Modern agriculture cannot be imagined without the use of compound mineral fertilizers.

Completely water-soluble complex fertilizers with microelements and humic substances are in particular demand. They are used by both professionals and amateurs.

Five years ago, when Russian market For the first time, a new development of the TECHNOEXPORT company was presented - a series of soluble fertilizers; high requirements for the quality, efficiency and environmental friendliness of fertilizers were implemented. Today AGRICOLA fertilizers are a large complex of high-quality fertilizers for most vegetable, flower, berry crops. They help gardeners and gardeners receive high yield, grow beautiful flowers. AGRICOLA fertilizers make work easier and give joy. AGRICOLA fertilizers are developed within the framework of International Program GREEN BELT and take into account global experience in creating water-soluble fertilizers. They are designed to provide complete scheme nutrition, which takes into account the dynamics of plant needs during the growing season.

The Agricola complex includes dry mineral, liquid organo-mineral fertilizers and sticks. Agricola Aqua liquid fertilizers contain basic nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium), microelements in a special chelate form and biologically humic active substances— Energens. They increase the energy of plant cells, enhance the digestibility of nutrients, mobilize the plant immune system, and also increase plant resistance to adverse factors. Agricola Aqua is both a fertilizer and a growth stimulator at the same time.

Agricola Aqua fertilizers are used for both root and foliar feeding flower crops. They give excellent results for indoor, balcony, greenhouse, garden flowers and ornamental plants. Agricola Aqua fertilizers are economical. At a dilution rate of 5-10 ml of fertilizer per 1 liter of water, a 250 ml bottle is enough to obtain 25-50 liters of fertilizing solution. The content of humic substances is 0.8%.

Agricola dry water-soluble fertilizers contain a full range of macro- and microelements necessary to obtain maximum results when growing flowers and ornamental plants in the garden and at home, vegetables and berries.

Agricola for indoor plants has a balanced composition and allows you to effectively feed all types of indoor and balcony flowers and plants. Stimulates active plant growth and gives leaves a bright, juicy color. Increases the number of buds and promotes intensive flowering. Roses in the garden and at home will delight you longer lush flowering at regular feeding Agricola fertilizer. Garden roses withstand winter and spring frosts more easily.

Times change, but the fashion for ficus trees does not go away. Agricola will provide your favorite ficus with everything necessary for growth and give rich color to the leaves.

Agricola for palm trees will help you grow a luxurious palm tree in your home and feel like you are in the sunny subtropics. And the result of feeding cacti with Agricola fertilizer is delicate flowers among the thorns on flowering species and rapid growth cacti with green mass in non-flowering ones.

To feed vegetable and berry crops, Agricola fertilizers are used throughout the season from spring to autumn. They increase the harvest by 30-40%, ensure the production of environmentally friendly vegetables and berries, rich in vitamins and healthy.

Fertilizers include a complete balanced set of macro- and microelements and do not contain chlorine or heavy metals. Correct composition, taking into account the needs of the plant during a given growth period, timely fertilizing with Agricola fertilizers prevents the formation of nitrates in plants. Agricola dry fertilizers are very economical. The fertilizer consumption rate is 2-2.5 g per 1 liter of water. The shelf life of Agricola fertilizers is unlimited!

Agricola sticks are a unique long-acting product. The sticks contain forms of nutrients that are slowly soluble in water. This allows plants to gradually, over two months, absorb nutrients without the risk of overdose. The sticks contain a full range of macroelements, including magnesium, and microelements. This form of fertilizer is very convenient for beginners and forgetful amateur gardeners. Agricola sticks not only feed flowers, but also counteract the development of root rot.


1. High efficiency

Agricola fertilizers are absorbed by the plant without loss. Fertilizing gives plants a powerful growth impulse. For flowering species- promotes intense and long flowering. Flowers and ornamental plants develop better, bloom more luxuriantly and longer, and delight with their fresh, bright colors.

2. Environmental cleanliness

Agricola fertilizers do not contain heavy metals, chlorine and other harmful substances. The use of Agricola fertilizers maintains soil acidity that is optimal for plants.

3. Complex action

Agricola-Aqua concentrated liquid fertilizers contain humates, which ensure better absorption of microelements, stimulate plant growth, and strengthen the immune system. Fertilizing with Agricola promotes rapid recovery plants, damaged by diseases, pests, drought and other unfavorable factors.

