Properly organized workplace for a schoolchild – the key to his successful studies and good health. Uncomfortable chairs, too tall desk and a dim light bulb can lead to many troubles, incl. loss of vision and development of scoliosis. So, study these photo tips and create all the conditions for your child, not forgetting about aesthetics and ergonomics.

Today computer desk– regular and necessary thing for a schoolchild. Firstly, because a computer is necessary for doing homework (not to mention the desire of children to surf the Internet or play PC games every extra minute). And secondly, it is easier for a child to concentrate in an environment that is as close as possible to school. For the student primary classes Such a modest model with a couple of drawers, as in the photo below, will be quite enough.

A next photo will show how you can organize a large, comfortable, multifunctional workspace for a preschooler. The structure is attached to the wall and has no sharp corners. You can write with it, or draw, sculpt, play with a children's tablet, etc.

Please note interesting idea: Hanging desk pictured below. Fits perfectly into the interior of a nursery, decorated in modern style. And it will be much easier to clean the room.

If you think a desk would require too much space, take a look at this example. This design can be ordered and assembled even independently, and it will take maximum square meter area.

The problem of lack of space in a children's room becomes aggravated if there is more than one child in the family. In this case, it is better to allocate part of the room for a workplace. Install sliding opaque doors, then one student will not disturb others.

We can also recommend folding and suspended structures, as in the photo below. When folded, the tabletop fits snugly against the wall, and you can get ready to work at the table within a minute.

In addition, next to the student’s workplace there must be cabinets where books and various school supplies can be stored. You can attach convenient baskets to the side of the computer desk, as in the photo below.

Cabinets above the workplace are also convenient. Just give preference to a blank facade and order a wall cabinet of such a height that it touches the ceiling. This way you will get rid of the problem of “dusty top shelf».

Scientists have long proven that bright colors promote active mental development child. So don't be afraid of colorful desks, they will make your student think more creatively.

If you want your workspace to be less conspicuous, then order a table and cabinets in the same color as the walls.

More less space will occupy a workplace like this for two children with original ottomans instead of computer chair.

We hope that the above solutions will help you create a comfortable and beautiful corner for your child to study. If you have more ideas, share them on the group's social media pages.

In order to make homework more convenient, we think in advance about organizing the student’s workplace.

You need to pay attention to several things at once - correct landing, good lighting and organizing the storage of textbooks, notebooks, school writing supplies. This is what I propose to talk about today.

Correct fit

To avoid problems with posture, furniture should be selected according to the child’s height. The corner of the table should rest against the solar plexus 5 cm above the elbows, the back is straight, the knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and the feet are on the floor. In this case, the child should sit deep in the chair. How to achieve this?

1. Buy a table and chair whose height is adjustable.

2. Buy a chair with adjustable height and locking wheels, buy a footrest.

3. Buy a chair with adjustable height and a tabletop with wall mounts. Change the height of the tabletop as the child grows.

You can also change the table and chair as your child grows. The back of the chair should be rigid. If your child can lean comfortably on the back of a chair while working, this will reduce the load on the spine. Therefore, it is better to choose furniture for a schoolchild together with him.


This is the second very important factor. Children's eyes get tired while studying, so the more daylight- so much the better. Ideal option will place the table by the window or sideways to the window.

If the child is right-handed, the light should fall from the left, for a left-handed person - from the right.
This rule should also be followed when installing table lamp.

Storage organization

To make it easier to keep your desk tidy, you should take care in advance of where your textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, paper and rulers will be.

1. The closer the book shelf is to the table, the easier it is to put the book in its place.

2. Keeping order in a closed nightstand is more difficult than keeping order on a shelf. However, if it is not possible to place shelves next to your desk, a bedside table would be great. extra space for storage.

3. If the shelves are located on the table itself, it will be easier to put textbooks. Please note that most elementary school textbooks today are tall and thin. A good alternative to shelves for such textbooks and notebooks are folder mounts and folder stands.

4. A lot of ideas for organizing your workspace can be found among office products. Stands and trays for papers (they are convenient to use both for paper - colored, plain, cardboard, and for notebooks), stands for pens and pencils.

