Favorable price conditions in the domestic and foreign markets have determined the leading place of sunflower in the structure of sown areas in Ukraine, where it annually occupies from 5 to 6 million hectares. At the same time, intense competition between suppliers of sunflower and palm oil on the world market stimulates domestic farmers to increase the productivity of this crop and at the same time reduce its cost.

Sunflower is a drought-resistant crop, but at the same time responds well to sufficient moisture supply. Transpiration coefficient - 450-570. Thanks to its highly developed taproot system and powerful root suction power, it uses moisture from a depth of up to 3 m and can almost completely dry a 1.5-meter layer of soil. The level of water consumption varies significantly depending on the variety and weather conditions of the year. The total water consumption during the growing season for sunflower is 385-427 mm. According to this indicator, it is on a par with crops such as rapeseed and corn, and significantly exceeds wheat (303-351) and barley (250-270).

Sunflower has a well-developed root system, which penetrates to a depth of 3-4 m, and in the horizontal direction - to 0.8-1.2 m, which allows plants to absorb moisture and nutrients from the deep layers of the soil. To form 1 ton of seeds and the corresponding amount of non-commercial products, it removes a significant amount of nutrients from the soil: 40-55 kg N, 15-25 - P 2 O 5, 100-150 kg K 2 O. Because of this, there is an opinion that Sunflower depletes the soil. But this does not take into account the return of nutrients with plant residues during their economic removal, which for sunflower is: N - 74%, P 2 O 5 - 54, K2O - 94%, while, for example, for rapeseed - 60, 36, 71; corn - 51, 34, 98; soy - 27, 28, 28; cereal grains - 24-32, 17-18, 68-72, respectively.

Features of sunflower fertilizer

During the growing season, sunflower absorbs nutrients unevenly. At the beginning of growth, it requires few nutrients, but their absorption is faster than the rate of dry matter increase. Thus, during the first month of the growing season, sunflower uses 15% nitrogen, 10% phosphorus and 10% potassium, although the accumulation of organic matter during this time does not exceed 5% of the maximum value. Despite the fact that at the initial stage (2-3 leaves) sunflower grows slowly, the formation of the basket takes place during this period. In the next 1.5 months, when the formation of baskets occurs and until the end of flowering, sunflower intensively consumes nutrients, assimilating 80% of nitrogen, 70% of phosphorus and only 50% of potassium. The rest (40%) of potassium enters the plants from the seed filling phase to the beginning of ripening. After completion of the formation of baskets, the absorption of nutrients by sunflower decreases.

During the growing season of sunflower there are several critical periods for the absorption of nutrients. In the initial stages, before the formation of the basket, sunflower develops quite slowly and does not require large amounts of nutrients. Excessive nitrogen nutrition at the initial stages of development leads to a decrease in crop yield. Nitrogen nutrition requirements increase significantly during the basket formation phase. This period is the most important in providing sunflower plants with other nutrients, especially potassium, because limiting its amount sharply reduces yield.

What fertilizer should be applied to sunflowers?

Basic nutrients have different effects on the growth, development and productivity of sunflower. Nitrogen in combination with other nutrients enhances plant growth, helps to increase vegetative mass and basket size. However, excess nitrogen nutrition causes the formation of too tall plants and leads to irrational use of water. This leads to a lack of moisture during critical phases of crop development (flowering and seed filling). Increases sensitivity to pests and diseases. In addition, the protein content increases and the accumulation of oil in the seeds decreases. The best effect on the yield and quality of seeds is moderate nitrogen nutrition at the beginning of the growing season (before the formation of baskets) and after flowering, and increased nutrition during the interphase period from budding to flowering. With a lack of nitrogen, the yield decreases due to a decrease in the number of achenes in the basket.

Phosphorus promotes better development of the sunflower root system and the formation of reproductive organs with a large number of flowers in the basket. With optimal phosphorus nutrition, plant development accelerates, moisture is consumed more economically, and more oil accumulates in the seeds. In their action, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers for sunflower complement each other.

Sunflower is a potassium-philous crop. Potassium improves the process of photosynthesis and hydrocarbon metabolism in plants. Despite the high need for it, it has an average effect on the yield level. Magnesium is involved in the metabolism of nitrogen, phosphorus and protein synthesis. With its deficiency, yellowing between the veins is observed, which begins at the tops and edges of the leaves. Old leaves are affected first and wither. The lack of magnesium in sunflower nutrition manifests itself on sandy and acidic soils, as well as with a high potassium content in the soil and at low temperatures. Magnesium fertilizers for sunflower are applied to the soil at a dose of 50-80 kg/ha MgO or foliar fertilizing is carried out.

Optimizing sulfur nutrition improves nitrogen uptake by plants, increases oil content and increases sunflower yield. Due to its deficiency, young leaves become pale green or yellow, and spotted chlorosis appears. Plant growth is inhibited. The lack of sulfur in sunflower nutrition affects soils of light granulometric composition, with an acidic soil reaction, poorly aerated, and with a low humus content.

The sunflower fertilization system consists of three methods:




Sunflower responds well to the aftereffect of organic fertilizers, so in crop rotation it is placed after crops for which manure was applied. According to the NSC “IG named after A.N. Sokolovsky”, in the Left Bank Forest-Steppe zone, the application of 30 t/ha of cattle manure provides an average increase in seed yield of 0.29 t/ha. Under the best moisture conditions, this figure can be 0.5 t/ha.

Manure, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are applied for autumn tillage, and nitrogen - for pre-sowing cultivation. It is also effective to apply complete mineral fertilizer in the spring locally to a depth of 12-14 cm. Row application of fertilizers during sowing provides good results, in particular on soils with a low content of mobile compounds of nutrients. The dose of row fertilizer is N10-15 P15-30 K15-30 in the form of complex fertilizers. This increases the yield of sunflower seeds by 0.2-0.3 t/ha. It is advisable to carry out intra-soil fertilizing in areas well supplied with moisture, or in years with sufficient rainfall on fields that have not been fertilized since the fall. During this agricultural activity, nitrogen (30 kg/ha) is usually added, sometimes phosphorus and potassium (20-30 kg/ha) are added in the phase of 2-3 pairs of leaves. Foliar fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is rarely used, only in case of slow plant growth (cold period), and phosphorus fertilizers are effective only at the beginning of the growing season to improve the development of the root system.

When developing a fertilizer system for sunflower, the level of soil fertility should be taken into account, since this plant, with a powerful taproot system, absorbs available nutrient reserves quite well and therefore has a low response to the application of mineral fertilizers compared to main grain crops. Thus, according to long-term data from stationary field studies at the NSC “IG named after A.N. Sokolovsky", on typical chernozem, the relative increase in yield from full mineral fertilizer to control was 13.6%, and from their double norm - 17.1% (figure). At the same time, the increase in the yield of winter wheat and spring barley was, respectively, two to four times higher.

Along with this, the intensification of sunflower cultivation, due to the introduction of short-rotation crop rotations, where sunflower returns to the field every three to four years, as well as the emergence of new hybrids with a yield potential of 4.5-5.5 t/ha, requires the mandatory use of fertilizers even on very fertile soils. The norms for their use should be differentiated in accordance with soil and climatic conditions. In the Forest-Steppe zone, on soils with a heavy granulometric composition, approximately N60-100, P40-60 are applied to sunflower, in the Steppes - N50-90, P30-50. Despite the very high level of potassium removal from the sunflower crop, the application of potassium fertilizers on these soils is less effective than nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. This is explained by their increased and high supply of this nutrient and the ability of the plant root system to assimilate it well. Only on soils depleted of potassium, additional application of K20-50 is recommended. The exact amount of fertilizer is determined taking into account the supply of mobile nutrient compounds to the soil based on the results of diagnostics or agrochemical certification.

Application of microfertilizers for sunflower

Balancing sunflower nutrition with microelements is of exceptional importance for increasing seed production. According to the Institute of Agriculture of the Steppe Zone of the National Academy of Sciences, sunflower is a demanding crop for microelements, as evidenced by their significant accumulation in plants (Table 1). The highest content in seeds is typical for zinc, in the vegetative part - for manganese.

Failure to comply with scientifically based alternation of crops in crop rotation leads to the appearance of symptoms of micronutrient deficiency and a decrease in sunflower productivity. The critical phases in this regard are 2-3 pairs of leaves and budding (8-10 pairs of leaves). A lack of boron, zinc, and manganese in the first period leads to a shortage of yield. Other important microelements for sunflower are molybdenum, copper and iron.

