Any communication between people is necessarily aimed at achieving a specific goal by its participants, persuasion or a call to action, this is the result of any dialogue. If someone says that he communicates just like that, without a specific goal, then this person is either disingenuous or simply does not understand what goal he is pursuing and what goal his interlocutor is pursuing. For the unconscious world in which most people live, this is in the order of things, but people like you and me, who study psychology and understand the nature of human behavior, should immediately notice motives when communicating. And of course, when entering into a dialogue with someone, we, as more or less conscious people, must not only understand what we want from him, but also, if possible, calculate the result of such a dialogue. If our goal of communication is not to extract information from the interlocutor, but to convince him of something, then we should remember some features of the human psyche, by playing on which we will definitely persuade him in our direction.

To understand what works ideally to convince people, we just need to take a closer look at our world, its history and the present, where nothing actually changes, people believed sweet fairy tales and still believe in them. General loud phrases work better on them than specifics and intelligible speech; there is no need to explain anything, just convince people that everything will be fine. And here, my friends, your self-confidence comes first. After all, what is our life, from the point of view of our knowledge about it? This is a set of some patterns, beliefs, postulates that we cherish like the apple of our eye and hold on to them like a life preserver in order to experience a feeling of confidence, certainty, and stability. Our whole life rests on faith in these things that once somehow came into our heads. Something is added to them in the process of life, but something we simply don’t notice and don’t want to notice, preferring to deal only with familiar and understandable things. We very often simply believe in everything and everyone, especially in what coincides with the knowledge we already have, because we ourselves have little opportunity to learn something with the help of our experience and check something with the help of our senses. This means that what we believe in is quite convincing for us, because it is simply convenient. It’s convenient for us to believe in something, it’s so easy. Well, since people once believed in one thing, then why not force them to believe in another, why not convince them of something that will be easy for them to accept on faith, because this something will be simple, understandable, convenient and pleasant for them, maybe even going with something they already believe in? The main thing is to confidently and persistently present new information to people as an important and unshakable truth. Nobody in this world really knows anything, because the world is very complex, man has not yet fully understood it, and if even such great scientists as, for example, Einstein, were wrong, then what can we say about most other people who have less a broad and detailed view of life.

So what can we be sure of? Yes, probably nothing. Any of us can be wrong and will definitely be wrong, this is from an objective point of view. As for each of us individually, you can convince other people only if you believe in yourself – that’s one thing, and believe in what you say – that’s two things. Of course, it is also very important how you say it and what you want people to do. Let’s say that people really like to hear that someone else is to blame for their troubles, but not themselves, and that this someone needs and can be made to answer for all their troubles. At the same time, it is very important that as little as possible is required from the people themselves; let someone else do something for the good of their lives, but not themselves. This works very well for oppressed, depressed and offended people, who are the majority. And if you notice this feature, then all public organizations, movements, sects and similar associations play precisely on this, they are looking for a common enemy, looking for problems in the outside world, and not in the person himself.

The only thing they can offer is to start changing yourself so that the world changes, only by changing yourself, you change yourself, and the world around you will be the way you can make it, by making an effort, and not waiting for God’s mercy. You shouldn’t tell them this, if you want to convince other people of something, it’s better to put pressure on the fact that everything is very simple and that everything will come by itself, you just need to wait, hope and believe. Never hold people responsible, no matter what it is, especially for yourself, as I already said, everyone is to blame for everything, politicians, enemies, aliens, but not those who are not happy with something. Otherwise, they won’t listen to you, because responsibility is something that people fear like hell, and some don’t even know what it is. Promise a sweet future, here you don’t even have to be a psychologist or a sociologist to simply see with your own eyes the desire of people to believe that the time will finally come when everything will be fine, when everything will be better. With all this, many cannot even really define this better, but it doesn’t matter anymore, it’s important to promise it.

When communicating, do not forget to praise your interlocutor or a group of people; it is very important that people feel proud and not killed when they are taught like little children, because in fact that is what they are. In general, when you convince other people of something, it is extremely important to know what beliefs they currently hold; you can find out this within a few minutes by simply asking questions about the person himself. Your idea or whatever you push into other people's heads should not go against what is already there, even if in fact it is true. Act step by step, develop a persuasion strategy according to which your idea keeps pace with the person’s already accepted idea, it seems to complement it. Then, gradually, you will redirect the person’s actions in the direction you need, rebuild his way of thinking, and do not destroy the old in order to build a new one, for many this is a very painful process, because of which they may reject you.

