The widespread spread of the herpes virus has led to the fact that the first meeting with it occurs in childhood. Often, after infection, the infection does not manifest itself at all and goes into a latent form. But sometimes herpes infection in children occurs with a clear clinical picture and signs of damage to various organs.

Mechanism of infection

The source of infection is always a person. The most dangerous contact with a patient is during the acute period, when characteristic rashes appear on the lips or body. The liquid they contain contains a large number of viruses. It is also possible to become infected from a person without visible signs herpetic infection: sometimes its course is hidden, without obvious symptoms.

Transmission occurs primarily through saliva. It is realized through airborne droplets, household contact. The virus can be transmitted from the mother in utero or during childbirth.

If a woman had contact with the virus before pregnancy, she has antibodies that protect the newborn baby from infection. Around the year, but more often after graduation breastfeeding, maternal immune protection is weakened. Upon contact with the virus, the child becomes infected, but there are often no clinical manifestations of the disease. Only when the immune system is weakened, the virus is activated in the form of:

  • rashes on lips;
  • lesions of the genital organs;
  • herpetic eye infection;
  • skin manifestations;
  • herpes viral encephalitis;
  • herpes internal organs.

The disease occurs in acute, abortive or recurrent form. Regardless of the type of disease, the virus settles in the body for life. Exacerbation occurs in the form of fresh rashes that appear in the same place or develop into more severe forms. Manifestations of herpes infection depend on the degree of immune suppression. An increase in incidence is observed in the autumn-winter season.

A feature of the pathology in children is that the spread of the virus inside the body can occur not only along the nerve processes, but also through the hematogenous route. Relapse occurs in the same or more severe form as the acute primary infection.


The clinical picture differs depending on the location and prevalence of the virus.


Symptoms of herpes infection in young children develop more often in the form of pathology of the oral mucosa, less often - the skin of the nose and conjunctiva. In a sick child 2-3 years old, herpes in the mouth is characterized by signs of general poisoning of the body. The disease develops with a sudden rise in temperature to 39-40 degrees, the appearance of weakness and weakness. The child becomes capricious, overexcited, and may refuse to eat. Appears bad smell from mouth.

Upon examination, small blisters may form on the red and swollen skin of the mouth, tonsils, and palate. There is liquid inside them that gradually becomes cloudy. The rash quickly bursts, leaving erosion in its place, which forms large foci of inflammation. Groups or single lymph nodes may also enlarge. The temperature lasts up to 3 days, and the rash goes away within 2 weeks.

In childhood, skin lesions occur at the site of virus introduction. Before pathological elements appear, the skin begins to itch, burn and hurt. Then small bubbles filled with transparent or pinkish contents are detected. They are able to unite into one large multi-chamber bubble. The elements of the rash are most often located around the red border of the lips, on the wings of the nose, and rarely on the ears. General well-being is not affected by localized variants. If the rash is extensive, the temperature may rise.

In place of the bubbles, erosion forms, then a crust, which gradually heals. But in its place, pigmentation can remain for a long time.


If the infection is widespread, then this greatly affects the condition of the patient. Symptoms of intoxication appear and body temperature rises. The child is bothered by muscle pain and says he has a headache. The rash on the body may be located in different places, often where there was contact with the patient's saliva. The lymph nodes closest to herpetic rashes become enlarged. In some cases, the liver becomes enlarged.

The generalized form can be observed in young children with a special predisposition to skin diseases and immune deficiency. This is observed with neurodermatitis, dermatitis, and eczema.

Skin defects become the site of entry of the virus. This infection is especially difficult. The general condition is disturbed, symptoms of intoxication are expressed. Foci of rashes merge into continuous erosions, which are covered by a single crust. After healing, pink, smooth skin forms in its place. In severe cases, the germ layer of the skin is damaged, so scars form at the site of the rash.

Generalized herpes is dangerous because it can transform into a visceral form. In this case, internal organs are affected, nervous system. The child's condition is extremely serious, the temperature is about 40 degrees, and he is having trouble getting his bearings. There is a functional disorder of organs damaged by the virus. Often this form ends in death.


Herpes infection of the external genitalia occurs in childhood when sharing washcloths and towels with adults who have rashes on the genitals. In girls, herpetic blisters appear on the perineum, labia majora, inner surface hips There will be no rashes on the vaginal mucosa. In boys, the scrotum, foreskin, and urethra are affected. In this case, the genitals swell and become red. Children are bothered by pain and itching. The process of development of rash elements follows the usual pattern. Genital herpes in children often tends to recur.


The nervous system is affected during hematogenous spread of the virus. The infection manifests itself in the form of encephalitis or meningitis. After a viral brain injury, persistent neurological disorders often remain.


Congenital herpes is severe. The child becomes infected with it in utero. If this happens on early, then the pregnancy can terminate on its own. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the clinical picture of intrauterine infection develops. Children are born with damage to the eyes, skin, and liver. Even with high-quality treatment, there is a high probability of developing complications and irreversible changes, for example, chorioretinitis and microophthalmia.

Treatment in children

Approaches to therapy depend on the severity of the infection, time of infection and the age of the child. Treatment of herpes infection in children requires an integrated approach.

  • balanced diet;
  • drinking large amounts of fluid;
  • airing the room, walking outside.

