Contrary to popular belief, gardeners also have a lot to worry about in winter. At this time it is time to plant flowers for seedlings. Let's find out what ornamental plants sow first.

In December-January, you need to pay attention to slow-growing crops, in which the period from sowing to the beginning of flowering is 130-200 days. If you sow them for seedlings before the end of January, then in June you will already be able to admire the flowering.

Sowing Shabo cloves for seedlings

The double flowers of this carnation bloom only 5-6 months after sowing, so it is sown earlier than other flowers. Fertile soil is poured into the container, grooves 3 mm deep are made on the surface, maintaining a distance of 2-2.5 cm between them. The seeds are placed in the grooves and sprinkled with river sand. The container is covered plastic film and place in a well-lit place with an air temperature of 18-20°C.

After the emergence of seedlings, the film is removed and the seedlings are illuminated using a special phytolamp so that they do not stretch out.

Sowing begonias

For sowing, prepare containers with a mixture of sand, peat and leaf soil (in a ratio of 1:1:2). Begonia seeds are very small, so they are sown superficially and in a well-moistened substrate. After which the container is covered with glass or transparent film and kept in a room with an air temperature of 20-22°C. When the soil dries, carefully spray it with a spray bottle, making sure that the seeds do not end up deep in the ground.

The seedlings will germinate within a week. Gradually they begin to remove the shelter - first for half an hour, then for more long time so that the sprouts get used to fresh air.

Sowing eustoma for seedlings

This one has attractive plant there are other names - lisianthus, Irish rose. Eustoma begins to bloom 5 months after germination, so it is sown no later than January. The seeds are laid out on the surface of a moist soil mixture of peat, sand and perlite and lightly pressed into the soil. Put on a container with soil plastic bag and for the first 2 months they are kept in a room with bright lighting and an air temperature of 20-25°C.

Seedlings develop slowly. Once every 1-1.5 weeks they are ventilated and sprayed with a spray bottle if the soil dries out.

Sowing gentian for seedlings

If you sow gentian in December-January, you can admire the flowering in the second year.

The substrate for flowers is mixed in equal proportions with river sand and poured into a ceramic container (it is better not to use plastic, since moss forms on the walls of the container at high humidity). The seeds are sown superficially, sprinkled with a thin layer of humus, then moistened with a spray bottle and covered with finely chopped sphagnum. Place the container in a dark place. For the first week, the seeds are kept at a temperature of 10-15°C, and then transferred to a cold place with a temperature of 0-5°C (for example, in a refrigerator). This is necessary for seed stratification.

Crops are kept in a cool place for 1.5-2 months, then transferred to warm room with a temperature of 18-20°C and diffused light. After 15-20 days, shoots should appear. As the soil dries, the crops are moistened, and with the onset of spring, the sphagnum is removed.

Sowing lavender for seedlings

At the end of January, a soil mixture is prepared from garden soil, humus and clean river sand(in a ratio of 3:2:1). Drainage is poured into the container for seedlings, prepared soil is placed on top of it, after which the soil is spilled with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are sown superficially, sprinkled with a layer of sand no more than 3 mm thick, sprayed warm water from a spray bottle, cover the container with polyethylene and first place it in the refrigerator (at a temperature of 1 to 5 ° C) for 2 months.

After stratification, the container is placed on the windowsill in a room with an air temperature of 15-22°C. The crops are periodically ventilated and moistened.

Sowing primrose for seedlings

If you sow primrose not at the beginning of spring, but in January, then it will bloom already at the beginning of summer. Fresh primrose seeds, which do not require stratification, are first germinated in a damp cloth, and then sown in a mixture of sand, peat and leaf humus, previously spilled with boiling water. Then the seeds are lightly sprinkled with earth.

Snow can be used for sowing. It is laid out on the surface of the soil, seeds are evenly poured on top, and the snow is slightly compacted. When it melts, the seeds themselves will sink to the desired depth.

The container with seeds is placed in a room with a temperature of 16-20°C and diffused light. Shoots appear after 15-20 days.

Sowing autumn helenium

When sown for seedlings in January, helenium will delight you with its flowering at the end of summer. Seeds are sown in any fertile substrate and kept under film in a well-lit room at room temperature. When the seedlings become stronger (usually 3 weeks after emergence), they are planted in separate containers and grown at a temperature of 15-18°C. In May, seedlings are planted in the ground.

Sowing pelargonium

Pelargonium can be sown from November to April. If you want to do this in winter, you will need additional lighting. Seeds are sown in moist and loose nutrient soil(it is advisable to use a mixture of turf soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2:1:1), sprinkle with a 10 mm layer of soil, cover with plastic wrap and keep at a temperature of about 20°C.