5. If it is possible to place a rail on the wall, the table surface can be cleared of small items.

An alternative to a bedside table can be a mobile table.

When school starts, the child has to spend several hours a day at a desk. It is necessary that the student’s workplace is properly organized. What should you pay particular attention to?

The main requirements are maximum convenience and minimal harm health. A schoolchild's workplace includes a desk or school desk for home, a chair, a table lamp, shelves, a bedside table with drawers or a cabinet for notebooks, textbooks and stationery.

Desk for schoolchildren- the most expensive thing, which can sometimes be very difficult to choose, despite huge amount proposals. Here, design delights are the last thing you should pay attention to. Main criteria: environmental friendliness, safety and convenience.

Desk requirements:
working area depth - from 60 to 80 cm,
width - 120-150 cm,
for the legs you will need about 50 cm in depth and the same in width.

But the main problem arises with height. In order for the table to last not a couple of years, but much longer, it is necessary that it be height-adjustable, or buy an “adult” table and adjust the seating height using a chair, which is not always convenient.

In general, the seat should be such that the student’s elbows rest freely on the table, his back touches the back of the chair, his knees are bent at right angles and stand on a stand or on the floor.

With this position (on the right), the child’s vision and posture will not experience additional stress.

Height of the table and chair depending on the height of the child (approximately):

For us optimal solution turned out to be school desk for home, height-adjustable, complete with height-adjustable chair. The size of the tabletop is 120 by 50 (the depth, as practice has shown, is too small), the height is from 60 to 75 cm.

Now on sale there are transformable models of desks that can change the size and inclination of the tabletop and which can later be converted into a computer desk, etc.

My opinion is that you shouldn’t “mix” a computer and a desk, it’s better to create a new one “ work area" But if you still want to place the computer on a desk in the future, then the size of the tabletop should be at least 1200x700. In my opinion, transforming desks are ideal (see previous photo).

Chair It is advisable to select one that is adjustable not only in height, but also in the angle of inclination of the seat and backrest. The child's legs should not hang; in this case, use some kind of stand. Chairs on wheels have a drawback - they move away, and the child often has to move himself to the table.

Shelves for notebooks and others school supplies It’s better that they are closed (so the clutter on them is less visible), the drawers in the cabinet are shallow (otherwise it’s difficult to look for small objects).

It would not be amiss to remind you that the student’s workplace should be well lit. The light should come from the left for right-handed people and from the right for left-handed people. In addition to natural light, additional sources will be required. A “mobile” table lamp is preferable to a stationary sconce; it is better to purchase an adjustable office lamp, but with a regular 60 W incandescent lamp, for some reason the eyes get tired faster from a fluorescent lamp.

Color design The student’s workplace should not be boring, but should be pleasing to the eye. You shouldn’t be “dazzle” by using a lot of bright colors. A two-color design with the presence of the child’s favorite color in the decor is enough. It’s better to let the tabletop, shelves and cabinets be wood-colored - it’s a win-win option.

Workplace of a first-grader or junior school student It is advisable to separate it from the play and sleeping areas. It is difficult for a first-grader to sit through his lessons if his favorite toys are in his field of vision. Can be used for this purpose mobile partition or racks. Give older students the opportunity to arrange their own workplace before the start of the school year. Your task is to check and adjust the size of the workplace to the size of the grown child.

The student’s workplace must meet the following conditions:
the table and chair must correspond to the height of the child;
well lit;
the surface of the table should be hard and smooth with rounded corners;
equipped with a sufficient number of shelves and drawers for storage;
must have a desk lamp to work in evening time;
be well ventilated and do not block access to the window.

Arrange the child’s workplace in a secluded corner so that parents or younger family members going about their business do not distract from their studies.

The workplace should be comfortable: make sure that the child is not disturbed by noise outside the window, that he is not too cold and not too stuffy at his desk.

The child's desk should be approximately waist-high so that the child can rest his elbows on the table and place his feet on the floor.

Use to decorate a children's workplace decorative techniques to cheer up your child: his favorite colors, toys, photographs.

However, parents should pay attention to other characteristics of this piece of furniture, which are very important for a growing child.

How should a child sit correctly at the table?