Drug therapy is aimed at suppressing viral replication and making the child feel better.

Antiviral agents are used in various forms release. These can be tablets, ointments, patches. The most commonly used is Acyclovir. The dose is selected individually depending on the weight and condition of the child.

Immunocorrection is carried out with drugs of gamma globulin, histaglobin, T-activin, Dekaris. Their use takes place only under the supervision of a physician.

Local treatment is carried out with Acyclovir, the ointment is applied to the affected areas several times a day. The proteolytic enzymes Lysozyme and Chymotrypsin are effective for cleansing erosions from necrotic masses.

Once healing begins, keratoplasty helps improve the condition of the skin. These are oil solutions of vitamins A, E, Shostakovich balm, Solcoseryl.

From the first days of illness, physiotherapeutic treatment is prescribed: laser or ultraviolet irradiation. The duration of the procedures and the number of sessions are determined by the physiotherapist.

Prevention of infection and relapse

After the main treatment, anti-relapse serum can be used to prevent exacerbation. It is prescribed after the symptoms of an acute disease are relieved in combination with interferon inducers (Ridostin).

Nonspecific prevention consists of maintaining general immunity. The child needs to eat right, just walk in the fresh air. It is better to avoid contact with patients with acute herpes, especially infants.

If a mother develops primary herpes during pregnancy, then treatment is necessary to exclude intrauterine infection.

Women with lip rashes after childbirth should not kiss their newborn. Remembering that some carriers of the infection can shed the virus asymptomatically, you need to beware of close contacts with strangers as small child, and the expectant mother.

Viral infections pose a serious danger to children; this applies to the herpes virus, which can affect the nervous system, internal organs and cause other equally serious complications.

In the first months of life, the baby receives protection from antibodies and immunity to the virus from the mother when breastfed. Further, the protective function becomes weaker. Very often, a child is diagnosed with herpes at the age of 2 years.

Children aged 3 to 4 years are most susceptible. It is at this age that most people become infected. At the age of 5, a child’s body is able to produce antibodies on its own to resist the virus.

How is the disease transmitted?

Those children who become infected in the first 3 years of life are susceptible to herpes infection. The infection is spread and transmitted by patients and virus carriers. The virus is transmitted:

  • contact;
  • airborne;
  • sexually.

Teenagers often become infected during kissing, through saliva. Infection is also possible through objects common use, toys, and other items that have saliva on them from someone with herpes. The main carriers of infection include parents or contact with a sick child. The child is also infected in the womb, during birth through the birth canal.

The virus occurs intermittently, especially in winter time of the year. Minor epidemics of infections in preschool institutions occur quite often.

If the child’s immunity is normal, then a local form of herpes develops. When disturbances occur in the immune system, the virus is able to enter all organs and gradually kill them.

The accumulation of infection occurs in leukocytes, erythrocytes and other cells, settling in them for life, causing exacerbations from time to time. He wakes up due to hypothermia, overwork of the body and other reasons.


Viral infection type 1 in children can manifest itself in any part of the body and is easily transmitted. Herpes occurs in the mouth, lips, and corners of the mouth. The infection is often transmitted through saliva. Infection with the virus mainly affects children aged 1 to 2 years and older, when the mother’s antibodies in the child’s blood cease to perform their function.

In children, herpes often affects the entire oral cavity. Next, its modification occurs, it falls asleep for a certain period of time, until its subsequent awakening, which can occur in a month or in a couple of years.

The cause of damage to the genitals in a child is the transmission of infection during childbirth, through the placenta during development in the womb. A newborn can become infected from medical personnel, family members.

Concomitant factors contributing to the occurrence and exacerbation of herpes depend on:

  • hypothermia;
  • poor sanitary and hygienic conditions;
  • large crowds of people;
  • during pregnancy;
  • weakened immune system;
  • stressful situations;
  • colds;
  • the child’s nutrition is irrational, lack of vitamins and nutrients in the diet;
  • at the time of birth;
  • passage of the fetus through an infected birth canal.

Signs of illness

Symptoms in children against the general background of the disease:

  • muscle pain;
  • nervousness;
  • brokenness;
  • tearfulness;
  • presence of fever.

At the site of the planned manifestation of herpes, the baby feels:

  • pain;
  • tingling skin;
  • burning.

Infection in children occurs in the form of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes. Rashes form on the nose, mouth, lips and are accompanied by itching. When scratching, the blisters burst and the child transfers the virus to the mouth or eyes.

The wounds become crusty, after a while they dry out and fall off. During the period of infection, at the initial stage, the virus predominates in the blood, the body temperature rises to 39 degrees, and the whole body becomes weak.

The virus on the skin can be found in children aged 7 to 15 years. This is facilitated by the presence of drafts in the room, stressful situations in the garden, school, communication with children.

The infection on the skin is represented by the presence of blisters filled with liquid, which becomes cloudy over time. Burst of blisters is often caused by a child, as he bites his lip or scratches the affected area. Symptoms of itching, burning, pain occur, and a crust forms. The duration of the disease is 2 weeks, no increase in temperature is observed.

Herpetic eye infections may cause the following symptoms:

  • lacrimation;
  • strong pain eye;
  • photophobia;
  • difficulty opening your eyes;
  • possible sticking of the eyelids.

