Tow for pipes is one of the most popular sealants on the Russian market. has been popular for many decades due to its low price, availability and relatively good sealing of joints under special conditions. on threads is relevant for temporary threaded connections and those located in the public domain, i.e. are always in sight, leaks are easy to detect and fix immediately. Flax compounds work up to a maximum temperature of 120-140 °C, but sometimes this figure is reduced to 70 °C. It all depends on the quality of the material and an additional sealing agent - plumbing paste.

Let's talk about the technology and rules of flax winding. How to properly wrap tow on a thread so that the sealing is sufficient for the entire shelf life of the joint? What are the tricks and professional secrets for high-quality thread sealing?

How to wind tow

This question is asked not only by the owner of an apartment where a faucet has suddenly leaked or the faucet needs to be replaced, but also by a plumber who has recently started his career. , indeed, not the simplest and most convenient material. Linen does not look aesthetically pleasing, it fluffs up and tears easily, and flax fibers constantly cling to threads or clothing. Almost weightless, they scatter around the room and, having finished the work, the plumber has to spend time finding and collecting all the threads.

Everyday life quite often forces a person to carry out minor repairs, during which rewinding is required. This could be a radiator, as well as plumbing fixtures. Every home craftsman should learn how to use tow correctly, as it will come in handy sooner or later. can be made of metal, plastic, metal-plastic or nylon; each type of material has adapters for connecting other pipes. Such connections will be discussed below.

For reference

Quite often, home craftsmen have to decide how to wind flax onto the tap thread. If you want to hermetically connect the elements of the water supply and pipes, then perform work called packing. If it is necessary to pack two pipes at right angles using a coupling, it is best to cut threads at their ends. The coupling will have internal threads and external threads. Twisting them will not be enough; for a proper connection, the threads must be sealed.

Description of flax tow

Before wrapping flax on threads, you should become more familiar with the flax fiber material used to seal threads. The product is natural, it is made from the primary processing of fine, uniform and long-fiber flax. The area of ​​use of flax tow is very wide. Depending on the manufacturing technology, the material can be tape, plumbing, jute or construction. In the latter case, we are talking about insulation, which can ensure reliable tightness of almost any connections. For its production, fully combed fibers are used, which are supplied in bales. This material is used for construction work on sealing seams, insulating the log house and laying wooden elements. It is natural, which is especially valued among those who build wooden houses. If construction tow is supplied in rolls, then it is called tape. This material is also used for caulking seams in log houses and laying crowns. The advantage of using flax is its cost. The material is much cheaper compared to any other. It is consumed economically; the fibers, although thin, have high strength. If you wind them correctly, they can be used for any type of work where any connections are used. These can be ceramic and cast iron pipes.

Additional benefits

Before you wrap flax on threads, you should know that it swells as it absorbs moisture. This allows you to increase the tightness, because the leakage has no paths. The mechanical stability of the material is quite high; it is this characteristic that makes it possible to adjust plumbing fixtures without losing the hermetic properties; connections can be unscrewed a full turn or half a turn.

Disadvantages of using flax

If you are thinking about how to wind flax on a thread, you should first become familiar with all the disadvantages of this material. The base material is organic, so it can rot when exposed to air and moisture. They can get inside during routine examinations. For this, tow is accompanied by additional material that can prevent rotting processes. This can be oil paint, sealing paste, lithol or solid oil.

In some cases, it is necessary to prepare the threads before winding, and if the material is laid in too thick a layer, this can cause damage to the connections, which is especially true for brass and bronze. If you are faced with the question of how to wind flax on a thread, you must remember that the seal being described requires the master to know the rules for winding. Related materials in combination with flax can significantly complicate disassembly, this applies to silicone or oil paint. Sometimes such additions make the installation process impossible. Flax is not suitable for use where temperatures can reach 90 °C. In such places, the material is welded and loses its sealing qualities. If you work with steel, you should definitely follow the winding technology. Otherwise, the threads may be subject to corrosion.

