The tongue is, unfortunately, a part of the body that people very rarely pay attention to. Even in the process of admiring in the mirror, we examine our mouth, nose, eyes, and hairstyle more. If people knew that they could determine the presence of various diseases by the condition of their oral cavity, they would examine it more often.

The tongue has long been considered an indicator of health for the reason that it was on it that the first symptoms of an emerging disease appeared. So, let's learn about the treatment and causes of black plaque on the tongue in children, adults, and women during pregnancy, look at photos of patients and discuss ways to solve the problem.

What is black coating on the tongue?

First, let's figure out what black coating on the tongue means and why it appears.
If a black coating appears on a child’s tongue, this should not be ignored. It may indicate problems with the functioning of the stomach.

  • Usually the appearance of plaque indicates that the baby’s stomach is not yet ready to digest the food that was provided to him.
  • Also in children, this symptom may indicate the presence of candidiasis and dysbacteriosis.

In the case when a person is absolutely healthy, his tongue should be soft pink. In the presence of various diseases, you can notice a whitish-yellow coating on the tongue. Few people pay attention to this kind of formation, but when a plaque forms, for example, black in color, then panic begins. People are concerned about the unusual color of the tongue (black, dark brown).

There is no need to panic in the presence of such a dark coating. Try to remember if you have consumed any of the foods that can color your tongue (blueberries, activated charcoal, chocolate, sweets with dyes). If you do not remember whether you have consumed any of these products, consult your doctor.

Black coating on the tongue often indicates the development of serious diseases of the digestive tract. The shade and density of plaque indicates the patient’s condition. If the plaque is too dark and dense, then the patient’s condition is very complex. Such plaque can form on the teeth and the inner surface of the cheeks.

Black plaque is a sign of the development of such disorders within the body:

  • deterioration of the pancreas;
  • acidosis;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • angina;
  • depressed adrenal function;
  • microflora imbalance.

Black plaque should be classified as a symptom of a disease in the body rather than as an independent disease.

A specialist will tell you why a black coating appears on the tongue in this video:


Only very serious disorders within the body can provoke the formation of black plaque on the tongue. Below we will look at each of the possible reasons.

  • Impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and more specifically, inflammation of the gastric mucosa. With this pathology, the tongue is covered with a coating with a characteristic dark color and a yellowish tint. This type of plaque is characteristic of diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas. Sometimes the patient may feel a bitter taste in the mouth.
  • Acidosis. A change in the acid-base balance affects the appearance of a black, dark coating on the tongue. A black, dark coating covers the tongue when the acidity level increases. A diagnosis such as acidosis can only be determined by a specialist after studying the results of clinical studies and tests.
  • Taking antibiotics. After taking antibiotics, which are usually prescribed for fairly serious illnesses, the immune system can be sharply weakened. And this causes the formation of a dark coating. Due to the use of antibiotics, a fungal infection may rapidly multiply, and the amount of chromogenic fungus in the mouth increases. And this, in turn, provokes the appearance of a black plaque. So a black coating on the tongue after antibiotics is not uncommon.
  • Chromogenic fungus. It can cause the formation of a black-green plaque that covers the tongue, enamel on the teeth, and gums.
  • Remak's disease. Lead poisoning can cause black spots on the top of the tongue.
  • Thrush. Usually this disease provokes the appearance of a white coating. And only the advanced form of the disease is characterized by the appearance of a dark coating.
  • Crohn's disease. This pathology usually begins due to autoimmune processes within the body. It occurs due to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, an increased amount of melanin inside the skin, mucous membranes, and a lack of hormones produced by the adrenal glands.
  • Alcohol abuse (chronic). .
  • . With the development of this disease, a dark coating appears in the morning. In addition, the patient's temperature may rise. These symptoms indicate the development of a sore throat. With this disease, the black plaque goes away along with the underlying disease.
  • Excess of toxins in the body. When an increased amount of toxins is detected in the blood, a black coating appears on the tongue.

Diagnosis of the symptom

After discovering a black coating on top of the tongue, there is no need to guess about its nature; this concern should be left to specialists. Doctors, after conducting a series of tests and studies, will accurately diagnose what triggered the occurrence of such an unusual plaque. The tongue is considered an indicator of human health; a pathological coating indicates the development of complex diseases. When you visit a doctor, you will have to undergo an initial examination, during which the specialist will pay attention to:

  • organ mobility;
  • its relief;
  • zonality of the raid;
  • plaque shade;
  • the presence of neoplasms (acne, ulcers).
  • Blood test (general). Helps determine the condition of the liver. These tests are prescribed when the doctor suspects inflammatory processes within the body.
  • . It is taken from the mucous membrane of the tongue. Checking the flora is necessary to determine its sensitivity to various antibiotics.
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy. This type of examination is prescribed to a patient if there is a suspicion of an ulcer in the stomach.
  • Coprogram. It helps detect inflammation in the intestines.
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity in the case when the doctor suspects liver pathology.