The infection can affect the clear part of the eye in front of the pupil that allows a person to see. Due to this, clouding of the cornea occurs and vision decreases.

This disease is characterized by a cyclical manifestation. Relapse may occur after a couple of weeks or years. If treatment is not prescribed in a timely manner, the infection can spread to the internal, genital organs, stomach, urinary system, lungs, liver, nervous system, brain, and possible loss of hearing and vision.

The virus is quite rare on the genitals. The disease is characterized by rashes on the labia, thighs, scrotum and foreskin, and in the perineum. Signs of fever, chills, severe pain and itching appear. The temperature drops on the 3rd day, and by the 10th day the rash dries out. In childhood, this form is rarely repeated.

Intrauterine infection of the fetus with type 2 virus is very dangerous. A severe form of the course occurs in babies in the prenatal period. The first signs in a newborn infected in the first weeks of pregnancy can be seen 2-3 days after birth - these are rashes on the body, a feverish state.

Possible development of heart, pancreas, and liver defects. Next, jaundice appears, White color feces, dark urine, genitals in ulcers and rashes. Not treated will lead to convulsions, refusal to eat, and diathesis. Pneumonia then develops and can be fatal.

Prevalence of the disease in the circulatory system

The virus in the blood is the most common today. The disease can cause a significant number of pathologies and affects the nervous system. Treatment is prescribed depending on the group of infection. The disease affects both middle-aged people and children.

The occurrence of herpes in the blood in childhood occurs for the following reasons:

  • reduced level of personal hygiene;
  • living in unfavorable living conditions;
  • overpopulation.

To identify viral herpes in a baby, a smear is taken from the affected areas of the skin and mucous membranes; a blood test is also necessary to detect antibodies to herpes.

The main points of curing the disease in childhood

Based on the stage of the disease, treatment is carried out in a hospital or at home. First, the doctor determines the cause of the infection, and then prescribes a comprehensive treatment. The child is prescribed:

  • taking antiviral drugs that boost the immune system;
  • painkillers and anti-allergenic drugs;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Treatment of acute forms of the disease includes physiotherapeutic procedures. To speed up the healing process, you will need to make decoctions and tinctures using medicinal herbs, natural oils, special creams and ointments.

Whatever the form of the disease, only specialists should prescribe a treatment regimen. It is prohibited to independently treat your child of any age category. Prohibited drugs without a prescription include brilliant green, iodine, zinc paste, Castellani paint.

During the course of treatment, the child must create all the conditions for his speedy recovery:

  • isolate from society;
  • adhere to the regime in strict order;
  • treat dishes, toys, personal hygiene items, premises;
  • eat rationally and drink plenty of fluids;
  • take prescribed medications regularly;
  • consume dairy products, vegetables, fruits;
  • Ventilate the patient's room.

Stomatitis disease

A throat infection in children is a very rare type of viral stomatitis. In the throat, the causative agent of herpes is type 1 and 2 infections. The disease widely affects the child's oral cavity.

Stomatitis refers to a primary exacerbation if the virus enters through the child’s mouth. This infection often occurs in infants and younger age 2-3 years old who put everything in their mouth.

Stomatitis is a common disease. Many children of any age suffer from stomatitis. The infection spreads, appearing not only as a rash on the palate and tongue, but also affects the entire oral cavity, settling on the throat and tonsils.

Herpes in the throat is rare and affects less than 1% of children. It is the virus in the throat that indicates a severe course of the disease. The disease should be taken seriously and treatment should be started promptly.


A virus in the throat occurs along with extensive damage to the mouth due to stomatitis. Lesions in the throat are characterized by moderate and severe forms of stomatitis. Before the first rash, the child develops the following symptoms:

  • body temperature increases to 40 degrees;
  • the child does not want to eat;
  • sleeps poorly;
  • swelling of the oral mucosa occurs;
  • tonsils become inflamed;
  • lymph nodes under the jaw become larger;
  • There is nausea and headache.

Based on these symptoms of stomatitis, they are often confused with a viral cold or intoxication of the body.

Over time, white spots, blisters, and minor abscesses appear in the mouth and throat. large quantities, and a feeling of pain. This is herpes stomatitis on the throat.

The course of the disease is generally severe, so you should not self-medicate, but rather consult a doctor. Because without the required treatment, the disease can become chronic and recur frequently up to 8 times a year.

How to cure a disease

At the first stage, symptomatic treatment is used. The child needs peace, isolation from people, the room should be warm and well ventilated. Before the first manifestations of a sore throat and until the end of therapy, you should drink warm liquid, herbal teas with the addition of lemon, which relieve the inflammatory process.

You should not eat fried, fatty, or spicy foods. You can have boiled dishes, cereals, salads, citrus fruits.

You should not warm your throat with mustard plasters, vodka, or a heating pad, as warming promotes the growth of the inflammatory process and will lead to an accelerated spread of herpes and a complication of stomatitis.

In extremely rare situations, children over 5 years of age are prescribed immunomodulators based on interferon. After 14 days, recovery occurs, after a week the temperature subsides.