Correct seating at the table, and therefore correct posture of a growing child depends on several factors.

The table must meet the following requirements:

  • The height of the product is determined individually in four ways:
  • the tabletop should be located at the level of the solar plexus with proper seating,
  • in a sitting position, the elbow bend of the straight arm should be located 5 cm below the level of the table top,
  • when the hands are on the tabletop, the child’s shoulders should be in a natural position,
  • The distance from the legs to the tabletop in a sitting position is from 10 to 15 cm.

The table is considered ideal if all parameters match.

  • length work surface the table should not be less than 100 cm - this is necessary so that when writing
  • the elbows were not in a completely expanded position;
  • The width of the worktop is about 60 - 80 cm, which is exactly enough for comfortable
  • location of the office and textbooks with notebooks.

Lighting should not be blocked by built-in shelves and racks. Any desk for schoolchildren with a shelf must additionally have artificial lighting lamps.

In addition to the table, it is very important to choose the right chair. This accessory should maintain the natural curve of the back.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the anatomical backrest and height adjustment.

For a children's desk, the material is also important. Don't go for cheap Chipboard material, as over time it becomes toxic and can harm the child.

It is better to choose models made of natural wood or MDF. A plastic option is also possible, but only with a certificate high quality on the product.

The photo of a desk for a schoolchild shows that the product should also be functional. It should contain additional systems storage, stands, niches for equipment and shelves.

In addition, a desk for a schoolchild with drawers will save parents from buying additional furniture items for storing things.

Types of tables

Table rectangular shape- reminds me of a desk at school. Additionally, such a table may have add-ons or shelves under the table top.

You can safely place a PC monitor on it, and there will be enough space for writing.

Computer desk type – this model is only suitable for use when working with a computer.

If the table is equipped with additional shelves and a retractable surface for writing, then it can be used for studying.

A corner desk for a schoolchild will save space and use the corner of the room. This is a very roomy copy on which you can place a monitor, textbooks and other small items.

Transforming table - has height adjustment, is usually made of solid wood, very practical and durable. Its height will slowly grow along with the student’s body.

The “loft-bed” model allows you to save space in the room. IN in this case The workplace is located below, and the sleeping area is above.

Retractable or folding table design - you can easily design it yourself.

To do this, a folding board is screwed to the wall and the rack, and a support in the form of a cabinet or legs is selected. Is good option for small spaces.

Writing desk for two children. At small area room, a pair of rectangular tables are placed along one wall (they can be replaced with a single tabletop).

To divide it into two parts, you should install a cabinet underneath it for storing things. If the tabletop is wide enough, then you can place two children opposite each other.

At the same time, it is necessary to remember about high-quality lighting.

If it is impossible to choose a desk with shelves for a schoolchild, then you can place all the books on hanging shelves.

It would be correct and good if a children's desk for a schoolchild is placed near the window. This will provide the child with high-quality natural light.

And to work in the evening, it is necessary to provide the workplace with good lamps.

Photo of desks for schoolchildren

When arranging a workplace for a primary school student, many factors should be taken into account: organize correct lighting, choose practical furniture, including desk, chair and drawers for storing school supplies. We must not forget about the design of the room, because home space for classes should not resemble a classroom - at home the child should take an emotional break from school.

So, graduation ended in kindergarten, and it’s time to think about preparing for school. The key to success in this matter will be proper organization a first-grader’s workplace – functional, comfortable and aesthetically attractive.

Proper lighting of a primary school student’s workplace

Before organizing a workspace for a schoolchild, think about the most important thing in a child-student’s room - proper lighting. When choosing a table lamp, do not forget about which side you plan to install it on. The light should fall on the table from the opposite side of the working hand.

Those. if a child writes right hand, we attach the lamp to the left, if he writes with his left, then to the right.

When your child does assignments, draws or reads at the table, make sure that the shadow from the incident light does not fall on the open pages of a notebook or book.

Pay attention not only to the lighting of the student’s workplace, but also to the lighting of the entire room. When a child begins to study, he faces stress; his children’s room, in addition to its educational function, should provide comfort and warmth so that the child feels safe. Therefore, the light in the children's room should not be too bright or too dim.

