By investing considerable funds in the installation of plastic windows, people expect to seriously increase the level of comfort of their apartment. They carefully study the model range, compare the advantages of profiles used in various designs. But all the advantages of PVC windows can be canceled out by mistakes made during their installation. Most complaints against companies that install PVC windows are made specifically about the quality of the installers’ work. Plastic windows will last a long time and will not lose their qualities if the installers focus their installation on GOST, and not on purely personal considerations.

What document regulates the installation process of plastic windows?

In March 2003, GOST 30971–2002 was developed and adopted, which ensured the formalization of installation work. The adoption of this document was facilitated by the state program to increase energy efficiency and energy saving.

But not all companies are guided by the provisions of this document in their work. The high requirements imposed by GOST 30971–2002 increase the costs of companies operating in the PVC window market. Therefore, small companies often ignore its provisions, saving on the quality of the services provided. This is also facilitated by the low professional level of employees of such enterprises.

For the average person, familiarity with this document will bring tangible benefits. Knowing the rules for installing PVC windows, he will be able to control the entire installation process, and after its completion he will be able to receive detailed technical documentation on the work performed and full warranty service.

What documents are required during installation?

The owner of new PVC windows must have two documents on hand, one of them before installation, the other after completion of the work on replacing window units.

  1. A contract is drawn up in advance, which must contain the necessary calculations on the thermophysical properties of the window installed in a specific wall opening. Based on them, the best installation scheme is selected and agreed upon with the customer.
  2. After the installation of plastic windows is completed, the customer is given an installation technical passport with an installation diagram. It should also list the materials used to seal the construction joints and the contractor’s warranty.

Preparing the premises

The process of replacing window units is accompanied by the release of a large amount of dust. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to free the room as much as possible from furniture and household appliances. Anything that cannot be taken out, as well as the walls and floor, must be covered with film or newspapers to prevent contamination.

Tip: you can use an old blanket as a kind of screen, stretching it wet at a distance of two to three meters from the window opening. It will absorb a significant amount of dust, and later you can simply throw it away.

Preparing window openings

Before installing plastic windows, it is necessary to remove the old frames from the wall opening. To do this, installers use a hammer drill, an electric jigsaw and a crowbar. GOST 30971–2002 requires the contractor to pre-prepare openings for window units: thoroughly clean the surface and eliminate existing defects. GOST also requires the presence of false quarters at the openings into which plastic windows are installed. They are necessary to form a three-layer assembly seam.

Help: quarters are protrusions designed to protect seams from external adverse influences. In their absence, so-called false quarters are created, usually made from metal or plastic corners.

Three layers of construction seam when installing PVC windows

Regardless of the materials chosen by the installers of plastic window blocks, according to the rules, any installation seam must contain three layers.

  • The outer layer should protect the remaining seam materials from moisture. At the same time, it must allow air to pass through to ventilate the insulation. In most cases, pre-compressed sealing tapes (PSLS) are used to form this layer. Before installing the window frame into the opening, it is covered with these tapes. Subsequently, they expand and cover all gaps between the frame and the wall opening. PSULs are ideal for installation work in new houses where the geometry of the wall openings is not disturbed. But if the slopes are uneven or plastered, then certain problems may arise when using such a protective material. According to GOST 30971–2002, when installing PVC window blocks, it is allowed to use various types of sealants, for example, silicone.

Important! The sealant should not be applied directly to the foam and should only cover two sides of the seam.

  • The middle layer provides thermal insulation. To fill it, polyurethane foam is used, which is selected based on the climate of the area. It is necessary to fill the seam with it in such a way that you do not have to cut off the excess from the street side: such manipulations make it easier for moisture to get into this layer. If there is a need to apply several layers of foam, then the time interval between the formation of each of them should be maintained in accordance with the rules defined by GOST.
  • The inner layer protects the insulation from moisture from the room. It consists of vapor barrier tapes. Care should be taken to correctly calculate the overlap of such a tape, which should be at least half the width of the material. You should also avoid creating wrinkles when laying the tape. Most often, installers use tape with a protective coating applied on the inside, but if the window openings are plastered, it is better to choose tape with an external coating.