Winding flax onto a new thread

Before winding flax onto the thread, if it is new, you should prepare the turns. Many manufacturers today produce fittings that are already threaded, but the latter have notches that are intended for winding flax. The fact is that on a smooth thread the material can slip, it bunches up into a bunch, which leads to a violation of the seal. In order for the fibers to be able to hook, the turns must have serrations. If necessary, you can apply them with a file, a hacksaw or a file. Some craftsmen use a plumber's wrench or pliers: grasp the threads, and then apply notches with light pressure.

The main thing in this work is to achieve roughness on the turns. Before winding flax onto the thread, it is necessary to separate one strand from the whole braid. It is important to capture enough fibers so that the winding is not very thin, but it should not be thick either. Experts advise using a linen thickness that corresponds to two or one match. If there are lumps in the strands, they need to be removed, as well as small villi.

Work methodology

You can apply tow using your own technology; some experts twist it into a rope, some braid it into a loose braid, while others lay it in the form of a loose thread. The order in which additional material is applied may also vary. In some cases, you can lubricate the thread by wrapping it with fibers, and then apply another layer. Sometimes the fibers are pre-impregnated and then prepared. Both options are considered correct. If you are thinking about how to wind flax on a thread - clockwise or counterclockwise - then you can listen to the recommendations of experts, some of them wind the strands along the thread, others do the opposite. In this case, the end of the strand should be clamped with a finger outside the turns, the first turn should form a cross, this will allow the material to be fixed. There should be no gaps, you need to lay one turn to another. If you are making a connection, then excess material will be squeezed out of the fitting, this is true if you are working with an iron pipe and a steel coupling. Brass connections, which is important for those manufactured using modern technologies, burst under strong pressure.

Around the wound flax it is necessary to apply plumbing paste or any other sealing material, the movements must be rotational. The work should be as neat as possible. The second end should be glued closer to the edge of the thread, and before tightening, you need to check whether the pipe hole is filled with sealing material. Now you know, you can see photos of these works in the article. However, you will not be able to understand from them that it is necessary to tighten the elements with moderate force. If the nut goes easily, then little flax was put in. The winding will be correct if the material does not come out and the surfaces around the joint remain clean. It is not recommended to use organic tow for gas connections, this is due to the fact that under the influence of gas it and the silicone, which is used additionally, are destroyed. Here it is most appropriate to use fum tape.

Winding flax on ecoplastic products

If you are thinking about how to wind flax on a thread, then you can use the technology that is used in the case of working on ecoplastic products. This material, like brass, can burst. The main thing is not to overdo it. Before starting work, both fittings should be connected and the number of revolutions counted. The flax is wound evenly, its surface is coated with additional material, only then can the fittings be connected. If at idle you counted 5 revolutions, then after winding the tape it is best to make about 4.5 revolutions, but you do not need to reach the end. In this case, it is more advisable to use packaging paste instead of sealant.


Quite often, home craftsmen wonder how to wind flax onto a pipe thread. In this case, you should dismantle the connection and inspect the thread. You need to go through the coils with the tip of a knife or an awl; this method will allow you to get rid of accumulated debris. Before winding the tape, use a wire brush to clean the coils until you see a shine.

Tow for pipes is one of the most popular sealants on the Russian market. Linen winding has been popular for many decades due to its low price, availability and relatively good sealing of joints under special conditions. Winding flax onto threads is relevant for temporary threaded connections and those located in the public domain, i.e. are always in sight, leaks are easy to detect and fix immediately. Flax compounds work up to a maximum temperature of 120-140 °C, but sometimes this figure is reduced to 70 °C. It all depends on the quality of the material and an additional means of sealing - plumbing paste.

Let's talk about the technology and rules of flax winding. How to properly wrap tow on a thread so that the sealing is sufficient for the entire shelf life of the joint? What are the tricks and professional secrets for high-quality thread sealing?

This question is asked not only by the owner of an apartment where a faucet has suddenly leaked or the faucet needs to be replaced, but also by a plumber who has recently started his career.

Linen is indeed not the simplest and most convenient material. Linen does not look aesthetically pleasing, it fluffs up and tears easily, and flax fibers constantly cling to threads or clothing. Almost weightless, they scatter around the room and, having finished the work, the plumber has to spend time finding and collecting all the threads.