The soil is regularly moistened with a spray bottle, condensation is removed from the film and the seedlings are illuminated so that they are exposed to light 12 hours a day. Then the seedlings will grow strong and produce lush flowering.

In December-January, attractive annuals are also sown for seedlings: snapdragon(antirrhinum major), hybrid verbena and perennials grown as annuals - wrinkled calceolaria, Carpathian bell and other flowers.

Planting flowers in autumn has its advantages. Firstly, we get hardened plants accustomed to cold weather. Flowers adapt more easily; after wintering in the ground, they take root better. In spring, they begin to grow faster and decorate the garden with their blooms.

In addition, perennial flowers, which are planted in flower beds in the fall and form its basis, are a more thoughtful planting when creating a picturesque country flower garden(see →). In the fall we have time to select color range, and color compatibility in height. In spring, we usually rush and plant hastily, trying to fill empty spaces sometimes with the wrong things. It is important that autumn plantings do not require watering; the rains do it for you.

It is very useful to know what flowers are planted in the fall, and plant them in advance now; in the spring, these flowers will be the first to delight you. Therefore, in mandatory list autumn work bring in flower planting. Let's see what we can plant in the garden in which autumn month in order to plan in advance which planting material and how much we need.

September. What flowers can be planted in September

September is the month of planting perennials, clematis and many bulbous crops. Flowers planted in September will bloom next year and subsequent years. These plants include bulbous flowers.

We plant bulbous flowers in the fall because they have a supply nutrients in the bulb, and they need a cold period in development for growth and flowering. When thinking about what to plant in the fall, be sure to plant bulbous flowers, and you can start planting in the second half of August. At the beginning of September and until the middle of the month, small-bulbous flowers are planted. From the second half of September, daffodils are planted. About a week later, follow the daffodils with hyacinths. The last to be planted are tulips, at the end of September - beginning of October.

What flowers can be planted in August?

Small-bulbous flowers - muscari can be planted at the end of August or in the first two weeks of autumn small-bulbous flowers are planted: scylla, muscari, pushkinia, chionodoxa, crocuses. Until September 10, you can plant whiteflower, kandyk, snowdrop, poultry, and scilla. However, if the planting material already has roots that have appeared, then you should not plant them. They will not take root well.

Hyacinths Daffodils

What bulbous flowers are planted in the fall. Popular bulbous flowers that are planted in the fall in the country

  • is a modest spring-flowering plant with tiny bell-shaped or cup-shaped flowers, collected in inflorescences on leafless peduncles. Flowering time depends on the species. Any small-bulbed flowers, including muscari, look great in a flower garden or ridge, or even just in a small clearing in front of the house or lawn. When creating a flower garden design, use the mass effect (plant a lot and in a heap), then you will achieve a mass effect. Muscari also looks impressive in mass plantings among taller spring-flowering plants, such as tulips. Planting dates: end of August - beginning of September.
  • - like muscari, they belong to small-bulbed flowers, despite the fact that their bulb is larger. They need to be planted in the fall between late August and mid-September. Among crocuses there are 4 groups, and the most popular are Dutch hybrids. Dutch crocus hybrids are the largest, bloom early spring. The flowering time of crocuses depends on the specific variety, so for long flowering In autumn, different varieties are planted in the garden.
  • - among the many hundreds of varieties of daffodils, there are plants with flowers various shapes, size and color. All varieties can overwinter in open ground, where the bulbs can be left for several years. If possible, do not delay planting purchased bulbs. The planting depth is equal to 3 bulb diameters. To the bottom landing hole add coarse sand. Flowering time is April - May. Daffodils are planted at the beginning of the second ten days of the month.
  • - wonderful flowers that can be sown in the fall, which is not equal in popularity to tulips and daffodils. The bulbs overwinter successfully. Flowering time is April - May. For landing in open ground Choose medium-sized bulbs. Hyacinths are sown in the ground in September to a depth of 15 cm. Hyacinths should be planted in the fall, after planting daffodils, in the last week of September, it is advisable not to delay planting work until October. Optimal time planting hyacinths from October 10 to 15.

Daffodils in a flowerpot Crocus Violet Tulip fringed Maya

Perennial flowers that are planted in autumn, in September

Starting from the second half of August, and continuing to do this in September, we plant by dividing flowering perennials:

  • V middle lane In Russia they are transplanted in August-September, in the southern regions in October.
  • replanted in spring or autumn. Since replanting large overgrown bushes is quite difficult, it is better to combine replanting daylilies with division. Big bush simply divide into smaller pieces using a shovel and replant.
  • They are replanted in the fall. Transplantation can also be combined with division.
  • It is preferable to divide and replant astilbes, bells, daylilies, and euphorbia multiflora in September.
  • The best time to plant hosta is the end of August, September.
  • , clematis and adonis are beautiful decorative perennial flowers that will show themselves with best side, if they are planted in the fall.

