Job responsibilities sales manager They seem to come down to one thing - to sell. But in reality, a significant part of sales staff’s working time is spent on paperwork - documents, invoices, reports, control, and the job description of a sales manager necessarily includes all these tasks. Take our sample job description for a sales manager as a basis and adapt it to your company.

Job Description for Sales Manager
(Job description for sales manager)

General manager
Last name I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General provisions

1.1. A sales manager belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. A sales manager is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the general director of the company.
1.3. The sales manager reports directly to the company's commercial director / head of the sales department / regional sales manager.
1.4. During the absence of the sales manager, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, as announced in the order of the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of sales manager: education - higher or incomplete higher education, experience in similar work of at least one year.
1.6. The sales manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- The company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a sales manager

The Sales Manager performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. Searches for potential clients.
2.2. Conducts commercial negotiations with clients.
2.3. Receives and processes customer orders and prepares necessary documents.
2.4. Finds out customer needs for products sold by the company and coordinates orders with the client in accordance with his needs and the availability of the range.
2.5. Motivates customers to work with the company in accordance with approved sales promotion programs.
2.6. Draws up a monthly sales plan.
2.7. Maintains reporting on sales and shipments to the company's clients.
2.8. Participates in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the sales department.
2.9. Maintains a client base.
2.10. Controls the shipment of products to customers.
2.11. Controls payment by customers for goods under concluded contracts.

3. Rights of a sales manager

The sales manager has the right:
3.1. Receive information, including confidential information, to the extent necessary to solve assigned tasks.
3.2. Submit proposals to management to improve your work and that of the company.
3.3. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents generated as a result of the company’s activities.
3.4. Make decisions within your competence.

4. Responsibility of the sales manager

The sales manager is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform and/or untimely, negligent performance of one’s official duties.
4.2. For failure to comply with current instructions, orders and regulations on maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Every modern organization has managers. What is their job? Who are they? What does a manager do? Different companies interpret the responsibilities of this specialist differently. Somewhere he is an ordinary salesman, and somewhere he is a manager. If we take economic theory as a basis, then a manager is the manager of a company (director, boss, supervisor). The modern labor market includes many concepts of the managerial profession. Here are some of them:

  1. HR Director.
  2. Sales Manager.
  3. Tourism specialist.
  4. Project Manager.
  5. Top manager.

In other words, a person with higher education and leadership skills is a manager. Let's take a closer look at what he does.

Universal profession

A human resources manager, or HR manager, works with personnel. However, the functions of such a specialist vary from company to company. Responsibilities may include recruiting personnel (independent search, publishing advertisements on job sites, conducting interviews, assessing candidates, preparing specialized tests) and working with existing employees (conducting trainings aimed at personal and professional growth, selecting employees for the personnel reserve, etc. .) A sales manager is a salesperson.

It is he who is responsible for sales at the enterprise. What does a manager do? This includes an independent search for clients, the formation of a database, direct sale of goods and services, maintaining contact with existing clients, preparing all the necessary documentation for the transaction, explaining to clients the conditions and features of the products offered, developing an individual offer, etc. For this position, mobile, active , flexible, competent, correct, sociable person.

What does a tourism manager do??

Selling services and advising clients are also the responsibilities of a tourism manager. Such a specialist must know a lot of geographical information, as well as possess data on the cultural, climatic, and political characteristics of countries. At the same time, a person in this position must understand the client well and know what he needs. He needs all this to communicate competently with clients. Often in travel agencies there is a division of destinations.

The specialist involved in the distribution of roles in the project is a project manager, whose responsibilities are to rationally plan and organize the work of all employees. Moreover, despite the fact that he is not directly involved in the work, all responsibility for the project lies with him. A person holding such a position in a company must be a truly competent specialist, capable of delineating responsibilities and solving non-standard issues.

Top manager. Who is this?

A top manager is a management level, above which only the founder or owner of the company can be. What does a manager do? This includes organizing the work of other managers, setting specific goals on which the further activities of divisions and departments are based, and much more. The salaries of top managers are quite high, along with the responsibility.