4. Cost-effective

Agricola fertilizers have a high concentration of nutrients and are therefore very economical. Consumption rates are 2-2.5 grams per 1 liter of water for dry fertilizers and 5-10 ml per 1 liter for liquid fertilizers Agricola.

5. Optimal composition

Each group of cultures needs its own “diet”. For example, cacti need more phosphorus, decorative leaves need more nitrogen, flowering plants need more potassium. Agricola fertilizers take into account these plant characteristics. In addition to basic nutrients, they contain microelements in chelated form, which are easily absorbed by plants.

6. Excellent solubility

Unlike conventional fertilizers, Agricola fertilizers are formulated in such a way that they provide excellent solubility in water. The Agricola fertilizer complex has no analogues in Russia and is not inferior to the best compound fertilizers from world leaders.

7. Two ways of feeding

Agricola fertilizers can be applied in two ways. The first method is to water the plants with a fertilizer solution ( root feeding). The second method is spraying the leaves (foliar feeding). When sprayed, nutrients are absorbed by the plant five times faster than when absorbed from the soil. This makes it possible to quickly feed a plant exposed to unfavorable conditions.

Vegetable plants are very sensitive to soil composition and fertility. Lack of nutrients in the soil leads to problems normal development and plant growth.

In addition to the main elements, which include nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, plants need microfertilizers. These are magnesium, manganese, boron, copper, zinc, etc. An excess of certain nutrients in the soil can also cause painful phenomena in plants. The effect of a deficiency or excess of nutrients is determined by two conditions.

Firstly: if there is a deficiency of at least one soil nutrient, the plant cannot grow normally, and no excess of other substances can compensate for this deficiency.

Secondly, all nutrients must be present not only in sufficient quantities, but also in a certain ratio with each other. These conditions were met during the development of the AGRICOLA fertilizer complex. Correct and timely feeding of plants, from the emergence of seedlings to harvest, will ensure balanced diet plants and prevent the onset of symptoms of non-communicable diseases.

Seedling vegetable crops.

For cucumber and other pumpkins, it is recommended to fertilize 3-4 times with Agricola-6 fertilizer with an interval of 7-10 days. Fertilizer consumption is 25 grams per 10 liters of water. The consumption of the working solution is 10 liters per 10 sq.m of crops. For seedlings of tomato, eggplant, pepper, it is recommended to carry out 4-5 foliar feeding with an interval of 7-10 days.


Fertilizing white, red and cauliflower cabbage with Agricola-1 fertilizer. The first feeding is carried out 10-15 days after planting the seedlings. Dissolve 25 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water with stirring and treat plants per 10 - 25 sq.m of sowing, depending on the treatment method (watering or spraying). Carry out subsequent treatments at intervals of 10 - 14 days until mid-August, dissolving 50 g of fertilizer in 5 liters of water and treating 5 - 12 sq.m., depending on the treatment method.

Onions and garlic.

Fertilizing onions and garlic with Agricola-2 fertilizer. Onions: it is recommended to carry out 2 - 3 feedings with an interval of 7 - 10 days during the formation of the bulb. Dissolve 25 g of fertilizer in 15 liters of water while stirring and treat plants on 15 - 30 sq.m., depending on the treatment method. Garlic: it is recommended to carry out 2 - 3 feedings with an interval of 7 - 10 days during the period of clove formation. Dissolve 25 g of fertilizer in 15 liters of water while stirring and treat 15 - 30 sq.m of plantings, depending on the treatment method.

Tomato, pepper, eggplant.

Fertilizing with Agricola-3 fertilizer. To prepare a working solution, dissolve 25 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and treat 10 - 25 sq.m of crops, depending on the treatment method (watering or spraying). During the growing season, 4-5 foliar feedings of plants are carried out. Tomato, eggplant: The first foliar feeding is carried out 10-15 days after planting the seedlings. Subsequent ones - with an interval of 15 days. Pepper: The first foliar feeding is carried out a week after planting the seedlings. Subsequent ones - when the ovary forms.

Carrots, beets and other root vegetables

Fertilizing root crops with Agricola-4 fertilizer.

Carrots: 2-3 feedings are carried out. The first fertilizing is 20-25 days after emergence: dissolve 25 g of fertilizer in 20 liters of water and treat the plants over an area of ​​20-35 sq.m, depending on the treatment method (watering or spraying). The second feeding - 15-20 days after the 1st, the third - 15 days after the 2nd. Dissolve 50 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and treat 10-25 sq.m of crops, depending on the treatment method.