Sunflower is very sensitive to boron deficiency, especially during drought and on carbonate soils. Boron ensures the germination of pollen and fertilization of flowers, and with its deficiency, young leaves are severely deformed due to the death of tissues at their base, plants are stunted in growth, the heads are deformed, the achenes are uneven, and the growing points die off. The lack of boron in sunflower nutrition manifests itself in sandy soils, with high nitrogen or calcium content, low temperatures and during drought. The critical content of boron in soil is 0.5-3.0 mg/kg. 1-2 kg/ha of a.m. are added to the soil. boron fertilizers. Their effectiveness increases when applied foliar, since in the soil a significant part of the microelement is converted into inaccessible forms. Foliar feeding is effective if carried out several times at the beginning of the growing season. The first must be done in the phase of 3-4 pairs of leaves, the second - before flowering, using a 6% aqueous solution of urea with the addition of 200-600 g/ha of boron. The use of boron during pre-sowing seed treatment is also common.

Manganese activates enzymatic processes, participates in nitrogen metabolism, photosynthesis and protein synthesis, and significantly affects productivity. Its deficiency manifests itself in the form of chlorotic spots on young leaves. At the same time, old and very young leaves are not affected. Typically, mobile manganese compounds are lacking in soils with a high humus content, light granulometric composition, with a neutral or alkaline reaction, after manganese precursors. Application of manganese fertilizers for sunflower into the soil is ineffective, so foliar feeding is used.

In general, foliar feeding is carried out in the phase of 3-4 and 5-6 pairs of leaves, when intensive plant growth occurs and baskets are laid. The best thing for sunflower apply microfertilizers in the form of chelates and combine their application with the treatment of crops with plant protection agents, growth regulators, after conducting a preliminary compatibility test. This agricultural technique is guaranteed to provide plants with microelements in accessible forms and, precisely during the critical period of development, stimulates root formation and basket formation, and, accordingly, an increase in plant productivity.

When is it appropriate? will apply fertilizers to sunflowers

The feasibility of fertilizing sunflowers can be determined based on the results of plant diagnostics, which makes it possible to consciously adjust plant nutrition during the growing season. The Agrovector PF-014 device, the operating principle of which is based on the functional diagnostic method, allows you to determine the crop’s need for 12-15 macro- and microelements within about one hour. Based on the change in the photochemical activity of the chloroplast suspension, the degree of need (in percentage) of plants for a specific nutrient is assessed. The level of nutrient supply to plants is considered close to optimal if the degree of need for it, according to the device, does not exceed 10%. According to the NSC “IG named after A.N. Sokolovsky,” diagnosing the nutritional conditions of sunflower plants in the phase of 6-8 pairs of leaves on an unfertilized background signaled an acute deficiency of all macroelements and many microelements.

Against the background of applying mineral fertilizers at a rate of N 40 P 60 K 80 during the same period of crop development, a shortage of magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron and cobalt was observed. According to the diagnostic results, foliar feeding of unfertilized sunflower plants was carried out with a working solution containing 4 kg/ha of complex water-soluble fertilizer Aquarin 13 containing microelements. And to treat fertilized crops, a working solution with the addition of magnesium sulfate and chelates of zinc, manganese, iron and cobalt was used. Operational adjustments to plant nutrition made it possible to obtain an increase in seed yield of 0.26 t/ha - under control and 0.29 t/ha - against the background of the application of N 40 P 60 K 80 (Table 2).

In addition, the timely elimination of the shortage of necessary nutrients had a positive effect on the quality indicators of products on a fertilized agricultural background. Thanks to this, the oil yield increased by 0.18 t/ha compared to similar crops without fertilizing.

Application of bacterial fertilizers for sunflower

One of the reserves for increasing sunflower yield is the use of bacterial preparations Polymyxobacterin or Hetomik. The use of the first improves phosphorus nutrition of plants, the positive effect of the second drug is due to the limitation of diseases and growth-stimulating properties. The volume of the working solution for the inoculation procedure, which consists of a hectare norm of the drug (60 ml of Polymyxobacterin or 24 g of Hetomik), water and an adhesive (Na CMC, molasses, gelatin, casein, etc.), should not exceed 1.5% of the mass seeds After bacterization, the seeds are dried to an air-dry state. To preserve the viability of bacteria during drying and transportation, seeds treated with a biological product must be protected from direct sunlight.

On the Slobozhanskaya experimental field of the National Research Center “IG”, pre-sowing bacterization of seed material with Polymyxobacterin provided an increase in seed yield of 0.28 t/ha, or 12.3%, against an unfertilized background (Table 3).

When combined with mineral fertilizers, the effectiveness of the biological product ranged from 5.6% - against the background of applying nitrogen fertilizers at a dose of 30 kg/ha a.i. up to 7.2-7.5% - against the background of phosphorus (P30) and complex (N30P30K30) fertilizers.

In experiments at the Institute of Agricultural Microbiology and Agro-Industrial Production of the National Academy of Sciences, when using Hetomik, an additional 0.35 t/ha of seeds were obtained to the control without bacterization and chemical protection.

O. Dotsenko, Ph.D. agricultural sciences,
M. Miroshnichenko, Doctor of Biology sciences,
D. Semenov, Ph.D. agricultural sciences,
E. Panasenko, Ph.D. agricultural sciences,
NSC "Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry named after A.N. Sokolovsky",
G. Gospodarenko, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences sciences,

Uman National University of Horticulture

Once upon a time, at a production site located near the railway in Oranchitsy, in the Brest region, there was a site for Pruzhany district agricultural machinery. When the institution was reorganized, the territory changed hands more than once, and a couple of years ago a foreign investor set up production there. Found a registration here Belarusian-Polish joint venture Adobe-Agro, which was created by the domestic AgroSemProduct ODO and the Polish company ADOB, known in 73 countries around the world as a manufacturer of microfertilizers under license from the German company BASF.

Joint limited liability company "Adobe-Agro" created in October 2009. Less than six months have passed since modern technological equipment for the production of liquid microfertilizer ADOB Bor, used for all types of crops. The farmers of Pruzhany region were the first to appreciate these products. And today, in addition to Belarusian ones, Russian agricultural organizations are also business partners.

The company is ready to satisfy the need not only of Belarus for boron fertilizer, says the director of the company Alexander Kozel. - Judge for yourself: we work in just one shift, and our capacity allows us to produce up to 2 million liters of fertilizer per year, and the maximum need for it by all farmers in the country is about 1.8 million liters.

By the way, this year 84 thousand liters of products were supplied to the Russian market; next year, as stipulated by the contracts already signed, this figure will increase to at least 150 thousand liters. Today, on the territory of the Russian Federation, fertilizers are sold through joint Belarusian-Polish company "Adobe-Rus", one of the founders of which is Adobe-Agro JLLC.

As a true patriot, Alexander Kozel says that he comes from Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Although their family already had a whole generation of foresters (the forester’s great-grandfather even took Nicholas II himself hunting), Alexander Mechislavovich decided to deviate from family traditions and connect his life with agriculture. He graduated from the Vitebsk Veterinary Institute.

When the Kozel family moved to live in Pruzhany, Alexander Mechislavovich was soon offered to head the team of the newly created Belarusian-Polish joint venture Adobe-Agro. As a leader, Alexander Kozel cares not only about the economic stability of society, but also about the well-being of its employees and the atmosphere in the team. He believes that even the most modern technological equipment is nothing without the human factor. Therefore, production meetings have become traditional at the enterprise, during which not only work issues are discussed, but also problems are raised, complaints are expressed... In a word, sincerity is only supported.

And most of all I don’t like three things: drunkenness in the workplace, disobedience to management orders and theft.

The company produced a pilot batch of ADOB Bor microfertilizers - 86 thousand liters - in 2010. The products were registered and received a quality certificate. The following year, production more than tripled. The products were immediately distributed to agricultural organizations across the country. This year, almost 500 thousand liters of fertilizers came off the assembly line.

This rapid development did not go unnoticed. And at the end of last year, the enterprise was recognized for its excellent work by the Brest Regional Executive Committee - it received the title of laureate of the competition “ Best entrepreneur of the Brest region».

ADOB Bor(boron) is a one-component liquid fertilizer for foliar feeding with a high boron content.

Highly concentrated fertilizer for foliar feeding is intended for fertilizing plants that are especially sensitive to boron deficiency: rapeseed, sugar and fodder beets, potatoes, corn, legumes, alfalfa, garden and vegetable crops.

Bor is a very important element of plant nutrition:

  • participates in the formation of cell wall polysaccharides;
  • takes part in the growth process (cell division, pollen maturation);
  • indirectly takes part in the transportation of sugars;
  • regulates auxin activity.

Crops that require boron to grow require annual foliar fertilization with boron- This is the most effective form of fertilizer. Deficiency of this element is especially common on light soils with high soil reaction during drought.

Recommendations for use: since boron moves rather slowly in the plant from old parts to young developing tissues, to effectively provide the plant with this microelement, repeated spraying with ADOB Bor fertilizer is required.