Remember Hitler - this wonderful orator who managed to fool the minds of millions of people and dragged them into a bloody war. Well, isn’t this moment in history indicative of understanding the human psyche and identifying its preferences? There is, of course, a difference between the conviction of an oppressed and depressed people or person, and the similar conviction of people who are completely satisfied with life. In the latter case, you need to find some kind of problem in order to make people dependent on you based on it, and problems have always been, are and will be, our whole life consists of them. But people don’t like to solve them, and therefore they willingly follow someone who will do it for them. You can be such a person if you want to convince people of something, and of course you will not solve their problems yourself, you will solve them with the hands of these same people, simply by moving their asses off the ground. As a result, you will receive their recognition and respect, you will become an authority for them.

A strong personality is the one people willingly believe and follow anywhere; a weak and insecure person can convince few people of anything, because he himself doubts what he says, and people feel this instinctively. So if you decide to convince someone of something, first convince yourself of it, and only then, using simple-to-implement techniques, start telling interesting tales and drawing beautiful images for other people. People love fairy tales. Not everyone, of course, takes them seriously, but the majority, the overwhelming majority, love it when they, as they say, get bullied. That's how we people are. And using this majority, you can put pressure on the rebellious minority. Although these people think more soberly, they have not learned to convince others of their sobriety. I consider myself one of these people; I have never had so many fans and supporters that I could think that people have become stronger, because I only offer bitter pills in the form of truth. People run from my truth when everything is good for them, and return to me when everything is bad, because only a true understanding of things can identify, heal and forever rid a person of the problems that poison his life.

So, my friends, I teach you one thing, but I myself fundamentally adhere to a different policy, because the majority will never be on my side, unless a miracle happens and people become stronger, listening to the truth and what it brings. But this is my job, to prove to everyone that living a real life and looking this life straight in the eye is actually not as scary as it seems, and living the life of a reasonable person responsible for his life is much better and more enjoyable than constantly being a pawn in the wrong hands. So use my recommendation for persuading people as you see fit, and don’t forget to check yourself to see if you yourself are hanging on someone else’s hook in a similar way.

Sometimes the success of our endeavors largely depends on our ability to convince people to accept our point of view. But, unfortunately, this is not so easy to do, even if we have truth and common sense on our side. The ability to persuade is a rare but very useful gift. How to convince a person?

Persuasion is a way of influencing people's consciousness, directed towards their own critical perception. The essence of persuasion is to first achieve internal agreement with certain conclusions from the interlocutor using logical argumentation, and then, on this basis, create and consolidate new ones or transform old ones that correspond to a worthwhile goal.

Persuasive communication skills can be learned both at various trainings and on your own. The principles and techniques of persuasive speech given below will teach you the ability to persuade, and they are equally effective in persuading one person or an entire audience.

How to convince a person


In order to change or shape the opinions of people, or in order to induce them to take any action, you yourself need to clearly understand your intentions and be deeply confident in the truth of your ideas, concepts and ideas.

Confidence helps to make unambiguous decisions and implement them without hesitation, taking an unshakable position in assessing certain phenomena and facts.

Principle of persuasive speech No. 2 - STRUCTURED SPEECH

The persuasiveness of speech depends on its structure - thoughtfulness, consistency and logic. The structured nature of the speech allows you to explain the main points more easily and clearly, helps you clearly follow the intended plan, such a speech is better perceived and remembered by the listener.


An effective introduction will help to interest and attract a person’s attention, establish trust and create an atmosphere of goodwill. The introduction should be brief and consist of three or four sentences indicating the subject of speech and telling the reason why you should know what will be discussed.

The introduction sets the mood and tone of the speech. A serious beginning gives the speech a restrained and thoughtful tone. The humorous beginning is laid positive mood, but here you should understand that starting with a joke, setting the audience in a playful mood, it will be difficult to talk about serious things.

Main content of the speech

It must be understandable, clear and meaningful - persuasive speech cannot be incomprehensible and chaotic. Break down your main points, thoughts and ideas into several parts. Consider smooth transitions that show the connection between one part of the speech and another.