- one of the most important works in the garden in September. Take the time and effort to prepare landing pit. Clematis will grow in this place for many years, and the better and richer the soil composition, the more abundant flowering. The traditional rule is to prepare the holes in advance - for autumn planting of flowers in spring or summer, for spring planting in October. Purchase rooted cuttings or layerings from last year's propagation (two-year-olds) with a closed root system. The most best time for planting clematis - the first half of September.

Clematis Crimson King White clematis Jadwiga Valensis Pink clematis

October. What flowers can be planted in October?

In October, the garden becomes spacious and empty, almost all the vegetables have been harvested and many plantings have been done. This month we are raking fallen leaves from paths and lawns, doing pruning, planting the last bulbous flowers, digging up tubers and bulbs of non-wintering flowers.

What flowers can be planted in the fall, in October, are tulips and, as mentioned above, planting of hyacinths continues until October 15. It is also in October that we plant garden lilies of the valley.

— there are several groups of tulips, which differ from each other in that some are dug out of the ground after flowering and thereby preserve the variety, other types can be left in the ground with a high degree of probability that over time they will become smaller. Hence the advice to flower growers - on non-acidic soils with correct landing Garden tulips can be dug up once every 3 years; this knowledge will significantly save you time and effort when planting flowers in the fall. Tulips can be planted in the fall, starting in the last week of September, and planting completed by October 10–15.

Lily tulips Flower bed with tulips Terry species tulips

What perennial flowers can be planted in November?

November is perhaps the darkest month of the year with unstable and unpredictable weather for gardeners. However, despite the climate, we can continue to do what we love - growing flowers. Let's figure out what flowers to plant in the garden in November and how to do it.

In November, you can plant tulip bulbs if you purchased them late. They can take root only if the weather is mild with a temperature of at least 5 degrees within a month after planting. At lower and negative temperatures, root growth will stop and the bulbs will freeze. Therefore, tulip bulbs in November - December are better. 3 - 4 months after planting, sprouts will appear, which, when they reach 8 cm, are transplanted into pots and placed in a bright place. You can also plant other bulbous plants for forcing in November.

What other garden flowers are planted in autumn?

In the fall, you can sow flowers whose bags say “ stratify before planting"And this is called winter sowing. Annuals are usually sown flower crops late autumn when the frost hit.

Before winter, annuals are sown: asters, marigolds, blue cornflower, godetia, Ajax delphinium, dimorphotheca, iberis, calendula, clarkia, collinsia, cosmos, lavatera, lobularia, malcolmia, matthiola, mignonette, scabiosa, Drummond phlox, chrysanthemums, escholzia.

For these flowers, winter sowing has an advantage over spring sowing. Shoots appear in early spring, when the ground is still moist and cool, which is very important for seed germination.

Evening primrose Iberis Brunnera

There are perennials, which are also preferable to sow before winter, in November. These are adonis vernacular, aconite monkshood, brunnera macrophylla, speedwells, columbine, helenium autumnalis, doronicums, iberis, gypsophila paniculata, bells, lupine, milkweed, aubrieta, sedum, rudbeckia, scabiosa, phlox paniculata, evening primrose, echinocea.

Sow the seeds of all crops thicker than in spring, and sprinkle with sifted seeds. Cover the top of the planting with dry leaves and press these leaves with spruce branches. This will help maintain a constant temperature.

🎥 Video lesson from Marina Fokina “Method of sowing perennials before winter”

Expert gardener Marina Fokina explains in detail how to sow perennials before winter.

🎥 Video lesson “What flowers to plant in the fall before winter?”

Planting before winter strengthens the flowers and makes them more disease-resistant. What flowers to sow before winter

In November 2018, the soil in the areas is increasingly frozen, cold weather can still be replaced by thaws, trees and berry plants have already dropped their leaves and entered the winter dormancy phase. Gardeners continue to prepare plants for the changing season so that fruit and berry ornamental trees and the bushes did not suffer from severe freezing and damage, and were pleasing a bountiful harvest on next year. Experienced gardeners prepared in advance garden soil to cook correct soil for indoor plants and seedlings.

Lunar calendar of work in the garden for November 2018

In November, pre-winter sowing, planting and replanting of indoor plants, planting and digging up seedlings in the garden continue. It is believed that the presence of the moon in a certain phase can affect the germination, growth and development of plants. Therefore, many gardeners adhere to the recommendations of the horticulturist’s lunar calendar for November 2018.

  • Traditionally, gardeners try to plant plants on waxing moon.
  • Not the most favorable period in the lunar cycle is considered New moon and the days before and after it.
  • Full moon, on the contrary, it gives the plant a strong energy boost for growth and development, and promotes the ripening of a healthy, rich harvest.