With ADOB Bor, potato yields, for example, can be increased by 20-40 percent.

Good ground for investors

According to Belarusian legislation, the enterprise is exempt from paying income taxes for seven years. The director of the enterprise, Alexander Kozel, discusses this matter:

Thanks to this benefit, last year we saved 24% of profit, now - 18%. This is important for the development of production. In addition, the imported technological equipment was included in the authorized capital, thanks to which we were able to save money on VAT and customs duties.

During this time, new communications were laid, the reconstruction of buildings continues, and the territory is being improved.

In my opinion, the government did the right thing when it took such a step towards potential investors.

Adobe-Agro also has support from local authorities. The young enterprise has become a regular participant in seminars for agricultural specialists, where it not only presents its products, but also listens carefully to the advice of practitioners. The last such event at the republican level took place in October. Based on its results, the Polish founder decided to invest in further production. Presumably, after some time, production technologies for a number of other microfertilizers will be implemented here. At the same time, the staff will also increase: the enterprise will provide the area with up to 40 new jobs.

Individual approach to the client

The last concern of the team is own laboratory, on the creation and accreditation of which specialists are already working at full speed. With its help, it will be possible to determine the quality of the products produced and calculate individually for each farmer who applied for the service, the composition and amount of fertilizers necessary for better growth of crops.

Alexander Kozel explains in more detail:

The algorithm is as follows: upon request, specialists go to agricultural enterprises, take the soil for analysis, and then determine its composition for the lack of certain microelements in order to replenish it through fertilizers. Fortunately, the range of fertilizers we have is very wide: in addition to its ADOB Bor, the company sells products from its Polish founder, the largest European manufacturer in its industry, and the Belarusian AgroSemProduct ODO, known in the market of plant protection products and complex fertilizers for more than ten years.

By the way, today such services already exist in our country, but so far only regional chemicalization stations provide them.

And as soon as the equipment is purchased and a team of qualified specialists is created, the Polish side will provide ready-made technologies for work.

For now, Adobe-Agro is limited only to experiments. So, now on 20 hectares of rapeseed plot of JSC Agro-Kolyadichi they are observing an experiment on the use of boron and the Profit complex, containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements. Experts are confident in obtaining a positive result, since scientists from the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry have calculated through developments: two kilograms of “Profit” give grain crops an increase in yield of 5.5 centners per hectare.

Conditions are enviable

Despite the fact that the team is small - only ten people, working conditions are created for workers that are very far from being achieved by individual enterprises. The administrative building has already been landscaped, showers have been made, cabins have been created for workers, there is a room for meals equipped with a microwave, refrigerator, electric kettle and other kitchen items...

Wherever I worked, the workers were never taken care of,” says loader Vladimir Yakuta during the conversation.

The management explains that when drawing up design estimates, the working conditions of Polish colleagues were taken into account. Therefore, here they can safely boast that the created conditions correspond to European standards. And for those who live in Pruzhany, centralized delivery has also been established.

The estimate for the second stage of work on the enterprise also includes landscaping measures: paving the territory, installing gazebos, landscaping - everything for the people. It is even planned to establish a garden: a harvest of fruit and berry plants - for the personal needs of workers, direct observation of the results of foliar feeding after applying fertilizers - for laboratory specialists to gain experience.

Quality plus price

The microfertilizer produced in Orančitsy is in no way inferior to its Russian and European counterparts. As confirmation of this, Adobe-Agro cites the fact that the company has already partially ousted its competitors not only from the Belarusian market. And the main reason for success was high quality and low price.

Unlike similar products from other companies, boron fertilizer "Adobe-Agro" does not crystallize at low temperatures and does not have sediment, thanks to which it does not lose its qualities even after long-term storage. To be fair, the company notes that the high quality is the merit of the Poles, who developed the technology for producing this microfertilizer back in the early 1990s.

And thanks to the reasonable price (it is 1.5-2 times lower than other manufacturers), ADOB Bor is in demand among Belgospishcheprom and farmers of the Mogilev region, who this year held tenders for the purchase of boron fertilizers - unfortunately, they are the only ones so far who organizes such auctions. But the company intends to continue to conquer the market, since the size of workers’ wages also depends on this. Today, the average salary here is 4.5 million rubles, and compared to last year it has increased by 250%.

Personnel decides everything

Having visited JLLC “Adobe-Agro”, we got directly acquainted with the production of microfertilizers. The release process is here almost completely automated. The only exception is the operation of bottling manufactured products into containers, where manual work is still involved. But this will also become a thing of the past over time: this operation is also planned to be automated.

Sergey Gorodnik- process engineer of the company, one of four people who service the line. From a huge tank where the components of the future fertilizer are mixed, it is necessary to measure the density of the resulting liquid in order to determine its compliance with the requirements. This is precisely the responsibility of Sergei Valerievich. It only took a day to learn from Polish specialists the experience of the seemingly difficult work with the reactor. Basically, the responsibility for quality rests on this guy's shoulders. And his integrity is eloquently evidenced by the fact that during the existence of production, Adobe-Agro has not received a single complaint from partners.

This young guy is considered a promising specialist. Today he is studying in absentia at the Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University.

After carefully listening to Alexander’s feedback about his subordinates, we came to the conclusion that everyone in the team deserves kind words addressed to them. Chief Accountant Tatyana Danilovna Popko- including. For more than 20 years, the woman headed the accounting service in one of the district’s agricultural enterprises. And her current bosses have no reason to be dissatisfied with the specialists: based on the results of numerous financial audits, there were no comments on her reporting in any of the services.

Secrets of growth

Until now, agriculture has used boric acid in the fields, which, as is known, is practically insoluble in cold water, precipitates and, as a result, does not give much effect. ADOB Bor is distinguished by the content of a special solvent, which promotes the absorption of fertilizer almost 100%. Experts have developed a special adhesive substance, thanks to which the microelement clings to the leaves and is not washed off even by rain. Among the advantages is the method of applying ADOB Bor: its Can be mixed in boom spray tanks with pesticides, herbicides or fungicides and thereby reduce the cost of fertilizing. This explains the consistently high demand for the product. Not only in the Pruzhany region, whose farms, largely thanks to microfertilizers, were able to obtain a good harvest of grain, sugar beets and other crops this year. Having assessed all the advantages of their use, work is now being actively carried out in the Brest region to apply microfertilizers for winter grain and rapeseed crops.

In general, today the Ministry of Agriculture and Food notes that in the near future the issue of using complex microfertilizers by the country's agricultural organizations will be given special attention. Their widespread use in agriculture in certain regions has become one of the factors in obtaining good increases in yield.

The materials were prepared by Marina Vakulskaya, Elena Dovzhenok, Evgeny Pesetsky (photo).

Address and telephone:

SOOO "Adobe-Agro", Brest region, Pruzhansky district,

Oranchitsy village, st. Agricultural machinery, 8.

Tel./fax (8 01632) 51 1 73, 51 5 05

MTS (+375 29) 795 08 69, VELCOM (+375 29) 313 92 42,

e-mail: [email protected]

Fertilizers were developed by BASF (Germany) for foliar feeding, which are easily absorbed by plants and are used to compensate for the lack of microelements in plants. They are characterized by a successfully selected composition of microelements according to the requirements for different groups of crops.

Fertilizers from BASF and the content of macro- and microelements in them, %

Fertilizers are produced by the Production and Consulting Enterprise "ADOB" Poland, under license from BASF.

Solyubor DF

(At 17.5)

The most common boron fertilizer in the world. Granular fertilizer for feeding roots, containing 17.5% completely water-soluble boron. Easily absorbed by plants. Used to compensate for boron deficiency in plants.

It is recommended to apply 1-3 kg/ha at a time, performing 2-3 treatments per season. The water consumption rate is 200-300 l/ha. Used on field, fruit, and vegetable crops that respond well to the application of boron (see table).

Application rate "Solyubor DF"


Water l/ha

Field crops

Sugar beet




Fruit and vegetable crops

Fruit trees

Stone fruits

Celery, spinach, carrots

Cabbage, cauliflower

Basfoliar 36 Extra

This combination is recommended for foliar feeding of cereal grains, sugar beets and rapeseed, as well as potatoes and vegetables with an application rate of 6 to 12 l/ha for the entire season (see table below). It is advisable to apply fertilizer in small portions of 3-4 l/ha for 2-3 applications (together with pesticide treatment).