  • statement of facts that can be verified;
  • expert opinions, judgments of people with authority in this field;
  • quotes that enliven and explain the material;
  • specific cases and examples that can explain and illustrate facts;
  • description of your own experience and your theory;
  • statistics that can be verified;
  • reflections and forecasts about future events;
  • funny stories and anecdotes (in a small dose), meaningfully reinforcing or revealing the points in question;
  • literal or figurative comparisons and contrasts that illustrate statements by showing differences and similarities;


The conclusion is the most difficult and important part of a persuasive speech. It should repeat what was said and enhance the effect of the entire speech. What is said in conclusion, a person will remember longer. As a rule, it is at the end, along with a summary of what has been said, that a call to action sounds, which describes the actions and behavior of people necessary for the speaker.

Principle of persuasive speech No. 3 - EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT YOUR IDEA

For the most part, people are rational and rarely do anything that is not beneficial to them. Therefore, in order to convince a person, you need to find good arguments explaining the justification and expediency of the proposal.

Arguments are thoughts, statements and arguments used to support a particular point of view. They answer the question of why we should believe something or act in a certain way. Persuasiveness of speech largely depends on the correctness of the selected arguments and evidence. Having compiled a list of arguments, evaluate them carefully, think about whether they are suitable in a particular case, whether they will affect a given audience or not. After weighing all the pros and cons, choose the two or three that are most effective from the remaining ones.

What should be the criteria for evaluating and selecting arguments:

  1. The best arguments are those that are supported by solid evidence. It happens that a speech sounds convincing, but is not supported by facts. When preparing your speech, make sure your arguments are sound.
  2. Good arguments must be intelligently and concisely built into the proposal. They shouldn't sound out of place.
  3. Even if your argument is well supported and justified, it may not be accepted by a person. People react differently. For some, your facts and arguments will sound convincing, while others will not consider the arguments you used to be the main ones for assessing the situation. Of course, you cannot know for sure what impact your argument will have on the person being persuaded, but you can at least approximately guess and estimate what the result will be based on the analysis of the individual (audience).

To ensure that you are presenting a truly compelling case, you should ask yourself at least three questions::

  1. Where did the information come from, from what source? If evidence comes from a biased or unreliable source, it is best to either exclude the evidence from your speech or seek confirmation from other sources. Just as one person's words are more trustworthy than another's, so some printed sources are more reliable than others.
  2. Is the information current? Ideas and statistics should not be outdated. What was true three years ago may not be true today. Your generally persuasive speech may be questioned due to one inaccuracy. This should not be allowed!
  3. What relevance does this information have to the case? Make sure that the evidence provides clear support for the arguments you are making.


An attitude is a stable or predominant feeling, negative or positive, associated with a particular issue, object or person. Usually people verbally express such attitudes in the form of opinions. For example, the phrase: “ I think thatmemory developmentvery important both for everyday life and for professional activities“This is an opinion that expresses a person’s positive attitude towards developing and maintaining a good memory.

To convince a person to believe First of all, you need to find out what positions he occupies. The more information you gather about it, the better your chances of making a correct assessment. The more experienced you are in the field of audience analysis, the easier it will be to make your speech persuasive.

The attitudes of a person or group of people (audience) can be distributed on a scale, from openly hostile to extremely supportive.

Describe your audience as: having a negative attitude (people have a completely opposite point of view); does not have a clear opinion on this matter (listeners are neutral, they have no information); positive attitude (listeners share this point of view).

The difference of opinion can be represented in this way: hostility, disagreement, restrained disagreement, neither for nor against, restrained favor, favor, exceptional favor.

  1. If the listeners completely and completely share your opinion, understand what you are talking about and agree with you in everything, then you need to adjust your goal and concentrate on a specific plan of action.
  2. If you think your audience doesn't have an opinion on your topic, make it your goal to persuade them to act by forming an opinion:
    • If you believe that the audience does not have your point of view because she is uninformed, then your primary task is to give her sufficient information, help her understand the essence of the matter, and only after that make convincing calls to action.
    • If the audience in relation to the subject neutral means she is capable of objective reasoning and can accept reasonable arguments. Then your strategy is to present the best arguments available and back them up with the best information.
    • If you believe that those listening to you do not have a clear position because the subject is deeply indifferent to them, you must direct all efforts to move them from this indifferent position. When speaking to such an audience, you should not focus their attention on information and use material that confirms the logical chain of your evidence; it is better to focus on motivation and address the needs of the audience.
  3. If you assume that someone disagrees with you, then the strategy should depend on whether the attitude is completely hostile or moderately negative:
    • If you assume that a person is aggressive towards your goal, it is definitely better to go from afar or set a less global goal. It makes no sense to count on persuasive speech and a complete revolution in attitude and behavior after the first conversation. First, you need to change your attitude a little, “plant a seed,” and make you think that your words have some kind of importance. And later, when the idea settles in a person’s head and “takes root,” you can move forward.
    • If a person has a position of moderate disagreement, simply give him your reasons, hoping that their weight will force him to take your side. When talking with negative people, try to present the material clearly and objectively, so that those who slightly disagree will want to think about your proposal, and those who completely disagree will at least understand your point of view.