When a baby begins to complain of a sore throat, not many parents rush to seek help from a specialist. It seems that treatment can be done with the use of special antiviral sprays. Meanwhile, it could be a herpes infection, which requires a completely different approach. If a child is capricious and refuses to eat, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

What is herpes?

Herpes infection can affect any tissue of the baby. Most often, transparent blisters appear on the mucous membranes. The disease can develop in various forms. The most difficult of them is herpes meningitis. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, you may lose your little patient. Less terrible is in the throat. Only a qualified specialist can tell you what to do with the pathology.

Statistics indicate that the disease most often occurs in children aged 6 months to three years. In infancy (under the age of six months), herpes practically cannot appear on a child’s throat. Komarovsky claims that this is due to the presence of antibodies to the virus, which are transmitted by the mother at birth. As the baby approaches one year of age, the baby's immune system begins to work less vigorously. The likelihood of infection increases. The modes of transmission of infection are contact and airborne droplets. In this case, you can become infected both from the carrier of the virus and from the patient. The absence or presence of antibodies in a child’s body is not the only factor. Children who live in poor sanitary conditions, are poorly nourished, and have reduced immunity are more susceptible to infection.

Why does infection occur?

So, the main cause of the disease is the lack of appropriate antibodies in the baby’s body, reduced immunity. Experts say that if you have already encountered the herpes virus once, it will no longer be possible to completely cure the disease. It will only be possible to remove the unpleasant symptoms. With hypothermia, stress or other factors affecting the immune system, the disease may appear again.

Favorable factors for the development of herpes in the throat of a child include the following: the presence of sores in the mouth, a recent cold, chicken pox. It often appears in children's throats after meningitis. Pediatricians usually take into account the likelihood of developing complications. Therefore, therapy includes antiherpetic drugs.

What happens during infection?

The virus enters the body, as a rule, through damaged mucosal membranes. It is no coincidence that herpes appears in a child’s throat immediately after a cold. The reasons are inflammation of the tonsils. Damaged tissue easily allows infection. The further development of the disease depends on the functioning of the immune system of a particular baby. In some cases, the disease manifests itself only in a few blisters, which go away without additional therapy. However, it is worth considering that if the virus is already present in the blood, the disease can appear again at any time.

A relapse may occur due to weakening of local immunity due to overheating, hypothermia or stress. Even heatstroke summer period often provokes reappearance bubbles in the throat. In addition, the herpes virus tends to infect other organs and systems. One time the disease manifests itself as herpes stomatitis, another time unpleasant blisters appear on the genital area.

in the throat

Initially, the child may complain of discomfort in the tonsils. Most parents decide that they have once again encountered an acute respiratory infection and begin treatment without consulting a pediatrician. In fact, it turns out that it is herpes in the child’s throat. Only a qualified specialist can tell you how to treat it. The following symptoms will indicate that you have had to deal with this particular disease: rashes in the throat (small transparent blisters), painful sensations, increased body temperature.

In some cases, the temperature may rise even before blisters begin to appear in the throat. The baby suddenly becomes lethargic, drowsy, and begins to act up. However, there are no other symptoms of the disease at all. Parents do not even realize that their child is developing herpes in the throat. What to do in such a situation? Be sure to call ambulance! Self-treatment can lead to complications.

Diagnosis of the disease

Correct diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. However, it is not enough to determine what disease you have encountered. It is imperative to identify what type of virus causes the disease. The first thing a qualified specialist will do is examine the baby. Small transparent bubbles will indicate this. Most often, this symptom manifests itself in only one of the tonsils. Next, laboratory tests are prescribed. The child has to donate urine and blood. Additionally, a smear may be prescribed.

The specialist must determine whether you have encountered a recurrent virus or whether the disease is local in nature. In the first case, treatment will be longer and more expensive. It is not possible to completely get rid of the herpes virus. With local infection, the outcome will be more favorable. The most complex is considered to be congenital herpes in the throat of a child. How to treat such a pathology? The main task is to maintain the baby’s strong immunity. In this way it will be possible to get rid of the manifestations of the virus.

Drug treatment of the disease

Herpes stomatitis, which appears for the first time, is easily eliminated with the help of topical medications. Acyclovir ointment gives a good effect. Using a cotton swab, treat the affected areas several times a day. After the acute phase of the disease has passed, the blisters will turn into ulcers; they can be treated with an antiseptic. A solution is suitable. The product “Stomatidin” also gives an excellent effect. It can be used even at the stage of bubble formation.

Increased body temperature is a symptom that appears even before the appearance of a rash in the throat. You can improve the baby’s condition with the help of such products as Interferon, Panadol, Nurofen. These products are available in the form of tablets and syrup. The last option is more suitable for children under three years old. With the help of antipyretic drugs, it is possible not only to reduce the temperature, but also to relieve pain and eliminate the symptoms of general intoxication of the body.

The relapsing course of the disease requires more attention. The pediatrician may prescribe a course of the antiviral drug “Viferon” and vitamin therapy. In the most severe cases, you have to seek help from an infectious disease specialist who can prescribe a special antiherpetic vaccine.

Traditional medicine against herpes

Along with medicines from the pharmacy, you can use prescriptions traditional medicine. However, even here you cannot self-medicate. Seemingly harmless plants can cause serious complications. Any actions should be discussed with your doctor. Chamomile has an excellent antiviral effect. You can purchase ready-made alcohol infusion or cook remedy on one's own. To do this, the dry plant is poured hot water and stand for half an hour. The resulting liquid must be wiped over the affected areas.