Application rate "Solyubor DF"


Amount of fertilizer per season l/ha

Water l/ha

Field crops


Sugar beet

Potatoes, rapeseed

Corn, sunflower

Fruit and vegetable crops

Fruit trees

Stone fruits

Fruits and berries


Celery, spinach, carrots

Cabbage, cauliflower



Basfoliar 12-4-6 + S

A unique ratio of microelements, which makes this fertilizer especially valuable for feeding rapeseed and crops sensitive to sulfur deficiency with a maximum application rate per season from 6 to 12 l/ha, in portions of 3-4 l/ha for 2-3 applications (see table .).

Application rate "Basfoliar 12-4-6 + S"


Amount of fertilizer per season l/ha

Water l/ha

Field crops


Sugar beet



Fruit and vegetable crops

Fruit trees

Vegetables in open ground


Basfoliar 6-12-6

An ideal combination for feeding sunflower, soybeans and corn with a maximum application rate per season from 6 to 10 l/ha, in portions of 2-4 l/ha for 2-3 applications (see table).

Application rate "Basfoliar 6-12-6"

Basfoliar 34

Basfoliar 34 is the optimal microfertilizer for feeding grains, rapeseed, potatoes and vegetable crops with a maximum consumption rate of 6 to 12 l/ha per season, in portions of 3-4 l/ha for 2-3 applications.

ADOB Zn (II) – IDHA, galvanized

Zinc fertilizer solution.

Fertilizer ADOB Zn (II) is an IDHA microfertilizer intended for foliar feeding of those crops that especially suffer from a lack of zinc, including corn, sugar beets, rapeseed, sunflowers, and hops. Zinc deficiency is especially noticeable in soils with high pH levels and where large amounts of phosphorus fertilizers have been applied.

Fertilizer ADOB Zn (II) - IDHA is completely soluble in water, so it can be used in hydroponics, fertigation and mineral wool.

Composition in % by weight: Zn (zinc) - 4.60%. Density d = 1.34 kg/l. This microfertilizer additionally contains nitrate nitrogen (see table).


Terms of use

Additional applications, l/ha per season

Quantity of working liquid, l/ha

Sugar beet

Twice during the growing season

Before flowering twice with an interval of 2 weeks


Phase 5-8 leaves, twice with an interval of 2 weeks

Fiber flax

Twice per flowering phase


Twice per flowering phase

Three times before mid-June with an interval of 2 weeks


Twice before flowering

Before flowering

ADOB Fe (III) – IDHA (iron)

Chelated by IDCA, biodegradable, iron chelate is completely soluble in water. Liquid microfertilizer, contains 3% iron in chelate form. It is used to prevent and replenish iron deficiency in vegetable growing, horticulture, vineyards, and nurseries of fruit and ornamental crops.

ADOB Fe (III) - IDCA is absorbed and travels in plants for a long period of time. Thanks to this, signs of iron deficiency quickly disappear. In addition to spraying, it can be applied by watering plants or dispersing the fertilizer into the soil.

The fertilizer dissolves easily in water. If used together with other fertilizers, first dissolve in water, and then add an aqueous solution of ADOB Fe (III). Spray immediately after preparing the working solution. Apply 2-3 times at intervals of two days, from the moment plant chlorosis appears.


For field crops: 3 l/ha of ADOB Fe (III) IDHA fertilizer with a flow rate of 300 l/ha of working fluid.

Vegetables: Apply a 0.1-0.5% solution, according to the varietal requirements of the plants. In case of iron deficiency, spray 3-4 times with an interval of two days. If the soil has a pH of 6.5, it is recommended to water the plants with an aqueous solution of fertilizer (0.4-2.0 l of fertilizer in 100 l of water).

Fruit: Apply 0.5% solution of ADOB Fe (III) IDCA after flowering plants. Spraying should be done in the evening or on cloudy days without rain.

ADOB Cereals NPK15-15-15

The fertilizer is intended for use in crops of all cereal grain crops. It has a high content of copper and manganese, contains sulfur and magnesium.

Chemical composition and application of fertilizer "ADOB Grain NPK 15-15-15"


ADOB Rapeseed NPK15-10-15

This fertilizer is intended for use in winter and spring rapeseed crops. The increased content of potassium, boron, manganese and molybdenum better meets the micronutrient requirements for these crops. Sulfur and magnesium are very important for rapeseed.

Apply 2-3 times depending on the condition of the plants.

Chemical composition and application of fertilizer "ADOB Rapeseed NPK15-10-15"


ADOB Corn NPK10-20-15

The fertilizer is intended for use in corn and legume crops. In a cool spring, corn does not absorb phosphorus from the soil well. Leaves turn purple and plants are stunted. The use of fertilizer helps overcome these phenomena. Increased amounts of zinc and boron allow you to obtain a high-quality harvest.

Chemical composition and application of fertilizer "ADOB Corn NPK10-20-15"


ADOB Sugar beet NPK10-5-15

The fertilizer is intended for foliar feeding of sugar beets. The amount of boron and manganese, magnesium and potassium has been increased.

Chemical composition and application of fertilizer "ADOB Sugar beet NPK10-5-15"


ADOB Potato NPK15-10-20

The fertilizer is developed in accordance with the needs of potatoes for all types of purposes. Apply 2-3 times depending on the condition of the plants.

Chemical composition and application of fertilizer "ADOB Potato NPK15-10-20"


ADOB sunflower NPK15-15-10

Sunflower requires increased amounts of boron and zinc, especially on light soils. Apply 2-3 times depending on the condition of the plants.

Chemical composition and application of fertilizer "ADOB sunflower NPK15-15-10"


ADOB Vegetables NPK18-18-18

The fertilizer has a well-balanced composition of macro- and microelements. Allows you to quickly and reliably provide plants with nutrients. The use of foliar feeding allows you to obtain a high yield of improved quality and excellent storage properties. Apply 2-3 times depending on the condition of the plants, after 7-14 days.

Chemical composition and application of fertilizer "ADOB Vegetables NPK18-18-18"



Solyu™ are microfertilizers that comply with European Union standards. Produced in certified production facilities by the ADOB Production and Consulting Enterprise. Due to the presence of surfactants and adhesive properties in Solu™, they are ideal components for joint application with plant protection products.

Zn salt (zinc)— Combination containing %: N — 9.0; MgO -3.0; Zn - 4.6; for feeding sunflower, corn, beans, flax, vegetables, grapes and fruits 1-4 l/ha, in portions of 1-2 l.

Fe salt (iron)— Combination containing %: N — 9.0; P 2 O 5 4.0; MgO - 3.0; Fe - 3.0; which makes it especially valuable for feeding rapeseed, fruit, vineyards, legumes, soybeans, tomatoes and ornamental crops with a seasonal application rate of up to 1-3 l/ha, in portions of 1 l/ha.

Salt Mn (manganese)— Combination of microelements, contains%: N — 9.8; MgO - 2.6; Мn -15.3. This combination is primarily recommended for foliar feeding of cereal grains, sugar beets and rapeseed, as well as potatoes and vegetables, soybeans with an application rate of up to 6 l/ha for the entire season. It is advisable to apply fertilizers in portions of 2-3 l/ha in two treatments (possibly together with pesticide treatment).

Salt B (boron)— Contains B — 15.0%. The most sensitive crops are: sugar and fodder beets, vegetables, fruits, vineyards, rapeseed and legumes, soybeans.

SALT Mg (magnesium)— Combination of microelements containing MgO — 9.0%; S - 7.2%; most needed for rapeseed, sugar beets, hops and grapes.

Cu salt (copper)- a combination of microelements, contains%: N - 9.0; MgO - 3.0; Mn - 1.35; Cu - 6.4. Copper is especially necessary for cereals, fruits, vegetables and rice with a rate of 1-2 l / ha.

Salt Mo (molybdenum)— Combination of microelements, contains %: N — 9.0; MgO - 3.0; Mo - 4.0. Especially necessary for legumes, rapeseed, sugar beets, tomatoes with a consumption rate of 1 l/ha.

The use of microfertilizers is an integral component of modern technologies for growing crops.

The role of microelements in plant nutrition is diverse. They are part of enzymes and vitamins synthesized by plants and participate in many physiological processes. Thanks to them, plants more actively absorb nutrients from the soil, including from inaccessible forms, increase resistance to adverse weather conditions and a number of bacterial and fungal diseases, and prevent physiological depression. In the formation of high and full yields, they play no less important role than the main elements of mineral nutrition - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur and magnesium.

Different crops have different requirements for individual micronutrients. For example, grain crops have the greatest need for copper and manganese, corn for zinc, sugar beets for boron, sunflower responds well to the addition of boron and copper, rapeseed for boron and manganese. Therefore, the ratio of microelements must be balanced in accordance with the needs of crops, taking into account the characteristics of the content of available forms of microelements in the arable soil layer. Their role especially increases if high NPK standards are used when growing crops using intensive technologies.