What to do if you discover that my tongue is covered with a black coating is described below.

This video will tell you what diseases are accompanied by a black coating on the tongue:

How to get rid of this symptom

Therapy for such an unusual phenomenon as black plaque should be prescribed by a doctor after a detailed diagnosis. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the main factors that caused this plaque.

Having discovered a darkening of the coating of the tongue, you should perform hygiene procedures more carefully. You need to clean your teeth, tongue, and gums with a brush.

In a therapeutic way

Therapeutic treatment of dark plaque on the tongue is prescribed by the doctor after the cause of this symptom has been determined based on research results. The procedures prescribed by the specialist will be aimed at:

Knowing why there is a black coating on the tongue, let’s try to get rid of it using folk methods.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies can be used as a supplement to doctor-prescribed treatment. The most common options for eliminating black plaque:

  • Drink tea made from varying amounts of oregano, linden blossom, plantain, and yarrow.
  • Rinse your mouth with an infusion made from oak bark.
  • Take an infusion made from flax seeds. Drink it in the morning before meals.
  • Rinse your mouth with an infusion made from mint, sage, chamomile, and strawberry (leaves).

Preventive measures

Black plaque is a signal that indicates the development of some disease in the body. To prevent its occurrence, you should follow the rules of oral hygiene, eat right, and ensure that you have a balanced sleep/rest schedule.

If you do not pay attention to the black coating covering the tongue and do not begin timely treatment of the disease that provoked its occurrence, the underlying disease may become chronic.

With timely treatment of the underlying disease, the black coating disappears from the surface of the tongue very quickly. It disappears completely after the disease that caused its formation is cured.

This video will tell you about black and other colored coatings on the tongue:

With the arrival of a baby in the family, parents begin to experience a constant feeling of concern for the health of their child. The mother always tries to promptly note possible changes in the baby’s appearance, which may indicate the onset of the disease. Sometimes the signs of a disease are so striking that they cannot be ignored. Symptoms of this kind include a coating on the tongue that suddenly appears in a baby.

Causes of plaque on the tongue of a baby

The main reason for the appearance of plaque on the tongue is the bacteria accumulated on it. Most often, the bulk of plaque accumulates at the root of the tongue. This happens due to the fact that this place is the least mobile, while the tip of the tongue has the opportunity to clean itself while eating, drinking or during a conversation.

If parents find a little white coating on their baby’s tongue after waking up, then there is no need to panic for this reason. Since this process is considered normal, the main thing is that the natural structure of the tongue is visible under the layer of plaque. However, if the structure of the plaque or its thickness has changed, you must visit a doctor.

Color of plaque in infants

Plaque on a baby's tongue may differ in color, and this depends primarily on the reasons that provoke its appearance. The most common is the formation of white plaque. However, as mentioned above, its appearance does not at all mean the manifestation of any disease. Another type of plaque that should not cause concern to parents is a uniform, whitish coating. It usually appears immediately after feeding with formula or milk.

But there are cases when the presence of a white coating on the tongue of an infant indicates health problems. Namely:

  1. Cases when plaque spreads to the cheeks and gums throughout the day and does not disappear.
  2. Quite often, a white coating forms against the background of respiratory diseases.
  3. When plaque completely covers the baby’s entire tongue and is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea.

Also, the color of the coating on the tongue may be yellow, and this manifestation clearly indicates that there is a problem in the body. For example, a yellow tongue indicates that the child has liver problems. When plaque is located on the lower part of the tongue, this may indicate a disease such as jaundice.

In the case when a child has problems with the lungs, his tongue may be covered with a coating with a greenish, brown or gray tint. Of course, we are accustomed to seeing such manifestations mainly in the adult part of the population, but such symptoms also occur in children.

If a baby suffers from an infectious disease, a number of infections can cause a red coating to appear on the tongue. Also, similar manifestations are observed when a small organism is attacked by toxic substances. When problems with the kidneys occur, the tongue may acquire a rich burgundy hue.