How should the window block be attached?

When installing a window block, ensure a sufficient gap between the window profile and the wall opening. The gap will not only allow all work on filling the seams to be carried out efficiently, but will also compensate for possible changes in the geometry of the window caused by temperature fluctuations.

There are rules for the location of fasteners:

  • for white PVC window frames, the maximum distance between them is no more than 700 mm;
  • if the window frame is colored, then this distance is reduced to 600 mm;
  • fastening elements must be located at a distance of at least 150 mm from corners and joints;
  • wooden blocks used for preliminary fixation of the window must be pre-treated with antiseptic materials, their height must be at least 20 mm;
  • in most cases, window frames are secured with dowels and anchors, which are driven into the wall to a depth of 40 mm.

Important! All fasteners must have an anti-corrosion coating, usually stainless or chrome-plated steel.

What else should the contractor do after installing the window?

Without knowing the GOST standards, many customers believe that the contractor’s responsibilities end after the installation of the window unit is completed. And companies that install PVC windows take advantage of this, making their work easier. In fact, the contractor is additionally required to perform the following actions:

The importance of proper window installation

Correct installation of a plastic window will allow you to avoid typical problems that arise from improper installation. These include:

  • Insufficient thermal insulation of the structure, the formation of so-called cold bridges.
  • The appearance of mold and mildew due to poor waterproofing or insufficient vapor permeability of the installation seam.
  • The appearance of distortions in the sashes or window frames caused by insufficient thermal clearance or incorrect placement of fasteners.

If all the rules prescribed by GOST are followed, a plastic window can last up to 20 years without losing its characteristics.

Until 2003, the installation of PVC windows and balcony blocks was not regulated by the state. Window installation specialists were guided by the technology proposed by the manufacturers of these structures. Whether she was wrong or not is difficult to judge. But the number of complaints about freezing, blowing and leaking frames exceeded acceptable limits. In order to eliminate these problems, GOST 3071-2002 was adopted at the beginning of March 2003, and the installation of windows in accordance with GOST became mandatory.

What is installation of a PVC window according to GOST

The introduction of a document regulating the installation of window seams and connections at one time caused a lot of controversy and disagreement. Window installation companies were dissatisfied with the upcoming costs of purchasing additional materials and increasing labor costs.

The fact is that the state standard has approved several standards requiring the use in installation of materials that were not previously used, or were used reluctantly. This entailed an increase in the cost of the work of the performers and, accordingly, the consumer. Which, it was believed, could lead to a decrease in demand for window services.

But the worries were in vain. It was consumers who were the first to appreciate the benefits of GOST. Which is not surprising, since the document is entirely focused on improving the operating conditions of window and balcony units. What are these improvements?

  1. Installation of plastic windows in accordance with GOST with steam and waterproofing of gaps. The document provided a definition of an assembly seam, indicating the materials required for its construction. Now the correct seam should consist of three layers: outer, waterproofing and vapor-permeable.
  2. Recommended clearance parameters are indicated.
  3. Requirements for surface preparation have been determined.
  4. Acceptance rules have been established.
  5. The maximum permissible distances between attachment points are indicated. For a plastic profile this is 70 mm.
  6. A list of actions for testing the quality of structures is given.
  7. The maximum service life of the materials used is indicated: at least 20 years.

We did not ignore such an important element of the window design as the ebb. According to GOST, it is now protected from below with diffusion tape made of polyester. This ensures strong fixation of the metal sheet to the wall and frame. The presence of a tape on the lower ebb plane significantly reduces the noise from raindrops.

Application of standards in practice

Since March 2003, installers began to work in accordance with accepted standards. But for a consumer unfamiliar with the intricacies of this work, the question inevitably arises: what does it mean to install a window according to GOST? Knowing the answers will help you track the correctness of the installation and ensure its quality. The first thing you need to know is that all seams of the window unit should now consist of three parts.