Until recently, microelements were used in the so-called salt form, that is, in the form of inorganic metal salts, which have a number of disadvantages (toxicity, harmful to the soil, absorption by plants is only 20-30%). Currently, salts have been replaced by chelates of microelements - complex organic complex compounds that provide a high level of absorption of nutrients (90-9 5%), rapid elimination of microelements deficiency during the growing season, reducing the rate of application of microelements, and accordingly increasing the level of profitability of crop production. products.

There are several forms of chelates on the basis of which microfertilizers are produced: EDTA, DTPA, DBTA, EDDA, ​​HEDP, NTP. The most common form is EDTA.

Ecolist(company "Ekoriop", Poland) is a well-known brand of highly concentrated foliar fertilizers containing a balanced set of macro- and microelements based on the chelating complex "Helacid" (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid in combination with organic acids). Thanks to this formula, the batteries quickly and safely penetrate through the cells of the leaves, allowing you to react quickly and prevent the occurrence of micronutrient deficiency in the event of a sudden deterioration in weather conditions, during severe and prolonged stress, when growth processes are delayed and the ability of the root system to absorb nutrients from the soil deteriorates. Fertilizers are used for foliar feeding of all field crops, as well as fruit plants, vineyards, vegetables in closed and open ground, flowers, etc. They are combined in one tank mixture with UAN, urea, growth regulators and plant protection products.

According to the elemental composition of the fertilizer Ecolist can be divided into 4 groups:

First group (Standard, grains, Rapeseed, Potatoes, Garden, Strawberries) - contains in 1 liter from 15 to 40 g of microelements, 112-135 g of nitrogen, 65-72 g of potassium and 28-59 g of magnesium. They are used respectively on grain crops, rapeseed, potatoes, orchards, etc. The one-time fertilizer application rate ranges from 3 to 5 l/ha.

Second group (Macro 12-4-7, Macro 6-12-7; ZhK-1, Macro 35 + Mg, Calcium) - These are highly concentrated fertilizers with a high content of easily digestible nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.

Third group (Micro IN, Micro 3, Micro RB, Micro TO, Micro Ka) are highly concentrated fertilizers with a high content of readily available microelements (more than 45 g/l), magnesium (64 g/l) and sulfur (55 g/l) for foliar feeding of all crops and fruit plantings. Recommended for use on crops grown using intensive technologies, at high levels of mineral fertilizers. The recommended application rate is 1-3 l/ha.

The fourth group (Mono Boron, Mono Zinc, Mono Manganese, Mono Copper) - contains one profiling microelement (from 75 to 165 g/l), as well as nitrogen and sulfur. They are recommended for use on crops that are sensitive to the lack of one or another microelement, especially when grown using intensive technologies. One-time application rate is 1-2 l/ha.

When using Ekolist foliar fertilizers, the yield increase is: for cereal grain crops - 0.5-1.4 t/ha; corn - 0.8-1.5 t/ha; sugar beet - 4.5-7.0 t/ha; sunflower - 0.4-0.6 t/ha; winter rapeseed - 0.4-0.6 t/ha, soybean - 0.3-0.4 t/ha. At the same time, the quality of the resulting product increases.

"Reacom" - This is a chelated microfertilizer, which is used for pre-sowing treatment of seeds and foliar feeding of plants.

Application pre-sowing treatment Provides a good start for plants and enhances the energy potential of seeds. Next time foliar application preparation on the plant during the growing season, microelements, falling on the surface of the leaf, easily penetrate its tissue and are included in biochemical metabolic reactions. This technique is especially important during the formation of reproductive organs, as it is directly related to increasing the level of productivity and product quality.

It should also be noted that the mechanism for increasing drought and frost resistance of plants is considered as a consequence of processes that take place under the influence of microelements. Microelements help increase bound water and increase the water-holding capacity of leaves, making the plant better able to withstand drought and cold. Therefore, under unfavorable weather conditions, microfertilizers not only increase productivity, but can also save it.

About economic efficiency The use of chelated microfertilizers is evidenced by production experiments carried out in a number of farms in Ukraine. In particular, in the Cherkasy region, on the Krasnogorskoye farm. In Antipovka, when feeding winter wheat with the preparation "Reakom-R-Zerno" in the tillering phase (5 l/ha), the yield increase compared to the control was 0.7 t/ha.

In the Dnepropetrovsk region, under the conditions of the Druzhba-Kaznacheevka farm, foliar feeding of barley crops with the Reacom-R-Zerno fertilizer increased grain yield by 0.5 t/ha (in the control plot - 2.8-2.9 t/ha, in processed - 3.4-3.5 t/ha). In addition, it was found that in the areas where the drug was applied, spikelets developed better. At the same time, the number of grains in an ear in the control area was 12-15, and in the treated area - 17-20 grains.

In the dry conditions of 2007, the use of winter wheat on the Rubin farm in Vinnitsa contributed to an increase in drought resistance of plants. As a result, an increase in grain yield was obtained at the level of 1.0 t/ha with increased quality indicators.

Foliar feeding of spring rape crops with the preparation "Reastim-Raps" before flowering in the state enterprise "Iskra" (Cherkasy region) contributed to an increase in the seed yield by 1.0 t/ha and, accordingly, an increase in oil yield. For sunflowers on the farm "Raiselkommunkhoz" (Zaporozhye region) the use of microfertilizer "Reacom-R-sunflower" increased the yield of sunflower seeds by 0.4-0.5 t/ha.

Nutrivants plus. Microfertilizers are produced by the international concern "ICL Fertilizers". The main component of "Nutrivants Plus" is completely water-soluble monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4), which does not contain compounds harmful and toxic to plants, as well as the adhesive "Fertivant". There are 12 brands of Nutrivants plus: grain, malting barley, oil, corn, rice, potatoes, sugar beets, etc. Depending on the brand of fertilizer, they contain 6-19% nitrogen, 5-46% phosphorus, 5-37% potassium and trace elements.

Foliar fertilizing with fertilizers "Nutrivant Plus" provides:

Rapid entry into plant cells of available forms of nutrients and elimination of their deficiency, especially on neutral, alkaline and carbonate soils;

Improving crop resistance to stress and various diseases;

Increase in yield by 12-15 % and obtaining improved quality of marketable agricultural products.

Vuksal - microfertilizer produced by the German company "Aglyukon". This is a highly concentrated suspension with a unique formulation and principle of action, due to the content of chelated (EDTA) microelements. It is resistant to washout and evaporation, penetrates evenly into the plant and has a reactivation effect (even after drying, the relative humidity of the atmosphere ensures the reactivation of the viscous sediment), prevents the formation of insoluble salt compounds and precipitation. There are 9 types of Vuksal microfertilizers on the Ukrainian market, which are characterized by different formulations (Vuksal Combi B, Vuksal Microplant, Vuksal Macromix, Vuksal Boron, etc.). Main their advantages are:

Buffer properties (regardless of whether the working solution was acidic or alkaline before treatment, the addition of Vuksal makes it close to neutral)

Chelated form of microelements (due to which ions do not precipitate, as is the case with microfertilizers that do not have EDTA acids)

Sticking ability (the efficiency of plant protection products applied together increases);

Combination in one tank mixture with almost all plant protection products and urea (this allows the cost of applying Vuksal to be reduced to a minimum)

Optimal concentration of microelements to remove plants from a stressed state.

Basfoliar (ADOB). Fertilizers developed by BASF (Germany) are produced by PKP ADOB (Poland). These are liquid fertilizers that do not require effort to prepare a working solution (unlike powders) and contain unique surfactants (surfactants). They are used for foliar feeding of plants to compensate for the lack of microelements. They are characterized by a successfully selected composition of microelements in accordance with the needs of various groups of crops. Chelated with Idha, which biodegrades in soil within 28 days.

The application rate of Basfoliar (Basfoliar 36 Extra, Basfoliar 12-4-6 + 8, Basfoliar 34) per season can range from 6 to 12 l/ha. In this case, fertilizers are applied in portions of 3-4 l/ha for 2-3 cultivations.

Microfertilizers ADOB(ADOB grains, rapeseed, corn, sugar beets, etc..) are used during critical periods of plant growth and development with a one-time application rate of 2-4 kg/ha.

Along with this, the ADOB company produces a series of fertilizers salt™, in particular SaltЪл(zinc), Mn (manganese), Fe (iron), B (Boron), Mg (magnesium), Cu (Copper), Mo (molybdenum). Thanks to the presence of salt™ surfactants and adhesives, they are ideally combined with plant protection products. The one-time fertilizer application rate, depending on the type of crop, is 1-3 l/ha.

Rosasol - microfertilizers from the Belgian company "Rosier" Rosasol. These are universal powdered water-soluble mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (NPK), sulfur (S2O3) and magnesium (MgO), as well as trace elements: boron (B), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn) , zinc (Zn) with low chlorine content, which best meets the needs of plants. Used for foliar feeding of agricultural crops with an application rate of 2.5-4 kg/ha.