From the point of view of agricultural technology, the favorable period in November is considered to be the days before the onset of stable frosts, when the snow has not yet formed a thick blanket, and the weather is dry and clear. It is on such fine days that you can carry out November work in the garden - watering, pruning, sowing, planting, covering.

1, Thu
24 l.d.
Waning Moon in Leo

A favorable day for collecting firewood. We spray indoor plants against diseases and pests. We continue to do canning

2, Fri
25 l.d.
Waning Moon in Leo

We free tree trunks from lichens. Before the snow falls, we remove garbage from the site. We form a compost heap.

3, Sat
26 l.d.
Waning Moon in Virgo

We inspect all canopies and awnings. If they are not strong enough, remove them. We feed and water indoor plants and plantings.

4, sun
27 l.d.
Waning Moon in Virgo

Prepare firewood for the winter if you plan to visit the site during the winter.

5, Mon
28 l.d.
Waning Moon in Libra

We put the tools in order and garden equipment: clean from dirt, sharpen the blades, treat with technical oil.

29 l.d.
Waning Moon in Libra

We loosen the soil in boxes and pots We bring in liquid fertilizers. We prepare cuttings for winter and spring grafting.

1 l.d.
New Moon in Scorpio

On this day we rest, do not plant or replant anything. We are preparing for the next season: we read special literature, analyze mistakes, draw up a planting plan.

2 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Scorpio

You can plant green and leafy crops, radishes, in boxes and pots. A favorable day for replanting and dividing indoor plants.

3 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

A good day for canning crops. We examine the flower bulbs and tubers stored in the cellar. we remove wintering pests from trees.

4 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Shake snow off bushes and trees. We tie the young trees with roofing felt and burlap to prevent rodents. We feed the birds.

5 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

We protect tree trunks from rodents. We remove wintering pests from trees. We remove and burn the diseased fruits remaining on the branches.

6 l.d.
Waxing Moon in Capricorn

A favorable day for sowing greens in boxes. water and replant indoor flowers. We are starting to collect food waste.

7 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Capricorn

A good day for sowing a lawn before winter at a temperature of at least 2-3 °C. Sowing depth is at least 10 cm. Do not water

8 l.d.

We trample down the fallen snow in the tree trunk circles. We sort through vegetables in storage. We buy seeds for the new season.

9 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Aquarius

We are thinking over a plan for future plantings. We repair garden tools. If snow has already fallen, we cover the yearlings with it. perennials, winter plantings.

10 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Aquarius

If we didn’t have time, we’ll take it under the roof decorative figures, decorations, supports, lighting, fencing. Let's put the area in order.

11 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Pisces

A good day to plant greens and leafy crops in boxes. We water and feed plantings and indoor flowers. We prepare wine and juices.

12 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Pisces

We make bird feeders. We remove garbage from the site. If the climate allows, we continue to dig up the soil without breaking the clods.

13 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Aries

We preserve the harvest. We protect tree trunks from rodents. We sow wheat to obtain vitamin shoots on the windowsill

14 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Aries

We check vegetables in storage. You can trim and form a crown of trees and hedges. We begin to prepare the land for growing seedlings.

15 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Aries

A favorable day for sowing parsley, dill, watercress, and lettuce in boxes on window sills. We repair boxes and tools. We remove wintering pests from trees.

16 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Taurus

We transfer dahlia tubers to the basement. We continue to dry the gladioli corms. We prepare cuttings for grafting.

17 l.d.
Full Moon in Taurus

If snow has already fallen, we clear the paths on the site and trample tree trunk circles. shake off the snow from the branches, cover the plants and raspberries with snow.

18 l.d.

We cover perennial flowers and shrubs if there is no snow in the area yet. If the climate allows, we dig up the soil.

19 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Gemini

We loosen the food in pots and boxes. We hang feeders. We feed the birds. shake off the snow from the bushes. A favorable day for feeding plants.

20 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Cancer

If there is no snow yet. can be planted winter-hardy shrubs: viburnum, rowan, hawthorn. Don't forget to mulch their tree trunks.

21 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Cancer

We examine the harvest in the cellar. We tidy up the film and wash it in water. dry and roll until next year.

22 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Leo

We cover winter plantings with snow. We remove wintering pests from trees. We start buying seeds, gardening tools, mineral fertilizers.

23 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Leo

We prepare the soil for future seedlings. We fix boxes. We buy film for greenhouses and greenhouses. We stock up on seeds.

24 l.d.
​​​​​​​Waxing Moon in Virgo

If snow falls, we carry out snow retention work. shake off the snow from the trees. We loosen and mulch the soil in boxes and pots.