  1. The central one is made of polyurethane foam, which has high frost and moisture resistance.
  2. The outer one is made of waterproofing tape.
  3. The inner one is made of vapor barrier tape.

The basic principle of installation can be explained as follows: the inner part of the seam must have low thermal conductivity, and the side parts protecting it must have vapor permeability. In this case, if moisture penetrates the polyurethane foam, it will freely escape in the form of steam and will not cause harm to the insulating layer (spray foam).

Advantages of installation

There are several advantages compared to conventional professional installation. But they are all so important that it is unwise to ignore them.

  1. Subject to compliance with all Gosstandart standards, freezing and leakage of seams is excluded. Consequently, and window frames.
  2. The possibility of mold and mildew formation is excluded.
  3. The insulating layer (spray foam) is protected from moisture and will not collapse prematurely. If installed incorrectly, with no protective tapes, yellowing of the foam can be observed. Under the influence of moisture, its structure becomes loose and destruction processes begin. Such foam loses its thermal insulation properties with all that it entails: the windows begin to freeze, leak, and are no longer a reliable barrier to the wind.
  4. The ebb is connected to the wall more tightly by the frame, which provides an additional thermal insulation effect and increases the service life of the window unit.

There is another important advantage of complying with the requirements of Gosstandart. If the consumer remains dissatisfied with the quality of installation and orders an independent examination service, the company that installed this window will, at best, face re-installation. And the worst thing is considerable expenses.

Materials required when installing windows

Among installers of plastic windows, GOST 3071-2012 is called “tape”. This is due to the fact that, in accordance with the requirements of this document, it is necessary to protect the seams with “ribbons” - narrow-width products: vapor barrier, self-expanding and diffusion.

Materials for installing plastic windows according to GOST:

  • PSUL tapes (self-expanding sealing);
  • GPL (vapor barriers), made of butyl rubber or aluminum foil, for internal protection of seams;
  • diffusion polyester for external protection.

PSUL tapes are a self-expanding material and are sold in rolls. During installation, it is extremely important to choose the degree of increase in the volume of the tape. This indicator is always indicated on the packaging. So, for gaps 10 mm wide, you need to choose a tape with an expansion range of 30-40 units. The most popular brands of tapes are Profband, PSUL-EUROBAND, Liplent, Robiband.

Polyethylene tape GPL (water vapor barrier) is made on the basis of foam rubber. On one side there is an adhesive base, in the middle there is a vapor-permeable material, on the other side there is a laminated base and inserts made of metallized material (foil). The purpose of these tapes is to reflect heat back into the room and protect the polyurethane foam from moisture. Popular brands: TYTAN Professional, KLEBEBANDER, “Germetic-Abris”.

Diffusion tapes are laid under the tide to protect the seam from moisture on the outside of the window. These materials are also made from butyl rubber, but they have two adhesive bases: on each side. Therefore, the protective material is firmly glued to both the ebb and the opening. Popular brands: HAUSER, Robiband, Ultima, WS.

Installation technology according to GOST

Installation of plastic windows in accordance with GOST 30971-2012, the step-by-step technology of which is proposed, can be done independently.

Step 1: Use a stiff bristle brush or paint brush to sweep away dust and debris.

Step 2. The seams between the bricks are leveled with moisture-resistant putty.

Step 3. Cover the putty with a layer of primer.

Step 4. Open the window unit and remove the sash.

Step 5. Remove the stand profile from the bottom of the frame.

Step 6. Glue the PSUL at the junction of the frame and the stand profile.

Step 7. If you are installing a balcony block, remove the connecting profile from the outside of the frame. At the junction with the opening, PSUL tape is glued along the entire perimeter. If you install a window, immediately glue the tape around its perimeter.

Step 8. Take a simple pencil and a tape measure. Mark the attachment points on the PVC profile. In accordance with the requirements of the standard, the distance between these points should not exceed 70 cm. The hole should be 150-180 mm from the corner of the frame.