Beetroot: 2 feedings are carried out. The first is after thinning the beets, the second - after 15-20 days during the formation of the root crop. Dissolve 25 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and treat 10-25 sq.m of crops, depending on the treatment method.

Pumpkin crops (cucumber, zucchini, zucchini, squash, melon) Fertilizing with Agricola-5 fertilizer. To prepare a working solution, dissolve 25 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and treat 10-25 sq.m of crops, depending on the treatment method.

Cucumber, zucchini, zucchini, squash:

The first fertilizing is carried out in the phase of appearance of the 3rd true leaf when sowing the crop in open ground, with seedling culture - 5-7 days after planting the seedlings. Carry out subsequent treatments at intervals of 7 - 10 days. In total, it is recommended to carry out 4-5 feedings. Melon: the first foliar feeding is carried out 10-15 days after planting seedlings or sowing. During the growing season, it is necessary to carry out at least 2-3 foliar feedings before fruiting begins. In addition to granular fertilizers, the Agricola complex includes liquid organo-mineral fertilizers. Agricola liquid fertilizers, in addition to plant nutrients, contain humic substances (Energens), which have a beneficial effect on the absorption of nutrients from the soil and also increase plant resistance to diseases.

Fertilizing vegetable seedlings with Agricola-Forward liquid fertilizer. Agricola-Forward fertilizer can also be used for both watering and spraying plants. It is recommended to alternate watering and spraying seedlings. The fertilizer is diluted at the rate of 100 ml per 10 liters of water. When applied at the root, this amount is calculated for application to an area of ​​3-5 sq.m. To feed seedlings, it is recommended to carry out 1-2 waterings with an interval of 7-10 days. When foliar feeding, fertilizers are diluted at the rate of 100 ml per 10 liters of water. Plants on an area of ​​25-50 sq.m. are treated with this amount of solution.

Fertilizing vegetable crops with universal liquid fertilizer Agricola-Vegeta. Fertilizer Agricola-Vegeta is used for all crops when mainly applied to the soil in the summer, when intensive growth of green mass, ovary growth, and formation of crops of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, onions, potatoes and other vegetable crops occur. To receive maximum effect fertilizer is applied to the soil throughout the entire growing season at intervals of 10-15 days. Before applying the fertilizer, it is diluted at the rate of 100 ml per 10 liters of water and applied under the root over an area of ​​3-5 sq.m.

Fertilizer Agricola-Vegeta is also used for foliar feeding of plants (spraying leaves). In this case, it is also diluted at the rate of 100 ml per 10 liters of water and plants are sprayed with this solution over an area of ​​25-50 sq.m. For vegetables, 3-4 foliar feedings are carried out. 1st - 20-25 days after emergence, subsequent ones - at intervals of 15-20 days. It is recommended to alternate watering and spraying.

Fertilizer sticks "Agricola" are universal fertilizers that contain a large amount of nutrients (macro- and microelements) and are produced in a practical and convenient form.

The Technoexport company produces four types of Agricola sticks: “For flowering plants”, “For ornamental leafy plants”, “For indoor and garden flowers”, sticks with a protective effect against insects. The package includes 20 sticks of 2 g each.

Action complex fertilizer"Agricola"

Provided you regularly add bait, you can:

  • Achieve earlier and long flowering. At the same time, the flowers acquire a rich and bright color, become larger and more magnificent;
  • Increase plant resistance to adverse factors. Cultures are more adaptable to change environment, tolerate drought and temperature changes more easily;
  • Protect flowers and ornamental crops from pests (aphids).

Sticks are also used to prevent root rot.

Mechanism of action

The fertilizer is absorbed by the plant cells and is completely absorbed, while stimulating the growth of the roots and above-ground parts of the crop.

CompoundAgricola sticks

Fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium oxide, copper, boron, zinc, and manganese, which are important for plant growth and development. The sticks do not contain chlorine compounds, which inhibit root growth.

Methods of application

One of the advantages of Agricola fertilizer is its simplicity and ease of use. The stick should be placed in the ground next to the plant, and then water the soil generously. The stick will saturate the earth with useful substances until it is completely dissolved. Depending on the diameter of the pot, you may need from 1 to 6 sticks. You can fertilize the plant 2-3 weeks after transplantation.