What the workplace lighting should be like for a schoolchild is shown in these photos:

How to arrange a workplace for a schoolchild: choosing a table and chair

Usually, parents begin preparing for school much earlier than the day when they organize the first-grader’s workplace. But since today children in preparatory courses receive written assignments, a desk in the children's room is extremely necessary. What table and chair to choose for a child in order to arrange a workplace for a schoolchild as the basic rules suggest?

In addition to reading and writing accessories, this table should have an alarm clock or timer: it will help the child rationally use the time allocated for reading and writing. homework time. No more than 20 minutes are allotted to complete one task. A timer or alarm clock will help you control this time.

If, when organizing the space, a regular desk is used as a student’s workplace, place a transparent mat or sheet on its tabletop tempered glass. Under it you can place your class schedule, daily routine, or schedule of planned activities. Over time, under the glass you can put notes with errands, sheets with homework from school or poems for class hour. A physical map of the world will also fit perfectly on the table.

Inside the table, be sure to allocate space for notebooks, pens and pencils. It’s very good if you buy special trays with compartments for writing instruments and notebooks.

Textbooks and teaching aids When arranging a schoolchild's workplace at home, it is convenient to place a first-grader on shelves above or next to the table. This way you can immediately find what you need based on the signed spine, and the student will have all the books at hand.

Select a shelf in the first-grader’s work area for fiction. Your child will read a lot, and all the books on this shelf will be useful to him.

Proper organization of the workplace in a schoolchild's children's room plays an important role. It is not enough to simply buy a table and chair and place them by the window. A number of aspects need to be taken into account so that the child can avoid hunched shoulders, scoliosis and poor vision in the future.

When thinking about buying a desk and chair for a first-grader, you should first take into account his physiological characteristics.

It is better to order an anatomical chair for your first-grader. The silhouette of the back of this chair completely repeats the silhouette of a child's spine, fixes the back in an optimal position and allows you to avoid excessive fatigue during work. The only negative about this chair, in my teacher’s opinion, is the rotating frame.

In some models this function can be disabled, in others it is not.
Do not be afraid that a child sitting on a chair will not reach the floor with his feet. In this case, you can buy a special footrest or take a table with a shelf for feet.

When arranging the correct workplace for a student, when choosing a table and chair, you must remember the following:

  • the tabletop should be located at the level of the solar plexus of the child sitting behind it;
  • the chair should not be too deep - the ideal depth is slightly less than the distance from the child's sacrum to the knees.

Eye trainer in a first grader's room

The effects of stress experienced by a child in the first grade can have a detrimental effect on many functions of the growing body. Vision is the first thing that needs to be protected and protected from the first grade at school. Due to improper lighting in the classroom or incorrect location Lamps on the desk increase eye strain. You have the power to reduce the risk of loss of visual acuity in your child.

To do this, when organizing a student’s workplace at home, hang several eye simulators on the wall opposite the workplace. You can use colored spins, endless spirals, or digital visual acuity trainers.

If your desk is located near a window, you can use an excellent visual acuity simulator that is affordable and of high quality. Cut out a circle with a diameter of 5 cm from red paper. Stick it on the glass of the window opposite the sitting child. The essence of the exercise is to focus your attention on the red circle for 20 seconds, noticing movement on the street with your peripheral vision, and then turn your gaze to the moving point.

Repeat this five times, then close your eyes tightly, open them and close them again. Sit with your eyes closed for 10 seconds and continue to complete the tasks in your notebook.
Other simulators for strengthening vision should be placed at eye level in different parts of the children's room. Digital simulators - in brightly lit areas. Colored spirals - in corners with less bright lighting.

Beautiful design of a schoolchild’s workplace: ideas and photos

When setting up a first-grader’s workplace, do not forget about overall design premises and gaming space children's room. Even though your child is already a schoolboy, play remains his main activity.

There cannot be play material in the work area. Agree with your child that their favorite bears, cars, dolls, cradles and everything else will be moved so as not to interfere with schoolwork. But in the children's room of a first-grader there should be a lot of educational board games. These could be games to develop mathematical concepts, to expand vocabulary, or to develop logical thinking and design thought. Great idea organizing a schoolchild's workplace - create a prefabricated corner from prefabricated parts, similar to large plastic ones or small parts from LEGO constructors.