Step 9. Drill holes. The diameter of the drill must be smaller than the diameter of the bolt or self-tapping screw.

Step 10. Support blocks are installed on the opening, which will be located under the frame.

Step 11. Insert the frame and fix it with self-tapping screws.

Step 12. From the street side, mark the places where the PSUL is attached.

Step 13. Remove the frame and, with a shift of 0.5 cm from the markings, glue the PSUL.

Step 14. Install the starting profile for the slopes on the frame.

Step 15. Cover the frame with GPL tape on the inside.

Step 16. Install the frame and level it. Drill holes in the wall for dowels and perform final fixation.

Step 17. Install the sashes.

Step 18. Fill the seam with polyurethane foam.

Step 19. After 15-20 minutes, the GPL tape is aligned along the slopes.

Step 20. GPL is installed under the window sill.

Step 21. Install the window sill.

Step 22. A diffusion tape is installed under the low tide.

Step 23. Attach the ebb.

Installing a window according to GOST, the instructions for which are given above, is a simple task. If you comply with all the requirements of Gosstandart, the window openings will be reliably insulated and sealed.
P.S. And for dessert, I suggest watching a video: Window installation according to GOST

Installing PVC windows in compliance with the rules given in GOST 30971, adopted in 2012, will allow you to significantly extend their service life, avoid glass fogging and protect window openings from dampness. You can find out how to install a plastic window according to GOST, and what materials to use for this, by reading our article.

For high-quality and fast work you will need the following set of tools:

  • Hammer.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Drill-driver.
  • Nail puller.
  • Sledgehammer.
  • Level.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Pencil.
  • "Bulgarian".
  • Silicone gun.
  • Square.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Spatula.
  • Slick.
  • Rubber hammer.
  • Pliers.
  • Brush.

  • Depending on the type of window opening and window model, you may need additional tools not included in the list.

    In addition to tools, to install a plastic window you must have the following consumables:

    • PSUL is a pre-compressed self-expanding sealing tape. PSUL has different thickness and width and is designed to hide the external foam seam.
    • Vapor barrier tapes are needed to hide the foam seam indoors. Tapes can be metallized or fabric-based. Metallized tapes are used for “dry” finishing of window openings (plastic slopes, plasterboard or PVC panels). Vapor barrier tape on a fabric basis, intended for water-based finishing materials (plaster, gypsum, etc.).
    • Diffusion tape– needed as a lining under the window cornice. This tape has the ability to allow air to pass through, but not water to pass through.
    • Substrate under the window sill– this is a tape on a metallized base, with a layer of insulation, which serves as a heat and vapor barrier.
    • Anchor plates– window fastenings connecting the frame to the window opening. Anchor plates allow you to secure a window in an opening without through holes in the frame.
    • Self-tapping screws - secure the anchor plates to the window.
    • Dowel screws – connect the anchor plates to the window opening.
    • Primer composition– intended for surface treatment where vapor barrier tapes are glued.
    • Wooden wedges– needed for intermediate fastening of the window in the opening and setting the level.
    • Stand profile– is attached to the bottom of the frame and serves as a stand under the window and a mount for the cornice and window sill.
    • Plastic window sill– comes complete with the window, but if desired, can be replaced with window sills made of other materials.
    • Drain - rarely included in the basic kit of a plastic window, usually ordered separately.
    • Polyurethane foam - used to fill seams and as an additional fastening element.

    Preparatory work


    If it is necessary to dismantle the old window, perform the following steps:

  1. Remove all sashes from their hinges.
  2. Remove the glazing beads and remove the glass from the fixed sections of the window.
  3. Detach the trim, drain and sill from the frame.
  4. Remove the mortar and foam between the frame and the window opening.
  5. Using a grinder, cut off all frame fastenings.
  6. Pull the frame out of the opening.
  7. Remove any remaining foam and mortar from the frame location.

