.
  4. Apply a layer of plaster to the surface of the pots for strength.
  5. Repeat the procedure several more times.
  6. Wait until completely dry. This will take about a day.
  7. Place pebbles, shells, etc. on the glue.
  8. The marine-style flower pot is ready. Violets, cacti or aloe will look great in it. Outdoors, you can place roses, marigolds or lilies in it.

Making floor, garden and outdoor pots is very easy. Any unnecessary things will do: cans, plastic bottles, old shoes, bags, lamps, boxes, rubber tires, clothespins, newspapers, tapes, wooden boards, wicker or burlap. You need to have a great desire to decorate your home and quite a bit of free time. Decorating pots from scrap materials is very entertaining. Both adults and children will enjoy this activity. And you can admire the result of your creation every day. Go for it and you will succeed!

DIY garden vases: video

Decorating flower pots: photo

Regarding the decor of flower pots with your own hands, there is a huge variety different ideas. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the simplest and at the same time interesting ones.

As a rule, for this purpose they use paper, film, textiles, make a variety of knitting blanks, use old worn-out clothes, use the “stash” of any housewife such as lace, pieces of fabric, accessories and other things.

Some people also use buttons, beads, buttons for this; even building tiles, mineral chips, gypsum cement, paints, varnishes, plastic bottles, plastic cups and much more can be used. There is also a special place for twigs and bars.

Sticks, lids and stoppers, sheets of paper and food. In the photo of the decor of flower pots you can see a variety of ideas that will inspire you to create unique masterpieces.

Marine projects

And so, we offer interesting option registration flower pot in the style of the sea.

To realize this idea, you should prepare shells and pebbles brought from the sea. First, you can “figure out” the future plot on a piece of paper.

You can also invent something already in the process of laying out decorative elements on the surface of the pot, which in the future will contain your favorite house plants and flowers.

The simplest design option using shells and pebbles

Take an ordinary ceramic pot and attach stones and shells to it, which must first be washed and thoroughly degreased. Small pieces of broken tiles and fragments of cups and plates can also be used.

But, at the same time, the same color scheme must be selected. Of course, in this matter everything is very individual and depends on the preferences of each individual. Once all the parts are secured, consider whether any areas need to be painted.

At the next stage beautiful design a flower pot will fill the voids between the elements of your drawing. To do this, you can use PVA + cement in a ratio of 1k3, and you need to dilute the mixture with water to form a sour cream consistency.

To make the wave have a certain tint, you can literally add a drop of turquoise aquamarine to the solution. Dip the brush in this composition and paint the space in a circle around the resulting composition. When you feel how it hardens, use a sponge or piece of cloth to remove the unnecessary part of the solution from the decorative part. That's all!

You can also use a slightly different method. Soak a brush in glue and pass it between the pebbles and shells. Then, slightly tilting the container, sprinkle sand on the areas coated with glue. This must be done until the sand sufficiently covers the gaps remaining in your overall “picture”.

Finally, you can apply regular nail polish or spray nail polish. It covers the entire part of the workspace. The result will be a very impressive shine.

The design can also be made more complex. If you have the desire and a lot of patience, you can paste over the surface of the flower pot with pebbles and shells so that there is nothing left at all. free space. All parts used for this must be placed very tightly together, leaving no free space.

Decorating a pot with mosaics

In fact, this option is technologically similar to the previous method of framing a pot. Main Feature this method in. That there is a huge variety of materials used here. Pots can be not only ceramic, but also plastic.

Can be used for decoration various options construction remains, beads and buttons, beads, sequins, and other small items.

If the surface is smooth, it should be prepared using sandpaper. To finishing material adheres well to the base, soil should be applied to it as a concrete contact. Next, glue is applied, which can be trimmed using a reinforcing mesh.

After this, the cellular strips are laid, moving from below. When the mosaic is laid out, you need to wait until it dries. The paper needs to be moistened and removed, then the seams are filled with grout. That's all, decoration is complete. You can use drywall for the stand.

Photos of amazing ideas for decorating flower pots

In almost every home, office, educational and medical institution, you can see indoor flowers in inconspicuous flowerpots. But you can put in a little effort, show your imagination, and decorate those boring pots in an original and unusual way. The process of decorating flower pots is a fun activity that will help you transform your usual interior design.

The best materials for decorative processing are pots made of clay. But don’t be upset if indoor flowers in your home are planted in plastic containers. They can also be decorated in an interesting and original way, as shown in the photo.

Crackle is a pattern formed by thin cracks that is created on clay or ceramic surface. To obtain such a pattern, use special means for aging products. Most often, a special expensive varnish is used to obtain a crackle pattern. But at home, it can be replaced with eggshells, previously washed in warm water and defatted in a solution of baking soda.

To make the crackle pattern stand out, the surface of the flower pot should be painted with dark acrylic paint. If the flowerpot is initially dark in color, then there is no need to paint it.

It is recommended to start a master class on decorating a flowerpot by cleaning the surface of the flowerpot and applying PVA glue to it. Next we attach it to the surface treated with glue. eggshells, pressing lightly on it. The result should be a shell pattern with small cracks. After the glue has dried, we treat the flowerpot with ink. Wipe off excess mascara and let the product dry. In order for the pot in the photo to last long term, cover its surface with varnish.

We use fabric

If you have some on hand beautiful fabric and unsightly flower pot, you can combine two materials and create original composition. It is ideal if the selected fabric repeats the pattern of the curtains or bedspreads. In this case, you will create a unique, original decor premises.

To decorate with your own hands you will need:

  • PVA. Brush for applying glue.
  • Flowerpot.
  • Textile.

For a master class on decorating a pot, you need to cut out a piece of fabric that will be enough to wrap the flowerpot. There should be enough fabric to leave room for finishing the bottom and top of the container.

We wrap the flowerpot coated with glue in the prepared fabric. There must be a lot of glue to securely fix the fabric. We fix the fabric at the top and bottom of the pot and leave the product until completely dry.

Marine style flowerpot

The marine theme is so relevant and universal that decor in this style can be used in any room. One option would be to decorate flowerpots using shells and twine in the photo.

First of all, cover the cleaned flowerpot with glue and wrap it with twine. After the glue has dried, we continue decorating by gluing shells to the surface of the pot. If there are sea pebbles, they can also be used in this composition. The order of gluing decorative elements is absolutely arbitrary, in in this case it all depends on the imagination of the creator.

Simple option

To create this composition you will need:

  • Plastic flowerpot.
  • Napkins.
  • PVA glue.

This master class begins with cleaning the flowerpot from dust and dirt. Then we soak the napkins in glue and attach them to the surface of the pot. Leave the product overnight for the glue to dry. After this, we cover the flower pot with acrylic paint or gouache. It is recommended to paint the product not with a brush, but with a piece of foam rubber to thoroughly cover the surface with paint.

Since napkins absorb moisture well, it is recommended to paint the flowerpot in two or three passes. Then the paint will perfectly cover the entire surface of the product.

We use coffee beans

IN Lately, designers often use for decoration various items regular coffee beans. This available material, which probably exists in every home.

For creating original product required:

  • Flowerpot.
  • Coffee beans.
  • Sackcloth.
  • Glue.

First of all, cover the prepared container, cleaned of dust and dirt, with burlap from top to half. Cover the bottom part with coffee beans. We complement the combined decor with a beautiful braid tied in the middle of the flowerpot. We wait until the glue dries and use ready product in the photo, according to purpose.

Original mosaic

For creative individuals who want to decorate their home with unusual handmade crafts, it is recommended to decorate a flower pot with a mosaic of multi-colored pebbles. This is a rather lengthy process that requires special attention.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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