A black coating on the tongue is also found in infants. As you yourself understand, it does not bode well, since this symptom occurs mainly in seriously ill people. In children, the formation of black plaque may indicate diseases such as damage to the digestive system, cholera, Crohn's disease, and also indicate severe dehydration. But it is worth noting that attentive parents are unlikely to suddenly develop symptoms of this kind. However, as they say, he who is aware is...

White coating on the baby's tongue

A little higher, we have already paid some attention to this issue. Let's now figure out what specific disease a white coating on the tongue may indicate. A white cheesy coating in a baby is the main sign of a disease such as candidiasis, or in common parlance - thrush. The diagnosis can be clarified if this symptom is accompanied by the following signs:

  • the child behaves excessively capriciously and restlessly;
  • the baby refuses to take the breast because it hurts to suck;
  • The baby's gums, palate and inner surface of the cheeks are clearly inflamed.

Candidiasis is an inflammatory process caused by the yeast-like fungi Candida. It is worth clarifying that this type of mushroom is found in small quantities in any human body. However, a decrease in immunity leads to an imbalance of microflora, which provokes uncontrolled proliferation of fungi.

Parents of an infant suffering from thrush should be wary. Since this disease without appropriate treatment can become chronic, which in turn can provoke an allergic reaction.

As a treatment for thrush in infants, it is recommended to use a soda solution. To do this, wrap gauze around the index finger, which must be placed in the solution and thus gently wipe the mucous membrane of the baby’s mouth.

Yellow coating on the tongue of a baby

Often in infants, the coating on the tongue has a yellow tint. If this manifestation occurs during a hot period of time, then without the presence of other symptoms, this is considered normal. However, if the color begins to change (becomes brighter), and the thickness of the layer also changes (increases), this may be a sign of a disease of the digestive system. For example, if the gallbladder does not work properly, a yellow coating usually appears on the tongue. However, such a symptom may also indicate severe intoxication of the body, which occurs against the background of prolonged and frequent constipation. In addition, a yellow coating can also indicate lesions in the liver.

If you notice that your child's tongue has turned yellow, take it to the doctor as soon as possible. It would also be a good idea to visit a gastroenterologist for the purpose of a comprehensive examination and establishing the exact cause of the disease. A nursing mother needs to monitor her own diet more closely. Try to completely avoid eating foods and drinks that contain preservatives and dyes, and you should also limit your intake of fatty foods. But it is advisable to consume fruits and vegetables in large quantities, this also applies to all fermented milk products. The main thing is to ensure that the baby does not develop allergic reactions to any product.

In cases where the cause of a yellow tongue is an imbalance in the stomach and intestines, it is advisable for a nursing mother to adhere to a certain diet that her doctor recommends.

Green coating on the tongue of a baby

Parents should know that in the morning, even before the first feeding, they should examine the baby’s tongue. A healthy baby's tongue should normally be free of any inflammation or plaque and have a pale pink color. Please note that depending on the time of year, your baby may periodically develop a coating on the tongue. However, if the surface of the tongue is visible through it, there is no need to sound the alarm. This symptom indicates that the child’s body simply needs a certain set of vitamins.

But when a newborn develops a green coating on the tongue, you should not put off going to the doctor, since this sign does not bode well.

The presence of a green tongue in an infant primarily indicates problems with the large intestine. If duodenal pathology is observed, plaque is usually localized in the middle part of the tongue. If, together with a green coating, redness of the tip of the tongue is observed, then we can definitely say that there is a violation of the acidity of the stomach.
Also, a green tongue may indicate kidney problems. Of course, such a pathology in infants is quite rare, but it does occur. In the case when the problem is fungal in nature, plaque forms mainly in the central part of the tongue. By the way, you should know that green plaque often appears in children during treatment with antibiotics and drugs that can reduce the body’s protective functions.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that parents need to be more attentive to the health of their own children and, for preventive purposes, carry out routine dental examinations as often as possible. Therefore, even if you cannot avoid the disease, you will definitely detect it at an early stage.

Not every one of us regularly monitors the condition of our tongue, but in vain. Poor oral health indicates many diseases. In a healthy person, the receptor organ should be pale pink in color; a white-yellow coating is allowed.

Black plaque comes in varying hardness, thickness and density. Such darkening indicates a pathological process in the body. Previously, this was considered a clear sign of cholera, but modern medicine believes that other diseases may also be the cause.

To begin with, you don’t need to panic, remember what you recently ate, what factors could have influenced the formation of dark plaque (dyes, chocolate, blueberries). Sometimes the tongue acquires this color as a result of taking various medications (for example, activated carbon).