Window preparation

Before installing a plastic window in the opening, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work:

  1. Remove the window sashes from their hinges by knocking out the awning rods using a hammer and screwdriver.
  2. Remove the glass panes from the fixed sections of the window. To do this, you need to knock out the glazing beads from the mounting grooves; this can be done using a rubber hammer and a wide chisel or spatula.
  3. Attach the support profile to the bottom crossbar of the frame. When connecting the profile and frame, use PSUL as a spacer between them.
  4. Install anchor strips around the perimeter of the window. The tapes are screwed to the frame and stand profile using screws. For ease of installation, lead the ends of the anchor strips indoors. Depending on the size of the window, from 2 to 4 fasteners are installed on each side of the frame.
  5. Glue the PSUL onto the top and side posts of the frame, so that the tape protects the outer seam after filling it with foam.
  6. Apply diffusion tape to the support profile on the outside of the window.
  7. To protect the inside of the seams, apply vapor barrier tape to the frame.

Installation of a window in an opening

After all the preparatory work, install the frame in the window opening:

  1. Secure the frame in the opening using wedges.
  2. Check the correct horizontal and vertical position of the frame with a level.
  3. Having aligned the frame in the correct position, through the holes in the anchor strips, mark the places for the dowel screws.
  4. After drilling holes with a hammer drill, secure the frame in the window opening using anchor strips.
  5. Using a brush and primer, treat the areas where vapor barrier tapes and PSULs are glued.
  6. Fill the space between the frame and the window opening with low expansion foam.
  7. After the foam has dried, trim off any excess.
  8. Glue the PSUL and vapor barrier tape to the window opening.

Installation of drain and window sill

  1. Spread the diffusion tape and place the drain on it.
  2. Attach the drain to the stand profile using self-tapping screws.
  3. Cut the window sill according to the shape of the window opening slopes.
  4. In the place where the window sill will be located, lay metallized tape with insulation.
  5. Insert the window sill into the support profile and secure it with screws.
  6. Seal the gaps between the frame, drain and window sill with silicone sealant.

Final works

  1. Insert double-glazed windows into the window sections, securing them with glazing beads.
  2. Place the sashes in their places.
  3. Check the operation of the window handles and mechanisms.

The plastic window is installed, all that remains is to finish the opening slopes and then remove the protective film.

You can also view detailed instructions for installing a plastic window using GOST standards in the video:

The necessity and obligation of absolute formalization of the entire production and technical process of manufacturing plastic windows, starting from the moment of placing an order and ending with the acceptance and delivery activities carried out after installation of the finished product at the facility specified by the customer, has long been recognized. Germany, being a pioneer in the development and implementation of regulatory documents regulating the production and installation of plastic windows according to GOST, demonstrated by its positive example a sharp decrease in the number of complaints regarding the quality of finished products after the implementation and enforcement of the standard regulating the installation of PVC windows.

Back in 2003, Gosstroy introduced a similar document aimed at formalizing installation work, as well as customer-contractor relations. However, these norms were advisory in nature and not mandatory. For quite a long period of time, GOST 30971-2002 (installation of PVC windows according to GOST) cluttered the archives, being completely unnecessary for the domestic manufacturer of plastic windows and of no interest to customers. In 2008, GOST R 52749-2007 was developed and came into force, which essentially became the reception of GOST 30971-2002. The adoption of the new standard was initiated by the State Construction Committee in connection with the implementation of a government project aimed at energy saving and energy efficiency.

So far, the mandatory GOST R 52749-2007 standard has not led to significant results. This document is still unprofitable for most companies involved in the installation of plastic windows, since it requires additional costs for materials and installation, tightening control over every action of the installation team, formalizes the rights of the customer and, of course, the responsibilities of the contractor. There are certain rules for installing windows that must be followed.
It should also be noted, to everyone’s regret, that most people do not have experience in resolving conflict situations with the help of administrative courts, and the judicial authorities themselves are susceptible to corruption, in addition, the majority of customers do not even suspect the existence, not to mention the contents of GOST 30971 -2002 and GOST R 52749-2007 (installation of plastic windows according to GOST). This entire information “vacuum” is skillfully maintained by some installation companies, which are silent about the specifics of installation in accordance with the above regulatory documents, and sometimes interpret their contents in their favor.