In various videos from the series on how to wind tow on a thread, there are categorical tips on preparing the thread. They touch the notches. The notches prevent flax from slipping during winding, twisting and further use. However, not in all cases.

Firstly, notches are completely unnecessary when the diameter of the pipe is larger than the thread. The protruding part of the pipe will hold back the tow.

Secondly, it makes no sense to make notches if the master is a master at handling tow and has extensive practical experience.

Thirdly, the manufacturer makes the notches on special threads in advance. If you want, this is a kind of hint to the master.

How to wind flax and how much to measure? Also a controversial and frequently asked question. And here, too, there is no universal answer. Some people advise unwinding a strand equal to the thickness of two matches. Others call the figure 5 mm. In fact, only practice will show what length and width of the strand is suitable for a thread of a particular diameter. Before you finally wind the tow on the thread, practice.

Plumbing flax (tow). How to wind flax on a thread?

Unwind several different strands, try them on and find the best option.

There are several ways. Here's the fastest one:
1. Hold the tail of the thread at the end of the thread
2. Fasten crosswise
3. Move to the beginning of the thread and lay a strand in each turn
4. Then we return to the end of the thread, making another layer
5. Fasten the tail of the thread at the beginning of the thread
6. Apply plumbing paste

For those who know well how to wind tow, the number of layers is determined by eye. In most cases, 2-3 layers are enough. The main thing is that the thread is not visible under the linen, so that it completely covers the entire surface.

Before applying the paste, check the winding density. To do this, they try to scroll the flax. It should fit snugly against the thread and not move.

Twist the connection by hand with great force and tighten it with a wrench.

In theory - nothing complicated. In practice, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a high-quality connection the first time. We advise you to make several trial options. This way you will understand how to properly wind flax on the thread, and whether it is worth using this sealant at all.

What instead of flax?

Plumbing linen, in addition to being inconvenient to apply, has a number of disadvantages:
Short shelf life of the compound - 3-5 years
Instability to aggressive environments
Work with pressure up to 6-8 atmospheres
Risk of corrosion on threads

An alternative to tow is polymer threads and anaerobic gels. Anaerobic sealants are intended for sealing threaded and flanged metal connections, and threads (winding) are also allowed to be used on plastic.

If you compare the price of flax and paste with an easy-to-use and effective modern sealant, the difference is almost unnoticeable. Just a few tens of rubles. And the connection quality, assembly speed and service life cannot even be compared.

Polymer plumbing thread and anaerobic sealants:
Approved for use in aggressive environments and drinking water systems
Withstand pressure of 40 atmospheres and above, as well as vibrations and changes
Protects threads from corrosion and leaks for 20 years
Does not require training and comes with detailed instructions
They do not dry out and retain their properties for several years after opening the package.
Forms a connection stronger than the pipes themselves

Don't know how to wind flax onto a thread? Choose sealants with which such problems will not arise.

Flax plus paste: thread sealing in plumbing and heating

Linen and paste are such an easy-to-use thing that even a beginner will not leak the first thread. So I used flax and paste when I sculpted my heating system for the first time, and not a single connection leaked. Why flax and pasta? Before that I used fulenta. And I must admit, it wasn’t always possible to get it right the first time without modifications.

What is plumbing paste

Paste is something like graphite lubricant. It’s a bit like automotive CV joint grease, but automotive grease is greasy and gets your hands very dirty.

How to properly wind flax on a thread

And the paste also gets dirty, of course, but can be washed off with soap without any problems. Linen + pasta sets are often sold in stores as a set in one package. Well, you can also buy them separately.

So let's get started. To begin with, I rolled out this flagellum from flax:

Then I coated the carving with a thin layer of paste. I smeared it directly with my finger (this is a combination coupling onto which control valves for connecting radiators were screwed):

After this, he began to wind a flax flagellum onto the thread, recessing it into the turns of the thread, trying to get the flax fibers smeared in the paste. When the second turn began, it was additionally coated with paste on top as it was wound.