Rinse your mouth thoroughly and brush it with a toothbrush. Then re-examine the tongue. If the raid does not go away, then you should visit a doctor.

What should you pay attention to?

When examining your receptor organ, pay special attention to the following criteria:

  • Area where plaque appears;
  • Bitter taste;
  • Relief of education;
  • Shade (black-blue, dark gray, brown, yellow);
  • Presence of ulcers or pimples;
  • Mobility of education;
  • Bad breath (most often detected with such plaque);
  • Type and shape (dots, spots).

Reasons for education in children and adults

In Asia, examination of the oral cavity and tongue is a standard procedure for diagnosing various pathologies. Doctors say that a black coating on the tongue may indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, pancreas, and intestinal microflora.

There are many reasons for an unpleasant raid:

  • The most banal reason– eating colored foods or medications.
  • Dark plaque may indicate Crohn's disease. This pathology contributes to an increase in the amount of melanin.
  • Problems with acid-base environment. This disorder can be caused by poor nutrition and abuse of rich and fatty foods. In a healthy body, the body quickly removes harmful substances from organic matter. Otherwise, these substances can remain in the body for a long time, thereby causing harm to human health.
  • Alcohol abuse, chemicals or narcotic substances.
  • Acute tonsillitis. Inflamed tonsils, high body temperature, all this can lead to blackening of the tongue.
  • Disease of the liver or pancreas. In this case, the plaque is accompanied by a bitter taste after eating food, and dehydration is observed. This happens because bile stagnates in these organs.
  • Poor adrenal gland function, while blue-black spots can be found on the tongue. Which are not cleaned in any way. Only drug treatment will help.
  • Digestive disease, while patients often complain of a bitter taste in the morning.
  • Fungal infections, chromogenic fungus in particular. Its activation spoils not only the tongue, but also the teeth; they acquire a dark green color.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Black education in the child's language indicates stomach problems. Often, a similar situation occurs during the introduction of complementary foods, if the mother continues to breastfeed. This color of the tongue indicates that the small stomach is not yet ready to switch to another diet. In these cases, the pediatrician prescribes taking bifidobacteria.
  • In older children plaque indicates problems with the digestive system, intestinal microflora or oral cavity. The cause may also be taking antibiotics during a cold or liquid iron supplements.
  • For thrush a white coating is observed, but ignoring the disease and untimely treatment can lead to the formation of a black coating on the receptor organ.
  • Chronic intoxication of the body.
  • Badly selected diets.
  • Long-term illness accompanied by high body temperature (from several days to a month).
  • Dehydration.

The shape of the plaque can tell a lot. For example, small black dots on the receptor organ indicate the development of a fungal disease of the oral cavity and disruption of the digestive organs.

In case of lead poisoning in the oral cavity, you can find not only pinpoint neoplasms, but also a black border on the gums, and a metallic taste is also observed in the mouth. A large spot is a clear symptom of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation of various types of infections and chronic diseases, problems of the genitourinary system.

Do you want white and healthy teeth?

Even with careful care of your teeth, over time stains appear on them, they darken and turn yellow.

In addition, the enamel becomes thinner and teeth become sensitive to cold, hot, sweet foods or drinks.

In such cases, our readers recommend using the latest product - Denta Seal toothpaste with a filling effect.

It has the following properties:

  • Levels damage and fills microcracks on the enamel surface
  • Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries
  • Returns teeth natural whiteness, smoothness and shine

Dark coating on the tongue with a yellow tint

  • improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Often the causes of such plaque are inflammatory processes of the stomach, ulcers. These ailments can be the result of poor nutrition and unhealthy lifestyle, constant diets for weight loss.
  • Liver diseases and the gallbladder can also give such symptoms.
  • Gray-yellow tint may indicate calculous cholecystitis or gallbladder congestion.

Do not try to get rid of plaque using folk remedies, because you need to treat the root cause of the formation. Contact your doctor, he will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe medication.

Indications for examination

Having discovered a black coating on the patient’s receptor organ, the doctor will prescribe certain tests to discover the cause of the disease:

Many patients complain of excessive sensitivity, discoloration of enamel and caries. Toothpaste with a filling effect does not thin out the enamel, but, on the contrary, strengthens it as much as possible.

Thanks to hydroxyapatite, it firmly seals microcracks on the enamel surface. The paste prevents early tooth decay. Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries. I recommend it.

Which doctor should I contact?