Installation of PVC windows GOST

So, the customer should be aware of the following nuances of installing plastic windows, regulated by regulations:

  • installation of PVC windows according to GOST must be formalized by an agreement concluded after the contractor has carried out the necessary thermophysical calculations in relation to specific wall openings, selected the optimal installation scheme and, of course, agreed it directly with the customer;
  • After the installation is completed, the customer must receive an installation passport, which should indicate the installation diagram, what materials were used to make the installation joints, their thermophysical characteristics, as well as the installer’s warranty. If the need arises and the corresponding requirement of the customer, the contractor is obliged to provide the latter with sanitary and epidemiological reports issued for materials for assembly joints, and if such materials are included in the State Standard nomenclature - certificates of compliance with mandatory certification;
  • Before the start of the process of installing plastic windows according to GOST, wall openings must be prepared by the contractor, which includes sealing significant defects, treating loose surfaces with binders, degreasing and thoroughly cleaning the surface of the opening;
  • installation of PVC windows is not permissible in smooth openings without false quarters. As an alternative, it is possible to install plastic windows with expanded frames;
  • Installation of windows according to GOST in openings with quarters necessarily requires compliance with installation gaps of 10 to 20 mm between the frame and the quarter, and between the wall of the opening and the frame - in the range of 25 to 60 mm for white windows and from 25 to 50 mm for colored windows. If there are large gaps between the opening wall and the frame, installation gap compensators should be used, which are capable of isolating the insulation from the place where condensation may form on the wall;
  • Three-layer construction seams are required.


  1. As an outer layer, a waterproofing, vapor-proof, made from self-expanding PSUL tapes is used;
  2. The inner layer is vapor-proof, made from PSUL tapes, while in accordance with GOST 30971-2002, sealants can also be used;
  3. As an average, thermal insulation is made from construction foam, which, moreover, must correspond to the temperature regime of a specific climatic region;
  • the formation of polyurethane foam should eliminate the need to cut it from the street side, due to which, as a rule, internal pores open, and, consequently, access to the insulation of unwanted moisture is facilitated. In the case of blowing foam in two or several layers, each of them must be maintained in time according to the instructions for PVC windows GOST;
  • Installation of drip tides requires special care so as not to accidentally seal the drainage holes located on the outside of the window;
  • outside, noise-absorbing pads should be placed under the ebb tides, and a dense insert made of sawmill material and treated with an antiseptic should be placed under the window sill;
  • Using plastic or wooden liners, treated with an antiseptic and placed at angles, preliminary fixation of plastic windows is carried out. Fastening elements are placed at a distance of 150-180 mm from the internal corners of the frame and 120-180 mm from the joints of the impost. The maximum permissible distance between fasteners is 600 mm for colored windows and 700 mm for white windows. The internal slope should not only be decorated, but also insulated using waterproofing from the wall of the opening, as well as vapor barrier from the side of the room.

Upon completion of installation, the following actions should be performed:

  • the sashes must be adjusted;
  • the overlap of the sashes is checked;
  • the clamping of the valves must also be adjusted;
  • in a situation where the sealing rubber does not meet in the corners of the beads, the installer must seal the resulting gap using colorless silicone sealant;
  • the remnants of the protective film are removed;
  • the operation of the fittings is checked;
  • garbage, which necessarily accompanies the installation of plastic windows according to state regulations, is collected and removed.

Unfortunately, builders and installers interpret the rules regulated by the above regulatory documents as: I want to do it, I don’t want to, I don’t do it. Moreover, a company that follows such recommendations and standards ultimately increases the cost of the installed window unit, thereby reducing its own competitiveness. However, the customer must require the installation of plastic windows in accordance with the GOST window rules regulated by state standards, which, by the way, recommend a warranty period for work of this kind of five years. Installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST will ensure their reliability, safety and long service life.

Video of window installation according to GOST Video can"t be loaded: Installation of plastic windows according to GOST (

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