Advantages of Agricola sticks

  • Balanced composition.
  • High efficiency. Agricola fertilizers are completely absorbed by plants.
  • Complex action. The plant receives adequate nutrition and grows well.
  • Economical. 1 package of fertilizer contains 20 sticks. This is enough to feed 10 plants.
  • Environmental friendliness. The drug is harmless to the environment, humans and animals.
  • Ease of use. Sticks are an ideal tool for people who cannot devote a lot of time to caring for plants, as well as for beginner gardeners. You don’t have to prepare the solutions according to the instructions; you just need to know how many sticks a particular plant needs.
  • Duration of action. The use of sticks allows you to nourish the plant for a long time (2 months), and the beneficial substances are absorbed without the risk of overdose.
  • Affordable price.

We also note that Agricola sticks do not change the acidity of the soil. Each type of stick is created taking into account the characteristics and needs of a specific type of plant - flowering or decorative leaf.

The products of the Technoexport company are highly efficient, and therefore are widely used by agronomists throughout the country. You can purchase Agricola brand fertilizers at different regions Russia - both in specialized stores and in chain supermarkets (Castorama, Magnit, AUCHAN, ATAK, Globus, OBI, Perekrestok, etc.). Information about addresses retail stores You will find.

One of the reasons why central Russia is called a risky farming zone is the poor soil. Without the use of fertilizers different types It is simply impossible to achieve a good harvest in these regions. IN lately developed by domestic scientists huge amount the most different compositions, intended to improve the soil - enriching it with microelements and nutrients. One of these modern fertilizers is Agricola. This fertilizer is very effective and not too expensive.

General description

This fertilizer is named “Agricola” in honor of the chemist Georgy Agricola, who lived in the 14th century AD. This scientist was one of the first to begin research on the relationship between the composition of the soil and the degree of its fertility. This fertilizer was developed by specialists from the Technoexport company as part of the Green Belt program.

"Agricola" is a very popular fertilizer, including because it does not contain chlorine. This product also does not contain harmful heavy metals. Its composition is as follows:

  • P2O5 = 21.
  • Mn = 0.08.
  • N = 15.
  • Fe=0.16.
  • K2O = 25.
  • Zn = 0.016.
  • Cu = 0.016.
  • Mo = 0.008.

“Agricola” (the composition of the fertilizer, as you can see, is quite complex) is used by both ordinary summer residents and professional agronomists when growing crops.


Today, specialized stores sell Agricola fertilizer of various types. One of the features of this fertilizer is that it is classified according to specific crops. For example, if you wish, you can purchase Agricola fertilizer for cucumbers, tomatoes, and flowers. There is also a variety intended for seedlings.

According to the release form, Agricola products are dry and liquid. In the first case, the fertilizer is sold in sachets or bags. Dry fertilizers are available in granules or sticks. The liquid varieties contain humates, which have a beneficial effect on the absorption of beneficial nutrients by plants. This "Agricola" is packaged in cans.

What is it used for?

The result of using the Agricola fertilizer is the active growth of crops and a significant increase in their yield. In addition, plants get sick less and tolerate frost better.

If desired, the fertilizer can be used for both conventional and foliar feeding. The advantage of the products we are considering, among other things, is that they prevent the penetration of nitrates into plant tissue.

For each crop, only the appropriate type of Agricola fertilizer should be used. The proportions of nutrients in fertilizer varieties can vary greatly.

How to use for cucumbers

Pumpkin plants are fed for the first time when the third true leaf appears. If cucumbers were grown seedling method, fertilizing is done a week after transferring the plants to open ground. In total, this crop is fed 4 times during the season. The interval between fertilizer applications is 10 days.

To prepare a solution, 25 g of Agricola No. 5 is diluted in 10 liters of water. This amount of feeding is enough for 10-15 m2 of planting.

Squash and zucchini are fertilized in exactly the same way. Melon is fed for the first time 2 weeks after sowing. Before fruiting begins, another 2-3 foliar feedings are performed.

Application for tomatoes and eggplants

These crops are first fed two weeks after transplanting the seedlings into the ground with the Agricola No. 3 variety. Like cucumbers, tomatoes and eggplants are fertilized an average of five times per season. However, the break between feedings in this case should be longer - about two weeks. Most often, "Agricola" - a fertilizer for tomatoes, as well as for pumpkins - is sold in bags of 25-50 g. This amount should be diluted in 10-20 liters of water.