To identify the causes of unpleasant dark plaque, first consult a therapist or dentist. The specialist will prescribe treatment; if this problem does not concern his field of activity, he will redirect you to another doctor (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, etc.).

The goal of treatment should not be to eliminate the plaque itself, but to treat the diseases that caused the disease.

Treatment options

If the black coating on the tongue cannot be removed with a toothbrush, the help of a specialist is required.

Only a doctor can determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct medication:

  • In mild cases you just have to change your diet to the right one and start leading a healthy lifestyle, while eliminating bad habits.
  • For Crohn's disease The specialist will recommend taking hormone-containing drugs and immunosuppressants, and prescribe antibacterial therapy.
  • In case of intoxication of the body It is important to maintain proper drinking regimen (at least two liters of water).
  • The doctor may prescribe taking vitamin complexes.
  • If plaque is caused by improper care behind the oral cavity, your dentist will advise you to clean your tongue using a soft-bristled brush, using light movements from the base of the tongue to the tip.
  • Adults are allowed wipe the tongue with a ten percent solution of resocin. This will help disinfect and cauterize the resulting plaque. It also accelerates cell regeneration. Salicylic alcohol is also suitable for disinfection.
  • In some cases To combat plaque, Linex and the simultaneous intake of vitamin supplements help.
  • Brush your teeth and the oral cavity more than twice a day, because bacteria in the resulting plaque multiply very quickly.
  • Eliminate dyes and artificial products.

After establishing the cause of the formation of black plaque and prescribing drug treatment, you can, in addition, try traditional methods:

  • Rinse your mouth with oak bark infusion (1 tablespoon per 250 ml of boiled water).
  • Drink tea made from oregano, linden blossom, yarrow, and plantain. The ingredients should be added in equal proportions.
  • A decoction of chamomile, mint, sage and strawberries is also suitable for rinsing the mouth.
  • Drink flaxseed infusion in the morning on an empty stomach.


To prevent the appearance of black plaque, use the following recommendations:

In conclusion I would like to note that you do not need to self-medicate and listen to the advice of your girlfriends. The only authoritative opinion in this matter is the opinion of a specialist, only he will help determine the source of pathological changes. Act in accordance with the prescribed treatment, and there will be no trace left of the plaque.

The tongue, in addition to performing its basic functions, is also a fairly accurate indicator of a person’s health status - it can clearly tell about problems and various disorders in the functioning of the body.

When a person is healthy, his tongue is moist, pink, and has a smooth surface. It may have a light, whitish, almost transparent coating. The appearance of any other shade, strange spots, as well as dense covering is a serious reason to visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

The most common ones are white and yellowish plaque. If the tongue is covered with a dark dense mass, this phenomenon is observed less frequently and requires special attention, especially when it is noticed in a small child.

What can cause a dark coating on the tongue of a child or an adult, causes, treatment, what could it be? Let's talk about this in more detail on the Popular About Health website:

Causes of plaque in an adult

As we have already said, the appearance of dark plaque is an important reason to consult a doctor, as it may indicate the presence of a serious disease.

Let's take a closer look at its possible causes:

Dark gray coating:

If the thickness of the gray mass that covers the tongue is small, its structure is visible through it, perhaps there is a small infection in the body that has not yet spread throughout the body.

If the plaque is thick and dense, most likely there is some kind of chronic disease.

So, it could be a chronic disease of the intestines or stomach. It indicates that food is poorly digested and its residues accumulate in the intestines. This condition is usually accompanied by constipation.

Black plaque:

This phenomenon is usually considered a sign of acidosis, namely, a serious imbalance in the acid-base balance. The main cause of this condition is a lack of fresh plant foods, fruits, vegetables, and garden herbs in the diet, while it is based on fats and carbohydrates.

Also, a dark, almost black mass that coats the tongue often indicates that the body is seriously clogged with harmful decay products and toxins. In this case, it is necessary to cleanse, first of all, the intestines.

In addition, a dark mass can be observed with some colds, accompanied by fever and high fever. The temperature is very high and remains at critical levels for a long time.

Also, the appearance of such an unhealthy shade often indicates infection of the oral cavity with a pathogenic chromogenic fungus.

If the dark plaque is not located over the entire surface, but only in certain areas, there may be a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas or gall bladder, or dehydration of the body.

In this case, there are other signs, including bitterness in the mouth, especially after eating, and bad breath.

Causes of a child having a dark coating on the tongue

Parents should be very careful about the appearance of dark spots on the baby’s tongue. Usually they are evidence of problems in the child’s gastrointestinal tract.