Persuasive Speaking Principle #5 – THE POWER OF MOTIVATION

Motivation, which initiates and guides behavior, often arises as a result of the use of incentives that have a certain value and significance.

The impact of an incentive is greatest when it is part of a meaningful goal and indicates a favorable reward-cost ratio. Imagine asking people to donate a few hours to participate in a charity program. Most likely, the time you convince them to spend will not be perceived as an incentive reward, but as a cost. How to convince people? You can present this charitable work as a significant incentive that provides rewards. Let's say, you can make the public feel the importance of the cause, feel socially responsible, people with a sense of civic duty, feel like noble helpers. Always show that the incentives and rewards outweigh the costs.

Use incentives that match people's basic needs, they work better. According to one popular theory of needs, people express a greater propensity to act when a stimulus offered by the speaker can satisfy an important unmet need of the listeners.


Persuasiveness of speech and ability to persuade assumes a rhythmic and melodic structure of speech. Speech intonation consists of: sound strength, pitch, tempo, pauses and stress.

Disadvantages of intonation:

  • Monotony has a depressing effect even on a person who has the ability to listen and does not allow him to perceive even very interesting and useful information.
  • Too high a tone is annoying and unpleasant to the ear.
  • Too low a tone can cast doubt on what you are saying and convey your disinterest.

Try to use your voice to make your speech beautiful, expressive and emotionally rich. Fill your voice with optimistic notes. In this case, a slightly slower, measured and calm pace of speech is preferable. Between semantic segments and at the end of the sentence, clearly pause. And pronounce the words inside the segment and small sentences as one long word, together.

It’s never too late to start developing your voice and diction, but if you want to convince someone who knows you well, sometimes it’s better to speak in a tone that’s familiar to you, without experimenting. Otherwise, those around you may think that you are not telling the truth if you speak in a tone that is uncharacteristic for you.

Do not forget that the persuasiveness of speech and the ability to persuade also depends on a number of skills and abilities, and in particular on:

application of some methods manipulating people;

from eye contact with the audience, which not only helps to establish a connection with it and simplify the impact (read - “The power of the gaze”), but also allows you to understand how much you are understood and whether what you say is interesting;

on the ability to present yourself (if you are communicating with a stranger or unfamiliar person) and make a first impression;

from the ability to behave naturally - when talking, it is necessary to give the body a free and comfortable posture.

Today I will continue to look art of persuasion and I'll tell you about how to convince someone you are right how to persuade other people to your point of view. The art of persuasion can be considered quite important and necessary to achieve success. This can be useful in any area of ​​human life, but especially in business or work related to sales.

In one of the previous articles, I already discussed general ones, but it should be recognized that each person is individual, and the method that will help persuade one person to his point of view will not produce any effect or even harm when communicating with another. This is explained by the fact that different people have their own psychological characteristics, depending on their type of character and temperament. Therefore, today we will talk about how to convince a person of your point of view, based on his psychological characteristics.

To do this, first of all, we will need to divide people into different psychological types. Most often, psychologists use a person’s temperament as a criterion for such division, but in this case, this may not be enough, since it is important for us to divide people according to the type of reaction to attempts to convince them. I propose to distinguish 4 types of people according to these criteria:

– Always confident in his rightness, unbending;

– Doubting, indecisive;

– Shows aggression, easily excitable;

- Indifferent and indifferent.

The main task of the art of persuasion is to correctly determine the type of person who needs to be convinced of your point of view, and then act taking into account his psychological characteristics.

Let's consider how to behave with people of each of these psychological types in order to convince them that you are right.

1. Confident. Convincing a person who is confident that he is right and is not inclined to change his mind is the most difficult thing to do. Such people immediately make it clear what they need, they speak in short and firm phrases, and express their position directly and openly. However, there is a method that will help win over even such people.