Torfovit B (potassium humate) - highly effective and technological (paste-free) humic fertilizer with microelements in chelated form with the properties of a growth stimulant and anti-stress agent. Its property is manifested on all major crops.

Humic substances constitute a specific group of high-molecular compounds formed during the decomposition of organic remains of plant and animal tissues in the soil through the synthesis of their decay and decay products, that is, in the process of humification.

Currently, humic preparations (humates) are widely used in agriculture. Humate is characterized by all the positive properties of soil humic substances as biopolymers: high capacity for cation and anion exchange, chelating ability, the ability to stimulate protective functions, plant growth and development, interaction with soil enzymes, vitamins and other substances. The raw materials for the production of humic preparations are brown coal, peat, sapropel and other substances. Due to its complete solubility in water, humate is easily accessible to plants and exhibits high biological activity even in small doses.

Application of humate is aimed at: 1) increasing agricultural yields (depending on the crop and agricultural technology by 10-25%); 2) improving product quality (gluten in wheat, sugar content in sugar beets, vitamin C in vegetables, sugar in grapes and fruit crops) 3) increasing immunity in plants;

4) increasing the frost and drought resistance of plants, mainly due to an increase in the root system of plants; 5) increasing the efficiency of treatment of seed material with a herb (increases field germination of seeds, enhancing the suppression of pathogens) 6) stimulating the growth and development of plants, the process of photosynthesis and stress relief during complex treatments with complex tank mixtures.

Properties and functions:

1. accumulative function consists in the accumulation of chemical elements and energy that living organisms need. The composition of humic substances contains from 30 to 45% C, 40-45% H, 0.3-1.8 N. 14-16% B (atomic quantities), as well as sulfur, phosphorus, many metal cations, including microelements. Humic substances give living organisms the nutrients they need gradually, as needed, thereby maintaining the necessary supply of elements.

2. Protective function lies in the ability of humic substances to bind toxic and radioactive elements into sedentary or highly dissociable compounds. As well as compounds that negatively affect the ecological situation in nature, including some pesticides, carbohydrates, and phenols. The protective function of humic substances is quite large, and allows soils rich in them to completely prevent the entry of lead ions and other substances into groundwater.

3. Regulatory function combines many different phenomena and processes and relates to soils, waters and other natural bodies. The regulatory function includes the following components: 1) regulation of the ion exchange reaction between solid and liquid phases; 2) influence on acid-base and redox regimes; 3) regulation of the nutritional conditions of living organisms by changing the solubility of mineral components.

4. Physiological function manifests itself in the support of favorable physical and chemical conditions: frost resistance, resistance to changes in water regime. Gumata contains both micro and macroelements. The largest percentage of microelements (about 20% of the weight of the humate) is sodium or potassium, depending on the hydroxide cation used in the technology.

Humate can be combined with mineral fertilizers to improve the basic functional properties of fertilizers (vigilance and caking). This agricultural practice makes it possible to both reduce the overall cost of fertilizing and increase the efficiency of using the main elements of mineral nutrition. This occurs due to the intensification of the usual mechanisms for the removal of nutrients by plants, an increase in the microbiological activity of the soil and the transition of inaccessible forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium into forms that are easily accessible to plants.

Humate can be combined with plant protection products. The effectiveness of pesticides is due to their activity against diseases, weeds and pests. At the same time, most pesticides, due to their toxic effects, can significantly reduce the yield of the main crop they protect. Substances with anti-stress properties can achieve this effect. The most effective treatment of seeds is simultaneously with seed dressings for grain and leguminous crops. Humate increases the efficiency of suppressing phytopathogens, depending on the level of infection of the seed by 20-50%. The use of humate simultaneously with plant protection products allows you to relieve stress in plants treated with pesticides, which is especially noticeable when using toxic pesticides or complex tank mixtures of several drugs. These properties manifest themselves most effectively on crops such as sugar beets, flax, and grain crops.

Due to its biological activity, humate promotes the growth and development of a number of groups of microorganisms (Pseudomonas haupsin), Tricoderma lignorum (trichodermin), Bacillus, Azomonas, Agrobacterium, Flavobacterium, Arthrobacter); humate is especially effective when combined with nitrogen-fixing bacteria (symbiotic and free-living). In small concentrations, humate stimulates the growth and development of bacteria and improves the storage and transportation characteristics of microbiological preparations. At high concentrations, humate can act as an inhibitor for certain types of bacteria or preservatives.

Today they are widely used liquid complex fertilizers on an organic basis, such as vitalist, microkats, raikags, aminokat and others.

Vitalist - is a liquid complex organic-mineral fertilizer (4 toxicity class), has fungicidal properties and macro- and microelements in a physiological form accessible to plants.

Vitalist contains: 1) ammonium nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, copper, boron, molybdenum; 2) anti-stress substances; 3) Russian stimulants for phytohormonal activity; 4) humic and fulvic acids.

When treating seeds, it can be used together with disinfectants, and the consumption of the disinfectant is reduced by 20%.

"Vitalist" stimulates the realization of the genetic potential of a rapeseed hybrid (variety) (seed yield increase of 0.3-0.5 t/ha), accelerates all phases of development by 10-14 days, including similarity by 3-4 days, activates the process photosynthesis, increases oil yield by 4%. The consumption rate of the drug for rapeseed is 15 l / t.

Microcats, Raikat, Aminocat 30 Kelcats - a series of fertilizers from the Atlantica company (Spain) based on nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, phytohormones, polysaccharides of plant origin, algae, humic and fulvic acids.

Microkats - liquid fertilizers, which include macro-, meso- and microelements, as well as free amino acids, polysaccharides and organic acids. Designed for foliar feeding of agricultural crops in order to provide the physiological needs of crops with biogenic nutrients, timely eliminate their deficiency, stimulate biochemical processes and increase plant resistance to stress.

Raikat- a line of liquid microfertilizers that are applied foliar to stimulate the development of the root system, vegetative organs of plants and fruit ripening. They contain a balanced ratio of macro-, meso- and microelements, amino acids, polysaccharides, growth substances cytokinins, a complex of vitamins and seaweed. Fertilizers are also recommended for use in drip irrigation systems (fertigation), open and closed ground hydroponics.

Aminocat 30- liquid anti-stress fertilizer with a biostimulating effect, which is used for foliar application on field, vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops. contains


Two true leaves, pairs of leaves or ringlets unfurled

Three true leaves, pairs of leaves or ringlets unfurled

The stages continue until...

Nine or more true leaves, leaf pairs, or ringlets unfurled


Visible 1st side shoot

Visible 1st side shoot of tillering

Two side shoots are visible

Two side shoots of tillering are visible

Three side shoots visible

Three side shoots of tillering are visible

The stages continue until...

9 or more side shoots

9 or more side shoots tillering


10% of stems (rosettes) reached final length (diameter)

Visible one node

20% of stems (rosettes) reached final length (diameter)

Two nodes visible

30% of stems (rosettes) reached final length (diameter)

Three nodes visible

The stages continue until...

The stem has reached its maximum length, the rosette has reached its diameter

9 or more knots

GROWTH MACROSTAGE 4: DEVELOPMENT suitable for COLLECTING VEGETATIVE plant parts or reproductive/DISTRIBUTION organs (main shoot)

Beginning of development of harvestable vegetative parts of plants or reproductive organs

Appearance of the lamina disc leaf

30% of plants, vegetative parts or reproductive organs suitable for harvesting have reached their final size

The flag leaf vagina is just swollen

50% of plants, vegetative parts or reproductive organs suitable for harvesting have reached their final size

The flag leaf vagina is swollen

70% of plants, vegetative parts or reproductive organs suitable for harvesting have reached their final size

The vagina of the flag leaf has opened

Vegetative parts or reproductive organs suitable for harvesting have reached their final size

The first awns are visible

GROWTH MACROSTAGE 5: APPEARANCE of inflorescence (main shoot) / heading

Inflorescences or flower buds visible

beginning of heading

The first individual flowers are visible (still closed)

Half of the inflorescences are visible (mid-earing)

The first flower petals are visible (in petal forms)

Fully developed inflorescences visible (end of heading)


The first flowers are open (single)

Beginning of flowering: 10% of flowers open

20% of flowers are open

30% of flowers are open

40% of flowers are open

Full bloom: 50% of flowers are open, first petals may fall off

Flowering is approaching the end: most of the petals have fallen off or are dry

End of flowering: seeds are formed

GROWTH MACROSTAGE 7: fruit (caryopsis) development

10% of fruits have reached final size or 10% of fruits have reached final size2

The water has reached the grain

20% of fruits have reached final size or 20% of fruits have reached final size2

30% of fruits reached final size or 30% of fruits reached final size2

Early milky ripeness

40% of fruits reached final size or 40% of fruits reached final size2

50% of fruits reach final size or 50% of fruits reach final size2


Milk ripeness, mid-milk ripeness

60% of fruits reached final size or 60% of fruits reached final size 2

70% of fruits reached final size or 70% of fruits reached final size 2

Late milky ripeness

80% of fruits reached final size or 80% of fruits reached final size 2

Almost all fruits have reached their final size

GROWTH MACRO STAGE 8: ripening OR HARVESTING of fruits and seeds

Beginning of ripening or fruit taking on color

Late maturation or color acquisition

waxy ripeness

The fruit softens (especially fruits with pulp)

Full ripeness: the fruits acquire a typical color and begin to fall off


The shoot is fully developed, the leaves remain green

the beginning of November

50% of the leaves have fallen

Late November, plants or above-ground parts are dead or dormant

Plants at rest or dormant

Collection of products (post-harvest period or storage corresponds to stage 99)

Notes: 1 D - cereals; M - monocots; V - development of vegetative parts or reproductive organs (distribution) C - cereals, P - perennial plants; Code number is used when the description concerns all groups of roslins.2 This stage is not used if it occurs in main stage 8.