Very often this happens when new foods are introduced into the diet, that is, with the start of complementary feeding. Therefore, you need to postpone complementary feeding for some time and show the child to a doctor.

You should also pay attention to where exactly the areas of dark plaque are located on the baby’s tongue. For example, if they are located at its tip, they may be the first sign of developing pathological processes in the lungs or bronchi.

The appearance of dark (gray, black, dark brown) plaque in an older child also indicates various problems with the body. In particular, we can assume the presence of colitis or gastritis, as well as diseases of the gallbladder, which, quite possibly, have already become chronic.

Other causes of a dark coated tongue include:

Taking a liquid form of iron supplements or using drugs intended to increase hemoglobin in the blood;

Dysbacteriosis of the intestines and/or oral cavity;

Long-term treatment with antibiotics;

Very high, long-lasting temperature, with colds and flu.

Treatment for plaque? Treatment of a child or adult!

As we have found out, a dark coating on the tongue discovered during a visual examination of a child or an adult is often evidence of serious health problems. To find out its cause, you should consult a therapist or gastroenterologist and undergo an examination prescribed by your doctor.
You need to understand that some diseases of the gallbladder, intestines, pancreas, and so on, especially their chronic forms, can occur without pronounced symptoms. Therefore, the appearance of a dark plaque is sometimes the only sign of their presence.

Therefore, early diagnosis and timely therapy will help to quickly get rid of this dangerous pathology. After treatment, this unpleasant coloring will certainly disappear from the tongue.

Depending on the identified cause, along with the main treatment, the doctor may prescribe antifungal or antibacterial drugs. Most likely, physiotherapeutic procedures will be needed, as well as therapeutic mouth rinses.

You should also remember to brush your teeth and tongue regularly. Careful care effectively eliminates bacteria, which, in large quantities, are found on the mucous membrane and spread infection throughout the body.

Folk remedies

If a dark coating on the tongue is not associated with a disease, but appears as a result of insufficient oral care, you can cope with the problem with the help of infusions of medicinal plants:

Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed oak bark into a glass of boiling water. It’s faster to cook in a thermos - this way the healing infusion will be ready in a couple of hours. Cool it, strain and rinse your mouth as often as possible.

Pour boiling water (a glass) over 1 teaspoon of flaxseeds. Once it has steeped and cooled a little, you can take it. It is better to do this on an empty stomach, morning and evening, 1 glass of infusion.

If after rinsing, thoroughly brushing your teeth and tongue, the coating does not disappear, without wasting time, rush to see a doctor, who will give recommendations on further actions. Be healthy!

Hello, I would like to get a consultation from Dr. Komarovsky O.E., I of course understand that the doctor is very busy, but hope, as they say, dies last, so I’ll take a risk.

My son, who turned one year old on December 22, 2013, noticed about a month ago that his tongue had become black, although not all of it, but closer to the throat. Since we just had a routine annual medical examination, when we went to the ENT specialist I asked what it could be, the doctor replied that we needed to see a pediatrician and get a stool test. On the same day we went to an appointment with the local pediatrician, after listening to us, he looked at the tongue and said that he did not see any plaque on the tongue, I explained that the blackness on the tongue is mainly at the throat, and we must take into account that the child is small, he Doesn't let you see the tongue well. The doctor asked how the child was feeling, I replied that it was good, to which the doctor replied that he did not see any problems for concern, most likely the child had eaten something. I asked if it might be possible to clean off the plaque with a soda solution, the doctor said try it, and we left. At home, I cleaned off as much of the plaque as I could. However, since the plaque did not completely disappear, after three weeks, I again turned to the pediatrician with a request to prescribe a stool test for scatology. The analysis did not reveal any deviations. Then I began to observe that our newly emerged upper teeth turned gray in places with black dots, the lower ones did not, I went to the dentist and explained that we periodically have a black coating on our tongue, to a greater or lesser extent, so perhaps the teeth turned gray from plaque. I would like to add that the color of the teeth began to change as soon as a black coating appeared on the tongue; before that, the teeth were white. The dentist examined the child and said that perhaps he had a “hairy tongue,” and they began to brush his teeth with a brush and children’s toothpaste, but the teeth were still gray and remained that way. I would like to add that the child during this period does not I wasn’t sick, I didn’t take any medications. My question to the doctor is that, has he encountered similar cases in his practice (our pediatrician, as I understand it, he has not) what a black coating on the tongue can mean, should we be worried, and what should we do?

Thank you in advance for your attention Doctor!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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