Excessive confidence and inflexibility can be a reflection of not only strength, but also, conversely, weakness of character. Especially if it is self-confidence, which is observed very often.

In this case, the best way to persuade a person to your point of view is to take him “weakly”. To do this, it is enough to make it clear that you have doubts that he will be able to do something that you need.

For example, if you want to make a sale to such a person, you can tell him something like: “in general, this will probably be too expensive for you, we can find cheaper options.” Then he will show ostentatious determination, he will answer that he can easily afford to buy the goods at that price and will make a purchase to prove that he is right.

2. Indecisive. It is easiest to convince an indecisive and doubting person that you are right. You can easily gain verbal dominance over him and persuade him to your point of view. But the difficulty here lies in something else: first you need to recognize this type, because if you make a mistake and start acting in this way with a person of a different psychological type, you will be defeated. Therefore, if you do not know how to convince a person of your point of view, you should immediately try to identify his indecisiveness. How can this be done?

For example, by the verbal expressions he will use. An indecisive and doubtful person will use the same vague and imprecise expressions. For example, when making a purchase, he will ask for “something not very expensive” instead of “cheap”, or “something not very bright” instead of naming a specific color, he will use the words “a little”, “more or less” , “like,” “somehow,” etc., characterizing uncertainty. His gestures and facial expressions will also express doubts and uncertainty, for example, he will mark time, fidget with his clothes, intertwine and fiddle with his fingers, etc.

Today on the blog: How the psychology of persuasion works, psychological techniques of persuasion, how you can convince another person, or, if you like, the art of persuasion.
(see psychological games)

Greetings, dear blog readers, I wish everyone mental health.

Psychology of human persuasion - impact on consciousness

The psychology of human persuasion is based on the fact that, when persuading, the speaker influences the consciousness of the person being persuaded, turning to her own critical judgment. The essence psychology of persuasion serves to clarify the meaning of the phenomenon, cause-and-effect relationships and relationships, highlighting the social and personal significance of solving a particular issue.

Convictions appeal to analytical thinking, in which the power of logic and evidence prevail and the persuasiveness of the arguments presented is achieved. Convincing a person as a psychological influence should create in a person the conviction that the other is right and his own confidence in the correctness of the decision being made.

Psychology of human persuasion and the role of the speaker

The perception of persuasive information depends on who is communicating it, how much an individual or the audience as a whole trusts the source of information. Trust is the perception of a source of information as competent and reliable. A person who convinces someone of something can create an impression of his competence in three ways.

First- begin to express judgments with which the listeners agree. Thus, he will gain a reputation as an intelligent person.

Second- be presented as a specialist in the field.

Third- speak confidently, without a shadow of doubt.

Reliability depends on the manner in which the persuader speaks. People trust a speaker more when they are sure that he has no intention of convincing them of anything. Those people who defend something that goes against their own interests also seem to be truthful. Confidence in the speaker and confidence in his sincerity increase if the one who convinces the person speaks quickly. Fast speech, in addition, deprives listeners of the opportunity to find counterarguments.

The attractiveness of the communicator (persuader) also affects the effectiveness of the psychology of persuasion of a person. The term “attractiveness” refers to several qualities. This is both the beauty of a person and the similarity with us: if the speaker has either one or the other, the information seems more convincing to listeners.

Psychology of human persuasion and the role of the listener

People with an average level of self-esteem are the easiest to persuade. Older people are more conservative in their views than younger people. At the same time, attitudes formed in adolescence and early adolescence can remain for life, since the impressions acquired at this age are deep and unforgettable.

In a state of strong arousal, agitation, and anxiety of a person, his psychology of persuasion (compliance with persuasion) increases. A good mood often promotes persuasion, partly because it promotes positive thinking and partly because it creates a connection between a good mood and a message. People in a good mood tend to see the world through rose-colored glasses. In this state, they make more hasty, impulsive decisions, relying, as a rule, on indirect signs of information. It is no coincidence, obviously, that many business issues, such as closing deals, are decided in the restaurant.

Conformers are more easily persuaded (easily accepting the opinions of others) (test: Personality Theory). Women are more susceptible to persuasion than men. It may not be particularly effective psychology of persuasion in relation to men with a low level of self-esteem, who are acutely worried, as it seems to them, about their uselessness, alienation, who are prone to loneliness, aggressive or suspicious, and not stress-resistant.

In addition, the higher a person's intelligence, the more critical their attitude to the proposed content is, the more often they assimilate information but disagree with it.