Use for root vegetables

In specialized stores you can also purchase Agricola No. 4 fertilizer, intended for feeding carrots, radishes and beets. A working solution from these granules is made in the same way as for tomatoes and cucumbers. When watering, it should be used at the rate of 1-3 l/m2, when spraying - 3 liters per 100 m2. The first feeding is done immediately after the sprouts appear, all subsequent ones - with an interval of 14 days.

General rules of use for garden crops

How should you use Agricola? The fertilizer (the instructions for its use are very simple) is simply diluted in water and stirred thoroughly for a few minutes. Next, the resulting solution is poured into a sprayer. Agricola should be sprayed using equipment with very small holes. In this case, the effect of its action will appear much faster, since the solution will be distributed more evenly over the leaves and stems. If desired, spraying can be combined with watering from a watering can.

It is best to process plantings in cloudy weather in the morning or evening. Spraying is not carried out during rain.

Agricola (fertilizer in the form of granules or sticks) dissolves very well in water. However, sometimes a small amount of solid precipitate appears in the solution. This is considered normal. In this case, processing should be carried out using standard technology.

"Agricola No. 7" for ornamental plants

This variety is used for crops such as monstera, asparagus, dracaena, coleus, ivy, begonia, anthurium, etc. Agricola, a fertilizer for indoor plants, not only stimulates their growth. As a result of its use, the leaves ornamental crops acquire a rich, bright, juicy color. The consumption rate in this case is 2 g per liter of water. This type of fertilizer can also be used for ornamental garden plants.

There is a special variety for roses - “Agricola Rose”. The first feeding in the spring using this form is carried out in combination with urea (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). After the first leaves appear on the plant, do the second feeding. This time, Agricola fertilizer is mixed with nitrophoska - also one tablespoon per liter of water.

For the third time, the granules are used simultaneously with the “Agricola No. 7” variety and the “Ideal” product (1 tablespoon each). The fourth feeding is carried out in combination with potassium sulfate (1 tbsp.) and nitrophoska 2 tbsp. l. And for the fifth time, the roses are fertilized with a mixture of the drug “Agricola Rose” (1 tbsp.) and some phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (1 tbsp.).

How to use liquid form

"Agricola-Aqua" is also quite often found on store shelves. There are only three main varieties of it:

  • "Vegeta." Used for vegetable crops. It is best used if the plants do not set fruit well.
  • "Forward". Designed for feeding seedlings. Strengthens root system and accelerates plant growth.
  • "Fantasy". Used for decorative indoor crops. Helps increase flowering intensity and duration.

The consumption rate for all Agricola liquid fertilizers is 5-10 ml per liter of water. The frequency of fertilizing using these fertilizers is 10-15 days.

Feeding cost

The price for dry varieties of “Agricola” ranges from only 15-20 rubles per 25 g bag. For a fifty-gram package, accordingly, you will have to pay twice as much. The capacity of canisters for liquid Agricola is about 250 ml. The cost of this amount of fertilizer is 60-80 rubles.

Agricola is an effective, popular and inexpensive fertilizer. This drug successfully competes on the market among similar mixtures. The name comes from time immemorial. Agricola was the name of the scientist who stood at the origins of research chemical composition soil, carried out in order to improve its productivity.

It’s not for nothing that Agricola has been called “the favorite drink of plants.” This is a high-quality product that complies with environmental standards. This fertilizer has a well-selected composition of substances beneficial to plants. It is especially often used by summer residents for growing tomatoes.

On the merits of Agricola

Let us list the main advantages of this mixture.

  • One advantage: chlorine and heavy metals are not included in this mixture.
  • By using this fertilizer, you will maintain the best soil acid balance for plants.
  • The components of this product are easily absorbed by plants, thanks to their special form (chelate) and the presence of energens (special humic elements).
  • Using Agricola, you will improve the growth rate and length of flowering, and strengthen the protective functions of seedlings.
  • This product saves your money because it is highly concentrated. A small portion is enough to prepare a large volume of solution.
  • When creating the fertilizer, the needs of plants throughout the entire cycle of their growth and maturation were taken into account.
  • Fertilizing with Agricola, carried out according to the recommended instructions, prevents the accumulation of nitrates in vegetable and fruit crops.
  • Has no expiration date restrictions.

What types of Agricola are there?

The products of this brand are represented by a wide variety of types. There are fertilizers for flowers grown outside, as well as for indoor ornamental plants. Other fertilizers are intended for growing garden vegetable crops (for example, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers). You can purchase fertilizer for a specific plant or a universal option for different types of seedlings.