Sowing and planting calendar for November

In November, in warm, dry and clear weather, you need to prepare places for sowing vegetables and flowers. For the garden, choose a flat place, protected from the winds, with a slight slope to the south. Areas oriented to the north and those where water stagnates should be avoided.

Sowing in the garden in November

Pre-winter sowing of vegetables in the garden gives us a guarantee early harvests. In addition, crops grow larger and are ready for harvesting earlier. Before winter, not only herbs and spices are sown, but also root vegetables - carrots, radishes, beets and even potatoes. The seeds are placed in shallow grooves and sprinkled with finely sifted soil or sand in a 1-2 cm layer. The top of the planting is covered for the winter. non-woven material. In spring, the non-woven fabric is moved to the arcs.

In Siberia, winter sowing is carried out until the soil is completely frozen. Deadline– first week of November. It is important that during winter planting the seeding rate increases by 30%. It is often recommended to use to improve germination and germination. The pelleted seeds are placed in grooves in slightly frozen soil and covered with a thin layer of earth, humus or peat.

Seedlings that are not planted in Siberia in the fall are moved in early November to a cool place for wintering. In February, the seedling is grown and planted in the ground, already strong.

Planting in a flower garden in November

On shrubs with long shoots, they are pinned to the ground and covered with a layer of soil for the winter. At the same time, the stamps fruit trees Do not hill up for the winter so that thaws do not provoke warming. With the onset of stable sub-zero temperatures, new plantings berry crops(grapes, raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries) are covered with spruce branches, branches, straw - materials that do not allow cold air to pass through.

In November it is necessary to provide shelter. Especially if frosty, windy weather with little snow sets in. Faded annuals can be used as insulation. They will also serve as light shelter and work on.

With stable frosts it begins. There is no need to rush into shelter - the plants must undergo natural hardening. When the temperature is consistently below 5 °C day and night, you can begin to cover. For the success of this important pre-winter procedure, it is necessary to provide adequate shelter for deciduous, evergreen and semi-evergreen rhododendrons. Frames are built for them and suitable covering materials are selected.

Heat-loving crops that are cultivated in unusual climatic conditions need special care. So, when, in mid-November, for better wintering, it is recommended to completely wrap young trees with any covering material

In November it is harvested for medicinal raw materials. The roots of the plant are used in pharmaceuticals and folk medicine, for preparing tonic drinks. The rhizomes are dug up with a pitchfork, washed, ventilated and dried. The finished roots crunch loudly when broken.

Preparing flowers for winter in November

Protect flower planting Spruce branches will help against mice - they cover all tulip plantings. To prevent the soil from oxidizing from needles that have fallen from the branches, it is advisable to sprinkle the soil and plantings with ash before covering to neutralize and reduce acidity.

Conducted in front of the shelter. Tree peonies pruned when the night temperature consistently drops below 7 °C below zero. Be sure to remove all leaves and cover the flowers with non-woven material to preserve all the buds for next year.

Caring for indoor plants in November

You can replant it until the beginning of November - it will tolerate relocation well. When replanting, the pot should be the same size as the one purchased, so that the roots completely fill the space of the container. Subsequently, the pot is always selected according to the size of the root system.

It can bloom from November. In winter, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature not lower than +16 °C, shade from direct sun rays, to shade-tolerant plant has not lost the decorative effect of its leaves. You need to water with settled water at room temperature as the substrate dries, without getting the leaves into the funnel.

It blooms in November. During the cold period, the temperature should be reduced to 15 °C and maintained high humidity air around the flower so that the leaves do not dry out. Water the plant with moderately warm water, preferably in a tray or along the edge of the pot, avoiding the soil from drying out or overflowing.

  • planting bulbs in November
  • planting bulbs according to the lunar calendar
  • planting tulip bulbs in autumn
  • planting daffodil bulbs in autumn
  • planting hyacinth bulbs in autumn
  • planting crocus bulbs
  • planting bulbs on the balcony step by step
  • planting hippeastrum bulbs agronomists strongly recommend continuing to plant ALL bulbs until November 14, because this is the ideal time for planting this year!

We usually begin our adventure of “planting bulbs at home” in the summer or early autumn, when we admire their beauty, immortalized in photographs in FLORIUM catalog Autumn. Don't forget to choose these bulbs and tubers which are best suited for your garden and which you have been dreaming of for a long time buy. To enjoy spring bulbs for many years to come, simply follow basic rules for planting them in the fall.

Planting bulbs in November

You often ask us: “ Planting tulips and other bulbous plants in November - is it too late or not yet?».