Also, a first-grader’s workplace can include a desk for drawing, designing and applied modeling, easels for drawing or wallpaper with the same function.

Remember that as soon as your child goes to school, he will have new friends whom he will definitely invite to visit. And these guys should have fun in your child's room. Therefore, the more original the student’s workplace, the more varied the toys and play aids, the better.

Today you won’t surprise a child with a computer or a console. But choosing games can be useful. Eat large number educational video games that your child will play himself and invite his friends to play.

In a word, when setting up a first-grader’s workplace, parents need to take into account the characteristics of age, physical and psychological development your child, and also focus on his needs and requests.

Look beautiful design the student’s workplace in the photos below:

The correct arrangement of furniture when arranging a first-grader’s workplace

The correct arrangement of furniture is an important factor in organizing a student’s workplace. If your child is right-handed, then the desk should be placed on the right wall from the window, then daylight falling on a book or notebook will not encounter obstacles in its path. If your child is left-handed, then the arrangement should be done exactly the opposite - on the left wall.

It is very convenient to place the student’s workplace directly next to the window. Choose this arrangement of the work area only for those who have an acute shortage of daylight in the children's room. Because from childhood I remember how what is happening outside the window distracts me from the educational process.

When choosing a table lamp, you should pay attention to following rules organization of the student’s workplace:

  • the light from the table lamp should cover the entire work surface;
  • the table lamp should not be too bright or too warm light so as not to create additional strain on the child’s eyes;
  • the table lamp must be stable. If she has hanging structure, then the fastenings must be reliable.

With a lamp the same as with daylight: left-handed child - the lamp is located on the right, right-handed - on the left.

There is not always enough space in the nursery to organize a separate work place for the student, so you have to fit the work area into the usual interior. But even here you can avoid many difficulties if you plan and organize everything in advance.

Before properly organizing a student’s workplace, take note that:

  • all educational literature should always be at hand so that the child does not waste precious time searching for it;
  • At least one desk drawer or one shelf of a cabinet should be allocated for writing instruments;
  • textbooks and reading materials on the table should always be on a book stand.

Basic rules of technical equipment when organizing a student’s workplace

It's no secret that our children live in peace from early childhood latest technologies, and you won’t surprise any of them with a computer or tablet today.
Therefore, when organizing the workplace for our first-grader, we took care of purchasing and installing a computer.

You ask:“Why not a laptop?” Firstly, it heats up faster and its screen puts more strain on your eyesight, and secondly, not all laptops support the required formats and programs. Therefore, our choice is a desktop computer.

When purchasing technical equipment to organize a first-grader’s workplace, consider the following rules:

  • For schoolchildren’s work, it is better to choose an LCD monitor, placing it at an angle of 30 degrees below eye level;
  • the system unit should be located under the tabletop at some distance from the child

Psychological comfort in a first-grader’s room

In the pursuit of developing skills and abilities in school, do not forget about your child’s state of mind. Entering school, changing activities, changing the usual interior have a strong effect on the child’s psyche. Anxiety associated with new social role, can manifest itself in a child in different ways.

When organizing a first-grader’s workspace at home and creating psychological comfort in a junior schoolchild’s room, take into account all the characteristics of your child. Is he afraid of the dark? Buy together a night light that he will definitely like. Does he sleep restlessly or cry out in his sleep? Hang curtains in soothing colors. Use a projector to project your favorite pictures onto the ceiling before bed.

Stop watching TV before bed and stimulating games on the computer. In general, try to limit computer and console gaming during the school week. Follow the schedule, do not allow late lights out.

Let all preschool toys remain “at hand”. It is likely that he will soon forget about them, completely switching his attention to new games, new interests. But in the process of adaptation, do not deprive him of the right to the past.

Our children grow quickly, sometimes ahead of our expectations, but that’s what we and parents are for, to provide them with a happy and healthy childhood, and a first-grader’s room, like a newborn’s room, is a very important stage.

Properly organized workplaces for schoolchildren at home are shown in these photos:

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):