Infusions of burdock, white oak, and meadow clover also have a good effect. With the help of these plants, you can not only overcome the symptoms of the disease, but also generally strengthen the child’s immune system. This is especially important for recurrent herpes infections.

If the herpes virus appears quite often in a child’s throat, treatment should be based on strengthening the body’s defenses. It is worth understanding that it will not be possible to completely “kick out” the virus. You can just make sure it doesn’t show up. You should include more in your baby’s menu. seasonal vegetables and fruits. Vitamins are the enemy of any infection.

A little about the type 6 virus

You will have to face difficulties if during the diagnostic process it was discovered that the disease is caused by a type 6 virus. Types 1, 2 and 3 are characterized only by rashes on the mucous membranes, as well as mild malaise. In most cases, the temperature rises to 38.5 degrees (no more). Herpes type 6 is very dangerous. Additionally, the child may experience the following symptoms: red-pink rash all over the body, swollen lymph nodes, swelling of the throat. The body temperature rises to 40 degrees and becomes difficult to break down.

Often you have to go to the hospital if herpes appears in a child’s throat. How to treat type 6 virus? The nature of therapy is the same as for other types of infection. Antiviral drugs, vitamins, and antipyretics are used. The only condition is 24-hour medical supervision. Heat may lead to seizures. In addition, there is a risk of developing complications such as meningitis, encephalitis, myocarditis, etc.

Prevention methods

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to protect yourself from infection with the herpes virus. Especially if the infection was transmitted to the baby at birth. But it is possible to protect a child from manifestations of the disease. Even if the herpes virus lives in the body, you may never encounter the disease. All you need to do is regularly strengthen your immune system. It is necessary to harden the baby, regularly spend time with him in the fresh air, and monitor his nutrition. The diet should consist of foods rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for the full development of the child.

If a woman is a carrier of the herpes virus, it is necessary to reduce the likelihood of infection of the fetus during pregnancy. This is done by administering immunoglobulin after the 30th week of gestation. If genital herpes is detected immediately before childbirth, the fetus is removed by caesarean section.


There is no reason to panic if herpes has been detected in a child’s throat. A qualified pediatrician will tell you how to treat the disease. Trying to overcome the disease on your own is undesirable. Self-medication is fraught with serious complications. In addition, local infection can trigger the development of a recurrent form of the disease.

The herpes virus is extremely common - every living creature on the planet gets sick from time to time, with the exception of only some types of fungi and algae. Both adults and children are constantly faced with herpes infection. Moreover, some of these infections can take deadly forms. This means that parents are required to know the symptoms and methods of treating herpes in children.

The herpes virus, once entering a child’s body, remains in his cells forever. No one has yet been able to get rid of herpes infection once and for all, but it is quite possible to make sure that herpes in a child manifests itself as rarely as possible and proceeds as mildly as possible...

Herpes has many faces

According to scientists, the herpes virus is incredibly diverse - it has from 80 to 100 (according to various studies) variant varieties. True, only nine types of herpes virus are capable of causing certain diseases in humans, including children. But this is also a lot! Indeed, among the diseases that arise due to herpes infection, there are also deadly ones...

Indeed, nine types of herpes cause a whole bunch of human diseases: for example, well-known to everyone, and the so-called labial herpes (notorious), and genital herpes, and, and cytomegalo, which is unfamiliar to most parents viral infection, and exanthema (peculiar) and many others. Extremely severe and dangerous include, for example, herpetic encephalitis, which causes irreversible brain damage in a child.

The herpes virus is not a disease or diagnosis in itself. The concept of “herpes” is akin to the collective term “feline family,” under which many “pussies” of all imaginable sizes and colors are grouped. So it is with herpes - its various types can cause a large number of various diseases, however, they all fit the definition of “herpetic infection”.

Herpes is transmitted among children and adults by airborne droplets and contact. As a rule, by the age of 5-6 years, 85% of all children in the world already have the herpes virus in their bodies, which penetrates the cells of the nervous system and remains there in an inactive state for the rest of their lives.

While the child’s herpes is “sleeping”, it does not manifest itself in any way and does not bother its “owner” in any way. But under certain circumstances, the virus sometimes “wakes up” and develops active activity (first of all, it begins to multiply quickly), stimulating the occurrence of a particular disease.

Most often, people (including children) encounter the so-called herpes simplex virus - it is this virus, by the way, that causes those nasty blisters on the lips that prevent young ladies from going on dates.

How dangerous is the herpes simplex virus for a child?

The herpes simplex virus includes herpes viruses types 1 and 2. Both can cause a wide variety of diseases in children, some of which are deadly.

It is generally accepted that type 1 herpes causes “sores” of the upper body (everything from the navel and above) - for example, the same ill-fated labial herpes. While the type 2 virus, on the contrary, attacks the second half of the body (the one that “extends” below the navel) - for example, the disease “genital herpes” is caused precisely by the type 2 herpes virus.