Psychology of human persuasion: logic or emotions

Depending on the listener, a person is more convinced either by logic and evidence (if the person is educated and has an analytical mind), or by an influence directed to emotions (in other cases).

The psychology of persuasion can be effective when it influences a person and causes fear. This psychology of persuasion is more effective when they not only scare with the possible and probable negative consequences of a certain behavior, but also offer specific ways to solve the problem (for example, diseases, the picture of which is not difficult to imagine, are more frightening than diseases about which people have a very vague idea ).

However, using fear to persuade and influence a person cannot cross a certain line when this method turns into information terrorism, which is often observed when advertising various medicines on radio and television. For example, we are told with enthusiasm how many millions of people around the world suffer from this or that disease, how many of the population, according to doctors, should get the flu this winter, etc. And this is repeated not just day after day, but almost every hour, and It is not taken into account at all that there are easily suggestible people who will begin to invent these diseases in themselves, run to the pharmacy and swallow medications that are not only useless in this case, but also harmful to health.

Unfortunately, intimidation in the absence of an accurate diagnosis is often used by doctors, which goes against the first medical commandment “do no harm.” At the same time, it does not take into account that the source of information that deprives a person of mental and psychological peace may be denied trust.

A person is more convinced by the information that comes first (primacy effect). However, if some time passes between the first and second messages, then the second message has a stronger persuasive effect, since the first has already been forgotten (recency effect).

Psychology of human persuasion and the way information is received

It has been established that the arguments (arguments) given by another person convince us more strongly than similar arguments given to ourselves. The weakest are the arguments given mentally, somewhat stronger are those given to oneself out loud, and the strongest are those given by another, even if he does it at our request.

Psychology of persuasion. Methods:

fundamental: represents a direct appeal to the interlocutor, who is immediately and openly introduced to all the information that makes up
the basis for proving the correctness of the proposal;

contradiction method: is based on identifying contradictions in the arguments of the person being persuaded and on carefully checking one’s own arguments for consistency in order to prevent a counter-offensive;

"draw conclusions" method: arguments are not presented all at once, but gradually, step by step, seeking agreement at each stage;

"chunks" method: the arguments of the person being persuaded are divided into strong (accurate), medium (controversial) and weak (erroneous); They try not to touch the former, but the main blow is dealt to the latter;

ignore method: if the fact stated by the interlocutor cannot be refuted;

accent method: emphasis is placed on the arguments presented by the interlocutor and corresponding to common interests (“you say it yourself...”);

two-way argumentation method: for greater persuasiveness, first outline the advantages and then the disadvantages of the proposed solution
question; it is better if the interlocutor learns about the shortcomings from the persuader than from others, which will give him the impression that the persuader is unbiased (this method is especially effective when persuading an educated person, while a poorly educated person lends itself better to one-sided argumentation);

“Yes, but...” method: used in cases where the interlocutor provides convincing evidence of the advantages of his approach to resolving the issue; first they agree with the interlocutor, then after a pause they provide evidence of the shortcomings of his approach;

apparent support method: this is a development of the previous method: the interlocutor’s arguments are not refuted, but, on the contrary, new arguments are presented
in their support. Then, when he has the impression that the persuader is well informed, counterarguments are given;

boomerang method: the interlocutor is given back his own arguments, but directed in the opposite direction; arguments "for" turn into arguments

The psychology of persuasion is effective when:

1. when it concerns one need of the subject or several, but of equal strength;

2. when carried out against the background of low intensity of the persuader’s emotions; excitement and agitation are interpreted as uncertainty and reduce the effectiveness of his argumentation; outbursts of anger and swearing cause a negative reaction from the interlocutor;

3. when we are talking about minor issues that do not require a reorientation of needs;

4. when the persuader is confident in the correctness of the proposed solution; in this case, a certain dose of inspiration, an appeal not only to the mind, but also to the emotions of the interlocutor (through “contagion”) will help enhance the effect of persuasion;

5. when not only one’s own is proposed, but the argumentation of the person being persuaded is also considered; this gives a better effect than repeated repetitions of one’s own arguments;

6. when argumentation begins with a discussion of those arguments on which it is easier to reach agreement; you need to ensure that the person being persuaded more often agrees with the arguments: the more assents you can get, the greater the chances of achieving success;

7. when an argumentation plan has been developed that takes into account the opponent’s possible counterarguments; this will help build the logic of the conversation and make it easier for the opponent to understand the position of the persuader.