The basis for determining the stages of development are phenological signs of organ formation visible to the naked eye. This code has found general application not only in the European Community, but also within the framework of the activities of various international intergovernmental and scientific organizations. Knowledge about the progress of individual stages of crop development allows for the timely and effective application of the necessary operational agrotechnical measures adapted to specific situations to form high yields (fertilizing with nitrogen, introducing microelements, using growth regulators, fungicides and other technological measures). In Western Europe, the set of these operational agrotechnical measures aimed at achieving optimal yields is called “crop management” or “crop management”. All agrotechnical activities should be carried out in strict accordance with the stages of plant development and crop formation and their requirements for nutritional conditions. Deviations from this cause significant or less significant yield losses.

The construction of the BBCN code is based on the Zadox scale, which made it possible to avoid major changes to this generally acceptable coding system, which has proven itself all over the world. A two-digit numeric encoding composed in such a way that the first number is the macrostage, and the second is the microstage within the macrostage. This makes it possible to use this system for a unified coding of the stages of development of cultivated and weed plants, including oil flax. To describe the stages of plant development, 10 macrostages from 0 to 9 are identified, each with 10 microstages.

The name of the VSN code is derived from the initial letters of the names of the organizations that first participated in its development: B - Biologische Bundesanstalt for Landund Forstwirtschaft(Biological Federal Institute of Agriculture and Forestry); IN - Bundessortenamt(Federal Varietal Administration); CH - Chemische Industry(Chemical industry as part of the Association of Agricultural Industry).

In recent years, the issue of increasing the adaptability of agricultural plants has become especially relevant for agricultural production. Therefore, traditional energy-consuming technologies in crop production must be replaced by fundamentally new farming techniques based on the introduction of new elements of high technology. For these purposes, plant growth regulators, in addition to microelements on a chelate basis, are widely used for practical use.

All in all plant growth regulators - These are natural or synthetic compounds that are used to treat plants in order to initiate changes in their life processes to improve the quality of plant material, increase productivity, and facilitate harvesting and storage. Once in the plant, they are directly included in the circulation of substances or have a certain effect on it. As a result, the direction of biochemical processes changes, which leads to an increase in the level of plant life. Growth regulators influence the hormonal regulation system, which determines the nature of such important physiological processes as growth, the formation of new organs, the transition of plants to flowering, aging, dormancy or exit from it.

The action of growth regulators is manifested at the molecular level, and therefore its phenotypic reflection is not always recorded both in scientific research and in real agricultural production. In addition, the phenotypic effects of the use of plant growth regulators can be significantly modified by soil, climatic and weather factors.

The use of biologically active substances on agricultural crops makes it possible to compensate for the effects of extreme environmental factors. Of particular interest are growth regulators that can increase the general and specific adaptation of plants under rapid changes in environmental conditions.

A complex of biologically active compounds regulates the processes of cell division, differentiation, morphogenesis and controls the development and productivity of plants. These drugs affect the life processes of plants and do not have a toxic effect on living organisms.

Growth regulators have a positive effect on plant growth and the development of the root system and leaf surface. This contributes to the efficient use of nutrients by plants, including poorly soluble phosphorus compounds, acceleration of individual stages of development, and increased resistance to diseases and pests. The use of biostimulants leads to increased productivity and improved quality of products and conditions of agricultural production, due to the possibility of reducing the consumption rate of fungicides and insecticides by 25-40%, when used in combination with plant growth regulators during pre-sowing seed treatment and phytosanitary treatment of crops against pests and diseases.

Along with the fact that the plant itself has the ability to produce stimulating substances under the influence of certain conditions, methods have been developed for the use of synthetic chemicals that have biological activity.

According to the characteristics of their action, all growth regulators are divided into activators , or stimulants (increase growth) inhibitors (suppressing growth processes) and lethal substances (cause irreversible changes in plants and their death).

TO growth activators or phytohormones (phytohormones - chemical substances produced in plants mainly in tissues that actively grow at the tops of roots and stems and regulate their growth and development) include auxin substances, phenol derivatives, gibberellins, cytokenins, auxins, abscisic acid, fusicoccins, ethylene and their synthetic analogues ). They affect growth, morphogenetic characteristics and other indicators, and help increase productivity. Thus, cytokinins have a positive effect on growth processes, in particular on RNA synthesis. Organosilicon compounds (mival and Krezacin) act on the plant as biostimulants, improve metabolism, increase the resistance (adaptation) of plants to unfavorable conditions, that is, they have an anti-stress effect, and increase productivity. Cresacintris (2-hydroxymethyl), ammonium kresoxyacetate or triethanolamine salt of kresoxyoctic acid has a particularly positive effect on the growth, adaptation of plants to unfavorable conditions, their productivity. It is non-toxic, has no mutagenic, carcinogenic, teratogenic and cumulative effects.

TO inhibitors belong to maleic acid hydrazide, dimethylaminosuccinic acid derivatives, choline chloride, etc.

Lethal substances - these are derivatives of phenoxy acids, symmetric triazine, etc.

Growth regulators used to influence the processes of flowering and fruiting, control the state of dormancy, accelerate the fall of leaves, dry out plants before harvesting, prevent lodging of plants, destroy weeds, etc. It is used for lodging of grains retardants - chlormequat chloride, chlorocholine chloride, camposan. The rest period is interrupted with the help of thiourea, egilenechlorocholine chloride, dichlorethylene, ethylene bromide. To speed up the fall of leaves ( defoliation ), defoliants are used (magnesium chlorate, endothal, calcium and sodium cyanamide, etc.). Drying standing plants ( desiccation ) using desiccants (ammonium sulfate, reglon, caustic alkalis, glyphosate, etc.).

Today the following growth regulators are used in growing field crops: neutron, dominant, vegestim And protonostim, Betastimulin, alphastim, adaptofit, joy - growth regulators used in sunflower, sugar beet and other crops.

According to A. N. Grigorieva (2007), the use of these substances on sunflower crops helps to increase seed yield, oil content and increases plant resistance to stressful conditions, in particular drought. The use of growth stimulants on sugar beet crops (A. Kulik, 2007) helps to increase yield from 1.5 to 6.5 t/ha and sugar content from 0.2 to 1.2%.

Humisol Super- a natural organic growth stimulator with a high content of humic substances, obtained from vermicomposting by processing manure with red Californian worms (vermicomposting). Contains all components of vermicompost: humates, fulvic acids, amino acids, vitamins, natural phytohormones, macro- and microelements, beneficial microflora.

Increases seed germination, reduces harvest ripening time by 10-14 days, reduces the amount of nitrates and radionuclides in agricultural products, suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora, and increases yield. In the treated areas, humus formation processes are activated, which ensures the restoration of soil fertility. Humic substances form chelate compounds with a number of micro- and macroelements, the ions of which form fairly well-soluble compounds, facilitating the entry of these elements into plants. These properties allow you to reduce consumption rates mineral fertilizers or abandon them completely.

The high effectiveness of the drug applies to: cereals, legumes, vegetables, melons, fruits and berries, grapes, flowers, tobacco, etc.

Pre-sowing treatment seeds Humisol increases germination and germination energy, stimulates root formation, suppresses pathogens. If the seeds are pelletized or treated with disinfectants, then pre-sowing treatment with the drug “Gumisol-super” is not recommended.

Spraying with Humisol nourishes plants with necessary substances, and also suppresses pathogens of downy mildew, all types of rot, septoria, potato dry spot, late blight, scab, macrosporiosis.