Herpes on the lips, chickenpox, or common cold sores are not the worst manifestations of the herpes simplex virus in children. Much more dangerous are herpetic lesions of the eyes and genitals, extensive lesions of the skin and even internal organs (for example, specific pneumonia).

Finally, the most terrible and dangerous herpetic disease caused by the activity of the herpes simplex virus is herpetic encephalitis. In the vast majority of cases, this disease leads to irreversible and severe brain damage.

How does the herpes simplex virus manifest itself in children: symptoms of herpes infection

The most obvious and common symptom of almost any herpes infection in children is a rash on the skin and/or mucous membranes. They can be different types(vesicles, as with herpes labialis, or bright red pimples, such as urticaria, or individual ulcers, as with chickenpox). But most often the rash appears in the form of small blisters, which over time burst and turn into ulcers.

A special “blistering” rash is the most common and obvious symptom of herpes virus activity in children. In addition, there are specific symptoms of herpes, which vary depending on where exactly the herpes infection “jumped out”.

In the company of a rash on the skin or mucous membranes, burning and severe itching are naturally often observed.

What determines the frequency of rashes with herpes in children?

There are circumstances that directly affect how often the herpes virus will manifest itself in a child - for example, rashes will occur once a year or every month. Such circumstances include:

  • General state of immunity;
  • Stress;
  • Any infectious disease(while the immune system is fighting another “sore”, nothing prevents the herpes virus from taking active action);
  • High temperature, heat;
  • Injury;
  • Active sun (oddly enough, but bright and long sunlight, affecting the skin, provokes high activity of the herpes virus in the body);
  • Drying of the mucous membranes (due to a respiratory disease, or for a reason, etc.).

It is impossible to live your life and never encounter the herpes virus. Already in childhood, it begins to attack us under different “guises” - mononucleosis, chickenpox, a sudden skin rash... But even in the same family there can be children who “easily” get herpetic infections and those who do not get them at all. It turns out that resistance to the activity of the herpes virus in the body is determined primarily by genetic and individual characteristics immune system of each individual baby.

Treatment of herpes in children

All herpes infections are most dangerous for children with weakened immune systems. Accordingly, the stronger the child’s immunity, the less chance the herpes virus has to start acting up.

If, during an analysis, antibodies to the herpes virus are detected in a child’s blood and there are no clinical manifestations of herpes infections (no characteristic rashes or other symptoms), then, accordingly, this child does not require any treatment - his immune system copes well on its own.

It is necessary to treat herpes in children only if there are clinical manifestations of viral activity. Moreover, even the most effective and modern medications, used against herpes infections, fight only active viruses, without any effect on “sleeping” and inactive herpes viruses.

Let us remember that the virus itself remains in the human body for life after the first infection, and it is impossible to eliminate it completely, “in the bud.” Any treatment against herpes in children is aimed only at eliminating the activity of the virus, making its manifestations less severe, frequent and prolonged.

The most effective medicine against most manifestations of the herpes virus in children is the substance acyclovir. This is a pharmacological drug that can quickly inhibit the reproduction of the herpes virus. At one time, the advent of acyclovir made the same revolution in medicine as the advent of penicillin.

The peculiarity of the interaction between almost all antiherpetic drugs (including acyclovir) and the herpes viruses themselves is that the more active the viruses, the more more effective action drug. And vice versa: the lower the activity of viruses, the more useless the medicine.

Thus, it is obvious that antiherpetic drugs do not act at all on viruses that “sleep” in cells and are inactive. This means that drug therapy for the purpose of prevention in the case of herpes is not only ineffective, but generally inappropriate.

Moreover, this applies to both local drugs (ointments, creams and gels that are used to treat rashes) and general medications (for example, tablets).

Antiherpetic medications for oral use “work” faster and more effectively than any topical ointments.

However, only a doctor can prescribe adequate antiherpes therapy to a child, and not immediately, but only after assessing the child’s general immunity, after a blood test and other studies.

Prevention of herpes virus in children

Medical scientists have already for a long time are struggling to create anti-herpetic vaccines. They partially succeeded - already now, for example, in many countries around the world effective vaccinations against chickenpox are successfully used.

However, today the most effective way Prevention of herpes infections is to strengthen the immune system - and this applies not only to children, but also to adults. Fresh air, proper nutrition - all these simple, seemingly “inconspicuous”, but very effective measures saved many people from many diseases!

But in addition, parental awareness and observation should be considered particularly effective in preventing herpes in children. Temporary blisters on the lips are, of course, not a terrible and not serious problem that goes away with time.

But it must be remembered that these “herpetic flowers” ​​can develop into a disaster at any moment. Especially if for some reason the baby’s immunity is weakened. Therefore, if you notice the first symptoms of herpes in a child (regardless of the disease), you need to seek advice from a doctor and not self-medicate, which is always risky in the case of the herpes virus!

Herpes is the most common chronic viral infection in the world. There are two types of this virus. Type I virus appears in the mouth or lips and is not usually transmitted through sexual contact. During primary infection, it usually causes fever in young children, increased lymph nodes and the appearance of mouth ulcers. In older children and adults, similar ulcers appear around the lips. They are also caused by the herpes virus type I. In some children, herpes occurs when severe stress, fatigue or against the background of other diseases, while in others it never appears. Adults and children with herpes type I should not kiss until it disappears completely. external manifestations diseases. An ointment for external use (for example, Acyclovir) helps eliminate them, but does not cure the infection.