When asked what a manager does, most citizens of our country will not be able to give a complete and correct answer. They associate the position presented primarily with trade. This stereotype was formed back in the 90s, when no one knew economic terminology and company owners invited “sales managers” to work, who were actually sales agents.

Even today there are advertisements in newspapers and on employment websites with similar errors. The main purpose of this article is to explain to readers who a manager is and what his responsibilities are. By carefully studying the information presented, you will get rid of erroneous stereotypes and be able to understand how the profession of “manager” corresponds to your education, experience and temperament.

In economic theory, there are quite a few definitions of the profession presented, but if we highlight the main meaning, then we can say that a manager is a specialist who manages the company’s employees and is responsible for the rational use of all its resources. To achieve serious success while working in this position, you need to have a good understanding of financial issues and psychology, know the basics of marketing and not get confused in legal terminology. That is, a manager is a person with the appropriate education who manages people and allocates resources in such a way that the company receives maximum income.

If we take into account the listed nuances, we can conclude that in our country most of the “managers” have nothing to do with the profession represented. It’s just that employers, when composing an advertisement for a vacant position, use the term “manager” to attract the attention of competent specialists who are looking for work. But the person who goes to grocery stores offering to conclude an agreement for the supply of tea, coffee or cookies is a sales agent, not a manager.

This profession, depending on the level of issues being resolved and functional responsibilities, has three categories:

    first group– managers who manage small teams and control the use of resources (foremen, foremen, etc.);

    representatives of the third group– heads of enterprises and their deputies, who are the first people in the company, they decide all important issues and are responsible for the effective work of all employees.

Depending on the specifics of the activities of representatives of this profession, the following areas are distinguished::

    Sales Manager. Manages sales agents, develops new working methods and ways to attract clients, sets sales plans for his subordinates and comes up with incentive mechanisms for company employees.

    HR Manager. Performs functions that were previously the responsibility of the personnel manager. Responsible for personnel, training new employees, and also monitors compliance with labor laws.

    Personal manager. Works with a specific client to ensure that all firm obligations are met.

    Office Manager– a specialist who coordinates the work of caretakers, secretaries, couriers, cleaners and other employees involved in office life support issues. Representatives of this profession must ensure that all employees are provided with office supplies, that computers, faxes and other equipment are working, and that the premises are kept clean and tidy.

Manager functions

In order to better understand and remember what management is and who a manager is, let's consider the main functions that relate to management.

    Administrative. A manager must be able to form the company's staff, select the best employees, identify staff shortcomings, organize their work, distribute responsibilities, and also deal with issues of training and advanced training of company employees.

    Expert advisory. The manager must perfectly know the economic state of the company in which he works, have information about all stages of production, understand how the equipment functions in order to be ready at any time to answer questions from the company’s employees.

    Strategic. The manager must constantly monitor who is working, how accurately management tasks are being carried out, but at the same time he is obliged to treat all employees of the enterprise with respect, regardless of their position.

    Psychotherapeutic. The manager must not only give tasks to his subordinates and monitor the progress of their implementation, but also be able to support employees, make them feel confident, and during work nothing distracts them from performing their duties.

    Educational. The manager must help new employees quickly integrate into the team, and also instill in his subordinates moral principles, hard work, responsibility, initiative, etc. Naturally, all this must be supported by personal example.

    Communication-regulatory. Company managers must provide timely important information related to its activities, focusing not only on the effective operation of their department, but also on the priority goals of the entire company.

    Innovative. One of the main functions of a modern manager is the constant search for new ways and methods of production and personnel management. To do this, you need to carefully follow all the news that has at least some relation to the company’s activities.

    Disciplinary. This function involves the use of both punishments (they must be justified and fair) and incentives. Using different methods of motivation will only help you increase productivity if they can actually interest people. Personal gratitude and a handshake from the general director are unlikely to have the same effect as a trip to the sea for the whole family.

The functions presented relate primarily to personnel issues, but this is only part of the manager’s responsibilities. He must deal not only with personnel, but also with the finances of the company, the supply of raw materials, the sale of finished products, production processes, etc.