Humisol helps increase the yield of grain crops up to 10-15%, vegetables and fruits up to 30%, while the quality improves and the shelf life of agricultural products increases. The content of proteins and sugar in vegetables and fruits increases, and the taste of the products improves.

Foliar feeding for all types of plants is carried out twice during the growing season. And if necessary or if there is a plant disease - every 10-14 days (on vegetable crops) (Table 19).

First feeding actively influences productivity; the second - on quality indicators. Feeding is carried out with a fine spray in the morning or evening hours. Absorption of the drug occurs in the first 5:00.

If necessary, you can combine Humisol with plant protection products (fungicides and insecticides), except post-emergence herbicide. For cooking tank mixture- first, an insecticide is added to the water, then “Humisol-super”.

Before preparing the working solution, it is necessary to conduct a test for drug compatibility. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the consumption rate of the drugs per 100-200 ml of water, mix them, and if as a result of mixing no precipitation or boiling occurs, then the drugs can be combined.

Root feeding of plants prevents the development of pathogenic microflora, putrefactive processes and disinfects the soil. Fertilizing is carried out with a solution of 1:75 - at least 2-3 times during the growing season.

Vermisol is a biostimulator of plant growth and development obtained from vermicompost. It contains humates, amino acids, vitamins, natural phytohormones, micro- and macroelements, as well as spores of beneficial bacteria.

It increases the germination of seeds, enhances the development of the root system, increases plant immunity, suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora, reduces the ripening time of crops by 10-14 days, and reduces the amount of nitrates and radionuclides in grown products. Consumption rate Vermisol for pre-sowing treatment of wheat seeds - 12.0 -15.0 l/t, sugar beets, vegetable crops - 5.0 l/t, potato tubers - 2.0 l/t; for foliar feeding of crops - 6.0 l/ha.

Lignohumate(potassium or sodium humate with microelements) is a multifunctional humic preparation. Characterized by: 1) high content of salts of humic compounds (up to 90%, including up to 23% fulvic) 2) 100% solubility, which allows it to be used both for seed treatment and for foliar feeding of plants; 3) the presence of a wide range of trace elements in chelated form (Fe -0.048%; Cu - 0.072%; Zn - 0.1%; Mo - 0.011%; B - 0.1%; 4) the presence of organically bound sulfur - 5%; 5) high efficiency (consumption rate from 30 - 60 to 100 - 150 g / ha). Used for seed treatment (0.01-0.02% aqueous solution) and foliar feeding of crops (0.01% aqueous solution) in combination with fertilizers and plant protection products.

Lignohumate provides: increasing the energy of germination and germination of seeds, developing a powerful root system, increasing the ability of plants to absorb nutrients from the soil by 15-20%, increasing the resistance of crops to frost, drought, excess moisture and other adverse environmental factors, enhancing the effect of plant protection products, and the possibility of reducing their doses while maintaining the planned effect, relieving stress from plants resulting from pesticide treatment; increasing the safety of grown products during storage.

Poteytin- specific potato growth regulator; Emistim S is a plant growth regulator of natural origin. Produced by cultivating mycorrhizal fungi from the root system of medicinal plants. Contains a balanced complex of natural growth substances - phytohormones, auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins, carbohydrates, amino acids, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, microelements.

A broad-spectrum drug. Stimulates the growth and development of more than 20 crops (cereals, legumes, technical feed, vegetables, berries, melons, flowers).

Agrostimulin- composition of a growth regulator of natural origin and a synthetic analogue of a phytohormone. Used as a growth regulator for grains, leguminous crops and perennial leguminous grasses.

According to M.I. Mostipana (2007) pre-sowing treatment of winter wheat seeds with Agrostimulin helps to increase field germination and bushiness in the autumn and early spring periods. The action of Agrostimulin is specific and can be modified by weather conditions.

Treptolemus- broad-spectrum biostimulant for sunflower, castor beans, rapeseed, soybeans; Lucis- a drug for increasing the productivity of testes and the yield of green mass of alfalfa and clover.

Vympel-K- a natural amber-humate complex with the properties of a stimulant, antioxidant, adaptogen, cryoprotector, transport agent and adhesive.

ADOB was founded in 1990


  • Newest technologies
  • Optimizing customer costs
  • Year-round customer service
  • Best Quality Guaranteed
  • Constant increase in satisfied customers
  • Caring for the environment


  • 30% of world production of magnesium nitrate.
  • ADOB is the world's second largest supplier of high quality, fully water soluble calcium nitrate.
  • The market share of Polish mineral fertilizers containing boron is more than 50%
  • The Polish market share of aluminum hydroxide is 70%.
  • Poland's market share of magnesium sulfate is about 60%
  • Chelating agent - IDHA, HBED

Liebig's law of the minimum(the most significant factor for the body is the one that deviates most from its optimal value).
“Like a great artist, nature knows how to achieve great effects with small means” - Heine Heinrich
- chemical elements necessary for the normal life of plants and animals, and used by plants and animals in micro quantities compared to the main components of nutrition.


  • All microelements, except boron, are part of certain enzymes and enhance their action.
  • Microelements and enzymes based on them enhance tissue regeneration.
  • Microelements increase plant immunity


  • Application of high doses of mineral NPK - without adding organic matter
  • Removal of microelements when obtaining high yields
  • Climatic conditions (drought), violation of crop rotation

Liquid fertilizers for foliar feeding of agricultural crops


  • New chelating agent
  • Excellent chelation performance. When dissolved, they do not precipitate, which ensures the greatest digestibility by plants
  • Complete biodegradation; no toxic reactions occur in humans
  • Found only in Azosol and ADOB fertilizers
  • IDHA production does not pollute the environment
  • Does not irritate the skin
  • Does not affect heredity

Addition to the main fertilizer

  • With a lack of nutrients in the soil
  • For problems with the absorption of nutrients from the soil

In conditions of overcoming stress in plants

  • During intensive growth
  • In case of unsuitable soil conditions (low or high pH)
  • Bad weather conditions (drought or waterlogging)

Simultaneous use with plant protection products

  • The quality of the working solution improves
  • The condition of plants improves after the use of protection products

Improved quality and increased yield

  • Creating favorable conditions for plant development
  • Stimulating the absorption of nutrients from the soil

1. Microelements are absorbed 30-40 times faster by foliar (foliar) feeding of plants than by soil application
2. Used in conjunction with pesticide treatments - less soil compaction, cost savings.
3. Characteristics of fertilizers containing microelements:

  • trace elements in the form of complex IDHA chelates, biodegradable
  • contain products that improve leaf wetting (surfactants)
  • contain products that improve adhesion
  • contain biostimulants4. Foliar feeding is a progressive way of introducing microelements

Signs of micronutrient deficiency are not always visible in time

  1. Therefore, the foliar feeding method is the most reliable
  2. Fertilizers containing microelements are of less importance for soil application
  3. Of less importance is the treatment of seeds with preparations containing microelements, which provide only the initial phases of plant development with microelements.
  4. Foliar feeding is relatively safer for the environment


Absorption of microelements through the surface of leaves





Sugar beet

Sugar beet



Rapeseed needs boron especially before and during flowering




Azosol® 36 Extra
Contains nitrogen and a large amount of magnesium and trace elements. We recommend using it for processing all crops that require intensive nutrition.

Azosol® 12-4-6, Azosol® 12-4-6 + S
Contains a full range of IDCA-chelated microelements, as well as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Azosol® 12-4-6 + S is recommended for rapeseed and contains the essential nutritional element for cruciferous crops – sulfur.

Azosol® 6-12-6
Contains an increased amount of phosphorus, as well as nitrogen, potassium, microelements chelated with IDHA, and an increased amount of zinc. Designed for use on corn, sunflower, legumes and pomaceous fruits.

Azosol® 34
Contains increased amounts of nitrogen, magnesium, manganese and copper. Recommended for use on grain and other field crops, as well as for treating fruit trees.


Contains an increased amount of zinc, which is easily absorbed by plants. It is used on corn, sunflower, sugar beets, legumes, potatoes, grains and fruits.

Contains an increased amount of manganese, which is easily absorbed by plants. It is used on grains, rapeseed, potatoes, sugar beets.

Contains an increased amount of copper, which is easily absorbed by plants. It is used on grains, corn, potatoes, legumes, sunflowers and sugar beets.

Contains an increased amount of boron, easily absorbed by plants. It is used on rapeseed, sugar beets, corn, potatoes, legumes and sunflowers, fruits and vegetables.

Contains an increased amount of iron, easily absorbed by plants. It is used on sugar beets, corn, potatoes, legumes, sunflowers, fruits and grains.

ADOB® & Azosol®

ADOB® & Azosol®

ADOB® & Azosol®

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