Herpesvirus type II usually appears on and around the genitals and is almost always transmitted through sexual contact. First, small blisters form, which then burst, leaving behind painful sores. It is genital herpes that receives close attention in many publications. The biggest danger for a child is that he can become infected with genital herpes from his mother during childbirth. In this case, immediate treatment is required to prevent the infection from entering the brain.

Washing your hands with soap kills the herpes virus. So if parents or other caregivers of a child with herpes wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water after touching affected parts of the body, they will not be able to infect the child.

Causes of herpes in children

It can appear on almost any part of the body. Most often, however, herpes appears in the corners of the lips, on the lips or in the mouth. Very often, the herpes simplex virus (it is the culprit of the disease) is transmitted through saliva.

The infection usually affects the entire oral cavity. Then the virus changes and goes into a state of “hibernation”, “awakening” from time to time. Bright sunlight, cold, heat, elevated temperature body, psychological stress - all these factors can stimulate the activity of the virus. When a blister appears on the affected area of ​​skin, the child may experience a burning sensation or a characteristic tingling sensation.

Modern highly effective antiviral drugs are used to combat the herpes virus. These drugs are successfully used to treat viral diseases in Children with weakened immune systems. However, one important circumstance should be taken into account: all of the drugs mentioned only soften the symptoms of the disease, but do not destroy the virus, which means that the possibility of relapse of the disease cannot be excluded. As a rule, the child does not need to undergo antiviral therapy. In most cases, you can limit yourself to symptomatic treatment (doctors usually recommend lubricating herpes with lip balm). Herpes usually disappears completely within 7-14 days. Warn your child not to try to pick out the formed blister from the skin - this can lead to the development of an inflammatory process. A child infected with the herpes virus can attend school without having to miss classes.

Herpes is acute viral disease skin and mucous membranes, caused by the herpes virus. There are two known forms of herpes: simple and herpes zoster. They not only differ in their clinical manifestations, but are also caused by different types herpes viruses. This chapter will focus primarily on herpes simplex, the culprit of the “fever” or “cold” on the lips that so often occurs in children.

What you need to know about the herpes virus

  • Infection with the herpes virus occurs through direct contact with a sick person or virus carrier, as well as through airborne droplets (through the air with tiny droplets of the patient’s saliva when talking, coughing, sneezing).
  • Until about 3 years of age, children are protected from the virus; they receive their mother’s immunity, which is transmitted in utero. But newborn children also get sick if the mother suffers from the genital form of herpes (herpes on the genitals).
  • Most often, the virus enters the body undetected, without causing any symptoms, and settles in the nervous system (nerve ganglia). There he sits for the time being, without declaring himself in any way. “Fever” on the lip jumps up at a time when the body is weakened ( colds, stress, hypothermia, hypovitaminosis, etc.). Appearing on the skin and mucous membranes, the virus actively multiplies and infects others with its copies. After clinical recovery, when the skin and mucous membranes are cleared, the virus will again “go underground” and hide in the nerve ganglia. A new exacerbation will arise under the influence of some unfavorable factor. This course - periods of exacerbation alternating with temporary lulls - is called recurrent, and exacerbations of herpes are called relapses.
  • If a person was infected with the virus once, then herpes will remain in his nervous system, and may, without affecting his health and well-being, never manifest itself.
  • Herpes “sleeping” in the nerve ganglia is not contagious. Only actively reproducing viruses pose a danger, when manifestations of the disease are visible on the skin or mucous membranes.
  • Everyone knows that herpes occurs on the lips or around the mouth, but not everyone knows that it can appear in other places: on the cheeks and nose, on the buttocks and thighs, in the genital area and on the fingers. Herpetic eye infections are severe.
  • Usually herpes appears in the same place all the time. However, it also happens that its location changes with each new exacerbation.

Symptoms and signs of herpes simplex in children

Probably everyone has seen herpes on the lip. It is not difficult to distinguish it. A person who often gets herpes is well acquainted with the unpleasant sensation that precedes its appearance. This may be itching, burning, tingling, slight soreness in the place where the “fever” is about to rise. After a few hours, redness will appear there, and then a group of small bubbles will appear. The contents of the bubbles are initially transparent, but after 2-3 days they become cloudy. Herpetic blisters last from several hours to several days. On the lips they disappear quickly, in 1-2 days, and on the skin they can last a week. As a result, the inflammation ends with the appearance of a crust. The crust disappears over time and a pinkish or brownish spot remains in its place for some time.

During an exacerbation of herpes, the child’s general condition, as a rule, does not suffer. Sometimes the temperature may rise moderately, stool disorders may occur, and nearby lymph nodes may become enlarged.

Herpetic eye lesions are fraught with big troubles. Therefore, you need to make sure that the child does not spread the infection from his face into his eyes with his hands.

Aphthous stomatitis.

Herpes of newborns. The course of herpes in newborns is extremely severe, often fatal.

Infection of a child occurs in two ways:

  • during childbirth, if the herpes virus is active in the mother’s birth canal;
  • or during pregnancy through the umbilical cord.