Enterprise management is inextricably linked with the performance of the following functions:

    Planning. The implementation of this function begins with a detailed analysis of the company’s position and an assessment of its capabilities. The manager must conduct a study of the market situation, make a list of its resources, determine where the strengths of the enterprise are and what needs to be worked on, etc. Based on the data obtained, the manager sets goals for his company, taking into account the influence (mostly unfavorable) of external factors, such as competition, exchange rates, wages in the industry. The final stage of planning is defining tasks for all employees of the company, the implementation of which will allow achieving the set goals.

    Organization of work. This includes: formation of the necessary structure of the enterprise, training of personnel, provision of employees with the necessary equipment and tools.

    Motivation. The use of economic and moral incentives in order to motivate employees to perform their assigned duties efficiently and in a timely manner. People from the early days of the capitalist system until the twentieth century believed that money was the only valid way to motivate any workers. In fact, man turned out to be not as primitive as our ancestors thought. Therefore, to effectively stimulate a company’s employees, it is necessary to use different methods, which depend on the individual characteristics of each of them.

    Control. When the mechanism is launched, all employees perform the assigned tasks, each employee is really interested in doing everything at the highest level and on time, all that remains is to control this process. To do this, you need to make a list of goals with specific dates for achieving them. The second stage of control is a comparison of the results obtained with what was planned on paper. And the last stage is eliminating deficiencies or adjusting the plan, taking into account the results obtained.

    Coordination. One of the key functions of management, the essence of which is to coordinate all the actions of divisions, workshops, teams or departments of the enterprise, by establishing communications between them. In simple terms, this function eliminates the occurrence of situations similar to the plot of a famous fable, when everyone pulls the cart in their own direction. All divisions and individual units work in harmony, quickly exchange news, achievements or problems, which allows you to implement the most important task of the enterprise on time and with minimal expenditure of resources.

Carrying out organizational and administrative activities

To ensure coordinated work of the team (one of the tasks of management), the use of economic levers alone is not enough. This statement was known in our country back in the days when they did not know who a manager was. Organizational and administrative methods complement economic incentives and allow managers to decide the responsibilities assigned to them. They are based on the manager’s legal rights, his power, authority, as well as his own responsibility. The presented methods are implemented orally or in writing (orders, instructions, recommendations).

Today, the main form of official relations is the order. It can be oral or written, is mandatory for the performer, and should not go beyond the competence of both the manager and the subordinate.

In addition, the order must be provided with adequate resources and information, it must be precisely worded (without alternative meaning) and it must be possible to verify the level and quality of its implementation.

Depending on the degree of importance, urgency and volume of tasks assigned, the order can be oral, written or mixed. When it is necessary to quickly resolve some simple issue, the manager gives a verbal order, and when it is necessary to complete a number of different tasks, a written document is drawn up. Practice shows that it is better to record important orders on paper.

Directives may be democratic or directive. In the first case, it is a request, recommendation or call for volunteers, and in the second, it is a command or order.

If you hold the position of manager and you need to give an important order to a subordinate, follow these recommendations:

    accurately and in detail formulate the tasks that the employee must perform;

    make sure you are understood;

    When giving orders, think about how you will control the progress of the assigned tasks;

    try never to change tasks while they are being completed;

    do not allow promising employees to do the same type and monotonous work (a capable employee should bring maximum benefit to the enterprise);

    set specific deadlines for completion (date, time, not in 2-3 days);

    when a task is given to a group of people, provide the opportunity for the whole team to discuss this issue;

    You should not give a task to a worker who reports to another manager;

    if the order is intended for a group of performers, do not forget to appoint someone responsible for the results (then resolve all issues only with him).

After reading this article, you learned what exactly a professional manager does and what qualities he must have in order to fulfill his duties, and also saw how different the concept of “manager” in our country is from its real meaning.

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I. General provisions

1. A customer service manager belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person with a higher education and work experience in the field of sales of at least 1 - 2 years is appointed to the position of Customer Service Manager.

3. Appointment to the position of Customer Service Manager and dismissal from it is made by order of the General Director of the Enterprise on the recommendation of the Branch Director, with the consent of the Commercial Director.