Many bulbous plants are best planted in September-October, but sometimes it is worth planting them as late as possible. Let us remind you that if you live in a hot climate, then most It is permissible to plant bulbous plants before winter. Tulips are also planted late; they often germinate during cold weather and freeze. Hyacinths should be planted late. For landing, they like an air temperature of about eight degrees Celsius. However climatic conditions Ukraine today (abnormally warm autumn) allows you to stretch planting bulbous flowers at home without damage to plants. Optimal temperature for planting most bulbous flowers - 9-10 ° C (i.e. this is the period from the end of October to the first ten days of November). It is with this temperature conditions successful rooting of bulbous flowers occurs.

Even if the ground is covered with snow, this may also be the ideal time to plant bulbs in open ground.

Planting bulbous flowers in autumn

For gardeners in zones 4-7, early winter is often the ideal time to plant because the bulbs need the cold. And if you live in a colder climate but have unused bulbs, you can still save them. Happy gardeners told us stories about how they planted tulips in mid-December (we will talk about this in the next article). True, with such late landings and the flowering period was slightly shifted. But the most important thing is that their bulbs did not disappear.

Many gardeners live by the rules that bulbs should be planted when warm weather. In fact, the bulbs really need a few months of cold. Therefore, they will do better in frosty soil than stored in your basement. As long as the bulbs are round and firm and not dried out, they still have life.

All our plants, which we deliver in October-November, are suitable for planting in the garden only “Already and Now”!

Before we put the bulb and bulbs in the ground, we must prepare the substrate. Also having good drainage is prerequisite. For winter, plantings should be mulched. Good stuff– spruce branches (slightly acidifies the soil), leaves or sawdust. In addition, a thick layer of snow should be left in winter where bulbous plants are planted. This is a natural barrier. The cover can be removed in March or April to allow the plants to grow faster.

Spring-flowering bulbous plants: planting time, flowering time, height, care


Boarding time

Flowering time


After the leaves wilt, dig up

Triumph tulips September-November April-May 40-60 cm No
Terry tulips September-November April-May 25-30 Yes
Fringed tulips September-November April-May 25-30 Yes
Kaufman tulips September-November March-April 15-20 No
Foster's Tulips September-November April-May 30-35 No
Family/Multifloral tulips September-November April-May 30-35 Yes
Early tulips September-November March-April 30-40 Yes
Darwin's tulips September-November April 30-35 No
Greig's tulips September-November April 20-35 No
Monochrome tulips September-November April-May 60-80 Yes
Multicolor tulips September-November April-May 40-60 Yes
Late tulips September-November May 40-60 Yes
Parrot tulips September-November May 60-70 Yes
Green tulips September-November May 50-60 Yes
Lily-like tulips September-November April-May 40-50 Yes
Botanical tulips September-November April-May 25-30 No
Daffodils September-November March-May 15-60 No
Spring blooming crocuses September-November March-April 10-15 No
Hyacinths October-November March-April 20-25 Yes
Iris reticulum (Iridodictium) August-October March-April 10-15 Yes
Muscari September-November April-May 10-25 No
Snowdrop September-November February-April 10-25 No
Allium October-November April-August 30-150 No
Fritillaria August-October April-May 20-100 No
Chionodoxa September-November March-April 10-15 No
Erythronium September-November April-May 10-40 No
Whiteflower September-November April 15-20 No
Scillas September-November March-April 10-20 No
Camassia October-November May 40-80 No
Corydalis August-October April-May 10-25 No
Frost-resistant lilies August-November June-August 45-150 No
Ranunculus or buttercup April-August 30 Yes
Ranunculus or buttercup, hardy varieties with mulching April-November May-August 30 Yes
Spring blooming anemones September-November April-May 45-150 No
Colchicum, Colchicum August-October October-November 10-15 No

Planting bulbs according to the lunar calendar

When planting, some gardeners use Lunar calendar autumn planting of bulbous flowers for 2017. There are marked prohibited days for planting, sowing and replanting plants. In 2017, in November it will be the 17th-19th.

Planting tulip bulbs in autumn

Basic rules:

  • Choose a place for planting tulip bulbs in autumn, which is well illuminated by full sun during the day and protected from strong winds(except for low-growing varieties).
  • The soil should be fertile and well drained.
  • The planting depth should be 2-3 times the height of the bulb.
  • Leave around each bulb free space 10 to 15 cm to provide enough space for them to grow and good development roots
  • After planting, compact the soil and water the plants moderately (if necessary).
  • Mulch the plantings with an 8-centimeter layer organic mulch, as soon as the ground begins to freeze in the pre-winter period. Remove mulch in early spring as new plant growth begins.