There are three types of Agricola fertilizers:

  1. liquid product in special canisters;
  2. dry mixture in the form of granules, packaged in small bags;
  3. sticks are a variant of dry fertilizer.

The highly concentrated liquid substance must be diluted with water according to the instructions. This product is completely absorbed by the plant, has a stimulating effect on growth, and makes seedlings resistant to disease, cold and drought.

Dry granular powder is also highly concentrated. Thanks to the use of this product, the yield indicators of various plant crops. Can be used to feed indoor and greenhouse flowers, to feed planted seedlings.

A very interesting and convenient type of Agricola fertilizer is sticks. The bag contains 20 pieces. Apply at the rate of one stick per plant. Such a stick must be inserted into the soil near the roots. As a result, you will get a long-lasting effect: nutrition will slowly flow to the roots over two months. This form of fertilizer can prevent the occurrence of root rot.

Methods of fertilizing

You can use the listed types of fertilizers by watering the roots of plants or treating their above-ground parts with a sprinkler.

Sometimes spraying the stems and leaves is the only way possible way plant subcortex.

If the soil is unfavorable for growing vegetables and it is difficult for the plant to absorb nutrients from it using the root system, then foliar feeding will be very useful. The absorption of microelements with this method of fertilizing occurs several times faster.

The benefits of introducing nutrients through the above-ground part of plant crops are obvious: leaves and stems develop well, grow quickly, and are resistant to adverse influences. "Agricola" helps the plant accumulate vitamin C, which improves the taste and healthfulness of vegetables and fruits.

Universal types of fertilizers "Agricola"

Universal fertilizers of the Agricola brand are presented as liquid concentrates. "Vegeta" is used for various types of vegetables. It increases the yield of vegetable crops and the amount of vitamins they contain. This fertilizer guarantees you fruits without nitrates. It is used during the period of ripening and flowering of plants.

Liquid fertilizer "Forward" is a universal product for growing seedlings. Can be used as watering or spraying. The instructions are simple: to prepare 10 liters aqueous solution you need to take two tablespoons of the product. Feeding the seedlings must be done twice: the second time a week after the first. To treat the upper part of the plant by spraying, you need to take one tablespoon for a solution with a volume of 10 liters.

Fertilizer for tomatoes

The most popular dry product for producing good seedlings is Agricola 3. Suitable for feeding tomatoes, eggplants, etc. The percentage of minerals is as follows: nitrogen - 13%, phosphorus and potassium - 20% each, magnesium and trace elements are also present. Magnesium is necessary for the ripening of tasty, large fruits.

Tomato fertilization is carried out for the first time 14 days after planting the seedlings and repeated with the appearance of the ovary, the third feeding takes place ten days later (root watering). A week after the first watering, a spraying method is used, which must be repeated after ten days.

  • Compound

Fertilizer "Agricola" is enriched with the most important nutrients (nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus), as well as microelements. Varieties of fertilizers differ from each other in qualitative and quantitative composition, which will be different for each specific crop.

  • Instructions

Contains information on preparing an aqueous solution of fertilizer indicating the exact ratios. You can find it on the packaging, where recommendations for use are described in detail. A small part of the concentrate is diluted or dissolved in large quantities water. The number of necessary waterings or sprayings of seedlings, as well as the interval between them, will differ for each plant.

When using Agricola, take precautions: apply the fertilizer only to well-moistened soil. Otherwise, you may harm the plants.

How much does Agricola cost?

Fertilizer is quite cheap. The high concentration of substances it contains allows you to significantly save money.

Approximate prices for various types The Agricolas are:

  1. canister liquid fertilizer a 250 ml volume will cost about 70 rubles;
  2. bagged dry fertilizer weighing 25 g will cost about 20 rubles. If you buy big package for 50 g, the price will be twice as high.

To grow good seedlings, it is necessary to use the correct fertilizer. Agricola will be yours faithful assistant. By adhering to the recommendations suggested in the instructions for preparing the fertilizer, as well as the timing of application, you will be able to grow good harvest. Reviews from gardeners about this product are very good.

However, caring for plants does not end with fertilizer alone. You need to make every effort to get a decent result. Only careful treatment of seedlings guarantees you full return in return.

Agricola complex fertilizer is intended for feeding vegetative plants. Its use can significantly improve the condition of the leaves and root system. Thanks to the balanced composition of the fertilizer, it is possible to increase the yield of vegetable crops and improve the condition of flowering plants. The drug is very suitable for regular root feeding as indoor flowers, and gardening garden crops.