4. The account manager must know:

4.1. Basic legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on sales organization.

4.2. Methods and procedures for developing long-term and current sales plans.

4.3. State and prospects for the development of textile and fabric markets.

4.4. Methods for studying demand for goods of the Enterprise's product ranges.

4.5. Rules for concluding and executing contracts for the supply of products.

4.6. Standards and technical conditions for the production and storage of textiles and fabrics.

4.7. Requirements of federal and local authorities for organizing trade.

4.8. Organization of accounting of sales operations and preparation of reports on the implementation of the implementation plan.

5. The Customer Service Manager reports directly to the Branch Director and carries out his orders.

6. During the absence of the Customer Service Manager (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the Director of the Branch, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Account Manager:

1.Serves clients in the office of a Branch of the Enterprise.

2. Conducts all necessary negotiations with clients, introduces Buyers to the range of products, their consumer properties, prices, discounts, terms of sale, payment procedures, issuance and loading of goods.

3. Monitors the availability of a full range of demonstration samples, takes measures to replace and complete them.

4. Conducts documentation of the purchase in strict accordance with the rules adopted by the Enterprise, calculating the total cost of the purchase taking into account current discounts.

5. Controls the payment for a completed order, monitors the correctness of the payment by the client.

6.Organizes the reservation of goods according to customer requests,, if necessary, organizes order completion, places an order for the delivery of the required quantity and range of products from the central warehouse of the Enterprise.

7. If it is impossible to complete the order from the Company’s assortment, he orders the missing product to the supervising manager of the Regional Policy Department or the Production Department.

8. Enters information about new Buyers into the database, maintains sales history for each client of the Branch, and, within the framework of the rules and regulations in force at the Enterprise, determines the amount of discounts and trading bonuses for clients.

9. Participates in the formation of an application for stocking the Branch’s warehouse with the necessary products, taking into account demand and local conditions.

10. Conducts information collection and marketing activities in accordance with the instructions of authorized persons, draws up all necessary reports.

11. Ensures timely execution of sales documentation, preparation of the required sales reports, on the implementation of the sales plan, accounting for the fulfillment of orders and contracts.

12.Carry out official assignments from his immediate supervisor and direct superiors.

III. Rights

The Customer Service Manager has the right to:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the Enterprise management regarding the sale of products.

2. Submit proposals for improving product sales for consideration by the Head of the Sales Department, Commercial Director.

3. Interact with employees of all structural divisions of the enterprise.

4. Inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the activities of the Enterprise identified during the performance of your official duties and make proposals for their elimination.

IV. Responsibility

The Account Manager is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The criteria for evaluating the activities of the Client Relationship Manager are:

1. Implementation of a personal sales plan

2.Expansion of trade turnover in a designated area, district, sector.

1. Timely and impeccable registration of product sales.

2. Absence of justified claims from Buyers

3. No interruptions in customer service.

In my opinion, the profession of a sales manager gives a person the greatest opportunities - both in terms of earnings and growth in the company. A person who has worked in sales clearly understands what the client needs, and can then move on to technology, marketing or management.

In this article I will try to make a detailed description of the profession of sales manager, highlight all the advantages and disadvantages.

1. The main thing in the profession is clients

Today, the main thing is customers, and producing or delivering a product (service) is a secondary matter. Some do not even produce it themselves, but outsource this troublesome task. For example, a company is promoting a new brand of vodka, and orders production from various factories. Online stores often have neither a warehouse nor their own couriers. They simply sell the goods and ship them from the warehouse of the wholesale supplier, ordering a courier from a third party.

Whoever has contact with the client calls the tune. It’s not without reason that in order to supply goods to chain supermarkets, you need to pay for “entrance.” In fact, payment is taken for access to the consumer. The sales manager plays the same role in the company. In his hands is access to the consumer. If the company does not satisfy his consumers or the manager himself, he takes his clients and goes to another manufacturer of a service or product.

The profession of a sales manager is unique. Today it is the most popular and in demand. It's a profession that seems like anyone can do. Many students get jobs as sales managers, because often for a specialist without experience this is almost the only chance to plunge into the world of corporate reality. On the other hand, sales positions employ the largest number of people who are absolutely incompetent in these very sales. Nothing can be done - this is the fate of any super-popular thing, including the profession described.