Planting daffodil bulbs in the fall

Basic rules:

  • Unlike tulips and lilies, daffodils are less demanding on growing conditions.
  • Some varieties (mostly wild) of daffodils can grow for up to 10 years without transplanting in one place.
  • The most important thing is to choose suitable place for their growth.
  • plant daffodil bulbs Needed in a sunny area or in partial shade. The soil should be light and well-drained, with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.
  • Daffodils grow well in a quiet, sunny or lightly shaded location (but still require at least three hours of full sun per day).
  • In order for plants to develop well, the soil must contain a lot of humus. Therefore, before planting, add humus and compost to the soil. However, do not use manure under any circumstances, as it can cause the appearance of daffodil flies, a dangerous pest.
  • If the soil is acidic, then a year before planting daffodils, lime it. Very effective to apply wood ash into the soil (1 tbsp per sq. m).
  • You can enjoy the blooming of daffodils for several weeks in a row - from early April to mid-May. They are not only good in the garden, but can also be used to create bouquets. Cutting does not weaken the plant, as is the case with tulips.

Planting hyacinth bulbs in autumn

Basic rules:

  • Before planting, hyacinth bulbs should be treated with a fungicide or other preparation.
  • It is recommended to plant hyacinth in special baskets for planting bulbs. This solution largely protects the underground part of the plants from pests and rodents and, in addition, makes it easy to find the bulbs after flowering.
  • Planting depth and density depend on the size of the bulbs, type and variety.
  • You can use a rule that says that the layer of soil on the bulbs should be about 2 times more height bulbs.
  • However, as a standard, the bulb is placed at a depth of 8-10 cm with a planting pattern of 15x15cm.
  • Hyacinth bulbs should be covered in fertile, well-drained soil.

Planting Crocus Bulbs

You will be delighted if you leave the crocus unattended and it will multiply year after year.

Basic rules:

  • Planted on permanent place The bulbs may remain there for a couple of years and then grow vigorously to form a colorful carpet of flowers.
  • Remember that frequent transplantation does not promote abundant flowering!
  • It is not advisable to plant these bulbous plants on the lawn, since when the grass is mowed, the plants may be left without leaves (then the crocuses grow weakly and die).
  • You will need about 45 corms per square meter for a dense planting.
  • Crocuses are frost-resistant plants. They do not require shelter for the winter (the exception is saffron).
  • Crocus reproduces by dividing overgrown nests of corms in the autumn.
  • Did you know that crocus bulbs left in the ground bloom much earlier than those planted last year?

Planting bulbs on the balcony step by step

Hardy perennial flowers, thanks to the bright and long flowering, can become a decoration for high-rise buildings. The easiest way to grow bulbs on the balcony is to plant boxes of excellent quality bulbs from Holland in containers.

Step 1. Choose a container large enough and with the necessary drainage holes. Place some shards or expanded clay or pebbles on the bottom. In this way, excess moisture can be avoided.

Step 2. Fill the pot or container with soil until it reaches the desired depth for planting the bulbs.

Step 3. Place the bulbs on top of this soil and cover them with soil (leaving 2cm from the edge of the pot). Bulbs in pots and containers can actually be planted more closely together than in the garden. For a varied, more natural look, try planting bulbous plants of different heights in the same container. You can also plant flower bulbs in layers (also known as sandwich or lasagna systems) both in the garden and in containers. The bulbs of plants that bloom last (for example, tulips) are planted in the lowest layer. Bulbous plants that bloom early - such as crocuses or hyacinths - are planted higher. Planting in layers will have no effect negative consequences for the bulbs themselves. They will simply bloom one after another in the same place. Therefore, only one pot can “provide flowers” ​​for many weeks.

Step 4. Provide watering. Immediately after planting, you need to water the bulbs. Moisture stimulates them to produce roots.

Step 5. Protect your containers bulbous plants. Flower bulbs can tolerate cold winter temperatures. But don't plant them too close to the sides of the pot, because this is a very vulnerable place where frost can penetrate. You can wrap the pots with insulating material (if winters are warm) or place them temporarily in a frost-free place where the air temperature does not exceed 13 ° C (if winters are cold). Please note that terracotta pots may crack in the winter (due to the expansion of the soil inside them during freezing weather). You can prevent this problem by planting flower bulbs V plastic containers. And in the spring, plastic containers can be placed in terracotta containers.

Planting hippeastrum bulbs

Many species have been acclimated to produce modern hybrids. And most of these species are capable of experiencing warm, wet conditions with high rainfall throughout the year and a short, cool dry season (dormant season). When to plant hippeastrum or amaryllis bulbs?