In the end, this is what happened:

Only Unipak used the paste. There was another one in the store, I don’t remember what brand, half the price, but for some reason I didn’t dare buy it. The entire heating system took less than two small 65 gram tubes! And I didn’t save it, I spent as much as needed.

Each radiator has 3 1/2 inch threaded connections. There are 8 radiators in total, for a total of 24 connections.

2 plugs and 2 American plugs for a gas boiler with a 1 1/2 (one and a half) inch thread. Total 4 connections

Electric boiler: 2 adapters with threads 1 1/2 inches to 1 1/4 inches + two American ones to 1 1/4. Total 4 connections.

Two connections per dirt filter - 1 inch

Two connections for the circulation pump - 1 inch.

And little things - pressure gauge, safety valve, expansion tank, what else. That seems to be all.

For small threads (1/2 inch) very little paste is used, literally a few drops. The main expense was for boilers, filters, pumps, where there are threads of an inch or more.

The summary is this: working with flax and pasta is easy and convenient.

And the fact that your hands get dirty, and if you grab the white polypropylene pipe, then the pipe is nonsense. Hands are washed with soap, the pipe is simply wiped with a cloth.

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How to wind flax on a thread?

Hello dear homemade people.

Until now, the best winding for thread is linen. First, I will justify this statement, and then we will analyze the execution process piece by piece.

The first alternative to flax is fum tape. There are at least three reasons why it should be abandoned.

1. It is unknown who made it, despite what is indicated on the label, which means there are no guarantees of quality.

2. It takes a long time to wind it.

3. When tightening the thread, especially when installing valves, it is impossible to correct its position, that is, you can only tighten it forward. If you push it back a little, the connection on the gun will leak.

The second alternative is a Tangit unilock pipe with a lock. I won’t argue about the lock - it’s dead, but as for the key: consider that they screwed it up and threw the key away, so you can’t find it.

You can't unscrew it, you can only cut it.

Linen is a completely different matter.

Here are four reasons why it's worth using:

1. One hundred percent guarantee against leakage.

2. Speed ​​and accuracy of execution.

3. The ability to adjust any connection back and forth, without the risk of leakage.

4. Easy disassembly, regardless of service life.

Now how all this is done.

Everyone knows that flax is not wound dry. Previously, it was impregnated with paint, but now, thanks to technological progress, silicone has appeared.

If the connection with paint looked very untidy, and you had to disassemble it with a blowtorch, then with silicone it was a completely different matter.

The main thing is to use solid silicones. These include: KimTek 101E, Olimp, Macroflex, since they, in addition to cushioning, also have adhesive properties. With other brands, the connection turns out to be too flexible, although it still does not leak.

So, we take a part with a thread, a flax braid, a syringe with silicone, and separate a small part from the braid for winding.

How much to pinch off from a braid? Each case is different. First you need to try wrapping the folder in a case. Sometimes it wraps very easily, sometimes it wraps tightly (just like in life), and depending on this, the amount of winding is selected.

But in general, after the first time it will become clear. If it squeezes out too much, then take less.

First, we apply silicone to the thread, then, leaving a small tail, and pressing it with your thumb to the part, in the direction of the thread, we tightly wind the flax, trying to cover the entire surface with it, that is, so that it does not go in a strand.

If during the winding process you realize that there is already too much flax, simply tear off the rest. We also run the remaining tail in the direction of the thread.

After that, with your finger, we smooth the entire winding so that the hairs do not stick out on the sides, and most importantly, do not block the passage hole.

Now we wrap it, making sure that part of the winding is squeezed out. It can be easily removed with a rag, and the harder you press the rag against the part, the more accurate the connection will be.

This is how flax winding is done.

I wish you success in your work.

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When repairing a pipeline, the main requirement is the tightness of the connections. The functionality and trouble-free operation of plumbing, heating, gas and other systems depend on them. How is tightness achieved?

Most often, when installing and repairing a water supply system, a threaded connection is used - it is inexpensive, fast and practical. With just a wrench on hand, a plumber can easily disassemble and reassemble the system and replace a failed unit. But the thread does not guarantee that the connection will be perfect; some other sealing component is needed.