Fertilizer "Agricola" is available in several various forms. It contains elements necessary for the growth and development of the plant:

  1. Nitrogen in the amount of 15%.
  2. Phosphorus - 21%.
  3. Potassium - 25%.

Other elements (manganese, copper, iron, zinc, etc.) may be contained in smaller quantities. The exact composition of each drug, indicated by a serial number, depends on its purpose.

The liquid product is a concentrate, which is produced in a container equipped with a measuring bottle. This fertilizer is diluted clean water in a ratio of 1:100 or 1:200.

The dry preparation is available in the form of granules. They can be poured into the soil in their original form or dissolved in water. This variety is available in different packaging - 50-100 grams and 1-1.5 kg. A small bag is enough to fertilize a houseplant, and a large bag can be used to feed vegetables in the garden.

Another form of fertilizer is in the form of sticks. With their help you can feed a small number of plants. To do this, just stick one stick near the bush, and it will gradually dissolve and nourish the plant. This release form has a prolonged action. The cost of packaging such sticks corresponds to the cost of 500 grams of dry granules.

Agricola vegeta is a fertilizer that is widely used to increase leaf mass and improve fruiting of vegetable and berry crops.

A variety is also available Agricola for yellowing of leaves. Reviews of the drug Agricola Aquo indicate its high effectiveness in caring for coniferous plants.

Useful properties

Mineral fertilizers under the Agricola brand They are not one drug, but a whole line used for different crops.

This soluble plant food is highly effective. If you apply it regularly in accordance with the instructions, you can achieve the following results:

Unlike many other plant fertilizers, Agricola does not contain chlorine.

The drug dissolves well in water and is easily absorbed by the plant. At the same time, it is absolutely safe for human health and the environment.

Fertilize decorative flowering plants with the help of the drug "Agricola" you can in different ways- by root feeding (applying to the soil) and foliar feeding (by spraying). Fertilizers can be applied in the same way when caring for greenhouse fertilizers.

The drug is highly economical. Just 250 ml of liquid concentrate allows you to prepare 50 liters of finished fertilizer.

Feeding frequency depends on the variety ornamental plant and seasons of the year. In winter, most plants do not need additional fertilizer.

Application for garden roses

Roses are highly demanding in terms of care. This is especially true in conditions middle zone. This delicate flower prone to various diseases the best prevention which is regular and proper feeding. With the constant application of sufficient fertilizers, roses will be reliably protected from viral and fungal infections. With a complete “diet” they will bloom magnificently and for a long time.

It was developed specifically for fertilizing roses special kind drug. It contains all necessary components in perfectly balanced quantities.

You need to start fertilizing roses in the spring. when they begin their growth period. During the period of active flowering, they do not need to be fed. Repeated feeding is done after the end of the flowering period, then the roses will be able to accumulate strength before wintering.

At correct use feeding garden roses will bloom magnificently and for a long time, the bushes will grow healthy and strong. The number of buds, their size and brightness of color will become significantly higher.

Agricola for orchids

Orchids have become very popular recently; many people try to grow them at home. However, it should be remembered that these flowers require special care and attention. The best substrate Crushed bark is used to grow them. Since orchids are very sensitive, fertilizers for them should be easily absorbed.

To feed orchids you will need 5 ml of Agricola per 1 liter of water. It is not recommended to exceed this dosage so as not to burn delicate flowers.

During the growth period, orchids should be fertilized every 10 days. To understand when the time has come, you need to monitor the leaves of the plant: if they begin to appear one after another, it is time to feed the orchid. In autumn and winter, the plant enters a dormant period. At this time, additional fertilizer is not required. You should also not fertilize the flower in extreme heat in the summer.

Fertilizer for vegetables and berries

Agricola is represented by a wide range of products for feeding not only ornamental indoor plants, but also garden crops. It is worth noting that it is recommended to use a different product for each crop.

The application of this complex fertilizer must be combined with compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and careful care of vegetables and berries. In this case, you can get a rich and high-quality harvest.

Advantages of Agricola

Agricola is a fertilizer that has a number of advantages over other drugs. These include:

"Agricola" can be indispensable for growing crops on overdried, depleted or excessively cold soils, as well as on saline soils. The cost of this drug is low and allows high-quality care for garden beds or indoor decorative flowers.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):