Basic rules:

  • From planting to flowering, hippeastrums or amaryllis require a period of six to ten weeks. Therefore, it is easy to calculate the time of planting the bulb in order to get flowers for the New Year and Christmas. This will be mid-November.
  • Be careful not to plant hippeastrum too deep. At least a third of the bulb should be visible above the soil surface. Also, do not plant the bulb in a pot that larger diameter bulbs, more than doubled.
  • Water your plants immediately after transplanting. The soil should be moderately moist. Place amaryllis in warm place to stimulate the growth of its roots. Sunny place - best option. Do not keep amaryllis that are in the growing phase in dim lighting. Wait until the first flower opens. And then it is advisable to move the plant to a place with dim light and lower temperatures. This way you can preserve the amaryllis flower for as long as possible.
  • Contain blooming amaryllis in the cool. Enjoy your amaryllis blooming for the holidays. And in order to continue the flowering period (from the maximum possible time), place the plant in a place with diffused light and cool temperatures, within 15-16 °C. Keep the soil barely moist. When watering, be careful not to get water on top part bulbs that are above the soil surface. Each large amaryllis bulb produces 2-3 peduncles. And the flowers on the stems bloom for several weeks.

And what you need to do in the garden before the real winter comes. But you won’t only have to clean the area this month. Many crops can be planted and sown before winter and slightly reduce the spring planting fever.

What to plant in November.

If Jerusalem artichoke grows for many years in one place, then it no longer provides high productivity. Plantings need to be updated periodically. By the way, in industrial plantations, plantations are renewed every 1-2 years. If this is not done, the tubers become small and do not meet the standard requirements. On personal plot you can do the same.

Jerusalem artichoke can be planted in both autumn and spring. Autumn planting is more effective. Autumn plantings of Jerusalem artichoke are seriously threatened by mole rats and mice. They can destroy all planted tubers over the winter. So, if your garden is susceptible to this scourge, it is better to postpone planting until spring.

If you plant Jerusalem artichoke in the fall, apply manure, phosphorus and potassium mineral fertilizers during digging. Plant tubers immediately after harvesting. Even the smallest tubers are suitable for planting. But preference should be given to tubers weighing 40-50 g. They are planted to a depth of 12-15 cm, every 35-40 cm in a row.

Horseradish is also planted in the fall. Especially good autumn planting for dry areas. In autumn, freshly harvested cuttings are planted. Before planting, they are wiped with a rough cloth to destroy dormant buds, then the root will branch less. Only the ends of the cuttings are not wiped, then leaves will grow from the upper bud, and roots from the lower bud.

Horseradish cuttings are planted at an angle of 45 degrees at a distance of 25-30 cm. The planting depth should be such that the upper edge of the cutting is covered with soil by 4-5 cm. If you leave the upper edge of the cutting on the surface, the plant may die. Do not forget to compact the soil well around the cuttings, then they will take root well.

In the southern regions, autumn potato planting can take place in November. It is planted deeper than usual, to a depth of 12-15 cm. The tubers will begin to germinate only in early spring. Potatoes will begin to form tubers even before the dry period begins, which, of course, will result in a significant increase in yield.

What to sow in November.

When the air temperature drops to 2 degrees, it is time for winter sowing.

What are the benefits of winter sowing? The seeds undergo natural stratification, are hardened and begin to germinate in the spring when more low temperatures. The seedlings are better able to withstand the effects of spring frosts and produce an earlier harvest.

A particularly good effect is obtained from winter sowing in years with a dry spring. Plants sown before winter have a branched root system, they develop better than plants sown in spring.

You can sow seeds before winter only where the winter is stable. If the seeds swell or begin to sprout during the winter thaw, they will die when the temperature drops.

If in your area frosts often give way to thaws, there is no point in sowing before winter. Replace them with winter ones. Sow seeds in February.

Please note that winter sowing requires the same preliminary preparation, like spring. That is, one must take into account predecessors and neighbors. If you want to sow carrots before winter in the place where cabbage grew, you won’t succeed. Cabbage roots release substances into the ground that have a depressing effect on carrot seedlings.

It's good to sow onions next to the carrots. The phytoncides of these plants mutually drive away carrot and onion flies. That is, they protect each other. Do not neglect recommendations for fruit replacement and plant compatibility.

For winter sowing, you need to choose a place that is not flooded with water when the snow melts and dries out quickly in the spring. Choose an area with loose and fertile soil. It is also desirable that it be protected from the cold wind from the north. If you have damp garden, do high bed for winter crops.

For sowing in winter, you need to prepare the soil in advance. Prepare the furrows and cover the bed with film. They will not be washed away by autumn rains, and they will not have to be cleared of snow, which may well fall before sowing.

Before winter, you can sow difficult-to-germinate plants: carrots, parsley, parsnips, sorrel, onions, perennial onions, spinach, asparagus/rhubarb, dill, lettuce, anise, katran, coriander, chervil, tarragon, cumin, scorciera, oat root.

Before winter you can sow only completely dry seeds with good germination. The seeding rate needs to be increased by 25% and sown deeper than usual by 1-1.5 cm.

You can throw it on the beds with winter crops twigs, raspberry stems and something similar to retain snow.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):