What sealants does the building materials market offer?

There are several types of sealing materials that differ in cost, convenience and reliability of use:

  • FUM tape (fluoroplastic sealing material)
  • Sealing thread
  • Linen thread

Among all the FUM proposals, tape is quite difficult to use, sealing thread has good qualities, but is too expensive, and only flax is an impeccable product that has proven itself over many decades.

How to properly wind flax on a thread?

To ensure a strong and tight connection, the threaded areas must be cleaned of rust using fine-grained sandpaper. At this stage it is important not to damage the threads. Then you should check whether there are notches on the thread - with them, the laid flax threads are fixed and do not move when connecting the parts. If there are no notches, they can be applied with a file or a plumbing wrench.

Proper winding of flax consists of several steps:

  • Check the tightness of the connection with a clean, flax-free thread to understand how thick the winding should be.
  • Take a bunch of flax and separate a strand of sufficient thickness from it to obtain a tight connection. The flax hairs should be the same length, without lumps, straw or debris.
  • Twist the strand into a loose rope of such thickness that it can fill one thread groove.
  • Holding the end of the flax rope at the edge of the thread, wind it in the direction opposite to the screw of the nut. Each subsequent turn should fit tightly to the previous one. Here it is important not to overdo it with the number of layers, there should be no more than two, otherwise the connection may burst when tightened or from hot water during operation. If the bundle turns out to be short, winding should be continued with the next bundle.
  • Inspect the reverse side of the winding and make sure there are no bald spots.
  • Apply a layer of special paste or silicone on top of the flax and tighten the connection until the paste hardens. The use of a sealing composition contributes to the durability of the connection, prevents rotting of the flax, and makes it easy to disassemble the structure in the future. Sealant should not be used as a sealant; such a connection is difficult to disassemble.

Using a sealant when threading pipe systems is easy. This approach does not require the use of expensive equipment, and can be easily performed by both a professional and a home plumber.

That's how many modern materials there are for sealing joints, but good old flax does not give up its position.
What is his task? Plumbing flax allows you to fill as tightly as possible all the free space inside the thread. To withstand mechanical loads and temperature deformations during operation.
What is needed for this? Master skill. High quality material and quality carving.

Thread. Or rather, its preparation. You can be a good craftsman, but get a leak on an unprepared thread. The thread must be serrated. The flax must cling to something when screwing the thread into the coupling. On a smooth thread, there is a high chance that the flax will slip into the end of the thread.
Therefore, on a smooth thread you will have to apply the notches yourself.
You can scratch the thread for this. For this purpose, pieces of hacksaw blade, broken drills, files, etc. are used. But be careful, you can easily get hurt.

I bite the threads with plumbing pliers. It turns out quickly and accurately. Someone might argue that this could squeeze the thin-walled fitting and ruin it.
Very good. I’d rather crush it than for it to crumple inside the coupling later.

More. Before winding flax, it is necessary to assemble the connection dry, without flax. First, you will see how the thread is screwed in. It may be tight or skewed. Secondly, count the number of revolutions. This helps a lot when screwing on angles, tees, taps, eccentrics and other oriented fittings.
Screwed in? Have you checked? Have you counted the revolutions? Great. Let's take flax.
Flax comes in braids, in balls, and on spools. How it is rolled up and sold makes no difference. Main. Linen must be clean. That is, there should be no debris or tangled lumps in it.
Separate a strand of flax. It is difficult to say what the thickness of the strand should be. It all depends on the diameter of the thread and the length of the flax. The guideline is something like this - after winding, the thread should not be visible.

There is a lot of debate about where to start winding - from the beginning of the thread or from the end. It doesn't matter at all. Wherever your hands are sharpened from, move from there. Whichever is convenient for you. I wind from the beginning, along the thread.

Now apply sealing paste. For example, I take Unipak paste. Not because it is the best, but because it is sold everywhere here. Previously, about 20 years ago, I used paint. Then, succumbing to fashion, I applied silicone sealant. As soon as sealing pastes went on sale, I immediately switched to them.

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