2. Who is the profession suitable for?

Despite the fact that a person with any education and experience can start working as a manager, not everyone can become truly successful salespeople. And this practically does not depend on education or previous experience. No, of course, education and knowledge in some areas can contribute to successful sales, but the determining factors, after all, are a person’s personal characteristics. Which? It's a long story. If you're interested, you can go through. The test analyzes the description of 15 personality factors and determines predisposition to certain types of sales.

3. What is the job of a manager?

This is where the fun begins. These can be professions that involve performing a number of functions.

  • Contact center operators.

Description of the task: checking the availability of goods at the base and issuing an invoice. They do not understand products, characters, or methods of persuasion—any person can perform their task.

  • Storekeepers.

Description of the task: issuing goods from the warehouse (possibly issuing an invoice and receiving money).

  • IT operators.

Task Description: People who process email requests. They are no longer connected to clients in any way.

  • Cashiers.

Description of the task: receiving money, and another manager (warehousekeeper) handles the shipment of goods.

  • Accountant or 1C operator.

Description of the task: issuing documents for goods or services.

  • Sales representatives.

Task Description: Receiving orders from store employees. These are no longer just managers, these are already super-managers.

  • Sales consultants

Sales managers are also called pre-sale specialists who have in-depth knowledge about the client’s product or business and provide technical consultation.

People who travel by train and metro. They sell products, which means they are also sales managers.

Baba Klava is in the sausage department - and she is the sales manager.

A network marketing participant is also called a sales manager.

A credit specialist who assesses a client's creditworthiness is also called a sales manager.

Couriers are also often the best sales managers. They transfer the goods to the client and receive money for it.

The woman at the post office, who tells pensioners which way to turn the line at the post office, is also a prominent representative of the sales manager.

Office plankton is the most common type of sales manager. He finds clients or answers incoming calls, prepares documents and can even monitor shipments. Sometimes he is an expert and can help in choosing a product.

An accounts receivable collection specialist may also be a sales manager.

And this is just the top of the layer: the profession is not subject to certification; any functions can be assigned to it. You must understand this clearly.

Who is a sales manager?

The profession of a sales manager is a profession in which a person, using his communication skills and knowledge of customer needs, concludes specific profitable transactions.

Let me explain why I give this definition.

If the courier delivered the goods and collected the money, did he use his communication skills? Unlikely: the product has been selected, the price has been determined, the person placing an order in the online store has already given his consent to the purchase. This means the courier is not a sales manager. If a person from the marketing department developed a cool product that took into account the needs of customers, brought all the possibilities to the attention of consumers, and people stood in line (as, for example, for an iPhone), then the marketer did not influence the sale of a specific product to a specific person or specific organization. This means he is not a sales manager either.

But if everything is so simple, why is the concept of the profession of a sales manager so vague? It’s very simple: to sell something you need to perform a number of functions, for example:

  • study demand, competitors, market prospects;
  • produce a product or service that meets the market;
  • search for potential customers and offer them products;
  • convince the client that the product is the best;
  • sign an agreement;
  • deliver goods or provide services;
  • provide after-sales service.

Let's say we limit the functions of a sales manager to three (3, 4, 5). But if no one in the company is involved in other functions, what should the manager do? That's right - perform the remaining functions to successfully sell.

The most striking example is a private entrepreneur. He comes up with the product himself, produces it himself, promotes it, and everything else. But the entrepreneur does not count on anyone, he understands that he is alone. However, even in large companies, it is not uncommon for a sales manager to be left alone with a client. If marketing fails, the manager has to research the market himself, monitor competitors, and compare products/services. If logistics fails, you have to control the delivery. If lawyers cannot agree with clients on the clauses of the contract, he has to resolve the situation, because most of the company's employees receive a salary regardless of whether they connect this client or not. And the sales manager receives bonuses depending on the decision of a particular client.

If you decide to connect your life with a profession, you must be ready to do the work for half the company. Well, or be a real sales star and create such connections in the company that everyone would be happy to help you connect clients. The most effective way to gain the necessary skills of a sales manager is through training, which can be completed on this site.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

      • Next

        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):