The psychology of human persuasion is appropriate then:

1. When the importance of the proposal, the possibility and ease of its implementation are shown;

2. When they present different points of view and analyze forecasts (if they are convinced, including negative ones);

3. When the significance of the advantages of a proposal is increased and the magnitude of its disadvantages is reduced;

4. When the individual characteristics of the subject, his educational and cultural level are taken into account and the arguments that are closest and most understandable to him are selected;

5. When a person is not directly told that he is wrong, in this way one can only hurt his pride - and he will do everything to defend himself, his position (it is better to say: “Perhaps I’m wrong, but let’s see...”);

6. When, in order to overcome the negativism of the interlocutor, they create the illusion that the proposed idea belongs to him (to do this, it is enough just to lead him to the appropriate thought and provide him with the opportunity to draw a conclusion); do not parry the interlocutor’s argument immediately and with apparent ease, he will perceive this as disrespect for himself or as an underestimation of his problems (what torments him for a long time is resolved to others in a matter of seconds);

7. When in a dispute it is not the personality of the interlocutor that is criticized, but the arguments he gives, which are controversial or incorrect from the point of view of the person persuading (it is advisable to preface the criticism by admitting that the person being convinced is right in something, this will help avoid his offense);

8. When they argue as clearly as possible, periodically checking whether the subject understands you correctly; arguments do not draw out, as this is usually associated with the speaker having doubts; phrases that are short and simple in design are built not according to the norms of the literary language, but according to the laws of oral speech; use pauses between arguments, since the flow of arguments in monologue mode dulls the attention and interest of the interlocutor;

9. When the subject is included in the discussion and decision-making, since people better adopt the views in which they take part;

10. When they oppose their point of view calmly, tactfully, without mentoring.

This concludes the review of the psychology of human persuasion; I hope that the post was useful.
I wish everyone good luck!

Everyone at least once in their life communicated with a very stubborn and difficult interlocutor.

Everyone knows that the easiest way to resolve a dispute is to avoid it. However, sometimes the situation requires that you defend your point of view and convince the most stubborn interlocutor that you are right. The following 10 tips will help you with this.

1. Be careful and polite

First of all, do not play with the thin threads of a person’s pride: do not offend him, humiliate him or get personal, otherwise you will not prove anything to him and he will go into a defensive position of denying everything in the world (antagonism). And it is almost impossible to convince a person in such a state.

2. Strong arguments first

Speak the strongest and most compelling arguments for your position first. There is no need to start with the little things, release heavy artillery right away, and only then reinforce it with small infantry.

3. Earn trust

Try to increase your status and image: argue that you know this in practice, that you have been doing this for many years and have received concrete results or earned a lot of money from it.

4. Be smart

A powerful weapon is to say the following: “Yes, yes, this is exactly what you are right about, this is a good idea, but this is where you are completely wrong...” When a person feels that his thoughts have been noticed, he can listen to yours.

5. Rude flattery

Praise the person! Compliments, and especially unexpected compliments, will surprise and delight everyone, and this is exactly what you need - to relax your opponent, reduce his control over the situation.

6. Sequence of consent

Rule of consistency: first tell the person what he agrees with (even if these are absolutely obvious things), and then your point of view. The likelihood of agreement in this case increases many times.

7. Steer the conversation away from dangerous topics

Avoid “sharp edges” and topics that can increase conflict, as well as topics that are a weak point for you.

If something like this comes up, urgently turn the conversation away from it, say: “We’re not talking about that now, but about...”, “this has nothing to do with the matter, it only has to do with the matter...”.

8. Notice every little thing

Watch a person's nonverbal behavior, it can reveal a lot. Nonverbal behavior is posture, gestures and facial expressions. If you notice that after some argument a person’s eye twitches, immediately continue to expand on this argument further and in great detail - this is your strongest argument and the person understands this and gets nervous.

9. People love benefits and benefits.

Convince the person that what you are telling him is very useful and even beneficial for him, and his position, on the contrary, will not bring him anything other than “just his position.”

10. Show unexpected consideration and respect

Listen carefully to your interlocutor, even if he annoys you: anyone will notice that you are attentive to him, and this will especially be noticed by someone who knows that despite the fact that you disagree with him, you are attentive to him. This way, you can stand out from other people with whom he has ever argued.

Good luck to you, because now we know for sure that using these tips, you will win any dispute!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):