The disease usually develops on the 4-7th day after birth and occurs with high fever, profuse rashes on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, intestines, and eyes. Herpes in newborns can affect the liver, adrenal glands, bronchi and central nervous system. Therefore, it is extremely important for a woman, before she decides to become pregnant and give birth to a child, to be tested for herpes and treated for it.

Treatment of herpes in children

Treatment in the acute phase

  • At the beginning, while herpetic blisters have not yet appeared, lotions with 70% ethyl or camphor alcohol are used. Temperature effects can be used. These means in some cases make it possible to interrupt further development rash.
  • For rashes in the mouth, it is recommended to rinse with solutions of furatsilin, rivaiol, tincture of calendula or rotokan (1 tsp per 1 glass of water). Attention! The use of corticosteroid ointments (flucinar, celestoderm, hydrocortisone, elocom, advantan, etc.) is contraindicated. They only increase the time of rashes, and in some cases lead to the formation of ulcers at the site of opened blisters or contribute to suppuration.
  • Antiherpetic drugs can reduce the duration of rashes by approximately 2 times. Available in the form of ointments and tablets. You can apply antiherpetic ointment to the affected area from the first signs of herpes. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is. The doctor prescribes medications internally.

Oksolin, ointment 1%. Apply to skin lesions 3-4 times a day.

Interferon, ointment 30%. Lubricate the affected area 3-5 times a day.

Viferon, ointment. Lubricate the affected area 3-5 times a day.

Acyclovir (Virolex, Zovirax, Ciclovir), ointments and creams. Apply to the affected area 5 times a day.

Tebrofen 2 or 5%. Lubricate the affected areas 3-*4 times a day for 3-7 days.

Bonafton, ointment 0.05, 0.25 and 0.5%. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas 3-4 times a day. For the skin use 0.5% ointment, for mucous membranes - 0.05 and 0.25% ointment.

Alpizarin, ointment 2 and 5%. Lubricate the affected areas 2-3 times a day for 10-30 days. For the skin use 5% ointment, for mucous membranes - 2% ointment.

Florenal, ointment 0.5 and 1%. Lubricate the affected areas 3 times a day. For the skin use 1% ointment, for mucous membranes - 0.5% ointment.

Viru-Merz serol. Apply to the affected area 3-5 times a day, rubbing lightly.

Riodoxol, ointment 0.25%; 0.5% and 1%. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas 1-3 times a day for 1-4 weeks.

Gossypol, liniment 3%. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas 4-6 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

  • To increase the body's resistance, large doses of ascorbic acid and drugs that enhance immunity are indicated (for details, see “Frequently ill children”). Prescribed by a doctor.
  • Physiotherapy: UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, phonophoresis of interferon ointment. Prescribed by a physiotherapist.
  • Additional methods:

Undiluted oil tea tree treat blistering rashes 2-3 times a day.

Dietary supplement "Citrosept". Contains natural vitamin C and bioflavonoids in concentrated form. External and internal use.

Dietary supplement "Lakrinat". Contains licorice root powder. Antiviral, anti-herpetic agent.

To prevent relapses

Important in treatment is the prevention of relapses (periodic exacerbations of herpes).

The following methods are used to prevent relapses:

Boosting immunity. Various drugs are used for this.

Preparations: decaris, methyluracil, pentoxyl, vitamin A, lysozyme, glycyram, zinc preparations, etc. You can read in detail about increasing immunity in the chapter “Frequently ill children.” The dose and course of treatment are prescribed by the doctor.

Antiviral drugs (acyclovir, etc.) orally. Prescribed by a doctor.

Graft. A vaccine against herpes has been developed. True, it appeared relatively recently and the experience of its use is still small. There is evidence that the use of inactivated herpes vaccine can achieve good results. Relapses of the disease occur less frequently, and in some cases stop. During the period of exacerbation of herpes, the severity of symptoms decreases and the duration of the process is reduced.

The vaccine is used in cycles of 5 injections every 4 days. The course of treatment consists of 6-8 cycles. The main contraindications to treatment with the herpetic vaccine are liver and kidney diseases, malignant neoplasms, pregnancy, and intolerance to tetracycline antibiotics.

Gamma globulin. The doctor may give your child gamma globulin injections in short courses. Gamma globulin is a protein that is obtained from human or animal blood and contains antibacterial and antiviral antibodies (including to the herpes virus). It is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Interferon and its inducers. Interferon is a protective protein of the body that kills viruses. Interferon inducers are substances that promote its production.

The advantage of these drugs is that they have an antiviral effect.

To prevent relapses of herpes, the following drugs from this group are used:

  • Human leukocyte interferon. For herpes it is used in the form of lotions, ointments, and can also be administered by inhalation, injection and iontophoresis. Improvement in the condition of patients, as a rule, occurs from the first doses of the drug, and recovery time is shortened by 3-4 times.
  • Viferon, leukinferon, reaferon, feron, etc.
  • Interferon inducers: poludanum, prodigiosan, pyrogenal, megosin. These drugs are recommended for all forms of herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. The prescription and choice of the drug, as well as the dose and course, are the doctor’s priority.
  • Prevention of recurrence of herpes
  • Avoid hypothermia, mental and physical stress.
  • Foods rich in proteins and vitamins
  • Physical education and hardening.

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